View Full Version : Xbox One vs PlayStation 4

November 27th, 2013, 04:25 PM
The big 2 consoles are out and they are fighting each other. I want to know what is your opinions on them.

Please state your current console(Xbox 360 or PS3), and what you planning to get next and why? Even if you are not planning to get either one of them, which would you pick if you had to choose one?

I know that the community is mostly PC gamers but I am curious of everyone's opinion out there. No trolling please.

November 27th, 2013, 04:34 PM
Games that I can't play on PC.

November 27th, 2013, 04:41 PM
If I had to get one, and I mean, no choice, I'd go with PS4.

Microsoft dropped the ball hard with the XBone. Even after they backed up on stuff like the always online/daily check ins or having to pay for second hand games, the damage is done, and it shows how fucking terrible they are.

I'll probably get a PS4 when It's 200$ with 3 games during a Boxing Day sale in 3-4 years.


November 27th, 2013, 04:52 PM
I am liking the Wii U more than the PS4 and Xbone actually. I'm not happy with this generation of consoles.

November 27th, 2013, 05:12 PM
I am liking the Wii U more than the PS4 and Xbone actually. I'm not happy with this generation of consoles.

Do you own either of the consoles you're not happy with?

November 27th, 2013, 05:51 PM
Do you own either of the consoles you're not happy with?

Dunno, Paying monthly for PSplus and the lack of launch titles are making me look elsewhere. I'm very excited for Bayonetta 2 and whatnot.

I am primarily a PC gamer, and if a console gets enough of my interest, i'll get it. Unfortunately, the PS4 and Xbone are trying to hard to be PCs and are too conservative with their products, no innovation.

November 27th, 2013, 09:25 PM
Dunno, Paying monthly for PSplus and the lack of launch titles are making me look elsewhere. I'm very excited for Bayonetta 2 and whatnot.

I am primarily a PC gamer, and if a console gets enough of my interest, i'll get it. Unfortunately, the PS4 and Xbone are trying to hard to be PCs and are too conservative with their products, no innovation.

How are they trying to[sic] hard to be PCs?

November 27th, 2013, 11:15 PM
How are they trying to[sic] hard to be PCs?

Focusing on being 1080p, 60hz, and failing in doing so (like Ryse significantly reducing polygon counts and notching down to 900p), switching to x86 architecture (though it will do good for PC ports).

It's cool and all, but as a PC gamer, both consoles don't interest me. More angering due to xbox one's earlier shitty policies and the 500$ starting price, and PSplus having a monthly subscription like Xbox Live gold.

November 28th, 2013, 12:43 AM
How far backwards compatible is the Wii U? I think not having backwards compatibility is a outrageous money grabbing on the side of Microsoft and Sony that can't be tolerated. You can get two decade old games to run on PC.

November 28th, 2013, 01:39 AM
How far backwards compatible is the Wii U? I think not having backwards compatibility is a outrageous money grabbing on the side of Microsoft and Sony that can't be tolerated. You can get two decade old games to run on PC.

The Wii U goes up to the Wii, which has some amazing games, like Xenoblade Chronicles and Mario Galaxy. Though they're working on HD remastering from Gamecube.

I could understand the idea of not having backwards compatibility, but if there is absolutely no launch line-up, then I don't see a reason to get that console until the goods come out. If I upgrade my PC, I still get to play old games from Shadow Warrior with Dosbox, to older windows games like Unreal Tournament 04.

November 28th, 2013, 01:41 AM
I could understand the idea of not having backwards compatibility, but if there is absolutely no launch line-up, then I don't see a reason to get that console until the goods come out. If I upgrade my PC, I still get to play old games from Shadow Warrior with Dosbox, to older windows games like Unreal Tournament 04.
iirc xbox360 could run xbox games. Why the sudden change of hearts?

November 28th, 2013, 09:27 AM
We own a PS3, XBox 360 and a Wii. We are getting the PS4 for sure and maybe the Xbox One later.

November 28th, 2013, 03:24 PM
Focusing on being 1080p, 60hz, and failing in doing so (like Ryse significantly reducing polygon counts and notching down to 900p), switching to x86 architecture (though it will do good for PC ports).

It's cool and all, but as a PC gamer, both consoles don't interest me. More angering due to xbox one's earlier shitty policies and the 500$ starting price, and PSplus having a monthly subscription like Xbox Live gold.

So, you're upset they're trying to utilize new technology? Should they downgrade? Also, how is it failing to do so? You list one game which could've been the developers at fault.

If they don't interest you, why do you give a shit about Microsoft's policies regarding the Xbox One?

Also, do you realize how much money it costs to provide a service like PSN or XBL?

November 29th, 2013, 01:15 AM
So, you're upset they're trying to utilize new technology? Should they downgrade? Also, how is it failing to do so? You list one game which could've been the developers at fault.

If they don't interest you, why do you give a shit about Microsoft's policies regarding the Xbox One?

Also, do you realize how much money it costs to provide a service like PSN or XBL?

I said they fail at doing so, like Dead Rising 3 cant go beyond 30 frames, and Ryse being 900p, when advertised at being 1080p with 60hz.

Microsoft's shitty policies show me a reason why I don't give a shit to get the xbone.

That's fine, except I don't support paying monthly for a console. Steam isn't monthly, and the Wii U isn't. So I'll focus on these two.

November 29th, 2013, 01:45 AM
Personally I have been a Nintendo person from the start, I have played Xbox360 and a few PS2/3 games.

I will say I am a fan of Wii U, nintendo has always focused on one of the more "obscure" aspects, the controller. If you notice, each system had a unique controller. Yes they tend to fall short on keeping up the graphic and all that stuff, but I find it that graphics are one of those things that don't matter.

Look at the old NES, the graphics are 8-bit, but they have some of the best games ever. I would even say some of them are better then what is made today. Also theres a funny story behind the Xbox itself.

I have read the history of video games (up to 2000) from a old book that I have. In it it talks about how Sega, Atari and Nintendo came to be. Now do you know how Xbox came to be? I was actually though of by nintendo employees that went to work for microsoft. Also, the Sony was originally going to team up with with Nintendo to make the PS, however the deal turned sour after debate over who would have the control over it.

Everyone these days only seem to care about how hype up the graphics can be and what services they can provide. Most game can have mediocre gameplay and still be a top seller because it has awesome graphics. If you look back to the primitive games, you quickly find that graphics most of the time were just a bunch of dots and pixels. Now everything is 3-d high quality graphics and such.

If you are going to pick a console because it has better graphics, I say that is sad of you to make decisions on that. You have to take all the aspects of it to truly decide what is better.

Overall there really is no true "Better Console" because each has its own ups and downs, but history shows that you don't need something super amped up to make a good game or console.

November 29th, 2013, 02:40 AM
PS2 :
- Great console, great selection of games, easy to use, simple and durable. Insert the freaking disc and play the game.

PS3 :
- Great console, wide selection of games, internet opturnities, DLC, digital legacy games, easy to overclock / improve. Have the ability to play older games, a wide achievement list that many can view and admire?, released with a small amount of space requiring an upgrade.

PS4 : Main issue that I have found is : No backwards compality. That means that we cannot play the older games with a disc. What the fuck? The hardware is just awesome, powerful and multiprocessing. Sadly I don't think many game companies will utilize the hardware to be optimal.

Additional to PS3 -> PS4 : The fact that DLC won't carry over from a backup from PS3, you have to download and install every single DLC again, which may or may not be available anymore, which when available counts to total downloads. Download the same thing too many times and it won't work.

From what I see, the evolution of the consoles is this :

PS2 was a simple "Put in disc, play the fucking game."
PS3 halfway what a PS2 is, except of possible mandatory HDD-Installs and Updates. Better hardware.
PS4 disabled backwards compality (Older games), made internet Pay To Use, improved futuristic hardware.

= They improved themselves, but went one step back each time. What's the point of focusing on an improved when it's not a perfect system?
A perfect console would sell for a lot more and easier.

I don't have an xbox, but I do have an opinion based on friends, shop and livestreams.

Xbox : Too many first person shooters and indies, forced paid internet, unstable.
Xbox 360 : broke too easily, too many red rings. Too many first person shooters, indies and multi-console games.
Xbox One : Mobile applications on TV, voice command that is barely functional for commentators, mediocre menu.

It's funny watching livestreams of Xbox One where they commentate and the Xbox think it's a voice command and it can't be shut down permanentally.

Now let's compare this to Nintendo :

NES : Insert the cardridge and play. Sometimes blow it for dust. Great selection of games.
SNES : Exactly like above. Revolutionary graphics, engine, everything. Great selection of games.
N64 : Exactly like above. Great selection of games.
Gamecube : Insert the CD and play the game. Half the games worth to play. OMG SMALL CD'S!!!
Wii : Insert the CD, use the menu to navigate play the game. FUCKING MOVE CONTROLS, too many shitty games.
Wii U : Exactly like above, but with a touchpad and a controller into the mix. Adds remakes of games.

Gameboy / G Colour : A good handheld console with a good selection of games. Consumes too much battery.
Gameboy Advance : Revolutionary to the handheld world. Greater selection of games, improved engine and graphics.
Nintendo DS : Revolutionary when it comes to Touch Pad, Dual Screen. Fine selection of games, with too many shitty into the mix.
Nintendo 3DS : Revolutionary when it comes to Position Memory, Motion Angles. Too many remakes, good selection of games, too many shitty games.

This is what I seek in a game :

Good story.
Good gameplay.
Good controls.
Good graphics.

However, on each of these :

A good story isn't always what's required. It depend on the game.
Exactly like the gameplay.

For example : The story can be shitty or an excuse to keep the game going, while you're all fabled over the great gameplay and controls.

Example : The story can be so good that you can essentially ignore the gameplay and take the controls light, as you take it as an advantage to navigate through the story.

Graphics is all just a bonus and can be completely rejected.
Example : Take Final Fantasy 7 as an example, the graphics are shitty but the story is good. Minecraft looks stupid, but the gameplay is fun. Runescape Classic was revolutionary but looked pure shit, it was the gameplay and internet at the time that made it work.

Because of this, I'm always going back to the older consoles for their grand games. I hope for HD-Remakes that changes nothing but the graphics and more optional things without removing anything. Otherwise, it can be bad.

Example : Ocarina of Time was revolutionary at it's time. With it's HD Remake, it's a little too simmiliar but the graphics was all changed with an extra mode available into the mix.

Example : Conker's Bad Fur Day was such a strange game, look it up if you want to be amused. It was a great game in it's own style. Microsoft made a remake for the Xbox and it was not well executed. The graphics are great but too bright or unfocused in some places, but the gameplay was totally changed, dumbed lightly down but made the game easier. They censored most of the game and made most of the funny aspects taken less funny. You get what I mean if you compare the two games.

Let's reflect on by see what I hope for in a MMO :

No lag, perfect controls, truly open world, great gameplay with a lot of variety, fantastic story that drive you in to the game and become immersive, mixture of hack & slash but realistic combat that require precision (no hitting in air or cooldown bullshit), everything you do may have an impact and possible destruction of places, a massive player customization to make your hero exactly like you want in size and appearance, armor that appeals to all players except the perverse (lol Tera) without looking absolutely ridiculous, levels actually matter and show progression of player skill and dedication instead of a mediocre statboost that breaks the balance completely, have choices and options that truly matters and allow cooperative gameplay with another friend for more than just being a support, game developers that listen to the players & improve the game based on what is liked, disliked and make a perfect balance to appeal all players. Graphics is totally optional, but would depend on the actual game.

This is what is possible today :

Unexpectly lags, controls are difficult to understand, the game is part hallway in illusion of open world, gameplay is repeative with little variety, the story is great but deluded by too many side content and forced research, horrible character customization with just three hairstyles and two body types, combat is auto-attack and absolutely boring, nothing you do matters at all, all armor is absolutely perverse (because sex sells) and looks just plain ridiculous, levels doesn't matter but higher totally breaks the balance of everything, you can barely level up via quests with friends and horrible cooperative gameplay, game developers do not listen to it's player base and screws the game more by their own arrogant decisions.

I won't get the newer consoles until it's what I define perfect or improved to my liking.
I'm staying with the older consoles.

November 29th, 2013, 07:02 AM
How far backwards compatible is the Wii U? I think not having backwards compatibility is a outrageous money grabbing on the side of Microsoft and Sony that can't be tolerated. You can get two decade old games to run on PC.

Very well said.

I get a bad taste in my mouth when I see any company behave this way so I all very likely get neither this time around. I have owned 3 ps3's and 1 360. I liked the ps3 better obviously but it did not stand up as well as my Xbox did. I really don't care for having to get a new system every few years and it looks like this trend will just keep trudging on.

You can even see crappy moves by both companies in their hardware. I had a disk drive break on one of my systems and when I harvested the disk drive from another to replace it I discovered that the disk drive marries the motherboard so both parts can never be used with any other. That discovery was enough to ruin my loyalty. Literally the way they went about it shows its purpose was to screw people into buying a new system.

-edit PS4 between the two..

November 29th, 2013, 07:08 AM
I said they fail at doing so, like Dead Rising 3 cant go beyond 30 frames, and Ryse being 900p, when advertised at being 1080p with 60hz.

Microsoft's shitty policies show me a reason why I don't give a shit to get the xbone.

That's fine, except I don't support paying monthly for a console. Steam isn't monthly, and the Wii U isn't. So I'll focus on these two.

You should realize that the console JUST came out and that they haven't even begun to utilize the hardware properly. Shit, if you're going to hate something so hardcore, at least do it with solid reasoning.

December 1st, 2013, 12:26 PM
You should realize that the console JUST came out and that they haven't even begun to utilize the hardware properly. Shit, if you're going to hate something so hardcore, at least do it with solid reasoning.

If they cant utilize their hardware properly, then I'll stick with my PC. I should also mention that there are no games worth getting at this time for next-gen consoles, especially how they're not backwards compatible.

December 1st, 2013, 12:40 PM

We can all agree that this generation of consoles is just shit. But if I had to choose between PS4 or fucking spy camera Xbone-one then I would choose the PS4.

December 1st, 2013, 04:28 PM

We can all agree that this generation of consoles is just shit. But if I had to choose between PS4 or fucking spy camera Xbone-one then I would choose the PS4.

The Kinect is no longer always on. So it won't spy on us any longer. :P

December 1st, 2013, 06:58 PM

We can all agree that this generation of consoles is just shit. But if I had to choose between PS4 or fucking spy camera Xbone-one then I would choose the PS4.

1. Use accurate information.

2. You posted memes unrelated to proving any point.

3. Are you a five year old? This argument denotes the logic of one.