View Full Version : {Ban List} Jdog: 1-S2-1-5213081

January 29th, 2017, 12:54 AM
Account Name: Jdog
Account ID: 1-S2-1-5213081
In-Game Name: I Smoke Good Meth

Crimes Committed: Game-Throwing

Your Account Name: Aerowix
Summary: Received role Jailor with number #6, he has a vendetta against #2. Jails him immediately after day 1 has started. A lot of shittalk ensues and an execution. #2 is revealed as a doctor upon day 2.

I would like to add, I saw an earlier report of him and also saw him in the same lobby. Wanted to give him second chance and see what he does. I regret it, should have said something in lobby. Also #2 clearly incited him. Day 2 #6 confesses to jailing him and not caring what role #2 is. Town ends up with one less doctor.

January 29th, 2017, 01:13 AM
Jdog: Correct: 1-S2-1-5213081

Players Added to Report

Respective Hotkeys
Jdog: CTRL + 5

Was the Game Result altered?
Possibly, the Witch Doc succeeded in converting the Jailor since he revealed D2 for no reason - Town might have won hadn't he dont that.

Previous Offenses
Intentional Game-Throwing (2x Watch-List) (http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php/39311-Jdog-1-S2-1-5213081)

Player Offenses
Intentional Game-Throwing

Jdog receives the role Jailor in Slot 2.
D1 he jails 2 whose name is „Jdog Loves Cock N’Dick“.
N1 he insults 2 and executes him. 2 doesn’t give a role but it’s obvious that Jdog doesn’t care anyway.

D2 Jdog says „im jdog and im jailor and i killed that nigga and i dont care what his role was“. When people vote him, he just responds with „yaw kill me if you want idc“ „i got to kill who i wanted“. Nobody is lynched that day.
N2 Jdog hasn’t jailed anyone. He gets attacked but healed by a Witch Doc and converted into a Cultist.

D3 Jdog, obviously not happy with his new role, complains: „fuck dude cmon, i went from jailor to this god damn it“. Nobody questions what he means with this statement. The Mayor reveals and 4(DH) gets lynched.
N3 Jdog goes to convert the Mayor but fails in doing so (because of a BG).

D4 Jdog does nothing to help town or Cult win the game but talks shit about other players instead.
13(Informant) is hung that day.
N4 He successfully converts 12 into a Cultist.

D5 10(MM) is lynched.
N5 Cult can’t convert that night.

D6 7(Detective) is lynched, Cult wins the game.

Jdog just got watchlisted yesterday but that doesn’t stop him from throwing games – he clearly has no intention to play the game properly. He executed 2 because of his name, then revealed D2, bragged about it and stopped jailling – since he got what he wanted, like he said himself.
He also basically revealed his role D3 by saying that it changed – the only reason why it didn’t cost cult the game was because nobody paid attention to him.
This game shows that Jdog couldn’t care less about his Watch-List and that he is basically the definition of a cancerous player. So even though it’s just his second offense, this player definitely needs a break and a clear sign that we aren’t gonna tolerate behavior like this. I also don’t believe that his attitude is gonna change with a higher Watch-List, therefore I recommend 2x Ban-List.

And now on to Veri's tip of the day:
If you don't choose names that insult another player, they can't specifically target you - like Jdog did in this game.
Jdog's attitude is horrible and what he did was wrong, but with names like "Jdog loves Cock N'Dick" you are provoking and enabling them to target you for personal reasons - there is a reason that you get a new name and color ingame.

Recommended Action
Jdog: 2x Ban-List

Additional Notes
Thank you for this report! Feel free to report more players in the future if you think they are breaking the rules, we need the help from players like you to keep the game clean.

February 6th, 2017, 05:31 PM
1-S2-1-5213081: Elevated to 2x Banlist