View Full Version : I'm not suicidal, I just want to understand.

November 25th, 2013, 07:06 AM
For my entire life I was living and studying in hope that one day when I finish studying I can finally find some time for what I really like.
But now I have about 2 or 3 years of studying and then that time comes. And only now I realise that I have nothing that I like globally. I mean, there's nothing in the whole world that makes me interested, gives any target. I don't even know what I really want from life. Some people want fame, some want a good family. I feel nothing and I'm scared.
I feel like there's absolutely nothing that could keep me in this goddamn world that is so polluted by human both physically and socially.
Getting up every day with a feeling that you HAVE to do something that society wants makes me crazy.
Sometimes I think it'd be just easier to end this simulation of "life". Who even cares?

November 25th, 2013, 07:18 AM
So don't do what society wants. Do what you have to to get by and be happy! Most people don't know what they want ever. You just have to put yourself out there and if it wasnt the right thing then oh well and try again! Many people go through identity issues! I personally basically hate everything because i'm bad at everything but you just gotta keep trying and you'll find your niche ! When you can afford it, go travel the world, im certain you'll purpose then!

November 25th, 2013, 07:44 AM
Sometimes things fail to seem interesting to me. Then I go out and find something or someone interesting.

November 25th, 2013, 09:06 AM
Take a step back and examine your life. Whatever you have been doing isn't working for you. I found myself in a very similar place a few years ago and what pulled me through it was the people in my life. The friends that I shared experiences with and those moments that came in-between that just felt right. I found that the more I surrounded myself with people and animals the better I felt about living.
I can't say I know what you have been through or what your situation is but I hope you can find some sense of direction through this. Life has no limits and if you ever find yourself in a place that you decide to end it step back for a second and realize you have nothing holding you back from doing anything. Go skydiving or train hop to a random city and test the street life a bit. Tell your boss to eat shit and ask a stranger you are attracted to on a date. Do something crazy or crazy selfless for someone else and experience the joy you can bring to another's life.
If you ever need someone to talk to pm me. Just dont let yourself loose sight on what's in front of you.

November 25th, 2013, 10:50 AM
I am in a similar place, and I find it a problem to me.

I made myself philosophical invincible to suicide, but I need more to fix the problem.

need more friendships, is my best guess

November 25th, 2013, 10:59 AM
It is about what you want and your life experience determines what you want. For example you look like you don't care about money that much and that is prob you never had money problem when you were young.

For example people who had money isues esp in public (any basic need ,even a bottle of water) had some serius greedy needs later in life. They basicly worship money.

November 26th, 2013, 12:37 PM
only do enough to pay ur bills and try as many new experiences as u can. once u have tried many things, if still nothing interests u, THEN consider cashing out

November 26th, 2013, 01:05 PM
If you believe no one actually cares, then you can free yourself to do whatever you want. That's sort of the beauty of it really. Once you've reached this stage, you can take dramatic action. Advice from the grave suggests, "Don't kill yourself." So instead really jump off the deep end. Take up seasonal contracts in foreign countries - New Zealand offers awesome programs for people looking for some adventure in their lives. You work with a bunch of expats for a season doing menial labor and then you travel around southeast for a month where you can really stretch a buck. Just a suggestion.

I'll leave this here, maybe it'll make you smile :)

November 27th, 2013, 05:39 AM
New Zealand offers awesome programs for people looking for some adventure in their lives. You work with a bunch of expats for a season doing menial labor and then you travel around southeast for a month where you can really stretch a buck. Just a suggestion.
I can't emphasize this enough. Link is in my signature.

I am still very young but the WKH in NZ was the game changer in my life. It basically took a self-doubting, anxious teenager and turned it into a proud, confident adult.

I wish I could say more about it but words cannot describe how much it changed me and other people.

A (young) friend of mine had terrible rheumatism. She went to NZ and could do hard labor in horticulture without feeling painful for the first time of her live. She moved there eventually. It really is a magical place somehow. :O

November 27th, 2013, 05:49 AM
I for one am studying and consider working an office job after I'm done. I have realized that I like adventures though so I don't know if I will be happy in the future living like that. But I know that friends will make my life worth it even though I don't have many or very close friends and I do have a wish to have a family unlike you Espozito, so that's different but I know that if I keep on going forward then I will find something that interests me. And this wish to find something is enough to keep me going.