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FM Ferengi
December 26th, 2013, 04:40 AM

Day VI: No Surrender

The 6th day of conflict started early.. before sunrise.

An ambulance was called early to an alley down the back of ascension parish... FM Chandra Naalar was found by a passerby convulsing in an alley looking as though they were recently shocked. The stranger noted they thought they saw someone darting around the corner as they approached.

Chandra was dead before the Ambulance arrived.

Chandra was found bearing a religious cross and a letter sealed with the crest of the church... The priest's last writings:

-write last will

Hi town,

Don't have much time to write, since it's Christmas and all. There is one confirmed priest besides me; he can claim with proof when he needs to. Tonight we're trying to recruit FM Meshuvel: he should claim whether or not the recruiting was successful. (If he lies, the current priest can counterclaim him today or at a later point.)

Masrath has my vote for town leader you should actually follow. Please don't let Elspeth slip out of focus again. Nothing he has done seems pro-town to me, and the coroner feedback he claimed would be easy to fake. If better options don't come forward today, Marshal, please use your second lynch to kill Elspeth.

The investigators couldn't stay at this scene long however as they were called to a warehouse near the dock 9 of New Marais' port.

They found FM Parcher bound to a chair; already dead; but looking as though he suffered for hours before finally dying. Parcher's belongings were in a sachel by the wall; whoever had captured him had already gone through it and obviously found nothing of use. What remained was a bunch of first aid supplies and a phone. The belongings of a medic

Going through Parchers messages they found a message that was sent last night to an unknown number; the final message Parcher sent to someone was:

N1 Triage Ugin, Antivial Dack Fayden (this nigga is not cult for sure, no matter what I said about him Day 2)


N2 Heal Tibalt
N3 Triage Ashiok, Antivial Nicol Bolas
N4 Triage Ravi Sengir, Antivial Sifa Grent
N5 Jailed and executed LULS

You know whats funny?
I believe you are a medic.

But considering the state of things you serve us better dead.

Thinking of splitting both my abilities so a Detective can confirm my role.
Didn't heal our Sheriff because I thought he was gonna be roleblocked ad infinitum. am too wifom
Also wouldn't be surprised if 1 of the cleaned roles was a scum role.

Vraska had many people calling him Town from being active yet he met his end. His death will make scum recoil a little bit, especially Cole's Conduits. Look for decrease in activity (such as mine on Day 4).

Lynch/Pressure: FM Ugin, FM Sandruu

Finally, they were all blown off their feet by a massive energy explosion. Windows everywhere were shattered as Koth's house was leveled under unimaginable force. Strangely as the pieces of debris and body flew through the air, they were snap frozen by a hooded individual who escaped into the sewers.

Militia teams are still attempting to thaw the ice to see what actually occured.

The militia sent a team into the sewers to attempt to find the hooded individual but only found a note:


An ethereal voice also boomed across the icicle that once was Koth's home... It spoke:

So As YoU nOtIcEd I kIlLeD pArChEr aNd KoTh yEt BoTh wErE nOt LiStEd tHiS iS bEcAuSe EvErYoNeS ReAsOnInG wAs MeDiOcRe At BeSt So InStEaD i WiLl Do It ToMoRrOw bUt tOdAy wE aRe GoInG tO pLaY tHe

Lynch Cole MacGrath Game

ToDaY yOu ArE tO lYnCh FM Ashiok bEtTeR kNoWn As Cole MacGrath

NoW hOw Do I kNoW tHiS yOu MaY aSk aNd If I tOlD yOu It MiGhT ReVeAl WhO i Am So InStEaD i WiLl KeEp It BrIeF

It Is BaSeD oFf HiS iNtErAcTiOnS wItH LuCy KuO kNoWn As VrAsKa aNd hIs PoStS aBoUt cOlE aNd tHe CoNdUiTs

yOu MaY SpEnd tHe EnTiRe DaY DiScUsSiNg WhAtEvEr YoU LiKe AlL ThAt Is ImPoRtAnT iS tHaT fM AsHiOk Is lYnChEd

If JoSePh BeRtRaNd Is SoMeHoW aLiVe YoU ArE tO lYnCh FM Xenagos aS sEcOnDaRy iF EiThEr TaRgEt LiStEd tHaT i KiLlEd ArE aLiVe ThEy ArE tO bE lYnChEd SeCoNd

FaIlUrE tO dO sO wIlL rEsUlT iN mOrE tOwN dEaTh

AgAiN yOu MaY dO tHe -kill target

To Fm dOmri Rade aNd Fm KaRn If EiThEr oF yOu FiNd AnYtHiNg AnNoUnCe It AnD I wIlL TaKe CaRe Of It I nEeD tO kEeP AlL faCtIoNs In ChEcK sO lYnChInG tHeM wIlL oNlY hUrT yOu mOrE

CoLe KiLl ThE InVeStIgAtOr
VeRmAaK kIdNaP FM DoMrI RAdE aNd KiLl aNd ClEaN tHe CoRnEr
ToWn If YoU wAnT a ChAnCe At WiNnInG fOlLoW mY iNsTrUcTiOnS wE mAy nOt Be SaMe SiDeD bUt ThIs Is MoSt AdVaNtAgEoUs fOr Me AnD yOu

With the town literally falling to pieces under the combined assault of the conduits and The Beast; Bertrand took to the stage again to reaffirm everyone's belief in him.

His speech in brief:

No Prisoners

No Surrender.

Role List:

Cole MacGrath [MacGrath]
Zeke Dunbar [MacGrath]
Nix [MacGrath]

Conduit [Vermaak 88]
Conduit [Vermaak 88]
Conduit [Vermaak 88]

The Prime Beast
Random Killing Conduit
Random Conduit

Joseph Bertrand
Random Power Militia
Random Power Militia
Random Power Militia
Militia Member
Militia Member
Militia Member
Militia Member
Militia Member

There are 4 more roles in the list than players due to 4 roles being cleaned


FM Tamiyo(???)[Night I]: Corpse was too burned to make any form of identification. House trashed. [Conduit]
FM Gideon Jura(Bus Driver)[Night I]: Frozen from the waist down and broken into pieces with a hammer. Shot twice in the chest. Bled to death. [Conduit]
FM Glissa Sunseeker(Sasha (Reaper Leader))[Day 2]: Shot in the leg then burnt at the stake, melting into a non descript tar substance.
FM Jace Beleren (Priest)[Night II]: Single bullet wound to the head. Died instantly. [Extremist]
FM Venser (???)[Night II]: Electrocuted then melted to a pool of human components. [Conduit]
FM Ajani Goldmane(Delsin Rowe)[Day III]: Killed by a Firing Squad. [Lynch]
FM Nissa Revane (???)[Night III]: Vanished without a trace [Conduit]
FM Garruk Wildspeaker(Militia Member)[Night III]: Beaten to a pulp with a blunt object then electrocuted [Conduit]
FM Vraska(Lucy Kuo [MacGrath])[Day IV]: Blown up by Rigged c4 [Lynch]
Town House Door(Door)[Day IV]: Blown up by Rigged c4 [Storyline]
FM Jaya Ballard(Militia Member)[Day IV]: Blown up by Rigged c4 [Modkill]
FM Tibalt(Stripper)[Night IV]: Frozen to a wall, and blasted with multiple shotgun rounds [Conduit]
FM Lilianna Vess(Militia Member)[Night IV]: Incinerated by The Beast Defending Cole MacGrath [Beast]
FM Dack Fayden(Extremist)[Night IV]: Utterly Vaporized attempting to Kill the Beast with Conventional Weapons [Beast]
FM Sorin Markov(Medic)[Day V]: Hung at the neck until dead by Joseph Bertrand [Lynch]
FM Baltrice(Willbender)[Day V]: Hung at the neck until dead by Joseph Bertrand [Lynch]
FM Parcher(Medic)[Night V]: Found dead in a warehouse, after what looks like extended interrogation. [Execution]
FM Chandra Naalar(Priest)[Night V]: Found convulsing in an alleyway; died from internal wounds before medical help arrived. [Conduit]
FM Koth(???)[Night V]: His entire house was blown up by a massive energy explosion and then the fragments were frozen, Militia operatives are still trying to thaw the ice to get to the pieces of destruction. [Conduit][Beast]

Death Descriptions Added to Reduce Ambiguity. [Conduit] Can refer to Either Mafia Team

Day will end at the following time: Day Ends (http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=Saturday+December+28+2013%2C+11pm+Brisbane++Aus tralia)


December 26th, 2013, 06:26 AM
FM Teferi was replaced last night.

I hope you guys had an awesome Christmas ^_^.

FM Sifa Grent
December 26th, 2013, 06:35 AM
Hmm, apparently I am the first to post here today.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 06:38 AM
Im alive and Im perfectly fine with lynching Ashiok period

FM Ashiok

FM Sifa Grent
December 26th, 2013, 06:39 AM
I actually did not believe that Chandra was a priest until she actually died. The fact that Parcher was a second Medic was also, hmm, quite surpising to me.

Who else is still alive right now, hmm? Joseph Bertrand and two Sheriffs, right? I think today is the day when well chop some conduits today, hmm? Go for it!

FM Sifa Grent
December 26th, 2013, 06:41 AM
Im alive and Im perfectly fine with lynching Ashiok period

FM Ashiok

Hmm, who gave you a right to boss us around? There is a greater authority in town right now, isn't it, hmm? Tezzeret, Domri and Koth are still alive, so we should expect some really good feedback from then. And from Masrath too as well, hmm.

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 06:41 AM
Why not ask Ashiok what his defense is before you lynch his ass? The beast is not the town but his own faction and is working towards his own goal. He does not have our best interests in mind.

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 06:42 AM
Hmm, who gave you a right to boss us around? There is a greater authority in town right now, isn't it, hmm? Tezzeret, Domri and Koth are still alive, so we should expect some really good feedback from then. And from Masrath too as well, hmm.

Koth is dead.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 06:42 AM
FM Koth(???)[Night V]: His entire house was blown up by a massive energy explosion and then the fragments were frozen, Militia operatives are still trying to thaw the ice to get to the pieces of destruction. [Conduit][Beast]

Oh rly question mark

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 06:43 AM
And I wont follow Domri or Tezzeret because they arent good scumhunters period I might follow Masrath though

FM Sifa Grent
December 26th, 2013, 06:44 AM
Hmm, I derped again. I meant Karn, not Koth.

Also, I initually thought that Chandra Nalaar was a revolutionary. This might be, hmm, the reason why they killed her as well.

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 06:45 AM
And I wont follow Domri or Tezzeret because they arent good scumhunters period I might follow Masrath though

You haven't really followed either of us up until this point. Why should you change your behavior now? I asked you why lynch someone based on the death note of someone who wants everyone dead?

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 06:48 AM
Because one colon Ashiok has been trying to lynch me with no reasons as you do
two colon he has run out of roles to claim as other than citizen
three colon the beast wants Cole dead just as much as town does comma win dash win

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 06:50 AM
Because one colon Ashiok has been trying to lynch me with no reasons as you do
two colon he has run out of roles to claim as other than citizen
three colon the beast wants Cole dead just as much as town does comma win dash win

All are reasons, yes. But they aren't the right reasons to lynch Ashiok. For instance, Meshuval may not have been recruited by the masons. What then?

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 06:50 AM
On a side note colon should Mayor use the double lynch again today since he will most likely be dead tomorrow question mark

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 06:51 AM
All are reasons, yes. But they aren't the right reasons to lynch Ashiok. For instance, Meshuval may not have been recruited by the masons. What then?

Then double lynch question mark

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 06:53 AM
Then double lynch question mark

Why give into some terrorists demands? You aren't exactly on the chopping block right now. Outed power roles are on the chopping block. They may have other ideas but I don't want to blindly follow someone who doesn't not share my win condition.

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 06:55 AM
Why give into some terrorists demands? You aren't exactly on the chopping block right now. Outed power roles are on the chopping block. They may have other ideas but I don't want to blindly follow someone who doesn't not share my win condition.

Who does not share my win condition*

FM Sifa Grent
December 26th, 2013, 07:01 AM
Hmm, it seems there are only 10 of us left alive. Or 11, because we don't know Venser's role yet. I believe that Elspeth is our, hmm, coroner. So we are still in pinch even if we have 2 lynches today - they can use up to 4 kills per night! Isn't that scary, hmm?

We might probably drop that KPN back to 2 if we, hmm, can find and kill the Beast (which I believe is Sandruu). Oh, and Teferi might also be, hmm, an unidentified killing conduit.

FM Meshuvel
December 26th, 2013, 07:01 AM
All are reasons, yes. But they aren't the right reasons to lynch Ashiok. For instance, Meshuval may not have been recruited by the masons. What then?

America is a religious country and I will convert any American Citizens to become a priest like me.

FM Ashiok
December 26th, 2013, 07:01 AM
I'm not Cole. You are wasting our time FoSing me; ask your questions so we can move on.

Im alive and Im perfectly fine with lynching Ashiok period

FM Ashiok

I'm sure you are fine with lynching me. You're the Beast and you think I'm Cole.

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 07:03 AM
I'm not Cole. You are wasting our time FoSing me; ask your questions so we can move on.

I'm sure you are fine with lynching me. You're the Beast and you think I'm Cole.

Claim your role and scumlist

FM Meshuvel
December 26th, 2013, 07:04 AM
I also believe Elspeth is our Coroner but I want her to confirm it by listing the final target of Sasha and the role and target of Tamiyo. Based on public conversations yesterday there is no reason to check anyone else.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 07:04 AM
Why give into some terrorists demands? You aren't exactly on the chopping block right now. Outed power roles are on the chopping block. They may have other ideas but I don't want to blindly follow someone who doesn't not share my win condition.

So lynching someone that is most likely scum is not in our best interests comma got it period Would lynching someone that is town seem better to you question mark

And that is why I wont follow you period

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 07:06 AM
Oh btw the key to finding Vermaak players is looking for stupid people period They wasted a clean on a confirmed jailor who pretty much has all his actions revealed already period

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 07:07 AM
So lynching someone that is most likely scum is not in our best interests comma got it period Would lynching someone that is town seem better to you question mark

And that is why I wont follow you period

I don't believe in killing off the one person who is keeping the beast from winning with his life, based on the death note of the beast. Don't twist my words to mean that I don't want to lynch any scum.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 07:07 AM
If the beast is wrong about Ashiok comma he still fits the stupid profile I have given the Vermaak

FM Sifa Grent
December 26th, 2013, 07:07 AM
America is a religious country and I will convert any American Citizens to become a priest like me.

Hmm, so you are now a priest as well? I have a slight thought on the identity of the person that tried to recruit you. Who you should convert next, hmm?

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 07:09 AM
I don't believe in killing off the one person who is keeping the beast from winning with his life, based on the death note of the beast. Don't twist my words to mean that I don't want to lynch any scum.

You realize that any scum has to kill the entire town to win period Not just the beast comma oh look comma Vermaak have to kill Cole too as does the neutral killer and why look at this comma SO DOES TOWN period

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 07:11 AM
You realize that any scum has to kill the entire town to win period Not just the beast comma oh look comma Vermaak have to kill Cole too as does the neutral killer and why look at this comma SO DOES TOWN period

Yes that is true. I'm glad you understand that. You don't understand that I want him to die right after the beast dies. The beast ought to be our biggest concern right now. 1 lynch to get rid of 2 KPN is a much better deal than trying to kill off an entire mafia team to eliminate their 1 KPN.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 07:14 AM
I have a slight thought on the identity of the person that tried to recruit you.

Just a thought or did you read the other Priests last will question mark

FM Sifa Grent
December 26th, 2013, 07:14 AM
Hmm, why we should listen to the beast?

I said to you before - The Beast cannot win as long as Cole is alive. He is, hmm, so much afraid of Cole that he is trying to force the town to lynch his first possible suspect. You follow the idea, hmm?

FM Ashiok
December 26th, 2013, 07:17 AM
Claim your role and scumlist

I'm a Militia Member.

cole ravi
zeke tamiyo
lucy vraska
nix kiora

v1 consig karn
v2 willbender baltrice
v3 kidnapper ugin
v4 disguiser nissa>?

sasha glissa
rkc arson? sifa
sotb nicol
rc student ajani
rc witch? sandshruu

mayor tezzeret
sheriff domri
invest masrath
vig dack
doc sorin
jailor koth
mason jace
coroner elspeth
tpr lookout vesner
tpr stripper tibalt
tpr bd gideon
tpr doc parcher
tpr tessebik?
tpr teferi?
t ashiok
t liliana now cc
t ral zarek now cc
t garruk wildspeaker
t chandra now priest
t sarkhan vol now priest?
t meshuvel now priest
t xenagos?
t jaya ballard

FM Sifa Grent
December 26th, 2013, 07:19 AM
Just a thought or did you read the other Priests last will question mark

Hmm, that thought lingered with me during all this Christmas. I thought that Chandra would ask the second priest to convert me tonight. But then again, who would convert someone that has been already cleared, hmm? So I thought that other possible targets for conversion would be, hmm, other cit claimers - Meshuvel or Sarkhan.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 07:21 AM
who would convert someone that has been already cleared

You are not cleared comma you just arent Nix or Vermaak period You can still be Cole or neutral comma including the beast period

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 07:26 AM
I'm a Militia Member.

cole ravi
zeke tamiyo
lucy vraska
nix kiora

v1 consig karn
v2 willbender baltrice
v3 kidnapper ugin
v4 disguiser nissa>?

sasha glissa
rkc arson? sifa
sotb nicol
rc student ajani
rc witch? sandshruu

mayor tezzeret
sheriff domri
invest masrath
vig dack
doc sorin
jailor koth
mason jace
coroner elspeth
tpr lookout vesner
tpr stripper tibalt
tpr bd gideon
tpr doc parcher
tpr tessebik?
tpr teferi?
t ashiok
t liliana now cc
t ral zarek now cc
t garruk wildspeaker
t chandra now priest
t sarkhan vol now priest?
t meshuvel now priest
t xenagos?
t jaya ballard

If Elspeth is coroner comma Zeke is dead and therefor would not have been replaced period

FM Sifa Grent
December 26th, 2013, 07:27 AM
You are not cleared comma you just arent Nix or Vermaak period You can still be Cole or neutral comma including the beast period

Hmm, that will be up to priests to decide, since they are the only ones who can clear me completely.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 07:28 AM
Correction disguised not replaced

FM Sifa Grent
December 26th, 2013, 07:29 AM
Correction disguised not replaced

Hmm, could you be implying that Kiora is the disguiser now? She, hmm, never eally talked too much to us.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 07:34 AM
No comma Im implying that Ashiok list was put together without any thought and is grossly wrong period

FM Ugin
December 26th, 2013, 07:42 AM
Ugin is here and will be around for a bit. He has a lot of work to do soon.

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 07:42 AM
Ugin is here and will be around for a bit. He has a lot of work to do soon.

Role and scumlist. Give them to us.

FM Ashiok
December 26th, 2013, 07:43 AM
Yea I made a mistake when I placed Tamiyo; he was listed elsewhere on the list previously and when I updated I forgot

cole ravi
zeke tessebik
lucy vraska
nix kiora

v1 consig karn
v2 willbender baltrice
v3 kidnapper ugin
v4 disguiser nissa>?

sasha glissa
rkc arson sifa
sotb nicol
rc student ajani
rc witch? sandshruu

mayor tezzeret
sheriff domri
invest masrath
vig dack
doc sorin
jailor koth
mason jace
coroner elspeth
tpr lookout vesner
tpr stripper tibalt
tpr bd gideon
tpr doc parcher
tpr tamiyo
tpr teferi
t ashiok
t liliana now cc
t ral zarek now cc
t garruk wildspeaker
t chandra now priest
t sarkhan vol now priest?
t meshuvel now priest
t xenagos
t jaya ballard

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 07:47 AM
Why do you think Im the beast question mark Ive been the center of attention all game comma dont you think the beast would rather not be the prime target for investigators detectives or any other role that could get a hint of what role I am question mark

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 07:50 AM
Why do you think Im the beast question mark Ive been the center of attention all game comma dont you think the beast would rather not be the prime target for investigators detectives or any other role that could get a hint of what role I am question mark

Why so defensive so early this day? Ashiok is the only one who has said anything about you being scum.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 07:51 AM
Not being defensive comma pointing out how bad Ashioks logic is and why he should be lynched period

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 07:52 AM
Not being defensive comma pointing out how bad Ashioks logic is and why he should be lynched period

Bullshit. What you posted was entirely focused on yourself. There was nothing about Ashiok's logic there. Ashiok hasn't even given any reasoning for you to be the beast besides wanting to follow the death note.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 07:54 AM
sotb nicol

Why do you think Im the beast question mark

Im pointing out why his list is terrible period

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 07:55 AM
So far he has made two lists without thinking and he redacted his list as soon as I pointed out his first logic error comma was wondering how fast he would make a third list period

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 07:56 AM
Im pointing out why his list is terrible period

You're not proven town or anything. Why should I listen to you? That's terrible reasoning for complaining that his list is terrible. His first list was indeed terrible for the reason you gave.

FM Ashiok
December 26th, 2013, 07:57 AM
Why do you think Im the beast question mark Ive been the center of attention all game comma dont you think the beast would rather not be the prime target for investigators detectives or any other role that could get a hint of what role I am question mark

Reasons why I think you are Beast:
1: you claim you knew Dack's role before he died, then Dack dies to the Beast the first night the Beast can kill.
2: you were focusing on Beast hunting tactics earlier
3: the similarities in the previous deathnote

Reasons why you would be center of attention:
1: you started early, at a time when the SotB had no night action. So you don't have to worry about lookouts or detectives.
2: SotB comes up as NS for sheriff and Militia Member for invest, so you don't have to worry about them.
3: by the time your true form has arrived your roleplay or persona has already been established and accepted.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 07:57 AM
I dont expect you to listen to me at all comma Im waiting another 3 to 4 hours for the people who you will listen to to log on period

FM Ugin
December 26th, 2013, 07:59 AM
FM Teferi was replaced last night.

I hope you guys had an awesome Christmas ^_^.

Ugin did!

And I wont follow Domri or Tezzeret because they arent good scumhunters period I might follow Masrath though

Ugin agrees, he thinks they are not the brightest.

You haven't really followed either of us up until this point. Why should you change your behavior now? I asked you why lynch someone based on the death note of someone who wants everyone dead?

technical confirmed cop =/= people to follow you. Have you ever thought that maybe, you know, that sometimes its good to listen to others

Hmm, it seems there are only 10 of us left alive. Or 11, because we don't know Venser's role yet. I believe that Elspeth is our, hmm, coroner. So we are still in pinch even if we have 2 lynches today - they can use up to 4 kills per night! Isn't that scary, hmm?

We might probably drop that KPN back to 2 if we, hmm, can find and kill the Beast (which I believe is Sandruu). Oh, and Teferi might also be, hmm, an unidentified killing conduit.

So why are you not voting?

Hmm, why we should listen to the beast?

I said to you before - The Beast cannot win as long as Cole is alive. He is, hmm, so much afraid of Cole that he is trying to force the town to lynch his first possible suspect. You follow the idea, hmm?

Most likely, but then comes back to the questions of why are you not voting the beast suspect you think it is.

I'm a Militia Member.

cole ravi
zeke tamiyo
lucy vraska
nix kiora

v1 consig karn
v2 willbender baltrice
v3 kidnapper ugin
v4 disguiser nissa>?

sasha glissa
rkc arson? sifa
sotb nicol
rc student ajani
rc witch? sandshruu

mayor tezzeret
sheriff domri
invest masrath
vig dack
doc sorin
jailor koth
mason jace
coroner elspeth
tpr lookout vesner
tpr stripper tibalt
tpr bd gideon
tpr doc parcher
tpr tessebik?
tpr teferi?
t ashiok
t liliana now cc
t ral zarek now cc
t garruk wildspeaker
t chandra now priest
t sarkhan vol now priest?
t meshuvel now priest
t xenagos?
t jaya ballard

Very nice half-assed list there. I would like to hear the reasoning on this stupid list. I will also ask you the same thing, why are you not voting?

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 08:00 AM
So you think I would kill the people that have been defending me during the day from nimwits like you question mark Seems counter productive period

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 08:00 AM
Ugin, are you a militia member or not?

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 08:01 AM
So you think I would kill the people that have been defending me during the day from nimwits like you question mark Seems counter productive period

Dude, we're not even voting you right now. Save it for later.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 08:02 AM
Voting me or not does not change what I have to say as you have failed to notice every other day that you tried to lynch me period

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 08:03 AM
Just your change in attitude towards me tells me that you checked me last night and got the NS result period

FM Ugin
December 26th, 2013, 08:04 AM
Ugin, are you a militia member or not?

Ugin has already claimed his role. Ugin will not spell it out.

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 08:04 AM
Just your change in attitude towards me tells me that you checked me last night and got the NS result period

You are one narcissistic bastard.

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 08:05 AM
Ugin has already claimed his role. Ugin will not spell it out.

Do you stand by that claim?

FM Ugin
December 26th, 2013, 08:06 AM
Do you stand by that claim?

Ugin has already claimed his role. Ugin will not spell it out.

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 08:06 AM
Ugin has already claimed his role. Ugin will not spell it out.

Do you continue to stand by that claim?

FM Ugin
December 26th, 2013, 08:08 AM
Do you continue to stand by that claim?

Ugin has already claimed his role. Ugin will not spell it out.

FM Ugin
December 26th, 2013, 08:08 AM
Ugin will not repeat himself.

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 08:08 AM
Ugin has already claimed his role. Ugin will not spell it out.

A yes or no would be sufficient.

FM Ugin
December 26th, 2013, 08:09 AM
A yes or no would be sufficient.

Ugin is not answering.

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 08:10 AM
Ugin is not answering.

Why do you insist on being difficult?

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 08:12 AM
Why do you insist on being difficult?

maybe because you are the one asking period The last time you did that you managed to out the mayor and then the medic so people have decided to ignore your poor scumhunting tactics period

FM Ugin
December 26th, 2013, 08:12 AM
Why do you insist on being difficult?

Ugin is not being difficult. Ugin is just not listening to you. I have my own thoughts and my own reasons for what I do.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 08:13 AM
Try doing something different than asking each person if they are scum period

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 08:13 AM
maybe because you are the one asking period The last time you did that you managed to out the mayor and then the medic so people have decided to ignore your poor scumhunting tactics period

There are too many citizen claimers.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 08:13 AM
So lynch Ashiok comma he claimed citizen too period

FM Teferi
December 26th, 2013, 08:14 AM
Hey. I'm the replacement for this account.
Now as much as I would like to get into this game again it will have to be held off to after I get back from my job.
I can try and post from there but the wifi is shit.
I haven't had any feedback all game.

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 08:15 AM
So lynch Ashiok comma he claimed citizen too period

I want to make sure my list of citizen claimers is complete before I do anything.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 08:15 AM
If you want to get right down to it comma sarkhan vol could be scum too being the obvious enforcer target he would have a good alibi

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 08:16 AM
If you want to get right down to it comma sarkhan vol could be scum too being the obvious enforcer target he would have a good alibi

I want to get all the information before I start theorizing.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 08:19 AM
Message to hosts colon Remove Charles Bronson from the FM Players list

FM Ashiok
December 26th, 2013, 08:20 AM
If you want to get right down to it comma sarkhan vol could be scum too being the obvious enforcer target he would have a good alibi

Why do you say there is an enforcer? There have been 4 cleanings and Nix only has 3 charges. What roles do you think Vermaak chose?

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 08:25 AM
Why do you say there is an enforcer? There have been 4 cleanings and Nix only has 3 charges. What roles do you think Vermaak chose?

Im not comma Im saying he Sarken vol probably thought there would be one and therefor made himself the obvious choice to target as one period Masons have not attempted to recruit him because he has been the obvious enforcer target and until last night we thought masons were dead period

FM Meshuvel
December 26th, 2013, 08:40 AM
Why do you say there is an enforcer? There have been 4 cleanings and Nix only has 3 charges. What roles do you think Vermaak chose?

One of the cleanings is very likely a disguiser.

The 3rd cleaning, the one from last night is peculiar. It is super unlikely for Nix to choose to clean a non ColesCs target but I'm pretty sure everyone assumed Koth would die last night. Why would the vermaak wait till last night to use their first cleaning unless FM Terferi is the Janitor.

FM Teferi was replaced last night.

I hope you guys had an awesome Christmas ^_^.

I can't find the post where Ugin revealed. Did he reveal as a cit?

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 08:47 AM
Read in between the lines and youll find it

FM Sarkhan Vol
December 26th, 2013, 08:49 AM
So if you're Priest and many before that guy flipped Priest...

Why the heck am I not a priest?
I outed myself, I pointed out I wasn't recruited, I complained, it's Day 6 and I'm still not the priest.

I received no feedback.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 08:54 AM
So if you're Priest and many before that guy flipped Priest...

Why the heck am I not a priest?
I outed myself, I pointed out I wasn't recruited, I complained, it's Day 6 and I'm still not the priest.

I received no feedback.

Because you were obvious enforcer bait

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 08:57 AM
So if you're Priest and many before that guy flipped Priest...

Why the heck am I not a priest?
I outed myself, I pointed out I wasn't recruited, I complained, it's Day 6 and I'm still not the priest.

I received no feedback.

Do you have other contributions for the town today?

FM Meshuvel
December 26th, 2013, 09:27 AM
Role List:
1 member of this list is dead but listed as alive
1 member of this list is afk
1 member of this list was afk until last night

Cole MacGrath [MacGrath]
Zeke Dunbar [MacGrath]
Nix [MacGrath]
Militia Member

Conduit [Vermaak 88] Disguiser
Conduit [Vermaak 88] Janitor?
Conduit [Vermaak 88] Consig?

The Prime Beast
Random Killing Conduit
Random Conduit

Joseph Bertrand
Cop - Domri
Investigator - Masrath
Detainer - Koth
Coroner - Elspeth
Random Power Militia - Venser (lookout)
Random Power Militia - Karn(sheriff) likely but not 100%
Random Power Militia
Hidden Priest - hidden for the time being
American Priest - Meshuvel
Militia Member - Sarkon Claims
Militia Member

Unclaimed Players:
Kiora Atua
Nicol Bolas
Ral Zarek
Ravi Sengir
Sifa Grent
Terferi - Orange Janitor?

At most there are 2 cits in this list. Only 1 cit if Sarkon is telling the truth. There is also 1 hidden town power in this list if Karn is telling the truth.

I put consig in the vermaak list because I think they would not want to risk the willbender accidentally killing himself.

While I may be falling for WIFOM I think that the beast is too eager to talk in death notes to have been completely silent before hand.
So in my beast list I think I'd put: Ashiok, Nicol, Sifa, Ugin. Were it not for yesterday Parcher might have been my number 1 beast call.

I put Ashiok in that list because the death note might be a gambit where the beast asks town to kill him knowing town wouldn't follow his orders. Cole, if you aren't Ashiok, I think he should be high on your hit list.

FM Nicol Bolas

I think Nicol is still the best vote for today and despite the second lynch being a failure yesterday the marshal should use his second double-lynch charge before he gets killed.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 09:46 AM
I put consig in the vermaak list because I think they would not want to risk the willbender accidentally killing himself.

How do you explain 2 townies being jailed on the same night if there is no Kidnapper question mark

FM Meshuvel
December 26th, 2013, 09:51 AM
Oops I completely forgot to include the kidnapper.

Get rid of the consig and replace with kidnapper for now. This is purely because of the cleaning last night being almost certainly an orange janitor.

Unless Elspeth is lying and Zeke is still alive I think this elminiates any possibility of Kain being non-town

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 09:55 AM
So why dont you vote for Ashiok instead of me question mark

FM Karn
December 26th, 2013, 10:21 AM
I don't know why the fuck Elixir never sent me my night results on time. Anyways, I checked Tessebik last night... still waiting for that result. I'll read through the day now.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 10:24 AM
Maybe because you are not a sheriff question mark

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 10:32 AM
Well this thread has been going slow so Im gonna go watch a movie comma might be back later period

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 10:36 AM
i am here.
nicol is guilty of obstruction.

throwing hate at each other is annoying especially if we might be on the same team.

FM Karn
December 26th, 2013, 10:44 AM
FM Teferi

It is very odd that mafia would clean a confirmed jailor, the most plausible scenario that I can think off is that Teferi is a Vermaak janitor, and when he was replaced, he didn't have much time to read the thread, so he cleans Vermaak's kill without thinking much.

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 10:53 AM
I would like everyone to post their top 8 scum picks and put them in order from scummiest to least scummy. or say I'm not going to do this(when you see this post)

meshuval and ashiok have already done so.

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 10:56 AM
FM Teferi

It is very odd that mafia would clean a confirmed jailor, the most plausible scenario that I can think off is that Teferi is a Vermaak janitor, and when he was replaced, he didn't have much time to read the thread, so he cleans Vermaak's kill without thinking much.

lets ask elixir, check out my Q&A and see if the logic would hold.

FM Sifa Grent
December 26th, 2013, 11:24 AM
I would like everyone to post their top 8 scum picks and put them in order from scummiest to least scummy. or say I'm not going to do this(when you see this post)

Top 8 scum picks? Hmm... Well, in my order they are as the following:

1. Nicol Bolas
2. Sandruu
3. Ral Zarek
4. Kiora Atua
5. Teferi
6. Ravi Sengir
7. Ashiok
8. Tessebik.

Don't ask my why, it's just, hmm, my gut sense. I believe this is the order in which they should be, hmm, lynched. And my vote as well:
FM Nicol Bolas
Hmm, for some reason I can't bring myself to vote Sandruu. Maybe it's because he is too cute, hmm?

FM Ashiok
December 26th, 2013, 11:37 AM
FM Nicol Bolas

For the reasons I stated.

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 11:49 AM
Top 8 scum picks? Hmm... Well, in my order they are as the following:

1. Nicol Bolas
2. Sandruu
3. Ral Zarek
4. Kiora Atua
5. Teferi
6. Ravi Sengir
7. Ashiok
8. Tessebik.

Don't ask my why, it's just, hmm, my gut sense. I believe this is the order in which they should be, hmm, lynched. And my vote as well:
FM Nicol Bolas
Hmm, for some reason I can't bring myself to vote Sandruu. Maybe it's because he is too cute, hmm?

he's number 2 on your list though?

and to everyone, you don't need to vote just yet. i'll be compiling the lists and we'll go from there.

FM Ashiok
December 26th, 2013, 11:59 AM
he's number 2 on your list though?

and to everyone, you don't need to vote just yet. i'll be compiling the lists and we'll go from there.

Ravi is number 2 on my list, his posts towards the end of the day
he doesn't list himself as town, and he doesn't speculate at all on Vermaak or Cole's Conduits. Here
he fishes for the key to interpreting the code. He also continued to suggest possible scum night action strategies well after Bertrand said to stop.

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 12:04 PM
Ravi is number 2 on my list, his posts towards the end of the day
he doesn't list himself as town, and he doesn't speculate at all on Vermaak or Cole's Conduits. Here
he fishes for the key to interpreting the code. He also continued to suggest possible scum night action strategies well after Bertrand said to stop.

that's a very nice catch. he claimed neutral/cit

FM Kiora Atua
December 26th, 2013, 12:23 PM
Hey all! Good news is thanks to the extremely long night I'm done traveling, so I can actually get on the internet more than once every few days!

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 12:43 PM
Hey all! Good news is thanks to the extremely long night I'm done traveling, so I can actually get on the internet more than once every few days!

have you read the threads?

FM Masrath
December 26th, 2013, 01:05 PM
Welp, I'm not even going to bother using my code anymore. I've used it so much and it was so simple, it's prolly been cracked by now.

Best not to let the scum know what I know, for now.

What we really need right now are the coroner's results on Tamiyo.

Also Domri's results would be nice.

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 01:07 PM
what do you think of ashiok on ravi?

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 01:08 PM
and you confirm koth as jailor 100% right?

FM Masrath
December 26th, 2013, 01:10 PM
and you confirm koth as jailor 100% right?

Lol, he's 100% Jailor or Kidnapper, that's for sure.

Seeing as he's shown up dead now, and his actions in the rest of the game, I'd say it's pretty darn certain he was the jailor.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 01:13 PM
lets ask elixir, check out my Q&A and see if the logic would hold.

You realize that the hosts cannot answer you without confirming someone as a PR or a Scum comma right question mark I doubt they would give you this kind of information period

As for me scumlist colon

In alphabetical order because scummy order would get me killed at night

FM Ashiok
FM Elspeth Tirel until she tells us the other cult
FM Kiora Atua
FM Ral Zarek
FM Ravi Sengir
FM Sandruu
FM Sarkhan Vol
FM Sifa Grent
FM Teferi
FM Tessebik
FM Ugin
FM Xenagos

With the revelation of a Vermaak janitor comma Tamiyo was either non killing neutral due to immunities at night or town comma possibly a PR period She could have been a revo but Im starting to dismiss the idea of revos being in the game due to citizens being in short supply period

FM Masrath
December 26th, 2013, 01:14 PM
Also, the fact that Xenagos was neither modkilled nor replaced last night perturbs me greatly.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 01:15 PM
If Koth was kidnapper comma real jailor could have jailed and executed him no problem

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 01:16 PM
You realize that the hosts cannot answer you without confirming someone as a PR or a Scum comma right question mark I doubt they would give you this kind of information period

well if someone lies about the game mechanics, by your logic, hosts would not be allowed to comment because it would 'confirm someone as scum' that's why this question should be totally valid.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 01:21 PM
5- Lying about game/role mechanics:
Lying about game mechanics is allowed. Questions about the setup will not be responded to unless they are posted in green. We will attempt to stay out of major discussion and step in only when absolutely required. Asking questions in the Q and A thread will have a greater chance at response.

Attempting to stay out of major discussion would be ignoring your question period

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 01:24 PM
w/e. i'm a do a reread of everything.

FM Masrath
December 26th, 2013, 01:32 PM
I love how Nicol is sticking to his pseudo-PR claim even as the list of possible PR's grows ever shorter.

FM Kiora Atua
December 26th, 2013, 01:32 PM
What I don't understand from the deaths today is why would Vermaak clean Koth when he's pretty much completely known + Parcher was executed in jail? Assuming Marshall was jailed and it wasn't Koth that jailed him (but that's very likely all things considered). It makes me think that's the Cole kill + clean (and thus Vermaak killed Chandra) were on Koth and that Cole's are out of cleanings now.

I'm looking forward to Elspeth's posts now that she's the sole coroner claim + it's been revealed coroner can double check each night. My views on her depend on what she claims in terms of last night's actions.

Sadly I have no notes, and I'm going to have to do a closer read of the previous days at some point because I'm going off memory, but my top 8 (in order):

1 ) Ugin
2 ) Sandruu
3 ) Ral Zarek
4 ) Sarkhan
5 ) Tessebik
6 ) Ashiok
7 ) Nicol
8 ) Teferi

I would have put Meshuvel on that list tbh except for being priested last night. I can also believe Enforcer wouldn't have been on him last night (humping Sarkhan?).

I don't really like putting them all into a list because it conflates beast with scumteams with neutrals.

Still pretty confident on Ugin as my highest Beast-read. Also if the Beast actually goes by his "vote someone to kill" scheme, I would think it's someone that would very likely not be voted in the first few nights (hence why I was thinking Meshuvel could be a potential Beast also).

Sandruu has really contributed close to zil. Followed closely by Ral Zarek, who has thrown in some rage-ish comments. I don't townread these because he's avoided the chopping block while doing this, which encourages this sort of action to not get lynched (and he hasn't changed his behavior since). Sarkhan is kinda in the same leagues as them, except he claimed cit d1. He's got the WIFOM of Vermaak enforcer though to defend his non-priesthood (and what scum would target someone that claims cit d1?). But these guys all look scummy to me, mostly because of very little scumhunting/original contributions (ex: Sarkhan super active d1 then semi-disappeared since)

Tessebik I remember being relative low activity early on, but I don't recall seeing him in the later days. He asked people to give reads on himself. He subsequently vanished after the spotlight left him and I don't recall him being heard from since.

Ashiok seemed very suspicious a few days ago to me, though he rectified some of it since with view explanation (ex: such as that Koth was likely Jailor due to replacing in right before dayend). He's still on the list, but not on the short list for me.

Nicol is drawing enough attention to not get targeted at night by scum either. I see a lot of mitigating others' opinions and but I don't recall a lot of original leads/fos's/pushes by him in the past day or so, so he's on the list.

Teferi replaced in over Xenagos. Considering Koth was the first replacement as Jailor, if only one of the two is citizen it would be Xenagos imo. That said, will need to wait and see how the replacement plays. For now he needs close watching.

FM Kiora Atua
December 26th, 2013, 01:40 PM
have you read the threads?

I've kept up til day 4, with day 5 a skimread and then obviously read today.

Welp, I'm not even going to bother using my code anymore. I've used it so much and it was so simple, it's prolly been cracked by now.

Best not to let the scum know what I know, for now.

What we really need right now are the coroner's results on Tamiyo.

Also Domri's results would be nice.

These + Karn's would all be nice

what do you think of ashiok on ravi?

Talking to me? Sorry I don't understand this question. You mean Ashiok's opinion of Ravi?

You realize that the hosts cannot answer you without confirming someone as a PR or a Scum comma right question mark I doubt they would give you this kind of information period

As for me scumlist colon

In alphabetical order because scummy order would get me killed at night

FM Ashiok
FM Elspeth Tirel until she tells us the other cult
FM Kiora Atua
FM Ral Zarek
FM Ravi Sengir
FM Sandruu
FM Sarkhan Vol
FM Sifa Grent
FM Teferi
FM Tessebik
FM Ugin
FM Xenagos

With the revelation of a Vermaak janitor comma Tamiyo was either non killing neutral due to immunities at night or town comma possibly a PR period She could have been a revo but Im starting to dismiss the idea of revos being in the game due to citizens being in short supply period

Why not give them in order? Seems like a bit of a cop out to say "Oh hey if I say more than a thrown together list I'm gonna get killed so zipping my lips!"

Also, the fact that Xenagos was neither modkilled nor replaced last night perturbs me greatly.

Keep in mind the other modkill happened in RP at the end of a day. I'm interested in Teferi being replaced before Xenagos, considering what Koth was replaced as.

If Koth was kidnapper comma real jailor could have jailed and executed him no problem

This especially with unlimited executions.

Done orgasming on my ability to multi-quote again. I'll be back later and then I'm going to need to read day5 a bit better.

In case I missed it, has Sifa claimed citizen? Or is he still unclaimed?

FM Masrath
December 26th, 2013, 01:42 PM
I've kept up til day 4, with day 5 a skimread and then obviously read today.

These + Karn's would all be nice

Talking to me? Sorry I don't understand this question. You mean Ashiok's opinion of Ravi?

Why not give them in order? Seems like a bit of a cop out to say "Oh hey if I say more than a thrown together list I'm gonna get killed so zipping my lips!"

Keep in mind the other modkill happened in RP at the end of a day. I'm interested in Teferi being replaced before Xenagos, considering what Koth was replaced as.

This especially with unlimited executions.

Done orgasming on my ability to multi-quote again. I'll be back later and then I'm going to need to read day5 a bit better.

In case I missed it, has Sifa claimed citizen? Or is he still unclaimed?

Sifa did claim Citizen.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 01:46 PM
Nicol is drawing enough attention to not get targeted at night by scum either. I see a lot of mitigating others' opinions and but I don't recall a lot of original leads/fos's/pushes by him in the past day or so, so he's on the list.

I guess you didnt read the part where I had a hunch on the disguiser target and went after it period

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 01:54 PM
did chandra every say that there were 2 starting masons?

FM Masrath
December 26th, 2013, 01:57 PM
Welp, if I've interpreted Nicol's game-long failure of a gambit correctly, I don't believe it's in our best interests to lynch him today.

That does put Ashiok in a bad spot, though.

Let's see, with 1 militia converted to Cole's, 3 militia's dead, and 3 militias converted to priests, I believe that leaves us with two possible town-aligned militias left? Assuming Tamiyo wasn't one of them? And we have Sarkhan, Sifa, and Ashiok claiming cit?

did chandra every say that there were 2 starting masons?

Chandra said that he was the only starting mason.

FM Meshuvel
December 26th, 2013, 02:01 PM
did chandra every say that there were 2 starting masons?

I can confirm right now that Chandra was alone on night 1. Converted Jace on night 1.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 02:02 PM
Why not give them in order? Seems like a bit of a cop out to say "Oh hey if I say more than a thrown together list I'm gonna get killed so zipping my lips!"

Considering that I get most of my reads from mislynches and weve only had one and even that one was lead by the 2 confirmed town PRs that dont know scumhunting comma Ive had to use the lynch trains on non other than myself to get an idea who is scum period And it certainly has not been easy with the lurkers and the top town PRs fueling those lynch trains period

With the little information I have been able to gather comma it has left me with a bunch of people that want me dead and more and more dead people that have tried defending me period The only reason Im still alive is because scum think Im the easiest person to mislynch or else Id be night time target practice period

Now Ive hinted at my role a few times and I think Masrath is the only one alive that has picked up on the hint so my options are rather limited right now period

Also putting the scum in order does not benefit me at all since all scum are equally scummy comma the only order I can put them on is who I think is the beast and who I think is the neutral killer and who I think is Cole and who is the kidnapper comma so alerting those roles that I might be onto them is just risking my life for not much gain period

On a side note with no protective roles left comma I fear this might be Masraths last day since Domri and Joseph seem to be clueless without her period

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 02:04 PM
then redo it and only give 8

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 02:22 PM
FM Ashiok
FM Kiora Atua
FM Ral Zarek
FM Sandruu
FM Sarkhan Vol
FM Sifa Grent
FM Tessebik
FM Ugin
FM Xenagos

3 green mafia comma 3 orange mafia comma 1 beast comma 1 neutral killer comma and 1 neutral
(culted person excluded from list since that could be a town PR)

FM Sandruu
December 26th, 2013, 02:39 PM
Wow, wish Lix atleast PMed us about the game starting again.

FM Sandruu
December 26th, 2013, 02:43 PM
FM Baltrice gave us some good info, and outted alot of scum I believe. According to her list, these players are not included:

FM Chandra Nalaar
FM Kiora Atua
FM Ral Zarek
FM Sandruu
FM Sarkhan Vol
FM Sifa Grent
FM Tefik
FM Tessebik
FM Xenagos

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 02:43 PM
Wow, wish Lix atleast PMed us about the game starting again.

He told us when night would end when he posted the night period It was right on time save for about 20ish minutes

FM Sandruu
December 26th, 2013, 02:44 PM
Btw, remember how Nicol has been stating about attacks against him in the first few days? I don't know if he was just lieing or through town around again, but doesn't the beast have 1 auto vest?

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 02:50 PM
remember when a medic pretended to attack me with his scalpel the first few days question mark I think the medic lied period

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 02:52 PM
San drug where's your list?

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 02:56 PM
And can one of you link me to what your talking about

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 03:00 PM

FM Sandruu
December 26th, 2013, 03:01 PM
I will link you and post my 8 scum list when I get back from Applebee's. Until then I do not have my notes.

FM Sandruu
December 26th, 2013, 03:07 PM
Oh and until further information is provided. My usual FoS:

FM Nicol Bolas

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 03:27 PM
Mesh, now that you're confirmed, could you voice some of your thoughts

FM Kiora Atua
December 26th, 2013, 03:36 PM
I guess you didnt read the part where I had a hunch on the disguiser target and went after it period

If that was yesterday then I see why I missed it. If it wouldn't trouble you I wouldn't mind a quote, or I'll look through your posts I guess when I get a chance.

FM Ashiok
FM Kiora Atua
FM Ral Zarek
FM Sandruu
FM Sarkhan Vol
FM Sifa Grent
FM Tessebik
FM Ugin
FM Xenagos

3 green mafia comma 3 orange mafia comma 1 beast comma 1 neutral killer comma and 1 neutral
(culted person excluded from list since that could be a town PR)

Seems we have similar thoughts. The only difference in our lists is Xenagos vs. Teferi. Could you reveal your reasoning behind Xenagos being in the list and Teferi not being in the list? I feel like it's more likely Teferi is higher priority scum (beast/mafia team) of the two due to higher replacement priority.

FM Kiora Atua
December 26th, 2013, 03:43 PM
I strongly believe marshall should use his marshall power today (and the sooner the better to get enough votes in time), since I can't imagine a scenario in which scum don't kill him with likely all protectives gone.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 03:47 PM
Seems we have similar thoughts. The only difference in our lists is Xenagos vs. Teferi. Could you reveal your reasoning behind Xenagos being in the list and Teferi not being in the list? I feel like it's more likely Teferi is higher priority scum (beast/mafia team) of the two due to higher replacement priority.

Teferi has been replaced so that eliminates him from being Beast comma only possible mafia roles would be janitor on either team which I a bit doubtful period

I have a hunch that Xenagos has been active at night thus avoiding the modkill comma see FM5 for example of afk spreekiller not being modkilled by Lix because he was active at night period

Orange janitor becoming active last night seems more like they were waiting to get rid of the coroner rather than a afk person comma probably assumed that Elspeth would be dead this morning period

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 03:52 PM
who killed the BD? orange or green?
because i think xenagos is a mafia.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 03:58 PM
who killed the BD? orange or green?
because i think xenagos is a mafia.

Which ever mafia freezes comma we assumed it was the Vermaak period

FM Meshuvel
December 26th, 2013, 04:00 PM
who killed the BD? orange or green?
because i think xenagos is a mafia.

FM Tamiyo(???)[Night 1]: Corpse was too burned to make any form of identification. House trashed.

Burned means cleaned my Nix means killed by green. I think xena is an afk mafia, I would agree. But elixir isnt mod killing her because which ever color she is, she can still be controlled by her team mates at night.

FM Gideon Jura(Bus Driver)[Night 1]: Frozen from the waist down and broken into pieces with a hammer. Shot twice in the chest. Bled to death.

Frozen means vermaak

FM Meshuvel
December 26th, 2013, 04:03 PM
Joseph, I think you should start pressuring a lynch target. There's no guarantee you will survive the night so today should be your second two lynch day. It would suck for us to have to panic lynch again.

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 04:09 PM
can you do it? i don't want to out the last priest. i'm looking at day 1, and noticing some connections.

FM Meshuvel
December 26th, 2013, 04:09 PM
Wow, wish Lix atleast PMed us about the game starting again.

Night end time was listed here


no one has any excuse for not knowing when the day was going to start

FM Sarkhan Vol
December 26th, 2013, 04:13 PM
I'm going to leave my vote here.

FM Nicol Bolas

FM Meshuvel
December 26th, 2013, 04:15 PM
can you do it? i don't want to out the last priest. i'm looking at day 1, and noticing some connections.

I want to go for the beast first and Nico is at the top of my beast list.

If you also feel he is a strong beast possibility lead the lynch on him.

My original beast list is Ashiok, Nicol, Sifa, Ugin.

If you think one of them is more likely the beast start a pressure lynch on them.

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 04:22 PM
the beast is going to look like a cit/tpr, where as the mafia sort of stand out based off connections to one another.

lets save nicol for now, and ashiok looks like cole, from the beasts perspective, so maybe we should leave him alone too

sifa was checked, and ns. ugin and sifa.

sifa was the one that translated the note right?

ugin is my bet.

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 04:23 PM
and i voted for ugin, and beast didn't kill ugin

FM Ugin

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 04:24 PM
does mafia have any incentive to kill off the beast?

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 04:29 PM
if we believe elspeth, then a disguiser hasn't hit yet.

FM Ravi Sengir
December 26th, 2013, 04:35 PM
I forgot this game had resumed until now. Just finished catching up. Doesn't seem to be much new information flowing. I'm thinking Karn is unlikely to be a sheriff at this point, given all the PRs that are revealed/dead, which leaves very little room left for a second sheriff. His consistent "late feedback" claims are very fishy.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 04:39 PM
if we believe elspeth, then a disguiser hasn't hit yet.

Disguiser hit green mafia zeke

FM Kiora Atua
December 26th, 2013, 04:39 PM
does mafia have any incentive to kill off the beast?

Only Cole can in terms of what's possible. And Cole is night immune and investigative immune.

FM Ugin

Sheriff can only detect mafia alignment/reapers so that just means Sifa is not either scum alignment (but can be Cole since he has investigative immunity).

It's very likely someone got turned into a Reaper so keep in mind there's someone else working on their own (detectable by sheriffs).

FM Kiora Atua
December 26th, 2013, 04:45 PM
I forgot this game had resumed until now. Just finished catching up. Doesn't seem to be much new information flowing. I'm thinking Karn is unlikely to be a sheriff at this point, given all the PRs that are revealed/dead, which leaves very little room left for a second sheriff. His consistent "late feedback" claims are very fishy.

What do you think he is then? Orange consig?

That being said, the feedback thing is a bit fishy, especially for the second time in a row. At the least he could claim who he checked, or hell claim who he checked in code then decipher it afterwards to show he's not making it up as he goes.

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 04:50 PM
Domri, did you get a late feedback as well?

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 04:53 PM
We've eliminated the possibility of a consig with last nights cleaning comma he hinted about vraska early on for it to be scum hunting

FM Teferi
December 26th, 2013, 04:57 PM
Hey everyone.
Im reading the day now.

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 05:00 PM
Hey everyone.
Im reading the day now.

top 8 scums please.

FM Meshuvel
December 26th, 2013, 05:04 PM
and i voted for ugin, and beast didn't kill ugin

FM Ugin

Sounds good to me.

FM Ugin

FM Kiora Atua
December 26th, 2013, 05:10 PM
We've eliminated the possibility of a consig with last nights cleaning comma he hinted about vraska early on for it to be scum hunting

How so? Nothing's 100% except that Bertrand is town. The question is on the delay with reporting feedback being for the second time, unless someone else said theirs is delayed also.

Hey everyone.
Im reading the day now.

Which day? How caught up are you?

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 05:13 PM
How so? Nothing's 100% except that Bertrand is town. The question is on the delay with reporting feedback being for the second time, unless someone else said theirs is delayed also.

Willbender is dead
Disguiser is confirmed as Nissa
Kidnapper is here since 2 town claimed to have been jailed on the same nights
and last nights cleaning indicates that they have a janitor

Orange only have 4 members so there cant be a consig

FM Teferi
December 26th, 2013, 05:17 PM
top 8 scums please.


1) Ugin
2) Nicol
3) Kiroa
4) Sandruu
7)Ral Zarek
8 )Xenagos

I have read today.

FM Ugin

FM Ashiok
December 26th, 2013, 05:25 PM
I am fine lynching Ugin, he has been too buddy with everyone and asks questions then leaves when asked the same.

FM Ugin

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 05:30 PM
Domri, did you get a late feedback as well?

My feedback came before I posted this morning. Karn is blowing smoke out of his ass.

I checked Ravi last night.

Too many unconfirmed players are voting Nicol for me to be comfortable for that lynch. Yes, mafia want the beast dead as much as we do. Yes, Nicol is scummy as hell. Yes, Nicol needs to claim some fucking role.

That being said. He isn't the highest on my scum list right now. I think that we should eliminate a lot of the citizen claimers.

The two lurkers, Teferi and Xenagos, are high on the scum list right now.

ALL CITIZENS, claim right now. If you do not claim as citizen then it will be assumed that you are a power role.

FM Ugin

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 05:31 PM
My feedback came before I posted this morning. Karn is blowing smoke out of his ass.

I checked Ravi last night.

Too many unconfirmed players are voting Nicol for me to be comfortable for that lynch. Yes, mafia want the beast dead as much as we do. Yes, Nicol is scummy as hell. Yes, Nicol needs to claim some fucking role.

That being said. He isn't the highest on my scum list right now. I think that we should eliminate a lot of the citizen claimers.

The two lurkers, Teferi and Xenagos, are high on the scum list right now.

ALL CITIZENS, claim right now. If you do not claim as citizen then it will be assumed that you are a power role.

FM Ugin

dormi, how would you feel about karn and xenagos?

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 05:33 PM
dormi, how would you feel about karn and xenagos?

Karn is definitely lying. He either didn't get the feedback or he did. I got mine on time.

Xenagos needs to die.

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 05:34 PM
Willbender is dead
Disguiser is confirmed as Nissa
Kidnapper is here since 2 town claimed to have been jailed on the same nights
and last nights cleaning indicates that they have a janitor

Orange only have 4 members so there cant be a consig

last night's cleaning doesnt mean janitor, it could have been the green mafia's last kill

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 05:35 PM
Karn is definitely lying. He either didn't get the feedback or he did. I got mine on time.

Xenagos needs to die.

would you think xenagos is SOTB?

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 05:37 PM
would you think xenagos is SOTB?

It's certainly possible. Her posting style is nonexistent so I can't really say if it feels like a citizen or beast or mafia.

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 05:38 PM
how would you feel that we have a possible bodyguard still among us, Domri?

also, because above, i don't think they should claim jsut yet.

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 05:39 PM
how would you feel that we have a possible bodyguard still among us, Domri?

also, because above, i don't think they should claim jsut yet.

Yet another protective role? I don't think it's likely.

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 05:40 PM
Yet another protective role? I don't think it's likely.

aren't there 3-1 tpr slots left? (karn's cop claim)

FM Teferi
December 26th, 2013, 05:41 PM
I think he is referring to that it isn't likely that we would have four tprs in our role list.

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 05:42 PM
aren't there 3-1 tpr slots left? (karn's cop claim)

Yes there are. I'm still holding out for at least one more investigative role to narrow down suspects.

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 05:43 PM
I think he is referring to that it isn't likely that we would have four tprs in our role list.

I find it unlikely that there would be 2 doctors, a bus driver, jailor (sort of), lookout (sort of), AND a bodyguard.

FM Teferi
December 26th, 2013, 05:45 PM
I find it unlikely that there would be 2 doctors, 2 cops, a bus driver, jailor (sort of), lookout (sort of), AND a bodyguard.

Fixed and I agree with you.

FM Sandruu
December 26th, 2013, 05:45 PM
The requested suspect list:

FM Ashiok
FM Nicol Bolas
FM Ral Zarek
FM Sarkhan Vol
FM Sifa Grent
FM Tessebik
FM Ugin
FM Xenagos

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 05:46 PM
Fixed and I agree with you.

I was talking about protective roles. You forgot an investigator and a coroner in your list btw

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 05:47 PM
The requested suspect list:

FM Ashiok
FM Nicol Bolas
FM Ral Zarek
FM Sarkhan Vol
FM Sifa Grent
FM Tessebik
FM Ugin
FM Xenagos

in order please.

FM Teferi
December 26th, 2013, 05:47 PM
I was talking about protective roles. You forgot an investigator and a coroner in your list btw


FM Teferi
December 26th, 2013, 05:54 PM
Im sorry but I have to go to have Christmas with my other family

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 05:55 PM
Role List:

Cole MacGrath [MacGrath]
Zeke Dunbar [MacGrath] Disguiser [Vermaak 88]
Nix [MacGrath]

Conduit [Vermaak 88]
Conduit [Vermaak 88]

The Prime Beast
Random Killing Conduit
Random Conduit

Joseph Bertrand
Cop Domri
Investigator Masrath
Detainer Koth
Coroner Elspeth
Lookout Venser
? Cop Karn
Random Power Militia
Militia Member
Priest has yet to claim from Chandras last will
Priest Mashuvel so far not been cc'ed by other priest
Militia Member
Militia Member

That still leaves Tamiyo unplaced that might fill up a town slot

Mashuvel comma can you get us a list of failed recruits question mark

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 05:58 PM
Nicol, I see you note the lack of town slots right now. Where do you fit in that role list?

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 06:00 PM
Where do you fit in that role list?

In the bottom half period

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 06:00 PM
either he's investigative with no information, or a bodyguard

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 06:00 PM
either he's investigative with no information, or a bodyguard

or beast.

FM Meshuvel
December 26th, 2013, 06:04 PM
last night's cleaning doesnt mean janitor, it could have been the green mafia's last kill

Finally, they were all blown off their feet by a massive energy explosion. Windows everywhere were shattered as Koth's house was leveled under unimaginable force. Strangely as the pieces of debris and body flew through the air, they were snap frozen by a hooded individual who escaped into the sewers.

Militia teams are still attempting to thaw the ice to see what actually occured.

The militia sent a team into the sewers to attempt to find the hooded individual but only found a note:

An ethereal voice also boomed across the icicle that once was Koth's home... It spoke:

FM Koth(???)[Night V]: His entire house was blown up by a massive energy explosion and then the fragments were frozen, Militia operatives are still trying to thaw the ice to get to the pieces of destruction. [Conduit][Beast]

Ice means Vermaak

FM Karn
December 26th, 2013, 06:16 PM

Domri, to whom do you send your Night Action? As I have yet to receive my feedback. In case any of you are wondering, I have been sending my action to Elixir the whole time.
I am fine with lynching Ugin, but I suggest Tesserect to use his ability today, without anymore protective roles I doubt he will survive the next night.

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 06:18 PM

Domri, to whom do you send your Night Action? As I have yet to receive my feedback. In case any of you are wondering, I have been sending my action to Elixir the whole time.
I am fine with lynching Ugin, but I suggest Tesserect to use his ability today, without anymore protective roles I doubt he will survive the next night.

lol i'll survive, i'm useless now. just a confirmed stupid town.
but vote ugin.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 06:19 PM
lol i'll survive, i'm useless now. just a confirmed stupid town.
but vote ugin.

Does this mean you have sent in the request of a double lynch question mark

FM Meshuvel
December 26th, 2013, 06:22 PM
lol i'll survive, i'm useless now. just a confirmed stupid town.
but vote ugin.

Marshal gets 2 charges

FM Karn
December 26th, 2013, 06:23 PM
You still have a double lynch right? That combined with the fact that you're 100% confirmed makes you a pretty good target.

FM Ugin
Tezzerect, if you don't use your ability today, there's no point in an early lynch. I won't be able to hammer near the day end as I'm currently travelling, so I'll put my vote now. However, you should make sure there's no early lynch today.

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 06:23 PM

Domri, to whom do you send your Night Action? As I have yet to receive my feedback. In case any of you are wondering, I have been sending my action to Elixir the whole time.
I am fine with lynching Ugin, but I suggest Tesserect to use his ability today, without anymore protective roles I doubt he will survive the next night.

I send everything to Kessler since all hosts can see that account.

FM Ravi Sengir
December 26th, 2013, 06:24 PM

Theory time:
There is a witch. Last night the witch forced the janitor to target Koth. Koth was already set to be killed by the Vermaaks and The Prime Beast, so the janitor cleaned him. This would explain the lack of Vermaak cleanings thus far and explain the presence of a Consigliere.

Also, I think we should double lynch Ugin and Karn today. Further reading has led me to the conclusion that Ugin is likely the Beast, and I'm pretty sure Karn is the disguiser.

FM Ravi Sengir
December 26th, 2013, 06:28 PM
FM Ugin

FM Karn
December 26th, 2013, 06:32 PM

Theory time:
There is a witch. Last night the witch forced the janitor to target Koth. Koth was already set to be killed by the Vermaaks and The Prime Beast, so the janitor cleaned him. This would explain the lack of Vermaak cleanings thus far and explain the presence of a Consigliere.

Also, I think we should double lynch Ugin and Karn today. Further reading has led me to the conclusion that Ugin is likely the Beast, and I'm pretty sure Karn is the disguiser.

That is possible. I doubt the witch intentionally used a janitor cleaning, so I believe the witch hoped to find a killing role to assure Koth's death.

FM Sarkhan Vol
December 26th, 2013, 06:32 PM
I'll re-vote and personally warn everyone about it : L-1

FM Ugin

FM Meshuvel
December 26th, 2013, 06:34 PM

Theory time:
There is a witch. Last night the witch forced the janitor to target Koth. Koth was already set to be killed by the Vermaaks and The Prime Beast, so the janitor cleaned him. This would explain the lack of Vermaak cleanings thus far and explain the presence of a Consigliere.

Also, I think we should double lynch Ugin and Karn today. Further reading has led me to the conclusion that Ugin is likely the Beast, and I'm pretty sure Karn is the disguiser.

That's a good theory except for

Will vermakk and nix’s cleaning be known differently or will be same?
They will be different.

Finally, they were all blown off their feet by a massive energy explosion. Windows everywhere were shattered as Koth's house was leveled under unimaginable force. Strangely as the pieces of debris and body flew through the air, they were snap frozen by a hooded individual who escaped into the sewers.

Militia teams are still attempting to thaw the ice to see what actually occured.

The militia sent a team into the sewers to attempt to find the hooded individual but only found a note:

An ethereal voice also boomed across the icicle that once was Koth's home... It spoke:

FM Koth(???)[Night V]: His entire house was blown up by a massive energy explosion and then the fragments were frozen, Militia operatives are still trying to thaw the ice to get to the pieces of destruction. [Conduit][Beast]

No mention of fire or melting so it wasn't nix that cleaned that target.

FM Meshuvel
December 26th, 2013, 06:34 PM

FM Meshuvel
December 26th, 2013, 06:35 PM
I'll re-vote and personally warn everyone about it : L-1

FM Ugin

The marshal had not used his second charge, why would you bring it to L-1?

FM Ravi Sengir
December 26th, 2013, 06:36 PM
Shit, didn't realize it was L-1 already. I'll wait for Bertrand to get us a dual lynch before voting him again.

December 26th, 2013, 06:36 PM
Bertrand has decreed this will be a multi lynch day.

He has no charges left.

FM Meshuvel
December 26th, 2013, 06:37 PM
Joseph Bertrand please use your second marshal charge before an early lynch happens

FM Sarkhan Vol
December 26th, 2013, 06:37 PM
The marshal had not used his second charge, why would you bring it to L-1?

To "trade" votes by having another unvote.

I'm not the most active, so it's better to have a vote and have it remain than to never vote at all when it were required.

December 26th, 2013, 06:37 PM
Shit, didn't realize it was L-1 already. I'll wait for Bertrand to get us a dual lynch before voting him again.

Bertrand has decreed this will be a multi lynch day.

He has no charges left.

Joseph Bertrand please use your second marshal charge before an early lynch happens

I am satisfied with this series of events.

FM Meshuvel
December 26th, 2013, 06:37 PM
FM Ugin

FM Ravi Sengir
December 26th, 2013, 06:39 PM
That's a good theory except for

No mention of fire or melting so it wasn't nix that cleaned that target.

Hmm... I suppose you're right.

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 06:41 PM
I am satisfied with this series of events.

I am satisfied with your sense of humor.

FM Ravi Sengir
December 26th, 2013, 06:41 PM
Bertrand has decreed this will be a multi lynch day.

He has no charges left.

Excellent timing.

Hammer time.


FM Ugin

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 06:41 PM
FM Ugin

The Godfather
December 26th, 2013, 06:42 PM
FM Ugin has been lynched! Stand by for the host's review and day-end post!

FM Ugin ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/member.php/11595') (10 [L-0]): FM Nicol Bolas ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=410233'), FM Meshuvel ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=410229'), FM Karn ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=410215'), FM Ashiok ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=410181'), FM Sarkhan Vol ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=410220'), FM Joseph Bertrand ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=410164'), FM Kiora Atua ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=410169'), FM Teferi ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=410178'), FM Domri Rade ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=410185'), FM Ravi Sengir ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=410232')
FM Nicol Bolas ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/member.php/11581') (2 [L-8]): FM Sifa Grent ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=410082'), FM Sandruu ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=410144')

FM Ravi Sengir
December 26th, 2013, 06:44 PM
Who's next? I still think Karn is scum, even if there is no consig. There's just no way he keeps getting his feedback late.

December 26th, 2013, 06:44 PM
Such reckless hammer time.


FM Ravi Sengir
December 26th, 2013, 06:44 PM
I'm going for a bit. Try not to lynch the next one before I return.

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 06:46 PM
you know. on second thought, i think we should have waited for ugin to claim.

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 06:47 PM
you know. on second thought, i think we should have waited for ugin to claim.

Too late now.

FM Karn
December 26th, 2013, 06:48 PM
Tessebik is a green conduit
FM Tessebik

FM Sarkhan Vol
December 26th, 2013, 06:51 PM
Tessebik is a green conduit
FM Tessebik

Is that the feedback you were waiting for?

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 06:53 PM
sarkhan, i want your list as well.

FM Meshuvel
December 26th, 2013, 06:55 PM
Tessebik is a green conduit
FM Tessebik

I'd rather use that as reason not to kill him. If he shows up as green conduit to you then he isn't cole and isn't worth killing today.

We should make doubly sure we've killed the beast.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 06:55 PM
FM Tessebik

Just a heads up comma I will be afk next week from this Saturday to next Saturday so if I did the math right colon

This day ends Saturday morning
Day 7 is Monday-Wednesday
Day 8 is Friday-Sunday

So I should be back mid day 8

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 06:55 PM
Tessebik is a green conduit
FM Tessebik

That does not make him a priority. If he were Vermaak then it would be good. Since you found him (still doubtful about you being a cop) he can be one of two things: a janitor with no charges or a citizen who's sided with the mafia (assuming the coroner is telling the truth). Tessebik is not a priority. Lynching him does not help cut back on KPN.

FM Karn
December 26th, 2013, 06:57 PM
My strongest suspect for cole is Sifa, though honestly this is a gut sense. Also, sifa showed up NS to me.

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 06:59 PM
the green cits cant be sent for the kill right? i think tessebik is cit

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 07:00 PM
I'd rather use that as reason not to kill him. If he shows up as green conduit to you then he isn't cole and isn't worth killing today.

We should make doubly sure we've killed the beast.


FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 07:00 PM
So Domri got a NS result on me
Karn got green on Tess
Masrath got unknown unless I missed something comma maybe in code

Masrath can you tell us if you got a citizen result or a PR result comma dont have to tell us who

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 07:01 PM

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 07:01 PM
the green cits cant be sent for the kill right? i think tessebik is cit

That's right. Even if he's a janitor (more likely imo) then he's out of charges and Cole will just be sent anyway.

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 07:02 PM
So Domri got a NS result on me
Karn got green on Tess
Masrath got unknown unless I missed something comma maybe in code

Masrath can you tell us if you got a citizen result or a PR result comma dont have to tell us who

I did not check you you narcissistic bastard. Confirmed for not reading the thread.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 07:03 PM
oh you checked Ravi

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 07:04 PM
oh you checked Ravi

That is right. Where is the "period" shit from you? Are you forgetting it?

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 07:05 PM
i want elspeth to tell us who the reaper is.
elspeth where are YOU

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 07:05 PM
no just getting lazy on my phone

FM Nicol Bolas
December 26th, 2013, 07:06 PM
If Elspeth was the beast running a gambit that the coroner was cleaned and thought it was an easy claim she might have decided its easier to play the Imma suicide card and just lurk till the end hoping that we dont question it

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 07:07 PM
i want elspeth to tell us who the reaper is.
elspeth where are YOU

Quoting for emphasis.

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 07:11 PM
if disguiser hit zeke, wouldn't the green have outed the orange by now?

FM Sandruu
December 26th, 2013, 07:12 PM
in order please.

Well...I guess a tiered list has to do...

FM Nicol Bolas

FM Ashiok FM Ugin FM Sifa Grent

FM Ral Zarek FM Sarkhan Vol FM Tessebik FM Xenagos

FM Nicol Balos

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 07:12 PM
if disguiser hit zeke, wouldn't the green have outed the orange by now?

They should. If Tessebik is green he should take the time to out who the disguiser killed.

FM Sandruu
December 26th, 2013, 07:12 PM
FM Nicol Bolas

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 07:24 PM
sandruu wasn't checked right?

FM Domri Rade
December 26th, 2013, 07:31 PM
sandruu wasn't checked right?

Not that I know of....

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 09:07 PM
parcher was such a dunce LOL

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 09:17 PM
thoughts on xenagos being killing neutral?

FM Tessebik
December 26th, 2013, 09:25 PM
I will tell you that Karn is, in fact, telling the truth about one thing: I am a Militia Member. The way I see it, there's no real reason to hide it, so I might as well take advantage of the opportunity to coordinate some scum actions, baby!
-My master, Cole, will personally deal with Joseph Bertrand tonight
-Prime Beast, kill Domri Rade: his light has become offensive, and must be extinguished
-Vermaak, kill whomever you please: might I recommend Meshuvel or Masrath?

FM Tessebik
December 26th, 2013, 09:26 PM
thoughts on xenagos being killing neutral?

If the neutral killer was an active arsonist, he would've burned by now, and if he was a revolutionist, we probably would've seen a dead revolutionist in the graveyard by now so that would be a reasonable conclusion.

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 09:28 PM
can someone give me the public night actions of everyone? I don't want to have missed something.

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 09:29 PM
wait tessebik

FM Tessebik
December 26th, 2013, 09:30 PM
No one is going to raise their hand politely and inform us that they're scum...

Oh the irony of this statement, particularly since I lynched him and then became his teammate...

FM Tessebik
December 26th, 2013, 09:30 PM
wait tessebik


FM Joseph Bertrand
December 26th, 2013, 09:31 PM
you should tell us who the orange mafia disguiser is, as they are more powerful than you guys.

if you do, we won't lynch you today, and you can coordinate scum again tomorrow.

and honestly, i hope i die, i'm useless after today, and there are other town leaders =P