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FM Town of Salem
July 18th, 2014, 08:12 PM
[5:36:53 PM] yayap: I'm trolling people already
[5:36:59 PM] ika: oh?
[5:37:15 PM] yayap: notice the guy named: I dont care ...
[5:37:47 PM] yayap: he had (I don't care) :P in his signup pm
[5:38:08 PM] yayap: so instead of picking a name for him.... I gave him what he said
[5:38:28 PM] ika: nice. is there a player list im looking all over and cant find it
[5:38:53 PM] yayap: not yet - but the players do show up in the members list
[5:39:15 PM] ika: ah
[5:39:50 PM] yayap: I'm quite pleased with some of the name choices
[5:40:04 PM] ika: im anticipating some funny ones as well
[5:40:41 PM] yayap: FM names start on page 4 in "f"
[5:41:40 PM] ika: i saw like 2 names in and i already chuckled
[5:42:56 PM] ika: omg somone did it....

red is mafia
[10:01:05 PM | Edited 10:01:11 PM] ika: Signups: -1HP, you are suffering from a temporary case of illiteracy!

best event ever XP
[10:01:38 PM] yayap: I wonder how many will ask the question what it is
[10:01:47 PM] yayap: so far no one has asked
[10:01:55 PM] ika: let me be the first
[10:01:58 PM] ika: oh i get it
[10:01:59 PM] ika: nvm
[10:02:05 PM] ika: not reading setup
[10:02:07 PM] yayap: >: )
[10:02:11 PM] yayap: yup
[10:02:38 PM] ika: im gonna keep a log of all of our fun chats
[10:03:02 PM] yayap: read game mechanic #5
[10:03:41 PM] ika: ya the favorite color?
[10:03:46 PM] yayap: lol
[10:03:52 PM] yayap: I had 3 hidden questions in the setup
[10:03:56 PM] ika: i noticed it after i sent pm
[10:04:13 PM] yayap: anyone who didn't answer any of them got the -1HP
[10:04:37 PM] yayap: those who answered all 3 got a bonus....
[10:04:39 PM] ika: now i need to go find them......
[10:04:53 PM] yayap: too late now -
[10:05:12 PM] yayap: It was an interesting result of who actually read the rules
[10:05:19 PM] ika: ik
[10:07:13 PM] yayap: rule #9
[10:07:58 PM] ika: i dont see anything out of ordinary
[10:08:42 PM] yayap: read rule #9
[10:08:57 PM] ika: dog or cat
[10:09:02 PM] ika: i was looking at mechanics
[10:09:13 PM] ika: i assume the last one is the format you wanted
[10:09:40 PM] yayap: Last one was in Abilities..... Engineering
[10:10:28 PM] ika: ah
[10:10:42 PM] yayap: lol... does that look like an ability?
[10:10:44 PM] ika: i would of answered with 5
[10:11:09 PM] ika: thats should eb an ability though XP
[10:11:56 PM] yayap: ah! now others are starting to ask
[10:11:57 PM] yayap: hehehe

FM Town of Salem
July 19th, 2014, 07:25 PM
[7:58:46 PM] ika: if your not too busy i put up a bunch of questions regarding my role
[8:08:43 PM] yayap: if mutable doctors/backsmith exist, do i get a vopy from each?

[8:08:57 PM] ika: if more then one doc/blacksmith exist
[8:09:05 PM] ika: do i get a copy from all of them
[8:09:17 PM] ika: im slightly tired and have a lot so i worte i tin a hury
[8:09:25 PM] yayap: yes - don't forget that they need charges to make stuff.. so its not every night
[8:23:35 PM] yayap: answers should be up
[8:23:45 PM] ika: kk ill look in a min
[8:23:53 PM] yayap: NO
[8:23:58 PM] yayap: you must look now!
[8:24:02 PM] yayap: :P
[8:24:13 PM] ika: ika goes to it
[9:22:03 PM] ika: There are currently 5 users browsing this thread. (5 members and 0 guests)
FM Town of Salem, FM CatGal6000, FM Vonax, MathBlade
[9:22:09 PM] ika: [9:22 PM] ika:

<<< MathBlade?????
[9:22:34 PM] ika: did you give acess to mathblade to read thread?
[9:22:45 PM] yayap: yes - reserves and observers
[9:22:50 PM] ika: ah
[9:22:59 PM | Edited 9:23:11 PM] yayap: she can't post
[9:23:06 PM] ika: she*
[9:23:22 PM] ika: lol

FM Town of Salem
July 20th, 2014, 08:39 PM
[9:59:03 PM] yayap: now to work on yours
[9:59:19 PM] ika: expect more questions when your done :)
[10:01:26 PM] ika: is master garenteed to apprear? or is it possible we have none?
[10:01:40 PM] yayap: I can't tell you that!
[10:02:30 PM] ika: i waiting for one to appear and pick me to find out im the merchant XD
[10:02:37 PM] yayap: lol
[10:03:58 PM] yayap: master sends you to kill someone...
lookout sees you kill said person...
invest confirms you are Ferengi...
town = wth is going on here!
[10:04:30 PM] ika: claim host shnatagins
[10:04:49 PM] yayap: yayap claims web of night actions made it possible
[10:05:21 PM] ika: claim framed
[10:05:30 PM] ika: in b4 gandalf repeat XD
[10:24:03 PM] yayap: ding!
[10:24:13 PM] yayap: no charges for you
[10:24:25 PM] ika: ?
[10:24:44 PM] ika: :(
[10:24:47 PM] yayap: character sheet used to say that you had 4c generation
[10:25:03 PM] yayap: but I reworked it after thinking about it all day
[10:25:15 PM] yayap: you are too busy at the bar to do any of the actions
[10:25:30 PM] yayap: so you pay some underling/slave to do it for you
[10:25:40 PM] ika: fair enough
[10:25:45 PM] ika: im looking through right now
[10:26:44 PM] ika: so many possible fakeclaims now....
[10:27:05 PM] ika: dang i can atuposiy alive players
[10:27:47 PM] yayap: refresh page - I added 2 more racial flaws
[10:28:09 PM] ika: noooooooooo.......
[10:28:15 PM] ika: wanted to be hammer voter
[10:28:24 PM] yayap: there is no hammer vote
[10:28:32 PM] ika: :(
[10:28:46 PM] ika: ok real question though:

is my abilityie to use these limited on my cash?
[10:28:59 PM] ika: aka could i basicly check 10 ppl ine night
[10:29:06 PM] yayap: >.>
[10:29:09 PM] yayap: you could....
[10:29:27 PM] yayap: but then what would you do to make money?
[10:29:32 PM] ika: sell the info
[10:29:43 PM] yayap: notice that the players only start with 100 ish $
[10:29:50 PM] yayap: how much could you sell it for?
[10:29:58 PM] ika: 101 XD
[10:30:19 PM] yayap: then only (number erased) could afford it
[10:30:33 PM] ika: at first :)
[10:30:43 PM] ika: im already haveing plans on ripping ppl off anyway
[10:31:00 PM] yayap: and how would they make money? you wouldn't have any to put bounties
[10:31:13 PM] ika: i will find a way
[10:31:18 PM] ika: and i will like it
[10:31:33 PM] ika: no but more seriously im gonna rip ppl off
[10:31:40 PM] ika: i already plan on makign an acholo 100
[10:31:48 PM] ika: and say it does magic or some stupid shit
[10:32:00 PM] ika: pretednig i know what they do
[10:33:34 PM] yayap: oh and just so we are clear: you may not be a pimp and use the roleblockers that way
[10:33:50 PM] ika: damn it
[10:33:51 PM] yayap: that is outlawed in the federation
[10:34:04 PM] ika: but i have bm items......
[10:34:26 PM] ika: oh so theres more then 1 rber.....
[10:34:28 PM] yayap: items can be hidden... hidding a person is not so easy
[10:35:18 PM] ika: oh shit do i still have to set prices for achol. scince its still day can i sell them?
[10:35:39 PM] yayap: yes - I'm making your other account right now
[10:35:48 PM] ika: yay!
[10:36:48 PM] ika: yap. does appley happen to be the co-host? i think he might of looked into my quarters using his account. (check talk with hosts and see whos read it)
[10:37:08 PM] yayap: SHHhhhhh
[10:37:10 PM] ika: Members who have read this thread: 3
AppleyNO, FM Game Master, FM Town of Salem
[10:37:13 PM] yayap: that information is not for sale
[10:37:34 PM] ika: can we have that on there but make it pricelesss
[10:37:47 PM] yayap: lol
[10:37:53 PM] yayap: as long as no one can buy it
[10:38:14 PM] ika: ika sets price for 1 million dollars

FM Town of Salem
July 20th, 2014, 09:22 PM
yayap gets mad at APC:

[10:44:05 PM] ika: shows up in all others
[10:44:25 PM] ika: maybe b/c im the thread maker of it?
[10:44:51 PM] yayap: checking
[10:45:03 PM] ika: kk. im gonna go get a soda
[10:48:50 PM] ika: back. any luck?
[10:50:20 PM] yayap: Grrrrr... I hate VB
[10:50:27 PM] ika: vb?
[10:50:49 PM] yayap: vBulletin®
[10:50:54 PM] ika: ah
[10:51:14 PM] yayap: 4 places it asks me:
Can View Who Read a Thread
Yes No
[10:51:20 PM] yayap: everything is set to "NO"
[10:51:29 PM] yayap: except for FMGM
[10:52:12 PM] yayap: vB = overly complicated admin cp
[10:52:21 PM] ika: joy

FM Town of Salem
July 20th, 2014, 09:23 PM
we should see invi mode:

[10:52:33 PM] yayap: can you see who read the day thread?
[10:52:48 PM] ika: nope
[10:52:51 PM] ika: i can see whos lurking
[10:52:55 PM] yayap: good
[10:53:00 PM] yayap: that is intended
[10:53:21 PM] ika: should tot be able to sell invis mode: 24 hr
[10:53:32 PM] ika: see how many ppl would eat that up
[10:53:57 PM] yayap: yayap slaps you with another -1HP for selling rule breaking items
[10:54:11 PM] ika: im not selling yet? im suggesting?
[10:54:21 PM] yayap: actually.. that would be pretty funny...
[10:54:27 PM] yayap: but I made a rule about it
[10:54:28 PM] yayap: so

FM Town of Salem
July 20th, 2014, 10:02 PM

[7/20/2014 11:56:55 PM] ika: is gf passivly immune to sheriff? or could a shriff find him day 1?
[7/20/2014 11:58:16 PM] yayap: yayap checks setup
[7/20/2014 11:58:27 PM] ika: it says nothign about immunity
[7/20/2014 11:58:31 PM] ika: so im just making sure
[7/20/2014 11:58:33 PM] yayap: looks like he can be detected
[7/20/2014 11:58:56 PM] ika: i alsmot want to random.org a sheriff chack and see if i could find gf

FM Town of Salem
July 20th, 2014, 10:42 PM

[12:17:34 AM] ika: ah
[12:19:03 AM] ika: im so tempted to have a converstation with myself in htere
[12:30:16 AM] ika: can i have ppl make requests on info via pm (pming fengi and you as you had it
[12:31:02 AM] yayap: hmmm... I rather you share info with everyone if you are trying to bribe them
[12:31:19 AM] ika: kk i already have a small idea one sec
[12:31:59 AM] yayap: btw, just so you know, I'll be giving you a supply of item for the first night so that your shelves are not empty
[12:32:42 AM] ika: can i put items up and say its "bid only?"
[12:33:00 AM] ika: i was thinking about using learn random role and have ppl bid out for it
[12:33:20 AM] yayap: and what if the highest bid is 1$
[12:33:38 AM] yayap: I would certainly do that
[12:33:49 AM] yayap: bid 1$ on all items
[12:33:59 AM] yayap: find out which items didn't get any other bids
[12:34:07 AM] ika: -.-
[12:34:38 AM] yayap: I'm just saying.... someone WILL think of doing that if you say bid only with no minimum
[12:34:55 AM] ika: true
[12:35:02 AM] yayap: I won't say no.... but it would be bad for your win condition
[12:35:20 AM] yayap: count this as a tip
[12:35:38 AM] yayap: that'll be 5$ for my services
[12:35:40 AM] yayap: :P
[12:35:47 AM] ika: .....
[12:35:51 AM] yayap: lol... jk

FM Town of Salem
July 20th, 2014, 10:42 PM
info borker

ok i want to learn a random role, then list the info for 100.

im pretty sure someones gonna try to buy it
[12:36:55 AM] ika: can multiable ppl buy the info btw?
[12:37:19 AM] ika: if thats the case then i just want the info first
[12:37:28 AM] yayap: once you get info - anyone can buy it... its not an item that has limited supply
[12:37:44 AM] ika: ok sweet
[12:38:04 AM] ika: now i need to think how to manipulate it to maximize mooney
[12:38:10 AM] yayap: keep in mind that actions are processed at end of day
[12:38:14 AM] ika: oh
[12:38:40 AM] yayap: and you can't sell info during the day
[12:38:48 AM] ika: crap
[12:39:06 AM] yayap: Mr Constable is in your bar listning to everything
[12:39:55 AM] ika: kk ill talk to you late, have a good night
[12:40:07 AM] yayap: yea
[12:40:39 AM] yayap: been up since morning... worked today (I don't usually work weekends... although I work next weekend too at my other job)
[12:40:56 AM] ika: ouch, get sleep ill ttyl

FM Town of Salem
July 21st, 2014, 09:50 PM
at work

[5:07:22 PM] yayap: I'll make that post... since I want to word it so that no one knows about spocks plan
[5:07:44 PM] ika: Randomly post who asked for what
[5:07:55 PM] ika: ?
[5:08:07 PM] ika: I'll see the info I get
[5:08:33 PM] ika: Kk
[5:08:48 PM] ika: Trye
[5:09:05 PM] ika: Not really
[5:09:41 PM] ika: I've been busy with rl so I hadn't ha too much time to look up lore
[5:09:59 PM] ika: What about death xp
[5:10:42 PM] ika: O.o
[5:13:50 PM] ika: Oh also I think invisible mode got turned off somehow... It's not a huge problem scince I'll prob be on fengi for most of it
[5:15:00 PM] ika: Back to work I might be around
[5:27:48 PM] yayap: yea, I guess so...
[5:27:58 PM] yayap: bribing you to do actions....
[5:28:23 PM] yayap: you better make decent money for bribes
[5:28:52 PM] yayap: what do you mean by "leak"
[5:29:13 PM] yayap: no no no no no
[5:29:17 PM] yayap: must sell that info
[5:29:28 PM] yayap: no info for free
[5:29:55 PM] yayap: if people want to know who paid you to get info, they must pay as well
[5:30:14 PM] yayap: I see you do not know the way the Ferengi are in Star Trek
[5:30:37 PM] yayap: they charge for everything
[5:31:02 PM] yayap: nothing is free
[5:31:19 PM] yayap: I'm half way through the last season of DS9 now
[5:31:41 PM] yayap: death = they sell parts of their bodies to people
[8:33:56 PM] yayap: test
[8:57:36 PM] yayap: ok
[10:05:11 PM] yayap: LMAO
[10:05:22 PM] yayap: someone has discovered a huge hint about alcohol
[10:06:15 PM] yayap: anyways, I'm off to work now
[10:06:16 PM] yayap: later

FM Town of Salem
July 22nd, 2014, 10:31 AM
screw up?

[12:32:27 AM] ika: crap.....
[12:34:24 AM] ika: i think i screwed up somethign that you were gonna do. i was pming other players and they inquired about info to me and i gave them the same kinda deal you did....

well maybe its not as bad due to the fact now everyone is going to be fucked up paranoid
[12:34:48 AM] ika: i also seemed to have found that masons are not confrimed towns....
[1:37:21 AM] ika: i bet with your offical disclaimer on how you want to do it will ocver up enough that the players who i did say will work out
[10:56:07 AM] ika: hey lots of stuff happened while you were out
[10:57:34 AM] ika: can my investigations bypass framings for the stake of ballence (or in attempt to get money)
[10:57:44 AM] yayap: no

FM Town of Salem
July 22nd, 2014, 10:34 AM
[10:58:05 AM] ika: damn. oh also i sent a farmework of the pm thing
[10:58:55 AM] yayap: evening and night are exactly the same game-wise
[10:59:19 AM] yayap: "evening: offers are negotiatated/talked about/finalized
night: offers are done/no discussion/offers made"

does not compute
[10:59:38 AM] ika: what i was hoping to do was have it that day i open for all negotioations
[10:59:52 AM] ika: evening i continue and finalize (no new ones can be made)
[11:00:03 AM] ika: nights its hit or miss on deals
[11:00:07 AM] yayap: day = I rather you not negociate anything other than alcohol
[11:00:20 AM] ika: kk ill do that come day 2
[11:01:10 AM] yayap: the idea was that you do actions and get info yourself... without other people telling you what to do
[11:01:17 AM] ika: ah
[11:01:21 AM] ika: i do plan on doing that
[11:01:26 AM] yayap: you are selling what you don't have
[11:01:48 AM] ika: i was planning on setting up deals
[11:02:28 AM] ika: but spock did want to sell me his alignement for 50 so i took that.

i probally comlicated things a lot
[11:03:32 AM] yayap: everyone sells you alignment for 10$... everyone says go buy my alignment at ferengi.... what now?
[11:03:53 AM] ika: i sell it for 20 or more
[11:04:07 AM] yayap: -.-
[11:04:13 AM] ika: hey its profit
[11:04:27 AM] ika: i mean im not gonna let them break the game by that

FM Town of Salem
July 22nd, 2014, 10:34 AM
set prices

[11:33:17 AM] yayap: ok- I need prices for:
Red Alcohol
Green Alcohol
Sleep dart gun
Standard Phaser on stun
Used Armour
[11:33:45 AM] ika: is inventory updated?
[11:34:00 AM] yayap: no - I'm making your first post in night
[11:34:07 AM] yayap: then I'll do evening
[11:34:12 AM] ika: oh kk
[11:34:21 AM] ika: umm i was just hoping to know quantities
[11:34:45 AM] yayap: 1 red, 1 green, 1, 1,
2 used armours
[11:35:36 AM] yayap: oh and 1 information about role
[11:35:40 AM] ika: i think both reds sold?

green: keep 25
[11:35:57 AM] yayap: I assume you do your action during the evening... so you can sell it at night
[11:36:11 AM] ika: kk im looking at all the info on items atm
[11:36:44 AM | Edited 11:36:56 AM] yayap: Used Armour - auto-vest that has a 50% chance to absorbe 1 damage. (I'll flip a coin) .. hey, its better than nothing!
[11:37:06 AM] ika: used: 15
cheap: 30
[11:37:07 AM] yayap: Sleep dart gun - roleblock (puts the person to sleep)
Unarmed: 1 damage
Standard Phaser on stun: 2 damage
[11:37:21 AM] yayap: dont have cheap
[11:37:25 AM] yayap: just used
[11:37:35 AM] ika: oh then used is 20
[11:38:02 AM] ika: sleepdart can be 15
unarmed is 20
standard is 30
[11:38:20 AM] yayap: lol.... you can't sell unarmed
[11:38:32 AM] yayap: I gave you that so you can compare items
[11:38:37 AM] ika: derp
[11:38:47 AM] ika: standard can be 25 then
[11:38:57 AM] ika: i want to give some ppl chances to do stuff
[11:39:14 AM] ika: do i get my role info first? or do i get it after i set price?

FM Town of Salem
July 22nd, 2014, 10:34 AM
red whine?

[11:39:26 AM] yayap: I see PoD buying red... no one else, did I miss one?
[11:39:43 AM] ika: bastin
[11:39:43 AM] yayap: who said you get to see the info?
[11:39:55 AM] ika: the random role info was jsut for me atm
[11:40:23 AM] yayap: I have no PMs from Bastin
[11:40:26 AM] ika: sent you it
[11:40:32 AM] ika: he must of not sent it to you
[11:40:45 AM] ika: he gave me an idea to cheap ppl out of bids
[11:41:32 AM] ika: also if i get sproks alignment (by the deal thing) i want to set that at 100 (unless thats going to be night or later
[11:41:50 AM] yayap: I do not see a bid in all those PMs
[11:42:23 AM] ika: this one

FM Town of Salem
July 22nd, 2014, 10:35 AM

[11:42:45 AM] ika: as for random role: lets do $20
[11:43:58 AM] ika: if i get my info for evnings, does this apply to any or just random role?
[11:44:00 AM] yayap: you are not very good at this are you.... you paid 95$ for the role... and you are only selling it for 20?
[11:44:11 AM] ika: i can sell multitudes of it?
[11:44:28 AM] ika: ppl only have 100 so im hoping that mulit ppl wll buy
[11:44:32 AM] yayap: yes... but how many do you think will buy it before they share the info publically?
[11:44:39 AM] ika: true.....
[11:44:57 AM] ika: dont they get it at end of evening/night though?
[11:45:11 AM] yayap: yes
[11:45:23 AM] ika: set if for 50
[11:45:29 AM] ika: i bet i can get 2 ppl to nab it
[11:45:36 AM] yayap: information should not be sold cheap
[11:45:51 AM] yayap: I don't want people using you as their main PR
[11:45:58 AM] ika: ahhh
[11:46:24 AM] ika: i jsut wish ppl had mor money
[11:46:30 AM] ika: 100 for now
[11:46:45 AM] ika: after money gets out more i will start puting up higher prices
[11:47:20 AM] ika: oh actualy have sproks role be 150 if he gave it to me (im still not clear on it XP)

thats somethign only prenium ppl can get
[11:58:04 AM] yayap: no, you don;t have spocks role - he can't sell it to you during the day
[11:58:11 AM] ika: ok kk
[11:58:58 AM] ika: i noticed you fixed info trading as well for me XD
[11:59:26 AM] ika: i was trying to work out deald with money and other info

FM Town of Salem
July 22nd, 2014, 10:36 AM
the bar

[12:08:34 PM] ika: wait.... sonly brak is with me
[12:08:45 PM] yayap: wut?
[12:08:55 PM] ika: the person in the bar
[12:09:17 PM] yayap: for the night - evening has much more
[12:09:24 PM] ika: oh
[12:09:37 PM] ika: And this will only be seen by me and him?
[12:09:41 PM] yayap: yes
[12:09:47 PM] ika: sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeettttttttttttttttttt
[12:09:55 PM] yayap: the others will be able to talk with each other
[12:10:11 PM] ika: clairfy?
[12:10:23 PM] yayap: Brak is too busy sleeping during the evening - he can't see that thread
[12:10:34 PM] yayap: like day thread
[12:10:38 PM] ika: ah
[12:10:41 PM] yayap: those present will be able to talk
[12:10:52 PM] ika: time to see if i can forge a backhand deal with brak
[12:11:02 PM] yayap: I have successfully made this a hosting nightmare
[12:11:10 PM] ika: XD
[12:11:23 PM] yayap: I will need those 6 hours to get everything done each changeover
[12:12:23 PM] ika: if anyone can do it you can
[12:12:46 PM] yayap: I know
[12:13:14 PM] yayap: I feel like I'm running a mmo except I'm the computer doing all the processing
[12:13:29 PM] ika: maybe this is how the computer does it?
[12:14:50 PM] ika: if i have a one on one convo (like with obam) can i sell the logs?
[12:15:01 PM] ika: or exceprts of what people said
[12:15:03 PM] yayap: no
[12:15:05 PM] ika: darn
[12:15:21 PM] ika: well i can use it in town of salem ;)
[12:15:33 PM] yayap: actually...
[12:15:52 PM | Edited 12:15:53 PM] yayap: I'll allow you to sell the entire recording of the phase
[12:16:02 PM] ika: hehehe
[12:16:13 PM] ika: in b4 i have 2 post of nothign and fake it to be something amazing
[12:16:17 PM] yayap: aka sell them access to view the forum
[12:16:21 PM] ika: oh
[12:16:29 PM] ika: intresting
[12:16:40 PM] yayap: I'm thinking hosting mechanics while you think ideas
[12:16:50 PM] ika: ah
[12:17:05 PM] yayap: it wouldn't be too hard for me to give them viewing access
[12:17:11 PM] ika: have you though about the idea to where ppl can purchace a private chat with me?
[12:17:27 PM] yayap: isn't that what Brak is doing
[12:17:41 PM] ika: ya but he chose to stay in the bar
[12:17:45 PM] ika: didnt he?
[12:17:55 PM] yayap: your bar is open to all customers... you do not lock your doors when someone comes in
[12:18:03 PM] yayap: :P
[12:18:15 PM] ika: ah so ppl can come and go as mucha s they like?

FM Town of Salem
July 22nd, 2014, 10:36 AM
were tracking 24 ppl?

[12:18:34 PM] yayap: no, they all PMed me where they were going to be and when
[12:18:49 PM] yayap: there are over 1000 people on this ship
[12:18:57 PM] ika: oh ya apple said that
[12:18:58 PM] yayap: we are just tracking the 24
[12:19:05 PM] ika: however that works
[12:19:05 PM] yayap: no, I said that
[12:19:09 PM | Edited 12:19:52 PM] yayap: I think it was 1,014
[12:19:19 PM] ika: oh
[12:27:04 PM] yayap: funny thing: brown alcohol is probably the best one for later when people have many charges
[12:27:32 PM] ika: poiless early game but better late......
[12:27:43 PM] yayap: almost
[12:27:57 PM] ika: guessing it: doubles chrages?
[12:28:19 PM] yayap: no.... can't sleep! can act in both phases
[12:28:26 PM] ika: oh god
[12:28:37 PM] ika: wait does it bypass roleblocks?
[12:28:48 PM] ika: nvm
[12:28:53 PM] ika: im thinking wierd now
[12:29:05 PM] yayap: Bosco nailed it when he found my source material
[12:29:18 PM] ika: XD
[12:30:23 PM] ika: so what happens when you mix them all?

FM Town of Salem
July 22nd, 2014, 07:39 PM

yayap pulls out a calculator to calculate your money
[12:36:38 PM] ika: XD
[12:39:32 PM] yayap: ok - I think your character sheet is up to date
[12:40:00 PM] ika: not bad for a day 1
[12:40:08 PM] ika: do i get to know role 11 myself?
[12:40:12 PM] yayap: stupid people...
[12:40:19 PM] ika: what overpaying?
[12:40:24 PM] yayap: yea
[12:40:30 PM] yayap: Barack ...
[12:40:33 PM] yayap: 130 on blue
[12:40:43 PM] ika: I WANT 130 ON BLUE

[12:40:51 PM] ika: priceless
[12:41:36 PM] yayap: ok... I still have 4h 20m
[12:41:48 PM] ika: go yap go
[12:41:55 PM] ika: btw not to perster but do i get role 11 myself? or is it just something that sits there
[12:42:03 PM] ika: i was thinking on lying to boma
[12:42:09 PM] yayap: just sits there so that you no leak
[12:42:10 PM] yayap: :P
[12:42:25 PM] ika: jerk minions

FM Town of Salem
July 22nd, 2014, 07:40 PM

[12:53:12 PM] yayap: your evening customers now have access
[12:53:26 PM] ika: i just noticed. im prepring now
[12:53:28 PM] yayap: yayap goes to do everything else now
[12:56:07 PM] ika: LOL GREEN BOOZE IS OPED
[12:56:18 PM] yayap: ?
[12:56:31 PM] ika: http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php/28095-Evening-1?p=456189#post456189
[12:57:23 PM] ika: also masons are just know to each other right, they are not confirmed towns?

i noticed the setup doesnt say anything about them being confrimed town
[12:57:48 PM] yayap: check general FAQ
[12:58:22 PM] ika: oh

FM Town of Salem
July 22nd, 2014, 07:40 PM
Vet 3.0

im so waitng for vet 3.0 and day chat have like 3 people
[12:59:05 PM] yayap: lol

FM Town of Salem
July 22nd, 2014, 07:41 PM
The bounties begin:

[8:42:10 PM] ika: YAY! im already builidn insider connections between evening and night.

also do players set bounties by PMing me/you or is that just you (excluding mine for killing)
[8:42:52 PM] yayap: I guess players can pay you to set bounties, other than that... you will be setting them
[8:43:02 PM] ika: ok sweet
[8:43:35 PM] ika: i already have devious plans on a "bounty"

eliminate powerful players with bounties and pay out to ppl who are willing to pay back
[8:45:10 PM] ika: if a player reuqest a bounty and i agree can i rat them out, for a price
[8:45:29 PM] yayap: lol.. sure
[9:38:32 PM] ika: the first 2 bounties are set....

one on a strong town and one on a useless slot

FM Town of Salem
July 24th, 2014, 12:40 PM
[7/22/2014 10:15:02 PM] yayap: is your bounty payout per person or total pot?
[7/22/2014 10:16:53 PM] ika: oh, as of now per person, but its only if they get lynched right? if kill sole person (or people who helped) get paid?
[7/22/2014 10:17:08 PM] yayap: correct
[7/22/2014 10:17:43 PM] ika: ya thats per person atm.

rex is more of target by foes for death

i dont care is utility lynch
[7/22/2014 10:18:09 PM] yayap: ok
[7/22/2014 10:18:34 PM] ika: btw still wish i could bounty host
[7/22/2014 10:19:11 PM] ika: im also very tempted to bounty self
[7/22/2014 10:19:18 PM] yayap: lol
[7/22/2014 10:19:34 PM] yayap: that would not be wise
[7/22/2014 10:19:53 PM] ika: well consider the penapy for death
[7/22/2014 10:21:44 PM] yayap: k, I gotta run off to work - before they close the tunnel for construction and make me do a huge detour
[7/22/2014 10:21:51 PM] yayap: night
[7/22/2014 10:22:09 PM] ika: night

FM Town of Salem
July 24th, 2014, 12:40 PM
[7/23/2014 5:25:21 AM] yayap: HEY! Hand over that personal communicator! Bosco is not in 10 forward
[7/23/2014 5:25:42 AM] ika: i thought i could talk with them?
[7/23/2014 5:25:51 AM] yayap: not if he is not in the bar
[7/23/2014 5:25:56 AM] ika: -.-
[7/23/2014 5:26:54 AM] yayap: and please remember - you can't sell anything other than alcohol during the day
[7/23/2014 5:27:06 AM] ika: i think he was aware of that.
[7/23/2014 5:27:27 AM] ika: ill let you sort the matter out. im not gonna pm him anymore
[7/23/2014 5:27:57 AM] yayap: I'm negociating with Spock for his situation
[7/23/2014 5:28:24 AM] yayap: I see a potential game breaker in his offer... so I'm trying to find a way around it
[7/23/2014 5:28:26 AM] ika: kk spock has quite an intresint offer, i told him to pm you regarding it
[7/23/2014 5:29:20 AM] yayap: in theory, it sounds good and fine.... but if I put it to the test of extremes... if everyone sold their alignment = game over
[7/23/2014 5:29:51 AM] yayap: so I'm trying to balance his offer
[7/23/2014 5:29:55 AM] ika: ah
[7/23/2014 5:52:46 AM] ika: im gonna be out most of the day so if anyone PMs me reagrding deals, i wont be around to do thm
[7/23/2014 5:52:56 AM] yayap: ok
[7/23/2014 5:53:05 AM] yayap: I'm just about to head to bed myself
[7/23/2014 5:53:17 AM] yayap: I was just going over PMs, questions and other stuff
[7/23/2014 5:53:30 AM] yayap: so far, the game is running rather smoothly
[7/23/2014 5:53:37 AM] ika: ah, can i change bounties in day or is that evenigns/night
[7/23/2014 5:53:46 AM] ika: i think its zany but fun
[7/23/2014 5:54:02 AM] yayap: only at night... since people will only be able to see the bounty board at night
[7/23/2014 5:54:09 AM] ika: ah
[7/23/2014 5:54:26 AM] yayap: perks of visiting 10 forward
[7/23/2014 5:54:48 AM] ika: oh so only the current 10 foward ppl know?
[7/23/2014 5:54:53 AM] yayap: correct
[7/23/2014 5:55:11 AM] yayap: however, they might (should) tell the day chat
[7/23/2014 5:55:26 AM] ika: should

FM Town of Salem
July 24th, 2014, 12:41 PM
[7/23/2014 6:06:05 AM] ika: oh sorry
[7/23/2014 6:06:32 AM] ika: i got an idea, i could announce the bounties in the day (or at least the ones i want people to know about ;))
[7/23/2014 6:06:58 AM] yayap: During the day... I want you on TOS
[7/23/2014 6:07:21 AM] yayap: the only thing the Ferengi account should be posting during the day is the alcohol prices
[7/23/2014 6:07:34 AM] ika: :(
[7/23/2014 6:07:40 AM] yayap: all other buisiness should be done at night
[7/23/2014 6:08:19 AM] ika: i do have an idea how to secrelt hint im fengi to a player (boma) i think i could use him as an ally.
[7/23/2014 6:09:15 AM] ika: scince TOS is basicly non-existance at evening/night. I might be able to trick players where i am for tongiht (aka with obma)
[7/23/2014 6:09:49 AM] ika: im jsut afraid ppl are going to just go "heres the list of ppl i was with" and then quickly fine i was not anywhere

FM Town of Salem
July 24th, 2014, 12:42 PM
yayap snikers
[7/23/2014 6:10:08 AM] ika: ?
[7/23/2014 6:10:14 AM] yayap: about half of the players didn't say where they were going
[7/23/2014 6:10:21 AM] yayap: so they are all in the living quarters
[7/23/2014 6:10:31 AM] ika: LOL
[7/23/2014 6:10:38 AM] ika: can TOS visit other areas?
[7/23/2014 6:10:50 AM] yayap: no... he is busy manning the bar
[7/23/2014 6:11:03 AM] yayap: same person, remember?
[7/23/2014 6:11:05 AM] ika: kk justwanted to make sure
[7/23/2014 6:11:33 AM] yayap: coordinating to find the ferengi that way sounds much easier than it is
[7/23/2014 6:11:46 AM] yayap: because.... people are illiterate
[7/23/2014 6:12:20 AM] ika: XD
[7/23/2014 6:12:44 AM] ika: ok gtg ill prob be back before night is over (hopefully
[7/23/2014 6:12:51 AM] yayap: later
[7/23/2014 6:19:07 AM] yayap: also... this (for when you return)
[7/23/2014 5:53:05 PM] ika: perfect timing
[7/23/2014 5:53:40 PM] ika: if someone invites me to a quarters or chat (GF/leader) can i go to it or am i still stuck in bar
[7/23/2014 5:54:01 PM] ika: i need to prepre my line of connections
[7/23/2014 5:54:01 PM] yayap: uhh... I would let you go
ika got plans
[7/23/2014 5:57:24 PM] ika: also spok has a deal, i made a minor change and had him to send it to you if its an ok deal
[7/23/2014 5:57:47 PM] yayap: yep- just sent him a pm
[7/23/2014 5:58:03 PM] yayap: advising him that information doesn't have a quantity
[7/23/2014 5:58:17 PM] yayap: thus more than one person can buy it
[7/23/2014 5:58:30 PM] ika: ya thats why i had a minor fix to it
[7/23/2014 5:58:37 PM] yayap: although I'm ok with him buying the information about who bought his
[7/23/2014 5:59:08 PM] ika: if you ok with ppl making other types of offers to buy it (ie sell me stuff/info with maybe some cash)
[7/23/2014 5:59:33 PM] ika: also can i set bounties to be just kill or just lynch only?
[7/23/2014 5:59:44 PM] ika: im gonna futher bug rex
[7/23/2014 5:59:45 PM] yayap: hmm... your choice
[7/23/2014 5:59:59 PM] ika: hehehe totaly gonna change bounty now
[7/23/2014 6:06:39 PM] ika: The plan is now in motion for me to set up the day mayhem.

Give out some of the bounties by Fengi, and others by the day account (maybe)

FM Town of Salem
July 26th, 2014, 08:42 PM
rex and bounties

[7/24/2014 7:40:10 PM] ika: rex is going to hunt me out.....
[7/24/2014 7:40:16 PM] ika: http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php/28095-Evening-1#post456685
[7/24/2014 7:41:22 PM] yayap: May I suggest that you be careful how much information to put up for sale?
If you put too much up, you might paint a target on your back from the mafia
[7/24/2014 7:41:34 PM] yayap: (no, I'm not suggesting that rex is mafia)
[7/24/2014 7:41:40 PM] ika: lol
[7/24/2014 7:42:22 PM] ika: i will think about it. but i like to play high-risk, high reward.
[7/24/2014 7:42:33 PM] ika: its no fun if i play it safe
[7/24/2014 7:43:38 PM] ika: also plz tell me your going to have an event or some wird thing where ppl can get money? (besides lynch,kill,trade)
[7/24/2014 7:43:55 PM] yayap: I'm considering it
[7/24/2014 7:44:23 PM] yayap: like I said, the merchant idea was the last thing I implemented
[7/24/2014 7:44:36 PM] yayap: and I didn't have a chance to fully balance it in
[7/24/2014 7:44:48 PM] ika: ik, its a neat thing though :)
[7/24/2014 7:45:16 PM] yayap: >.> who gets the money off of dead bodies..... >.>
[7/24/2014 7:45:20 PM] ika: im gonna troll rex so hard
[7/24/2014 7:45:41 PM] ika: ika gets ready to steal bodies
[7/24/2014 7:45:50 PM] ika: can i sell the dead bodies XD
[7/24/2014 7:45:58 PM] yayap: lol.. no
[7/24/2014 7:46:04 PM] ika: dang it
[7/24/2014 7:46:09 PM] yayap: I was thinking whoever deals the deathblow
[7/24/2014 7:47:14 PM] ika: true, i would say if its in 10foward i nab items or money
[7/24/2014 7:47:22 PM] ika: (flip coin)
[7/24/2014 7:48:51 PM] ika: if i can get a charge (via caption/gf) can i attack in day
[7/24/2014 7:49:06 PM] ika: for 1 damage
[7/24/2014 7:50:14 PM] yayap: I'll have to think about that... never thought of you getting those extra charges
[7/24/2014 7:50:31 PM] ika: omg troll idea: sell them at night
[7/24/2014 7:51:43 PM] yayap: Actually.... yeah! sell the charges!
[7/24/2014 7:51:45 PM] yayap: lol
[7/24/2014 7:51:59 PM] ika: now i wish i generated them
[7/24/2014 7:56:08 PM] ika: tbh if i die i wont be all that mad about losing stuff, i would love to see how the bounty show unfold afterwards
[7/24/2014 7:57:13 PM] yayap: The bountie would be indicated as: Those responsible for killing the Ferengi (x$) Lynch or kill
[7/24/2014 7:57:18 PM] yayap: I wouldn't name the people
[7/24/2014 7:57:32 PM] yayap: since there is a high chance that a mob of mafia kill you
[7/24/2014 7:58:23 PM] ika: meh, then i would see the olz happen

FM Town of Salem
July 26th, 2014, 08:42 PM

[7/25/2014 11:13:21 AM] yayap: poke
[7/25/2014 11:24:30 AM] yayap: poke again?
[7/25/2014 11:34:12 AM] ika: ?
[7/25/2014 11:34:24 AM] ika: poke back?
[7/25/2014 11:35:06 AM] yayap: I didn't get a reply from spock after my message yesterday, did he send any more PMs to you after the one I pmed you?
[7/25/2014 11:35:30 AM] yayap: (at least I think I PMed you my reply)
[7/25/2014 11:36:29 AM] ika: i fowarded you the last pm we had
[7/25/2014 11:36:42 AM] ika: i replied and then he hasnt (basiclt the dealis done)
[7/25/2014 11:37:57 AM] ika: can i bounty people for rep XD
[7/25/2014 11:38:10 AM] yayap: for rep?
[7/25/2014 11:38:15 AM] ika: reputation points
[7/25/2014 11:38:24 AM] yayap: >.>
[7/25/2014 11:38:36 AM] yayap: Reputation points are on?
[7/25/2014 11:38:40 AM] ika: no i mean after
[7/25/2014 11:39:12 AM] yayap: ?
[7/25/2014 11:39:19 AM] ika: post game using my main
[7/25/2014 11:39:41 AM] yayap: and what would stop you?
[7/25/2014 11:39:54 AM] ika: you not allowing it?
[7/25/2014 11:40:20 AM] yayap: how would someone claim the bounty and what would you have to offer?
[7/25/2014 11:40:44 AM] ika: i bounty them, if they fufil it post game i give them rep
[7/25/2014 11:41:00 AM] ika: i would like to see if anyone would actaly buy into it
[7/25/2014 11:41:19 AM] yayap: so essentially, make a thread about trading rep points?
[7/25/2014 11:41:50 AM] ika: no on the bounty board (where i pay out $) i can instead give rep for fufiling the bounty
[7/25/2014 11:42:08 AM] ika: but thats also a neat idea XP
[7/25/2014 11:42:14 AM] yayap: but but....
[7/25/2014 11:42:25 AM] yayap: if its post game, how would ppl kill?
[7/25/2014 11:42:34 AM] ika: post game i give the rep
[7/25/2014 11:42:45 AM] ika: i will have a chart of who i need to give rep after game
[7/25/2014 11:43:09 AM] yayap: AH! I think I understand
[7/25/2014 11:43:15 AM] ika: lol
[7/25/2014 11:43:34 AM] yayap: make bounty NOW and the payout being post game
[7/25/2014 11:43:41 AM] ika: YES!!!!
[7/25/2014 11:43:50 AM] yayap: thought you meant make bounty post game
[7/25/2014 11:43:58 AM] ika: if i could i would
[7/25/2014 11:44:08 AM] yayap: umm... no
[7/25/2014 11:44:17 AM] ika: awwwwwwwwwwwww
[7/25/2014 11:44:31 AM] ika: i was so gonna troll rex with 5 rep points for killing him
[7/25/2014 11:45:01 AM] yayap: lol... I think Rex will kill you first
[7/25/2014 11:45:25 AM] ika: im hoping he does tbh, then when bounty comes out they will know
[7/25/2014 11:47:22 AM] ika: check pm, hes gonna hate me SOOOOOOOO much
[7/25/2014 11:48:42 AM] yayap: Negative
[7/25/2014 11:48:47 AM] yayap: night is over
[7/25/2014 11:48:52 AM] ika: 0.o
[7/25/2014 11:49:10 AM] ika: moving all the chats around now?
[7/25/2014 11:49:19 AM] yayap: all chats are already closed
[7/25/2014 11:49:28 AM] yayap: they have been for the past 50mins
[7/25/2014 11:49:37 AM] ika: mine arent?
[7/25/2014 11:49:41 AM] yayap: yes they are
[7/25/2014 11:49:52 AM] ika: now it is
[7/25/2014 11:50:13 AM] yayap: I didn't do anything.... you must have just refreshed
[7/25/2014 11:50:22 AM] ika: one brown
one blue
one red

all 4 50 a peice
[7/25/2014 11:50:37 AM] ika: i know you will need that, im heading off to work soon
[7/25/2014 11:50:58 AM] yayap: ok, so just to confirm... you are sheriff action on Cpt Hindsight and Com Spock
[7/25/2014 11:51:45 AM] ika: cancle cpt hindsight

the bosco deal wont be able to go through in time
[7/25/2014 11:51:52 AM] ika: com spock im doing so we can do that deal
[7/25/2014 11:52:37 AM | Edited 11:52:46 AM] yayap: for future days, can you plz send your pm near the end of the night when you are done negociating?
[7/25/2014 11:52:41 AM] ika: kk
[7/25/2014 11:53:31 AM] ika: when i get home i will make announcemtn that all deal that want to be done by pm must be dont evening/nihgt

if they want to do a deal during day i can make them a thread to sort it out
[7/25/2014 11:53:37 AM] ika: unless if you want to
[7/25/2014 11:55:00 AM] yayap: Basically, I want you on TOS during the day.. the only thing they should be PMing you about during the day is a bid on alcohol which you don't need to see. Everything else should be done in plain view in the day thread
[7/25/2014 11:55:10 AM] ika: kk
[7/25/2014 11:55:25 AM] ika: im trying to organize it better so it doesnt become mass pms
[7/25/2014 11:55:51 AM] yayap: yea... I'll log onto the Ferengi account to read them all in a few minutes/hours
[7/25/2014 11:56:24 AM] ika: ya i forgot that one person was out fo bar and exstanged a few pms, after i caught it i told him that he has to wait for day
[7/25/2014 11:56:51 AM] yayap: yea, mr Bosco
[7/25/2014 11:57:04 AM] ika: and bastin
[7/25/2014 11:57:15 AM] ika: i thought he was in evening
[7/25/2014 11:57:54 AM] yayap: XD
The amount of names starting with "B" .. I know people will confuse them for the first few days
[7/25/2014 11:58:05 AM] ika: but his deal requires you majorly and i kept telling him to pm you about it
[7/25/2014 11:58:42 AM] ika: XD k gtg, im goona get ipod to get on tos
[7/25/2014 11:58:50 AM] yayap: k, later

FM Town of Salem
July 29th, 2014, 01:34 AM
[7/26/2014 10:46:07 PM] ika: i was wondering when you would be on.....
[7/26/2014 10:46:20 PM] ika: found caption already (or i bet i did)
[7/26/2014 10:46:34 PM] yayap: I can make captions too
[7/26/2014 10:46:45 PM] ika: the role caption
[7/26/2014 10:46:50 PM] ika: fuck grammer
[7/26/2014 10:46:56 PM] yayap: >.>
[7/26/2014 10:47:10 PM] ika: check lw,
[7/26/2014 10:48:16 PM] yayap: let me check all the other stuff flying at me first
[7/26/2014 10:48:28 PM] ika: mines i low priotrity
[7/26/2014 11:36:50 PM] ika: when i get the blackmaret item, can i price it as "pm me for info"
[7/26/2014 11:37:44 PM] yayap: yes
[7/26/2014 11:38:05 PM] yayap: I like how you said "when you will get it" instead of "if you get it"
[7/26/2014 11:38:05 PM] ika: (assuming i live long enough XD)
[7/26/2014 11:38:22 PM] ika: -.-

FM Town of Salem
July 29th, 2014, 01:34 AM
the borg...

[7/27/2014 1:36:52 AM] ika: if i live to day 3 im totaly gonna do fake sheriff claim like last fm
[7/27/2014 1:37:06 AM] ika: then calim detecive, then claim sheriff again
[7/27/2014 1:40:35 AM] ika: plz tell me you are still up. spock did the ultimale lolz
[7/27/2014 1:41:00 AM] yayap: >.>
[7/27/2014 1:41:03 AM] yayap: sorta
[7/27/2014 1:41:07 AM] yayap: haven't read yet
[7/27/2014 1:41:20 AM] ika: he claimed bastion is mechant
[7/27/2014 1:41:24 AM] ika: and i can confirm
[7/27/2014 2:13:44 AM] yayap: this is actually an interesting situation
[7/27/2014 2:13:46 AM] yayap: lol
[7/27/2014 2:14:12 AM] ika: im wondering how far spock is going to take this gambit
[7/27/2014 2:15:36 AM] ika: oh god, one of the troll names has arrived
[7/27/2014 2:15:54 AM] yayap: YAY!
[7/27/2014 2:19:31 AM] ika: btw is there still going to be that 4th race cult thing you had early on?
[7/27/2014 2:19:46 AM] yayap: >.>
[7/27/2014 2:19:50 AM] yayap: SHHHhhhhh
[7/27/2014 2:20:01 AM] yayap: yayap wipes your memory of such thing
[7/27/2014 2:20:25 AM] ika: the setup implies it though (caption/gf ability immune to conversions)
[7/27/2014 2:20:31 AM] yayap: >.>
[7/27/2014 2:20:33 AM] yayap: <.<
[7/27/2014 2:20:48 AM] yayap: it is one of the few hints in the setup
[7/27/2014 2:21:30 AM] ika: if i make it to the end of day 2, im using faragi to infuse paranoia and hints about that to the players
[7/27/2014 2:21:48 AM] yayap: yayap pulls out duck tape
[7/27/2014 2:22:03 AM] yayap: yayap threatens to silence you
[7/27/2014 2:22:34 AM] ika: ika offers alcohol

FM Town of Salem
July 29th, 2014, 01:34 AM
mass annon

[7/27/2014 2:23:38 AM] ika: know what you should do for an event, have a day where veryone is under one annon and they have to pm you via main to vote
[7/27/2014 2:24:00 AM] yayap: You do know that I did that in FM-X right?
[7/27/2014 2:24:12 AM] ika: slaol did it in his avatar m-fm
[7/27/2014 2:24:19 AM] ika: i want to see it again
[7/27/2014 2:24:32 AM] ika: its troll but hilarious
[7/27/2014 2:24:54 AM] ika: "everyones quarters is locked, you must use this voice communiactor toa nnounce"
[7/27/2014 2:29:07 AM] yayap: off to bed I go
[7/27/2014 2:29:15 AM] ika: night

FM Town of Salem
July 29th, 2014, 01:35 AM
[7/28/2014 5:32:14 PM] ika: oh scince officare as "masons" does that mean they are immune to converstions?
[7/28/2014 5:32:28 PM] ika: also hi
[7/28/2014 5:32:48 PM] yayap: yayap is answering questions in forums - I'll get to you soon
[7/28/2014 5:32:51 PM] ika: ah
[7/28/2014 5:35:16 PM] yayap: yayap reads your last will
[7/28/2014 5:35:20 PM] yayap: yayap frowns
[7/28/2014 5:35:29 PM] ika: dont want me to do so?
[7/28/2014 5:35:44 PM] yayap: I said say NOTHING about it
[7/28/2014 5:35:50 PM] ika: fine.........
[7/28/2014 5:35:58 PM] ika: use last will that doesnt have any info on it
[7/28/2014 5:36:29 PM] ika: ika updates it
[7/28/2014 5:37:19 PM] ika: better?
[7/28/2014 5:37:40 PM] ika: brb
[7/28/2014 5:37:53 PM] yayap: yes
[7/28/2014 5:38:08 PM] yayap: oh scince officare as "masons" does that mean they are immune to converstions?no it does not
[7/28/2014 5:39:59 PM] ika: can i use faragi to say it though?

i really want to plant seeds of paranioa
[7/28/2014 5:40:06 PM] yayap: NO
[7/28/2014 5:40:13 PM] yayap: No mention of Borg
[7/28/2014 5:40:14 PM] ika: no funnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
[7/28/2014 5:40:21 PM] yayap: you KNOW nothing about it
[7/28/2014 5:40:31 PM] ika: wait, can i be borgified?
[7/28/2014 5:40:35 PM] yayap: >.>
[7/28/2014 5:40:36 PM] yayap: <.<
[7/28/2014 5:40:37 PM] yayap: maybe
[7/28/2014 5:40:40 PM | Removed 5:40:44 PM] ika: This message has been removed.
[7/28/2014 5:40:46 PM] ika: jk
[7/28/2014 5:40:57 PM] ika: i know i can, my role says noting about be immune
[7/28/2014 5:41:21 PM] ika: has anyone else cought onto it yet?
[7/28/2014 5:41:31 PM] yayap: onto what?
[7/28/2014 5:41:40 PM] yayap: the conversion hint?
[7/28/2014 5:41:42 PM] ika: the borg or 3rd party existance
[7/28/2014 5:41:54 PM] yayap: donno.... I let out a hint in the day RP
[7/28/2014 7:24:22 PM] ika: so are you going to be using alpha times on when day ends and stuff?

FM Town of Salem
July 29th, 2014, 01:35 AM
[3:19:29 AM] ika: im very tempted to ask what 135 is in rp just to see if anyone gets the hint
[3:23:03 AM] ika: it also kills me that shadow is trying to break the game but in vain
[3:24:22 AM] ika: ika waits for le epic novel
[3:24:23 AM] yayap: considering that there is litterally no meta to base strategy off of in this type of game.. I'm not sure if his gambit was a good one or not.. In some ways, I do see some advantages but I'm not sure if it will pay off
[3:25:06 AM] ika: in paper its genius due to the fact that it basicly can set up a mass communication line
[3:25:22 AM] ika: its broken by the fact you have already put in a countermeasure to it
[3:25:35 AM] yayap: >.>
[3:25:37 AM] yayap: I did?
[3:25:40 AM] ika: borg
[3:25:53 AM] ika: the mooment they appear, all hells going to break lose
[3:26:42 AM] yayap: you have no clue what will happen, I redesigned them completely.. in full, they will not affect the game as much as you think
[3:27:06 AM] ika: oh?
[3:27:23 AM] yayap: win conditions for town and mafia remain unchanged
[3:27:35 AM] yayap: thus it is possible for them to ignore the borg
[3:27:53 AM] ika: so then the purpos of borg is for lolz?
[3:28:06 AM] yayap: no... you'll see when they appear
[3:28:10 AM] yayap: which should be soon
[3:28:19 AM] yayap: like... d3
[3:28:25 AM] yayap: or at the end of d2
[3:28:35 AM] yayap: haven't decided if I want to write them in yet
[3:29:09 AM] ika: im still amazed how the feragi thing went down
[3:29:20 AM] ika: im some magic spokesperon
[3:29:20 AM] yayap: I did not expect that at all
[3:29:40 AM] ika: i saw it and just laughed it off
[3:29:54 AM] ika: im like so expecting ppl to come at the bar tonight to me
[3:30:45 AM] ika: does apple know about borg?
[3:30:58 AM] yayap: yes
[3:32:17 AM] ika: huh i just noticed something...


you never filled this in
[3:33:05 AM] yayap: ah - that was the week I dropped everything and drove to NS for my grandfather
[3:33:18 AM] ika: ah

FM Town of Salem
August 4th, 2014, 05:24 PM
while yap was out:

[8/1/2014 4:54:24 PM] ika: whats this side bet with clem that you made?

i know she is red is mafia due to the fact i gave her that quote
[8/1/2014 5:19:33 PM] AppleyNO: You are in the game, I will say nothing
[8/1/2014 5:19:46 PM] ika: no fun
[8/1/2014 5:20:03 PM] AppleyNO: :P
[8/1/2014 8:10:00 PM] AppleyNO: Hey ika, FM Town of Salem can visit night locations, like the bar, right?
[8/1/2014 8:10:17 PM] ika: why do you ask?
[8/1/2014 8:11:10 PM] ika: if someone is asking about ferargi, it would be best to not answer it
[8/1/2014 8:11:38 PM] ika: wehn in doubt state "i can not answer that"
[8/1/2014 8:13:31 PM] ika: check fmgm messages again
[8/1/2014 9:11:03 PM] AppleyNO: You should still answer my question plox
[8/1/2014 9:11:04 PM] AppleyNO: xD
[8/1/2014 9:11:26 PM] ika: im doing it on how yap would answer a player with it (or msot likely would)
[8/1/2014 9:18:16 PM] AppleyNO: kk
[8/1/2014 9:18:25 PM] AppleyNO: ty Ika
[8/1/2014 9:18:33 PM] ika: np
[8/1/2014 9:19:14 PM] ika: im just wondering how you conivnced clem to play again
[8/1/2014 10:04:48 PM] ika: does mathbalde know who is who or is she unknown just like everyone else?
[8/1/2014 10:05:11 PM] ika: shes obviously an observer but was wondering how much info she does know
[8/1/2014 10:06:09 PM] AppleyNO: We didn't tell her anything
[8/1/2014 10:06:38 PM] ika: hehe, intresting.

can you post her a message if i give you one?
[8/1/2014 10:06:57 PM] AppleyNO: I would rather that go through Yayap
[8/1/2014 10:07:05 PM] AppleyNO: :P
[8/1/2014 10:07:34 PM] ika: kk
[8/1/2014 10:07:47 PM] ika: btw you should sign up for crypts lottery game
[8/1/2014 10:08:00 PM] ika: we need 2 ppl
[8/1/2014 10:30:48 PM] ika: plz tell me hes making that up....
[8/1/2014 10:33:06 PM] ika: check day thread on spock......
[8/1/2014 10:36:34 PM] ika: if spock is trying to ask question to ciruilate on hunting me out you should stop answering and answer with "I cant answer that" or "maybe" hes trying to modquestion you to find me
[8/1/2014 10:37:09 PM] ika: i can see this one wildass gambit as well from shadow but just something i noticed

FM Town of Salem
August 4th, 2014, 05:26 PM
yayap return:

[7:07:56 PM] ika: welcome back
[7:08:03 PM] yayap: -.-
[7:08:07 PM] ika: ?
[7:08:22 PM] yayap: I see all hell broke loose while I was away
[7:08:26 PM] ika: yes
[7:08:36 PM] ika: apple inadvertly gave out answer to sshrink on finding me
[7:08:43 PM] ika: and i told him to not answer it
[7:08:53 PM] yayap: to sshrink?
[7:09:08 PM] ika: basicly ppl are modquestioning him to hunt me
[7:09:26 PM] yayap: I swear this town is as stupid as ever
[7:09:39 PM] ika: its sad i prob have the entire scum team pegged too
[7:09:39 PM] yayap: hunting the ferengi and hunting the borg has 0 impact on the game
[7:09:56 PM] yayap: win condition = kill MAFIA
[7:10:02 PM] yayap: not ferengi, not borg
[7:10:03 PM] ika: im still trying to figure how you convinced clem to join
[7:10:09 PM] yayap: >.>
[7:10:10 PM] yayap: <.<
[7:10:21 PM] ika: she revealed her com by a quote that i know of
[7:10:34 PM] yayap: I know...
[7:11:04 PM] yayap: I had a so so weekend
[7:11:35 PM] yayap: my team finished 3rd in the finals, but 2 of my good friends were sent to the hospital, one of which is still there
[7:11:56 PM] ika: omg are they seriuosly hurt or will they be ok?
[7:12:01 PM] yayap: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=689792147764028
[7:12:12 PM] yayap: he got 3 broken ribs and 2 broken toes
[7:12:23 PM] yayap: he is lucky to be alive after that accident
[7:12:46 PM] ika: omg.........
[7:13:23 PM] ika: is he going to be ok?
[7:20:15 PM] yayap: should be... but he is sore
[7:20:33 PM] yayap: my other friend has a compressed spine
[7:21:22 PM] ika: how is he doing?
[7:22:12 PM] yayap: he is out of the hospital, but will have a bad back for awhile
[7:22:47 PM] ika: thats good to know
[7:24:24 PM] yayap: not fun watching them being carried off the rescue boat with them making a b-line for the ambulance
[7:24:51 PM] ika: i dont blame you that it wouldnt be fun.
[7:25:01 PM] ika: ANYWAY lets move on to something more fun
[7:25:13 PM] ika: like how im probally going to lead this town to victory as neutral
[7:25:58 PM] ika: also question: if i give you a message to send to mathblade would yu post it?

August 6th, 2014, 02:49 AM
Lol, Yayap already gave the answer to Spock in his chat. :P Perhaps Town of Salem needs to WIFOM better?

FM Town of Salem
August 8th, 2014, 05:39 PM
the deal:

[8/6/2014 8:12:27 PM] AppleyNO: How about this... Probe the market and see if anyone would buy the information we're offering. Then we'll talk about price :P
[8/6/2014 8:12:45 PM] ika: im 99% sure its you makng the offer
[8/6/2014 8:12:52 PM] ika: yap isnt online atm
[8/6/2014 8:13:19 PM] AppleyNO: [Wednesday, August 06, 2014 6:08 PM] yayap:

<<< we could sell the hosts prediction of who will win
[8/6/2014 8:13:42 PM] ika: lol
[8/6/2014 8:13:48 PM] ika: ok one sec
[8/6/2014 8:20:58 PM] ika: hey can you send clem this message:

rule 62: The riskier the road, the greater the profit.
[8/6/2014 8:21:24 PM] ika: she wanted to know why i did this (from day 3) so i will give her this
[8/6/2014 8:22:00 PM] AppleyNO: If clem is playing xD
[8/6/2014 8:22:06 PM] ika: she is red is mafia
[8/6/2014 8:22:14 PM] AppleyNO: red is mafia is dead
[8/6/2014 8:22:24 PM] ika: yes thats why i want you to send that to her
[8/6/2014 8:22:48 PM] ika: you confirmed it when i asked about the bet
[8/6/2014 8:23:09 PM] AppleyNO: The bet? *Scrolls up*
[8/6/2014 8:23:40 PM] ika: [8/1/2014 4:54:24 PM] ika: whats this side bet with clem that you made?

i know she is red is mafia due to the fact i gave her that quote
[8/1/2014 5:19:33 PM] AppleyNO: You are in the game, I will say nothing

basicly confirmes her
[8/6/2014 8:23:52 PM] AppleyNO: :P
[8/6/2014 8:23:57 PM] AppleyNO: Sure
[8/6/2014 8:24:05 PM] ika: you is smart, you is kind, you is impotrant
[8/6/2014 8:24:18 PM] ika: that is a quote only me and clem know of from the fourms
[8/6/2014 8:25:18 PM] ika: if its not clem i will be legitamently surprised
[8/6/2014 8:28:05 PM] AppleyNO: [Wednesday, August 06, 2014 8:27 PM] yayap:

<<< nope, no communications between playersT.T
[8/6/2014 8:28:24 PM] ika: maaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnn
[8/6/2014 8:28:41 PM] AppleyNO: :D
[8/6/2014 8:28:51 PM] ika: oh well i can have a fun post game then
[8/6/2014 9:05:08 PM] ika: http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php/28285-Those-in-the-bar-tonight?p=459263#post459263
[8/6/2014 9:05:11 PM] ika: answer plz
[8/6/2014 9:34:54 PM] AppleyNO: $100 Information about Role #11 N/A
[8/6/2014 9:34:55 PM] AppleyNO: What
[8/6/2014 9:35:09 PM] ika: ?
[8/6/2014 9:35:10 PM] AppleyNO: You offered that as part of the bounty on red is mafia
[8/6/2014 9:35:17 PM] ika: ys so?
[8/6/2014 9:35:17 PM] AppleyNO: Why is that for sale?
[8/6/2014 9:38:21 PM] ika: why not?
[8/6/2014 9:38:31 PM] AppleyNO: Almost everyone got that
[8/6/2014 9:38:36 PM] ika: ok....
[8/6/2014 9:39:44 PM] AppleyNO: Meh
[8/6/2014 9:39:49 PM] AppleyNO: I just think its weird

FM Town of Salem
August 8th, 2014, 05:39 PM
trying to screw yap?

[8/6/2014 10:17:46 AM] ika: yap it was if he was killed they get 25
[8/6/2014 10:18:11 AM] ika: nvm
[8/6/2014 5:37:14 PM] yayap: yayap watches Ferengi try to screw over FMGM...... I have the pm to prove that its 25 for lynch! bwahahaha
[8/6/2014 5:37:28 PM] ika: no i saw it
[8/6/2014 5:37:36 PM] ika: i thought it was kill
[8/6/2014 5:37:38 PM] ika: meh

FM Town of Salem
August 8th, 2014, 05:40 PM
the anti-seuim

[1:44:40 PM] yayap: can you tell that the hosts are not in a good mood?
[1:44:55 PM] ika: i can tell
[1:45:19 PM] ika: but that is what comes with hosting, stress
[1:45:55 PM] yayap: well... now I'm enforcing mechanics...... I even highlighted the instructions to pm me in yellow
[1:46:11 PM] ika: the problem is that its at the bottom where ppl dont read
[1:46:19 PM] yayap: [1:45 PM] ika:

<<< ppl dont read
[1:46:38 PM] ika: can you blame them for it though?
[1:46:42 PM] yayap: yes
[1:46:54 PM] ika: ....
[1:47:20 PM] ika: well you are host so cant really argue
[1:48:05 PM] yayap: btw, you have a new item in your shop for day sales
[1:48:36 PM] yayap: anti-Borg serum (protects for the following evening and night)
[1:49:00 PM] ika: how many do i have atm?
[1:49:11 PM] yayap: 10
[1:49:23 PM] ika: hmmm
[1:50:57 PM] ika: mark it for 75

most ppl have yet to actuly buy anythign so im pretty sure they still have their default 100
[1:55:49 PM] yayap: I'm not accepting the others PMs
[1:55:58 PM] ika: -.-
[1:56:50 PM] yayap: yours was just the rng number.. they failed completely
[1:57:04 PM] ika: ?
[1:57:25 PM] ika: you mean other ppl doign actions?
[1:57:29 PM] yayap: yea
[1:57:40 PM] yayap: aka, bosco and bryan not PMing me for deals
[1:57:40 PM] ika: did i just wate my time witht hat?
[1:57:57 PM] yayap: yes
[1:58:00 PM] ika: bosoc just sent the deal but your not accepting
[1:58:04 PM] yayap: correct
[1:58:09 PM] ika: byran prob too late
[1:58:17 PM] ika: ..........
[3:50:06 PM] ika: yap can i set that the firs anti-borg is 75
the next 7 of them are 100
and the last 2 are by bid? (pending if i apporve price they bid on)

i want to try to rip ppl off by doing this
[3:50:42 PM] yayap: Set a price and people bid on them
[3:51:08 PM] ika: man, i wanted to manipulate prices to say all 3 75s are taken
[3:51:14 PM] ika: the first
[3:52:00 PM] yayap: minimum price shall not change during the phase... however, people can bid higher
[3:52:39 PM] ika: keep it at 75, im just going to randomly say that ppl are bidding hihger later to see
[3:52:57 PM] ika: see if i can repeat day 1 ripoff of alc
[4:02:20 PM] ika: well first question form boso: what does the syrum do......
[4:02:33 PM] ika: btw is it auto activate or must they tell you?
[4:02:52 PM] yayap: auto activate, and you get to tell him what it does
[4:03:51 PM] ika: do it auto active for me to as long as i have one?
[4:04:22 PM] yayap: Ferengi is immune to Borg = thats how you made the serum
[4:04:48 PM] ika: oh, well when i saked earlier if im immune you left it vauge....
[4:06:08 PM] yayap: >.>
[4:06:13 PM] yayap: yayap goes to check

FM Town of Salem
August 8th, 2014, 05:41 PM
more borg:

[4:07:13 PM] ika: [7/28/2014 5:40:31 PM] ika: wait, can i be borgified?
[7/28/2014 5:40:35 PM] yayap: >.>
[7/28/2014 5:40:36 PM] yayap: <.<
[7/28/2014 5:40:37 PM] yayap: maybe
[4:09:52 PM] yayap: >.>
[4:10:04 PM] yayap: Bosco looking to buy alcohol below minimum price
[4:10:34 PM] ika: yes bcause we were doing that deal from before but you didnt do his deal
[4:11:01 PM] ika: and you didnt liek his kittens
[4:11:08 PM] yayap: you are not very good at screwing people over
[4:11:21 PM] ika: its dangours when he knows my day acocunt
[4:11:24 PM] yayap: funny thing... hosts are doing a better job
[4:11:59 PM] ika: how?
[4:12:11 PM] yayap: lol... you'll see when the game ends
[4:12:20 PM] yayap: and you will laugh
[4:12:34 PM] ika: ....
[4:12:46 PM] ika: host have all info so its unfair advantage
[4:13:18 PM] yayap: yes... but your profits aren't growing very much
[4:13:30 PM] yayap: you made a net negative 44$ last night
[4:13:45 PM] ika: well before you woulnd do the action
[4:13:51 PM] ika: and then you did it jsut to screw me
[4:14:13 PM] yayap: I told you that you couldn't do deals with people outside the bar
[4:14:25 PM] ika: the spock deal was a continuous one
[4:14:46 PM] yayap: and he needs to be in the bar every time he pays/gets the info
[4:14:54 PM] ika: ...
[4:15:59 PM] yayap: funny thing = you've lost money with the stupid spock deal
[4:16:20 PM] ika: -.-
[4:16:39 PM] ika: as long as i make more money then i statred with i have fufiled my wincon
[4:17:04 PM] yayap: only because you went money tree havesting..... not because of your sales
[4:17:30 PM] yayap: not to mention Bosco dumping his cash on you
[4:17:35 PM] yayap: for no reason
[4:17:41 PM] ika: [4:16 PM] ika:

<<< i have fufiled my wincondoesnt matter how i do it imo
[4:17:53 PM] ika: im enjoying screwing around with ppl alone
[4:18:15 PM] yayap: I guess you better hope that you don't die
[4:18:25 PM] ika: even if i die, i wouldnt be mad
[4:18:35 PM] ika: the point of games is to have fun no?
[4:19:07 PM] ika: i feel at time ppl who become so into winning the game they forget to have fun
[4:19:18 PM] yayap: Bosco doesn't even have enough money to buy anything... including the alcohol
[4:19:41 PM] ika: did he get 50 from lynch on red is maf?
[4:19:59 PM] ika: captions power ppl get double payout
[4:20:17 PM] ika: 25 from me and 25 from you
[4:20:24 PM] yayap: scum =/= borg
[4:20:38 PM] ika: isnt borg a tecniacl scum thgouh?
[4:20:47 PM] yayap: no, its neutral.... like a survivor
[4:20:54 PM] yayap: = to Ferengi
[4:21:05 PM] yayap: lynching you does not grant double bounty
[4:21:10 PM] ika: ah
[4:21:51 PM] yayap: so even at 35$, he can't buy the alcohol
[4:22:02 PM] ika: ........
[4:22:38 PM] ika: you like making my job difcult dont you
[4:22:52 PM] yayap: no... I like making his job difficult
[4:23:00 PM] yayap: he GAVE you his money... take it and RUN!
[4:23:09 PM] yayap: find a new customer
[4:23:15 PM] yayap: one that has money
[4:23:32 PM] ika: well here my delema then: HE KNOWS IM TOS
[4:23:40 PM] yayap: and?
[4:23:49 PM] ika: so he can easily attack/out me?
[4:24:00 PM] yayap: -.-
[4:24:17 PM] yayap: I'm surprised you haven't realized that almost EVERYONE knows you are TOS
[4:24:41 PM] ika: im 99% sue scums know me

i havent figured everyone
[4:25:24 PM] yayap: the big ferengi claiming day 3
[4:25:40 PM] ika: i brushed it off
[4:25:50 PM] ika: day 2 everyone pegged me but says nothing
[4:25:52 PM] yayap: yea... and anyone taking notes knew from day 2
[4:26:36 PM] ika: prob, but FMPOV, nobody seems to care enough
[4:27:08 PM] ika: only person who seems to care is spock, everyone else is meh with me
[4:28:13 PM] ika: im also wonderign why nobody has figured how broken this game can be by abusing charge/attacks
[4:28:31 PM] ika: this entire game could be over if eveyon just went out attacking like balistics
[4:28:41 PM] yayap: yup
[4:29:09 PM] ika: day 3 they kinda started to get an idea on how to abuse
[4:29:22 PM] yayap: no... just PoD
[4:29:35 PM] yayap: which reminds me... I need to write RP
[4:29:44 PM] ika: anyonne die?
[4:29:50 PM] yayap: yes
[4:29:55 PM] ika: bout damn time
[4:30:01 PM] yayap: no kidding!
[4:30:39 PM] ika: i like obama and his bidding
[4:30:55 PM] yayap: ?
[4:31:05 PM] ika: 80 on syrum
90 on red alc
[4:55:42 PM] yayap: yayap posts day
[4:55:49 PM] yayap: yayap got tired of waiting
[4:58:05 PM] yayap: lol... you not gonna tell them its only for 1 evening/night ?
[5:18:56 PM] ika: ?
[5:19:08 PM] yayap: the serum
[5:19:23 PM] ika: well i didnt knwo that untill now
[5:19:34 PM] yayap: [1:48 PM] yayap:

<<< anti-Borg serum (protects for the following evening and night)
[5:19:40 PM] ika: -.-
[5:19:57 PM] ika: they asked what it does
[5:20:06 PM] ika: they never asked how long
[7:31:06 PM] ika: new idea: fake ingorance that evenyone knows it me. see how long i can keep it up