View Full Version : And then there was one (again)...

October 26th, 2011, 12:28 PM
Here I will record and preserve the history of Hojo and his brilliance for future generations...

October 26th, 2011, 01:35 PM
On the first day of the revolution, the brilliant Professor Hojo decided it was time: time to begin a revolution of his own. He secured funds from the corrupt Shinra corporation and set off on his own quest. However, while the newly established forum was getting comfortable, Professor Hojo (otherwise known as TheJackofSpades) looked on with mild if not dull interest. Of course, while he endured the mundane conversations of the forum members, he was brainstorming an action plan for the coming night: even the ingenius Hojo could not secure dominance on his own, and he knew it...

October 27th, 2011, 08:36 AM
Later that night, Professor Hojo pondered over who he shall "enlighten" in his lab. As he reviewed the host of photographs of forum members, his eyes stopped moving as he reached a name... Deirdre. He removed the photograph from the bunch and a smile crept on his face. Yes, Deirdre would serve him well... he would be made to join Hojo... Hojo's lab would welcome a new guest later that night.

October 27th, 2011, 08:47 AM
The next morning, Hojo smiled with glee upon learning the role of the mysterious Deirdre. The former Shinra member would serve him well. As the day progressed, Hojo happily lurked in the shadows as his new servant began his work. Deirdre attempted to gain the trust of the forum members, but the one known as Erika caught on! She accused him of treachery against the town, and Hojo attempted to hide a frown. This Erika was a clever one, no doubt. Hojo realized then that taking control of the forum would be no small task... his mind then returned to the forum, observing from afar as he was yesterday. The time to speak out was not then, he decided...

October 27th, 2011, 08:57 AM
That night, Deirdre excused himself from Shinra's situation room and returned to a relaxed Hojo, staring at his past "subjects". Hojo and Deirdre discussed the events of the day, and Deirdre lamented over the loss of his former co-worker as well as Erika's revelation. However, they both delighted in the fact that Hojo was alive an unnoticed, and had even received an anonymous gift on her doorstep earlier that morning in the form of a bulletproof vest. Hojo determined that this Erika girl would be wise to acquire for his quest, and he ordered his minions to bring her to his lab immediately. That night, Hojo's laboratory would be welcoming some female company...

October 27th, 2011, 09:07 AM
As the sun rose on day 3, Hojo joined his fellow forum members to a horrible surprise. The body of the newly injected Erika lied near them, impaled by a thin blade. Deirdre and Hojo secretly cursed under their breath at their bad luck, but continued as if nothing had happened. Even worse, Hojo had been attacked, while Deirdre had spent his night with a person of "questionable" ethics. Nonetheless, they continued with their goal of dominance in mind. Though the forum members continuously accused Deirdre with very little reason, Hojo himself managed to escape attention yet again, a silent observer from the sidelines. The day reached its climax when the one known as Wendy, the one who visited Deirdre before, accused Lucinda and Deirdre of treachery. Hojo attempted to divert the forum by accusing Janice and Ashlyn, Deirdre's former boss and co-worker, but the forum would have none of it. As Lucinda was executed later that day, Hojo feared for the future of his cause... something would need to be done soon if he was to succeed.