View Full Version : {Watch List} VeggieBurger : 1-S2-1-321725

April 18th, 2016, 04:48 PM
Account Name: VeggieBurger
Account ID: 1-S2-1-321725
In-Game Name:

Crimes Committed: Aronee

Your Account Name: SuperJack

Summary: SotD Setup "Under Pressure"
Aronee roles Dragon Head. Realises that his team has no kill. Goes into a rage fit and throws the game and reveals his team-mates. He is then Kicked from the game.

Notes: Admin Useage

In this game. It got to the point where Aronne was being toxic.
So I:
-kick 1
-kick 1
-change 13 stump
-kill 13

Because at this point. 6 was comfirmed dead, so 1 was speaking truthfully about his team. So I kicked him, and change the last member to stump and killed him. The game was already going to an end since the Triad revealed.

I apologised to the players still in the game. And as Compensation I gave them all 10 points each.
As seen, the players in the game where positive of the result. Leaving the players knowing that Staff are out there looking after them and are kind people.
If you think that the points where unfair and un-just to give out. Then feel free to comment and explain.


April 19th, 2016, 09:15 PM
VeggieBurger: Correct. 1-S2-321725

Respective Hotkeys

Was the Game Result altered?
Yes, He basically gave away his Triad members, thus the Triad had no chance.

Previous Offenses
Intentional Game-Throwing(Approved): http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php/35791-VeggieBurger-1-S2-1-321725-Aaron-1-S2-1-5965372

Player Offenses
Intentional Game-Throwing / Excessive Griefing

VeggieBurger rolls Dragon Head, and the game begins:

Day 3: After two nights of not being able to kill, Veggieburger just starts in saying "Fuck this save, I'm DH I can't even kill. Lynch me." When the town starts voting him up, he says "13 and 6." calling out his Triad members. "13 LIAISON. 6 DECIEVER" after 13 tries to say that 1 is a jester (Trying to play it cool and calm down 1). During the end of the day, 6 quits.

During Night 3 he starts in on his toxic banter, saying the host should get cancer and hopes he dies in a fire... Very toxic.

Day 4: He continues being toxic, calling people who try to tell him to stop "Faggots" etc. He continues to be very toxic to everyone. Finally, SuperJack warns Aronne and Kicks him from the game.

Later on, he turns 13 into a stump and -kills him. The game ends on day 5 with the Godfather being lynched and the town seizing victory.

Conclusion: 1 was being incredibly toxic on top of his Game-throwing here... I mean, he goes beyond the line of a video game and starts saying people deserve to get cancer and saying they're fat with no life, etc. I am charging him with Griefing as well as Intentional Game-Throwing.

Recommended Action
Watch List X8

Additional Notes
Thank you for the report! This isn't his first game-throwing offense, and since I'm also putting down that he griefed (Hard) This game and went beyond the line with his insults, I recommend a Harsher punishment of Watch List X8 to clean up his Act.
Also good Judgement call on your commands, SuperJack! Beautifully done In my opinion!

April 20th, 2016, 03:42 PM
1-S2-1-321725: 6x WL