View Full Version : Random Thoughts

FM Romeo
May 3rd, 2016, 05:54 PM
I can make threads, first thoughts:
Being Rick Grimes is fun.

Second, I am going to change avatar everyday to reflect seasons.

Third, I have a lot of townreads and at this point in the game. That is pretty bad.
Going to put up notes in a bit to reflect everything I see.

FM Romeo
May 3rd, 2016, 07:19 PM
Okay, that flip is annoying as fuck.
This has me thinking a few random things right now.
There are 10 more targaryens in this game.
6 more allies of them.
This puts town in a pretty bad position to start off with.

Ignoring the Tyrells, because they are technically enemies but also have similar situation as me.

Baratheon, Martell, and Lannister.
Thats 9 scum.

I am going to have everyone pegged as something by end of the day. Analyze everything.
Then look at the original setup for thoughts on role distribution and how it went down.

I am not going to be discouraged by the shit show Lima did.

FM Romeo
May 4th, 2016, 07:08 AM
Right now I have completed 2 ISOs of players. This is tiring me out. I won't be able to keep this up. Though given the most effort will be given initially, maybe I will be okay.

So these players next ISO: Yankee, Quebec, Golf.
Then the others will be much easier, though sorting them given less will be much harder for me to do.

About Night Action.
I am highly unlikely killed, unless scum fear me still being able to lead? I don't know, if scum are actually thinking they should realize I lost at least some credibility (though I really shouldn't have).

So given I have 2 shots, I think optimally best play is to not just go premature here.
Question I have to ask myself is when I do use my ability, which faction to use it on?

Also question of last will.
I guess I will put my reads minus roles. Then put in VCA? I can't put in all my ISO.

What about secret message?
So much shit to think about with 6 factions. I kind of wish I was scum like last game.

FM Romeo
May 4th, 2016, 10:05 AM
Okay, I need a break right now. So far I am getting town out of the fairly active slots for most part. Go figure. Some are stronger than others in that department.

Right now, I am going to do all of this before day starts:
These guys needs ISOs-
India, Yankee, Tango

These something useful can be likely gotten out of them-
Bravo, Zulu, Uniform

These are likely to have nothing, but maybe can be PoE-
Foxtrot, Delta, Hotel, Victor

Then theres like a few slots that haven't posted? I guess PoE and put them into a table.
Everything is likely to change but I want a table to give me an idea of what it "could" look like, no matter how wrong I am.

Then putting that in my last will. Only thing I have to change is one player who I think is Targaryen into a Stark/Tyrell to hide myself as a Targaryen.

Then doneso for the night.

FM Romeo
May 5th, 2016, 02:21 PM
Hmmm, I should really finish the ISO of Bravo or Zulu.
If Yankee becomes a concern during the day, I will just ISO them during free time.

I will get to this when I get back. I have approx 4 hours before days start.
And combined those two have 40 some posts? Won't take long.

FM Romeo
May 5th, 2016, 03:23 PM
Funny aenuryism moments. Before I ISO either Bravo or Zulu, I randomed those two in empty spots for my alignment chart as both Tyrell.

Now I think that I am more firm on Zulu being possible scum, and Bravo being possible Tyrell/Stark.
I just find it funny. lol.

Going to update that some other point, try to do it at the end of every day, and night. :P

FM Romeo
May 5th, 2016, 06:15 PM
Okay this changes a few reads of mine.
Delta was a Stark (horrible presence in day chat)
Quebec I was wrong about.

So many of my reads could be wrong.

FM Romeo
May 6th, 2016, 11:47 AM
Ugh, I am going to have to make a decision to either vest up tonight or use my night action.

I am leaning on night action because this suit can be fake.

FM Romeo
May 7th, 2016, 10:49 AM
Okay, right now thinking going to do night action of spying on the Martells.
I will save the armor for a later day (assuming it is real).

I don't think I am going to be a target for death with the WIFOM I put in my item.

FM Romeo
May 7th, 2016, 02:03 PM
SO Kilo is one of my allies.
I was tempted not to give out my position to my allies for fear of them ebing terrible and giving me away.

Good thing I did, I guess he acted in kind because of that?

I don't see any crumbs from the other. Either tells me he had same fear about us, or that he wasn't posting.

FM Romeo
May 7th, 2016, 02:46 PM
I really don't want to toot my own horn here but seriously, 3 hours left and I started a viable counter wagon to both of these shitty ones.

Although honestly, I could still go for Hotel, but that ship is sailed.
Foxtrot is a very scummy slot.

Watch he is the last stark lol.

FM Romeo
May 7th, 2016, 02:49 PM
OMG, I am such a idiot, my one ally left is Kilo.

FM Romeo
May 7th, 2016, 06:03 PM
Welp host locked it a few seconds early, and we got a no lynch.
Thats fine. I am using my action tonight.

Not using that vest.
I don't think I will be attacked, enough anti town sentiment over me.

Going to use my normal action on the Martel

FM Romeo
May 7th, 2016, 10:34 PM
Reflections on Suit:

Okay first things first. What motivation would scum have to give me falsified feedback or give me a suit. First, could give me false feeling of safety if safe, and possibly buddy me. Hmmm

I could see either of these situations, but why not give me a gun instead?

Heres what I know:
No one claimed they had the other item (I wanted to find this out), so that means. Either A) Nobody received a gun, which makes it likely this is falsified or the Blacksmith is scared. Or B) That the gun is in hands of scared town or another scum team wanting to keep stuff hidden. Lets ignore the first part of B, because thats bad town play.

If I was town and I got a gun last night, and someone claimed to have one of the sword and armor, would I reveal this? If I had a sword I would 100% reveal that I had one....Theres WIFOM in store for both of us to not die that night. I don't know. Could be scum trying to play things vanilla.

I am leaning on scum either having the gun, or not being given a gun. The problem they face of course is if Blacksmith did indeed give them a gun, they are anti town for not claiming it when I did.

So I should have town points there.

I am leaning on no gun to be honest, and this could be extremely probable that its false feedback to see how I react, and potentially pocket me. Which is good that I am not using the item then.

Martells are good to target because I can see if anyone targets them. The wording on that rolecard is so odd. So how will I know who is targetted by who? I guess I should really have asked this question.

FM Romeo
May 9th, 2016, 12:17 PM
Meh, not going to get to all the ISO I did on Day 1. I can add more ISOs to those pages if need be.
Going to update secret message with my table of assertions.
My ally can use that.

Last will can contain general an altered table?

FM Romeo
May 9th, 2016, 06:52 PM
Pretty obvious what happened here.
Blacksmith fucked up and gave a vigi to the Martel
Martel shot Tango.

He is outted once we confirm who he is.
Blacksmith confirmed town.
Martells can't have Arms Dealer

That sorts out that mess.
They used regular kill on Juliett

Wait...Baratheon killed their ally?

FM Romeo
May 9th, 2016, 06:54 PM

Juliett wasn't killed by Martells.
SHe was killed by one of the other factions
That means Whiskey 100% could have blocked her night 1 and is himself a Martel.


FM Romeo
May 9th, 2016, 06:57 PM
If Whiskey is the martell that shot Tango.
That means...

FM Romeo
May 9th, 2016, 07:01 PM
This is most likely Whiskey role:
Question is if he was the one who shot Tango or not.

FM Romeo
May 9th, 2016, 07:02 PM
No action suggest his is another role they have:

For third, I want to say one of these:
http://i.imgur.com/9lnwh22.png or http://i.imgur.com/N8eUfTE.png

FM Romeo
May 9th, 2016, 07:05 PM
Thing is, the play for scum might be to have Whiskey fake that he had the sword and used it, and then when Blacksmith outs, that outs Blacksmith. I don't think scum would want this huge trade though...
That outs 2 of them.

Hmmm, probably not likely a scenario then.

FM Romeo
May 9th, 2016, 10:12 PM
FM Charlie is either a Baratheon or a Martell.

FM Romeo
May 9th, 2016, 11:16 PM
So I might be wrong about Golf. Ehh don't care. Going kind of anti town here, I don't really need them.
I am 100% survivor trying to win with the Baratheons.

I need them to not get lynched.

FM Romeo
May 9th, 2016, 11:19 PM
This game is hilarious. Its like random shit after random shit happens

FM Romeo
May 10th, 2016, 01:23 AM
Why was my ability given limited number of uses anyways? Its extremely weak role.

FM Romeo
May 10th, 2016, 01:50 AM
So many players can tell that my push on Foxtrot can be motivated by me thinking we aren't same Blue/Yellow team.
I guess it was pretty damn obvious.

Though that doesn't mean he is 100% truthful.
Fuck Foxtrot.

FM Romeo
May 10th, 2016, 01:55 AM
FM Charlie is either a Baratheon or a Martell.

hmmm, FM Charlie is actually likely Baratheon if Whiskey is Martell.
This might be getting really really easy to PoE

FM Romeo
May 10th, 2016, 02:22 AM
Ohh Victor is likely the Baker.

FM Romeo
May 10th, 2016, 08:22 AM
lol, Titus is Mike and she is scum.
Wow, well played by her. I didn't see this coming.

FM Romeo
May 10th, 2016, 08:35 AM
I am quoting my meta on being pro town as neutral (even though I am being quite anti town lately) lol

FM Romeo
May 11th, 2016, 12:29 AM
I find it funny, I got told "Stop COM Hunting" when about 4 players hinted at knowing my COM Day 1. And nothing comes out of it. I was being pretty subtle with it, besides posting in my notes.

I wasn't even using the COMs as trying to read players, I can just tell who they are.

FM Romeo
May 11th, 2016, 04:52 PM
I don't know why Baratheon would claim to be Survivor. But I am feeling it could be case of him being Martel over Baratheon.
Highly highly unlikely green.

Ugh, I am doing terrible this game though.
If he is baratheon I am just losing every ally possible without getting even 1 enemy dead.

no vest tonight.
My objective is to survive. I don't need to worry about dying now. Scum shouldn't be focusing me at all.

FM Romeo
May 11th, 2016, 04:56 PM
I should check up on the Lannisters though.
If I survive, and thats a big "If", I need to know whats up.

Plan right now:
Check Lannisters, claim tomorrow I checked the Baratheons and fake results for them (so they know I am lying and allies with them)
Lannisters should trust my results. Then I can work my way from there.

I need Lannisters thinking I am on there side.
While Baratheons should know I am also really on their side.

Targaryens are fucked either way.
Golf should 100% be the target of one of those two factions kills. More likely Baratheon if this flips Baratheon.
Meh Foxtrot should be killed too.

FM Romeo
May 11th, 2016, 07:57 PM
lol wow.
Just wow, this game is so much derp in a handbasket
Lol, none of my enemies have died.

Compare this to Tyrells who ahve lost 2 stark enemies.
Just wow.

I am getting ripped off purely on the random night actions right now.
Just fuck this shit.

This is the last MFM all over again except I am not getting role blocked, just having all my teammates die around me.
Given the way things have been going, I am probably dying tonight.

Fuck this game.

FM Romeo
May 11th, 2016, 10:42 PM
There is no point in keeping anymore detailed notes.
I can go read back and search for stuff I have missed, but the game is clearly going to be a lose for me.
I don't see any reason for scum to go for a kill on me, but theres always a possibility.

I need to lay lowish though, and try to buddy everyone.
Many think I am a Stark though.
They linked the stuff together. Good on them.

No Day 3 notes.
I should update the VCs with flips.

If I die, this is my last post in notes.

FM Romeo
May 11th, 2016, 11:05 PM
Actually last thing I will do is make a comprehensive table of all feedback.
That will be last thing I provide in last will.