View Full Version : {Watch List} Duck: 1-S2-1-5975212

September 3rd, 2016, 02:39 PM
Account Name: Duck
Account ID: 1-S2-1-5975212
In-Game Name: walaweoaelsdf

Crimes Committed: Other(Spam Bot)
Your Account Name: Gompose
Summary: I think he's using a spam bot/script to circumvent afk-death. That way, he gets free points without having to contribute to the game. His entire chatlog is non-sensical spam, ex. abedshjdfrvgonjsdfjvjfnfvgjnfdsndsflnolvnol.


September 10th, 2016, 07:34 AM
Duck: Correct. 1-S2-1-5975212

Respective Hotkeys
Duck: Control + 4

Was the Game Result altered?
No, players ignored him and although he was trolling and spamming the whole game town still managed to win.

Previous Offenses

Duck: None.

Player Offenses

Duck: Heavy Spamming // Griefing

This player spammed weird and random messages without any meaning the whole game (auub1b3312,dakOdajb2jb459414bn124 ; things like this). This made players have to mute this player and he also didn't bodyguard anyone during the nights. He just spammed in day chat, in trials, pmed Mayor random messages, etc. He was clearly trolling.

Recommended Action

Duck: Watch List x1

Additional Notes
Thank you for the report! Feel free to report more players if you think they’re breaking the rules! :calix:

September 11th, 2016, 03:34 PM
1-S2-1-5975212 1x watch listed