View Full Version : Do you think that this is justice?

December 22nd, 2013, 12:37 AM
Recently, my friend's cousin was sued by the USA for abusing the Asylum Process. Here is the link of the case:


His cousin is a lawyer who would defend Chinese immigrants who were facing deportation by claiming that China was inhumane and uncivilized. Doing so, would allow these immigrants (without green cards) to live in the US. According to my friend, this is known as the Asylum Process. His cousin (the lawyer) would fabricate a story in court by stating that China forced abortions on his clients or forced his clients to work hours of intense labour (mainly abortions though). This of course, was never true. He was apparently making over $10,000 per client by doing this and often bragged to my friend about this. This man is 32 years old and has a wife and children.

Anyways, if you clicked the link, you would see that there are four different people here being sued for abusing the same thing. However, all of them except the cousin, were sentenced to at least 2 years in jail. The judge gave the cousin 6 months of probation and house arrest because he deemed him too young and reckless. According to my friend, the cousin was bragging about his big-shot lawyer that he hired and that was why he got a lighter sentence.

So my question here is: Do you think that there is a double standard for this guy and do you think he should had gotten more of a penalty? After all, this man is a lawyer, perhaps the epitome of justice. Even if you disagree with that, a lawyer is trained to know the law. He clearly knew what he was doing when he broke the law. Does anyone feel like there is a stereotype that all lawyers are more interested in greed than protecting their clients?

December 22nd, 2013, 12:41 AM
If I haven't said so, I'm an Asylum from Chinese.(political refugee, sorta)

I just become a U.S. citizen 10 days ago.

What this guy did, of course, is very wrong.

For the Chinese immigrant side,

Many Chinese would pay whatever price to get legal statue, taking advantage of their own country's misfortune.

I do not think there is a bit of justice in it, unless twist legal case for self interesting is justice.

For the lawyer side:

I heard, being a train lawyer, a person would acknowledge where the "(loop)hole" or the weak point of the system is, in whatever country.

I tell you, Chinese law system is pretty fucked up, but it is almost a copy of United State's.

Why is it so broken then? The people who run the system are broken.

Without some good moral, a lawyer can many thing, consider laws are man made system.

A lawyer is not servant of justice.

A lawyer is a person who knows about the system.

If a man does not work for justice, there are little thing to stop him from doing so.

This type of person are the one runs good system into hell.

I do not know if his case involved jury, but he must have hired some really experienced lawyer to defend himself.

Punishment is punishment, heavier or lighter doesn't matter.

Tell him, do not brag about it.

Or tell your relatives don't give him applauding.

It is just bad.

It is very related to me other topic of incentive system,

where in a system, a person is likely do things that damage system but are good for himself.

a lawyer in a law system is just like that.

We never have had enough of AB Lincoln.

December 22nd, 2013, 07:56 AM
He got away with a slap on the wrist because he sold out everyone else.

December 22nd, 2013, 10:12 PM
Nice links/videos Louis.

You know what, everything you said made sense. Thanks for the nice response. When I was over in Detroit for a year, an old man I talked to once said, "Everyone knows the rules, but the smart ones know how to abuse it." I'm not sure if he stole that from someone, but I always remembered it.

I actually just re-watched The Dark Knight for the first time in like 4 years and was thinking about Harvey Dent when I was making this post. I'm not a movie person, but that movie was pretty powerful.

My friend linked me the credentials of his cousin's lawyer and it looks impressive: http://www.stroock.com/sitecontent.cfm?contentID=49&itemID=366

Cryptonic, my friend did mention that his cousin's clients were going to get rounded up. That's pretty awful that this guy is like a scam artist.