View Full Version : Night 2

November 27th, 2011, 11:05 PM
Just so you know.. I'm certain that Yayap & Goonswarm will be watching me on Day 3.

November 27th, 2011, 11:10 PM
I'm just curious who Auckmid put in jail tonight. I hope it was FalseTruth or Brennenburg, but who knows.

I'll probably investigate the one that didn't get put in jail.

Btw, we should put in our death note tonight that Dust is a sinner. And we should also probably start separating ourselves from Nick. He and Claw are trying to paint Rome in a very negative light. People won't trust us unless they know we are absolutely on Humanity and Eternity's side while Tiberius lives.

November 27th, 2011, 11:27 PM
How about putting the fact that Nick is not one of us into the death note? This little charade he's running is most probably a ploy to lure us out.

November 27th, 2011, 11:37 PM
So Brennenburg's in jail, I wonder what he has to say to defend himself, since we kind of need him to die to get that death note information out there. Unless one of the legionnaires wants to step up and be the real mouth of Rome.

Barring some kind of insane revelation from Brennenburg, I'm going to investigate FalseTruth. Here's my code for the day chat:

So = Commoner or Unsealed Demon
Now = Jesus/Rabbi
What/What's = Humanity Power Role (that isn't covered in one of the other setups)
Ok = Sinner
I = Angel/Shepherd
I'm = Disciple
Huh = Blocked

November 27th, 2011, 11:39 PM
I'm going to get investigated or assassinated tonight.


November 28th, 2011, 12:03 AM
I feel your pain bud, I'm kind of paranoid about Lucifer killing me because of my anti-sin stance.

Maybe tonight's the night Rome gets gimped like everyone wanted day one :)

Edit: Just to be clear about night one, did you not investigate Ubernox? and did Hamslyx not protect anyone? I only ask because the log says you guys did nothing.

November 28th, 2011, 08:12 AM
Just so you know, 1 of my major reasons for putting Brennenburg in jail tonight was...

-Brennenburg claimed sinner
-Claw claimed thief, and said that Brennenburg targeted someone who did not die last night

I realy don't know, but I may have possibly cracked 1 of Falses day 1 codes, which I think claims Judas.

November 28th, 2011, 02:12 PM
Just gonna post this for formality's sake. One of the Legionnaires should protect Auckmid, and the other should protect me.

November 28th, 2011, 02:37 PM
Hello everyone.

I am Sumi, who was recruited because you offered me a sum of money I could not refuse, and now I am willing to jump into a volcano if you say so, according to the story anyway. :p

First, I would like to applaud you for somehow finding a Commoner out of all those people. Hunches or reasoning, I am impressed. Unlike what some people are saying, I truly am a new player and have a shallow understanding of the mechanics, as Raiden has pointed out (I hope he’s not too suspicious of me. ;; ). I hope you will guide me so I can learn to play this game as I see I am surrounded by veteran players. :)

I’m attempting not to seem like I was the one recruited, so I’m reading through the posts as quickly as I can and then typing this on Word to prevent any possibilities of keen stalkers targeting me, not that I’m a likely target anyway. But, who knows. I am saying everything based on the skimming so some of it might not be correct.

I’m not sure what Nick is trying to pull, since I know he’s not Roman now. I would be quite willing to be the legionnaire spokesperson if you tell me what I need to say, or the general gist of it at least, or hamslyx can do it, if you so choose. The risk being that since Jesus is not lynched yet, Lucifer can very well target this spokesperson knowing s/he’s Roman and not fear retribution, since he’s immortal right now and his utmost priority is probably killing Tiberius to gain quite a few allies (or human sacrifices).

One quick question, if you are investigated somehow, would you find out if you were? I have a risky/semi-interesting/probably-full-of-logical-holes-since-I’m-new-at-this plan if we do find out. :)

That’s all from me for now. I’ll probably periodically check our forum in 1-2 hour intervals for updates. (Does subscribing to a post send the post to email?)

Your wish is my command, O Masters.

November 28th, 2011, 02:39 PM
Sumikoko on me. Hamlyx on Fred. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to order Hamlyx to protect Fred, but if I can, I will. If Hamlyx continues to stay AFK, then maybe a modkill to free up spaces for new recruits?

November 28th, 2011, 02:45 PM
Yeah I meant to mention it earlier, but good job Fred on snipe-recruiting Sumi like that.

If it can be done, and Hamlyx continues to be AFK, I think it would be preferable to just have him auto-protect Auckmid/Fred each night, instead of straight up mod-killing him.

Unless of course Fred wants to occupy himself each night with recruiting runs.

Also, I just thought of it so hopefully GM will see this:

Since we already have two recruits, if Fred tried to recruit Lucifer, would the result come back that "this person cannot be recruited" or would it come back "you already have the max number of people"?

This is important because if we can still get "recruit" info from people, it would allow us to narrow our list of possible Lucifer suspects.

November 28th, 2011, 03:18 PM
That's actually a great idea, waaagh. I had thought about the option myself but kind of dismissed it, thinking that I would get the latter. Anywho, if I do choose to recruit, and one of the Legionnaires dies....then would that recruit go through FM Game Master?

November 28th, 2011, 03:49 PM
Who do you want taxed?

My target was obviously murdered yesterday.

I'm feeling as though Gannon Or Capatalier would be decent targets. Capatalier is usually as trolly as suicidaln00b but for some reason he's actually playing this game.

I wonder why

November 28th, 2011, 04:10 PM
I feel your pain bud, I'm kind of paranoid about Lucifer killing me because of my anti-sin stance.

Maybe tonight's the night Rome gets gimped like everyone wanted day one :)

Edit: Just to be clear about night one, did you not investigate Ubernox? and did Hamslyx not protect anyone? I only ask because the log says you guys did nothing.

I went to investigate Ubernox but he was dead before I got there.

November 28th, 2011, 04:12 PM
Tonights Code: I will be investigating Nick, Ganon or Capatalier... Waagh, who are you going for so we dont double up?

a faggot = Commoner or Unsealed Demon or Lucifier
a dumb jew = Jesus/Rabbi
a stupid mofker = Assassin
fucking high = Whore
captain retardo = thief
drs gay friend = embalmer
shit for brains = seer
captain stupid = judas
a dumb ho = Sinner
a bitch= Angel/Shepherd

November 28th, 2011, 04:12 PM
Perhaps "captain roman" as you say should be investigated. Nick is a peculiar case and is either 1: A bored human 2: Judas or 3: Our worst nightmare. He's trying to order us around without actually being a part of us, if you've paid any attention.

November 28th, 2011, 04:15 PM
I'd suggest Waagh gets Nick cause hes a higher priority investigation and I'm probably going to get Assassinated tonight.

November 28th, 2011, 04:22 PM
Stalking Clawtrocity right now. His movements within the forum stirs my suspicion.

November 28th, 2011, 04:28 PM
I really wanted to investigate FalseTruth or Clawtrocity. The self proclaimed "three wisemen" have really taken over the forums and are steering discussion in the wrong directions. Most people have learned to ignore Nick as it is, but those three still have weight. If you guys really want me to look at Nick I will, but as of right now my pick is FalseTruth. Again, this is barring any information Jack gives us in the jail chat.

November 28th, 2011, 04:30 PM
On that note, Where's Auckmid with the update? What questions has he asked.

November 28th, 2011, 04:34 PM
Based on my stalking at 3 different hours:
FalseTruth seems to be as he claims, part of Humanity at least.
I'm not sure if he's hidden from the entire list if he's in a locked subforum, but I would think not, and Clawtrocity is almost ALWAYS in the Current FMVI forum but never in any of the public threads. This leads me to believe he's definitely a part of Eternity or Sin. (If this method is incorrect, please correct me, as I'll allocate my time elsewhere.)

November 28th, 2011, 06:06 PM
Tiberius, can I have one of your bodyguards tonight?

I'll check Nick, Waagh, check False or Claw, whoever you think

November 28th, 2011, 06:16 PM
Well since we're executing Brennenburg tonight, if it turns out he's a sinner then everyone in the day chat will see that Claw lied about being thief, so it's likely he'll get lynched/force a different role-claim tomorrow anyway. So I'll do False tonight.

November 28th, 2011, 06:45 PM
Tiberius, can I have one of your bodyguards tonight?

I'm not sure if I'm allowed to PM a change in the person I'm guarding. I guess I was being rather hasty and went ahead and PMed my request to guard Auckmid.


November 28th, 2011, 06:57 PM
You can change, but we need Auckmid guarded at all times.

The second one is one I would like

November 28th, 2011, 07:00 PM
Auckmid: You can force ham to guard someone.

November 28th, 2011, 07:02 PM
by him, i mean ham. Make ham guard someone and we're all good :p

November 28th, 2011, 08:17 PM
Sorry guys, my internet was down and I had a friend over, so I'm kinda lucky I managed to get a computer to post my night actions at all.

Sorry Elixir, but the command chain is me at the top, and Fred as my deputy. If Fred dies, it is going to be a huge hit for us, so unless you have a clear reason as to why you think you shall be targeted tonight, Fred takes priority.

Just about to have Jack executed. I do not think I am going to reply to any of his demands.

Claw has claimed theif. While he is probably telling the truth, he could also be Jesus. Something which I have kinda learned about Yapyap is that he loves it when he posts his allignment and other information as scum right under peoples noses, and they get ignored. His claims that he is evil worries me.

Going to write a quick deathnote now. While I would prefer to have had more time, things happen.

Any questions or concerns?

November 28th, 2011, 08:19 PM
Because Claw outed me as Elixir at the end of the day and noted I was specifically trying to hide.

You do have another Tax Collector so I am expendable.

November 28th, 2011, 08:32 PM
As for Claw, erks. I would probably lean more towards that he’s Jesus, or at least someone in Eternity, but my judgment is less capable than you veterans, of course.

Three questions:

I’m going to go ahead and write a last will since I’m twice as likely to get killed tonight. Anything in particular I should put? Frame someone?
Someone mentioned earlier that a legionnaire should express the true intent of Rome. Is that to be replaced by the death note?
Out of sheer curiosity, and this might be better addressed to the FM Master, if two people attack Auckmid, or him and me, would I be able to fend off both attacks? Don’t kill me if I jynxed it. :x Though I suppose I technically would be dead in either case…

November 28th, 2011, 08:38 PM
Sorry guys, my internet was down and I had a friend over, so I'm kinda lucky I managed to get a computer to post my night actions at all.

Sorry Elixir, but the command chain is me at the top, and Fred as my deputy. If Fred dies, it is going to be a huge hit for us, so unless you have a clear reason as to why you think you shall be targeted tonight, Fred takes priority.

Just about to have Jack executed. I do not think I am going to reply to any of his demands.

Claw has claimed theif. While he is probably telling the truth, he could also be Jesus. Something which I have kinda learned about Yapyap is that he loves it when he posts his allignment and other information as scum right under peoples noses, and they get ignored. His claims that he is evil worries me.

Going to write a quick deathnote now. While I would prefer to have had more time, things happen.

Any questions or concerns?

I included the following information in my last will, but you should put these points in your deathnote (you can phrase it however you want):

- Nick is NOT Roman and does NOT speak for us
- We ARE on humanity/eternity side until Tiberius dies
- Dust IS a sinner

Hopefully that'll get people to stop worrying about Rome's intent for now.

November 28th, 2011, 09:27 PM
@Sum: Claw being Jesus is a possibility which I am considering.
@Waghhh: Yes to 1, maybe to 3, 2 I can hint at, but I'm not going to flat out reveal. Even if we do go with Humanity/Eternity, I don't want Sin gunning at me.

November 28th, 2011, 09:51 PM
This is why I hate being leader:(

Sorry Perotto, but I am going to have to give priority for protection to Fred. Also sorry Waaaagh, but I don't want to shut any possible doors with sin.

November 28th, 2011, 10:07 PM
Otaku-moment-quoting-Code-Geass: "If the King does not lead, how will the subordinates follow?" :)

In any case (not that I'd really know), I think you're doing fine as you seem to be quite open-minded about options your fellow Romans offer you. Sumi trusts your decisions and will follow through. Pilate better cough up some more gold though. :)

November 28th, 2011, 10:12 PM
Day 3 is where I'm always strongest....just stay patient. That's always when fred strikes.