View Full Version : {Ban List} Nero: 1-S2-1-414181

September 15th, 2016, 07:13 PM
Account Name: Nero
Account ID: 1-S2-1-414181
In-Game Name: N/A

Crimes Committed: Leave Train

Your Account Name: FireElements
Summary: Player says "CHUGGA CHUGGA" and "CHOOOOOOOOOOOOO" then leaves the game.

October 1st, 2016, 07:23 AM
1-S2-1-414181 is Correct.

He's already being warned for Leavetraining.

Respective Hotkey:


Previous Offenses:


Player Offenses:


Key Points:
Players in question:

Nero starts with "HOST IS A FUCKING JEW" "CHUGGA CHUGGA" "CHUGGA CHUGGA" "CHUGGA CHUGGA" "CHUGGA CHUGGA" "CHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" and then leaves. This is indeed leavetraining. There ultimately is a leavetrain, but more likely due to SOTD Advanced than his actions. Still, we punish intent. Game proceeds 'normally' for any game with 7 suicides N1.


2x banlist

Additional Notes:
Thank you for the report!

October 7th, 2016, 04:45 PM
Ok let me get this straight: you admit in your report that the setup is probably what caused the game to collapse, but you are going to punish my intent? It was a shit setup that nobody wanted to play, it isn't my fault if the host doesn't listen to popular opinion. That game was going to collapse whether I said anything or not. It is insane that I am getting banned for meaningless crap like this. I demand that I be unbanned and encourage all of you to get a sense of humor and stop having sexual relations with your own blood relatives.

October 7th, 2016, 05:19 PM
Ok let me get this straight: you admit in your report that the setup is probably what caused the game to collapse, but you are going to punish my intent? It was a shit setup that nobody wanted to play, it isn't my fault if the host doesn't listen to popular opinion. That game was going to collapse whether I said anything or not. It is insane that I am getting banned for meaningless crap like this. I demand that I be unbanned and encourage all of you to get a sense of humor and stop having sexual relations with your own blood relatives.

Appeal denied. The host has a right to set up the game that he or she wants to play -- that's their right. In turn, you have the right to -repick the host or leave the game without making a scene. In contrast, you are not allowed to incite other players to leave if you do not get your way. There is nothing in the rules that permits inciting a Leave Train because you feel that it is justified in light of the host's choices.

October 21st, 2016, 04:52 PM
its been 2 weeks why hasnt my ban been removed?

October 23rd, 2016, 09:26 PM
its been 2 weeks why hasnt my ban been removed?

Flagging this for Arrow to look into.

October 23rd, 2016, 10:19 PM
I've looked into this; apparently there was a minor glitch and your punishment did not descend properly from Ban List to Watch List like it should have, one week ago.

I would normally fix this immediately, but my investigations also show that you've accumulated another several weeks of banlisting from other reports which I'll review tomorrow, so I'll instead credit you with time-served for one week of ban listing.

I'll process out the reports tomorrow and you'll be able to calculate when you get to a WatchList then.