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December 19th, 2013, 05:38 AM

Day V: The Beast Strikes Back

Reggie Rowe leaves to the bathroom, He leaves you with his iPad and runs the video titled The Beast Strikes Back, by Elixir.

The video isn't the greatest quality but you can see first hand what happened... it appears to be filmed from inside a building; someone spying on the roof of a neighboring building.

A man in a red suit is on the roof of the building. After a short while he's joined by someone else... Lightning appears to run up their arm... You identify them as Cole MacGrath

"So Cole, what is your decision?"

"You're insane John. We can stop this another way that doesn't involved massacring thousands of people"

"They're not like us Cole. They are expendable"

"To hell with that, and to hell with you. If you ain't gonna stop this, then I will."

"Such a pity... It would appear you've outlived your use then"

Power began to emmenate from the suited gentleman and he grew slightly in size... in his hands a black and red ball of energy grew; with his eyes fixated on MacGrath.

The person who is filming what is happening suddenly knocks the camera a little as they jump out the window and land on the roof of the other building. They sprint to the engagement and jump infront of the energy surge as it blasts out of the beasts hand blowing them back into a nearby wall.

The commotion attracts the attention of a nearby militia patrol who close in on The Beast who turns to meet them.

With The Beast distracted, Cole rushes over to the felled human who absorbed the blast. They introduced themself as FM Lilliana Vess, and they told him that he was their only hope... before passing away.

The Militia patrol began to engage The Beast. FM Dack Fayden among them; rifles at the ready, they unloaded magazine after magazine into him.

The Beast walked through their bullets effortlessly before standing mere meters before them. Charging another blast he looked at them and said, speak your last words on this plane.

Dack responded, knowing his time had come:

Sorry for the abbreviated last will but I don’t anticipate dying tonight (It is /n3 and I am in jail). The jailor has not indicated he is not Koth although we have not had much discussion.

Abbreviated reads:

FM Ashiok seems to bitter to be scum. Gut feeling.

I shot Jace on N2 because I thought he slipped as green mafia and I didn’t buy that he could be Priest like Baltrice had suggested. This makes me think that Baltrice is a Priest.

FM Chandra keeps buddying me. At this point I don’t know if it’s a scum or town tell, but the blatantly obvious “should I vote? Why is nobody talking to me” posts make me lean town because I think scum would want to hide more.

Domri rade is almost 100% a sheriff.

I haven’t shot Elspeth because I once played a game with Elspeth in which I was mayor but claimed scum early on and was never lynched because there were other higher priority targets. The jury is still out on this one.

Garruk Wildspeaker is really blendy and gives off the same vibe that glissa had imo.

No read on Jaya.

No read on Karn.

Can’t shake the scum feeling on Kiora. This player pops in to say some intelligent sounding things and there isn’t really evidence to make me feel comfortable.

If you’re reading my last will on N3 then there is a kidnapper. Koth is probably still jailor anyway though.

No read on Liliana

Masrath/Meshuvel gain town points if one flips green mafia. I don’t really buy that Masrath leans town b/c of derp revealing jailor. Could easily also be derpscum.

Nicol Bolas leans town for revealing Masrath’s reveal of the jailor. It helps equalize scum and townies to all have the information out there.

Nissa leans scum

Parcher is town to me. Although if Parcher flips scum I would re-examine Vraska.

Ral Zarek

No read on Ravi

No read on Sandruu.

Sarkhan Vol gets town points for going along with the cit claiming on D1.

Sifa Grent is still probably an amnesiac even though he claims not to be.

No read on Sorin Markov

No read on Teferi

Tessebik is definitely hiding something. Choice of avatar makes me think he wants people to underestimate him.

No read on Tezzeret



In any case, I feel like the night kills seem in line with how Vraska would kill, although I haven’t had time to look back and build a textual case against him.

No read on Xenagos

The Beast then turned to Cole Macgrath, still on the top of the building and said:

WeLl WeLl WeLl It LoOkS lIkE tHaT Cole HaS BeTrAyEd Me
So I aM a ReAsOnAbLe PeRsOn I wIlL MaKe EVERYONE A dEaL
eAcH nIgHt I wIlL kIlL OnE pErSoN oF mY cHoOsInG tHe SeCoNd KiLl WiLl Be ChOsEn By ThE pEoPle
YoU mAy DeCiDe By TyPiNg -Kill Target
FoRmAt MuSt Be RiGhT oThErWiSe It WiLl Be IgNoReD
YoU mUsT AlSo GiVe ReAsOn WhY tO bE CoNsIdErEd
ToNiGhT i KiLlEd ThEsE tWo PeOpLe

FM Liliana Vess
FM Dack Fayden

If ThEy ArE aLiVe ThEy ArE NiGhT iMmUnE

GoOd LuCk

Elsewhere, FM Tibalt was frozen to a wall, abusing a man in a mask who stared at him silently.

Tibalt yelled as loud as he could:



This wall goes out to our lurky players that don't bother keeping up with the game. May this chart catch you up with every known night action.

-The weird feedback from yesterday could just be the hosts confusing the town a bit. (Notice the door lol) I would reference how the player colors were chosen and some of the names to harass chat a bit. I personally believe 1 of our scum has been killed by a Cole killing and the town is in an excellent position to pull out a win. (If this is the case one or two things will have to be swapped on my chart)

Depending on how this night went and if a Coroner can reveal our three missing roles a role call could lock down the game for a win.

The masked stranger pulled out a shotgun and blasted him repeatedly until the screams fell silent.

At this point Reggie Returned

Everything is not as black and white as the papers claim no?

Role List:

Cole MacGrath [MacGrath]
Zeke Dunbar [MacGrath]
Nix [MacGrath]

Conduit [Vermaak 88]
Conduit [Vermaak 88]
Conduit [Vermaak 88]
Conduit [Vermaak 88]

The Prime Beast
Random Killing Conduit
Random Conduit

Joseph Bertrand
Random Power Militia
Random Power Militia
Random Power Militia
Random Power Militia
Militia Member
Militia Member
Militia Member
Militia Member
Militia Member
Militia Member

There are 3 more roles in the list than players due to 3 roles being cleaned


FM Tamiyo(???)[Night 1]: Corpse was too burned to make any form of identification. House trashed. [Conduit]
FM Gideon Jura(Bus Driver)[Night 1]: Frozen from the waist down and broken into pieces with a hammer. Shot twice in the chest. Bled to death. [Conduit]
FM Glissa Sunseeker(Sasha (Reaper Leader))[Day 2]: Shot in the leg then burnt at the stake, melting into a non descript tar substance.
FM Jace Beleren (Priest)[Night 2]: Single bullet wound to the head. Died instantly. [Extremist]
FM Venser (???)[Night 2]: Electrocuted then melted to a pool of human components. [Conduit]
FM Ajani Goldmane(Delsin Rowe)[Day 3]: Killed by a Firing Squad. [Lynch]
FM Nissa Revane (???)[Night 3]: Vanished without a trace [Conduit]
FM Garruk Wildspeaker(Militia Member)[Night 3]: Beaten to a pulp with a blunt object then electrocuted [Conduit]
FM Vraska(Lucy Kuo [MacGrath])[Day IV]: Blown up by Rigged c4 [Lynch]
Town House Door(Door)[Day IV]: Blown up by Rigged c4 [Storyline]
FM Jaya Ballard(Militia Member)[Day IV]: Blown up by Rigged c4 [Modkill]
FM Tibalt(Stripper)[Night IV]: Frozen to a wall, and blasted with multiple shotgun rounds [Conduit]
FM Lilianna Vess(Militia Member)[Night IV]: Incinerated by The Beast Defending Cole MacGrath
FM Dack Fayden(Extremist)[Night IV]: Utterly Vaporized attempting to Kill the Beast with Conventional Weapons [Beast]

Death Descriptions Added to Reduce Ambiguity. [Conduit] Can refer to Either Mafia Team

The Day will End and at the Following Time: Day Ends (http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=Saturday+December+21+2013%2C+11pm+Brisbane++Aus tralia)
It will take [B]12 votes to Lynch
Vote using the Vote Tags.


December 19th, 2013, 06:08 AM
Thread is locked for a few minutes while we finalize the permissions. PMs should be sent out within an hour or two also.

December 19th, 2013, 06:12 AM
Thread opened for discussion, please be aware feedback PMs may take a little while to show up.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 19th, 2013, 06:14 AM
I have a pretty darn good idea who the disguiser is period Based on my own role and a hunch comma if no other good lead shows up in the next few hours Ill give out my lead period

FM Meshuvel
December 19th, 2013, 06:15 AM
It's a winter wonderland, IN AMERICA!

Freedom for breakfast?! Its the only dish we serve, IN AMERICA!

Course one TRUTH
, directed at the Arsonist. Even if all of your douse targets are alive, you still need to wait till night 6 to get your secondary objective of killing 5 targets at once. This is because dousing comes after killing actions in the order of operations.

Course two JUSTICE
, I want to point out that before Karn revealed Vraska to be mafia I had said:
"Baltrice and Vraska seem to be linked, if one pops up mafia, I would bet the other will too."
As such I would like to begin with a FOS on Baltrice.

I'm still highly suspicious of Tezzeret as a member of the Vermaak88 due to his interactions with Nissa.

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 06:16 AM
This is what I have feared. Cole has chosen to recruit two of the light into his fold of darkness.

FM Sifa Grent
December 19th, 2013, 06:18 AM
Hmm... I thought that Tibalt would be the one who roleblocked me. Now that he's dead, I can openly post my thoughts about him.

I'm surprised that Cole actually chose not to ally with the Beast. Hmm, he probably chose to make that decision because Lucy Kuo was about to be lynched...

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 06:19 AM
Meshuval, I agree with both your FoS'. I believe Tezzeret should enlighten us to his role.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 19th, 2013, 06:20 AM
Ah screw it Nissa disguised herself as Koth period

FM Koth

FM Sifa Grent
December 19th, 2013, 06:20 AM
Hmm... We still have two sheriffs, right? Can they detect The Beast, hmm?

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 06:21 AM
Ah screw it Nissa disguised herself as Koth period

FM Koth

What is your proof?

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 06:21 AM
Hmm... We still have two sheriffs, right? Can they detect The Beast, hmm?

My light cannot shine that darkness.

FM Meshuvel
December 19th, 2013, 06:22 AM
Hmm... I thought that Tibalt would be the one who roleblocked me. Now that he's dead, I can openly post my thoughts about him.

I'm surprised that Cole actually chose not to ally with the Beast. Hmm, he probably chose to make that decision because Lucy Kuo was about to be lynched...

I'm surprised Cole choose that too. 1 vote plus a kill per night is superior to 2 votes. Though he doesn't even get to utilize the second vote now.

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 06:23 AM
I'm surprised Cole choose that too. 1 vote plus a kill per night is superior to 2 votes. Though he doesn't even get to utilize the second vote now.

To say nothing of the former citizens of the light who are now shades

FM Meshuvel
December 19th, 2013, 06:24 AM
What is your proof?

My guess is because no one claimed jailed yesterday.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 19th, 2013, 06:25 AM
Evidence is in my role period

Proof will be when he cant tell us Masraths role as a defense period

Masrath dont claim period

FM Nicol Bolas
December 19th, 2013, 06:26 AM
My guess is because no one claimed jailed yesterday.

Read Dacks last will

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 06:26 AM
My guess is because no one claimed jailed yesterday.

Dack claimed jailed in the third night in his last will. I want Nicol's proof. I am not enlightened by a single vote and an accusation.

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 06:27 AM
Evidence is in my role period

Proof will be when he cant tell us Masraths role as a defense period

Masrath dont claim period

Stop being childish. I have good reason to believe that Koth is of the light.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 19th, 2013, 06:27 AM
Sorry comma you are too blinded by the light to see proof period Your avatar has been very fitting of your playstyle period

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 06:28 AM
Sorry comma you are too blinded by the light to see proof period Your avatar has been very fitting of your playstyle period

I am kindly asking for you to let it go. Do not go further in this direction.

FM Chandra Nalaar
December 19th, 2013, 06:29 AM
I was jailed night 3, I thought Koth would have said it alkready.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 19th, 2013, 06:30 AM
I was jailed night 3.

Proof of kidnapper

FM Meshuvel
December 19th, 2013, 06:31 AM
Masrath doesn't have to reveal her role to confirm koth

Masrath said she revealed her role to the jailor but I doubt she did it in a 1 word sentence. Koth just has to post the sentence excluding any info that would reveal her role. Then she can confirm or deny that she had said that.

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 06:32 AM
I was jailed night 3, I thought Koth would have said it alkready.

So Dack's last will indicates that he was jailed the same night. Why are there no other jailed claims? This is not the darkness where information is censored. Please claim.

FM Chandra Nalaar
December 19th, 2013, 06:33 AM
Koth said he likes Kanye yesterdday and also in jail, so I think he's the same.

FM Karn
December 19th, 2013, 06:34 AM
Haven't got my feedback yet, reading through the few posts that have been made.

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 06:36 AM
Haven't got my feedback yet, reading through the few posts that have been made.

Who did you shine your light upon?

FM Meshuvel
December 19th, 2013, 06:36 AM
Just want to point out, it looks like Coles conduits didn't get a kill last night.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 19th, 2013, 06:36 AM
btw day 2 reply 472 is what tipped me off for the vigs identity comma if anyone was wondering period

FM Karn
December 19th, 2013, 06:37 AM
Who did you shine your light upon?

Elspeth, for someone who gambled and intentionally attracted much attention he was lurking yesterday.

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 06:37 AM
Elspeth, for someone who gambled and intentionally attracted much attention he was lurking yesterday.

That is good. We did not cross our beams of illumination.

FM Sifa Grent
December 19th, 2013, 06:38 AM
Hmm, I thought our biggest worry would be Cole himself (and he still is right now), but if we don't find The Beast all hell will be, hmm, broken loose. And The Beast is a pain to find, too.

FM Chandra Nalaar
December 19th, 2013, 06:40 AM
Wouldn't it be weird if Elspeth looked guilty? Why would a guilty looking player make moves so much like Elspeth?

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 06:41 AM
Did anyone else see the incandescent reference in this day's title?

FM Ashiok
December 19th, 2013, 06:42 AM
So does the Beast automatically kill attackers or was Dack's death description just roleplay? If he kills attackers, a Beast kill is missing.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 19th, 2013, 06:43 AM
So does the Beast automatically kill attackers or was Dack's death description just roleplay? If he kills attackers, a Beast kill is missing.

Read Death note dot dot dot

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 06:43 AM
So does the Beast automatically kill attackers or was Dack's death description just roleplay? If he kills attackers, a Beast kill is missing.

You need to be illuminated with the gift of reading. The rolecard says immunity but nothing about attacking killers.

FM Ashiok
December 19th, 2013, 06:45 AM
You need to be illuminated with the gift of reading. The rolecard says immunity but nothing about attacking killers.

I read the role card, the implication is that it only applies to SotB prior to his arrival.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 19th, 2013, 06:46 AM
I read the role card, the implication is that it only applies to SotB prior to his arrival.

Im gonna go cry comma Im surrounded by stupidity period

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 06:47 AM
I read the role card, the implication is that it only applies to SotB prior to his arrival.

Wrong rolecard. The rolecard given in the fourth day's post is the one that I refer to.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 19th, 2013, 06:47 AM
Nicol continues crying


FM Ashiok
December 19th, 2013, 06:49 AM
btw day 2 reply 472 is what tipped me off for the vigs identity comma if anyone was wondering period

Read Death note dot dot dot

Thank you for revealing your deep knowledge of the Beast.

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 06:49 AM
Nicol continues crying


We are answering two parts of Ashiok's query. You are answering about the missing kill. I am answering about the role. Do not be childish.

FM Meshuvel
December 19th, 2013, 06:49 AM
Nico, that's 3 posts today with no spelled out punctuation.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 19th, 2013, 06:51 AM
Nico, that's 3 posts today with no spelled out punctuation.

Ahem comma sorry to disappoint period

FM Ashiok
December 19th, 2013, 06:54 AM
FM Nicol Bolas

Claims to know from D2 that Dack was vig, then Dack dies the first night the Beast can kill. Beast's deathnote uses capitalization to try disguise the player's voice, same way Nicol uses his punctuation. Now hes trying to get our jailor killed.

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 07:01 AM
FM Nicol Bolas

Claims to know from D2 that Dack was vig, then Dack dies the first night the Beast can kill. Beast's deathnote uses capitalization to try disguise the player's voice, same way Nicol uses his punctuation. Now hes trying to get our jailor killed.

I believe that Nicol is dark. I do not know what type of darkness. If he is what you accuse him of being, then I cannot give any proof one way or another. Just the light of my words and my thoughts on Nicol's words.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 19th, 2013, 07:03 AM
FM Nicol Bolas

Claims to know from D2 that Dack was vig, then Dack dies the first night the Beast can kill. Beast's deathnote uses capitalization to try disguise the player's voice, same way Nicol uses his punctuation. Now hes trying to get our jailor killed.

Your reasoning is weak comma if I were the beast comma I would not be drawing as much attention as I have been period

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 07:05 AM
Your reasoning is weak comma if I were the beast comma I would not be drawing as much attention as I have been period

That is not a good argument either. Players will play how they play. The role does not change the player's style of acting.

FM Sifa Grent
December 19th, 2013, 07:05 AM
Hmm... I'll try to "decipher" that death note and remove that stupid punctuation. The rest will be up to you. Let's get started, hmm?

Well well well it looks like that Cole has betrayed me
So I am a reasonable person I will make EVERYONE a deal
Each night I will kill one person of my choosing the second kill will be chosen by the people
You may decide by typing -Kill Target
Format must be right otherwise it will be ignored
You must also give reason why to be considered
Tonight I killed these two people

FM Liliana Vess
FM Dack Fayden

If they are alive they are night immune

Good Luck

Hmm, so this punctuation turned to be nothing but simple dust that can be blown off. Now who could write that note, hmm?

FM Nicol Bolas
December 19th, 2013, 07:06 AM
Remember that oranges regular kill was missing yesterday question mark Thats because they were anticipating a healer on their disguise target and now their kidnapper can go unchecked because everything you tell him now comma Koth can tell in day chat because of mafia night chat period It was a good plan except they forgot to get rid of me first period

FM Ashiok
December 19th, 2013, 07:07 AM
Your reasoning is weak comma if I were the beast comma I would not be drawing as much attention as I have been period

The "I can't be this role because I'm not acting a certain way" defense is flawed because you admit you know how a role is expected to act and can act differently.

FM Meshuvel
December 19th, 2013, 07:07 AM
I just noticed I forgot to vote baltrice in my first post

FM Baltrice

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 07:09 AM
Remember that oranges regular kill was missing yesterday question mark Thats because they were anticipating a healer on their disguise target and now their kidnapper can go unchecked because everything you tell him now comma Koth can tell in day chat because of mafia night chat period It was a good plan except they forgot to get rid of me first period

Do not continue in this dark manner.

Sifa, you ask a question but do not answer with your own thoughts. Why do you expect others to illuminate what you can do so if you wish to be helpful?

FM Baltrice
December 19th, 2013, 07:16 AM
It's a winter wonderland, IN AMERICA!

Freedom for breakfast?! Its the only dish we serve, IN AMERICA!

Course one TRUTH
, directed at the Arsonist. Even if all of your douse targets are alive, you still need to wait till night 6 to get your secondary objective of killing 5 targets at once. This is because dousing comes after killing actions in the order of operations.

Course two JUSTICE
, I want to point out that before Karn revealed Vraska to be mafia I had said:
"Baltrice and Vraska seem to be linked, if one pops up mafia, I would bet the other will too."
As such I would like to begin with a FOS on Baltrice.

I'm still highly suspicious of Tezzeret as a member of the Vermaak88 due to his interactions with Nissa.

Well that just plain doesn't make sense considering how I pushed for Vraska lynch yesterday.
Perhaps you should provide more evidence to this suggestion.

FM Baltrice
December 19th, 2013, 07:16 AM
I just noticed I forgot to vote baltrice in my first post

FM Baltrice

I don't think you realize how discrediting that sounds.

FM Sifa Grent
December 19th, 2013, 07:16 AM
Sifa, you ask a question but do not answer with your own thoughts. Why do you expect others to illuminate what you can do so if you wish to be helpful?

Because my own thoughts are, hmm, rather silly. For some reason I think that The Beast could be Sandruu.

So I choose not to think too much and just, hmm, drop random ideas. Maybe one day those ideas of mine will actually help you find out The Beast or some other scum, hmm?

FM Sandruu
December 19th, 2013, 07:17 AM
I don't see how what Nicol said is a scumtell. From what I can assume of the Deathnote left by the beast, he is giving us the option to use one of his night kills for him... This can be used to his advantage....but also to ours... We can get alot of info out of players by figuaring out who they want dead, and maybe why. It can also be used to even more quickly figuare out if the player we choose is the beast or not...Becuase obviously the beast can't kill himself.

There is one part I'm confused with though... How were two players jaile don night 3?

FM Ashiok
December 19th, 2013, 07:17 AM
Hmm... I'll try to "decipher" that death note and remove that stupid punctuation. The rest will be up to you. Let's get started, hmm?

Hmm, so this punctuation turned to be nothing but simple dust that can be blown off. Now who could write that note, hmm?

The first line is telling, the 'looks like that Cole' part.

Either the player has problems with english, or they originally were going to say "seems that Cole" and changed it to "looks like Cole" but didn't proofread before submitting. Nicol Bolas failed to keep up his guise of spelling out punctuation 3 times today, failure to proofread his posts when he is excited.

FM Sandruu
December 19th, 2013, 07:19 AM
I would find it pretty stupid of Nicol if he were the beast...I mean really..? No one should take into account their posting styles in a matter setup like this. It also could be a way to frame Nicol.... Ok...now why am I taking Nicol's side..... I used to be quite against him...

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 07:19 AM
Because my own thoughts are, hmm, rather silly. For some reason I think that The Beast could be Sandruu.

So I choose not to think too much and just, hmm, drop random ideas. Maybe one day those ideas of mine will actually help you find out The Beast or some other scum, hmm?

I will need to illuminate myself on the possibility of Sandruu being the beast.

Karn, what is your result?

FM Chandra Nalaar
December 19th, 2013, 07:20 AM
You are dumb and also uggly

FM Sandruu
December 19th, 2013, 07:20 AM
The first line is telling, the 'looks like that Cole' part.

Either the player has problems with english, or they originally were going to say "seems that Cole" and changed it to "looks like Cole" but didn't proofread before submitting. Nicol Bolas failed to keep up his guise of spelling out punctuation 3 times today, failure to proofread his posts when he is excited.

That actually is a good point of nerviousness showing... Mistakes get made.

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 07:21 AM
I would find it pretty stupid of Nicol if he were the beast...I mean really..? No one should take into account their posting styles in a matter setup like this. It also could be a way to frame Nicol.... Ok...now why am I taking Nicol's side..... I used to be quite against him...

You are trying to put more information into the light's hands. That is good. Ideas are good and bright.

FM Sifa Grent
December 19th, 2013, 07:23 AM
Hmm... Why "Sabrina the Teenage Bitch" is still alive? The Extremist is dead, so what should we do about her, hmm?

FM Parcher
December 19th, 2013, 07:24 AM
FM Sandruu

I really wish I was killed last night

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 07:24 AM
Hmm... Why "Sabrina the Teenage Bitch" is still alive? The Extremist is dead, so what should we do about her, hmm?

Karn's result ought to give illumination into that pit.

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 07:24 AM
FM Sandruu

I really wish I was killed last night

Explain this vote for the light.

FM Sandruu
December 19th, 2013, 07:25 AM
Hmm... Why "Sabrina the Teenage Bitch" is still alive? The Extremist is dead, so what should we do about her, hmm?


FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 07:25 AM


FM Baltrice
December 19th, 2013, 07:26 AM
Hmm... Why "Sabrina the Teenage Bitch" is still alive? The Extremist is dead, so what should we do about her, hmm?

What should we do about her? I'd like your own thoughts to this.

Chandra, why would you ever post that kind of post this late into the game? Seems fishy.

Sandruu, who do you suspect?

Domri, you've just asked for a result from Karn but what about you?

FM Sandruu
December 19th, 2013, 07:26 AM
Nevermind....I caught the witch joke a bit late...

FM Parcher
December 19th, 2013, 07:27 AM
Explain this vote for the light.

He's scum

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 07:27 AM
What should we do about her? I'd like your own thoughts to this.

Chandra, why would you ever post that kind of post this late into the game? Seems fishy.

Sandruu, who do you suspect?

Domri, you've just asked for a result from Karn but what about you?

If it is not obvious, then I have been successful.

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 07:28 AM
He's scum

Why is he dark? Explain your reasoning.

FM Ashiok
December 19th, 2013, 07:29 AM
Hmm... Why "Sabrina the Teenage Bitch" is still alive? The Extremist is dead, so what should we do about her, hmm?

You keep asking questions but not giving your own answers. Why are you still alive for that matter? Many people claim to have you listed as a neutral.

Also this.

Hmm... I thought that Tibalt would be the one who roleblocked me. Now that he's dead, I can openly post my thoughts about him.

I'm surprised that Cole actually chose not to ally with the Beast. Hmm, he probably chose to make that decision because Lucy Kuo was about to be lynched...

The "Well, That Sucks" Tell
The general form of this tell is "a player who comments on the outcome of a night when that outcome was detrimental to one or more factions is very probably scum".
This tell usually appears when a no-kill night occurs (or a low-kill night in a game with many killing roles) or when one or more major power roles is NK'ed.

FM Sandruu
December 19th, 2013, 07:29 AM
I have always suspected Nicol...but this deathnote threw me through a loop. All in all, it could just be a WIFOM of Nicol framing himself to look innocent. Who knows.

I want to know why Parcher is always after me.

FM Baltrice
December 19th, 2013, 07:31 AM
You keep asking questions but not giving your own answers. Why are you still alive for that matter? Many people claim to have you listed as a neutral.

Also this.

The "Well, That Sucks" Tell
The general form of this tell is "a player who comments on the outcome of a night when that outcome was detrimental to one or more factions is very probably scum".
This tell usually appears when a no-kill night occurs (or a low-kill night in a game with many killing roles) or when one or more major power roles is NK'ed.

Who do you suspect?
What faction are you aligned with?

FM Parcher
December 19th, 2013, 07:32 AM
I'm not gonna pull up his old posts, just doing this from memory:

*No strong opinion on lynches, demonstrated by voting after the fate has already been decided for the person
*No attempt to breadcrumb role like all Towns should be doing
*Active lurker

FM Chandra Nalaar
December 19th, 2013, 07:33 AM
Chandra, why would you ever post that kind of post this late into the game? Seems fishy.


FM Baltrice
December 19th, 2013, 07:34 AM

It seems fishy because it doesn't contribute anything but annoyance. What reason do you have to be annoyed?

FM Parcher
December 19th, 2013, 07:34 AM
It's a shame Jailor/Kidnapper chose not to execute this entire game

Fucking pussy

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 07:35 AM

Who do you see as dark? Who do you see as light?

FM Parcher
December 19th, 2013, 07:36 AM
I swear all Domri does is ask questions


FM Sandruu
December 19th, 2013, 07:37 AM
I'm not gonna pull up his old posts, just doing this from memory:

*No strong opinion on lynches, demonstrated by voting after the fate has already been decided for the person
*No attempt to breadcrumb role like all Towns should be doing
*Active lurker

1. Yes, quite yet. I haven't had too much feels for a lynch unless something was confirmed
2. Not actually familiar with the term use of breadcrumb you are referring to..
3. Yup

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 07:37 AM
I swear all Domri does is ask questions


I have illumination for the light but I choose to wait.

FM Chandra Nalaar
December 19th, 2013, 07:38 AM
Who do you see as dark? Who do you see as light?

I think Elspeth is fishy but then maybe she is town, I don't know. I'm sad Dack is dead.

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 07:38 AM
1. Yes, quite yet. I haven't had too much feels for a lynch unless something was confirmed
2. Not actually familiar with the term use of breadcrumb you are referring to..
3. Yup

The second refers to leaving small hints to one's role. One follows the breadcrumbs to the role.

FM Baltrice
December 19th, 2013, 07:38 AM
Who do you see as dark? Who do you see as light?
Who do you see as dark? Who do you see as light?
Why do you agree with Mesuval's FoS? What do you think about Sifa?

FM Ashiok
December 19th, 2013, 07:39 AM
Who do you suspect?
What faction are you aligned with?

I suspect everyone but myself. Those that stand out are Nicol, Sifa, Ral. My faction should be obvious.

FM Baltrice
December 19th, 2013, 07:39 AM
I suspect everyone but myself. Those that stand out are Nicol, Sifa, Ral. My faction should be obvious.

Why should your faction be obvious?

FM Sandruu
December 19th, 2013, 07:42 AM
The second refers to leaving small hints to one's role. One follows the breadcrumbs to the role.

Oh, that's on purpose like all players should. I pretty much always take my role to the grave. If I have information, I act on it passively.

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 07:42 AM
Who do you see as dark? Who do you see as light?
Why do you agree with Mesuval's FoS? What do you think about Sifa?

I have been rethinking my read on you. The light could use a mason but if you were one you would have stood up yesterday.

Tezzeret has been dark this entire game. He does need to claim a role.

Sifa needs to give more indication of her role. She is probably neither dark nor light in terms of role.

I ask the same questions to you.

FM Ashiok
December 19th, 2013, 07:46 AM
Why should your faction be obvious?

Because of breadcrumbing.

FM Sandruu
December 19th, 2013, 07:47 AM
Because of breadcrumbing.

Now that term becomes popular

FM Nicol Bolas
December 19th, 2013, 07:50 AM
I have illumination for the light but I choose to wait.

Just because you were kidnapped last night and he let you free doesn't mean that you were jailed period Orange have been setting this up since the start of the game period Notice the lack of double jailed claimers except for night 3 comma oh and btw kidnapper let vig live too period

FM Baltrice
December 19th, 2013, 07:50 AM
I have been rethinking my read on you. The light could use a mason but if you were one you would have stood up yesterday.

Tezzeret has been dark this entire game. He does need to claim a role.

Sifa needs to give more indication of her role. She is probably neither dark nor light in terms of role.

I ask the same questions to you.

You avoided my question: Who is Light
Masoning ~ There are reasons for my silence. One of these reasons is due to a hectic work schedule.
Dark ~ Sifa, Nicol, Ral, Meshuval off the top of my head.
Light ~ Meshuval, Sandruu, Parcher off the top of my head.

Meshuval'd FoS on me seems hurried and half assed and missing a vote which he placed an hour~ later. It doesn't look like a legit FoS to me.

How has Tezzeret been dark all game?

FM Baltrice
December 19th, 2013, 07:52 AM
Just because you were kidnapped last night and he let you free doesn't mean that you were jailed period Orange have been setting this up since the start of the game period Notice the lack of double jailed claimers except for night 3 comma oh and btw kidnapper let vig live too period

Why do you think this?
What do you think of Sandruu?
Who is scum to you?
What faction are you in?

Speaking of work It calls to me so I have to go.

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 07:58 AM
Baltrice, all these questions for me?

I omitted my thoughts on the light and dark for reasons.

Tezzeret has been trying to seem light by suggesting actions that seem bright but are really dim. He has been consistent in this.

That's not the reason that I believe Koth is of the light. There are better reasons for that.

My notes say that Sandruu is either a light-beare or a good citizen. Suspicion on him leads me to want to illuminate him some more.

I will not answer this at this moment.

I am of the light.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 19th, 2013, 07:58 AM
Why do you think this?
His refusal to give his lead hints that he doesnt have one period

What do you think of Sandruu?
Not saying what I think of people until Im ready to vote them period

Who is scum to you?
Koth dash until he proves to me that he is the real jailor by knowing Maraths role period
Xenagos for lurking
Question mark for question mark reasons
Question mark for question mark reasons
Question mark for question mark reasons
Question mark for question mark reasons

What faction are you in?
You be the judge but dont tell anyone period

FM Meshuvel
December 19th, 2013, 08:00 AM
As I stated yesterday, my first post of the day is my last will from the night before. This is why it didn't include a vote from the get go. I forgot to add the vote after copying and pasting from my sent pms.

As for why you pushed for a lynch on vraska, are you trying to argue that it is unlikely for mafia to bus a teammate after a sheriff reveals them?

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 08:01 AM
"Domri, you revealed too early in the day and you didn't get much information from interaction"

"Domri, you haven't revealed anything yet you didn't check anyone at all did you?"

The shit I have to get through to help the light.

FM Meshuvel
December 19th, 2013, 08:02 AM
I am also of the opinion that sandruu is town.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 19th, 2013, 08:05 AM
Koth was the perfect disguise victim comma with the kidnapper around he can still make it look as if he was the one talking to people in the jail chats comma he hardly ever posts and lurks his derriere off and he is almost a confirmed town that wouldnt be checked period

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 08:08 AM
Koth was the perfect disguise victim comma with the kidnapper around he can still make it look as if he was the one talking to people in the jail chats comma he hardly ever posts and lurks his derriere off and he is almost a confirmed town that wouldnt be checked period

Claim your role. You mention that you find Koth to be dark because of some role information. Enlighten us.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 19th, 2013, 08:11 AM
Role List:

Cole MacGrath [MacGrath]
Zeke Dunbar [MacGrath]
Nix [MacGrath]
Citizen [MacGrath]

Conduit [Vermaak 88]
Conduit [Vermaak 88]
Conduit [Vermaak 88]
Conduit [Vermaak 88]

The Prime Beast
Random Killing Conduit + possible recruits
Random Conduit[COLOR=#00ff00]

Just noticed why its soo hard to get scum lynched now comma unless some cleaned roles were scum about half the town is now scum period

FM Sandruu
December 19th, 2013, 08:11 AM
Koth dash until he proves to me that he is the real jailor by knowing Maraths role period

Claiming the role could actually hurt, if town knows then scum knows.

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 08:14 AM
Nicol your accusation against Koth are dark. Claim your role if you want actual consideration from me.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 19th, 2013, 08:14 AM
Claim your role. You mention that you find Koth to be dark because of some role information. Enlighten us.

You are new around here comma I dont claim roles comma I let the graveyard do the speaking comma until then you will know just as much as the scum do period

I will however use my role to get me reads and I will use those reads to influence the town without revealing my own role period

FM Nicol Bolas
December 19th, 2013, 08:15 AM
Claiming the role could actually hurt, if town knows then scum knows.

Marath already claimed to be a PR period

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 08:15 AM
You are new around here comma I dont claim roles comma I let the graveyard do the speaking comma until then you will know just as much as the scum do period

I will however use my role to get me reads and I will use those reads to influence the town without revealing my own role period

I do not care if I am new. You are hindering the light. That is what I care about.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 19th, 2013, 08:16 AM
Im patient comma I dont need your vote right away and Im sure you will join in once you realize that Koth doesnt know Maraths role period

FM Ashiok
December 19th, 2013, 08:16 AM
You are new around here comma I dont claim roles comma I let the graveyard do the speaking comma until then you will know just as much as the scum do period

I will however use my role to get me reads and I will use those reads to influence the town without revealing my own role period

Town has to believe you for you to influence it.

FM Chandra Nalaar
December 19th, 2013, 08:17 AM
Koth was the perfect disguise victim

No he likes Kanye

FM Nicol Bolas
December 19th, 2013, 08:17 AM
Koth will doom himself comma I dont have to make you believe me to see that Koth is the disguiser comma he will do that himself period

FM Sandruu
December 19th, 2013, 08:17 AM
Nicol shares my views, however he has too many pings of me against that I do not trust.

Like last time, my vote goes for
FM Nicol Bolas

FM Nicol Bolas
December 19th, 2013, 08:19 AM
Considering that half the town is scum comma I expected this kind of treatment period Just didnt expect it to come from the pokemon period

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 08:20 AM
Koth will doom himself comma I dont have to make you believe me to see that Koth is the disguiser comma he will do that himself period

Why is the disguiser such a priority for you?

FM Sandruu
December 19th, 2013, 08:20 AM
Considering that half the town is scum comma I expected this kind of treatment period Just didnt expect it to come from the pokemon period

Wow, you actually made me spit out my drink...

FM Nicol Bolas
December 19th, 2013, 08:22 AM
Why is the disguiser such a priority for you?

Because it will warn whoever is kidnapped tonight that they are not talking to the jailor period

FM Parcher
December 19th, 2013, 08:23 AM
FM Nicol Bolas

I'm ok with this lynch because he's purposely annoying

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 08:24 AM
Because it will warn whoever is kidnapped tonight that they are not talking to the jailor period

Why do you focus on the person who can prove the role instead of those who have not claimed anything, lurked, or done dark things?

Do you think Nissa and company is that dim?

FM Nicol Bolas
December 19th, 2013, 08:30 AM
Do you think Nissa and company is that dim?

Considering the lack of death notes and that scum haven't coordinated their attacks yet comma yes period

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 08:31 AM
Considering the lack of death notes and that scum haven't coordinated their attacks yet comma yes period

How do you know that the dark factions have not coordinated attacks? There are cleaned bodies. I don't know if there are dark roles in the graveyard. How do you know this?

FM Nicol Bolas
December 19th, 2013, 08:33 AM
How do you know that the dark factions have not coordinated attacks?

You are still alive comma are you not question mark

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 08:34 AM
You are still alive comma are you not question mark

Thank you for noticing. How do you know the dark factions have not coordinated attacks?

FM Meshuvel
December 19th, 2013, 08:36 AM
I don't think nico has to reveal his role yet. Right now masrath is able to confirm Nico's suspicion without either of them revealing their role.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 19th, 2013, 08:38 AM
Do I have to spell it out for you question mark Scum could easily coordinate an attack on confirmed town to bypass healing by posting a deathnote to let the other team know who to target when period

Example colon Death note from orange could say hey green team lets kill the confirmed townie sheriff tonight period

Thus you being alive and the lack of deathnotes of such shows that they are not coordinated dot dot dot not to mention the multiple failed kills period

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 08:41 AM
Do I have to spell it out for you question mark Scum could easily coordinate an attack on confirmed town to bypass healing by posting a deathnote to let the other team know who to target when period

Example colon Death note from orange could say hey green team lets kill the confirmed townie sheriff tonight period

Thus you being alive and the lack of deathnotes of such shows that they are not coordinated dot dot dot not to mention the multiple failed kills period

For whatever reason Cole's conduits saw fit to shroud my action via Vraska. The Vermaak have had bigger problems with suspicion of their own. I do not count my life as an indicator that the forces of darkness do not coordinate.

FM Sifa Grent
December 19th, 2013, 08:44 AM
Hmm... I just found out one very interesting fact. As long as Cole MacGrath is alive, The Beast simply cannot win. You understand why is that, hmm?

Not to say this game is flawed, hmm... but I think Cole was perfectly aware of this fact and chose the second option because of that.

FM Sarkhan Vol
December 19th, 2013, 08:48 AM
I have received not a single feedback and no Priest has ever recruited me. I'm still a Militia Member who seek to become more useful.

I'd like to ask about Ugin, Koth, Karn and Parcher. Are they to be trusted?

FM Chandra Nalaar
December 19th, 2013, 08:51 AM
I just found out one very interesting fact. As long as Cole MacGrath is alive, The Beast simply cannot win. You understand why is that, hmm?

This makesk zero sense to me. What?

FM Meshuvel
December 19th, 2013, 08:51 AM
The beast could have won with Cole if Cole had chose the infamous path

FM Sorin Markov
December 19th, 2013, 08:53 AM
Still no feedback, but very much alive.

Yo Nicol, why won't you stop with the bullshit? You're like a kid with a toy. The lack of real punctuation annoys me. Good riddance if you get lynched.

FM Nicol Bolas
December 19th, 2013, 08:54 AM
I'd like to ask about
Karn and
Parcher. Are they to be trusted?

Ugin has not given me a reason to trust him nor has he given me a reason not to comma 99 percent of his posts are very neutral toned and do not really influence the current discussion period

Koth is a perfect disguiser target and I will continue to say so unless he proves otherwise period

Karn could be a sheriff but he could also be a consig or even someone who noticed something in day chat that the rest missed so I won put all my trust into him just yet period

Parcher has been a real pain in my side but has none the less done more than other people comma trusting him is up to you

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 08:58 AM
The forces of darkness thought to kill me last night. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, Doctor. This solidifies my read on Nicol being one of Cole's conduits. He asserts that I was jailed last night, which would have negated an attack from them. He is being dim in regards to Koth, who I think is an incredibly stupid disguiser target. Praise the Sun Cole decided to waste his attack!

FM Nicol Bolas
December 19th, 2013, 08:58 AM
Still no feedback, but very much alive.

Yo Nicol, why won't you stop with the bullshit? You're like a kid with a toy. The lack of real punctuation annoys me. Good riddance if you get lynched.

Your first post on day 3 sums up what I think of you comma except for day 4 where we had an obvious lynch target from a claimed sheriff comma go back to your shadows scum period

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 08:59 AM
FM Nicol Bolas

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 09:04 AM
If Joseph Bertrand would take his rightful place, I got a Vermaak 88 result on Tezzeret. I believe we can cut the darkness down.

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 09:08 AM
Has the darkness swallowed everyone? Why no posts when there are 10 others, besides myself, here?

FM Meshuvel
December 19th, 2013, 09:08 AM
If Joseph Bertrand would take his rightful place, I got a Vermaak 88 result on Tezzeret. I believe we can cut the darkness down.

Called it

FM Nicol Bolas
December 19th, 2013, 09:08 AM
So you get a scum read on Tezzeret and yet you vote for me comma your logic never ceases to disappoint me period

Im off to bed for now Ill be back later comma hopefully with more votes on Koth the disguiser period

FM Sandruu
December 19th, 2013, 09:08 AM
Still no feedback, but very much alive.

Yo Nicol, why won't you stop with the bullshit? You're like a kid with a toy. The lack of real punctuation annoys me. Good riddance if you get lynched.

Ummmm... are you expecting feedback? I assume this is a slip of a PR

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 19th, 2013, 09:09 AM
I was framed.

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 09:10 AM
I was framed.

What is your role?

FM Sandruu
December 19th, 2013, 09:11 AM
Well if Tezzerat is confirmed, I'm surpirsed no one is after him. I honestly would love to finally what Nicol is complaining about but it's hard to choose and unknown over the known.

FM Meshuvel
December 19th, 2013, 09:12 AM
If you have the feedback that tezz is vermaak why not vote him over Nico who just feels like mafia?

FM Tezzeret

FM Ral Zarek
December 19th, 2013, 09:12 AM
hey guys seems like i was not shot last night

FM Sandruu
December 19th, 2013, 09:13 AM
FM Tezzeret

Isn't this Tezzeret's first post of the day? And right after he was calle dout?

FM Meshuvel
December 19th, 2013, 09:13 AM
Ummmm... are you expecting feedback? I assume this is a slip of a PR

I disagree, we had already been asking people to report that nothing happened to them.

Speaking of which, nothing happened to me last night.

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 09:13 AM
If you have the feedback that tezz is vermaak why not vote him over Nico who just feels like mafia?

FM Tezzeret

Because I am sure of the guilt of both. I ask for Joseph Bertrand to please stand up so we can lynch both.

FM Sarkhan Vol
December 19th, 2013, 09:17 AM
I was framed.

This is probably the most dumb thing to do as a town.

The beast offered to kill if we did the command, let's see if that is true.
-Kill FM Tezzeret

FM Nicol Bolas

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 19th, 2013, 09:18 AM
If the mayor believes my innocence, please do not reveal thyself(as I have a good idea on who you are)

Will you lay off, Domri? I was framed.

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 09:18 AM
If the mayor believes my innocence, please do not reveal thyself(as I have a good idea on who you are)

Will you lay off, Domri? I was framed.

What is your role?

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 19th, 2013, 09:19 AM
This is probably the most dumb thing to do as a town.

The beast offered to kill if we did the command, let's see if that is true.
-Kill FM Tezzeret

FM Nicol Bolas

why is the most dumb thing? I don't want a mislynch on me?

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 19th, 2013, 09:20 AM
What is your role?

only the mayor should make me claim if he has doubts to who I am.

FM Sandruu
December 19th, 2013, 09:21 AM
This is actually a better option, if Mr. Beast will actually do it.

FM Nicol Bolas
-kill FM Tezzeret

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 09:23 AM
only the mayor should make me claim if he has doubts to who I am.

The mayor isn't out in the open right now. Why don't you vote Nicol Bolas? What is your role?

FM Sarkhan Vol
December 19th, 2013, 09:23 AM
why is the most dumb thing? I don't want a mislynch on me?

only the mayor should make me claim if he has doubts to who I am.

"I'm town, so I claim framed with no solid defense. I request the Mayor to reveal and ask me personally so that I've become the asshole that wasted everyone's time, focus of the day and outing the Mayor."

Just claim already.

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 19th, 2013, 09:27 AM
"I'm town, so I claim framed with no solid defense. I request the Mayor to reveal and ask me personally so that I've become the asshole that wasted everyone's time, focus of the day and outing the Mayor."

Just claim already.

domri already wants the mayor to reveal to do a double lynch. i DONT want the mayor to reveal. why are twisting my words?

FM Sandruu
December 19th, 2013, 09:29 AM
I would recommend the mayor to keep quiet for now. It's not needed.

FM Sorin Markov
December 19th, 2013, 09:39 AM
Your first post on day 3 sums up what I think of you comma except for day 4 where we had an obvious lynch target from a claimed sheriff comma go back to your shadows scum period

Aw, don't be mad, Bolas-kins. It's not your fault you rolled scum! It's not easy living in such an ugly corrupt world~

Ummmm... are you expecting feedback? I assume this is a slip of a PR

More like I didn't get roleblocked or anything of the sort. Why would you try to out PRs anyway by pointing out silly details like this?

I was framed.


FM Tezzeret

FM Sandruu
December 19th, 2013, 09:40 AM
I'm being too active

*Crawls back into his safe hole and watches as the bullets fly by*

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 19th, 2013, 09:52 AM
coroner should reveal their information as was planned yesterday.

we're going to need it, especially if my lynch goes through.

FM Sorin Markov
December 19th, 2013, 10:02 AM
coroner should reveal their information as was planned yesterday.

we're going to need it, especially if my lynch goes through.

I don't see how the Coroner's information would have anything to do with your lynch. Care to explain?

FM Masrath
December 19th, 2013, 10:27 AM
@Koth: Despite how much Nicol might want you to, there is no need for you to reveal my role to confirm you're not disguised. First off, that's gotta be one of the stupider ways to confirm you're not disguised, as there are plenty of ways that scum could have come by the knowledge of my role. As I said back on Day 3, if you want to confirm that you're still you, you can simply quote the exact text of the title of the jail chat thread that I made. This is information that I have not disclosed, and it is nonrelevant to the game otherwise.

FM Masrath
December 19th, 2013, 10:29 AM
I don't see how the Coroner's information would have anything to do with your lynch. Care to explain?

Easy to explain. He's trying to get as many PR's to out themselves as possible before he gets lynched.

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 19th, 2013, 10:31 AM
you should get him to confirm he wasn't disguised though.

FM Masrath
December 19th, 2013, 10:38 AM
you should get him to confirm he wasn't disguised though.

I don't see why anyone would think Koth would be a good disguiser target.

I think Koth and I have got to be the two stupidest people to disguise as, because of the simple fact that everyone knows that Koth jailed me on Night Two, and we have details from our jail chat that we can use to confirm each other.

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 10:56 AM
Tezzeret, claim your role. Just saying that my result was faked by the darkness does not make it so.

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 19th, 2013, 10:57 AM
no one has claimed jailed Masrath. Don't you see why this is fishy? Aren't you the only one to have done so?

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 10:58 AM
no one has claimed jailed Masrath. Don't you see why this is fishy? Aren't you the only one to have done so?

Chandra claimed to have been jailed the night before last.

FM Meshuvel
December 19th, 2013, 11:03 AM
I don't see why anyone would think Koth would be a good disguiser target.

I think Koth and I have got to be the two stupidest people to disguise as, because of the simple fact that everyone knows that Koth jailed me on Night Two, and we have details from our jail chat that we can use to confirm each other.

So then let's have him post the title so you can confirm he wasn't disguised.

FM Ravi Sengir
December 19th, 2013, 11:03 AM
Why are you guys wasting your time yelling at Nicol. He's clearly right about Koth. I highly doubt he's scum. I also think you're wasting time with tezzeret, he was a pretty obvious frame target.

Masrath telling Koth not to prove himself is suspicious. Then again, there is no way for them to prove Koth's innocence since Masrath could be a member of the Vermaaks too, in which case she would just confirm anything Koth says. If Koth even bothers to post today, that is.

Also, Doomri, why did you not wait for Karn. You say you like my plan to have Karn claim first, then you ruin it. I don't understand.

FM Ravi Sengir
December 19th, 2013, 11:05 AM
Also of note: It would appear Cole's Conduits failed their kill last night.

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 11:06 AM
Why are you guys wasting your time yelling at Nicol. He's clearly right about Koth. I highly doubt he's scum. I also think you're wasting time with tezzeret, he was a pretty obvious frame target.

Masrath telling Koth not to prove himself is suspicious. Then again, there is no way for them to prove Koth's innocence since Masrath could be a member of the Vermaaks too, in which case she would just confirm anything Koth says. If Koth even bothers to post today, that is.

Also, Doomri, why did you not wait for Karn. You say you like my plan to have Karn claim first, then you ruin it. I don't understand.

Nicol is wrong and dark. As are you. And as is Tezzeret. He is not claiming a role.

I made Karn tell his target. He disappeared afterward. What was I supposed to do? Wait for him to come back some number of hours later?

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 11:07 AM
Also of note: It would appear Cole's Conduits failed their kill last night.

It appears you have not been reading my posts, dark one.

FM Ravi Sengir
December 19th, 2013, 11:10 AM
It appears you have not been reading my posts, dark one.

You're a fool. If I were dark, you wouldn't know it.

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 11:11 AM
You're a fool. If I were dark, you wouldn't know it.

You delude yourself in your own shroud.

FM Parcher
December 19th, 2013, 11:13 AM
Check Fm Sarkhin Vol tonight

Fm Tezzeret

FM Parcher
December 19th, 2013, 11:14 AM
I still think Karn is Cole Macgrath

FM Ravi Sengir
December 19th, 2013, 11:14 AM
You delude yourself in your own shroud.

I'd tell you to check me tonight and see for yourself, but planning a target openly would be completely susceptible to framing, plus I expect to be dead by morning anyway.

FM Ravi Sengir
December 19th, 2013, 11:15 AM
FM Koth

FM Masrath
December 19th, 2013, 11:18 AM
Why are you guys wasting your time yelling at Nicol. He's clearly right about Koth. I highly doubt he's scum. I also think you're wasting time with tezzeret, he was a pretty obvious frame target.

Masrath telling Koth not to prove himself is suspicious. Then again, there is no way for them to prove Koth's innocence since Masrath could be a member of the Vermaaks too, in which case she would just confirm anything Koth says. If Koth even bothers to post today, that is.

Also, Doomri, why did you not wait for Karn. You say you like my plan to have Karn claim first, then you ruin it. I don't understand.

I didn't tell Koth not to prove himself. I told him not to reveal my role unnecessarily, and gave him an alternate way to prove himself if he wanted to.

FM Ravi Sengir
December 19th, 2013, 11:20 AM
I didn't tell Koth not to prove himself. I told him not to reveal my role unnecessarily, and gave him an alternate way to prove himself if he wanted to.

Even so, you could be a vermaak along with him and then you would have told him in night chat, or you'll just simply confirm whatever he says.

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 11:21 AM
Even so, you could be a vermaak along with him and then you would have told him in night chat, or you'll just simply confirm whatever he says.

Why do you believe that Tezzeret was framed?

FM Ravi Sengir
December 19th, 2013, 11:22 AM
You delude yourself in your own shroud.

Why do you think everyone who disagrees with you is scum? You understand that's not how this game works, right?

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 11:24 AM
Why do you think everyone who disagrees with you is scum? You understand that's not how this game works, right?

Why do you think that Tezzeret was framed? I want to understand and you avoid answering the question.

FM Ravi Sengir
December 19th, 2013, 11:26 AM
Why do you believe that Tezzeret was framed?

I think he was an obvious target. Since the framer can target two people, my guess is he framed tezzeret and either Ral Zarek (if he's not scum and is in fact terrible town) or Nicol.

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 11:28 AM
I think he was an obvious target. Since the framer can target two people, my guess is he framed tezzeret and either Ral Zarek (if he's not scum and is in fact terrible town) or Nicol.

Then can you explain why Tezzeret has not claimed yet?

FM Parcher
December 19th, 2013, 11:28 AM
Ravi is his lawyer

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 11:30 AM
Ravi is his lawyer

Clearly sharing the same darkness.

FM Ravi Sengir
December 19th, 2013, 11:31 AM
Why do you think that Tezzeret was framed? I want to understand and you avoid answering the question.

I wasn't avoiding the question. I was typing while you submitted your post. Why are you so intent on labeling me as scum? Nicol is right about you. Your avatar fits your playstyle perfectly.

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 11:32 AM
I wasn't avoiding the question. I was typing while you submitted your post. Why are you so intent on labeling me as scum? Nicol is right about you. Your avatar fits your playstyle perfectly.

I am trying to understand. Why will you not explain?

FM Ravi Sengir
December 19th, 2013, 11:33 AM
Then can you explain why Tezzeret has not claimed yet?

Because claiming isn't always good.

Ravi is his lawyer


Clearly sharing the same darkness.

Obviously. You know, I haven't even discounted the possibility that tezzeret is scum. I just think he was such an easy frame target that your result isn't enough to go by. Plus I think Koth is a better lynch, since he is basically confirmed to be the disguiser.

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 11:35 AM
Ravi is so dim that if Dack were still alive I would ask for the vigilante to shoot him.

Masrath, what are your thoughts on Tezzeret?

FM Sorin Markov
December 19th, 2013, 11:36 AM
Easy to explain. He's trying to get as many PR's to out themselves as possible before he gets lynched.

Ding ding ding. We have a winner!

Ravi is his lawyer

As random as this sounds, I'd almost find this to be plausible. Or maybe Ravi is just bad scum who is going to try everything he can to save his scum buddy. Would be very silly, though.

Because claiming isn't always good.

Well no shit captain. But when you have a confirmed Sheriff with a scum result on your ass, just saying ''I was framed!'' isn't going to cut it. This isn't Sc2mafia, broski.

FM Ravi Sengir
December 19th, 2013, 11:49 AM
Ding ding ding. We have a winner!

As random as this sounds, I'd almost find this to be plausible. Or maybe Ravi is just bad scum who is going to try everything he can to save his scum buddy. Would be very silly, though.

Well no shit captain. But when you have a confirmed Sheriff with a scum result on your ass, just saying ''I was framed!'' isn't going to cut it. This isn't Sc2mafia, broski.

I find it humorous that you say "it isn't sc2mafia" as a defense for expecting the game to play out exactly like sc2mafia, where everyone claims a role, and those who don't are lynched.

As I said, Tezzeret could be scum, but Koth is a better lynch. Don't you see that we have no jailor? There have been zero jailed claims last night where there should be 2. Do you not think that the least bit odd?

FM Ugin
December 19th, 2013, 11:52 AM
Ugin comes over, he seems to not be busy for a bit. He starts to read.

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 11:53 AM
I find it humorous that you say "it isn't sc2mafia" as a defense for expecting the game to play out exactly like sc2mafia, where everyone claims a role, and those who don't are lynched.

As I said, Tezzeret could be scum, but Koth is a better lynch. Don't you see that we have no jailor? There have been zero jailed claims last night where there should be 2. Do you not think that the least bit odd?

Let's assume that Koth is disguiser. How is a disguiser a bigger priority than a currently unknown Vermaak role? For all you know Tezzeret could be kidnapper. The disguiser has already used its charge. Any other Vermaak role is a better choice for a lynch.

FM Ravi Sengir
December 19th, 2013, 11:55 AM
Ravi is so dim that if Dack were still alive I would ask for the vigilante to shoot him.

Masrath, what are your thoughts on Tezzeret?

I doubt he'd listen. He didn't even have a read of me. I doubt he's just going to random shoot because the failure of a sheriff said so.

Dammit, why did they have to kill Tibalt? He could talk some sense into you idiots.

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 11:57 AM
I doubt he'd listen. He didn't even have a read of me. I doubt he's just going to random shoot because the failure of a sheriff said so.

Dammit, why did they have to kill Tibalt? He could talk some sense into you idiots.

I suppose you didn't read the graveyard? Dack was the extremist.

FM Ravi Sengir
December 19th, 2013, 11:58 AM
Let's assume that Koth is disguiser. How is a disguiser a bigger priority than a currently unknown Vermaak role? For all you know Tezzeret could be kidnapper. The disguiser has already used its charge. Any other Vermaak role is a better choice for a lynch.

Because I think there's a 50/50 chance that tezzeret was framed, whereas there's a 100% chance that Koth is the disguiser. I'd rather take the guarantee, because if we don't start killing scum now, they can control the vote by tomorrow. And then it goes from a game of "will scum win?" to "which scum will win?"

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 11:59 AM
Because I think there's a 50/50 chance that tezzeret was framed, whereas there's a 100% chance that Koth is the disguiser. I'd rather take the guarantee, because if we don't start killing scum now, they can control the vote by tomorrow. And then it goes from a game of "will scum win?" to "which scum will win?"

How is it 100%? How are you absolutely sure? Without just saying "Koth is disguiser" of course.

FM Ravi Sengir
December 19th, 2013, 11:59 AM
I suppose you didn't read the graveyard? Dack was the extremist.

I suppose you didn't read my post. I said nothing to contradict that Dack was the extremist.

FM Ravi Sengir
December 19th, 2013, 11:59 AM
How is it 100%? How are you absolutely sure? Without just saying "Koth is disguiser" of course.

Count the jailed claims.

FM Masrath
December 19th, 2013, 12:01 PM
Ravi is so dim that if Dack were still alive I would ask for the vigilante to shoot him.

Masrath, what are your thoughts on Tezzeret?

I'd like to see some more events play out before I get a definitive conclusion on him, but for now I can say he's surely not town, and I believe him being a Vermaak as you say is a distinct possibility.

Anybody know if the Willbender's lure target knows they were lured? I'm on my phone right now (as I will be for the rest of this FM day) and I didn't see it in the role card or Q&A.

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 12:04 PM
Count the jailed claims.

I have. Don't you think there are reasons to keep a jailed claim hidden? If you know that Koth is 100% disguiser then you better get some damn good evidence.

FM Sorin Markov
December 19th, 2013, 12:04 PM
I find it humorous that you say "it isn't sc2mafia" as a defense for expecting the game to play out exactly like sc2mafia, where everyone claims a role, and those who don't are lynched.

As I said, Tezzeret could be scum, but Koth is a better lynch. Don't you see that we have no jailor? There have been zero jailed claims last night where there should be 2. Do you not think that the least bit odd?

I was more referring to the fact that some people would let it go after a claim of being framed, and move on to another target. But it doesn't really matter here. And about the jailings? I haven't kept track of all the claims, so enlighten me if it doesn't bother you too much.

Sorry if that went over my head, but how is Koth confirmed disguised? And even if he is, how is he a better lynch, now that he would be a Disguiser with no charge (A mafioso, basically.) over another Vermaak, which is an unknown scum power role? I still don't see how he was ''such an obvious framer target''.

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 19th, 2013, 12:05 PM
"I promise I'll start contributing more tomorrow =)"

Wasn't that ASKING to be frame target?
Who the hell posts something like that so scummy?

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 12:06 PM
I'd like to see some more events play out before I get a definitive conclusion on him, but for now I can say he's surely not town, and I believe him being a Vermaak as you say is a distinct possibility.

Anybody know if the Willbender's lure target knows they were lured? I'm on my phone right now (as I will be for the rest of this FM day) and I didn't see it in the role card or Q&A.

No they are not informed. It is a question in the Q and A thread.

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 12:06 PM
"I promise I'll start contributing more tomorrow =)"

Wasn't that ASKING to be frame target?
Who the hell posts something like that so scummy?

Someone who has information. Where is that information? Claim a role.

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 12:08 PM
I was more referring to the fact that some people would let it go after a claim of being framed, and move on to another target. But it doesn't really matter here. And about the jailings? I haven't kept track of all the claims, so enlighten me if it doesn't bother you too much.

Sorry if that went over my head, but how is Koth confirmed disguised? And even if he is, how is he a better lynch, now that he would be a Disguiser with no charge (A mafioso, basically.) over another Vermaak, which is an unknown scum power role? I still don't see how he was ''such an obvious framer target''.

Masrath claimed to have been jailed on night 2. Chandra and Dack both claimed jailed on night 3 (Dack is slightly more believable since we can see his role). No one, so far, has claimed jailed today.

That's my point. There's no way to be 100% sure that Koth is a disguiser. I'm sure that he isn't because he's a stupid choice to target. Ravi has gone full retard and now is spouting bullshit.

FM Sorin Markov
December 19th, 2013, 12:15 PM
Masrath claimed to have been jailed on night 2. Chandra and Dack both claimed jailed on night 3 (Dack is slightly more believable since we can see his role). No one, so far, has claimed jailed today.

That's my point. There's no way to be 100% sure that Koth is a disguiser. I'm sure that he isn't because he's a stupid choice to target. Ravi has gone full retard and now is spouting bullshit.

Okay, so I hadn't missed any claims. I still don't see how that makes Koth 100% confirmed.

Ravi, what do you know that we don't? I'd love to understand your side of this, but right now, I don't think people are going to follow you with this little information.

FM Masrath
December 19th, 2013, 12:15 PM
No they are not informed. It is a question in the Q and A thread.

Hmm. Well, then, we can't rule out the possibility that you were lured.

I don't think it's likely, though.

As for all the fools who want to lynch Koth: Stahp. If he's still town, he'll prove himself through me when he gets on. If he's disguiser, then he's no longer a big threat until he's the last one left. There's not much else to say on the subject until he gets on and starts talking.

FM Ravi Sengir
December 19th, 2013, 12:17 PM
I have. Don't you think there are reasons to keep a jailed claim hidden? If you know that Koth is 100% disguiser then you better get some damn good evidence.

I was more referring to the fact that some people would let it go after a claim of being framed, and move on to another target. But it doesn't really matter here. And about the jailings? I haven't kept track of all the claims, so enlighten me if it doesn't bother you too much.

Sorry if that went over my head, but how is Koth confirmed disguised? And even if he is, how is he a better lynch, now that he would be a Disguiser with no charge (A mafioso, basically.) over another Vermaak, which is an unknown scum power role? I still don't see how he was ''such an obvious framer target''.

There can be reasons to hide a jailed claim. Except for one thing. Until now, we only ever knew of one person being jailed: Masrath on night 2. After Masrath claimed, why would someone else not claim if they were jailed? If they claimed, this would confirm to us that there is a kidnapper in the game, which is useful information for town. Why would someone not give us this information? Especially when failure to do so would confirm them as scum in the eyes of whoever jailed them, and both would want him dead.

FM Ravi Sengir
December 19th, 2013, 12:18 PM
Hmm. Well, then, we can't rule out the possibility that you were lured.

I don't think it's likely, though.

As for all the fools who want to lynch Koth: Stahp. If he's still town, he'll prove himself through me when he gets on. If he's disguiser, then he's no longer a big threat until he's the last one left. There's not much else to say on the subject until he gets on and starts talking.

Only one problem: Koth is a mega lurker. He's not going to post. Or if he does, it'll be like 2 hours before day ends or some shit. And he'll say something like "oh, I was so busy. sorry guys" and then we won't be able to lynch him today.

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 12:20 PM
Only one problem: Koth is a mega lurker. He's not going to post. Or if he does, it'll be like 2 hours before day ends or some shit. And he'll say something like "oh, I was so busy. sorry guys" and then we won't be able to lynch him today.

Where is your proof? You are asking the light to do something based on a premise that isn't proven. It's not going to fly here.

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 19th, 2013, 12:22 PM
There can be reasons to hide a jailed claim. Except for one thing. Until now, we only ever knew of one person being jailed: Masrath on night 2. After Masrath claimed, why would someone else not claim if they were jailed? If they claimed, this would confirm to us that there is a kidnapper in the game, which is useful information for town. Why would someone not give us this information? Especially when failure to do so would confirm them as scum in the eyes of whoever jailed them, and both would want him dead.

garaunteed kidnapper in this game.

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 12:23 PM
garaunteed kidnapper in this game.

Okay. What is your role? Or is that your role?

FM Masrath
December 19th, 2013, 12:23 PM
Only one problem: Koth is a mega lurker. He's not going to post. Or if he does, it'll be like 2 hours before day ends or some shit. And he'll say something like "oh, I was so busy. sorry guys" and then we won't be able to lynch him today.

And we'll lynch a Vermaak PR instead of a now-mafioso we can deal with later, and everything will be right in this world.

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 12:24 PM
And we'll lynch a Vermaak PR instead of a now-mafioso we can deal with later, and everything will be right in this world.


FM Ugin
December 19th, 2013, 12:27 PM
Hmm... I thought that Tibalt would be the one who roleblocked me. Now that he's dead, I can openly post my thoughts about him.

I'm surprised that Cole actually chose not to ally with the Beast. Hmm, he probably chose to make that decision because Lucy Kuo was about to be lynched...

Ugin waits on those thoughts about him. He is also surprised he didn't side with him, but maybe for different reasons.

Ah screw it Nissa disguised herself as Koth period

FM Koth

Why would you hold it first then reveal it?

I was jailed night 3, I thought Koth would have said it alkready.

Koth has been very inactive, it would not surprise me if he didn't.

Koth said he likes Kanye yesterdday and also in jail, so I think he's the same.

That is irrelevant, anyone could say that.

Haven't got my feedback yet, reading through the few posts that have been made.

Elspeth, for someone who gambled and intentionally attracted much attention he was lurking yesterday.

Ugin is waiting for your feedback.

Wouldn't it be weird if Elspeth looked guilty? Why would a guilty looking player make moves so much like Elspeth?

Ugin thinks so, he takes note of your defending of him.

I just noticed I forgot to vote baltrice in my first post

FM Baltrice

Well that just plain doesn't make sense considering how I pushed for Vraska lynch yesterday.
Perhaps you should provide more evidence to this suggestion.

He finds your timing to show up is rather interesting, you get a single vote and then show up and make a few posts and then vanish.

Because my own thoughts are, hmm, rather silly. For some reason I think that The Beast could be Sandruu.

So I choose not to think too much and just, hmm, drop random ideas. Maybe one day those ideas of mine will actually help you find out The Beast or some other scum, hmm?

Ugin would like to hear reasoning and random ideas, he finds those are sometimes the best ideas and reasoning.

FM Sandruu

I really wish I was killed last night

Ugin thinks he knows what you wanted to be killed last night. Ugin will keep it safe.

I think Elspeth is fishy but then maybe she is town, I don't know. I'm sad Dack is dead.

Ugin is sad to see him dead. He was very inteligent player. He does wonder why he never used a dayshoot.

"Domri, you revealed too early in the day and you didn't get much information from interaction"

"Domri, you haven't revealed anything yet you didn't check anyone at all did you?"

The shit I have to get through to help the light.

Ugin thinks you should ignore their criticism and do what you think is right.

Just noticed why its soo hard to get scum lynched now comma unless some cleaned roles were scum about half the town is now scum period

Ugin has to disagree. Ugin thinks that the scums will be trying to lynch other scum now.

Hmm... I just found out one very interesting fact. As long as Cole MacGrath is alive, The Beast simply cannot win. You understand why is that, hmm?

Not to say this game is flawed, hmm... but I think Cole was perfectly aware of this fact and chose the second option because of that.

Ugin still wonders why you ignore venmark so much and focus on others.

I was framed.

Says every scum ever FM Tezzeret

only the mayor should make me claim if he has doubts to who I am.

Ugin wants to know why, this post seems to contradict your next one.

domri already wants the mayor to reveal to do a double lynch. i DONT want the mayor to reveal. why are twisting my words?

Ugin see how only mayor will make you claim yet you don't want him to reveal. You need to show how these don't contradict each other right now

you should get him to confirm he wasn't disguised though.

Noted of trying to derail.

I still think Karn is Cole Macgrath

Ugin looks at you and would like to know the reasoning, he notes how you vote sandruu and wanted to die last night to thinking karn is cole. He does not doubt it but would like to hear the reasoning.

Because I think there's a 50/50 chance that tezzeret was framed, whereas there's a 100% chance that Koth is the disguiser. I'd rather take the guarantee, because if we don't start killing scum now, they can control the vote by tomorrow. And then it goes from a game of "will scum win?" to "which scum will win?"

How is it 100%? How are you absolutely sure? Without just saying "Koth is disguiser" of course.

Count the jailed claims.

Ugin would like you to count the jailed claims, he find that if you want it to be pushed you should not make others do things like that.

"I promise I'll start contributing more tomorrow =)"

Wasn't that ASKING to be frame target?
Who the hell posts something like that so scummy?

A lot of people.

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 19th, 2013, 12:30 PM
Ugin, by mayor NOT revealing, he thinks I'm framed, so that's how hes telling the town NOT to vote me.

If he thinks I'm a PR, he should reveal. how is this difficult to understand?

FM Ravi Sengir
December 19th, 2013, 12:31 PM
Where is your proof? You are asking the light to do something based on a premise that isn't proven. It's not going to fly here.

Proof of what? That Koth is a massive lurker who has miraculously managed not to be modkilled?
Koth made 3 posts yesterday. Day before that he made 7. He didn't post at all for days 1 and 2. In other words, not counting today, that's 10 posts spanning across 4 days.

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 12:31 PM
Ugin, by mayor NOT revealing, he thinks I'm framed, so that's how hes telling the town NOT to vote me.

If he thinks I'm a PR, he should reveal. how is this difficult to understand?

Claim a role and stop asking for a player who has no verified information to vouch for you.

FM Ravi Sengir
December 19th, 2013, 12:32 PM
garaunteed kidnapper in this game.

NOW, yes. But it could have been so on night 2, if 2 people were jailed. But only one person was jailed. That is my point.

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 12:32 PM
Proof of what? That Koth is a massive lurker who has miraculously managed not to be modkilled?
Koth made 3 posts yesterday. Day before that he made 7. He didn't post at all for days 1 and 2. In other words, not counting today, that's 10 posts spanning across 4 days.

That is proof that Koth is a lurker. I want your proof that Koth is disguiser.

FM Ravi Sengir
December 19th, 2013, 12:32 PM
Claim a role and stop asking for a player who has no verified information to vouch for you.

I think he's already made it painfully obvious what his role is.

FM Ugin
December 19th, 2013, 12:33 PM
Ugin, by mayor NOT revealing, he thinks I'm framed, so that's how hes telling the town NOT to vote me.

If he thinks I'm a PR, he should reveal. how is this difficult to understand?

Ugin would like to know how the mayor will tell you then? By revealing? If mayor never tells you the reveal will you ever call?

FM Sifa Grent
December 19th, 2013, 12:33 PM
Hmm, I have a feeling that those two (Tezzeret and Nicol) could actually two mafia in different groups trying to get a lynch on each other just to survive.

Yeah, another stupid thought of mine, but give it some reason, will you, hmm?

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 12:33 PM
NOW, yes. But it could have been so on night 2, if 2 people were jailed. But only one person was jailed. That is my point.

This has nothing to do with Nissa and the disguiser target.

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 19th, 2013, 12:34 PM
Domri, hypothetically speaking, if I were to manage to convince you, who would you go for next?

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 12:34 PM
I think he's already made it painfully obvious what his role is.

Then he should prove it. Why won't he claim it?

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 19th, 2013, 12:34 PM
Hmm, I have a feeling that those two (Tezzeret and Nicol) could actually two mafia in different groups trying to get a lynch on each other just to survive.

Yeah, another stupid thought of mine, but give it some reason, will you, hmm?

I'm not trying to get nicol lynched though? I think he's townie.

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 12:35 PM
Domri, hypothetically speaking, if I were to manage to convince you, who would you go for next?

Nicol and Ravi. Both are incredibly stupid right now. I am very sure that Koth is not the disguiser.

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 19th, 2013, 12:35 PM
Ravi, is it over?

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 12:35 PM
I'm not trying to get nicol lynched though? I think he's townie.

Why do you think he is of the light?

FM Ugin
December 19th, 2013, 12:35 PM
I think he's already made it painfully obvious what his role is.

Ugin looks, starts to think and then nods. I think I know what you are getting at. However the vote will stay for now, unless if he confirms what I think you are saying. We will not be getting anywhere.

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 19th, 2013, 12:36 PM
Nicol and Ravi. Both are incredibly stupid right now. I am very sure that Koth is not the disguiser.

Okay, who's a 4th target?
what about Meshuvel?

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 12:36 PM
Okay, who's a 4th target?
what about Meshuvel?

A fourth target? Explain

FM Ugin
December 19th, 2013, 12:37 PM
Hmm, I have a feeling that those two (Tezzeret and Nicol) could actually two mafia in different groups trying to get a lynch on each other just to survive.

Yeah, another stupid thought of mine, but give it some reason, will you, hmm?

Ugin thinks idea is not stupid, he sees with how scum and towns are at equal footings, they will now start to go after each other and do all they can to get a lynch off the other.

FM Sifa Grent
December 19th, 2013, 12:37 PM
I'm not trying to get nicol lynched though? I think he's townie.

Hmm, you so think Nicol Bolas is a town? You only "think"? You are not completely sure on that, hmm?

FM Ravi Sengir
December 19th, 2013, 12:37 PM
That is proof that Koth is a lurker. I want your proof that Koth is disguiser.

Nicol has given it to you already. I know this may come as a shock to you, but there are ways to prove things besides being/talking to a sheriff. It is clear the Vermaaks have plained to take over the jailor since the beginning of the game.

This has nothing to do with Nissa and the disguiser target.

It does, you just refuse to see it. You are blinded by your own sense of self importance.

Then he should prove it. Why won't he claim it?

He's here. Ask him.

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 19th, 2013, 12:37 PM
A fourth target? Explain

Nicol and Ravi read town to me.

and @sifa, you read janitor to me

FM Joseph Bertrand
December 19th, 2013, 12:38 PM
Ravi, is it over?


FM Ravi Sengir
December 19th, 2013, 12:39 PM
Ravi, is it over?

Up to you. I don't think it would be the worst thing if it is, though.

FM Domri Rade
December 19th, 2013, 12:39 PM
Nicol has given it to you already. I know this may come as a shock to you, but there are ways to prove things besides being/talking to a sheriff. It is clear the Vermaaks have plained to take over the jailor since the beginning of the game.
I have refuted every single argument. You have not proven shit.

It does, you just refuse to see it. You are blinded by your own sense of self importance.
explain it then

He's here. Ask him.
I have been for the past few hours.

FM Ravi Sengir
December 19th, 2013, 12:43 PM
I have been for the past few hours.

You haven't refuted anything. Your whole argument is "but it can't be!" and "people might not have told us things!"
There's no point in arguing with you. You get something in your head and fixate on it, unwilling to consider other possibilities. I'm done with this.

Tezzeret, I think it's time. We could use a marshall.