View Full Version : The cost of an American life

December 18th, 2013, 11:35 AM
I was talking to my friend the other day and she asked me why I always say humans are so awful to this planet. We talked about it for a bit and I went to my 'Go to' solution for finding information- Google. However I didn't really see anything that really brought out my point. So I made my own little bit.. Its focused on America.

(Given an average american life span of 78.64)
An american consumes an average of:
Half a pound of meat a day. That's 182.5 pounds a year and 14351 pounds of meat in a life time
1.6 pounds of dairy a day. That's 584 pounds a year and 45925.76 pounds of dairy in a life time
.2 pounds of fats and oils a day. That's 73 pounds a year and 5740.72 pounds of dairy in a life time
.8 pounds of fruit a day. That's 292 pounds a year and 22962.88 pounds of dairy in a life time
Half a pound of grain a day. That's 182.5 pounds a year and 14351 pounds of grain in a life time
.4 pounds of sugars a day. That's 146 pounds a year and 11481.44 pounds of sugars in a life time
.7 pounds of vegetables a day. That's 255.5 pounds a year and 20092.52 pounds of vegetables in a life time

For a grand total of 4.7 pounds a day, 1715.5 pounds a year or 134906.92 pounds in a lifetime.

Also Americans throw away a very large portion of the food they obtain. (40%)

So the cost of an American life would be:
Fifty thousand, Two hundred and thirty one chickens or
Two hundred seventy five pigs or
Thirty seven and a half cows
7476 gallons of milk (Thats 482 kegs or about 3/4 of an Olympic pool)
Sixteen thousand seventy four loafs of bread (That is a little larger than this building http://dallas.citybizlist.com/article/kbs-fills-24976-sf-dallas)
With a grand total of eating 18 monster trucks worth of weight.

As a country we could use a diet..

The average American will produce 4.5 pounds of solid waste a day. That's 1642.5 pounds a year and 129166 in a life time.
The average American will consume 80370 gallons of oil in a life time (What the fuck)
The average American will produce 5,298,763 pounds of carbon emissions just from driving 1,059,752.64 miles. This doesn't take into account any kind of public transportation or the energy grid.
The average American will consume 49,543 pounds of paper and lumber in a life time. Considering that there is only about 400 billion trees and 7 billion people on earth this is a very bad ratio.
The average American family of 4 uses 400 gallons of water a day. That's 36,500 gallons per person a year and 2,870,360 gallons for one person in a life time.

If we take the obvious into account.. Human population has done nothing but increased. Thomas Malthus is the founding father of a theory that earth will someday be unable to support our ever growing population: Humans need certain resources to survive at subsistence level -- most commonly air, food, water and usually some kind of shelter. A sustainable habitat is one in which supply of and demand for these resources are balanced. With that in mind lets look at human growth patterns. This is something china got right.

American population in 1990: 253,339,000
American population in 2010: 310,384,000
Or a 22.5% growth.

This is totally unsustainable. Granted it takes into account immigration but if the world were to follow this rate we would out grow our planet in a few generations. Thankfully the world population has only increased by about 1 billion in the last 50 years and at that rate we have some time to figure it out so long as wars and genocide and disease and starvation and shitty medical care exist in most of the world.

So to my point- For a few to enjoy life many must suffer. And humans are the worst thing that could happen to this planet. If we someday find a way to migrate past earth we will become a blight on the universe and not just this planet. I originally wanted to compare a human life to the worst 'other species' but there is just nothing to compare it to. Every other species we know of finds a sense of harmony. It is our species that destroys harmony. Sure you can say we do great things but those things are only great because they are solutions to problems we create. For all of our intelligence and compassion we are totally unable to give this compassion to the world we call home.
It may not be our problem but our children will pay for our lack of consideration. And this is why I would compare humans to the earth on par with cancer to a human.

I would call these numbers liberal. But they are pretty damn close to what I believe we use from my life style. The majority of the sources for this information are very respectable but just so you don't wonder where all those numbers came from..
Food consumption http://www.usda.gov/factbook/chapter1.htm
Waste http://www.epa.gov/epawaste/nonhaz/municipal/pubs/msw2008data.pdf
NASA's projection on the amount of trees on earth http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=96758439 (NASA has some really scary studies..)
American paper/lumber use http://www.akforest.org/
American miles driven per year (US Department of Transportation)
Carbon emission from gasoline http://www.epa.gov/otaq/climate/420f05001.htm
American MPG http://www.rita.dot.gov/bts/sites/rita.dot.gov.bts/files/publications/national_transportation_statistics/html/table_04_23.html
Average chicken weight http://www.homesteadorganics.ca/meat-chickens.aspx
Average pig hanging weight http://www.homesteadingtoday.com/livestock-forums/pigs/452449-hanging-weight-vs-live-weight.html
Average American oil use http://www.uofaweb.ualberta.ca/chinainstitute/nav03.cfm?nav03=43721&nav02=43661&nav01=43092
Average American water use http://www.epa.gov/WaterSense/pubs/indoor.html
(Average cow hanging weight I calculated off a ton of sources so I will not provide a link)
12"x4"x4 average size of bread loaf (I had to measure it) or 224 square inches or 1.555(Continued) square foot

If you want to know the math I use to calculate any of this feel free to PM me.

I am very interested to see what you guys think about this.

December 18th, 2013, 11:40 AM
Americans should consider eating less. They would less obese. I'm not certain I believe these numbers tho. Me and crypt don't nearly consume this much in a day. I believe that the earth will have a way of sorting out these issues we are causing though. Like weather causing mass death.

December 18th, 2013, 11:48 AM
Americans should consider eating less. They would less obese. I'm not certain I believe these numbers tho. Me and crypt don't nearly consume this much in a day. I believe that the earth will have a way of sorting out these issues we are causing though. Like weather causing mass death.

A % was added to account for the projected average American waste which for food is around 40%.

I don't think weather will keep us in check because we are already figuring out how to control the weather. Its projected we will be able to stop hurricanes in their tracks by using a deep water pumps to cool the surface temperature of the ocean by a few degrees. By using radio relays to excite our ionosphere we can manipulate weather conditions.

I personally think that when we put our-self in check as a species it will be by the use of nukes (Which I consider the most evil thing currently in existence) by a rogue nation. If more nations got on board with nuclear control it would just be good for everything we know and love.

December 18th, 2013, 11:53 AM
A % was added to account for the projected average American waste which for food is around 40%.

I don't think weather will keep us in check because we are already figuring out how to control the weather. Its projected we will be able to stop hurricanes in their tracks by using a deep water pumps to cool the surface temperature of the ocean by a few degrees. By using radio relays to excite our ionosphere we can manipulate weather conditions.

I personally think that when we put our-self in check as a species it will be by the use of nukes (Which I consider the most evil thing currently in existence) by a rogue nation. If more nations got on board with nuclear control it would just be good for everything we know and love.

I don't live near an ocean and don't often think of hurricanes. I'm talking other weather related issues.

December 18th, 2013, 11:56 AM
first post

all of this is based of AMERICAN reports. this report is merly biassed if you put it into a global perspective jsyk.

December 18th, 2013, 12:09 PM
all of this is based of AMERICAN reports. this report is merly biassed if you put it into a global perspective jsyk.

Yeah. I could run the numbers again on a global scale but honestly there is a hell of a lot less studies from a global perspective and even fewer organizations with a respectable reputation that do them. The majority of the sources I put out leave no room for 'That is just bullshit'.

I don't live near an ocean and don't often think of hurricanes. I'm talking other weather related issues.

Greenhouse effect then? I do not really see what you are getting at.

December 18th, 2013, 12:20 PM
The economic is based on and pushing consumptions.

How much extra meat/oil/etc we consume lifetime?

If I have to eat that much meat, then I will be excusable.

If a Tiger or Elephant lives 100 years, how much will they consume?

what about rats and roaches based on their population ?

Are those the cost of intelligence, or a complex society?

If human being are doing what their part about among all beings?

if we did excess our roles as being?

More important, what to do to make whole things better?

December 18th, 2013, 12:39 PM
Consumption = growth
You're asking the most unAmerican request: to stop being capitalists.

I consume 1.5 kilos of meat a day (3.3 lbs), 1 gallon of milk, 3 eggs, 5 fruits (2lbs), vegetables (.5 lbs). To make up for our anorexic anti-patriotic Americans. It is my responsibility as a 1% to consume in the 1%.

I don't understand why consumption is wasteful? The premise of your argument eludes me. Are you saying we should stop killing so many chickens? I mean we control the supply by creating it in the first place. It's not waste, it's efficiency of resources. It would be a waste if we spent resources on raising chickens that were never sold to be eaten.

I agree on the energy waste though... People forget how to coexist with the natural ambience without air conditioning or heating on full blast.

December 18th, 2013, 12:46 PM
well mayyyybe if britain still run america things might be different jussst saying

Onto the other stuff
i think these numbers are wrong
@bunny wat other weather
and i think sooner or later we will find planets like earth and colonise other planets
@frog im anti capitalist im a idealist and a commie who lives in britain

December 18th, 2013, 01:04 PM
I suppose my point is the cost of life. It may be less intelligent than us and it may not have complex dreams it wishes to accomplish in its life but it is still a living thing. You could draw the same parallel to feral children in Africa that are prone to the most violent behavior for food. They show no remorse for the people they kill to get simple commodities like food or possessions they care about. They may have no understanding of the world or aspirations of accomplishing something on a grand scale but they are people so we can sympathize with them because of our ability to relate to another human.
Its a living creature that we create for the purpose of slaughtering with no regard to their quality of life. They experience very little in their life and with no understanding of what is happening they are shuffled into a factory to be slaughtered only to perpetuate something that means very little to us. The cost of our life style is paid in the agony of living things.
Generosity and sympathy are virtues of the rich and they are taken for granted. The amount of suffering to so many other living creatures for just one of us to exist is not something I feel we should brush off and ignore. And in the end our children will pay this price instead of some animal that we do not care for if society is unable to change. For every rise of a nation there is a fall and I would say the numbers shown here demonstrates that America will have to make some very tough calls down the road.
The next time you find yourself relaxing and looking at the birds and animals around you consider their life and the pathways before them.

i think these numbers are wrong This is the second post saying as much. If you think they are wrong tell me why. I will show you exactly how I came to those numbers and I have shown very real sources for my information.

December 18th, 2013, 01:08 PM
It's time to pay the piper
Ever hear of the Doha Round?
It's no where to be found
Cuz globalization and capitalism coexists
Like universal maxims and infinite ellipses
And we've found planets like ours
Drifting around not so far in the stars
But we don't even need to look that far
The answer to our problem is closer than mars
It's called asteroid mining for rare earth metals
Industrialism is booming, the dust will never settle
So strap on a hard hat or get bulldozed
Cuz there's no place for commies in this capitalist abode



December 18th, 2013, 01:20 PM
Helz, you would like John Stuart Mills
He often preaches of utilitarian ideals
What results in the most happiness?
That seems generally ethical I guess,
But what if you could save the whole world
By strangling a baby and shooting it in the chest
Does this theory of ethics still seem best?
Here we go, let's put you example to the test:
1 cow can feed 20 people in a day
If we go vegetarian, the tractors kill 100 rodents in the hay
Level of intelligence doesn't matter with value of life you say
Then it is ethical to consume meat so call it a day.
I guess you're feeling guilty because you're realizing your cost
Involves the labor of many, and many lives are lost.
Blaming the process only wastes your time,
Use your time honoring the value of your dime.
Be efficient, go out and produce,
The capitalist train needs more coal shoveled to give it a boost.


December 18th, 2013, 01:38 PM
Yeah. I could run the numbers again on a global scale but honestly there is a hell of a lot less studies from a global perspective and even fewer organizations with a respectable reputation that do them. The majority of the sources I put out leave no room for 'That is just bullshit'.

Greenhouse effect then? I do not really see what you are getting at.

like an iceage.

December 18th, 2013, 02:06 PM
Helz, you would like John Stuart Mills
He often preaches of utilitarian ideals
What results in the most happiness?
That seems generally ethical I guess,
But what if you could save the whole world
By strangling a baby and shooting it in the chest
Does this theory of ethics still seem best?
Here we go, let's put you example to the test:
1 cow can feed 20 people in a day
If we go vegetarian, the tractors kill 100 rodents in the hay
Level of intelligence doesn't matter with value of life you say
Then it is ethical to consume meat so call it a day.
I guess you're feeling guilty because you're realizing your cost
Involves the labor of many, and many lives are lost.
Blaming the process only wastes your time,
Use your time honoring the value of your dime.
Be efficient, go out and produce,
The capitalist train needs more coal shoveled to give it a boost.

Honestly I never realized you were any good at rapping. I kind of ignored them until here. That was a pretty interesting response.

John Stuart Mills was very educated. I effectively have an 8th grade education. I would shoot an innocent child in the chest in a second if it would save the whole world. I have seen some pretty dark sides of humanity in others and myself and I hold no delusions to the impact of the decisions I make. I would note that in spite of my comments here I eat at restaurants every day and throw away a ton of food when I am not trying to gain weight. I can say with personal experience that 1 cow will feed quite a few more than 20 people. Sometimes the ranches I drill on have really cool ranchers that bring us a deer or hog.
One time we had a rancher that walked a cow over and let us have at it. It was probably the best I have ever eaten in my life. We had so much meat we had grilling competitions during work time. We did everything from digging a hole and burring the meat in coals to throwing it in the oven to massive grill off's with 4 bbq pits running at one time (Even though we only have about 15-20 people on location. It was a probably some of the best experiences I have had in the oil field.

I do well for myself and donate a pretty decent amount every month to people I believe in. Just ask our very own DR. I believe there are people in this world with the vision to create things of great use and pleasure to other humans and I drive a huge pleasure when I get the feeling I helped to make someones dream come true. I may feel guilty about the cost I know will be paid by others but I own it. I hold myself accountable for my actions and I acknowledge the pain I cause. I very commonly call myself an asshole because I make very selfish decisions knowing they are selfish instead of promoting some silly delusion about my actions like most people do.

This post here. This is raw numbers from very respected organizations to bring out the point that as a species we are all assholes. If people would step up and take notice of what they are doing it would force themselves to do so moral instead of out of ignorance. I consider willful ignorance worse than a coward. In general a coward sees the delima before him and chooses not to make a move acknowledging that he is a coward while someone that is willfully ignorant sees a delima, acknowledges its existence and runs away before they ever could make a call. I have less than zero respect for that behavior.

As children we learn our environment. We learn that our actions have repercussions and that there are dangers in this life. It is only when we grow up we choose to be willingly ignorant. We look at a situation and from previous situations we decide that it will be easier to avoid the issue at others expense. At least lazy people only cost themselves. The excuse of inaction decays the moral fiber of this world.

like an iceage.

I would be very interested in hearing a theory on a new ice age. I believe the last one was a result of a comet hitting our planet and collapsing a previously existing layer of water around our planet that allowed for dinosaurs to exist as well as the oil reserves we harvest today..

December 18th, 2013, 02:15 PM
This is to frog

Right listen here the greed has overwhelmed you too much
You think it alright to get the money and have the golden touch
Well I say
Down with the capitalist scum and bring out the hay
Get the food for all and be equal
Or I might make kill the capitalists the sequel
Same wage,same rent
Not being rude but capitalists are bent
And if you even think to stop us being what you call us,barmy
Then I will kill you with all the red army
Cause ever since you destroyed Russia's plans in the Cold War
The whole place has been a bore
Turned to the democratic lameness
It's stopped russia being famous
The ways of Marx are lost
And russia can no longer boast
But ever since the wall come down
Us commies have had a big frown
But if we rise again we will fight
And we take are plight
To rid this world of the capitalist diseise
And bring back the world with non of the capitalist green

December 18th, 2013, 02:40 PM
Haha, yeah you're right about one cow feeding more than 20 people :-P At 250 kilos that cow could potentially feed 1,000 people (assuming 100% meat and 4 people per kilo, which is on the lighter side, but I digress).

I think you should know that you're not an asshole for being selfish. It's not about being selfish, it's about being selfless. When you give your heart, and when you live your life, make sure that YOU own it. Acting in your own self-interest may not be what bothers you. Acting in your own self-interest beyond the minimum for survival is what puzzles you. Well, I believe that is the purpose of human life: to live as well as possible. It's not a grand overwhelming truth, but a lot of good comes from people who act beyond the necessary. Without that drive, greed, invisible hand there is no progress or innovation. Without globalization, a system of connectivity that creates winners and losers inherently, there would be nothing holding us together and we would still be warring and not providing economic and political relief to all those in need. Greed is good.

December 18th, 2013, 02:46 PM
Listen what has capitalism ever done except
Corrupt politics
Corrupt people
Make people overly greedy
Raise inflation

Look at the debt country's are in
Your country (America) charged us millions or even billions for there help in WW2
When all they did was nuke Japan and take all the glory for winning it,then have the cheek to charge us for asking for help.
Wee only payed that off a few years ago

December 18th, 2013, 03:08 PM
Very good points that will be addressed in the other thread :)

The cost of a human life is this: The more you consume the more you need to produce in order to not feel the guilt. The harmony that Helz talks about exists in this balance of consumption and production. Conspicuous consumption should be equally paired with conspicuous production (charitable donations = amount consumed in luxury goods). I wish I could meet the standards of this balance, but it would only be a half-truth. I'm hoarding my wealth for future generations to consume whimsically.

December 18th, 2013, 04:13 PM
We need to hoard and starve the rest of the world so that we can easily kill those weak starving people. Duh.

-In all seriousness- The Earth has enough food to sustain 10-11 Billion people if distributed evenly, of course it isn't going to be though, and most of our food is getting eaten by food -Cows/Pigs/Chickens and so on-.

December 18th, 2013, 04:17 PM
and most of our food is getting eaten by food -Cows/Pigs/Chickens and so on-.

And thats why we have to keep killing them... Greedy bastards.