View Full Version : {Ban List} BukLao :: 1-S2-1-8437009 :: Intentional lag

November 30th, 2016, 11:03 AM
Account name : BukLao
Account ID : 1-S2-1-8437009
In game name : ?

Crime committed : Intentional lag

Your account name : ClutchPause
Summary : So this players makes the game lag intentionally, making the game 2-3 times longer than it should be. He has a way of lagging that doesnt kick him out and all the players are forced to endure the terrible lag. We know the lagger is BukLao because sometimes a lag window will pop with his name in it but only for a few seconds, so it's impossible to kick him. In this replay, legit players are so fed up with his lag that most of them leave day 1. It's not the first time I see BukLao abusing the lag this way and it's not gonna be the last time either. I have more replays of him making the game lag (and people complaining about it) if needed.

Replay : 21791

December 3rd, 2016, 05:37 PM
BukLao: Correct: 1-S2-1-8437009

Players Added to Report

Respective Hotkeys
BukLao: 5

Was the Game Result altered?
Yes, everyone left N1 due to the severe lagging.

Previous Offenses

Player Offenses
Intentional Lagging, Smurf Account

D1 several people complain about the lag and that the game is unplayable. They also mention pausing and some ask why everything takes so long.
At the start of N1 people start leaving because of the lag (including the reporter so the replay ends here).

This Player lags so severely that games take always at least twice as long as they should, usually longer. A lot of players complain about it or leave when they see him and every game I have seen with him in it has ended in multiple (if not all) players leaving.
Even when he is dead, he doesn’t leave the despite being aware that he is lagging and ruining the game for everyone else.

He also has a new ID, in fact the replay included in this report is shown to be his first game and yet he immediately types –repick as soon as the game starts. This, together with the fact that he seems to know how to play, leads me to the conclusion that this is a smurf account made to troll and annoy other players.

For the reasons listed above, I recommend a Smurfban.

Recommended Action
BukLao: Smurfban

Additional Notes
Thank you for this report!

December 3rd, 2016, 05:59 PM
1-S2-1-8437009 Smurf Banned for using a lag switch