View Full Version : Capitalism VS Communism

December 18th, 2013, 04:00 PM
Pros and cons of each

And other stuff bout them


December 18th, 2013, 04:16 PM

logical proof in works in edit 3.0:


December 18th, 2013, 04:25 PM
I would like to put my stuff as well
1. I'm in favor of communisem instead if capitalisim
2. My reasons are
Capatalism has lead to
Corruption in government
Corruption in socitiey
Raise in inflation
Increases country's debts
Creates an unfair country

And let me stress one thing about this
In America(where capitalism started booming) they had loads of cash but WW2 come arounds
Us britains fight for 3 years until we have to ask for help from America(you could if helped us before) does almost nothing except nuke Japan and send supplies
Then charges us billions after because of there "losses" and takes all the glory for winning the war

Why because there greedy capitalists(note I do not mean all Americans

I think once the ways of Marx is spread throughout the world we will never live in a non greedy fair world

Thank you

December 18th, 2013, 05:02 PM
I would like to put my stuff as well
1. I'm in favor of communisem instead if capitalisim
2. My reasons are
Capatalism has lead to
Corruption in government
Corruption in socitiey
Raise in inflation
Increases country's debts
Creates an unfair country

And let me stress one thing about this
In America(where capitalism started booming) they had loads of cash but WW2 come arounds
Us britains fight for 3 years until we have to ask for help from America(you could if helped us before) does almost nothing except nuke Japan and send supplies
Then charges us billions after because of there "losses" and takes all the glory for winning the war

Why because there greedy capitalists(note I do not mean all Americans

I think once the ways of Marx is spread throughout the world we will never live in a non greedy fair world

Thank you


WW2... America did nothing...

First off, Britain and Soviets were getting smashed by Nazi Germany, and the only reason the Soviets were able to push Germany so far was because of a western invasion in France (D-Day) and the Soviets likely wouldn't have gotten anywhere without it, and D-Day wouldn't have happened without the U.S. And in the Pacific, China and everyone else was getting smashed by Japan's army and navy.

Also those supplies that you spoke about, Britain didn't have many resources, which is why Hitler turned to Russia instead, and Britain was also devastated by aerial raids and that hampered production further. Germany wouldn't have tried to stop those supplies from coming if they hadn't been important, because they were.

Also nuking Japan saved more lives than it killed. A U.S. invasion of Japan would have had huge amounts of casualties on both sides.

Also if you say you made a mistake and that you meant we did nothing in WW1 let me explain to you. Yes, you MIGHT have won without the U.S, but look at the facts. Russia was pulled out of the war and Germany was bringing troops to the Western Front. Also the Ludendorff Offensive was proving to be quite a offense and was breaking the trench warfare stalemate, and without the fresh troops, supplies, and morale from the U.S. France would have likely been overrun.

Also Communism could never work because humans are too power hungry and there will always be people not willing to give up power to be on balance with everyone else. In Communism even the leadership would have to have the same stuff as everyone else, and we all know that wouldn't happen.

December 18th, 2013, 05:44 PM
They are both original economic theories, except both side took advantage during their own competition.

Both side want to embrace liberty and both side condemn activities that mess up market.

So both side decide to enter politic area to achieve their own goal.

Communism give better view but Capitalism is more practical.

To anyone who actually try to live in happiness,

people shouldn't give a damn to any ideology.

Truth is, if things work out, who cares who has what.

Just don't rob and live in good moral.

Make sure things become better not worse.

December 18th, 2013, 09:01 PM
Capitalism is destroying America.

Capitalism is Walmart coming into your town, closing down the local businesses, sucking up allllllllll the community's money and shipping it to the Walton family's island.

The 1% are evil, evil people.

December 18th, 2013, 09:22 PM
Also nuking Japan saved more lives than it killed. A U.S. invasion of Japan would have had huge amounts of casualties on both sides.
The Holocaust saved more lives than it killed. Torturing Arab-looking terrorist suspects to death saves lives. The end justify the means?

But wait, I thought US nuked Japan to deter the Soviets? I don't think your end is right.

December 18th, 2013, 09:24 PM
Also Communism could never work because humans are too power hungry and there will always be people not willing to give up power to be on balance with everyone else. In Communism even the leadership would have to have the same stuff as everyone else, and we all know that wouldn't happen.

Also Capitalism do not work because humans are too greedy. The rich gets richer, the poor poorer. With money comes power.

No ideologies/system work because humans suck.

December 18th, 2013, 10:08 PM
Also Capitalism do not work because humans are too greedy. The rich gets richer, the poor poorer. With money comes power.
You don't even understand that you just demonstrated a lack of understand as to what "greed" means.

December 18th, 2013, 11:20 PM
Eliminates the problems that come with economic inequality
Would be perfect if every country embraced it
Prevents evils that come with ambition and greed
Promotes consistency

Has the conflict of pretending to separate politics from the economy
Promotes free thinking and ambition which increases productivity

I really think communism is much better for everyone but capitalism is more fulfilling. I like the idea of communism because they own their shitty moves and drop the act for the most part but I would probably hate living in a communist society.

December 19th, 2013, 09:19 AM
Capatalism has lead to
Corruption in government
Corruption in socitiey
Raise in inflation
Increases country's debts
Creates an unfair country

Governments can be corrupt in a communist system. So can society.
Inflation has to do with how smart a government is in managing money. Some level of inflation is healthy. No inflation isn't, and too much inflation isn't either. It's entirely up to how much money the government prints.
Doesn't make sense at all how it increases debt. Are you saying that a communist country would never trade with other nations?
Communism is definitely fair, yes. It's absolutely fair that a janitor who never completed high school is on the same level as a doctor who spent 10 years of his life in school.

First off, Britain and Soviets were getting smashed by Nazi Germany, and the only reason the Soviets were able to push Germany so far was because of a western invasion in France (D-Day) and the Soviets likely wouldn't have gotten anywhere without it, and D-Day wouldn't have happened without the U.S. And in the Pacific, China and everyone else was getting smashed by Japan's army and navy.

Are you fucking high? The Soviet Union did not need D-day by any means to take Germany. The USSR was already winning in the Eastern front when D-day happened, the most that would have happened is that the war would have lasted a little longer. D-day's only purpose was because the Americans and UK didn't want the Soviet Union to control all of Europe.

December 19th, 2013, 05:10 PM
Are you fucking high? The Soviet Union did not need D-day by any means to take Germany. The USSR was already winning in the Eastern front when D-day happened, the most that would have happened is that the war would have lasted a little longer. D-day's only purpose was because the Americans and UK didn't want the Soviet Union to control all of Europe.

Actually, considering no American help to the allies -including the supplies the British got even before the U.S. officially entered the war-Even though Lend-Lease wasn't exactly capable of making the British able to actually pull any Counter Offensives anyways-- Britain would have been starved out eventually, unable to get supplies in due to all the U-Boat strikes. Germany would have been able to take Northern Africa and effectively split apart the British Empire and gain control of Egypt, the Suez Canal and the Arabian Oil Fields giving Germany the resources they needed to fight Russia. With the Wehrmacht no longer fighting Britain then they would have focused on the Soviet Union, and adding a near full strength Japan -since they wouldn't have been fighting the U.S.- Japan into this the Soviets would have been caught on a double front war which they would have almost certainly lost, or at least have been forced into a Treaty that severely hampered them in the future. Japan is Germany's big trump card when it comes to conflict with the Soviets. If the U.S. hadn't fought Japan and the Japanese fought the Soviets then there would be little to nothing that they could have done.

December 19th, 2013, 06:34 PM
I love how this thread turned into alternate WWII endings. ^this guy is right.

Still, there is only one good example of a communist community. Rousseau describes it in one of his books. A small Swiss town of a population maybe 20,000. It would be challenging to effectively equally distribute power and resources with any larger populations.

December 19th, 2013, 08:06 PM
If the U.S. hadn't fought Japan and the Japanese fought the Soviets then there would be little to nothing that they could have done.

I see... the U.S. declared war on the Japanese. Evil warmongers.

December 19th, 2013, 08:28 PM
Keep that in mind,

American's most heavy loss during WW2 happens in Italy, where italian own government has already flee before American arrive.

American choose not to attack German earlier because they want Soviet suffer greater losses.

For, WW2, Americans are winning since the beginning of the game, because non of any countries at the time is able to dodge wars and debt on homeland and over power at the same time.

American wins against Soviet when Soviet is already a shitty country to other smaller nations around it. Ask anyone. Soviet was a nation only good for itself. American at least lent loan to other nations.

However, that was only because the U.S. is isolated from the rest of the world.

Reading U.S. relationship with south America, you know U.S. is as much nutty as soviet.

The out come however, Stalin fucked everything.

Also, German never Lose WW1, it was a political lose and a economic crisis cause by war debt after WW1 that wrecked German.


United States doesn't make capitalism good; Soviet Union doesn't make communism bad.

Most Communism government today are still young and not mature.

Most Communism nation are still living in their last century shadows.

United States is 200 years old already.

Usually no dynasty last longer than 400 years, therefore no government last that long neither.

Holy roman empire doesn't count, because it was just a name.