View Full Version : {Watch List} Kaze: 1-S2-1-5932901

October 7th, 2016, 06:21 PM
Account Name: Kaze
Account ID: 1-S2-1-5932901
In-Game Name: PuP

Crimes Committed: Cheating

Your Account Name: Veri

He was streaming the game on twitch and repeatedly posted the link to his stream in the game.



October 7th, 2016, 07:03 PM
CORRECT: 1-S2-1-5932901

Respective Hotkeys

Was the Game Result altered?
Potentially, given Kaze had a Twitch stream of the game running, which he advertised to the other players in this game. Despite his best intentions, this revealed a significant amount of information to the other players.

Previous Offenses

Player Offenses
Cheating / Additional Information

At the game setup screen, Kaze posts a link to his Twitch site where he is livestreaming this Mafia game. Although Kaze has taken some precautions to prevent his stream from enabling cheating (i.e. hiding his role card), there are a significant number of structural problems which nevertheless make this behavior tantamount to cheating:

Kaze posts the Twitch streaming link at the setup screen of this game to induce the other players of this game to watch it -- i.e. it's not like Kaze can claim this is targeted toward random Twitch viewers vs. the players in this game. He clearly wants the other players in his game to be watching him through his stream as well, which is problematic.
People have the ability to chat in Twitch about the game -- i.e. the Twitch platform create a giant opportunity for out of game communication, particularly between dead players and alive players. Obviously, the Twitch platform cannot police this, and when I went to Kaze's stream, I personally witnessed a good deal of communication via the Twitch platform by game participants.
While Kaze has limited his screen to show only the text box, any PMs that he sends or receives are visible and there is no practical way he can filter that real-time. This would be a serious problem if he rolled, Marshall or Mayor, for example, and received everyone's roles via PM after he revealed to the Town. Even with a 30 second (or however long) time delay, this information would still be extremely valuable to the Mafia / Triad / Evil Neutrals.
Dead chat is visible to everyone after Kaze dies, including the alive players watching Kaze's stream, which is a huge source of information for them. This is a giant loophole given how often spoilers are discussed in dead chat. Any alive player would have a significant advantage to be able to read the dead chat through Kaze's Twitch stream.

For these reasons, I consider this behavior to be Cheating / Additional Information and internal staff discussion (i.e. Arrow) has reached the same conclusion. Given this is Kaze's first offense, I am recommending a Watch List x 4. Given Kaze is currently marathon streaming Mafia games in this way, I imagine this will not be the last report, nor the last Watch List that Kaze receives for this behavior. Hopefully, it ceases once he is warned that this is against our rules.

Recommended Action
Watch List x 4

Additional Notes
Thank you for this report!

October 12th, 2016, 01:18 PM
1-S2-1-5932901: 4x WL