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FM Barbra Streisand
August 8th, 2014, 04:08 PM
Thread for setting up codes to communicate with a migrated mind meld.

FM Barbra Streisand
August 11th, 2014, 11:37 PM
Tim Howard, post here to acknowledge before I mind meld with Bryan.

Need a 3 result code to show town/mafia/neutral.

Also need to communicate player name.

So the code will be the following:

In your second post of each day, include the word for the player you checked. In the last letter of your post, reveal the result.

Post #1: Wow, is the computer distorting the logs or something? Post #2: Are you a quantum computer? -Vote Braum Get those scum in the bag!

Second post first code word cited -> Quantum -> Bastian Schweinsteiger
Last letter of post -> 'g'
Translation: Bastian Schweinsteiger is TOWN

Badassasaurus Rex - LOOP
Barack Brobama - ANNUAL
Barbra Streisand - BLURRY
Bastian Schweinsteiger - QUANTUM
Bobba Fett - BELIEVE
Bryan Lewellen - STICKY
Captain Hindsight - DIGITAL
CatGal6000 - GRILL
Clement - BLINDING
Commander Feralis - TENSE
Commander Spock - STATION
Kytra - DEBUG
Sebastian - GOVERNOR
The Great and Mighty PoD - BRUSH
Tim Howard - FLIRT
Town of Salem - ENGINE
Vonax - ERASER
Zapp Brannigan - INFINITE

Town: A - G
Mafia: H - S
Neutral: T - X
No Result: Y - Z

The player codes are randomized, so it should be completely unbreakable as long as it isn't leaked.