View Full Version : Frozen(Disney 2013)

December 25th, 2013, 01:52 AM
I just watched (Disney)Frozen. I was thrilled and then disappointed.

The sisters love and many other elements are perfect.

However, two major flaws disgusted me.

1. Hans' Plot:

The plot of bad prince Hans is way too cheap. His betraying is not shocking but rather convenient.

This role Hans is playing better than most slippery and skilled politicians in real world.

The movie made so little foreshadow of Hans' plan. No matter how I rewind, I can find few.
Hint 1: When Hans met Anna, he was surprised that Anna is not the Queen.
Hint 2: Hans and Anna's love is not blessed in any known Disney style : They don't know each other, and they had little scenes.
Hint 3: Hans meet Anna too early.
(Hint 2 and 3 are not even hints........)

The prince Hans completely ruined my experience.

The plot is too dark and too cheap.

I couldn't cry when Anna was left frozen to death.

I have played mafia, a game of lie for *** years.

There are no more than 10 persons I have met who can pull this kind of plots without leaving trace.

2. REetard duke

The Duke of Weselton is wayy---half cooked.

He came to the kingdom for trade. (fine)

Danced with prince without proper manner.(Ok...acceptable jester)

Accused a queen as a monster. (Reasonable but dude, why are you even here?)

Order murdering on queen. (None of your bussiness foreigner!)

Get exiled.


All he did gave him nothing beneficial, why do he do that?

G.W. Bush is 1000times better than this idiot duke.

3. the stone trolls.

They are godly adorable but are really not developed, unique or useful for the story.

They are replaceable by any witch/wizard/voodoo doctor/sage....why dont they just invent Gandolf then?

Like boobs for man, this is probably the eye candy for target market.

Disgusting bold marketing?

I can accept minions, but those? Awwww they are adorable!
------not for this story, no thanks.

Over all,
The male-female love story isn't that great. It is probably one of the worst I have had from Disney.
(Though I don't want to compare it with twilight, it is not good.)

The sisters' winter, however, perfect.

Elsa the snow queen is one great character, but she didn't have a romance.

I think Elsa and Kristoff are somehow like-minded and suitable.

Anna is too ...young mentally?

December 25th, 2013, 01:57 AM
wait, who's attracted to stone trolls?

December 25th, 2013, 02:02 AM
wait, who's attracted to stone trolls?

They can transform.

They know magic.

Their voice are great.

They are super friendly.

They roll.


etc etc etc

At least I dont think anyone would hate stone trolls.

Good potential toy sale, thinking about minions.

Minions are part of a story, but stone trolls? duh?

December 25th, 2013, 02:36 PM
I haven't watched it, but I thought it was a part 2 of Rapunzel (which I also havent watched)