View Full Version : Arsonist not dousing roleblocker

February 15th, 2014, 02:01 AM
The title almost says it all. A arsonist does not douse a Jailor after getting jailed while the Arsonist douses Role blocker setting in turned On. A Jailor is a role blocker as said in the description, so he should get doused after jailing a Arsonist.

Intentional or not? While arsonist already got a nice buff and I don't like seeing him buffed more, I do feel like he should douse the Jailor afterwards.


February 15th, 2014, 03:29 AM
Pretty sure this is intended, jailor is a complete role blocker - Nothing can get past his roleblock.

February 15th, 2014, 05:01 AM
I suspect this is intended, because if you let someone out of jail, and it gave you a notice that you were doused (assuming targets know they're doused is on), this would generally be pretty solid evidence that you just jailed the Arsonist, which significantly negates the usefulness of talking your way out of jail.

The Serial Killer(the other role which has...special...interactions with roleblockers) just kills you outright; it's not much use that you have the info now, unless you leave a last will.

February 15th, 2014, 07:22 AM
That makes no sense cause it could be a coincidence that you get doused. That's the same that if you jail some one night 1 and no triad/mafia kills happen. That does not automatically mean that you jailed a Dragon Head/Godfather. Same goes a a Serial killer. Suppose you get healed after jailing a jail breaking Serial Killer. You should not necessary assume you jailed a Serial Killer. Reason why, the only way you get notified you died by a Serial Killer is if you actually die. If you get saved, you only get a message that you were brutally attacked but was saved by a stranger.

The arsonist was buffed to douse role blockers to be able to actually have more KPN. Giving it more chance to actually win the game. The option does not make sense if it treats the Serial Killer differently then a Arsonist. A role blocker is a role blocker.

February 15th, 2014, 09:50 AM
The arsonist was buffed to douse role blockers to be able to actually have more KPN. Giving it more chance to actually win the game. The option does not make sense if it treats the Serial Killer differently then a Arsonist. A role blocker is a role blocker.

I wouldn't have said it's a buff exactly; You don't double douse in one night if you get blocked, and if they keep blocking you then you just continue dousing them lol.

February 15th, 2014, 12:26 PM
Of course it's a buff. You will even get to know the identity of the escort/consort/liaison without them getting suspicious usually (depends on the settings). It gives you more than just a lousy dousing, it gives you various roles to fake (det, sheriff, inves) and town credibility, and that's the most powerful tool.

Why wouldn't you like to see the arso buffed, cattack? He's in a pairing with SK and even with additional buffs Arso won't come close to SK.

Regarding the topic, to me it seems to be a bug.

February 15th, 2014, 12:49 PM
Of course it's a buff. You will even get to know the identity of the escort/consort/liaison without them getting suspicious usually (depends on the settings). It gives you more than just a lousy dousing, it gives you various roles to fake (det, sheriff, inves) and town credibility, and that's the most powerful tool.

Why wouldn't you like to see the arso buffed, cattack? He's in a pairing with SK and even with additional buffs Arso won't come close to SK.

Regarding the topic, to me it seems to be a bug.

I've had this happen to me, where I doused 3 different people as arso and escort RB'd me 3 nights in a row at which point they realised I was the arso. I'm not saying it's a nerf, it's more of a situational buff.

February 15th, 2014, 02:48 PM
Unintended. It's supposed to douse.

Will be fixed in the next patch.

February 15th, 2014, 04:40 PM
Awesome, thanks.

Also, I's not like I want the Jailor to get doused but to me it seems only fair that he should.