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Sanite Belaire
November 13th, 2013, 12:17 AM
Sure, I want to wait more lukers come in and vote. They are really annoying.

k. Everyone, the hammer vote is mine. Don't fucking take it

Don't take it from me.

November 13th, 2013, 12:22 AM
Make the one of bus' wheels round and run.....and it is a schoolbus. D:

http://i840.photobucket.com/albums/zz322/Hedouville/Mobile%20Uploads/143_zpsf9eca63c.png (http://s840.photobucket.com/user/Hedouville/media/Mobile%20Uploads/143_zpsf9eca63c.png.html)

November 13th, 2013, 12:23 AM
k. Everyone, the hammer vote is mine. Don't fucking take it

Don't take it from me.

http://i840.photobucket.com/albums/zz322/Hedouville/Mobile%20Uploads/GoldenHammer_zps2c0ce008.jpg (http://s840.photobucket.com/user/Hedouville/media/Mobile%20Uploads/GoldenHammer_zps2c0ce008.jpg.html)

Sanite Belaire
November 13th, 2013, 12:24 AM
http://i840.photobucket.com/albums/zz322/Hedouville/Mobile%20Uploads/GoldenHammer_zps2c0ce008.jpg (http://s840.photobucket.com/user/Hedouville/media/Mobile%20Uploads/GoldenHammer_zps2c0ce008.jpg.html)

I certainly will.

Capois LaMort
November 13th, 2013, 12:26 AM
We had a mass reveal, what the odd you still want to hold back, Town Protective?

I cannot give any more information, or I risk my role being compromised. There is already enough information from my denial of revealing my role for the smarter people to figure out what it really is.

Sanite Belaire
November 13th, 2013, 12:33 AM
Based on my role list there is currently one slot left for town PRs (unless some citizen claimers are lying). That means that we might be able to hammer out the entire role list today, with some insider knowledge of course.

Catherine Flon
November 13th, 2013, 12:35 AM
Based on my role list there is currently one slot left for town PRs (unless some citizen claimers are lying). That means that we might be able to hammer out the entire role list today, with some insider knowledge of course.

And Capois is one of the missing piece.

I guess he is the missing busdriver then.

Sanite Belaire
November 13th, 2013, 12:37 AM
And Capois is one of the missing piece.

I guess he is the missing busdriver then.

I'm not going to share my idea of what he is. I think I know what he's hinting at. You could be right, though.

Catherine Flon
November 13th, 2013, 12:47 AM
Pienier is converted into a soulswapper night 1,

Boukman and Sanite was on bus/soulswaped night 2.

Then suddenly

there comes 3 busdriven/soulswapp claimers.

Interesting, isn't it?

Catherine Flon
November 13th, 2013, 12:49 AM
Charles, you know whats going on? Did Toussant lie about the busdriving? Did he really went to check Port Au prince?

Charles Leclerc
November 13th, 2013, 12:51 AM
I now understand why Hedouville would choose to lie himself as neutral. Because Toussant claimed himself as Investigator and I clamed myself as Sheriff, Hedouville, being one of the investigative roles himself, figured out that one of us could be lying. So to cover himself, he decided to claim a neutral role. He did not want to be checked by Toussant because he would knew his cover would be blown.

So even if I did not tell him that we are both cults back on day 2, he would already expose my lie anyway because he tracked me back of the first day. I did not understand his actions at first when he tried to bust us back on Day 4, but after hearing about a detective, it all made sense to me.

Also, I changed my second recruit target on last minute decision just in case, so try to figure out the rest on your own! Yeah, Toussant went to check Port-au-Prince.

Catherine Flon
November 13th, 2013, 12:57 AM
It is a little bit broken but this is cultists actions:


night 1 Peinier(Citizen/busdriver) --> Soulswapper

day 2:
#415 vote anacona
#500 vote toussant
#503 Aim Lavaurax
#509 Sink Toussant

night 2 Peinier --> Boukman/Sanite(Soulswap)

night 3 Swap/Convert

Three Swaped souls?
A. if toussant lied about being swapped, why pienier back him up?
B. if peinier told truth, then Rocha should recieve Toussant's report, why Rocha doesnt stand out when Toussant lied about the investigative?


night 1 Toussant(investiagtor) --> Cult App
toussant went to check Oge

night 2 toussant went to check Alex

night 3 Convert/Investigative, might be a fail convert on Toussant***
toussant went to check Port Au Prince(Probably didnt get any result because of soul swapper.)

Catherine Flon
November 13th, 2013, 12:59 AM
I now understand why Hedouville would choose to lie himself as neutral. Because Toussant claimed himself as Investigator and I clamed myself as Sheriff, Hedouville, being one of the investigative roles himself, figured out that one of us could be lying. So to cover himself, he decided to claim a neutral role. He did not want to be checked by Toussant because he would knew his cover would be blown.

So even if I did not tell him that we are both cults back on day 2, he would already expose my lie anyway because he tracked me back of the first day. I did not understand his actions at first when he tried to bust us back on Day 4, but after hearing about a detective, it all made sense to me.

Also, I changed my second recruit target on last minute decision just in case, so try to figure out the rest on your own! Yeah, Toussant went to check Port-au-Prince.

Thanks a lot. I respect your honor.

I think Hedo did impressive in front of you two.

To be honest, Toussant isn't brilliant in many ways.

November 13th, 2013, 01:08 AM
I think Hedo did impressive in front of you two.

http://i840.photobucket.com/albums/zz322/Hedouville/Mobile%20Uploads/144_zpsdcd002d0.png (http://s840.photobucket.com/user/Hedouville/media/Mobile%20Uploads/144_zpsdcd002d0.png.html)

Charles Leclerc
November 13th, 2013, 01:12 AM
Thanks a lot. I respect your honor.

Then, out of honor, why you don't lynch the Loisiana Cult Leader instead of me today?

November 13th, 2013, 01:12 AM
It has come to my attention that I have not received any feedback at all for four nights now. Since the town has claims everywhere, I'll claim mine.

I'm the Doctor.

I targeted Charles Leclerc twice and then I targeted Galbaud on the third night. Catherine Flon on the fourth night.

Personally, there could hardly be any citizen. The point of Cult is to convert TPR in order to grow stronger, with two cult factions. Once a TPR has become converted, their clue has become irrelevant or twisted to their own benefits. Because of this, I'm guessing a maximum of five citizen, leaning four.

I claim Doctor. N1 & N2 Charles, N3 Galbaud, N3 Catherine. No feedback.

Catherine Flon
November 13th, 2013, 01:27 AM
Then, out of honor, why you don't lynch the Loisiana Cult Leader instead of me today?

To be honest, I want to. So that I wont accidently meld some of kitty's paws into Channel and deceive Masons.

Charles Leclerc
November 13th, 2013, 02:20 AM
So then we have a deal, right? I think you'll probably want to uphold your honor as well.

Jean Jacques Dessalines

Jean Jacques Dessalines
November 13th, 2013, 03:55 AM
Good morning everyone, no feedback here. Morning came earlier than I expected...

Jean Jacques Dessalines
November 13th, 2013, 04:00 AM
A few things:
A) I did not distribute a charm last night: it was a major fail on my part, as I forgot that 24 hour nights were in effect and I would not return in time to submit an action.
B) Alexandre just derped hard. Granted, she derped hard and confirmed that she is in fact a town Detective, but she derped. Anacona is my accomplice and he successfully killed T'oussant. Today, I recommend lynching Charles based on the (so far, accurate) testimony of Hedouville.
C) I demand roleclaims from more players, beginning with Jean.
D) I can confirm that Sanite is in fact who he says he is.

Just wait a second while I go grab my time machine. Ah, here it is.

Managed to read through everything once.

Due to the nature of claims today, I'm going to go ahead and claim my role as well.

I am ze Bodyguard.

My night actions were thus:
n1 - Catherine Flon
n2 - Hedouville
n3 - Charles Leclerc

It makes me wonder about Charles' claim. It's possible there's 2 protective roles bundled in to the role list. But I am not yet sure what to think of this.

You can count on my vote on Penier, though I'll withhold it for now as L-1 often leads to an early hammer.

I will try to get some good reading done overnight to contribute more in the following days, as an apology for my inactivity. Starting with a proper read of d4, since I skimmed through quickly in the hopes of finishing before nightfall.

Yeah, I admit my defeat.

If that was really the work of Hedouville, then I can do nothing but accept it. I thought that he would reveal his true role under double pressure from us. But to claim himself as Neutral and get away with it.. It's a shame that I allowed Toussant to check someone else...

But something else was out of picture. If Hedouville was really a survivor, why would he bust us on Day 3 and not Day 2? The reason for that is that he wanted to be melded with Masons on Night 3. But he was melded with us again, so he had no choice but to claim himself as "survivor" on Day 4 to take Catherine's attention.

It's nice to wake up to something like this! Also solves the issue of numerous Protectives with a neat little bow.

Charles Leclerc

Jean Jacques Dessalines
November 13th, 2013, 04:05 AM
Thank you, Capois. I'm going to reveal the claim, but not the claimer and the conclusion of the talk.

I'm going to say this right now Cath, THANK YOU SO MUCH. Your choice was what put town ahead and gave me and Port the opportunity to find the cult leaders.

The third person in the night chat claimed detective. This person claimed these feedbacks:

So far this info is backed up by the evidence that Touss is a dead cultist. Charles has a shaky claim as it stands (too many protective role for a doc claim). Charles DIDN'T visit anyone after he visited Touss. I am certain that Charles is the Haitian Cult Leader.

I asked this claimer to follow Jean last night. The claimer agreed and we set up a code so I and Port could get results. The results come up as Jean visited NO ONE. THE NIGHT AFTER A CONVERSION. I know that Peinier was a bus driver the night I was driven (the night before he was culted) so that means that he was converted in the night before he was lynched. I am also certain that Jean is the Louisana Cult Leader.

I have other reasons to believe the detective and so I need to know if we should go after the Red cult or the Purple cult. Which do we want?

Good to know there's a confirmed Detective. Due to the change in the day/night cycle, I also forgot to submit a night action. I really wish you would have waited for me to speak, as I could have at least mentioned that before you revealed I visited no one, but nothing I can do about it now. If you still don't believe me and really think I'm a cult leader that badly, just ask for the Det + Witch Hunter (aka Hedoueville + Anacona) on me tonight, and I'll rejoin you all tomorrow with a cleared name. Were I cult leader you would know exactly who was converted (or attacked?), but more importantly the witch hunter would receive purging feedback, so there's no room for ambiguity.

Jean Jacques Dessalines
November 13th, 2013, 04:06 AM
It has come to my attention that I have not received any feedback at all for four nights now. Since the town has claims everywhere, I'll claim mine.

I'm the Doctor.

I targeted Charles Leclerc twice and then I targeted Galbaud on the third night. Catherine Flon on the fourth night.

Personally, there could hardly be any citizen. The point of Cult is to convert TPR in order to grow stronger, with two cult factions. Once a TPR has become converted, their clue has become irrelevant or twisted to their own benefits. Because of this, I'm guessing a maximum of five citizen, leaning four.

I claim Doctor. N1 & N2 Charles, N3 Galbaud, N3 Catherine. No feedback.

Why would you not claim that yesterday, considering Charles claimed doctor? Especially with the number of protective claims in this game.

I smell a *rotten* fish

November 13th, 2013, 04:08 AM
Why would you not claim that yesterday, considering Charles claimed doctor? Especially with the number of protective claims in this game.

I smell a *rotten* fish

Are you going to nitpick on the fact that I didn't claim yesterday, rather than that I've been lurking a lot?
Yesterday was a day with a lot of idiocy so I just didn't bother.

Jean Jacques Dessalines
November 13th, 2013, 04:17 AM
Are you going to nitpick on the fact that I didn't claim yesterday, rather than that I've been lurking a lot?
Yesterday was a day with a lot of idiocy so I just didn't bother.

Yes, because I just did. Why are you lurking so much, since you're clearly aware? I thought maybe you don't check-in often and missed the claims of the end of the day. That makes for a sorry excuse, since you're admitting you read it and refused to counter claim. Suspicious that you would wait til you are sure the role is free (and while the other claimed Protective is under suspicion). Why did you claim now, when you did not bother yesterday?

November 13th, 2013, 04:28 AM
Yes, because I just did. Why are you lurking so much, since you're clearly aware? I thought maybe you don't check-in often and missed the claims of the end of the day. That makes for a sorry excuse, since you're admitting you read it and refused to counter claim. Suspicious that you would wait til you are sure the role is free (and while the other claimed Protective is under suspicion). Why did you claim now, when you did not bother yesterday?

Because I thought the two following things :
1. If I claim a Doctor with no feedback and there is lack of kills, it would prove nothing.
2. By not claiming, I could be interesting. I already soft-claimed "No feedback at all", probably joining the chat so we could coordinate and prove my role more properly that way if there's such an option.

4 nights without feedback, I give up on that whole idea.

Beside, I hold to my word on this :

"there could hardly be any citizen. The point of Cult is to convert TPR in order to grow stronger, with two cult factions. Once a TPR has become converted, their clue has become irrelevant or twisted to their own benefits. Because of this, I'm guessing a maximum of five citizen, leaning four."

November 13th, 2013, 05:42 AM
Oh hey, so my plan of looking useless to avoid a Cultist kill has failed horribly due to a lookout slip. Lovin it.

Charles Leclerc

I have no real reason to lurk anymore, so I'll be back when school is over to finally do something.

Alexandre Petion
November 13th, 2013, 06:04 AM
Oh hey, so my plan of looking useless to avoid a Cultist kill has failed horribly due to a lookout slip. Lovin it.

Charles Leclerc

I have no real reason to lurk anymore, so I'll be back when school is over to finally do something.

Sorry, I love you! I will watch you tonight so they won't kill you!
(apparently there's a couple docs and a BG in here too -skepticism-)

November 13th, 2013, 06:38 AM
Hello everyone, so I was bussed or what have you again last night.

November 13th, 2013, 06:59 AM
Charles Leclerc


Catherine should mindmeld Sanite & one of the Masons, so they can coordinate their attack on last Leader.

November 13th, 2013, 07:00 AM
Hello everyone, so I was bussed or what have you again last night.

Bussed? It smells like drugs.

Alexandre Petion
November 13th, 2013, 07:02 AM
I was about to vote Charles until I realized he was at L-2...these days go by faster and faster.

November 13th, 2013, 07:03 AM
Since I have revealed myself as a Doctor, I'd like to contribute to that plan by healing the mason that's going to purge.

However, can we skip a little ahead and discuss about the possible Neutral Killer that's yet to show up?

Alexandre Petion
November 13th, 2013, 07:44 AM
Since I have revealed myself as a Doctor, I'd like to contribute to that plan by healing the mason that's going to purge.

However, can we skip a little ahead and discuss about the possible Neutral Killer that's yet to show up?

Ok then, so to reduce the possibilities of who the cult can target and kill, I want all of the doctor claimers and the bodyguard claimer to visit Port-Prince.
I will watch him to see who visits, doesn't visit. Since I have not received a voodoo doll and we haven't seen any signs of a possessor I don't think I will be RB'ed. If someone would like to come forth and claim bus driver, you have a way of helping/clearing yourself later.

We can protect at least 1 mason.

If any of the doctor or BG claimers DO NOT visit Port-Prince you will be shot/lynched under suspicion of not being the role you claimed.
This will allow me to see who actually visits Port-Prince and Port-Prince will receive some feedback.
We can determine whether or not we have a doctor or a BG. (and which one lied)

Should I so happen to be role-blocked, we will know what cult role is in the game. (possessor-which doesn't really help much)

With this plan, you have to trust that I'm still town. There is also the off chance that if the cult did not get a successful conversion, that they can convert me tonight as well. If they do, then it would be against my best interest to disclose truthful information or information at all. Hence you can lynch me for not giving you guys any feedback at all. If I were to give false information, you would be able to tell once someone is lynched. (Which if I was cult I could out a different sided cult member too. The worst case is that my false information gets us to lynch a town. You would know I'm scum but the town numbers would be down.)

I see it as a bad gamble for cult to convert me.

Now this moves on to the next part. This plan only offers protection for Port-Prince. This will leave Anocana open for an attack.
That's where I'm getting stuck, at least one mason will be open for an attack with the roles that I know we have.
The bus driver can come in handy if anyone wants to claim that role still.

Belaire, since Port-Prince is a mason, did you use a charge last night to gun or vest? If you vested Port-Prince, we can switch the mason's position in this plan.

Offers protection for only 1 mason.
If role-blocked (manipulated), I will only know that we have a possessor.

I am town.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around a way to protect both or make it to where there is less assumptions. At the very least to where the key players in the plan are all kept in check. Right now there's no one to keep me in check.

If anyone else has a better plan, let's talk.
Or would it be better to just not make a plan for everyone to see and just leave wifom and other stuff for protection?..

The Jester King
November 13th, 2013, 08:37 AM
Does someone being shot mean that the player was killed by a vigilante?

If this is true I don't feel as bad for outing Anacona <3 sorry >.< I'm totally...no excuse. <3

Shot with a revolver is BS gun.

The Jester King
November 13th, 2013, 08:38 AM
I request Host to confirm this. Also you should tell me when did you replace this one who wasted me three days with active voters, is it just happen at the beginning of day 5 or what?

An afk replacement matching an afk neutral killer conveniently.

I will let you go for now.

We will not deny or confirm replacements.

November 13th, 2013, 08:40 AM
A) Protect Anacona: now that he's out in the open, he's a higher priority target than me.
B) Just to clarify, how many guns are there currently distributed in the game?

The Jester King
November 13th, 2013, 08:41 AM
If A cultist (leader) is targeted and killed by Witchhunter and Blacksmith Gun Holder at night. Would Blacksmith recover his charge?

If they occur at the same time, yes.

November 13th, 2013, 08:43 AM
If they occur at the same time, yes.

9. Killing Actions

They happened at the same time.

Sanite Belaire
November 13th, 2013, 09:02 AM
A) Protect Anacona: now that he's out in the open, he's a higher priority target than me.
B) Just to clarify, how many guns are there currently distributed in the game?

That haven't been fired? 1

Sanite Belaire
November 13th, 2013, 09:04 AM
Also you motherfuckers need to stop claiming protective roles. Cath is very wrong in thinking that Peinier was a night 1 convert. I'm absolutely certain that he was converted the night before we lynched him. Otherwise how would Touss get his investigative feedback?

Sanite Belaire
November 13th, 2013, 09:10 AM
Also you motherfuckers need to stop claiming protective roles. Cath is very wrong in thinking that Peinier was a night 1 convert. I'm absolutely certain that he was converted the night before we lynched him. Otherwise how would Touss get his investigative feedback?

What I mean to say is, there are already 3 protective roles confirmed in the game. Bus Driver, Charm Maker, and Blacksmith. You're not doing yourselves any good by claiming a role with no ability to prove yourselves to everyone. It's especially suspicious when there haven't been any scum kills during the night. What is there to protect against?

I have an better idea for today. Since a bodyguard is nearly useless this game, let's lynch Jean today and have the Masons kill Charles tonight. I don't trust Jean at all.

November 13th, 2013, 09:55 AM
To be honest, both Doctor and Bodyguard are equally useless. Leclerc is basically sure thing, it makes more sense to lynch him today.

Sanite Belaire
November 13th, 2013, 10:03 AM
To be honest, both Doctor and Bodyguard are equally useless. Leclerc is basically sure thing, it makes more sense to lynch him today.

The problem is that if we lynch Charles today then we won't have a clear target for mason night actions. If we lynch Jean and he is a cult leader, then we got one and we can kill the other. If he's a bodyguard like he claims, then we have other targets (Lave, Rocha, Bouk, Yourself, Capois) to check, though I would suggest that the detective follow Lave and Alex watch Anacona (He's the higher priority target) and all protective role claimers visit Anacona.

November 13th, 2013, 10:10 AM
Did I miss something? Why Jean can't be killed, but Leclerc can? I thought they both have autovests.

Sanite Belaire
November 13th, 2013, 10:13 AM
Did I miss something? Why Jean can't be killed, but Leclerc can? I thought they both have autovests.

You didn't miss anything. Both can be killed. Charles is, as you say, pretty much a sure thing and so if the masons kill him, then we know it's not going to be wasted.

Catherine Flon
November 13th, 2013, 10:25 AM
Good to know there's a confirmed Detective. Due to the change in the day/night cycle, I also forgot to submit a night action. I really wish you would have waited for me to speak, as I could have at least mentioned that before you revealed I visited no one, but nothing I can do about it now. If you still don't believe me and really think I'm a cult leader that badly, just ask for the Det + Witch Hunter (aka Hedoueville + Anacona) on me tonight, and I'll rejoin you all tomorrow with a cleared name. Were I cult leader you would know exactly who was converted (or attacked?), but more importantly the witch hunter would receive purging feedback, so there's no room for ambiguity.


Jean Jacques Dessalines

I will tell you what:

The detective report of your none action was not last night.

I suggest Charm and Shot to regain one shot for Blacksmith.

I am a cat person. You can never escape me.

Catherine Flon
November 13th, 2013, 10:26 AM
Oh wait, nvm. I drink too much coffee I think. I will be back later.

Sanite Belaire
November 13th, 2013, 10:27 AM
Oh wait, nvm. I drink too much coffee I think. I will be back later.

I knew something was up

November 13th, 2013, 10:28 AM
I'd prefer to lynch sure thing first because I don't really care for BS at this point, but here, have it your way.

Jean Jacques Dessalines

November 13th, 2013, 10:31 AM
What Sanite posted:

Night 1 you went to follow Charles Leclerc
Your target visited Toussant L'Ouverturer

Night 2 you went to follow Charles Leclerc
Your target did not visit anyone

Night 3 you went to follow Catherine
Your target did not visit anybody

Night 4 You were mindmelded

Actual actions:

Night 1 you went to follow Charles Leclerc
Your target visited Toussant L'Ouverturer

Night 2 you went to follow Jean Jacques Dessalines
Your target did not visit anyone

Night 3 you went to follow Catherine
Your target did not visit anybody

Night 4 You were mindmelded

November 13th, 2013, 10:31 AM
Jean Jacques Dessalines

Catherine Flon
November 13th, 2013, 10:32 AM
I knew something was up

I think we can let Jean visit Mason tonight, if it doesn't again, then we know.

How about that?

Sanite Belaire
November 13th, 2013, 10:33 AM
I think we can let Jean visit Mason tonight, if it doesn't again, then we know.

How about that?

No no, he should be lynched today. The masons can deal with Charles tonight. I've given them the tools to do so.

Catherine Flon
November 13th, 2013, 10:39 AM
No no, he should be lynched today. The masons can deal with Charles tonight. I've given them the tools to do so.

So you think lynch Jean is better.


if there were really two towns didnt sumbit their action/disappear couple days,

Town has no excuses to lose their victory muffins.

If jean turns out to be a bodyguard then we must swallow the bitterness anyway.

Since shooting Charles can make you recover your missing shot last night,

I agree lynch Jean is better.

However, the Freak-me-out busdriver better show up, NOW.

Sanite Belaire
November 13th, 2013, 10:41 AM
Detective, I would like for you to follow someone from this list:
Rocha, Lave, Bouk

Same code as before.

Cath, you need to realize that there isn't a second bus driver. You're deluding yourself. There's likely a dreamweaver who faked some feedbacks.

Catherine Flon
November 13th, 2013, 10:42 AM
I also have to point out:

if there is another soul swapper,

this one can either choose who has gun or who is targeted to mess up you shots,

Considering that a Leader must be shot twice in order to die.

Even though this possibility is very low, because Alex RECIEVED his report yesterday.

Catherine Flon
November 13th, 2013, 10:44 AM
Detective, I would like for you to follow someone from this list:
Rocha, Lave, Bouk

Same code as before.

Cath, you need to realize that there isn't a second bus driver. You're deluding yourself. There's likely a dreamweaver who faked some feedbacks.

Why would a dreamweaver fake feedback on Rocha? Why not alex or Hedo?

I have no idea what he is!

Sanite Belaire
November 13th, 2013, 10:46 AM
You are deluding yourself. Where are the other bus driver claims? Rocha claimed today but he's the only one. There were 3 yesterday. Alex got his role's feedback and Touss got his. Peinier claimed he drove Touss and Rocha. It's likelier that there's a dreamweaver than another soul swapper. Otherwise there'd be so many more bus driven claims.

Catherine Flon
November 13th, 2013, 10:54 AM
Toussant never had a chance to check Rocha, Charles will not order his dreamweaver visit Rocha.

So the Dreamweaver must be Jean's Paw, if there is one.

Follow this thread, Jean must be able to know what Rocha is in order to deceive him with Dreamweaver.

Impossible, Jean converted Pienier night 1, the next convert has to happen night 3,

Jean and Pienier have no way to find out what Rocha is before us.

No offensive, Pienier + Jean <= Charles

The other version is that, Rocha claimed busdriven to kill Pienier by Charle's plan.

Again this is a plan with extreme complexity if Alex did not see Pienier visiting.

If it is not port, I really do not like Capois' none claim today excuses, as if none of us is important.

the importance to me is like this
mason > bs > det/lookout > student > Protectives > mind melder

Sanite Belaire
November 13th, 2013, 10:56 AM
Peinier was converted the night before he was lynched. We went over this. He is not the night 1 conversion.

Sanite Belaire
November 13th, 2013, 10:57 AM
Peinier was converted the night before he was lynched. We went over this. He is not the night 1 conversion.

Peinier had no chance to conspire with his cult. His bus drivings did not switch the feedbacks. We know that for certain.

Catherine Flon
November 13th, 2013, 11:07 AM
Then If the dreamweaver is converted night 1,

there is only 3 reports after night 3, and no one missed their report.

If dreamweaver is converted night 3, Pienier was also the night 3 conversion.

the dreamweaver has to be one under Charles.

Nothing explain why it is targeting Rocha,

so Charles told Rocha to do it, Rocha is the dreamweaver himself.

But why not deal with Alex or Hedo?

Charles should know hedo is the one last night, then dreamweaver on hedo is just common,

especially hedo did not have much trust at that moment.

Sanite Belaire
November 13th, 2013, 11:13 AM
Then If the dreamweaver is converted night 1,

there is only 3 reports after night 3, and no one missed their report.

If dreamweaver is converted night 3, Pienier was also the night 3 conversion.

the dreamweaver has to be one under Charles.

Nothing explain why it is targeting Rocha,

so Charles told Rocha to do it, Rocha is the dreamweaver himself.

But why not deal with Alex or Hedo?

Charles should know hedo is the one last night, then dreamweaver on hedo is just common,

especially hedo did not have much trust at that moment.

Look, we've eliminated the impossible (two bus drivers) now let it go and accept that there are no more bus drivers or soul swappers. We can deal with the weird and funky feedback after we kill the cult leaders. We don't need to go into why things are, we just need to go into what is out there. You're complicating something that we can deal with later. We don't know why the cults did what they did. If someone knows, I would be suspicious of them. When tomorrow comes then there's going to be a better idea of how we can deal with it. Right now we don't have a lot of information.

Catherine Flon
November 13th, 2013, 11:16 AM
Then tell me should I trust Rocha who hasn't voted yet?

Sanite Belaire
November 13th, 2013, 11:17 AM
Then tell me should I trust Rocha who hasn't voted yet?

No, don't trust those who haven't done anything to deserve that trust. You have every right and reason to not trust someone who doesn't contribute or claim.

Capois LaMort
November 13th, 2013, 01:23 PM
Toussant never had a chance to check Rocha, Charles will not order his dreamweaver visit Rocha.

So the Dreamweaver must be Jean's Paw, if there is one.

Follow this thread, Jean must be able to know what Rocha is in order to deceive him with Dreamweaver.

Impossible, Jean converted Pienier night 1, the next convert has to happen night 3,

Jean and Pienier have no way to find out what Rocha is before us.

No offensive, Pienier + Jean <= Charles

The other version is that, Rocha claimed busdriven to kill Pienier by Charle's plan.

Again this is a plan with extreme complexity if Alex did not see Pienier visiting.

If it is not port, I really do not like Capois' none claim today excuses, as if none of us is important.

the importance to me is like this
mason > bs > det/lookout > student > Protectives > mind melder

It is not that I value my role higher than others and fear being attacked.

Sanite Belaire
November 13th, 2013, 01:36 PM
It is not that I value my role higher than others and fear being attacked.

If I told you that I think I know what role you claim, would you believe me? I'm pretty sure I know what you [can't] claim

November 13th, 2013, 02:10 PM
The thread is dying... just vote to make sure we lynch today...

Capois LaMort
November 13th, 2013, 02:28 PM
If I told you that I think I know what role you claim, would you believe me? I'm pretty sure I know what you [can't] claim

Yes, I do believe you. I have given away too many hints.

Catherine Flon
November 13th, 2013, 02:31 PM
Yes, I do believe you. I have given away too many hints.

Time for you to switch vote, Capois.

Jean Jacques Dessalines

November 13th, 2013, 02:41 PM
God guys, the votes are divided even.

Jean Jacques Dessalines

Apparently people want him dead more. I don't see what difference it will make and I want this division to not be existent.

November 13th, 2013, 03:20 PM
Jean Jacques Dessalines

I have just returned from a heavy day of work so please excuse the absence I just displayed.

In my vote I had already voiced out a minor suspicion of Jean and it has grown due to the seemingly lack of response from this individual, from what I have read so far.

Catherine Flon
November 13th, 2013, 03:26 PM
Well, Alex and Sanite will make up the last two votes, if not I am going to hunt down Alex for being so good and so bad at same time.

Jean Jacques Dessalines
November 13th, 2013, 03:50 PM
Well, I return after a busy day only to discover I am on the brink of being lynched. I did not visit anyone last night as I said, but I did in fact visit Hedouville n2. I'm afraid your "detective" ?Hedouville? has lied about that, so I would look into that.

I'm a little shocked we have an outed cult leader and yet the votes have turned to me, but if you want to lynch one of your "useless" TPRs by all means go ahead.

Sanite Belaire
November 13th, 2013, 03:53 PM
Well, I return after a busy day only to discover I am on the brink of being lynched. I did not visit anyone last night as I said, but I did in fact visit Hedouville n2. I'm afraid your "detective" ?Hedouville? has lied about that, so I would look into that.

I'm a little shocked we have an outed cult leader and yet the votes have turned to me, but if you want to lynch one of your "useless" TPRs by all means go ahead.

You're not a "useless" TPR. You're scum. That's why we're lynching you.

November 13th, 2013, 03:56 PM
Attempting to sympathize and to make us feel bad about it?

Jean Jacques Dessalines

Sanite Belaire
November 13th, 2013, 03:58 PM
That's L-1 everyone. Cath do you have the Mind meld participants ready?

November 13th, 2013, 03:58 PM
Why wouldn't you visit anyone if you had the chance to?

Sanite Belaire
November 13th, 2013, 04:02 PM
Cath, is it okay to transition from day to night? Are you ready with the mind meld participants?

Capois LaMort
November 13th, 2013, 04:08 PM
Time for you to switch vote, Capois.

Jean Jacques Dessalines

Very well. I care not which is lynched, as long as one is.
Jean Jacques Dessalines

The Godfather
November 13th, 2013, 04:08 PM
Jean Jacques Dessalines has been lynched! Stand by for the host's review and day-end post!

Jean Jacques Dessalines ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/member.php/11318') (8 [L-0]): Port-au-Prince ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=396098'), Capois LaMort ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=396154'), Charles Leclerc ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=396025'), Anacona ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=396137'), Sonthonax ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=396096'), Catherine Flon ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=396134'), Boukman ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=396141'), Laveaux ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=396150')
Charles Leclerc ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/member.php/11315') (2 [L-6]): Hedouville ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=395942'), Jean Jacques Dessalines ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=396031')

The Jester King
November 13th, 2013, 04:12 PM
Day 5 is over and Jean Jacques Dessalines was lynched. His role was Louisana Cult Leader!

Jean Jacques Dessalines left a last will

Night 5 end at this time (http://m.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=november+14+2013+9%3A00+PM+EST)

Reminder: NIGHTS ARE NOW 24 HOURS INSTEAD OF 48! All night actions must be submitted by 2 hours before night end. Have a nice sleep.

Jean Jacques Dessalines was once an important cultist of this country. He and many of his friends were exiled to New Orleans, Louisana. He was outraged by this. He sworn revenge on everyone in Haiti. He formed a new religion that is very similar to Vodou. He led his people and invaded Haiti. It was an epic battle. Jean's army fought well. His army marched all the way to the captial. Jean planned to capture the captial. Unfortunately, he was ambushed by the French army who mistaken them for Haiti's. His army was definitely not prepared. Almost entire of his army was slaughtered in matter of days. Jean decided to retreat, but bumped into his enemies. He was taken and dragged to the center of the captial. Everyone in the captial was throwing rocks and foods at him as he was dragged. As they arrived, his neck were tied to a tall pole. He was asked to beg for mercy, but he shouted at top of his lungs "FREEEEEDOM!" His voice was so loud, it could be heard miles away. His enemies pulled the lever, and the great and mighty leader fell. His body slowly swung back and forth. He was lit to flame and what left of him was gone and he became dust in the wind.

The Jester King
November 14th, 2013, 06:00 PM
Day 6 has begun!

Charles LeClerc was killed last night! He was purged and killed by a revolver!
His role was Haitian Cult Leader

Charles LeClerc left a last will.

So, it finally came to this... I may have been bested by Hedouville, but not before revealing that bastard's true identity to everyone else! Shame that killing actions go before the recruiting order, otherwise I would have found a good way to get my revenge at him. I indeed planned to stay alive until Night 5, but I never taken into account that you could kill me before I could recruit anyone else (look in night actions order). So yeah, I can clerly say this - Town wins this game. There is still one other person that was converted during Night 3 - and it was not the guy that we talked about with Hedouville. Even so, it will be a matter of time before he gets himself found, so we can't win this game anymore.

Good game, guys. Charles Leclerc is no lorger at your service.

Alexandre Petion was killed last night! He was sacrificed!
His role was Lookout.

Alexandre Petion left a last will.

"Nothing is true, everything is permitted."

Sonthonax was killed last night! He was stabbed repeatedly.
His role was Blacksmith.

Sonthonax left a last will.

n1: Roleblocked.
n2: Sanite made me his Master and I received a charm. I also gave a vest to Rochie.
n3: Gave a gun to Sanite.
n4: Gave a gun to Port-au-Prince

Yes, Sanite is my Student, I think you should know this now when I'm dead. GL!

Day 6 end at this time (http://m.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=november+16+2013+9%3A00+PM+EST)

With 11 people alive, it takes 6

Charles LeClerc was the leader of this country's cultists. He was pleased after seeing his biggest rival dead. He was hidden in the crowd of the angry mobs and snuck out after the execution. He went into the wood to his head quarter. He was worried about the Legendary Witch Hunter, even thought he think it is just some another rumor. Nevertheless he was prepared for it. He heard some rustling in the bushes nearby. He quietly pulled out a dagger and patiently waited. A guy jumped in on his back out of nowhere and Charles starts spinning around to get him off. The guy got dizzy and fell. He got up, kicked the dagger off of Charles's hand and punched his left cheek. Charles stumbled back a little, then something inside him woke up. He charge in and punched the stranger a few times. He pushed him to the ground. The guy kicked Charles's chest and he stumbled back. The guy crawled to the dropped dagger and picked it up. He aimed at his face and threw it. Charles tried to dodge it but it hit his chest instead. The guy got up and ran away in fear. Charles was bleeding badly. He crawled and searched for help. Few minutes later an another stranger walked slowly to Charles. Charles begged him to help him. Instead the stranger pulled out a gun and put Charles out of his misery.

The next day everyone found the body of Charles LeClerc. People were cheering and celebrating. Alexandre Petion was happy and went home to his family. As he walked in the dark abbey, a brown bag covered his face and he was knocked out cold. When he wake up, he was tied to the ground. He looked around and it seems like he was in the middle of a ritual. Few cultist surround him casting dark magic and chanting magical words. He tried to break free but he couldn't. He screamed for help but no one came. He felt dark magic building up inside him. The cultists chanted harder and louder. His eyes was glowing Green. He then screamed in agony. He was gone.

That evening, Sonthonax was upset with the death of his best bud Alexandre Petion. He walked to a nearby blacksmith. He received a letter that someone wanted to buy a new dagger. He got a bar of iron, smelt it and sharpened it to a dagger. He went to the said location. He met a robed man and he couldn't really see his face. The man gave him some gold and Sonthonax gave the newly sharpened dagger in a sheath in return. The man pulled out the dagger and stabbed him in the chest a few times. He quickly fled. Sonthonax lied there and died quietly.

Players List
Alexandre Petion
Capois LaMort
Catherine Flon
Charles Leclerc
Jean Jacques Dessalines
Napoleon Bonaparte
Sanite Belaire
Toussant L'Ouverturer
Vincent Oge

Role List
Louisana Cult Leader
Haitian Cult Leader
Hidden Mason
Hidden Mason
Hidden Town Power - Blacksmith
Hidden Town Power - Lookout
Hidden Town Power
Hidden Town Power
Hidden Town
Hidden Town
Hidden Town
Hidden Town
Hidden Town
Hidden Neutral Killer
Hidden Neutral
Hidden Neutral
Hidden Any

Not crossed off:
Louisana Soul Swapper
Haitian Voodoo Apprentice

Baissou - Citizen - beheaded by angry mobs on Day 2
Vincent Oge - Citizen - escaped from the angry mobs but died of dehydration and exposure in a quicksand on Day 3
Peinier - Louisana Soul Swapper - headcrushed by angry mobs on Day 4
Toussant L'Ouverturer - Haitian Voodoo Apprentice - Purged on Night 4
Galbaud - Citizen - shot on Night 4
Jeans Jacques Dessalines - Louisana Cult Leader - hung by angry mobs on Day 5
Charles LeClerc - Haitian Cult Leader - purged and shot by a revolver on Night 5
Alexandre Petion - Lookout - Sacraficed on Night 5
Sonthonax - Blacksmith - Stabbed on Night 5

The Jester King
November 14th, 2013, 06:02 PM
Night 4, Day 5, Night 5, and Day 6 RP has been added.

November 14th, 2013, 06:07 PM

November 14th, 2013, 06:09 PM
I Slept very soundly last night.

Sanite Belaire
November 14th, 2013, 06:09 PM
So yeah, I was the student the whole time. Convincing, no?

Cath, I hate you. You put in someone who I know what he'll claim and the lurking mason. There was very little discussion at all. Anacona said like, 1 thing and that's "yeah, we're going to kill Charles".

Capois and I discussed shit that could have been discussed during the day.

Now we need to find the last two cultists and the serial killer.

I'm very tempted to start revealing everything that I know so we can find this bastard who killed my master.

Rocha, claim.

November 14th, 2013, 06:11 PM
So yeah, I was the student the whole time. Convincing, no?

Cath, I hate you. You put in someone who I know what he'll claim and the lurking mason. There was very little discussion at all. Anacona said like, 1 thing and that's "yeah, we're going to kill Charles".

Capois and I discussed shit that could have been discussed during the day.

Now we need to find the last two cultists and the serial killer.

I'm very tempted to start revealing everything that I know so we can find this bastard who killed my master.

Rocha, claim.

I'm a citizen.

Sanite Belaire
November 14th, 2013, 06:11 PM
I'm a citizen.

Are you fucking sure about that?

Catherine Flon
November 14th, 2013, 06:14 PM


Too bad, none of you are talktive.

I asked before "Is anacona more active than Port Au Pince?"

Port want me to meld Anacona, and Anacona want me to meld Capois, nothing I can do about.

I will meld myself with hedo tonight instead.

November 14th, 2013, 06:14 PM
Are you fucking sure about that?

Yes, I'm very fucking sure about that.

Napoleon Bonaparte
November 14th, 2013, 06:14 PM
Hello, everyone. The previous Napoleon is no longer here; I am a replacement. I've skimmed the past 2 or 3 days, and plan on reading the rest soon. I'm not sure if the previous Napoleon role claimed or not, but it's late in the game and the cults are mostly dead, so I am a citizen.

November 14th, 2013, 06:14 PM
I'm a citizen.

I think I'm the only remaining citizen.


Sanite Belaire
November 14th, 2013, 06:17 PM
You three are going to have to do something to prove your citizen-ness. I don't trust any of you right now because those slots are still up for grabs.

Sanite Belaire
November 14th, 2013, 06:20 PM
Give us your reads. I'll ask more detailed questions after I get all your reads.

Catherine Flon
November 14th, 2013, 06:27 PM
I am going to use Oge as the standard of my lynch of citizens.

I really think I worked too hard as a town.

We still have two cultists and one serial killer to catch.

There are two killers up against us.

If you ciitizens are all baissou type, I will just request a replacement instead of help you win.

Does student has the one fresh charge when Blacksmith died last night?

Sanite Belaire
November 14th, 2013, 06:28 PM
Give us your reads. I'll ask more detailed questions after I get all your reads.

This is not a rhetorical question. Answer at least something resembling, "okay I'll get right on it, Sanite"

Silence tells me that you're ignoring me.

Sanite Belaire
November 14th, 2013, 06:29 PM
Lave I need you to visit Capois tonight. This will determine something for the rest of us.

Napoleon Bonaparte
November 14th, 2013, 06:31 PM
You three are going to have to do something to prove your citizen-ness. I don't trust any of you right now because those slots are still up for grabs.

Tbh, I wouldn't trust you either, except I know you're the blacksmith now. Give me time and I'll do a preliminary read wall.

Sanite Belaire
November 14th, 2013, 06:32 PM
Tbh, I wouldn't trust you either, except I know you're the blacksmith now. Give me time and I'll do a preliminary read wall.

I'm going to ignore that because you claim you're a replacement.

The Jester King
November 14th, 2013, 06:33 PM
I am going to use Oge as the standard of my lynch of citizens.

I really think I worked too hard as a town.

We still have two cultists and one serial killer to catch.

There are two killers up against us.

If you ciitizens are all baissou type, I will just request a replacement instead of help you win.

Does student has the one fresh charge when Blacksmith died last night?

If the student's master is a blacksmith, and if the blacksmith died, then yes.

Announcement: I apology for editing the post. I pressed edit thinking I pressed Reply with Quote.

November 14th, 2013, 06:35 PM
Anacona - witchhunter
Boukman - kinda get the vibe he was a n1 recruit or could be neaut killer
Capois LaMort- no read
Catherine Flon - mind melder
Hedouville - i can't view his pictures sorry..
Laveaux - no read
Mackandal - i find him scummy
Napoleon Bonaparte - dont buy his cit claim
Port-au-Prince- town
Rochambeau - cit
Sanite Belaire - student

i personally think there are obviously a lot of cits, but can't be this many. I personally don't believe napolean over mackandal at this point. I feel like they are just going to play the part of "i'm new and don't know anything" the whole time. I haven't trusted a lot of his posts.

Napolean Bonaparte

Catherine Flon
November 14th, 2013, 06:37 PM
Tbh, I wouldn't trust you either, except I know you're the blacksmith now. Give me time and I'll do a preliminary read wall.

Citizen today are really in terrible quality.

I would blame DarkRev for putting

"Trust No One but yourself." on the Sc2mafia.

This is one of the biggest lie on the world.

Sanite Belaire
November 14th, 2013, 06:39 PM
Citizen today are really in terrible quality.

I would blame DarkRev for putting

"Trust No One but yourself." on the Sc2mafia.

This is one of the biggest lie on the world.

It's not a lie. It's incomplete. Don't trust anyone initially. Later on you can trust people but not at first.

Catherine Flon
November 14th, 2013, 06:42 PM
Anacona - witchhunter
Boukman - kinda get the vibe he was a n1 recruit or could be neaut killer
Capois LaMort- no read
Catherine Flon - mind melder
Hedouville - i can't view his pictures sorry..
Laveaux - no read
Mackandal - i find him scummy
Napoleon Bonaparte - dont buy his cit claim
Port-au-Prince- town
Rochambeau - cit
Sanite Belaire - student

i personally think there are obviously a lot of cits, but can't be this many. I personally don't believe napolean over mackandal at this point. I feel like they are just going to play the part of "i'm new and don't know anything" the whole time. I haven't trusted a lot of his posts.

Napolean Bonaparte

You went absent last two day phrase did you?

or did you not read Charles' last will?

I really want to request Modkill on you if you are a town missing two critical lynch on two cultists.

Now you come back.

Sorry, I rather have you disappear.

Baissou died, for being a citizen without claim.

Oge died, fro being a citizen without claim first.

You should die too, just for fair.

Your performance is so poor these couple days that I do not want to win with you anymore.

Catherine Flon
November 14th, 2013, 06:45 PM
It's not a lie. It's incomplete. Don't trust anyone initially. Later on you can trust people but not at first.

Only one type of person can win like that, it is Alex.

None of you has his ability to thinking down in logic.

Trust no one will only become selfdestruction

when you are in a town with no one want to talk, and trying their best to hide,

when you are in a cultist setup, but no one want to lead,


I tell you if not for that lucky detective who I have planned so long, we all will die.

November 14th, 2013, 06:48 PM
You went absent last two day phrase did you?

I dont know what this means.. could you clarify in english please?

Catherine Flon
November 14th, 2013, 06:56 PM
I dont know what this means.. could you clarify in english please?

What is Hedo's role? I ask you again, so that we all know you read.

November 14th, 2013, 07:01 PM
What is Hedo's role? I ask you again, so that we all know you read.

Catherine Flon
November 14th, 2013, 07:03 PM
Anacona - witchhunter
Boukman - kinda get the vibe he was a n1 recruit or could be neaut killer
Capois LaMort- no read
Catherine Flon - mind melder
Hedouville - i can't view his pictures sorry..
Laveaux - no read
Mackandal - i find him scummy
Napoleon Bonaparte - dont buy his cit claim
Port-au-Prince- town
Rochambeau - cit
Sanite Belaire - student

i personally think there are obviously a lot of cits, but can't be this many. I personally don't believe napolean over mackandal at this point. I feel like they are just going to play the part of "i'm new and don't know anything" the whole time. I haven't trusted a lot of his posts.

Napolean Bonaparte

Then what did you post about him here?

November 14th, 2013, 07:10 PM
Then what did you post about him here?

i said i have an inability to view his posts, not what others say about him.

November 14th, 2013, 07:12 PM
Sorry folks. I was busy at work. It demanded so much of my time i couldn't tell the host if i wanted to lw or not.

Catherine Flon
November 14th, 2013, 07:14 PM
i said i have an inability to view his posts, not what others say about him.

You hide what you know about people when you post your own read.

I will use that as the excuse of keeping my vote on you.

You are irresponsible.

November 14th, 2013, 07:15 PM
You hide what you know about people when you post your own read.

I will use that as the excuse of keeping my vote on you.

You are irresponsible.
l2r dude. i cannot view his posts so i am unable to form my own opinions on him. Would you prefer me to copy the reads of someone else and use those as my own? That seems a lot more irresponsible..

November 14th, 2013, 07:17 PM
l2r dude. i cannot view his posts so i am unable to form my own opinions on him. Would you prefer me to copy the reads of someone else and use those as my own? That seems a lot more irresponsible..

The better question is why can't you view his threads? the only way to do that is to block someone and even then there is a hidden space with their name and a darker grey box where their post should be. You can click on view post to read it even when their blocked. There is literally zero excuse to not know what someone else has said.

November 14th, 2013, 07:18 PM
The better question is why can't you view his threads? the only way to do that is to block someone and even then there is a hidden space with their name and a darker grey box where their post should be. You can click on view post to read it even when their blocked. There is literally zero excuse to not know what someone else has said.

because the firewall on my computer doesn't allow the images to appear.

Napoleon Bonaparte
November 14th, 2013, 07:41 PM
It's not a lie. It's incomplete. Don't trust anyone initially. Later on you can trust people but not at first.

Kind of. Atm I trust you and Catherine, cause I know your claims. I also know 1 or 2 Masons have claimed, but I don't know if they're trustworthy(I think they are; I'll have to recheck this). I don't have really have any hard reads on anybody, but here is my semi-spur-of-the-moment read-wall:

Catherine: Obviously confirmed Town MM.
Sanite: Confirmed Student of the Blacksmith, obviously now the Blacksmith himself.
Roch: Seriously don't like him. Second I come in "ERMAGARSH I DUN LIKE YOU YOU'RE A REPLACEMENT YOU'RE JUST GONNA PRETEND YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING" Seriously? The second I come in, I'm met with stupidity and knee-jerk, baseless judements. Orange because I know a lot of people play very scummily, but leaning Red (Not OMGUS; just a gut feel. I doubt a Town would spring on someone and scream "SCUM" after their first post.).
Anacona: I believe he claimed Witch Hunter? Or something like that. Someone correct me on this if I'm wrong, but it was Port-au who claimed to be his Mason buddy right?
Napoleon: A la me. Not much to say here, since the only way to confirm myself is to have a Mason or some form of investigative TPR check me.(Witch Hunter is like ML/Escort-mix right? I have no night action to lose to a RB, so I would be grateful of a check)
Boukman: Gotta read more into this guy.
Capois: Constantly RPs from what I remember of him, and yesterday he hammered before Catherine could confirm she put in her day action, so that's a little iffy, but Catherine hasn't said anything about it so eh.
Hedouville: Seems pretty Townish to me. Remember all of these are just gut feels and obvious things from reading the thread, but if I had to guess he's either TPR or recruited, since from what I've read he's in the conversations a lot and seems to be a kind of Town-director.
Mackandal: Who? Gotta read more on this as well.
Port-au-Prince: The other Mason if I remember correctly.

And that's it. I'm going to read into Mackandal and Boukman now; expect those later tonight (it's 10:40 now, so I should have time to do them before I need to go to bed)

Also, can I change this stupid Avatar? Like seriously. Who the heck is this, and why are they my avatar?

November 14th, 2013, 07:44 PM
Kind of. Atm I trust you and Catherine, cause I know your claims. I also know 1 or 2 Masons have claimed, but I don't know if they're trustworthy(I think they are; I'll have to recheck this). I don't have really have any hard reads on anybody, but here is my semi-spur-of-the-moment read-wall:

Catherine: Obviously confirmed Town MM.
Sanite: Confirmed Student of the Blacksmith, obviously now the Blacksmith himself.
Roch: Seriously don't like him. Second I come in "ERMAGARSH I DUN LIKE YOU YOU'RE A REPLACEMENT YOU'RE JUST GONNA PRETEND YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING" Seriously? The second I come in, I'm met with stupidity and knee-jerk, baseless judements. Orange because I know a lot of people play very scummily, but leaning Red (Not OMGUS; just a gut feel. I doubt a Town would spring on someone and scream "SCUM" after their first post.).
Anacona: I believe he claimed Witch Hunter? Or something like that. Someone correct me on this if I'm wrong, but it was Port-au who claimed to be his Mason buddy right?
Napoleon: A la me. Not much to say here, since the only way to confirm myself is to have a Mason or some form of investigative TPR check me.(Witch Hunter is like ML/Escort-mix right? I have no night action to lose to a RB, so I would be grateful of a check)
Boukman: Gotta read more into this guy.
Capois: Constantly RPs from what I remember of him, and yesterday he hammered before Catherine could confirm she put in her day action, so that's a little iffy, but Catherine hasn't said anything about it so eh.
Hedouville: Seems pretty Townish to me. Remember all of these are just gut feels and obvious things from reading the thread, but if I had to guess he's either TPR or recruited, since from what I've read he's in the conversations a lot and seems to be a kind of Town-director.
Mackandal: Who? Gotta read more on this as well.
Port-au-Prince: The other Mason if I remember correctly.

And that's it. I'm going to read into Mackandal and Boukman now; expect those later tonight (it's 10:40 now, so I should have time to do them before I need to go to bed)

Also, can I change this stupid Avatar? Like seriously. Who the heck is this, and why are they my avatar?

google mrs frizzel

Napoleon Bonaparte
November 14th, 2013, 07:49 PM

google mrs frizzel

So, the original Napoleon was soft-claiming BD? Okay then. I guess that makes sense. But I still don't get why you're jumping all up on my case just because I'm a replacement; care to explain the hostility?

November 14th, 2013, 07:51 PM
So, the original Napoleon was soft-claiming BD? Okay then. I guess that makes sense. But I still don't get why you're jumping all up on my case just because I'm a replacement; care to explain the hostility?

that wasnt the only reason. It was because he did soft claim that, and I don't think there is room for another cit.

Napoleon Bonaparte
November 14th, 2013, 08:00 PM
Boukman: D1 wanted a no-lynch, and in the following days was EXTREMELY wary of any and all lynches. I agree with the original Napoleon's thoughts on this; the lynch or threat there-of is the pressure required to find a proper lynch target. HOWEVER, I don't think this means he's Cult, as Cult would only pull this if their buddy was on the stand; it was d2 at the time, and both Cult Leaders are now dead, so as of d2 he's Town. Then there's 40 pages before he gets replaced, and when he's back he focuses on Jean, when Charles is being focused, saying he doesn't know why he's up. I like his response to Sanite's offer of a re-cap, since that seems like a very Townish response. Then he poofs for a while, comes back, and votes Jean who was that day's lynch target. Not super Towny or super scummy; just neutral there.

Tl;DR: Town as of D2, but he may have been recruited n3, or left alone. Unsure. Definitely started as a Town though.

@Roch: Who are other Cit claimers other than you and I?

November 14th, 2013, 08:07 PM
Boukman: D1 wanted a no-lynch, and in the following days was EXTREMELY wary of any and all lynches. I agree with the original Napoleon's thoughts on this; the lynch or threat there-of is the pressure required to find a proper lynch target. HOWEVER, I don't think this means he's Cult, as Cult would only pull this if their buddy was on the stand; it was d2 at the time, and both Cult Leaders are now dead, so as of d2 he's Town. Then there's 40 pages before he gets replaced, and when he's back he focuses on Jean, when Charles is being focused, saying he doesn't know why he's up. I like his response to Sanite's offer of a re-cap, since that seems like a very Townish response. Then he poofs for a while, comes back, and votes Jean who was that day's lynch target. Not super Towny or super scummy; just neutral there.

Tl;DR: Town as of D2, but he may have been recruited n3, or left alone. Unsure. Definitely started as a Town though.

@Roch: Who are other Cit claimers other than you and I?

You forgot to mention that I had previously mentioned Jean as a good starting place earlier before I disappeared to go to work for the day.

Napoleon Bonaparte
November 14th, 2013, 08:08 PM
I did mention that; I said "When he's back he focuses on Jean". Then you go to work, then come back. I didn't mention you poofed, but w/e. It's still there.

November 14th, 2013, 08:14 PM
I did mention that; I said "When he's back he focuses on Jean". Then you go to work, then come back. I didn't mention you poofed, but w/e. It's still there.

Ah. Sorry for the misunderstanding

November 14th, 2013, 08:16 PM
Im mackandal and I have nothing to prove my citizenship other then my Obamacare card.

I guess you could purge me?

Also here is my Trust O' meter

Scale 1-10 with the lowest being a scummy bastard and 10 being a towny saint.

Port-au-prince 10 (Confirmed Mason)
Anaconda 10 (Confirmed Mason)
Catherine 9 (Possible converted person)
Sanite Belaire 8 (Made me lose some trust for him when he pulled the student card)
Hedouville 7 (No complete proof of his identity but seems like a trusty guy)
Boukman 5 (I don't trust him)
Capios 2 (I really think hes been converted)
Roch 1 (If the seal could yell something other then "GAAAAAY" then he would yell "SCUUUUUM")

Napoleon Bonaparte
November 14th, 2013, 08:20 PM
@Boukman: I've had way too long of a day, so it's not your fault lol. I apologize for any choppy and/or run-on sentences that cause confusion.

I'm assuming we have at least 3 Cit claims; Me, Roch, and Bouk,(Edit: and Mack..) correct? There are 5 Hidden towns + 3 set Cits,, so max 8 Cits in the entire game. 3 Cits are dead, leaving only the 5 Hidden Towns. We also have 5 pre-set Neutrals, and 4 TPRs. (Side note: Wth is the Neut Killer? Arsonist? I haven't seen any Neutral kills in the graveyard..). Also, Cits become a random Cult role when converted. Irdk Host meta when it comes to this, but I imagine Host would want a little more surety in Cult recruits, and would make 1 or 2 Hidden Towns TPRs, meaning 5-2 = 3 + 3 set Cits = 6 Cits in the whole game. Comments? We have 4 Cit claims, 3 dead, so I do believe 1 in the Cit pairing is lying.

@Mack: And where do I rank on this scale? Also, why did Sanite lose points for his Studentness? Wouldn't that make him MORE Towny, since Blacksmith confirmed his identity? And why would Catherine be recruited? Her day action would stop, making her an insta-lynch. This is terrible for an already-dying Cult, as it would 100% eliminate the Cult.

November 14th, 2013, 08:25 PM
Im mackandal and I have nothing to prove my citizenship other then my Obamacare card.

I guess you could purge me?

Also here is my Trust O' meter

Scale 1-10 with the lowest being a scummy bastard and 10 being a towny saint.

Port-au-prince 10 (Confirmed Mason)
Anaconda 10 (Confirmed Mason)
Catherine 9 (Possible converted person)
Sanite Belaire 8 (Made me lose some trust for him when he pulled the student card)
Hedouville 7 (No complete proof of his identity but seems like a trusty guy)
Napoleon 6 (A replacement, as he says. Nada proof however.)
Boukman 5 (I don't trust him)
Capios 2 (I really think hes been converted)
Roch 1 (If the seal could yell something other then "GAAAAAY" then he would yell "SCUUUUUM")
Laveaux ?? (Unable to read)

Added Lavaux and Napoleon.

November 14th, 2013, 08:26 PM
@Boukman: I've had way too long of a day, so it's not your fault lol. I apologize for any choppy and/or run-on sentences that cause confusion.

I'm assuming we have at least 3 Cit claims; Me, Roch, and Bouk,(Edit: and Mack..) correct? There are 5 Hidden towns + 3 set Cits,, so max 8 Cits in the entire game. 3 Cits are dead, leaving only the 5 Hidden Towns. We also have 5 pre-set Neutrals, and 4 TPRs. (Side note: Wth is the Neut Killer? Arsonist? I haven't seen any Neutral kills in the graveyard..). Also, Cits become a random Cult role when converted. Irdk Host meta when it comes to this, but I imagine Host would want a little more surety in Cult recruits, and would make 1 or 2 Hidden Towns TPRs, meaning 5-2 = 3 + 3 set Cits = 6 Cits in the whole game. Comments? We have 4 Cit claims, 3 dead, so I do believe 1 in the Cit pairing is lying.

@Mack: And where do I rank on this scale? Also, why did Sanite lose points for his Studentness? Wouldn't that make him MORE Towny, since Blacksmith confirmed his identity? And why would Catherine be recruited? Her day action would stop, making her an insta-lynch. This is terrible for an already-dying Cult, as it would 100% eliminate the Cult.

You fail to see the WIFOM.

November 14th, 2013, 08:26 PM
Quote fail FTW.

Sanite Belaire
November 14th, 2013, 08:26 PM
Im mackandal and I have nothing to prove my citizenship other then my Obamacare card.

I guess you could purge me?

Also here is my Trust O' meter

Scale 1-10 with the lowest being a scummy bastard and 10 being a towny saint.

Port-au-prince 10 (Confirmed Mason)
Anaconda 10 (Confirmed Mason)
Catherine 9 (Possible converted person)
Sanite Belaire 8 (Made me lose some trust for him when he pulled the student card)
Hedouville 7 (No complete proof of his identity but seems like a trusty guy)
Boukman 5 (I don't trust him)
Capios 2 (I really think hes been converted)
Roch 1 (If the seal could yell something other then "GAAAAAY" then he would yell "SCUUUUUM")

Wat. I was student the entire time up to today. I am the fucking blacksmith. The student card is merely what I was. Stop being retarded. Catherine isn't possibly converted because she is the mind melder. Hedo hasn't proven anything to get your trust. He's been right about a few things but hasn't proven anything. He's claimed neutral and you think he's a trusty guy.


Sanite Belaire
November 14th, 2013, 08:27 PM
Everyone, please stop being retarded. I will lay down everything that I can possibly say to get some sense into your heads. Give me a minute.

November 14th, 2013, 08:30 PM
I don't think Hedouville is the serial killer/cult.

Sanite Belaire
November 14th, 2013, 08:31 PM
I don't think Hedouville is the serial killer/cult.

Doesn't explain the rest of your stupidity

November 14th, 2013, 08:33 PM
Oh your mean.

Sanite Belaire
November 14th, 2013, 08:34 PM
Oh your mean.

Only when you're being retarded

Sanite Belaire
November 14th, 2013, 08:41 PM
There are a few proven people:
Anacona is the witch hunter
Port is the charm maker
Catherine is the Mind Melder
I am (now) the blacksmith
The detective is proven to everyone in the proven category

The only people claiming citizen are:
Mack - claimed day 1
Napoleon - claimed day 1
Rocha - refused to claim until today

People who have claimed TPR but haven't proven anything:
Lave - Doctor
Capois - Veteran

There are two cultists out there. One from each faction. The red cult still has their first convert. The purple still has their last convert.

There isn't a second bus driver. There is likely a dreamweaver.

There is a serial killer. We know this because the death description of my master. He was stabbed by knives.

There are likely to be 3 kills each night from now on out. 2 cults + 1 serial killer. We need to kill at least one of them off to make sure they don't completely kill off town.

November 14th, 2013, 08:49 PM
What we know....
The way things are, we know that Sanite, Anacona, and myself must be town. The lookout and Catherine are likely to be town, as there was only a 1 night window in which either of them could've been converted. There is 1 more benign neutral, 1 more neutral killer, and probably 1 more of each cult left which means that town has a 7-4 advantage (8-3 because the neutral should side with us).

Napoleon Bonaparte
November 14th, 2013, 09:31 PM
There are a few proven people:
Anacona is the witch hunter
Port is the charm maker
Catherine is the Mind Melder
I am (now) the blacksmith
The detective is proven to everyone in the proven category

The only people claiming citizen are:
Mack - claimed day 1
Napoleon - claimed day 1
Rocha - refused to claim until today

People who have claimed TPR but haven't proven anything:
Lave - Doctor
Capois - Veteran

There are two cultists out there. One from each faction. The red cult still has their first convert. The purple still has their last convert.

There isn't a second bus driver. There is likely a dreamweaver.

There is a serial killer. We know this because the death description of my master. He was stabbed by knives.

There are likely to be 3 kills each night from now on out. 2 cults + 1 serial killer. We need to kill at least one of them off to make sure they don't completely kill off town.

What has Bouk claimed? He isn't on your list. Also I 100% agree; the 3 KPN is going to be devastating due to our lack of protective roles(Assuming Lave isn't lying, it's still only going to slow them down at best), so we NEED to kill either of the Cults or the SK today, else our advantage will go bye-bye. The question is, where are the 3 KPNs hiding? My theory of 6 Cits could make all 3 of us Cits, BUT it's possible 1 of the 2 now-dead Cultists were Cits; did either of them roleclaim anything that might have gotten them converted prior to their death? This can help decide if they were PRs or Cits before conversion, and help decide if we should lynch a Cit claim today.

November 14th, 2013, 09:33 PM
http://i840.photobucket.com/albums/zz322/Hedouville/Mobile%20Uploads/145_zpsb090e23a.png (http://s840.photobucket.com/user/Hedouville/media/Mobile%20Uploads/145_zpsb090e23a.png.html)

November 14th, 2013, 09:40 PM
As far as I know I haven't claimed anything at all yet.

November 14th, 2013, 09:56 PM


Too bad, none of you are talktive.

I asked before "Is anacona more active than Port Au Pince?"

Port want me to meld Anacona, and Anacona want me to meld Capois, nothing I can do about.

I will meld myself with hedo tonight instead.

http://i840.photobucket.com/albums/zz322/Hedouville/Mobile%20Uploads/146_zps42279165.png (http://s840.photobucket.com/user/Hedouville/media/Mobile%20Uploads/146_zps42279165.png.html)

http://i840.photobucket.com/albums/zz322/Hedouville/Mobile%20Uploads/147_zps3de0277b.png (http://s840.photobucket.com/user/Hedouville/media/Mobile%20Uploads/147_zps3de0277b.png.html)

I'm a citizen.

http://i840.photobucket.com/albums/zz322/Hedouville/Mobile%20Uploads/148_zps31a7c8b4.png (http://s840.photobucket.com/user/Hedouville/media/Mobile%20Uploads/148_zps31a7c8b4.png.html)

Hello, everyone. The previous Napoleon is no longer here; I am a replacement. I've skimmed the past 2 or 3 days, and plan on reading the rest soon. I'm not sure if the previous Napoleon role claimed or not, but it's late in the game and the cults are mostly dead, so I am a citizen.

http://i840.photobucket.com/albums/zz322/Hedouville/Mobile%20Uploads/148_zps31a7c8b4.png (http://s840.photobucket.com/user/Hedouville/media/Mobile%20Uploads/148_zps31a7c8b4.png.html)

I think I'm the only remaining citizen.


http://i840.photobucket.com/albums/zz322/Hedouville/Mobile%20Uploads/148_zps31a7c8b4.png (http://s840.photobucket.com/user/Hedouville/media/Mobile%20Uploads/148_zps31a7c8b4.png.html)

Anacona - witchhunter
Boukman - kinda get the vibe he was a n1 recruit or could be neaut killer
Capois LaMort- no read
Catherine Flon - mind melder
Hedouville - i can't view his pictures sorry..
Laveaux - no read
Mackandal - i find him scummy
Napoleon Bonaparte - dont buy his cit claim
Port-au-Prince- town
Rochambeau - cit
Sanite Belaire - student

i personally think there are obviously a lot of cits, but can't be this many. I personally don't believe napolean over mackandal at this point. I feel like they are just going to play the part of "i'm new and don't know anything" the whole time. I haven't trusted a lot of his posts.

Napolean Bonaparte

What is Hedo's role? I ask you again, so that we all know you read.


i said i have an inability to view his posts, not what others say about him.

http://i840.photobucket.com/albums/zz322/Hedouville/Mobile%20Uploads/149_zpsd7eb4451.png (http://s840.photobucket.com/user/Hedouville/media/Mobile%20Uploads/149_zpsd7eb4451.png.html)

Sorry folks. I was busy at work. It demanded so much of my time i couldn't tell the host if i wanted to lw or not.

http://i840.photobucket.com/albums/zz322/Hedouville/Mobile%20Uploads/150_zps71ae80bd.png (http://s840.photobucket.com/user/Hedouville/media/Mobile%20Uploads/150_zps71ae80bd.png.html)

Wat. I was student the entire time up to today. I am the fucking blacksmith. The student card is merely what I was. Stop being retarded. Catherine isn't possibly converted because she is the mind melder. Hedo hasn't proven anything to get your trust. He's been right about a few things but hasn't proven anything. He's claimed neutral and you think he's a trusty guy.


http://i840.photobucket.com/albums/zz322/Hedouville/Mobile%20Uploads/149_zpsd7eb4451.png (http://s840.photobucket.com/user/Hedouville/media/Mobile%20Uploads/149_zpsd7eb4451.png.html)

November 14th, 2013, 09:57 PM
As far as I know I haven't claimed anything at all yet.

http://i840.photobucket.com/albums/zz322/Hedouville/Mobile%20Uploads/151_zpse3786d61.png (http://s840.photobucket.com/user/Hedouville/media/Mobile%20Uploads/151_zpse3786d61.png.html)

Catherine Flon
November 14th, 2013, 10:20 PM
I will torture Boukman tonight, leave it to me.

Rocha's busdriven claim is true and if the last person is deamweaver are not clear.

If Pienier was still a busdriver before he was lynched,

he told truth about rocha.

Yet, Rocha till lynched him in return.

Alex believe there is no reason a soul swapper soulswapped him nor a dreamweaver will fake a busdriven message.

I believed the opposite.

Rocha holds the key about the extra busdriven report as well as the last possible cultist.

He has little tribute other than vote without explaination

His play style and analyze ability can be represented by these two posts, besides today's posts.

#686 #1047

If mason doesn't back him up,

I will try to get information from him dead body.

Catherine Flon
November 14th, 2013, 10:29 PM
@hedo, the underline part was chat from day5. I had to meld them inorder to coordinate the critical shoot.

November 14th, 2013, 10:32 PM
@hedo, the underline part was chat from day5. I had to meld them inorder to coordinate the critical shoot.

http://i840.photobucket.com/albums/zz322/Hedouville/Mobile%20Uploads/153_zps8951ed0d.png (http://s840.photobucket.com/user/Hedouville/media/Mobile%20Uploads/153_zps8951ed0d.png.html)

Catherine Flon
November 14th, 2013, 10:37 PM
http://i840.photobucket.com/albums/zz322/Hedouville/Mobile%20Uploads/153_zps8951ed0d.png (http://s840.photobucket.com/user/Hedouville/media/Mobile%20Uploads/153_zps8951ed0d.png.html)

I know I chose right person since night 1.

Many people hardly get along even if they are confirmed town.

3 towns were in md and had a boring chat, don't you want to teach them some lessons?^.^

November 14th, 2013, 10:41 PM
I know I chose right person since night 1.

Many people hardly get along even if they are confirmed town.

3 towns were in md and had a boring chat, don't you want to teach them some lessons?^.^

http://i840.photobucket.com/albums/zz322/Hedouville/Mobile%20Uploads/154_zpsc504eb88.png (http://s840.photobucket.com/user/Hedouville/media/Mobile%20Uploads/154_zpsc504eb88.png.html)

November 14th, 2013, 10:49 PM
Well, Anacona can check citizen claims with no risk, Sanite has another gun to give out, and I should still have my gun (according to the host's rule that, if a gun kill happens at the same time as other killing actions on a cult target, the gun recharges) so I think we can match kills for kills. At the moment, I'm not overly concerned about the neutral killer but I think we can definitely mop up the cult and set ourselves up well.

Catherine Flon
November 14th, 2013, 10:50 PM
What do you think about the last cultists' role and some, knowing Alex was sacrificed.

November 14th, 2013, 10:58 PM
http://i840.photobucket.com/albums/zz322/Hedouville/Mobile%20Uploads/155_zpsb33a127e.png (http://s840.photobucket.com/user/Hedouville/media/Mobile%20Uploads/155_zpsb33a127e.png.html)

November 14th, 2013, 11:00 PM
http://i840.photobucket.com/albums/zz322/Hedouville/Mobile%20Uploads/156_zps173a0241.png (http://s840.photobucket.com/user/Hedouville/media/Mobile%20Uploads/156_zps173a0241.png.html)

Capois LaMort
November 14th, 2013, 11:00 PM
What do you think about the last cultists' role and some, knowing Alex was sacrificed.

It is fairly unlikely that there is actually a Dreamweaver, as it is only Rocha who has had the "fake" feedbacks, and not even over consistent nights. The roles are almost certainly roles that do not give other players feedback, or we'd have hard from them by now. Thus, I suspect that the roles are either a Recruit, Voodoo Apprentice or Mademoiselle Laveau as a Witch Doctor.

Catherine Flon
November 14th, 2013, 11:21 PM
It is fairly unlikely that there is actually a Dreamweaver, as it is only Rocha who has had the "fake" feedbacks, and not even over consistent nights. The roles are almost certainly roles that do not give other players feedback, or we'd have hard from them by now. Thus, I suspect that the roles are either a Recruit, Voodoo Apprentice or Mademoiselle Laveau as a Witch Doctor.

I believe MAsons and Smith has the same opinion, they want Laveau to visit Capois.

That is one extreme way of doing it.

However, that means we will all know who is real and who is fake tomorrow from graveyard.

Other other hand,

You and me have same feeling that Rocha is faking claim busdriven,

Pienier was night 3 recuit and got hanged day 4.

The conflict is that, if that is planned, then Rocha must be on the same team as Pienier because the possibility only exist for he being night 1 recruit.

Yet we all know that Charles recruited Toussant night 1.

If there is a dreamweaver, then this one must not be on Charles' crew, but Jean's.

Then strangely, this dreamweaver miss his action night 1 and night 2,

As we all know Alex and Toussant are not drugged at all.

Therefore this dreamweaver possibility has so many holes in there.

Rocha as the only one claimed being drugged must be lying.

If he is cultist, he might do so to pretend being a target of cultist.

I want to see the truth in it.

Catherine Flon
November 14th, 2013, 11:25 PM
What will happen if soulswapper swapped busdriver with someone else whose role has single target? Will the night end up being a role visit two persons and busdriver visit one person? What will the feed back be like? Will busdriving be interrupted? And who will the other person visit?

Capois LaMort
November 14th, 2013, 11:33 PM
I believe MAsons and Smith has the same opinion, they want Laveau to visit Capois.

That is one extreme way of doing it.

However, that means we will all know who is real and who is fake tomorrow from graveyard.

Other other hand,

You and me have same feeling that Rocha is faking claim busdriven,

Pienier was night 3 recuit and got hanged day 4.

The conflict is that, if that is planned, then Rocha must be on the same team as Pienier because the possibility only exist for he being night 1 recruit.

Yet we all know that Charles recruited Toussant night 1.

If there is a dreamweaver, then this one must not be on Charles' crew, but Jean's.

Then strangely, this dreamweaver miss his action night 1 and night 2,

As we all know Alex and Toussant are not drugged at all.

Therefore this dreamweaver possibility has so many holes in there.

Rocha as the only one claimed being drugged must be lying.

If he is cultist, he might do so to pretend being a target of cultist.

I want to see the truth in it.

Even if Roch is town, I am still under the impression that there is no Dreamweaver and he lied. His actions before have shown him not to take this game seriously at all, so I would not be surprised if he were to lie just for laughs.

Catherine Flon
November 14th, 2013, 11:37 PM
Even if Roch is town, I am still under the impression that there is no Dreamweaver and he lied. His actions before have shown him not to take this game seriously at all, so I would not be surprised if he were to lie just for laughs.

One eye for an eye, one tooth for a tooth.

November 15th, 2013, 12:07 AM
If that is the case, then (if I have my gun) I will shoot Rochambeau and let Anacona check a higher risk target (someone who we are not convinced is culted yet but we are suspicious of, such as Napoleon Bonaparte).

Catherine Flon
November 15th, 2013, 12:39 AM
Did you plan to make doctor visit veteran?

The Jester King
November 15th, 2013, 02:12 AM
What will happen if soulswapper swapped busdriver with someone else whose role has single target?

Will the night end up being a role visit two persons and busdriver visit one person? What will the feed back be like? Will busdriving be interrupted? And who will the other person visit?
Actions include the targets. So in the case the actions would be (Bus X and Y), and (Visit Z)

Edit: Adding my post to this because I cant really delete the post.

Let say the role is sheriff, and he was swapped with BD
BD will be doing the investigation and sheriff will be doing the bussing
Sheriff will get their night result.
Bussing will not be interuppted.
Sheriff will visit whoever the bus driver chose.

Sanite Belaire
November 15th, 2013, 02:44 AM
I've got a sense of how night actions should be organized.

Cath, you're not thinking of everyone when you suggest night actions. It shows.

Lave should visit Capois. By my analysis only one of them can be telling the truth. Doing that will show who the liar is. Because Lave could lie about visiting Capois I suggest that the detective follow Lave to make sure there isn't a detour.

There are too many citizen claimers for my liking. I don't think that there can be that many citizens in the setup (especially without a missionary) so I suggest we lynch one today, witch hunt another tonight, and see what the results of those two tests are. If we're unlucky with both tests then the last remaining claimer is likely lying. If we manage to lynch a lying citizen claimer, then the masons could choose someone else to check. If we lynch a citizen the masons can check another citizen claimer. I suggest that we lynch Rocha (because he has that vest that my master gave him), and check Mack tonight. Napoleon seems to be a bit more sincere than the other two.

Be aware that this is just my gut feeling for the citizens. If anyone has any information step forward.

I give a gun to Port.

Port can give a charm to someone he deems worthy.

Cath will do what she does and hopefully doesn't fuck something up. As an aside, Cath, you don't have to follow everyone's instructions. Port is clearly a more talkative player than Anacona and the role has very little to do with that. I didn't follow all my master's instructions the day I first claimed blacksmith. I happened to have been roleblocked that night and so I had to let the masons know that I had connections to the blacksmith but that I was not the blacksmith. That's why I said that my student had been given a charm. You see, it would be impossible for Sontho to be my student by that day. He was roleblocked the first night and I was bus driven the second night. He would have had to target Bouk if Sontho was a student. It's ridiculous. I am so glad that the masons didn't mention I was roleblock. Thanks again.

Someone will need to check Hedo eventually. I don't know if we can do that tonight. Any ideas?

How does that sound to everyone?

Catherine Flon
November 15th, 2013, 06:06 AM
Sanite. Your reveal is great at that point, especially after you were visited by anacona.

I specially repeated the message that you claimed your student received the night before that day because I also find it is the key to confirm that you are the blacksmith for masons.

It was a sudden plot and I had to decide if I trust you.

It turns out I did, and I yet to decide to meld the third person and if I should trust him or if he can be trusted by you.

It turns out you and mason did.

On the case of Capois who missed one day due to real life problem, had some flawed narrow argument at early game, I do not know.

His attitude is like boukman. He missed nearly all votes.

He is the type of player who doesn't do anything and hope to win by survive with strong claim.

That I can tell, but that's it for me.

I knew you didn't quite trust him even if you know his claim, you outed his role today shows that point.

On the other side, I didn't see it comes.

Laveaux is similar.

I tell you if bad guys doesn't help vote and hammer hope that those makes them look more decent, they would get away easier.

Town probably would not able to even lynch.

Scum acts like town, benefit towns the most. This is WiFom.

Pienier's case is obvious, if Charles and Toussant do not help us vote him off, we would be lack votes that day.

I just tell you even if those are real citizen and real doctor and real veteran, they are all equal lynch.

Tomorrow you might find out they are all still alive because, ah! They do not follow your plan neither.

Any excuse will be super convenient.

That's why, I asked masons.

Without some authority and leadership, town pretty much is just hanging than helping.

Then we have to do it hard way while Serial Killer can still kill, Cultists can still act.

That means we have to check citizen one by another while Serial Killer target Anacona.

Then we had to choose to lynch citizens and doctors and etc.

How many nights do we have before we are out numbered?

We were quite lucky on that two cultist leader. Would we be as lucky right now?

I am happy to see some replacement made people more active,

but town leadership is not solid enough.

I doubt they will walk to death according to plan, they probably will not listen.

How about I just ask them right now?

Laveaux and Capois, will you visit/alert as we told you to?

At same time, masons are just let town do whatever they want and hope to win.

What about the lynch today?

November 15th, 2013, 06:31 AM
i personally think that Sanite is being extremely naieve about his thoughts saying that there absolutely can't be certain roles in this setup. I don't trust napolean because he was fairly active in the beginning then made 1 post in 2 days time frame, I feel he was culted in that time. Lynch me if you must, but it will be cutting it so close with losing another town that you better get every single thing right after that or we lose.

November 15th, 2013, 06:39 AM
Sup bros.

If we lynch a citizen claimer I nominate Rochambeau as tribute.

November 15th, 2013, 06:39 AM
Gonna be back before days end.

November 15th, 2013, 07:10 AM
I'm not sure if the previous Napoleon role claimed or not, but it's late in the game and the cults are mostly dead, so I am a citizen.

God damn it.

-Target Napoleon Bonaparte

LW :

This night, I targeted Napoleon. Because of that treatment, I had to guess the other mason since it's likely you'll use him, who might or might not become threatened.

Now that I know it's a freaking Citizen and I yet again don't receive feedback, yeah thanks for WIFOM'ing me from healing better targets.

So, I'm not sure if I'll be visiting someone requested to be visited since scum can fuck up things. You do know there's drug dealers and et cetera?
A detective cannot prove a doctor that haven't healed, only that I can actually visit.

Capois LaMort
November 15th, 2013, 07:31 AM
God damn it.

Now that I know it's a freaking Citizen and I yet again don't receive feedback, yeah thanks for WIFOM'ing me from healing better targets.

So, I'm not sure if I'll be visiting someone requested to be visited since scum can fuck up things. You do know there's drug dealers and et cetera?
A detective cannot prove a doctor that haven't healed, only that I can actually visit.

Apparently, you are to visit me, the Veteran, and I am to kill you, to prove myself.

Catherine Flon
November 15th, 2013, 07:35 AM
@ Laveaux I have posted several times before day three that who have claimed citizens. You just not actually playing. I wonder if you will visit veteran and prove us it is still gold inside of you and capois or else.

Sup bros.

If we lynch a citizen claimer I nominate Rochambeau as tribute.

I know I can count on your vote when I didn't support Toussant to lynch you. At least you are more functional than other citizens.

November 15th, 2013, 07:35 AM
Apparently, you are to visit me, the Veteran, and I am to kill you, to prove myself.

Meanwhile reducing the town numbers? No thanks, someone else volunteer. Perhaps link me in to the chat so I can coordinate who to visit rather then a public "Visit X" which is giving information to scum.

Catherine Flon
November 15th, 2013, 07:37 AM
Meanwhile reducing the town numbers? No thanks, someone else volunteer. Perhaps link me in to the chat so I can coordinate who to visit rather then a public "Visit X" which is giving information to scum.

That is what I told Sanite that you will not accept this plan for many excuses/reasons.

Then will you vote Rochabeau or not?

You think town can just sit and win while 2 cultist + 1 Serial killer is around?

Capois LaMort
November 15th, 2013, 07:39 AM
I've got a sense of how night actions should be organized.

Cath, you're not thinking of everyone when you suggest night actions. It shows.

Lave should visit Capois. By my analysis only one of them can be telling the truth. Doing that will show who the liar is. Because Lave could lie about visiting Capois I suggest that the detective follow Lave to make sure there isn't a detour.

There are too many citizen claimers for my liking. I don't think that there can be that many citizens in the setup (especially without a missionary) so I suggest we lynch one today, witch hunt another tonight, and see what the results of those two tests are. If we're unlucky with both tests then the last remaining claimer is likely lying. If we manage to lynch a lying citizen claimer, then the masons could choose someone else to check. If we lynch a citizen the masons can check another citizen claimer. I suggest that we lynch Rocha (because he has that vest that my master gave him), and check Mack tonight. Napoleon seems to be a bit more sincere than the other two.

Be aware that this is just my gut feeling for the citizens. If anyone has any information step forward.

I give a gun to Port.

Port can give a charm to someone he deems worthy.

Cath will do what she does and hopefully doesn't fuck something up. As an aside, Cath, you don't have to follow everyone's instructions. Port is clearly a more talkative player than Anacona and the role has very little to do with that. I didn't follow all my master's instructions the day I first claimed blacksmith. I happened to have been roleblocked that night and so I had to let the masons know that I had connections to the blacksmith but that I was not the blacksmith. That's why I said that my student had been given a charm. You see, it would be impossible for Sontho to be my student by that day. He was roleblocked the first night and I was bus driven the second night. He would have had to target Bouk if Sontho was a student. It's ridiculous. I am so glad that the masons didn't mention I was roleblock. Thanks again.

Someone will need to check Hedo eventually. I don't know if we can do that tonight. Any ideas?

How does that sound to everyone?

Please explain your analysis on why only one of us is telling the truth. Counting the possible roles, the confirmed roles (dead and alive) add up 7, while there are at most 10 PRs.

Catherine Flon
November 15th, 2013, 07:41 AM
Please explain your analysis on why only one of us is telling the truth. Counting the possible roles, the confirmed roles (dead and alive) add up 7, while there are at most 10 PRs.

Capois, mind post your own role list?

November 15th, 2013, 07:42 AM
That is what I told Sanite that you will not accept this plan for many excuses/reasons.

Then will you vote Rochabeau or not?

You think town can just sit and win while 2 cultist + 1 Serial killer is around?

Well, I don't believe in Citizen claimers because of a previous given word.
I'll join the voting.

I won't however cooperate unless the flow of information is more private. When you give a lot of information, you effectively made me avoid targets with a WIFOM that scum will pick on lesser targets instead.

Catherine Flon
November 15th, 2013, 07:48 AM
Well, I don't believe in Citizen claimers because of a previous given word.
I'll join the voting.

I won't however cooperate unless the flow of information is more private. When you give a lot of information, you effectively made me avoid targets with a WIFOM that scum will pick on lesser targets instead.

You already healed citizen once, I do not think any of us is capable of completely avoiding wifom anyway.

My bet is that you will heal Anacona while claim heal others like me, which is also wifom.

Detective is just as much as a sheriff atm that whoever visit but can't kill is not sk.

whichever citizen who can visit are cultist.

If you are join the voting then pick your choice and reason, everyday.

November 15th, 2013, 07:55 AM
You already healed citizen once, I do not think any of us is capable of completely avoiding wifom anyway.

My bet is that you will heal Anacona while claim heal others like me, which is also wifom.

Detective is just as much as a sheriff atm that whoever visit but can't kill is not sk.

whichever citizen who can visit are cultist.

If you are join the voting then pick your choice and reason, everyday.

Again, this is a Double Cult with Cult PR setup. The max amount of Citizen in my head is 4-5, leaning 4. Any Citizen claimers look scummy to me because of that.

How about that I'll keep my word of continuously healing the Detective? At best, the NK would have to kill me.

Catherine Flon
November 15th, 2013, 07:56 AM
Again, this is a Double Cult with Cult PR setup. The max amount of Citizen in my head is 4-5, leaning 4. Any Citizen claimers look scummy to me because of that.

How about that I'll keep my word of continuously healing the Detective? At best, the NK would have to kill me.

Wrong, you should heal witch hunter.

But you will say that I am doing wifom again.

Catherine Flon
November 15th, 2013, 08:01 AM
Doll master create dolls from him/herself and then use up the doll on the target causing target to make action the night after the one receive the dolls, right?

my understanding:
night 1 Create doll for himself
night 2 create doll for himself
night 3 use two doll to make a busdriven move
night 4 create doll again.

Catherine Flon
November 15th, 2013, 08:03 AM
Everygame involve doctor and serial killers will eventually about who are promised to be healed and who are actually healed wifom.

If any killer managed to kill most target that doctor promise to heal, the doctor will get hanged.

It works every time.

Catherine Flon
November 15th, 2013, 08:11 AM
Promise to Heal detective is also a good choice for witch doctor.

1. Let masons die is good.
2. Openly tell sk to kill masons.
3. Very easy to get away by saying.
4. Once detective is converted, this cultist group will get one choice of lynch at day.

Four birds one stone, targeting wifon sk, converting detective and kill masons, and one free lynch.

Napoleon Bonaparte
November 15th, 2013, 08:26 AM
God damn it.

Now that I know it's a freaking Citizen and I yet again don't receive feedback, yeah thanks for WIFOM'ing me from healing better targets.

Well, sorry >_> It's not like I chose to wifom bd; the other guy did, and you listened to him.

i personally think that Sanite is being extremely naieve about his thoughts saying that there absolutely can't be certain roles in this setup. I don't trust napolean because he was fairly active in the beginning then made 1 post in 2 days time frame, I feel he was culted in that time. Lynch me if you must, but it will be cutting it so close with losing another town that you better get every single thing right after that or we lose.

Again,I cannot be held responsible for what the other guy did; for all I know His grandma fell over and is in the hospital. What I do now, is I'm here now, I'm a cit, and irdc how you want to prove that, just prove it. I hate playing cit cause it always leaves me in this position of knowing I'm town but having to rely on other people to prove it -.-

Catherine Flon
November 15th, 2013, 08:30 AM
Well, sorry >_> It's not like I chose to wifom bd; the other guy did, and you listened to him.

Again,I cannot be held responsible for what the other guy did; for all I know His grandma fell over and is in the hospital. What I do now, is I'm here now, I'm a cit, and irdc how you want to prove that, just prove it. I hate playing cit cause it always leaves me in this position of knowing I'm town but having to rely on other people to prove it -.-

I really did not like the guy before you, but many people read him as a town.

He is also a more active voter than others. I suppose I can give you a town seat.

Catherine Flon
November 15th, 2013, 08:31 AM
Was it a guy? I think I got wifom.

November 15th, 2013, 08:35 AM
Give Catherine your gun: I should still have one (confirming now). Also, I'll take responsibility for last night... Anacona is typically a bit more active so I figured it'd be better for you guys to talk directly, but I guess it was just a bad day for him. I think there are other courses of action we could take, but I think the Lave to Capois one is fine: ordinarily, I'd say it was risky, but given the likelihood that one of them is lying there is no danger.

Lave, do you think Capois is scum?
Capois, do you think Lave is scum?

The Jester King
November 15th, 2013, 08:36 AM
Kind of. Atm I trust you and Catherine, cause I know your claims. I also know 1 or 2 Masons have claimed, but I don't know if they're trustworthy(I think they are; I'll have to recheck this). I don't have really have any hard reads on anybody, but here is my semi-spur-of-the-moment read-wall:

Catherine: Obviously confirmed Town MM.
Sanite: Confirmed Student of the Blacksmith, obviously now the Blacksmith himself.
Roch: Seriously don't like him. Second I come in "ERMAGARSH I DUN LIKE YOU YOU'RE A REPLACEMENT YOU'RE JUST GONNA PRETEND YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING" Seriously? The second I come in, I'm met with stupidity and knee-jerk, baseless judements. Orange because I know a lot of people play very scummily, but leaning Red (Not OMGUS; just a gut feel. I doubt a Town would spring on someone and scream "SCUM" after their first post.).
Anacona: I believe he claimed Witch Hunter? Or something like that. Someone correct me on this if I'm wrong, but it was Port-au who claimed to be his Mason buddy right?
Napoleon: A la me. Not much to say here, since the only way to confirm myself is to have a Mason or some form of investigative TPR check me.(Witch Hunter is like ML/Escort-mix right? I have no night action to lose to a RB, so I would be grateful of a check)
Boukman: Gotta read more into this guy.
Capois: Constantly RPs from what I remember of him, and yesterday he hammered before Catherine could confirm she put in her day action, so that's a little iffy, but Catherine hasn't said anything about it so eh.
Hedouville: Seems pretty Townish to me. Remember all of these are just gut feels and obvious things from reading the thread, but if I had to guess he's either TPR or recruited, since from what I've read he's in the conversations a lot and seems to be a kind of Town-director.
Mackandal: Who? Gotta read more on this as well.
Port-au-Prince: The other Mason if I remember correctly.

And that's it. I'm going to read into Mackandal and Boukman now; expect those later tonight (it's 10:40 now, so I should have time to do them before I need to go to bed)

Also, can I change this stupid Avatar? Like seriously. Who the heck is this, and why are they my avatar?

Go ahead

November 15th, 2013, 08:38 AM
Oh, I lied: I misread the rules so I don't have a gun anymore T.T

Catherine Flon
November 15th, 2013, 08:40 AM
Oh, I lied: I misread the rules so I don't have a gun anymore T.T

The charge is on student not on you I think.

Napoleon Bonaparte
November 15th, 2013, 08:43 AM
Was it a guy? I think I got wifom.

I have no honest clue; I mean, it's not like I'm stalking them or anything....

Go ahead

YES! <3.

Oh, I lied: I misread the rules so I don't have a gun anymore T.T

NO! </3.

Anyway, I'm not going to be on for much of today; I'm going out then I'm having friends over, and they'll be here in ~7 hours. I'll check in periodically before that, but just in case I don't make it back Rochambeau He is now l-3.

Capois LaMort
November 15th, 2013, 08:49 AM
Of course, I find Lave suspicious. In my eyes, he is likely a witch doctor, so that when claiming doctor, he can "prove" his heals. My reads are as follows, omitting the confirmed roles.

Lave - Probably Witch Doctor, not sure which faction
Hedo - Detective, slightly unsure do to his wifom
Rocha - Jester, since trullzy responses
Mack - Last Cult/SK
Bouk - Last Cult/SK
Napol - Seems legit Cit from early contributions, but unsure

I figure that the last cult is a Recruit.

Capois LaMort
November 15th, 2013, 08:51 AM
Since I figure Roch is a Jester,

November 15th, 2013, 08:56 AM
The charge is on student not on you I think.

Yeah, it is.

So, just to summarize, it seems the most logical course of action is:
Lynch a citizen claimer (seems to be Rochambeau at this point, but open to debate still)
Laveaux visits Capois (Detective on Laveaux)
Anacona purges someone (preferably the one with the lowest chance of being a neutral killer, just in case it's a surprise SK)
Sanite gives me a gun

From this, we should have a pretty good idea of who's who tomorrow and we will likely retain at least one of our anti-cult KPN.

Catherine Flon
November 15th, 2013, 08:58 AM
Of course, I find Lave suspicious. In my eyes, he is likely a witch doctor, so that when claiming doctor, he can "prove" his heals. My reads are as follows, omitting the confirmed roles.

Lave - Probably Witch Doctor, not sure which faction
Hedo - Detective, slightly unsure do to his wifom
Rocha - Jester, since trullzy responses
Mack - Last Cult/SK
Bouk - Last Cult/SK
Napol - Seems legit Cit from early contributions, but unsure

I figure that the last cult is a Recruit.

well, if Rocha is a possible jester, everyone but masons and neutral claimers do not have to vote.

We will still have enough vote to hang him and cultist will also have to risk their lives.

If jester killed towns only, then we can blame the god.

plus we can always target those who doesn't vote, doesn't claim neutral and doesn't claim masons.

Catherine Flon
November 15th, 2013, 09:00 AM
Laveaux refused to visit a veteran claimer.

Capois LaMort
November 15th, 2013, 09:03 AM
Laveaux refused to visit a veteran claimer.

If he's not going to visit, I probably will not alert. But ofc that's wifom.

Capois LaMort
November 15th, 2013, 09:10 AM
well, if Rocha is a possible jester, everyone but masons and neutral claimers do not have to vote.

We will still have enough vote to hang him and cultist will also have to risk their lives.

If jester killed towns only, then we can blame the god.

plus we can always target those who doesn't vote, doesn't claim neutral and doesn't claim masons.

Would make more sense if Ana were to check him. If Roch dies, then Cult. Ana dies, then Roch is SK. Neither die, Roch is Town/Jester. However, this is vulnerable to SK sniping, so maybe Lave on Ana?

November 15th, 2013, 09:10 AM
Doctor should probably be on Anacona, because the SK can easily frame a Town Member by Killing the Witch Hunter (making us think he died while roleblocking).
Roleblocks happen directly before a players action on the OoO. What happens if someone roleblocks a Citizen? Where does that happen?
If it happens at the very end, it can prove I am not a Cultist if you target me. I just worry that SK will try to frame me.

Thinking about SK, we should probably look at the replacements... Someone who was inactive and probably replaced yesterday/last night.
If a SK is roleblocked, will a Detective see him visiting the roleblocker?
I don't want to tie up the TPRs, but this can p.much prove I'm not the SK/Cultist if Witch Hunter & Detective are on me

Capois LaMort
November 15th, 2013, 09:14 AM
Doctor should probably be on Anacona, because the SK can easily frame a Town Member by Killing the Witch Hunter (making us think he died while roleblocking).
Roleblocks happen directly before a players action on the OoO. What happens if someone roleblocks a Citizen? Where does that happen?
If it happens at the very end, it can prove I am not a Cultist if you target me. I just worry that SK will try to frame me.

Thinking about SK, we should probably look at the replacements... Someone who was inactive and probably replaced yesterday/last night.
If a SK is roleblocked, will a Detective see him visiting the roleblocker?
I don't want to tie up the TPRs, but this can p.much prove I'm not the SK/Cultist if Witch Hunter & Detective are on me

Too slow.

November 15th, 2013, 09:17 AM
Too slow.


Sanite Belaire
November 15th, 2013, 10:32 AM
Lave, you're going to have to trust me on this. I'm pretty sure 1 of you is lying. If you're telling the truth, then you have nothing to fear by visiting Capois. You see, if you're telling the truth about your role, then Capois is scum sitting there with a smug look on his face because there's only one way to confirm he's a veteran. And you're not going to do that because you're afraid.

There isn't anything you need to fear.

Rocha, you didn't contribute like you said you would. You may have been "watching" but there's another word for that: lurking. You have a late claim that has no chance to prove itself with no missionary in the game. I simply can't say to myself, "Wow, I'm glad that Rocha is in this game. If it weren't for him the town would be in the shitter." No, I can't say that. I can't say that because it would simply be false. You react to stuff but you don't act. Your claim isn't worthy of us devoting so many resources to prove its veracity.

Oh and that vest Sontho gave you, that's another reason why we can't check you during the night. Even if you claim you used it, how could we verify that?

Port, I really don't feel like giving Cath a gun is the best course of action (in the student chat there's a thread called, "Things Catherine has done that Piss me off"). I don't trust her with a gun. I'm going to give the gun to Port tonight.

Cath, I trust that you're town. I don't trust that you'll make the best decisions. I'm sorry it has to be that way but... no gun for you.

Capois, you're going to have to go on alert tonight if you don't want to be lynched tomorrow. If you're telling the truth, it will show in the graveyard.


November 15th, 2013, 10:53 AM
Lave, you're going to have to trust me on this. I'm pretty sure 1 of you is lying. If you're telling the truth, then you have nothing to fear by visiting Capois. You see, if you're telling the truth about your role, then Capois is scum sitting there with a smug look on his face because there's only one way to confirm he's a veteran. And you're not going to do that because you're afraid.

There isn't anything you need to fear.

Rocha, you didn't contribute like you said you would. You may have been "watching" but there's another word for that: lurking. You have a late claim that has no chance to prove itself with no missionary in the game. I simply can't say to myself, "Wow, I'm glad that Rocha is in this game. If it weren't for him the town would be in the shitter." No, I can't say that. I can't say that because it would simply be false. You react to stuff but you don't act. Your claim isn't worthy of us devoting so many resources to prove its veracity.

Oh and that vest Sontho gave you, that's another reason why we can't check you during the night. Even if you claim you used it, how could we verify that?

Port, I really don't feel like giving Cath a gun is the best course of action (in the student chat there's a thread called, "Things Catherine has done that Piss me off"). I don't trust her with a gun. I'm going to give the gun to Port tonight.

Cath, I trust that you're town. I don't trust that you'll make the best decisions. I'm sorry it has to be that way but... no gun for you.

Capois, you're going to have to go on alert tonight if you don't want to be lynched tomorrow. If you're telling the truth, it will show in the graveyard.


well isn't me coming up with a fool-proof plan to confirm myself a town-tell..? i wouldn't be recomending these things if It would just result in me getting killed anyways.

Sanite: "I have the perfect plan guys: lets lynch a town member, shoot a town memer and send out doctor to the veteran, ez win" :|
Maybe you should count the numbers before thinking that sacrificing everyone is a good idea.

I don't mind if you guys lynch me today. But just know that I everything I said is true; I have been bussed/drugged multiple times and given a vest which I used last night. I think it's utterly retarded to just assume there can't be another soulswapper/DD when we have been getting 3+ BD claims a day when Peinier was alive.

November 15th, 2013, 10:59 AM
Lave, you're going to have to trust me on this. I'm pretty sure 1 of you is lying. If you're telling the truth, then you have nothing to fear by visiting Capois. You see, if you're telling the truth about your role, then Capois is scum sitting there with a smug look on his face because there's only one way to confirm he's a veteran. And you're not going to do that because you're afraid.

Fine then. After some thinking, I'm going to be dead weight eventually if I don't prove my role.
Sacrificing self in order to prove another is better than the dead weight issue that's soon coming.


Napoleon Bonaparte
November 15th, 2013, 11:01 AM
I'm back, and I'm really cautious of this Lave thing. But then again, SK will kill him if he really is Doctor eventually, so using him to prove a Vet could work, I guess... Btw, Roch is l-1. We have ~7 hours left in the day, so yeah.

November 15th, 2013, 11:40 AM
I'm back, and I'm really cautious of this Lave thing. But then again, SK will kill him if he really is Doctor eventually, so using him to prove a Vet could work, I guess... Btw, Roch is l-1. We have ~7 hours left in the day, so yeah.

says we have more time to talk but doesnt unvote, what scum.

Napoleon Bonaparte
November 15th, 2013, 11:43 AM
says we have more time to talk but doesnt unvote, what scum.

Twisting my words; what scum. I personally don't have anything more to talk about, since it seems night actions are already planned + I already explained why I'm not unvoting; I'm leaving permanently in ~4-5 hours and I'm not gonna let today be a no-lynch. I'm just saying we do have 7 more hours(6 now), and if there is more to discuss, it should be discussed now.

November 15th, 2013, 11:59 AM
When the time is right, I can hammer

Sanite Belaire
November 15th, 2013, 12:05 PM
I'm ready for the night. Cath are you ready?

November 15th, 2013, 12:22 PM
I am currently here now.

The Jester King
November 15th, 2013, 12:24 PM
Doll master create dolls from him/herself and then use up the doll on the target causing target to make action the night after the one receive the dolls, right?

Yes the person can make dolls for himself.

my understanding:
night 1 Create doll for himself
night 2 create doll for himself
night 3 use two doll to make a busdriven move
night 4 create doll again.

If he does this, he will just bus himself with himself.

The Jester King
November 15th, 2013, 12:24 PM
Doctor should probably be on Anacona, because the SK can easily frame a Town Member by Killing the Witch Hunter (making us think he died while roleblocking).
Roleblocks happen directly before a players action on the OoO. What happens if someone roleblocks a Citizen? Where does that happen?
If it happens at the very end, it can prove I am not a Cultist if you target me. I just worry that SK will try to frame me.

Thinking about SK, we should probably look at the replacements... Someone who was inactive and probably replaced yesterday/last night.
If a SK is roleblocked, will a Detective see him visiting the roleblocker?
I don't want to tie up the TPRs, but this can p.much prove I'm not the SK/Cultist if Witch Hunter & Detective are on me

RB will be at the top of the OoO
SK will visit the roleblocker.

November 15th, 2013, 12:39 PM
http://i840.photobucket.com/albums/zz322/Hedouville/Mobile%20Uploads/157_zps89f72909.png (http://s840.photobucket.com/user/Hedouville/media/Mobile%20Uploads/157_zps89f72909.png.html)

November 15th, 2013, 12:51 PM
Sup bros.

If we lynch a citizen claimer I nominate Rochambeau as tribute.

http://i840.photobucket.com/albums/zz322/Hedouville/Mobile%20Uploads/158_zpsb8a754a1.png (http://s840.photobucket.com/user/Hedouville/media/Mobile%20Uploads/158_zpsb8a754a1.png.html)

Again, this is a Double Cult with Cult PR setup. The max amount of Citizen in my head is 4-5, leaning 4. Any Citizen claimers look scummy to me because of that.

How about that I'll keep my word of continuously healing the Detective? At best, the NK would have to kill me.

http://i840.photobucket.com/albums/zz322/Hedouville/Mobile%20Uploads/159_zps60eda4eb.png (http://s840.photobucket.com/user/Hedouville/media/Mobile%20Uploads/159_zps60eda4eb.png.html)

Oh, I lied: I misread the rules so I don't have a gun anymore T.T

http://i840.photobucket.com/albums/zz322/Hedouville/Mobile%20Uploads/160_zps7b213f01.png (http://s840.photobucket.com/user/Hedouville/media/Mobile%20Uploads/160_zps7b213f01.png.html)

I am currently here now.

http://i840.photobucket.com/albums/zz322/Hedouville/Mobile%20Uploads/161_zps963b5404.png (http://s840.photobucket.com/user/Hedouville/media/Mobile%20Uploads/161_zps963b5404.png.html)

Catherine Flon
November 15th, 2013, 12:53 PM
Cath, I trust that you're town. I don't trust that you'll make the best decisions.

You read me deep, that is true.

Day 2 trial I requested Alex to decide whether hammer baissou.

similar in all scenes after that.

I think the only reason I live this long is because I am a really bad decision maker.

The night chatter list is redesigned. I am ready for the night.

Hedo, if you are ready we can enter night phrase any time.

November 15th, 2013, 01:03 PM

I guess we are ready then. Um. I'll believe I will prove myself as town tomorrow?

The Godfather
November 15th, 2013, 01:04 PM
Rochambeau has been lynched! Stand by for the host's review and day-end post!

Rochambeau ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/member.php/11324') (6 [L-0]): Catherine Flon ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=396420'), Mackandal ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=396423'), Napoleon Bonaparte ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=396612'), Sanite Belaire ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=396624'), Laveaux ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=396626'), Boukman ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=396641')
Boukman ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/member.php/11312') (1 [L-5]): Capois LaMort ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=396615')

The Jester King
November 15th, 2013, 01:13 PM
Day 6 is over and Rochambeau was lynched. His role was Citizen

Rochambeau left a last will

sanite is dumb idno why people listen to him, catherine flon is retarded, sorry but you are =[ lynch/kill napolean he is obvious scum. I don't know about capois' claim , Leaning towards boukman for neaut killer. According to Mackandal's theory of 4 cits, he is not one. SO look into him. also why are we so suuure that sanite is even town, his stupid plan is SO terrible, lets kill all the town members and hope to still get a lynch off the next day.. student and blacksmith are PRIME conversion targets because ots a 2fer1.

Night 6 end at this time (http://m.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=november+16+2013+9%3A00+PM+EST)

Reminder: NIGHTS ARE NOW 24 HOURS INSTEAD OF 48! All night actions must be submitted by 2 hours before night end. Have a nice sleep.

Rochambeau was walking around with his trusted companion. Rochambeau was poor and starving. He walked into a bakery and stole a loaf of bread. He quickly ran out. As think he is safe, he ripped a piece and gave it to his dog. The dog ate it excitedly. He then ate a piece. It was the most delicious thing he ate in a long time. The bread was warm, freshly made. Unfortunately, someone saw the whole thing and reported it. He told his best friend to run away and be free. The dog walked toward the forest, and then turned around and looked at him one last time. The dog whimpers and slowly walked away into the forest. Rochambeau shed a tear. He was taken and then he was executed.

The Jester King
November 16th, 2013, 06:00 PM
Day 7 has begun!

Napoleon Bonaparte was killed last night! He was purged!
His role was Haitian Soul Swapper

Napoleon Bonaparte left a last will.

Well, I do believe I am screwed. XD I replaced into this, quite arguably very poor position, but I made the best I could of it. GG PEEPZ.

Sanite Belaire was killed last night! He was sacrificed!
His role was Haitian Doll Master.

Hedouville was killed last night! He was stabbed repeatedly.
His role was Louisiana Possessor.

Hedouville left a last will.

well if my cult team cant win...


Napoleon is the last of the opposing cult.
http://i840.photobucket.com/albums/zz322/Hedouville/Mobile%20Uploads/Graffiti_zpse154e4a9.jpg (http://s840.photobucket.com/user/Hedouville/media/Mobile%20Uploads/Graffiti_zpse154e4a9.jpg.html)


As the Witch Hunter barely escaped Charles, he went back home. He heard the rumors of Napoleon Bonaparte, the leader of the French Empire, is attacking Russia. After the defeat of the French, the French was weak and the British saw this opportunity to attack. The French Empire was destroyed. Napoleon Bonaparte was exiled from France. The Witch Hunter vowed to hunt this man for the Haitian Revolution. He laid down a net and covered it with leaves and left a pill bottle labeled "Grow 12 Inches Taller!" He waited until Napoleon went to the wood. Napoleon saw the bottle and became excited because he hated being so short. He went to pick up the bottle, and sprung the trap. This was too easy for the Witch Hunter. He purged Napoleon out of this world.

Hedouville saw this opportunity to get rid of Napoleon's ally, who is also one of his biggest rival. He did this to avenge his leader. He kidnapped Sanite Belaire who was working in the shop. Sanite Belaire was responsible for creating those dolls. As Sanite Belaire woke up, he was chained to the ground. Hedouville was chanting the curse. Sanite screamed for help and asked Bondye for mercy. However, Sanite looked so delicious to Bondye. Bondye decided to take over Sanite Belaire and he disappeared.

Hedouville was glad he sacrificed his enemy to please his god. He expected a reward in return. He went home and a robed man appears with a bloody dagger. Hedouville thought that Bondye sent the robed man to test him. He used his magic to control the man. The man seemed controlled, then shook his head like he was shaking the curse off. He charged at Hedouville. Hedouville tried to turn and run but he was stabbed repeatedly. Hedouville collapsed, looked at the robed man and gasped when he saw his face. The gasp was his last breath.

Players List
Alexandre Petion
Capois LaMort
Catherine Flon
Charles Leclerc
Jean Jacques Dessalines
Napoleon Bonaparte
Sanite Belaire
Toussant L'Ouverturer
Vincent Oge

Role List
Louisana Cult Leader
Haitian Cult Leader
Hidden Mason
Hidden Mason
Hidden Town Power - Blacksmith
Hidden Town Power - Lookout
Hidden Town Power
Hidden Town Power
Hidden Town - Citizen
Hidden Town
Hidden Town
Hidden Town
Hidden Town
Hidden Neutral Killer
Hidden Neutral
Hidden Neutral
Hidden Any

Not crossed off:
Louisiana Soul Swapper
Haitian Voodoo Apprentice
Louisiana Possessor
Haitian Doll Master
Haitian Soul Swapper

Baissou - Citizen - beheaded by angry mobs on Day 2
Vincent Oge - Citizen - escaped from the angry mobs but died of dehydration and exposure in a quicksand on Day 3
Peinier - Louisana Soul Swapper - headcrushed by angry mobs on Day 4
Toussant L'Ouverturer - Haitian Voodoo Apprentice - Purged on Night 4
Galbaud - Citizen - shot on Night 4
Jeans Jacques Dessalines - Louisana Cult Leader - hung by angry mobs on Day 5
Charles LeClerc - Haitian Cult Leader - purged and shot by a revolver on Night 5
Alexandre Petion - Lookout - Sacraficed on Night 5
Sonthonax - Blacksmith - Stabbed on Night 5
Rochambeau - Citizen - lynched by angry mobs on Day 6
Sanite Belaire - Haitian Doll Master - sacrificed on Night 6
Hedouville - Louisana Possessor - stabbed on Night 6
Napoleon Bonaparte - Haitian Soul Swapper - purged on Night 6

November 16th, 2013, 06:05 PM
Good morning. That night stuff was amazing.

November 16th, 2013, 06:16 PM

November 16th, 2013, 06:17 PM

nothing happened to me last night.

November 16th, 2013, 06:18 PM
From my night chat:

This is actually getting kinda close, since the scum factions certainly won't be attacking each other right now...

About that.... yeah.... I had wondered if Sanite would've been culted, but I didn't think it was nearly as likely as a random citizen claimer. I also didn't think the cult would try to convert a potential neutral claimer from Hedouville. Oh well, works for us.

November 16th, 2013, 06:18 PM
So Boukman, care to share what Capois did last night?

November 16th, 2013, 06:19 PM
So the both the cults are down? Or just purple cult?

November 16th, 2013, 06:21 PM
I believe both should be gone now since we got the red leader before he would've been able to convert a 3rd time... I actually don't see how purple got 3 since killing comes before conversion (ie according to the OoO the cult leader would've been dead before he would've been able to convert on night 5) but I'm pretty sure the cult is gone. Boukman should be able to tell us whether Laveaux or Capois was lying, and that's almost game right there.

Capois LaMort
November 16th, 2013, 06:27 PM
Lave did not visit me. Not sure how there are so many purple cultists, unless purple also has a witch doctor and was forcing kills/healing.

Capois LaMort
November 16th, 2013, 06:32 PM
Possibly, the reason for no Serial Killer deaths after N1 is due to Purple cult forcing conversions?
Before I forget, since he is likely the Witch Doctor.

Catherine Flon
November 16th, 2013, 06:40 PM
That help me a lot.

I didn't expect the detective wifom work this smooth.

We still have problem to explain the extra cultist.

I knew side with Hedo will be good.

Hedo did us a greater favor. I am definitly going to vote him as VIP.

Catherine Flon
November 16th, 2013, 06:41 PM
Lav never agreed to visit capois, so I rather ask leads from Boukman.

Catherine Flon
November 16th, 2013, 06:47 PM
The only explain to this is that Hedo found doll master before us, but when?

Rocha has to receive a doll before he could be on bus by dollmaster.

No one ever claimed receiving a doll, whole game. I just wonder how did Rocha get bussed before receiving any doll?

Catherine Flon
November 16th, 2013, 06:53 PM
How does a possessor perform kill (Sacrifice)?

Capois LaMort
November 16th, 2013, 06:54 PM
Or no. The way things worked was like this:
Cult Leader makes kill target player A
Witch Doctor heals that target
Soul Swapper swaps Leader with someone else, so it is no longer factional kill

Results one conversion EVERY night.
We have to watch out at least for WD (Lave), last night's conversion and SK.

The Jester King
November 16th, 2013, 06:56 PM
How does a possessor perform kill (Sacrifice)?

Sacrifices are Cult's faction kill.
Cult may choose to recruit someone (if leader is present) or kill someone.

Catherine Flon
November 16th, 2013, 06:57 PM
Or no. The way things worked was like this:
Cult Leader makes kill target player A
Witch Doctor heals that target
Soul Swapper swaps Leader with someone else, so it is no longer factional kill

Results one conversion EVERY night.
We have to watch out at least for WD (Lave), last night's conversion and SK.

That is correct.

I still wait lead from Boukman, because he said he didn't check anyone on night X, freaks me out.

Anyway, he said he will check XXX last night, so I will wait.

Catherine Flon
November 16th, 2013, 06:58 PM
Sacrifices are Cult's faction kill.
Cult may choose to recruit someone (if leader is present) or kill someone.

oh so even leader is gone, they can still kill?

God, how did town survive this?

Catherine Flon
November 16th, 2013, 06:59 PM
TWO revealed masons all alive.

I just tell you, it is unbelievable.

November 16th, 2013, 07:08 PM
I followed Lav last night and she targeted Capois LaMort

November 16th, 2013, 07:09 PM
Lave did not visit me. Not sure how there are so many purple cultists, unless purple also has a witch doctor and was forcing kills/healing.

Capios LaMort

Catherine Flon
November 16th, 2013, 07:15 PM
Boukman, are you swapped last night?

Catherine Flon
November 16th, 2013, 07:24 PM
Napo was a Soulswapper.

He definitly swapped someone last night.

From the fact:
2 masons are not swapped
mind melder and citizen are not swapped

Boukman, SK and Doctor are the possible ones who are swapped.

Fact: Sanite knows Boukman is detective.

IF there is a Witch doctor, then it must be Haiti Cultist.

All Haiti cultist will know Boukman claimed detective.

November 16th, 2013, 07:26 PM
I was not swapped last nigh.

November 16th, 2013, 07:27 PM
Nor was I. I slept soundly last night.

Catherine Flon
November 16th, 2013, 07:31 PM
IF you two were telling truth then:

Anacona recieved charm, soulswapped swapped anacona but failed.

I will wait more people report about doll and charm.

Will swap/doll be notify to target if it failed by a Charm?

The Jester King
November 16th, 2013, 07:31 PM
IF you two were telling truth then:

Anacona recieved charm, soulswapped swapped anacona but failed.

I will wait more people report about doll and charm.

Will swap/doll be notify to target if it failed by a Charm?


November 16th, 2013, 07:33 PM
Sup kids, nothing happened to me last night. Lol at how the Cult decided to kill the other Cult and not a Mason.

Catherine Flon
November 16th, 2013, 07:43 PM
Sup kids, nothing happened to me last night. Lol at how the Cult decided to kill the other Cult and not a Mason.

Not even a charm?

November 16th, 2013, 07:43 PM
Not even a charm?


Catherine Flon
November 16th, 2013, 07:46 PM

Who recieved the charm then?

The mason forget to submit action again?

Catherine Flon
November 16th, 2013, 08:13 PM
Bouk, Mak, anacona and me: Recieved no charm, no doll, no swap.

Capois: Claim on alert, no doll, no swap, no charm.

Ok so, Port and Lav must be swapped if Nap did swapped people.

Then Port choose to visit Capois? No way that he will visit a veteran claimer without doctor back him up right?


Lave did not visit me. Not sure how there are so many purple cultists, unless purple also has a witch doctor and was forcing kills/healing.

IF cultist choose Cultist Faction ability, can they still use their own ability?

Suppose the answer is "They can't."

Evidence is that Hedoville did not choose to possess anyone, if he possess SK or doctor, he will not die.

The Haiti Cultist might choose their faction ability and that's why there was no doll, and no swap.

However, this must be confirmed by Port and Capois.

The point is:

IF Lav can still visit during the time Haiti Faction Ability.

Then Lav is not one of the cultist.

Then there was no witch doctor.

The any random was a cultist since beginning, it was Napoleon Bonaparte.

Otherwise Boukman is lying.

Catherine Flon
November 16th, 2013, 08:16 PM

The problem is, did Haiti choose their faction ability? Then who was attacked and yet live?

Was lav the doctor healed Capois the Serial killer?

Why would Haiti choose to kill Serial killer?

November 16th, 2013, 08:25 PM
No I gave a charm to Sanite: in hindsight, it was stupid, but I figured there was a good chance of him being a legit blacksmith at the time.

The Jester King
November 16th, 2013, 08:31 PM
Bouk, Mak, anacona and me: Recieved no charm, no doll, no swap.

Capois: Claim on alert, no doll, no swap, no charm.

Ok so, Port and Lav must be swapped if Nap did swapped people.

Then Port choose to visit Capois? No way that he will visit a veteran claimer without doctor back him up right?


IF cultist choose Cultist Faction ability, can they still use their own ability?

Suppose the answer is "They can't."

Evidence is that Hedoville did not choose to possess anyone, if he possess SK or doctor, he will not die.

The Haiti Cultist might choose their faction ability and that's why there was no doll, and no swap.

However, this must be confirmed by Port and Capois.

The point is:

IF Lav can still visit during the time Haiti Faction Ability.

Then Lav is not one of the cultist.

Then there was no witch doctor.

The any random was a cultist since beginning, it was Napoleon Bonaparte.

Otherwise Boukman is lying.


Catherine Flon
November 16th, 2013, 08:44 PM
No I gave a charm to Sanite: in hindsight, it was stupid, but I figured there was a good chance of him being a legit blacksmith at the time.

Yea, we are lucky that hedo was on ourside, otherwise he could have done a lot of bad thing. The charm is important.

I suppose you were not soulswapped nor dolled. How strange is that.

A good question is: When was him converted?

I asked Sanite that why he didn't tell you about the blacksmith recharging thing on day 6.

I knew he is a little bit off but he has sonthonux behind,

I believed him also because he risked his life claiming blacksmith,
even though neutral killer was not doing anything by then.

On the other hand, we really didn't have any choice but believe in him anyway.

The odd is, he was one of the person who attacked Charles, announcing Boukman's lead.

Charles would have planned better if Sanite was one of them by then.

Thus, I think Sanite was in deed a legit blacksmith until recently.

The problem is when?

This will be related to this witch doctor problem. Is there a witch doctor?

Catherine Flon
November 16th, 2013, 08:46 PM
Bondye said No to that question.

So cultsts can not use their own ability during Faction ability time.

None report about Soulswap and Doll.

I think if there is a witch doctor, it might not be lav.