View Full Version : Your Favorite Console of All Time

November 29th, 2013, 03:20 AM
Due to the discussion of the Xbox One vs PS4, I thought it would be interesting to ask a more generalized type of question.

Out of every console made (from Atari to Nes, Sega to N64 and PS1, all the way up to the most recent ones the PS4, Xbox One, and Wii U) what is your favorite and why? You can name more than one.

I would like to try and exclude PC because it is universal and has existed for all the time.

Personally I like the old Nintendo ones, the NES, SENS, and N64.

NES: was the first major console that Nintendo had and was supposively going to fail in the USA but thrived, its graphics may be primitive (8-bit), the controls are simple (A,B, Start,Select and 4 directions), the games were awesome (Zelda, Contra, Mario), and they were easy to learn and play. One of the best things about them I would say is how fast the games were (excluding zelda), and you could play it over and over.

SNES: the start of the 16-bit games for Nintendo, this time they had a new controller (much like the Xbox/PS controller we see now without all the extra buttons) but still relatively simple, again many memorable games (Super Mario World, Star Fox, Donkey Kong Country), the games were relatively longer but had save, overall it was a great next gen console after NES.

N64: This console pretty much set the standard of 3-d graphics, it was the first of its kind to have 3-d graphics, and again new controller, and who could forget some of its most famous games; Super Mario 64, Legend of Zelda OoT and Majora's Mask.

I do think The older consoles are good, but they seem to be more focus on graphics then the actual gameplay. I think Nintendo is the only one who still makes a good balance of graphics and gameplay, they don't focus too highly on graphics (they are almost always one gen behind on graphics), but they always have a new controller and have some good games to boot.

November 29th, 2013, 03:51 AM
I don't have to think a lot about this: Gameboy Color

All the Games were incredibly good on there: Zelda, Pokemon

but wait ... was this thing even a console?

November 29th, 2013, 03:52 AM
n64 was the console that got me into gaming. ps2 was my favorite though

November 29th, 2013, 03:54 AM
I don't have to think a lot about this: Gameboy Color

All the Games were incredibly good on there: Zelda, Pokemon

but wait ... was this thing even a console?

Sure we can have handhelds.

November 29th, 2013, 04:07 AM
The console I enjoyed the most: Gamecube. This is perhaps one of the most underrated console of any generation. The games were amazing, and has put good use to GBA titles. From Eternal Darkness to Metroid Prime, and even then the console was undersold. I also liked the N64 a lot too, (although the controller was like WTF) it revolutionized 3d gaming for consoles (making the analog stick mainstream), and made some of the best 2d to 3d transitioning of nintendo's earlier titles. Mario felt like Mario, Zelda felt like it was made for 3d to begin with, and then gamecube Metroid Prime surprisingly felt like a Metroid game.

The console I appreciated the most: The NES, no questions asked. No matter how much you alienate from Nintendo products, this very console made what the console, and even the gaming industry thrived. After Atari screwing up the console industry due to fear of 3rd party and rushing their big boy games, the gaming industry was at a questionable state. Plus, the games were awesome, with Mario, Zelda, Mega Man, Contra, etc...The SNES was also amazing, and worthy of being the successor to the NES. Most gamepads follow the SNES controller layout. The Dualshock was heavily inspired by it, the Dreamcast decided to go with 4 diamond buttons as well, the SNES controller defines it basically.

These two are my favorite in different ways, while I love the other consoles as well. I've always trusted Nintendo as a gaming company. I truly do miss Sega being a hardware company, and I respected Sony during the 32-64 bit era (5th gen).

November 29th, 2013, 08:13 AM
Game Gear/Sega G

November 29th, 2013, 08:27 AM

November 29th, 2013, 08:40 AM
ps2, it had so many of my favorite RPG games growing up, in addition who could forget the ratchet and clank series. i just loved the fact that it never broke down on me, and it was always there and i could load up one of many games from it and just have a good time with it. it was simple and effective.

November 29th, 2013, 09:03 AM
I started gaming on PS1 when I was 2 years old. I was playing games like Spyro.
So much fun back then.

I also played SNES, and I owns a lot of games. My favorite game was Mario Kart.

Gameboy Advanced and original DS was awesome when I was 8 or something. Me and all of my friends had DS and we all linked up and had a blast.

November 29th, 2013, 09:07 AM
I started gaming on PS1 when I was 2 years old. I was playing games like Spyro.
So much fun back then.

I also played SNES, and I owns a lot of games. My favorite game was Mario Kart.

Gameboy Advanced and original DS was awesome when I was 8 or something. Me and all of my friends had DS and we all linked up and had a blast.

have u ever played toejam n earl on sega g?

November 29th, 2013, 09:08 AM
have u ever played toejam n earl on sega g?

I didnt own Sega Genesis.

November 29th, 2013, 09:35 AM
have u ever played toejam n earl on sega g?

I have played sega genesis before at an old friend's house. But I have never played toejam. I looked up some gameplay of it and it looks pretty cool.

November 29th, 2013, 10:57 AM
Favorite Console of All Time:

SNES = Childhood
Chrono Trigger = FTW
Earthworm Jim = Permanent Nightmare Juice

Honorable Mention:
Sega Dreamcast - Sonic + Tamagotchi detachable controller was more innovative than the wii & 3ds combined
N64 - No one made party games better than N64- Mario Kart, Mario Party, Golden Eye, Perfect Dark, etc.

November 29th, 2013, 11:10 AM
Nintendo DS

Mario Kart, Pokemon Diamond, and Bomberman

November 29th, 2013, 11:35 AM
PC master race!

But in all seriousness the PS1

Azure dreams, Spyro etc. I really enjoyed those games in my youth.