View Full Version : Night II: Clean Streets

FM Ferengi
December 9th, 2013, 06:15 AM

Night II: Clean Streets

Martial Justice.

It's all the Militia knew how to do.

The recordings we have of the town house are impossible to make out entirely. Everyone is just yelling over each other; tables are being flipped... I'm sure I heard at one stage a bottle being broken.

All that is clear from that day was as the sun fell; a loud voic singled out FM Glissa Sunseeker. Though she tried to defend herself, the mob was already moving towards her.

She broke a window and jumped out it. As she fled down the street one of the militia members shot her in the leg; and she was quickly bound.

Paying respects to how the Conduts had killed FM Tamiyo, the militia erected a stake and surrounded it with all manner of trash wood coming off the broken houses in the district.

Once set alight, she was asked if she had any last words.

She just laughed as if possessed.

As the flames began to brush up against her flesh, it did not burn as a normal person's should. She began to melt... or rather.. disintergrate into a gelatinous tar substance that began to trickle its way down the stake; unphased by the fire.

The militia jumped back, no one wanting to come into contact with the unknown substance.

A few scientists were called to the scene a while later to collect the sample wearing hazmat suits and take them to the Central American Research Institute... I have the results somewhere here...

Ah here, it was the same tar used in Empire City. Says here its a synthesised compound that immersion will cause hallucinations, sickness, and a mental link with Sasha. Prolonged exposure can lead to death or mental control. Reapers will often throw up a black substance when fighting, likely the Tar. This may mean that it multiplies within their bodies after prolonged exposure, or that continuous doses must be given to ensure continued mind control. Cole has shown more resistance to the tar than anyone else, most likely due to his abilities.

The only person known to have used the stuff was Sasha.

I remember the official report of FMV showed their presence long into the event; that shows you how much was edited for dramatic effect I guess.

Well I'd wager after seeing a person become tar in front of their eyes the Militia would have called it a day on that... having successful burnt out one of the bioterrosists, I'm sure they'd sleep well on that night.

Role List:

Cole MacGrath [MacGrath]
Lucy Kuo [MacGrath]
Zeke Dunbar [MacGrath]
Nix [MacGrath]

Conduit [Vermaak 88]
Conduit [Vermaak 88]
Conduit [Vermaak 88]
Conduit [Vermaak 88]

Soul of The Beast
Random Killing Conduit
Random Conduit
Random Conduit

Joseph Bertrand
Random Power Militia
Random Power Militia
Random Power Militia
Random Power Militia
Random Power Militia
Militia Member
Militia Member
Militia Member
Militia Member
Militia Member
Militia Member
Militia Member
Militia Member
Militia Member

There is 1 more role in the list than players due to 1 role being cleaned


FM Tamiyo(???)[Night 1]: Corpse was too burned to make any form of identification. House trashed.
FM Gideon Jura(Bus Driver)[Night 1]: Frozen from the waist down and broken into pieces with a hammer. Shot twice in the chest. Bled to death.
FM Glissa Sunseeker(Sasha (Reaper Leader))[Day 2]: Shot in the leg then burnt at the stake, melting into a non descript tar substance.

The Night will End and at the Following Time: Night Ends (http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=Wednesday+December+11+2013%2C+11pm+Brisbane++Au stralia)
All actions must be submitted 2 hours prior.
We are going with 48 hour nights due to questions of balance and the fact that finals are on in the US


December 9th, 2013, 06:16 AM
Any required permission changes will be processed by Slaol in the next hour.

December 9th, 2013, 06:19 AM
Everyone is gonna get 100 posts, huzzah.