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November 11th, 2013, 11:39 AM
FTFY. Be serious. My student has a gun and you've been nominated to be shot.

you really think it's a good idea to shoot me?

Sanite Belaire
November 11th, 2013, 11:39 AM
you really think it's a good idea to shoot me?

Give a few reasons why it's not a good idea.

November 11th, 2013, 11:42 AM
i'm blatantly a loyal paladin of the brotherhood

Sanite Belaire
November 11th, 2013, 11:43 AM
i'm blatantly a loyal paladin of the brotherhood

Who is in this brotherhood? Are there special rituals? Do you sacrifice people? What are your initiation rites?

November 11th, 2013, 11:44 AM
i would never be a traitor.
peinier's team would never try to convert me, because our buddying was way to obvious^^
the other team would not try to convert me because i claimed citizen, wrote how my behaviour would change and because my posts consist of RP

Sanite Belaire
November 11th, 2013, 11:45 AM
i would never be a traitor.
peinier's team would never try to convert me, because our buddying was way to obvious^^
the other team would not try to convert me because i claimed citizen, wrote how my behaviour would change and because my posts consist of RP

But why should I believe that you've been a citizen this entire time? Why couldn't you have been a cult leader from the start?

Catherine Flon
November 11th, 2013, 11:55 AM
Would indicating Behavior change and actually do it count as game throwing causing mod kill or just a soft throwing with no consequences?

November 11th, 2013, 11:56 AM
Who is in this brotherhood? Are there special rituals? Do you sacrifice people? What are your initiation rites?

you never played fallout?

excerpt from fallout wiki

The Brotherhood of Steel is a quasi-religious organization operating across the ruins of post-war North America, with its roots stemming from the American military and the government-sponsored scientific community from before the Great War.
See also: History of the Mojave Brotherhood of Steel, History of the Midwestern Brotherhood of Steel, History of the Capital Wasteland Brotherhood of Steel

The Brotherhood of Steel was founded by Roger Maxson, a captain in the United States Army. Led by Colonel Robert Spindel, Maxson was part of a team sent on January 3, 2076 to monitor progress at a West-Tek facility in California, which was conducting research on behalf of the American government. On January 7, 2077, all West-Tek research and personnel – Maxson and his team included – were relocated to the newly constructed Mariposa Military Base in an effort to enhance security.

On October 10, 2077, Captain Maxson and his men discovered, to their horror, that the West-Tek scientists at Mariposa were using military prisoners as unwilling test subjects for their genetically engineered Forced Evolutionary Virus (F.E.V.). Morale in the base quickly collapsed and Colonel Spindel suffered a mental breakdown, eventually committing suicide five days later. In the midst of the crisis, Maxson's men turned to him for leadership. Captain Maxson proceeded to interrogate Robert Anderson, the chief scientist of the West-Tek research team stationed at Mariposa, learning the extent of their experiments. Anderson, along with most of his research team, were subsequently executed for their crimes.

Maxson, now in control of the base, declared his desertion from the United States Army via radio on October 20. To his confusion, he received no response from the chain-of-command, as the U.S. Army was currently focused on escalating conflicts with the Chinese. Three days later on October 23, both nations launched their entire nuclear arsenals. Within two hours, the Great War had ended and much of the Earth was reduced to a radioactive wasteland. The Mariposa Military Base survived the onslaught, its numerous safety protocols protecting the soldiers within from the radiation and the F.E.V., which had been accidentally released and was now seeping into the newborn Wasteland. Two days after the attack, on October 25, Captain Maxson sent one of his men, Platner, outside in protective power armor to scout the area and gather readings on the atmosphere. Platner reported no significant amounts of radiation in the surrounding area.

After burying the bodies of Anderson and his executed staff members, Captain Maxson and his men raided the base for various supplies and weapons schematics before sealing Mariposa and venturing off into the desert, eventually managing to reconnect with surviving members, including Maxson's own wife and teenage son. The following weeks of travel inflicted casualties on the party at the hands of raiders and the harsh conditions of the Wasteland. In November 2077, Captain Maxson eventually led his band of survivors to the safety of Lost Hills, a government fallout shelter. This journey came to be immortalized in Brotherhood lore as “the Exodus”.

In time, Captain Maxson set the bunker as the headquarters for his new organization, the Brotherhood of Steel. As the Brotherhood's first High Elder, Maxson sought to use Lost Hills' resources to help rebuild civilization – no matter the cost.
Early YearsEdit

Relatively little is known about the early years of the Brotherhood of Steel. In 2134, an emerging faction of the Brotherhood, led by Sergeant Dennis Allen, petitioned the Council of Elders for permission to explore the remnants of the West-Tek research facility in search of technological artifacts. In the wake of the Great War, the facility was left a highly irradiated ruin referred to by locals as “the Glow”. The Elders thus denied Sergeant Allen's request, prompting him and his followers to splinter from the Brotherhood, taking some advanced weapons and technology with them. Despite this incident, the Brotherhood of Steel continued to grow in strength under the guidance of Elder Maxson, further refining their technology and gradually forming the orders of Knights, Scribes, and Paladins that are known today. That following year, Roger Maxson died of cancer. His son, Maxson II, succeeded him as High Elder.

In the 2150's, the Brotherhood began extending their influence out into the surrounding areas, quickly asserting their place as one of the major powers of the Core Region of the post-War West Coast. The early 50's saw the emergence of a prominent raider group known as the Vipers, who quickly established a base of operations in the badlands to the south of Lost Hills. Driven by a near-religious frenzy, the Vipers' raids become bolder and more frequent over time, eventually attracting the attention of the Brotherhood of Steel.

In 2155, the Brotherhood sent a handful of squads out into the Wasteland to track the Vipers down. To the Elders, this seemed a glorified training exercise, as they were convinced that a small detachment of Brotherhood troops in power armor would be sufficient to deal with a band of raiders, no matter how large. One Brotherhood squad, led by High Elder Maxson II himself, located the Vipers. Expecting the raiders to break and run at the sight of such a heavily armed force, Maxson did not take into account the Vipers' zeal and ferocity...or their poisoned weapons. A single arrow nicked the High Elder while he had his helmet off, leading to his death a few hours later. John Maxson, grandson of Roger, took up the role of High Elder.

In the wake of this incident, the newly appointed Head Paladin Rhombus launched a full-scale campaign against the Vipers, hunting them down and driving them to near-extinction over the course of a month. The few remaining Vipers managed to scatter north and east to the Sierra Madre mountain range. It was towards the end of this campaign that the Brotherhood sent a handful of scouts and emissaries to the Hub in order to track down these runaway Vipers. It was from these beginnings that the Hub and the Brotherhood of Steel opened full trade relations. (Caravans had delivered to the Brotherhood in the past, but in the wake of the Vipers' destruction, caravan trains now ran directly from the Hub to the Brotherhood's headquarters at Lost Hills on a regular basis.)
The Super MutantsEdit
FO01 NPC Vree GScribe Vree

Several years after the Viper campaign, the Brotherhood of Steel encountered an enemy far more formidable than any band of raiders. In October of 2161, a Brotherhood patrol stumbled upon the corpse of a Super Mutant. The remains were transported back to Lost Hills for study by Head Scribe Vree.

In 2162, the Vault-Dweller arrived at the Lost Hills bunker, seeking entry into the Brotherhood. His request was not taken seriously and he was tasked with retrieving the records of Sergeant Dennis Allen's expedition from the hazardous ruins of the Glow, a fool's errand commonly used to deter would-be Brotherhood members. To the Brotherhood's surprise, not only did the Vault-Dweller return from the West-Tek facility alive, but he had also succeeded in his fool's errand and recovered holodisk recording of Allen's doomed expedition. As a result, the Vault-Dweller became the first outsider in decades to be accepted into the Brotherhood of Steel, despite the protests of a few members.

It was from the Vault-Dweller that the Brotherhood subsequently learned of The Master's mutant army and plans to forcibly convert the surviving human population into Super Mutants. With the support of High Elder John Maxson, the Vault-Dweller was able to convince the Council of Elders to deploy a squad of Paladins to Mariposa, where The Master's F.E.V. vats were located. With the assistance of the Brotherhood, the Vault-Dweller managed to defeat The Master and disrupt his mutant army. At this point in time, the Brotherhood of Steel stood as the most technologically advanced faction in the Core Region. Although the remaining Super Mutants and the nascent Gun Runners had access to comparably advanced weaponry, the Brotherhood had a monopoly on power armor, supercomputers, and advanced medical technologies such as cybernetics.

In the wake of The Master's defeat, the Brotherhood of Steel began arguing amongst itself over the need for new recruits versus their secrecy as an organization. In the end, most of the Elders ruled against the sharing of their technology with outsiders, confident that their organization could survive on their traditional principles. The minority who opposed this ruling were sent eastward to track down the last remnants of The Master's army via a small fleet of airships. When these airships crash-landed near the ruins of Chicago, these surviving individuals founded the Midwestern chapter of the Brotherhood. In the following years, the Brotherhood continued to expand somewhat, establishing small outposts throughout California, as well as launching expeditions to regions such as Washington, D.C., and the Mojave.

In addition, the end of The Master was accompanied by the birth of the New California Republic (NCR). What began in the small farming community of Shady Sands quickly blossomed into a spirited effort to reclaim what was lost in the Great War. As the young NCR expanded, the Lost Hills region was incorporated into the growing nation in the form of the newly founded state of Maxson. While the bunker itself still remained under the control of the Brotherhood, the NCR held jurisdiction over the lands outside. Though tensions simmered between the two factions, peaceful relations remained.
The EnclaveEdit
Brotherhood OutpostFranciscoAt the San Francisco outpost, Matt assigns an important task to the Chosen One.

By 2242, the Brotherhood of Steel were but a fraction of the power they had been once before. With the emergence of the Enclave, the Brotherhood found that they were no longer the most advanced faction in the Wasteland. Intimidated and lacking the resources to deal with this new foe, the best the Brotherhood could manage was just to keep on eye on the newcomers. To this end, several previously-dormant bunkers and outposts in areas of Enclave activity were reactivated.

Eventually, the Brotherhood learned of the Enclave's Vertibird technology. Lacking any similar technology of their own, the Brotherhood saw itself as vulnerable to a possible Enclave invasion. In light of this possibility, Matthew, an operative stationed in the San Francisco outpost, was requested to enlist the aid of the Chosen One to steal a set of Vertibird schematics from a major Enclave outpost at Navarro.

Although the Chosen One was successful in his mission, it is unknown if the Vertibird plans ever reached the High Council, as Operative Matthew was killed by Agent Frank Horrigan a short time after the mission's completion. However, with the destruction of their oil rig base and NCR forces subsequently hunting down remaining members, the Enclave ceased to pose a threat on the West Coast.
War with the NCREdit
Main article: NCR-Brotherhood War
Gametitle-VB The following is based on Van Buren and has not been confirmed by canon sources.

By 2231, Jeremy Maxson had assumed the position of High Elder. Vocal in his ideas of pushing Brotherhood operations eastward, Maxson was also notably aggressive in his “hoarding” of Pre-War technology. The High Elder sought to restore the Brotherhood of Steel to power by wresting any and all advanced technology from the hands of “lesser people” by any means necessary. Naturally, this led to disputes with the New California Republic, which had always been in favor of utilizing advanced technology for the benefit of society. Not long after the destruction of the Enclave, conflict erupted between the Brotherhood and the NCR.
Elder McNamaraElder McNamara in 2281.

With their superior technology, the Brotherhood managed to hold out against the NCR, even coming close to achieving total victory. However, the Brotherhood's technological advantage was gradually outmatched by the sheer size of the NCR military; no matter how many troops the NCR lost, they always seemed to have more. Meanwhile, the Brotherhood, a selective and isolationist group, lacked sorely in numbers. This discrepancy in troop numbers spelled imminent defeat for the Brotherhood.
Gametitle-VB End of information based on Van Buren.

Due to disagreements over how technology should be controlled in the Wasteland, the Brotherhood of Steel waged a long and bloody war against the NCR. Despite superior equipment and training, the Brotherhood went into retreat.
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The Mojave chapter of the Brotherhood would still be fighting the NCR as late as 2274. After establishing a base at the HELIOS One solar plant, the Mojave Brotherhood soon found itself at odds with the NCR and its growing power in the region. Eventually, the NCR sought to control HELIOS One and the Brotherhood, under orders from their Elder, refused to leave. This led to a confrontation between the two and, in typical fashion, the Brotherhood's superior technology was no match for the NCR's superior numbers, eventually losing in one of the bloodiest battles in the organization's history. With over half the chapter dead, the Mojave Brotherhood retreated to Hidden Valley, where Paladin McNamara, in light of the disappearance of Elder Elijah following the battle, took the role of Elder upon himself and placed the complex under lockdown. Since then, the Brotherhood's presence in the Mojave Wasteland has been restricted to only a few scouting missions, a point of major controversy within the chapter.

The Brotherhood of Steel is a neo-knightly order that rose from the ashes of the United States military in the years following the Great War of 2077. The organization's tenets include the eradication of mutants and the veneration of technology. In recent decades, the Brotherhood has become quite stingy in regards to sharing advanced technology with their fellow Wastelanders, whom they generally consider too ignorant and irresponsible to deserve such technology. The Brotherhood has been known to trade their technology with frontier communities and the NCR, but more often than not, tends to keep the more advanced material to themselves.

Although the Brotherhood has always been portrayed as aloof, as time went on more negative aspects of their beliefs have been increasingly emphasized as their power has decreased. Originally they stood for relatively benign goals of preservation. Indeed, in one of the possible endings in Fallout; they voluntarily reintroduce technology, engage in novel research, and actively help the wasteland. Later, in Fallout Tactics, the Midwestern faction eventually would go on to become a near-fascist state, but only if a specific ending is chosen in which this faction assumes the new leadership of a prejudiced General Barnaky. A different ending involves the Midwestern Brotherhood working together with the humans and non-humans of the Midwestern wasteland for the greater good, and create a post-apocalyptic utopia (however, it should be noted that none of the endings of Fallout Tactics has yet been assumed as canon, and so is open to speculation). By the time of Van Buren/New Vegas the main Brotherhood is strongly paranoid, it not only seeks to preserve technology, but actively remove it from outsiders, is disinterested in nonmilitary assets, and engages in little if any work to actually improve their tech. Much of the Brotherhood's belief system is enshrined in a document known as the Codex, which acts as an important source of information on regulations and rules that members must adhere to. The East Coast Brotherhood is different from the West Coast, seeming to want to help others instead of collect vital technology, but this created a faction focused entirely on collecting tech in the east, the Brotherhood of Steel Outcasts.
Symbolism of the insigniaEdit
BoS logoBrotherhood of Steel insignia

In the Brotherhood symbol, the gears represent their engineering knowledge, the sword is their will to defend themselves, the wings represent the uplifting hope that the acquisition of lost technology represents for mankind's salvation following the devastation of the Great War, and the circle represents the fraternal unity that makes the organization a true brotherhood.[1]

Another interpretation is that the Brotherhood's symbol represents each of the organizations different orders. The sword represents the Paladins, the wings represent the Elders (the "wings" control the movement of the sword), the large gear represents the Knights, and the two smaller gears represent the Scribes and the Initiates, whose services keep the Knights supplied with the information and the manpower required to get their jobs done.[2]
Mini-FOT Logo The following is based on Fallout Tactics and some details might contradict canon.

While both the original Brotherhood of Steel in the Core Region and the Capital Wasteland faction of the Brotherhood use different colors for different elements of the symbol (blue for the wings, gray for the sword and black for the gears), the Midwestern Brotherhood uses several mono color variations. A blue version is used by the Midwestern Brotherhood's Knights and Paladins, a black one by the Scribes and an orange one by the Elders. The golden/yellow variant seems to symbolize the Midwestern Brotherhood as a whole. The Midwestern version of the Brotherhood symbol is also reversed horizontally - the large gear is to the right of the smaller ones, not to the left as in the original.
Mini-FOT Logo End of information based on Fallout Tactics.

The Brotherhood is mostly composed of the descendants of those military officers, soldiers, and scientists, but aside from some outsiders among their ranks, the Brotherhood is as close to pure-strain humanity (prime normals) that may be found outside of a Vault or the Enclave.

The ranks of the Brotherhood of Steel are generally recognized as being composed of the best and the brightest remaining to humanity, which means the BoS is a relatively small organization, at least compared to the New California Republic. They make up for this with their frightening arsenal of pre-and-post-Great War technology: they have laser weapons, power armor, surgical cybernetic enhancements, combat implants, and Brotherhood Paladins have the ability to erase an entire town from the map without a scratch. The vast majority of BoS members are born into the Brotherhood - they very rarely accept outsiders into their ranks. While not an official policy, many members believe that in order to survive, all members are obligated to procreate. This results in a lack of tolerance for same-sex relationships, at least when the proponents of the aforementioned stance are concerned. Those born in the Brotherhood that want to be neither Scribes, Knights nor Paladins are free to leave - the Brotherhood does not believe in forcing anyone to serve them against their will. Although, members who decide to leave the Brotherhood will face the punishment of death for sharing any medical or scientific knowledge they have acquired with any outside faction.

While they have great reverence for technology, most of the Brotherhood members have little regard for non-technical fields of knowledge (and even for non-combat-related technology). Even most of the Scribes do not care about history, and some Brotherhood of Steel Initiates do not even know who Roger Maxson, the founder of the Brotherhood, was.
Divisions and locationsEdit
Main article: Brotherhood of Steel (Mojave chapter)

Though their power in the west has diminished greatly over the years, the Brotherhood of Steel still maintains hidden, heavily fortified bunkers throughout the Mojave.
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FB3 AppendixConcept art of the Lost Hills bunker.

The headquarters of the Brotherhood is the Lost Hills bunker in California, the seat of the Brotherhood's High Elder and its ruling council, and the place where the organization was founded. It is also the center of their research and military activities. However, by 2242, the Brotherhood was spread across the wastes of California in small bunkers and installations hidden from the eyes of common folk, and finding them all and wiping them out would be a difficult and dangerous task.

Their installations include bunkers in the Den, San Francisco, and Shady Sands (capital of the New California Republic). All Brotherhood outposts are formally subject to the Lost Hills' ruling council's authority, even if they sometimes tend to act independently, especially if they are located far from California and contact with the headquarters is rare. The Lost Hills bunker is surrounded by the town of Maxson, which, while named after the founder of the Brotherhood, is officially outside Brotherhood rule and is a state of the New California Republic. The later conflict between the Republic and the Brotherhood most likely resulted in the destruction of many of the Brotherhood's bunkers in the Core Region.

A Brotherhood bunker is located in the Hidden Valley, directly east of the settlement of Goodsprings in the Mojave Wasteland. It is surrounded by powerful underground fans that serve as a high-tech defense system, creating artificial sandstorms which allow the inhabitants to travel to and from the bunker under cover. It also serves as a kind of electronic disturbance to any and all outside factions' targeting sensors, therefore rendering the bunker safe from detection. Mr. House's calculations painted the Brotherhood insurgency to be the greatest threat to House's reign in the Mojave Wasteland in the long-term.
East Coast BrotherhoodEdit
Main article: Brotherhood of Steel (Capital Wasteland)
Concept09BThe Citadel

On the East Coast, the Capital Wasteland division of the Brotherhood established a base called the Citadel, built into and beneath the ruins of the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. This faction is led by the idealistic Elder Owyn Lyons who decided to make the protection of the human inhabitants of the Capital Wasteland from super mutants and other threats his top priority, instead of the acquisition and preservation of technology. While Lyons is officially recognized by the ruling council at Lost Hills as the leader of a Brotherhood faction, because of his changed priorities he receives no support from California and his faction, for all intents and purposes, is independent. Without reinforcements from the West Coast, Lyons has been forced to recruit locally, but most new wastelander conscripts are overeager, unskilled, or both, and as a result their survival rate is atrocious. Elder Lyons’ daughter Sarah commands her own elite squad, Lyons' Pride. These soldiers help preserve the Capital Wasteland by holding back the super mutants, who tend to remain in the urban ruins of Washington, D.C.

As the war with the super mutants intensifies, the Enclave returns in the flesh after relocating from the Core Region several years prior, their radio broadcasts having been heard for years on Wasteland radios, suddenly and ruthlessly making themselves known. In a bold first move they seize the Jefferson Memorial's "Project Purity", and subsequently proceed with carefully consolidating their power throughout the Capital Wasteland, while simultaneously developing a plan to systematically eliminate mutation in the wasteland. At first favoring caution, Elder Lyons soon changes his mind, engaging the Enclave in a full-scale battle after the Enclave acquires possession of Vault 87's G.E.C.K. and nearly activating Project Purity. With the aid of Liberty Prime, the Enclave is ousted from the Jefferson Memorial and into uncertain disarray. After the events of Broken Steel, the Capital Wasteland chapter has become as powerful and well-equipped as their sister chapters back west, possibly even more so.

There are members of Lyons' expeditionary force to the East Coast who preferred to stay faithful to the Brotherhood's original goals of locating and preserving technology and knowledge. These members of the Brotherhood left the Citadel to take up residence in Fort Independence, and stylized themselves as the Brotherhood Outcasts.[3] In addition to carrying out Lyon's original orders, the Outcasts are also trying to re-establish contact with the western Elders, and have Lyons placed in front of a firing squad.
BOS (side view ) head iixMidwestern Brotherhood power armor
Mini-FOT Logo The following is based on Fallout Tactics and some details might contradict canon.
Midwest BrotherhoodEdit
Main article: Brotherhood of Steel (Midwest)

The Midwestern branch, a splinter faction which lost contact with the Brotherhood leadership at Lost Hills has been an independent organization since the 2160s, when the airships of its founders crashed near Chicago. Unlike the original, isolationist Brotherhood, this faction rules over a large part of the area between the former states of Illinois and Kansas and drafts tribals from villages under Brotherhood protection into its ranks. While more open to the outside world, this faction of the Brotherhood is by no means altruistic - the villagers under Brotherhood rule, while protected from raiders and mutants, live in fear of the infamous Brotherhood Inquisitors. The Midwestern Brotherhood main bases were bunkers that were probably pre-Great War military bunkers that were found, taken, and rebuilt. They are called Bunker Alpha, Bunker Beta, Bunker Gamma, Bunker Delta and Bunker Epsilon. The Midwestern Brotherhood power armor is very similar to the advanced power armor Mk II, and may be a variant of it.
Mini-FOT Logo End of information based on Fallout Tactics.
BOSTexasExpeditionTexas expedition symbol
FOBoSLogo The following is based on Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel and has not been confirmed by canon sources.
Texas BrotherhoodEdit

After the death of John Maxson, Rhombus, the head of the Brotherhood's Paladins, became the new High Elder. After the death of the Master, the Brotherhood of Steel helped the other human outposts of the Core Region drive the mutant armies away with minimal loss of life on both sides of the conflict. However, a super mutant faction under the leadership of Attis moved east and attempted to recreate the mutant army in Texas using the Secret Vault. Rhombus, despite some criticism from the ruling council of the West Coast Brotherhood of Steel, started a crusade against the still existent threat of the super mutant army, now led by Attis. They traveled eastward to Texas. There, he discovered a prototype Vault which was abandoned and installed the Brotherhood's main base of operation in this area. Their principal mission was to eradicate the menace of all super mutants. For this reason, they created a new Texas Brotherhood icon, which featured a pair of wings, topped by dual pistols, all of a red color.
FOBoSLogo End of information based on Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel.

The Brotherhood of Steel has characteristics similar to that of today's military such as standard armor (T-45d power armor or T-51b power armor), to standard weapons (laser rifle and the laser pistol), to standard ammunition (microfusion cells, small energy cells and electron charge packs). They also have training similar to that of recruit basic military training and trade training, have a chain of command, various bases, supply their own troops and have distinct branches/trades (i.e. Paladins and Scribes) that cover combat and support roles within the organization.
Main article: Brotherhood of Steel ranks

The Brotherhood of Steel is organized into different ranks: Initiates are trainees who are expected to perform well enough in the training process to be promoted to Senior Initiates, and later to Apprentices. After proving themselves, Apprentices are promoted to the rank of Journeyman Knights or Scribes. The next rank is Knight Sergeant/Senior Scribe, Knight Captain, and finally the leader of each of these orders is the Head Knight and the Head Scribe.

Brotherhood Scribes are responsible for investigating and reverse-engineering the ancient technologies, maintaining the current technology of the Brotherhood and even experimenting with new weapons and other useful devices. Scribes rarely leave the safety of the Brotherhood's bunkers and outposts, but they are sometimes called into the field to examine a piece of technology or perform a task beyond the skills of the Brotherhood's soldiers.

Brotherhood Knights are responsible for manufacturing the weapons and other pieces of technology used by the Brotherhood, although they also take part in combat activities. After many years of service and experience, the best Knights are promoted to Paladins - the pinnacle rank of the Brotherhood military. Paladins are in charge of all security and outside activities. The Paladin ranks are Junior Paladin, Paladin, Senior Paladin, Star Paladin and Head Paladin. Paladins who survive to their later years become Elders, and they make up the Brotherhood's ruling council. Among this branch of the Brotherhood an additional rank, Sentinel, exists between Paladin and Elder. The leader of the council and the Brotherhood itself is the High Elder, usually descended from the Maxson family.
Relations with the outsideEdit

While they are generally not hostile to others without a good reason, members of the Brotherhood are not interested in justice for the obviously weaker and less fortunate wastelanders around them. They largely focus on keeping their secrecy and preserving and developing technology, which they often put above human life since technology is irreplaceable in the post-nuclear wastelands—lives are not. Their motives are often unclear, and Brotherhood members are not people to be trifled with. It is safe to say, however, that if a group of Brotherhood Paladins appears to be helping outsiders, their motives are not altruistic.
FOT Intro War 10Brotherhood Paladins fighting super mutants and raiders.

The Brotherhood does not like to share their choicest technological bits with others, despite the obvious benefits their technology could bring to the Wasteland. It is a commonly accepted truth within the Brotherhood that the people of the Wasteland are not responsible enough to use (and maintain) all of the technology the BoS has at their disposal. They are known for trading some of their technologies with frontier communities and the states of the New California Republic in exchange for food and other resources, but they keep the more sensitive and advanced technologies to themselves.
Attitude towards mutantsEdit

The Brotherhood's attitude towards mutants ranges from dislike (e.g. in the case of ghouls) to outright hostility (in the case of super mutants). Early contact with the Master's super mutants was mostly hostile, and the BoS helped drive the majority of the mutant armies away from California. The Brotherhood grew angry when various salvaging operations began in the Glow, a location which the Brotherhood came to regard highly both for their fallen comrades and the pre-Great War technology located there, with Dayglow ghouls at the forefront. Most Brotherhood members came to see ghouls as filthy scavengers. In the years after the Master's defeat in the Core Region, many super mutants settled peacefully among humans and the Brotherhood was no longer hostile to them.

Military technology is the Brotherhood's main priority, and their efforts over the centuries have equipped them with a powerful array of power armor, energy weapons, defense turrets, and computers. Their devotion to the cause of collecting technology is such that they are willing to go to war in order to obtain it, even against much larger organizations such as the NCR.

Although less advanced than the Enclave, Brotherhood soldiers are generally equipped with Energy Weapons and suits of Power armor, usually either the T-51b or T-45d models, both of which were designed before the Great War. Recon armor is also widely used, primarily by scouts, knights, and initiates. In addition, the Brotherhood has access to some of the best medical technology available in the post-war world, and other technologies such as cybernetics and surgical implants.

The Brotherhood also has access to advanced computers which they have found in various military bases and Vault-Tec Vaults such as the Lost Hills bunker, the ruins of the Pentagon, Bunkers Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Hidden Valley and the Vault Prototype.

They also possess heavy duty combat robots that have assisted them in battle, like the intimidating sentry bots, and even a 40-foot Communist-hating metal giant in the hands of the Capital Wasteland detachment.

Despite being relatively small (compared to groups such as the NCR), the Brotherhood is probably the most widely spread faction in post-war America.
They are the only group outside of the Enclave that uses Power Armor (and that can train others to use it). Some NCR soldiers in the Mojave wasteland, however, wear non-functioning power armor.
Most members of the Brotherhood are usually gruff in dealing with outsiders and usually extremely rude towards mutated creatures such as ghouls or super mutants.
The Brotherhood is extremely territorial when it comes to technology and will defend any technological relic to the death. In Fallout: New Vegas it is mentioned that an elder was severely punished for destroying a piece of unknown technology.
Despite revering pre-war technology, the Brotherhood has no interest in medical technology like prosthetic organs or Auto-Docs.
A lot of other BoS chapters such as the Midwestern and Capital Wasteland divisions changed their ideology. The Midwest BoS even recruit mutants into their chapter, the Capital Wasteland BoS recruits any wastelander into their chapter and also try to get support from them. The Mojave chapter's former elder, Elijah, also wanted to get more recruits from the outside and as such he would dispatch scribes to retrieve farming equipment and other beneficial technology, believing that the Brotherhood would be unable to survive without providing tech to the people of the wastes, gaining their favor and with it more recruits. But, his idea was not passed to his successor.
The Brotherhood of Steel does not appear as interested in technology on the East Coast but rather seem to be more interested in trying to restore the Wasteland. Their ethical concerns that stemmed from the increase of super mutant activity and not the acquisition of new tech caused them to sever their connections with the main BoS HQ and become a faction in their own right.
The actions of the Brotherhood of Steel on the Eastern seaboard encouraged a section of BoS knights and paladins and scribes - who still upheld the original ideology of the Brotherhood - to schism off, forming the Brotherhood Outcasts.
According the Citadel terminal entries, the Brotherhood in Lost Hill began protecting Maxson in the NCR before or by 2277. It also mentions an internal conflict, possibly a civil war, in the Brotherhood of Steel on the West Coast. This conflict forced Arthur Maxson to live in the Citadel.
As of 2281, due to the NCR-Brotherhood War, the Capital Wasteland division may be the only stable power left of the Brotherhood of Steel.
Although not excessively reactionary or prone to warmongering, the focus of all resources to their military and hierarchical chain of command mean the Brotherhood of Steel is technically organized around a form of fascism, albeit one much less extreme or xenophobic than The Enclave. The East Coast branch appears to have abandoned this altogether, focusing on improving the Capital Wasteland for all its inhabitants instead of strengthening their own nation.


The Brotherhood of Steel were based on a completely hostile faction known as the Guardians in the 1987 game Wasteland which is known to be the predecessor to Fallout.

The Brotherhood of Steel appears in all Fallout games to date.

the BoS is a military organisation after the great war. there are lots of soldiers and scribes in the brotherhood. we do not sacrifice people, we're not that kind of brotherhood. we focus on military, not on stupid rituals.
our main goal is to recover old technology from prewar times. we also try to help the wastelanders by fighting super mutants, the enclave, raiders and other evil factions.

November 11th, 2013, 11:57 AM
Would indicating Behavior change and actually do it count as game throwing causing mod kill or just a soft throwing with no consequences?

But why should I believe that you've been a citizen this entire time? Why couldn't you have been a cult leader from the start?
why would cult leader claim citizen, this would only attract masons. if the recruit fails they just try to purge him

Sanite Belaire
November 11th, 2013, 11:58 AM
I've played Fallout 1, 2, Tactics and New Vegas. I need you to take this seriously.

November 11th, 2013, 12:02 PM
I've played Fallout 1, 2, Tactics and New Vegas. I need you to take this seriously.

sorry brother

Sanite Belaire
November 11th, 2013, 12:03 PM
sorry brother

Now give me firm reasons why I shouldn't shoot you. Don't use any info on your role. It's worthless right now.

The Jester King
November 11th, 2013, 12:04 PM
Would indicating Behavior change and actually do it count as game throwing causing mod kill or just a soft throwing with no consequences?

I'm gonna go with galbaud's answer. whut??

November 11th, 2013, 12:12 PM
Now give me firm reasons why I shouldn't shoot you. Don't use any info on your role. It's worthless right now.

1) noone ever posted real reason why i am scum
2) cult leader would never claim citizen
3) noone would convert me
4) i'm contributing in my own way
5) scum would more try to slip under radar, which doesn't work with extroordinary RPs
6) mackandal, someone who accuses me, is scum in my book

Sanite Belaire
November 11th, 2013, 12:18 PM
1) noone ever posted real reason why i am scum
2) cult leader would never claim citizen
3) noone would convert me
4) i'm contributing in my own way
5) scum would more try to slip under radar, which doesn't work with extroordinary RPs
6) mackandal, someone who accuses me, is scum in my book

1. Right now the burden of proof is on your hands. You need to prove that you're not scum
2. This is too funny for me to take seriously. Of course a cult leader could claim citizen. Even so, not every scum is a cult leader.
3. Why wouldn't they convert you? Citizens give a random cult role. I should think that citizens are now a liability for town now that we know there's no missionary
4. What the fuck have you contributed?
5. Not always. Plus, you have been trying to slip under the radar. You're not the most active person here.
6. Not relevant. You're trying to shift the focus onto someone else.

Anything else?

Catherine Flon
November 11th, 2013, 12:25 PM
I'm gonna go with galbaud's answer. whut??

For example, If I say that once I was converted then I will not post anymore.

November 11th, 2013, 12:28 PM
1. Right now the burden of proof is on your hands. You need to prove that you're not scum
2. This is too funny for me to take seriously. Of course a cult leader could claim citizen. Even so, not every scum is a cult leader. why the fuck would cult leader claim citizen on d1 in order to get converted to masons
3. Why wouldn't they convert you? Citizens give a random cult role. I should think that citizens are now a liability for town now that we know there's no missionary a) because they want to steal our PRs b) i could be a mason if there was a missionary or masons could try to recruit me after i would have been culted c) i'm too much in focus due to my citizen claim
4. What the fuck have you contributed? read between lines
5. Not always. Plus, you have been trying to slip under the radar. You're not the most active person here.
6. Not relevant. You're trying to shift the focus onto someone else. no i'm just saying that this accusation is invalid

Anything else?

if you do not see the reasons, then you can either trust me or you'll have to shoot me which would be bad

Catherine Flon
November 11th, 2013, 12:30 PM
if you do not see the reasons, then you can either trust me or you'll have to shoot me which would be bad

I would ask you, is there any benefit for a town role except masons giving up the first few days' talk and pretending not active in this setup?

Sanite Belaire
November 11th, 2013, 12:34 PM
2. Because there were other citizen claims and you could hide in them. Like you have until now. IIRC, you asked after "reading" to not be converted by the masons that night.
3. A) No doubt about that, but the problem is that we're going to naturally be skeptical of PR claims because of that reason. The cults could circumvent that problem by converting citizens. B) you asked not to be converted on day 1.
4. I have and you are only repeating what others are saying. You aren't contributing, you're parroting.
6. Then why bring it up in your defense? I'm not saying his accusation is valid or stupid. I'm asking you questions to figure out if I should shoot you or not.

November 11th, 2013, 12:36 PM
catherine: no i just didn't have the time o0

sanite: but i said convert me n2 then
then tell me what information was included

Sanite Belaire
November 11th, 2013, 12:39 PM
catherine: no i just didn't have the time o0

sanite: but i said convert me n2 then
then tell me what information was included

You said that Peinier was a traitor. You also said that Hedo's actions today seem like a gambit. Look right there. I summarized an entire post of yours in two sentences. You agree to pressure Bouk for whatever reason. That's it for that post. Are there any others today?

November 11th, 2013, 12:40 PM

Sanite Belaire
November 11th, 2013, 12:42 PM

Oh yeah, the ones trying to defend yourself. Completely forgot about that crap.

November 11th, 2013, 12:45 PM
what about my first post today. there's hidden information in that. not much though
and in the other post was much more than your 2 sentences.

Sanite Belaire
November 11th, 2013, 12:47 PM
what about my first post today. there's hidden information in that. not much though
and in the other post was much more than your 2 sentences.

The one saying "Nothing happened to me. I'm still a citizen" ? The one with the horseshit about an operation?

November 11th, 2013, 12:48 PM
The one saying "Nothing happened to me. I'm still a citizen" ? The one with the horseshit about an operation?

yea that one but that wasn't the hidden information i meant^^

November 11th, 2013, 12:50 PM
don't call that horseshit you fucking outcast

The Jester King
November 11th, 2013, 12:52 PM
For example, If I say that once I was converted then I will not post anymore.

If you do not post anymore, we will replace you.
If your behavior obviously changed but still follow the rules, then you should hope the town will not lynch you

November 11th, 2013, 12:53 PM
I want to talk more, but all I see is half of the time idiots. Encourage others more than random bullshit about Brotherhood and I Am / Am Not cult stuff.

Sanite Belaire
November 11th, 2013, 12:54 PM
yea that one but that wasn't the hidden information i meant^^

Hidden? As in repeating what others already said? In the post talking about Peinier, you repeat Alex's theories of soul swapper and bd while asking for the witch hunter to visit Peinier. A) the masons will deliberate on that and have more info than you. They know what they're doing. B) That was already brought up by Port.

November 11th, 2013, 12:59 PM
you're pissing me off. you think you can random accuse ppl here because you and your student have some fucking gun?
i'm still a paladin. how about you start bringing up some evidence instead of random accusing a paladin

November 11th, 2013, 01:00 PM
Please, lets just shoot Galburd, lynch peinier and clean the gene pool.

Sanite Belaire
November 11th, 2013, 01:01 PM
you're pissing me off. you think you can random accuse ppl here because you and your student have some fucking gun?
Yeah. Do you have a problem with getting more information out of people?

i'm still a paladin. how about you start bringing up some evidence instead of random accusing a paladin
Why shouldn't I shoot you?

November 11th, 2013, 01:01 PM
Please, lets just shoot Galburd, lynch peinier and clean the gene pool.

ok and then let's lynch all the other townies, that's what you want isn't it

November 11th, 2013, 01:03 PM
I'm not talking about townies, I'm talking about Incompetent scum.

November 11th, 2013, 01:07 PM
Yeah. Do you have a problem with getting more information out of people?

Why shouldn't I shoot you?

because you need me

November 11th, 2013, 01:08 PM
because you need me


Sanite Belaire
November 11th, 2013, 01:08 PM
because you need me

Why do I need you?

November 11th, 2013, 01:09 PM
because i'm the best field commander we have

November 11th, 2013, 01:10 PM
Field commander has leadership, the only leadership role we have is a cultist leader. Ergo Galbaud is hinting at cultist leader.

Sanite Belaire
November 11th, 2013, 01:11 PM
because i'm the best field commander we have

I guess I don't need you

November 11th, 2013, 01:12 PM
Little less then 5 hours left. We should lynch Galbaud and shoot Peinier

November 11th, 2013, 01:14 PM
Field commander has leadership, the only leadership role we have is a cultist leader. Ergo Galbaud is hinting at cultist leader.

you're funny
the reasoning of all of your posts really blew me off

November 11th, 2013, 01:32 PM
anyway guys i'm offline for now, you can think of some good reasons for FoSing me or you play the noob with his head stuck in ass and shoot me, because paladin galbaud is not afraid to die for the brotherhood

Catherine Flon
November 11th, 2013, 02:01 PM
Little less then 5 hours left. We should lynch Galbaud and shoot Peinier

5 hours is impossible for another round of fos.

Jean, Rocha all suddenly become hidden today.

I probably should give up too.

No matter if peinier is a soul swapper, Rocha can tell more than we do.

He is one of the three bus communicators after all.

Plus, I know Rocha is not a role with no action.

November 11th, 2013, 02:02 PM
Little less then 5 hours left. We should lynch Galbaud and shoot Peinier

... and here we have a massive scumtell: there's less than 5 hours left, so let's start a lynch train on a new person who needs 9 more people to be lynched! My vote lies with Peinier for now (who is the self-admitted scum) and I assure you there will be blood tonight, but don't be like Mackandal and try to subvert justice...

November 11th, 2013, 02:03 PM
Okay, :c


I still nominate galbard to be shot.

November 11th, 2013, 02:04 PM
Either way those two need to die.

November 11th, 2013, 02:08 PM
... and here we have a massive scumtell: there's less than 5 hours left, so let's start a lynch train on a new person who needs 9 more people to be lynched! My vote lies with Peinier for now (who is the self-admitted scum) and I assure you there will be blood tonight, but don't be like Mackandal and try to subvert justice...

And that aint no scum tell.

I wanted Galbaud to be lynched because his speech hinted at CULTIST LEADER who has an autovest.

I wanted Peinier to be shot because he said he was part of the cult, yet not a cultist leader.

Catherine Flon
November 11th, 2013, 02:10 PM
I nominte to shoot Mackandal and have Charles the 'Doctor' heal him.

Catherine Flon
November 11th, 2013, 02:12 PM
I nominte to shoot Mackandal and have Charles the 'Doctor' heal him.

If some soul swapper want to screw them over, then this is a good target.

We also have alex who can see a lot.

If Charles happens to be a role that can save, then we will be done with hedo's case for another couple days.

November 11th, 2013, 02:13 PM
People always want to risk my life. Plus the blacksmith would be out of guns if that is the case.

Catherine Flon
November 11th, 2013, 02:16 PM
Even if we have a doctor, this doctor shouldnt be on mason due to the fact neutral killer isn't working and Port Au wouldn't have more than 2 dolls on him.

IF anyone smells out Port Au Prince as mason, speak straight to show your brilliance. I admit that I didn't see that came when he reveal.

Catherine Flon
November 11th, 2013, 02:17 PM
People always want to risk my life. Plus the blacksmith would be out of guns if that is the case.

I meld gunsmith with mason, in fact this nomination can not overwrite mason's authority.

I just nominate that in case they couldn't find a good target to shoot.

Catherine Flon
November 11th, 2013, 02:18 PM
If citizens wouldn't want to risk their life, then how much else have you helped us so far?

How about post your read of everyone? dare to do that in an honest tone?

Catherine Flon
November 11th, 2013, 02:20 PM
If you do not post anymore, we will replace you.
If your behavior obviously changed but still follow the rules, then you should hope the town will not lynch you

I will no longer post self-defense posts as soon as I am converted, that is definitely not a mod-killable gamethrow.

Alexandre Petion
November 11th, 2013, 03:13 PM
With day end approaching I was hoping to see more discussion and people checking in/claiming stuff.

Catherine Flon
November 11th, 2013, 03:23 PM
With day end approaching I was hoping to see more discussion and people checking in/claiming stuff.

I am really disappointed at the moment.

What is your comment on Rocha?

Jean Jacques Dessalines
November 11th, 2013, 03:26 PM
Hey all. Had a family emergency, but am finally getting a chance to check in now. No feedback to report.

Reading through the day, feel free to post if there's anything important needed of me, else I shall be posting in a bit.

Alexandre Petion
November 11th, 2013, 03:30 PM
I am really disappointed at the moment.

What is your comment on Rocha?

I don't like him atm.

Why hello there Jean, I was wondering if you were going to check in :'(

Jean Jacques Dessalines
November 11th, 2013, 03:34 PM
I don't like him atm.

Why hello there Jean, I was wondering if you were going to check in :'(

It was my intention to do so, better late than never I guess. Thankfully everything is alright, so I can catch up on whatever I've missed.

Catherine Flon
November 11th, 2013, 03:40 PM
We have been missing you.

I suggest you vote pienier if you do not have time to read.

If you are able to log again before the end of today, give me a hand on boukman.

I strongly recommend you reveal your role, town is pushing these two days.


I take rocha as a role with action, I linked him with Anacona but since they are not masons, I have to be on alert to him.

He earlier said he did not need a vest day 2 suggest he is not the student.

If turns out Charles is a neutral or the doctor, then Rocha must know his position very well.

Alexandre Petion
November 11th, 2013, 03:42 PM
It was my intention to do so, better late than never I guess. Thankfully everything is alright, so I can catch up on whatever I've missed.

Glad to hear it ^.^
We've been going at Pienier for a while now.

Alexandre Petion
November 11th, 2013, 03:44 PM

I take rocha as a role with action, I linked him with Anacona but since they are not masons, I have to be on alert to him.

He earlier said he did not need a vest day 2 suggest he is not the student.

If turns out Charles is a neutral or the doctor, then Rocha must know his position very well.

It's possible I suppose. I don't really see him as town aligned for now. At the very least he's not very proactive towards town. (or Anacona)

November 11th, 2013, 03:46 PM

Ok, enough messing around. Let's lynch some scum.

November 11th, 2013, 03:48 PM

Alexandre Petion
November 11th, 2013, 03:49 PM

Ok, enough messing around. Let's lynch some scum.

Did you want to claim something today or no?

Also, are there any night actions that anyone would like to propose? If Pienier flips cult leader, get that Witch Hunter on 'em right? If he doesn't I suppose I would say let the Witch Hunter do his/her thing.

Alexandre Petion
November 11th, 2013, 03:49 PM

Why hello there. Wanna talk with us?

November 11th, 2013, 03:54 PM
Why hello there. Wanna talk with us?

what would you like to chat about?

Catherine Flon
November 11th, 2013, 03:56 PM

I guess I do not have to vote peinier now. Someone just gonna fill it automatically.

Don't you want to share something besides the busdriving?

Alexandre Petion
November 11th, 2013, 03:57 PM
what would you like to chat about?

"Why are we here?"
What about the day, people you think are scum, people you want to lynch, what you think the night actions should be, why you are so quiet, or something.

November 11th, 2013, 03:58 PM
I guess I do not have to vote peinier now. Someone just gonna fill it automatically.

Don't you want to share something besides the busdriving?

No, I haven't anything else to had currently.

Catherine Flon
November 11th, 2013, 03:59 PM
No, I haven't anything else to had currently.

Then how about handing out your role card? Waiiit...I know you wouldn't.

How about this,

Do you admit that you have no counter claim on any of the people who revealed their role today, fake or not?

November 11th, 2013, 04:01 PM
"Why are we here?"
What about the day, people you think are scum, people you want to lynch, what you think the night actions should be, why you are so quiet, or something.

We are to here to procreate. I think we might as well just lynch Peinier. I think town has basically almost no chance in this poorly balanced game. I'm quiet because I have nothing to talk about. Peinier is all we have to really go on currently.

November 11th, 2013, 04:03 PM
Then how about handing out your role card? Waiiit...I know you wouldn't.

How about this,

Do you admit that you have no counter claim on any of the people who revealed their role today, fake or not?

I admit to this.

Alexandre Petion
November 11th, 2013, 04:04 PM
We are to here to procreate. I think we might as well just lynch Peinier. I think town has basically almost no chance in this poorly balanced game. I'm quiet because I have nothing to talk about. Peinier is all we have to really go on currently.

I meant why are we here in this forum.
There is certainly more to add and talk about. Lack of discussion only hinders town.

Catherine Flon
November 11th, 2013, 04:06 PM
I admit to this.

Great information. You are not Doctor, Ghost, Survivor, Busdriver, Gunsmith, Mindmelder.

I will take you as a good one then. I will ask you no further questions today.

Just tell cultist leader do not convert me, if you happen to be converted in future.

November 11th, 2013, 04:08 PM
sad times sad times indeed bus me roch

November 11th, 2013, 04:09 PM
my alst will holds great info to all bye

Catherine Flon
November 11th, 2013, 04:10 PM
my alst will holds great info to all bye

Thanks for the support on boukman. You have been kept your voting pattern to me. You will be missed.

November 11th, 2013, 04:15 PM
thank you friend catherine make sure you lynch bouk tomorow

Alexandre Petion
November 11th, 2013, 04:15 PM
my alst will holds great info to all bye

Post your last will now before you die. It might save you mr self proclaimed soul swapper.

Alexandre Petion
November 11th, 2013, 04:16 PM
thank you friend catherine make sure you lynch bouk tomorow

Or shoot tonight? ;D

Catherine Flon
November 11th, 2013, 04:19 PM
Or shoot tonight? ;D

I doubt. People have spared boukman for such a long period that I bet the Blacksmith isn't that vigilante after all.

I really worry about the soul swapper too. Three busdriving claims are making me nervous.

November 11th, 2013, 04:21 PM

looking at infomation given to us the one named Boukman is and evil member of the hatai cult aswell as the one named rochambeau appears to be an evil cultist of the louisiana

My info to you seems great i hope and i hope you see the light of my actions

and bless sanite belaire tge reall town leaders

and more info i have found anacona is infact a neutral but not the killing and the one who was blown apart is not member of your loving town

to all i thank


Catherine Flon
November 11th, 2013, 04:23 PM
omg...anacona will be visited by cultist tonight, that is really not good...

Alexandre Petion
November 11th, 2013, 04:27 PM
omg...anacona will be visited by cultist tonight, that is really not good...

So if he's neutral, hedouville or charles was lying about being neutral at one point in time. Interesting.

November 11th, 2013, 04:29 PM
There are currently 8 users browsing this thread. (8 members and 0 guests)


Catherine Flon
November 11th, 2013, 04:31 PM
So if he's neutral, hedouville or charles was lying about being neutral at one point in time. Interesting.

hedouville's story and Toussant's both worth digging.

Hey, peinier, mind help us dig some for fun since the lurkers will not help?

November 11th, 2013, 04:37 PM
yea sure

Alexandre Petion
November 11th, 2013, 04:44 PM
yea sure

Hedouville v Toussant v Charles.


Alexandre Petion
November 11th, 2013, 04:48 PM
70 mintues

Jean Jacques Dessalines
November 11th, 2013, 04:53 PM
Managed to read through everything once.

Due to the nature of claims today, I'm going to go ahead and claim my role as well.

I am ze Bodyguard.

My night actions were thus:
n1 - Catherine Flon
n2 - Hedouville
n3 - Charles Leclerc

It makes me wonder about Charles' claim. It's possible there's 2 protective roles bundled in to the role list. But I am not yet sure what to think of this.

You can count on my vote on Penier, though I'll withhold it for now as L-1 often leads to an early hammer.

I will try to get some good reading done overnight to contribute more in the following days, as an apology for my inactivity. Starting with a proper read of d4, since I skimmed through quickly in the hopes of finishing before nightfall.

November 11th, 2013, 04:54 PM
yes yes workin on it

November 11th, 2013, 04:55 PM
jean why u protect those ppl

Catherine Flon
November 11th, 2013, 04:56 PM
See? Alex, I told you never have to worry about the voters stuff.

Err Kitty, I think we wont have another overnight. :(

1 hour 4 minutes 33 seconds in the future

Thanks for the role claim. This will help mason narrow down even more.

Alexandre Petion
November 11th, 2013, 04:57 PM
These town PR slots are filling up fast. They're selling like hotcakes.

Anyone else wanna get one in?

Napoleon Bonaparte
November 11th, 2013, 04:58 PM
Managed to read through everything once.

Due to the nature of claims today, I'm going to go ahead and claim my role as well.

I am ze Bodyguard.

My night actions were thus:
n1 - Catherine Flon
n2 - Hedouville
n3 - Charles Leclerc

It makes me wonder about Charles' claim. It's possible there's 2 protective roles bundled in to the role list. But I am not yet sure what to think of this.

You can count on my vote on Penier, though I'll withhold it for now as L-1 often leads to an early hammer.

I will try to get some good reading done overnight to contribute more in the following days, as an apology for my inactivity. Starting with a proper read of d4, since I skimmed through quickly in the hopes of finishing before nightfall.

sry in a game with a Doctor that doesn't prevent conversion and only 1 killer who isn't killing, I highly doubt we have a BG. The ONLY time it would be proven effective is if you stopped the Neutral, but then that would be OP against the neutral.

anyways, im rly sorry i haven't had much time this weekend. D: I got behind in reading the day, then there were more posts so i got even lazier since there was more work lol :(

November 11th, 2013, 05:01 PM
dont hammer yet!

Alexandre Petion
November 11th, 2013, 05:01 PM
I wanna hammer since I pressured him.

November 11th, 2013, 05:10 PM
Regardless of what happens, I can't see a Peinier lynch ending anything but good for the town. Either he is the cult leader (win), some cultist such as the soul swapper (makes dealing with remaining cultists easier), or a neutral (tells us Hedouville or Sanite is lying).

November 11th, 2013, 05:13 PM
well lets start

there r 2 neutrals max, but random any is pos and neut killing


i think hedou is a town tpr falseclaim neut for wifom cuz he is requesting lots of townie actions direct at him because he is using surv as smokescreen

dont think he cult tho, he would be foun d out ez

tossaunt, i think hes town, but i dont think he would be culted. invest is hard to fake n the stuff he says seems legit


charles my friend, i think hes legit and i think jean jacque is the lying one, dont think there are two town prot in a cult game, also seems very townie to me so far, might b culted later tho

aka charles hedou toussant = town, jean jacque = cult

#HAMMAH 4 great justice hammer lydia

Catherine Flon
November 11th, 2013, 05:13 PM
Regardless of what happens, I can't see a Peinier lynch ending anything but good for the town. Either he is the cult leader (win), some cultist such as the soul swapper (makes dealing with remaining cultists easier), or a neutral (tells us Hedouville or Sanite is lying).

Thats why I said you had little choice since beginning.

Another day without Boukman, hardly surprising after all.

November 11th, 2013, 05:13 PM
noo i wont be able to play in the glorious s-fm dont lynch meh

Alexandre Petion
November 11th, 2013, 05:14 PM
40 Minutes! :o

I'm interested to see how this plays out.

November 11th, 2013, 05:17 PM
lynch bouk, he cultist lurked all day, alex i am your friend and you kno that


Catherine Flon
November 11th, 2013, 05:19 PM
well lets start

there r 2 neutrals max, but random any is pos and neut killing


i think hedou is a town tpr falseclaim neut for wifom cuz he is requesting lots of townie actions direct at him because he is using surv as smokescreen

dont think he cult tho, he would be foun d out ez

tossaunt, i think hes town, but i dont think he would be culted. invest is hard to fake n the stuff he says seems legit


charles my friend, i think hes legit and i think jean jacque is the lying one, dont think there are two town prot in a cult game, also seems very townie to me so far, might b culted later tho

aka charles hedou toussant = town, jean jacque = cult

#HAMMAH 4 great justice hammer lydia

That is why choose these three straight in MD.

If this version of prediction is true then town would be in great advantage.

It turns out to be a more exciting chaotic MD chat instead.

I still remember when Rocha choose to harmmer Baissou because he couldnt risk a day without lynch.

This time who will be the one can't hold the pressure? Though Alex would hammer, I am still waiting for a lurker to float up.

Catherine Flon
November 11th, 2013, 05:23 PM
Anyone remember a person called Capois LaMort?

November 11th, 2013, 05:27 PM
jean jacque dessalines


Alexandre Petion
November 11th, 2013, 05:27 PM
Anyone remember a person called Capois LaMort?

Who's that?

Sanite Belaire
November 11th, 2013, 05:32 PM
We gonna lynch Peinier or what?

November 11th, 2013, 05:32 PM
no we arent

Sanite Belaire
November 11th, 2013, 05:33 PM
no we arent

I'm not talking to you. Go away

Alexandre Petion
November 11th, 2013, 05:33 PM
no we arent

Apparently not. Need 1 more voter besides myself..like Catherine...or someone..

November 11th, 2013, 05:34 PM
sanit y u so mean

November 11th, 2013, 05:35 PM
oops vote

jean jacques dessalines

Sanite Belaire
November 11th, 2013, 05:35 PM
Apparently not. Need 1 more voter besides myself..like Catherine...or someone..

Why not just vote? Someone who wants to lynch Peinier would hammer and since It's so close to the day's end that being at L1 isn't bad.

sanit y u so mean

What did I say about talking to me. Go away. BEGONE!

November 11th, 2013, 05:36 PM
sad days o sad days inddeed

Catherine Flon
November 11th, 2013, 05:38 PM
We gonna lynch Peinier or what?

Who do you think definitely not gonna vote Peinier without pretending absent?

Capois LaMort?

Even if we vote earlier the day will not end faster.

Last night period was set to 2 days 12 hours or some thing.

Sanite Belaire
November 11th, 2013, 05:40 PM
Who do you think definitely not gonna vote Peinier without pretending absent?

Capois LaMort?

Even if we vote earlier the day will not end faster.

Last night period was set to 2 days 12 hours or some thing.

It's going to end in 20 minutes. If 20 minutes is going to fuck up your zen then your zen isn't worth crap.

Alexandre Petion
November 11th, 2013, 05:41 PM
It's going to end in 20 minutes. If 20 minutes is going to fuck up your zen then your zen isn't worth crap.

20 minutes and counting..

Alexandre Petion
November 11th, 2013, 05:41 PM
I'm waiting for you dearest Catherine.

Catherine Flon
November 11th, 2013, 05:42 PM
If pienier flip as one cultist, he said all three in MD were town.

Who do you think he is trying to cover up,

the one voted him?

the one matched his claim,

or the one didn't vote him?

Alexandre Petion
November 11th, 2013, 05:43 PM
Catherine you wanna vote Peinier?

November 11th, 2013, 05:43 PM
Just hammer Peinier already.

I don't trust Jean's claim. But on the off chance he tells the truth - don't protect Boukman (or anybody voted to be shot for that matter). I want to see this guy dead.

Catherine Flon
November 11th, 2013, 05:44 PM
I'm waiting for you dearest Catherine.

I do not think I can live longer than you, so since I revealed, I will want to enjoy every one second.

Alright, actually I am rethinking about the Mindmeld list tonight.

Sanite Belaire
November 11th, 2013, 05:44 PM
If pienier flip as one cultist, he said all three in MD were town.

Who do you think he is trying to cover up,

the one voted him?

the one matched his claim,

or the one didn't vote him?

There's plenty of time to discuss this at night with people who I trust (hopefully). We won't get information on Peinier if you don't vote him in which case this discussion won't matter.

Alexandre Petion
November 11th, 2013, 05:45 PM
I do not think I can live longer than you, so since I revealed, I will want to enjoy every one second.

Alright, actually I am rethinking about the Mindmeld list tonight.

Its ok. Your death wont be in vain. I got eyes.

Sanite Belaire
November 11th, 2013, 05:45 PM
I do not think I can live longer than you, so since I revealed, I will want to enjoy every one second.

Alright, actually I am rethinking about the Mindmeld list tonight.


Catherine Flon
November 11th, 2013, 05:45 PM
Catherine you wanna vote Peinier?

I am here, if I didn't hammer him then you will have trouble with me.

But I know someone still trying to lurk around as well.

I am guessing if this person town enough to show up and vote.

Alexandre Petion
November 11th, 2013, 05:45 PM


Alexandre Petion
November 11th, 2013, 05:46 PM
I am here, if I didn't hammer him then you will have trouble with me.

But I know someone still trying to lurk around as well.

I am guessing if this person town enough to show up and vote.

Are you not town enough to vote?

November 11th, 2013, 05:47 PM
Maybe Catherine is Cult Leader and she "mindmelded" her Cult Buddies. Now that everybody is onto her, she will try to save scum.

Alexandre Petion
November 11th, 2013, 05:48 PM
Maybe Catherine is Cult Leader and she "mindmelded" her Cult Buddies. Now that everybody is onto her, she will try to save scum.

cant tell if srs

Sanite Belaire
November 11th, 2013, 05:48 PM
Bitch, get your head out of your ass and vote Peinier. If there's lurkers they will face fury either tonight or tomorrow. There isn't enough fucking time right now to get all "we need to pressure the lurkers guys" because the day is ending in 11 minutes.

November 11th, 2013, 05:48 PM
dont hammer catherine you are my dearest friend


Catherine Flon
November 11th, 2013, 05:48 PM
Its ok. Your death wont be in vain. I got eyes.

Infact, you shouldnt be on me.

Cultist might want to get rid off me so mason can not direct controll the BS's gun.

It is not true.

BS has two guns left, one for his student, one for the other mason tonight.

So, only if Bs's gun shot correctly at a cultist or killer, he will not be recharged, that makes cutting my MD channle off making less sense.

I am still a town, but after two days, the major conflicts will be between two cultists faction if we didn't hunt one cultist down.

Alexandre Petion
November 11th, 2013, 05:48 PM
dont hammer catherine you are my dearest friend


If catherine votes now, she won't hammer you.

November 11th, 2013, 05:49 PM
i beg you


Alexandre Petion
November 11th, 2013, 05:49 PM
Infact, you shouldnt be on me.

Cultist might want to get rid off me so mason can not direct controll the BS's gun.

It is not true.

BS has two guns left, one for his student, one for the other mason tonight.

So, only if Bs's gun shot correctly at a cultist or killer, he will not be recharged, that makes cutting my MD channle off making less sense.

I am still a town, but after two days, the major conflicts will be between two cultists faction if we didn't hunt one cultist down.

wifom. fail.

November 11th, 2013, 05:50 PM
alex stop bsing me u know what i mean

Alexandre Petion
November 11th, 2013, 05:50 PM
alex stop bsing me u know what i mean


Catherine Flon
November 11th, 2013, 05:50 PM
wifom. fail.

Nice wifom right there. ;)

November 11th, 2013, 05:50 PM
If Catherine doesn't vote Peinier before the end of the day I'm voting her to be shot.

Alexandre Petion
November 11th, 2013, 05:51 PM
If Catherine doesn't vote Peinier before the end of the day I'm voting her to be shot.

I want to shoot her, but I think that's barking up the wrong tree.

November 11th, 2013, 05:51 PM
Alex, re-vote.

Alexandre Petion
November 11th, 2013, 05:51 PM
9 minutes

Sanite Belaire
November 11th, 2013, 05:52 PM
If Catherine doesn't vote Peinier before the end of the day I'm voting her to be shot.

That's what I've been thinking and reasoning right now. There is a case for her death right now.

November 11th, 2013, 05:52 PM

plz catherine

Catherine Flon
November 11th, 2013, 05:52 PM
If Catherine doesn't vote Peinier before the end of the day I'm voting her to be shot.

As a matter of fact, if Bs is in channle tonight and still shot the only MD claimer, then I will request this BS and his student be mod killed as towns.

I guess you would laugh by then?

November 11th, 2013, 05:52 PM
charles or jean will protect u


Sanite Belaire
November 11th, 2013, 05:52 PM
I want to shoot her, but I think that's barking up the wrong tree.

Same, but it's more out of annoyance for her being a bitch instead of her being scum.

Alexandre Petion
November 11th, 2013, 05:53 PM
I will eat your babies. Now vote.

November 11th, 2013, 05:53 PM

Sanite Belaire
November 11th, 2013, 05:54 PM

It's hammer time.

Catherine Flon
November 11th, 2013, 05:54 PM
I will eat your babies. Now vote.

That will do.


Jean find a good excuse on time.

Alexandre Petion
November 11th, 2013, 05:54 PM

It's time to bathe in the blood of my enemies.

The Godfather
November 11th, 2013, 05:55 PM
Peinier has been lynched! Stand by for the host's review and day-end post!

Peinier ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/member.php/11322') (10 [L-0]): Catherine Flon ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=395769'), Charles Leclerc ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=395142'), Sonthonax ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=395669'), Alexandre Petion ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=395770'), Sanite Belaire ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=395128'), Mackandal ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=395635'), Port-au-Prince ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=395216'), Anacona ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=395219'), Rochambeau ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=395670'), Napoleon Bonaparte ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=395708')
Jean Jacques Dessalines ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/member.php/11318') (1 [L-9]): Peinier ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=395728')
Boukman ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/member.php/11312') (2 [L-8]): Hedouville ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=395510'), Galbaud ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=395574')

The Jester King
November 11th, 2013, 05:55 PM
Day 4 is over and Peinier was lynched. His role was Louisana Soul Swapper

Peinier left a last will

looking at infomation given to us the one named Boukman is and evil member of the hatai cult aswell as the one named rochambeau appears to be an evil cultist of the louisiana

My info to you seems great i hope and i hope you see the light of my actions

and bless sanite belaire tge reall town leaders

and more info i have found anacona is infact a neutral but not the killing and the one who was blown apart is not member of your loving town

to all i thank


Night 4 end at this time (http://m.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=november+12+2013+9%3A00+PM+EST)

Reminder: NIGHTS ARE NOW 24 HOURS INSTEAD OF 48! All night actions must be submitted by 2 hours before night end. Have a nice sleep.

Governor Peiner was working in his office. He stole a few dolls from few people. He was doing experiements on them. He used voodoo magic and swapped the souls of the dolls. Appearantly people weren't too happy. The people arrested him and decided to punish him with death by his own doll. They twist the doll's arm. Peinier's arm was also twisted. He scream in agony as his bone in his arm break. They then ripped the doll's arm off. To their surprise, Peinier's arm just popped out. They finally decided to squeeze the doll's head. People watched in fear and disgust as his skull was crushed. His blood was gushing out of his eyes, ears, and mouth. Peinier collapsed to the ground. The people now realized how dangerous these dolls were.

The Jester King
November 12th, 2013, 06:00 PM
Day 5 has begun!

Toussant L'Ouverturer was killed last night! He was purged!
His role was Haitian Voodoo Apprentice(Investigator).

Toussant L'Ouverturer left a last will

N1 Vincent Oge

N1 I was also mind melded and Houdeville claimed sheriff.

Galbaud was killed last night! He was shot by a revolver!
His role was Citizen.

Day 5 end at this time (http://m.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=november+14+2013+9%3A00+PM+EST)

With 15 people alive, it takes 8

Toussant L'Ouverture was the leader of the Revolution. He fought bravely. He gathered a lot of intel and won so many battles. Then the French decided to abolish slavery and Toussant changed sides. He worked for the local cultists in Haiti. He was arrested so many times for his crimes. However, he also escaped every time he get arrested. The town hired a professional witch hunter. He believed that Toussant should be purged. He walked to Toussant's tracks, and he looked at it very carefully. He licked the track and he figured out the taste of the direction. He then found out where Toussant went. He went and finally found Toussant. He decided to do everyone a favor and purged him for once and for all.

Galbaud was an ordinary person. He is also a video games addict. Videos games were not even invented yet so he tried to satisfy his addict. He discuss about the games with everyone. Ever since his buddy Peinier was killed, Galbaud became more lonely and more anxious. He felt like he had to play video games right now but he couldn't. The people thought he was insane and thought he was threat to mankind. A man walked to him and shot him in the back of his head. He died a minute later.

Players List
Alexandre Petion
Capois LaMort
Catherine Flon
Charles Leclerc
Jean Jacques Dessalines
Napoleon Bonaparte
Sanite Belaire
Toussant L'Ouverturer
Vincent Oge

Role List
Louisana Cult Leader
Haitian Cult Leader
Hidden Mason
Hidden Mason
Hidden Town Power
Hidden Town Power
Hidden Town Power
Hidden Town Power
Hidden Town
Hidden Town
Hidden Town
Hidden Town
Hidden Town
Hidden Neutral Killer
Hidden Neutral
Hidden Neutral
Hidden Any

Not crossed off:
Louisana Soul Swapper
Haitian Voodoo Apprentice

Baissou - Citizen - beheaded by angry mobs on Day 2
Vincent Oge - Citizen - escaped from the angry mobs but died of dehydration and exposure in a quicksand on Day 3
Peinier - Louisana Soul Swapper - lynched by angry mobs on Day 4
Toussant L'Ouverturer - Haitian Voodoo Apprentice - Purged on Night 4
Galbaud - Citizen - shot by a revolver on Night 4

Catherine Flon
November 12th, 2013, 06:09 PM
As a Md, I need give something to help solve the Toussant-Hedo-Charles triangle.

Here: (Day 3 is too controversial to post.)


Day 2 Log of MDers.

#412 Charles Leclerc Charles is not telling truth, pretending not in MD, he is smart.

This also indicate that MD chat was productive.

#414 Charles Leclerc indicate no one fake claim MD in MD chat.

Day 2 Oge shows amount of interesting about MD.Hedo is one handled him.

#490 Charles Leclerc urge Toussant.

#524 Toussant is playing stupid. The only explaination is that he is not trustworthy any more. He is still a Tpr.

#565 Hedo was forced to bakcup toussant. Charles remain silent to this problem, it is a nod to hedo.

#575 Hedo target Capois, note Capois is the one first who voted toussant.

#578 Charles decide to stand out after Hedo isn't controlling situation.

#581 Charles trys to redirect vote away from toussant

#591 Charles persuade me to vote baissou, it could be that he is testing me.

#603 Knowing Hedo isn't trying to lynch Capois, I try to make him drop his vote.

#624 Charles is telling MD what possible discussion in MD, watch the term "one of us"

#632 Hedo is selected into MD.1. he made promise to shield Toussant. 2. this post made his plan a deal I can not turn off.

#635 Hedo decide to vote baissou because I opened the gate of sheeping and oge made the first example. Anacona runs free day 1 against my wish.

#637 Hedo shows more and unecessary agressiveness toward Oge. Note that oge was a threat to both his MD secrets and Toussant.

#640 Read list of toussant, indicate a green light for Hedo and Charles, especially Hedoville. NOTE he says Oge is pro-town.

#643 Charles REQUEST to be in MD, but he oddly wants hedo and toussant out of discussion. Another word, he wants to controll MD when I am no there.

#667 Charles again, guard Toussant.

#678 Charles battle Alex for toussnat when Toussant is not around.

#687 Toussant made it clear that he claimed a role in MD, toussant REQUEST same people in MD.
Toussant has trouble with Alex.

#693 Charles, the main pusher of Baissou pressure release his vote. Sense a jester or a shit town incoming.
At this point, if town do not want to end day 2 without lynch, baissou will die. Charles made a very wise choice.

#711 Another dumb move of Toussant. He gives out too much.

#722 Charles lurks for the rest of day. Note the only possible lynch is Baissou.
Day 2

SecretOperation Experience check:
Toussant is either at pressure or terrible at secret operation.
Hedo is high experienced.
Charles is both a good team player and secret conductor.

Expect: Hedo or Charles will realize that I am MD next night or two.

Stradgy and Relationship analyze:

Charles Leclerc is the only one who suggest distrust toword hodeville and Toussant.

He is good at play distance himself from the other two MD.

Expect: if he is a cultist, he will do the same.

Day 2 vote on toussant is very good observation oppotunity for me,

It shows the three are in bond, liars or not.

They did not vote together easily, this means their agreement on scum list is broken.

but generally Three talked with no conflicts and back up each other secretly and in time.

It means the only possible scences are they are 3 neutral claimers or 3 tpr claimers.

At the mean time, Hedo must have claimed a role that make Charles aware.

Toussant is a Tpr of investigative ability is able to keep the other two in check, unless himself is turned.

Special thanks for Alex putting some pressure on them.

Day 3

#782 Hedo sets trap.

Toussant did not find a Tpr night 1.

Toussant found Oge as citizen, night 1.

Toussant checked Oge night 1.

Hedo and Toussant bond might broke. However, politically speaking, they are still on the same boat.

#785 Hedo wants to initia the day. Hedo might have some info about Mak.

#786 The dumb Toussant didn't come together with Hedo's #782.

#787 Toussant did support Hedo vote. This means Hedo gain some agreement on Toussant.

#789 Hedo is telling me that MD was good.
(It turns out to be not all true later, but His wifom might went well in MD.)

#794 Hedo reinforce his #782, this indicate they haven't checked me.

#819 Charles again trying to hide away from Hedo and Toussant.
Choosing me meant he figuered who I am.

#824 I choose hide from Charles.

#830 Hedo is one do not hide obvious info.

This means MD chatter find nothing cultists directly.

Hedo's vote on Mak is because their possible agreement on scumlist.

However, thinking Oge is citizen, then

Hedo think Oge is a real citizen and therefore vote Mak to make a place for Oge.

#832 Again, Hedo talk about citizen. Toussant might told him about Oge is a citizen.

#833 Hedo wants mason join MD. Once mason reveal, mason definitly will be in MD.

On the other hand, Hedo hope to find hiddent mason among citizen claimers.

#835 Toussant wants protection but no reveal.

#836 Charles Switch topic before Toussant release too much.

Charles also know about Oge is citizen at this point.

#839 Toussant support Hedo's idea.

#843 #845 Hedo determind to finish oge's citizen possibility case day 2.

#857 Charles is on time as a smart one, he noticed the flaw.

#858 Toussant is in same opinion as Hedoville.

#862 Charles discuss of busdriver picking Toussant.

Charles have a role list made, I believe all three in MD have a similar list.

**#876 Oge also target a citizen claimer but he doesnt target Mak, big mistake.

#887 Charles again distant himself from Hedo. Charles is hostil toward Boukman.

#906 Charles' role list is incorrect.

#910 Toussant is fucking up everything. Remember he said he read Oge as Town.

#912 Toussant REQUEST Md along with Alex. kick off either Hedo/Charles.

#940 Toussant still want to hide himself from night 2 MD. He can not be CIA.

#942 Charles push/support Toussant, note that Hedo didn't.

#944 Toussant still want to justify Oge's citizen possibility.

#969 Charles Coinflip decision.

#1025 Charles Reinforce coinflip.

Note: Charles is a person once his idea is decided he will not change easily.

#1054 Oge's tiny creditability bankrupt at Hedo. Now hedo will join Oge case anytime.

#1093 Toussant shows that He believe in Oge more than pienier.

#1123 Toussant regret about oge's vote, TOO FUCKING LATE, you idiot.

#1124 Hedo is disappointed and decide to end Oge for the day 3.

#1129 Hedo again said it was productive and topics were matching Charles's confidence on rolelist.


Conclusion of day 3:

SecretOperation Experience check:

Toussant is terrible at day time.

Hedo handled properly, but not good enough against Alex(who also supported Oge lynch) and other players.

MD roles:

3 Tpr with 2 investigative roles, the third(Hedo) is still waiting to be known.

Stradgy and Relationship analyze:

They come in same mind but not a solid plan.

Hedo and Toussant tend to be more closer co-oprating.

Charles has second thought on Mak.

Three Md members brought doubt on Oge since begining,

They trusted Oge more than other citizen claimers,

But pressure twisted their opinion.

It turns out not very well.

They failed to save him.

Toussant is again, a stupid player who can not even follow his own heart.

Toussant might be cultist by now.

Hedo is very trustworthy, no matter what he is.

Charles need to be watchout, he pushed Toussant.


Catherine Flon
November 12th, 2013, 06:12 PM
Toussant and pienier are not in same team as suspected.

I will wait for mason to lead town instead of hang on boukman today.

Catherine Flon
November 12th, 2013, 06:19 PM
Last night Mind Meld is terrible for me. Nothing I want to say since the result is like this.

November 12th, 2013, 06:32 PM
Nothing happened to me tonight. I skipped Catherine's long post as well, will read it after posting check-in.

Unless we have some feedbacks I think that voting Leclerc would be good move. I don't think this Town has two protective roles.

November 12th, 2013, 06:46 PM
I am the replacement for the previous owner of this account and I am here.

Alexandre Petion
November 12th, 2013, 06:49 PM
I caught the guy who killed Toussant. LAWLZ @ Anacona


Alexandre Petion
November 12th, 2013, 06:49 PM
Oh sh*t i'm drunk

Alexandre Petion
November 12th, 2013, 06:49 PM
major fail

November 12th, 2013, 06:50 PM
Just to let you all know nothing occurred to me last night.

November 12th, 2013, 06:51 PM
If Anacona is Neutral Killer I think he should be left alone for now. We have another name for non-Leader list.

Alexandre Petion
November 12th, 2013, 06:53 PM
If Anacona is Neutral Killer I think he should be left alone for now. We have another name for non-Leader list.

You fail for not realizing what he is either.

Alexandre Petion
November 12th, 2013, 06:54 PM
Does someone being shot mean that the player was killed by a vigilante?

If this is true I don't feel as bad for outing Anacona <3 sorry >.< I'm totally...no excuse. <3

November 12th, 2013, 06:55 PM
Alexandre Petion - Visited by Witch Hunter n2.
Anacona - Neutral Killer/Witch Hunter
Capois LaMort
Catherine Flon - Mindmelder.
Charles Leclerc
Jean Jacques Dessalines
Napoleon Bonaparte
Port-au-Prince - Charm Maker.
Sanite Belaire - Blacksmith.
Sonthonax - Visited by Witch Hunter n1.

Alexandre Petion
November 12th, 2013, 06:55 PM
Alexandre Petion - Visited by Witch Hunter n2.
Anacona - Neutral Killer/Witch Hunter
Capois LaMort
Catherine Flon - Mindmelder.
Charles Leclerc
Jean Jacques Dessalines
Napoleon Bonaparte
Port-au-Prince - Charm Maker.
Sanite Belaire - Blacksmith.
Sonthonax - Visited by Witch Hunter n1.

He CAN'T be neutral killer. Toussant was purged!

Alexandre Petion
November 12th, 2013, 06:56 PM
Does someone being shot mean that the player was killed by a vigilante?

If this is true I don't feel as bad for outing Anacona <3 sorry >.< I'm totally...no excuse. <3

I really am drunk. I already know the answer to this...

November 12th, 2013, 06:57 PM
Oh ok, I've found death descriptions conveniently hidden at the bottom;]

Alexandre Petion
November 12th, 2013, 07:01 PM
Also: nothing happened to me last night.

Catherine Flon
November 12th, 2013, 07:09 PM
I am the replacement for the previous owner of this account and I am here.

I request Host to confirm this. Also you should tell me when did you replace this one who wasted me three days with active voters, is it just happen at the beginning of day 5 or what?

An afk replacement matching an afk neutral killer conveniently.

I will let you go for now.

Catherine Flon
November 12th, 2013, 07:10 PM
I caught the guy who killed Toussant. LAWLZ @ Anacona


Such a mistake, not the Alex I knew. This mistake might kill our future, I tried so hard to hide this information.

Alexandre Petion
November 12th, 2013, 07:15 PM
Such a mistake, not the Alex I knew. This mistake might kill our future, I tried so hard to hide this information.

I know. You have no idea how pissed I am right now.

November 12th, 2013, 07:27 PM
A few things:
A) I did not distribute a charm last night: it was a major fail on my part, as I forgot that 24 hour nights were in effect and I would not return in time to submit an action.
B) Alexandre just derped hard. Granted, she derped hard and confirmed that she is in fact a town Detective, but she derped. Anacona is my accomplice and he successfully killed T'oussant. Today, I recommend lynching Charles based on the (so far, accurate) testimony of Hedouville.
C) I demand roleclaims from more players, beginning with Jean.
D) I can confirm that Sanite is in fact who he says he is.

Alexandre Petion
November 12th, 2013, 07:29 PM
A few things:
A) I did not distribute a charm last night: it was a major fail on my part, as I forgot that 24 hour nights were in effect and I would not return in time to submit an action.
B) Alexandre just derped hard. Granted, she derped hard and confirmed that she is in fact a town Detective, but she derped. Anacona is my accomplice and he successfully killed T'oussant. Today, I recommend lynching Charles based on the (so far, accurate) testimony of Hedouville.
C) I demand roleclaims from more players, beginning with Jean.
D) I can confirm that Sanite is in fact who he says he is.

Have mercy :'(
(I almost forgot to send in night actions too....that combined with the stress of IRL made me jump on the first thought to mind...)

November 12th, 2013, 07:30 PM
Alexandre Petion
Capois LaMort
Catherine Flon
Charles Leclerc
Jean Jacques Dessalines
Napoleon Bonaparte
Sanite Belaire

Anyone who is colored cannot be a cult leader: dark green represents confirmed towns, light green represents confirmed towns as of last night (possibility of night conversion), and yellow represents confirmed not to be cult leader.

November 12th, 2013, 07:31 PM
Charles Leclerc

November 12th, 2013, 07:36 PM
I, personally, believe that a fair starting place would be upon Jean. she was mentioned before in the demand for roleclaims and looking back some of her words don't click with me when compared with her wifom'd role.

November 12th, 2013, 07:47 PM
Hey guys, I'm here. So lonely at my house. No one ever visits. :c

Capois LaMort
November 12th, 2013, 07:54 PM
Bonjour, mes amis. I apologize for my unavailability yesterday. It was the original plan that I would check in after my airplane flight, but it was delayed and I ended up missing the end of the day. In response to the numerous role claims that took place, I will say that I am a power role, but I cannot reveal as to what it is, since revealing would most certainly reduce the effectiveness of my role. My opinion on lynching either the comte d'Hédouville or Monsieur Leclerc is that it seems much more likely that it is Monsieur Leclerc that has been converted, as he has been seemingly more protown than the comte, and thus a more viable conversion target. Conversely, the comte has always been fairly elusive in his manner of speech and his information, so it is worth mentioning that he could be a Cult Leader, who then converted Monsieur Louverture, seeing that he was an investigator, and wanting to prevent he and his allies from being found out. However, I find it much more likely that it was Monsieur Leclerc who was converted, so I will vote him as well.

Charles Leclerc

If there are any further questions directed towards me, do not hesitate to ask.

Capois LaMort
November 12th, 2013, 07:55 PM
Oh, and I forgot to mention that nothing happened to me over the night.

Sanite Belaire
November 12th, 2013, 07:59 PM
I'm sorry, Galba. You were not acting as a townsperson should act imo. Too fucking loony.

Charles, I need you to claim again with your night actions. Something is very fishy.

Jean, you too.

There are way too many protective roles claimed right now (blacksmith, Doctor, Bodyguard) as well as the former bus driver (thankfully dead).

Way too many. I'm glad that Bouk has got a replacement. That is good news. Now the other motherfucking lurkers need to step up. They have no one to compare their shittiness at life.

Sanite Belaire
November 12th, 2013, 08:07 PM
Capois, do you have anything to claim?

Sanite Belaire
November 12th, 2013, 08:08 PM
Capois, do you have anything to claim?

Because, by my count, there aren't many more slots for power roles. Either you are a power role or you aren't. Is there some proof you fit in one of those slots?

Sanite Belaire
November 12th, 2013, 08:21 PM
Am I talking to myself?

November 12th, 2013, 08:26 PM
Yes. Incidentlly you are. However I am still trying to learn who Charles is and why he is being voted atm and im not paying atteniotn to mroe than that.

Sanite Belaire
November 12th, 2013, 08:28 PM
Yes. Incidentlly you are. However I am still trying to learn who Charles is and why he is being voted atm and im not paying atteniotn to mroe than that.

Since you claim to be a replacement, do you know what's happened the last few days?

Capois LaMort
November 12th, 2013, 08:47 PM
Because, by my count, there aren't many more slots for power roles. Either you are a power role or you aren't. Is there some proof you fit in one of those slots?

No, I do not have proof. The usefulness of my role hinges almost entirely on the fact that the actual role is not known, or that it is not known that the role is in the game.

November 12th, 2013, 08:48 PM
Since you claim to be a replacement, do you know what's happened the last few days?

I do not. The only hints I have are to the graveyard.

Sanite Belaire
November 12th, 2013, 08:49 PM
No, I do not have proof. The usefulness of my role hinges almost entirely on the fact that the actual role is not known, or that it is not known that the role is in the game.

Neutral killer? Sorry dude, but you're going to have to prove your role sooner or later. Why haven't you been effective yet?

Sanite Belaire
November 12th, 2013, 08:50 PM
I do not. The only hints I have are to the graveyard.

Do you need a summary? Or do you want to work out stuff without the possibility of bias?

Capois LaMort
November 12th, 2013, 09:03 PM
Neutral killer? Sorry dude, but you're going to have to prove your role sooner or later. Why haven't you been effective yet?

I realize that I must prove my role eventually, but the only way that would not diminish my capabilities would be to communicate with two of the confirmed Towns through the mind meld chat, possibly you and another. I have not been effective as none of my attempts for my night action have been successful.

November 12th, 2013, 09:05 PM
Do you need a summary? Or do you want to work out stuff without the possibility of bias?

I don't mind summaries. The bias only assists in reading people as it gives a basis to start from.

Charles Leclerc
November 12th, 2013, 09:12 PM
Charles Leclerc is at your service.

Like I told you already, I am a Doctor. I chose to heal Catherine tonight again. I can't prove myself right now, but the Witch Hunter can check me as well to confirm that I am not lying. Also, explain this, please: if I were the Cult Leader, why I would recruit Toussant of all people? Especially when Hedouville chaimed himself as Sheriff to both of us.

November 12th, 2013, 09:30 PM
http://i840.photobucket.com/albums/zz322/Hedouville/Mobile%20Uploads/136_zpsa5b8776b.png (http://s840.photobucket.com/user/Hedouville/media/Mobile%20Uploads/136_zpsa5b8776b.png.html)

http://i840.photobucket.com/albums/zz322/Hedouville/Mobile%20Uploads/137_zps495a0340.png (http://s840.photobucket.com/user/Hedouville/media/Mobile%20Uploads/137_zps495a0340.png.html)

http://i840.photobucket.com/albums/zz322/Hedouville/Mobile%20Uploads/139_zps54e17c69.png (http://s840.photobucket.com/user/Hedouville/media/Mobile%20Uploads/139_zps54e17c69.png.html)

Capois LaMort
November 12th, 2013, 09:31 PM
Charles Leclerc is at your service.

Like I told you already, I am a Doctor. I chose to heal Catherine tonight again. I can't prove myself right now, but the Witch Hunter can check me as well to confirm that I am not lying. Also, explain this, please: if I were the Cult Leader, why I would recruit Toussant of all people? Especially when Hedouville chaimed himself as Sheriff to both of us.

It is the obvious choice to recruit Monsieur Louverture, as then the cult will know beforehand what role they will gain and what role the town will lose and it is much more useful for the cult to have an Investigative role than a redirection role. This way, the cult will be able to gain information independently from what little is shared between the town and be able to make better choices in future kills and conversions.

November 12th, 2013, 09:33 PM
Charles Leclerc is at your service.

Like I told you already, I am a Doctor. I chose to heal Catherine tonight again. I can't prove myself right now, but the Witch Hunter can check me as well to confirm that I am not lying. Also, explain this, please: if I were the Cult Leader, why I would recruit Toussant of all people? Especially when Hedouville chaimed himself as Sheriff to both of us.

http://i840.photobucket.com/albums/zz322/Hedouville/Mobile%20Uploads/139_zps54e17c69.png (http://s840.photobucket.com/user/Hedouville/media/Mobile%20Uploads/139_zps54e17c69.png.html)

Charles Leclerc

Sanite Belaire
November 12th, 2013, 09:37 PM
I don't mind summaries. The bias only assists in reading people as it gives a basis to start from.

Day 1:
Napoleon, Galbaud, Peinier, Mackandal all claim citizen
Touss claims important town PR

Day 2:
Galba claimed bus driven
Hedo claimed mind melded
Sontho claimed there's an escort

Baissou was lynched because he was dodgy and didn't claim a role until really late in the day

Day 3:
I was bus driven w/ Bouk/you
Touss claims investigator with evidence that Alex is a power role and that Vincent is in the citizen invest pairing
Alex claims roleblocked and lookout, suggesting that he knows who visited Hedo on night 1
Rocha claimed he got a vest
Hedo claims mind melded

Vincent was lynched

Day 4:
Touss, Alex, and Rocha claimed bus driven
Alex claims he saw Peinier visit Touss
Peinier claims bus driver
I claim blacksmith with a student with a gun
Port claims Charm Maker who gave a charm to Hedo on night 1 with his mason buddy as a witch hunter
I claim that my student got a charm
Cath claims mind melder who selected the same 3 people every night (Hedo, Touss, Charles)
Hedo claims Survivor and that Touss has been culted
Charles claims doctor and that Hedo claimed sheriff in mind meld chat
I forget who said it but Charles claimed Ghost in mind meld chat
Jean claimed bodyguard
A plan was concocted that ! and Port would be mind melded with some other that night

Peinier was lynched

The rest is what is happening today.

If I forgot something then let me know. Most of this is based on my memory. So much happened yesterday

Catherine Flon
November 12th, 2013, 10:10 PM
A few things:
A) I did not distribute a charm last night: it was a major fail on my part, as I forgot that 24 hour nights were in effect and I would not return in time to submit an action.
B) Alexandre just derped hard. Granted, she derped hard and confirmed that she is in fact a town Detective, but she derped. Anacona is my accomplice and he successfully killed T'oussant. Today, I recommend lynching Charles based on the (so far, accurate) testimony of Hedouville.
C) I demand roleclaims from more players, beginning with Jean.
D) I can confirm that Sanite is in fact who he says he is.

C) I demand roleclaims from more players, beginning with Jean.

Everyone should role call, Neutrals can simply say neutral, we do not care them at the moment.

I have another thing to say about A) and Toussant's death.

Jean claimed Boduguard yesterday.

I have been nice so far. I really do not want to be bossy, but....


last night you handle killing like this:

Charm and shoot Toussant, purge Galbaud


Kills on cult, and serial killer reward one charge. (No charge if saved)

Now Blacksmith lost one shot! Without TWO shots, we can no longer kill a cultist leader at night! JESUS CHRIST!


IF we can not hang a LEADER and town lost, all your fault Port,

I can not believe Anacona and the BlackSmith NEVER told you that.

You better find a cultist to shot tonight.

If Anacona recieved his new gun, you Better charm him tonight!


@ Charles, As a doctor, you do not heal Toussant or Alex? When did you know he is not him? You have been talking with him THREE nights.

Toussant was converted Night 1. You have been chatting with a cultist TWO nights.

Do not tell me toussant is flawless who can bypass you with no problem.

You figured that I am Mind Melder 1 night before I told you anything.

I voted you yesterday, that is how much I distrust you.

Read my long post and watch post #643 you said you want to be in MD on day 2, as A DOCTOR, who was in MD night 1 ALREADY.

Who said that " I DIDNT REQUEST TO BE IN MD" yesterday? WHO?

Sanite Belaire
November 12th, 2013, 10:14 PM
There was a rushed decision due to an event late in the night. Do not blame Port. It is not his fault.

Catherine Flon
November 12th, 2013, 10:16 PM
If A cultist (leader) is targeted and killed by Witchhunter and Blacksmith Gun Holder at night. Would Blacksmith recover his charge?

Catherine Flon
November 12th, 2013, 10:16 PM
There was a rushed decision due to an event late in the night. Do not blame Port. It is not his fault.


Sanite Belaire
November 12th, 2013, 10:17 PM

There wasn't time for me to remind of something that he knew.

Sanite Belaire
November 12th, 2013, 10:19 PM

Basically, you weren't there so you cannot judge until the game is over or someone explains it to you. Something important happened that changed a lot of things.

Catherine Flon
November 12th, 2013, 10:26 PM
Basically, you weren't there so you cannot judge until the game is over or someone explains it to you. Something important happened that changed a lot of things.

Something important make you guys decide not to kill Boukman who I wanted him/her dead so much and so long?

I guess SO!

I am under serious pressure at the moment.:mad:

Leak from lookout, lost a bullet and so much!

I will shut up and come back later then, I know it is pointless to blame Port, who requested to waste my MD for a flawed night.

Sanite Belaire does me a favor,

be assertive ask whoever doesn't claim neutral claim a town role, so we can make sure we can hang a LEADER.

If anyone hasn't put their vote on to Charles L, Read My Long Post. It is not there for no purpose.

I suggest whoever refuse to claim a role vote Charles L so the one won't eat the bullet tonight.

Capois LaMort
November 12th, 2013, 10:33 PM
Something important make you guys decide not to kill Boukman who I wanted him/her dead so much and so long?

I guess SO!

I am under serious pressure at the moment.:mad:

Leak from lookout, lost a bullet and so much!

I will shut up and come back later then, I know it is pointless to blame Port, who requested to waste my MD for a flawed night.

Sanite Belaire does me a favor,

be assertive ask whoever doesn't claim neutral claim a town role, so we can make sure we can hang a LEADER.

If anyone hasn't put their vote on to Charles L, Read My Long Post. It is not there for no purpose.

I suggest whoever refuse to claim a role vote Charles L so the one won't eat the bullet tonight.

Do you think it possible that the accidental slip was a cultist ploy to reveal the Witch Hunter?

Charles Leclerc
November 12th, 2013, 10:39 PM
Catherine, I'm going to answer all those questions to clear any suspicions that you have on me right now. And I have to admit that you are not good MD as I originally thought.

As a doctor, you do not heal Toussant or Alex? When did you know he is not him? You have been talking with him THREE nights.
I healed Toussant on the first night. On the second night I chose to heal Hedouville because I still thought that he is the real sheriff.

Toussant was converted Night 1. You have been chatting with a cultist TWO nights.
How would I know he would be converted on the first night? I really had no idea. I was sure that he would not be converted. Then what about Hedouville, who was together with us on 3 straight nights?

Do not tell me toussant is flawless who can bypass you with no problem.
Toussant said that he will check Hedouville first, then myself later. But Hedouville convinced Toussant to check himself later, and he said that he will check me on Night 1 to ensure that I am not a cult leader/killing neutral.

You figured that I am Mind Melder 1 night before I told you anything.
Yeah, but I thought at first that Mind Medler was Hedouville. I figured out that you are the real mind melder based on your day 1 posts.

I voted you yesterday, that is how much I distrust you.
So you trust Hedouville, who claimed himself a neutral right now, more than me? He still can't give us a proper explanation of his actions.

Read my long post and watch post #643 you said you want to be in MD on day 2, as A DOCTOR, who was in MD night 1 ALREADY.
Our plan originally was to make me claim myself as Sheriff in MD chat in case if I get melded with someone else to trick the scum and relay information using the codes provided by Hedouville, who I thought was the real sheriff.

Who said that " I DIDNT REQUEST TO BE IN MD" yesterday? WHO?
I said that either me or Toussant would be a good choice for MD, becuase I was still not sure about Hedouville. I did not told you to specifically meld me - just any one of us.

Sanite Belaire
November 12th, 2013, 10:40 PM
I need something from someone before I can say that I've found both cult leaders. Cath, you need to realize that I think I did the right thing. You just have to trust me. Port, will you back me up on this? Just confirm that it's possible we've found the two cult leaders.

Capois LaMort
November 12th, 2013, 10:42 PM
In addition, please include me in the meld tonight so I can safely claim my role without risk of revealing to a cultist.

Sanite Belaire
November 12th, 2013, 10:50 PM
In addition, please include me in the meld tonight so I can safely claim my role without risk of revealing to a cultist.

As an add on to this, I would like to be in the mind meld chat again but I understand if that's not possible. Make sure that Port is in it.

Capois LaMort
November 12th, 2013, 11:02 PM
As an add on to this, I would like to be in the mind meld chat again but I understand if that's not possible. Make sure that Port is in it.

It would be preferable if Mademoiselle Bélair were to be melded with me, as she seems to be the one most interested in my role, but of course, that is up to you, Mademoiselle Flon.

November 12th, 2013, 11:06 PM
I need something from someone before I can say that I've found both cult leaders. Cath, you need to realize that I think I did the right thing. You just have to trust me. Port, will you back me up on this? Just confirm that it's possible we've found the two cult leaders.

I can confirm this possibility. I will leave it up to you as to when you would like to reveal the details...

Catherine, with all due respect, I am happy with the actions that were taken. Since the main incriminating pieces of evidence connected Charles and T'oussant, seeing if T'oussant died to a purging was a perfectly fine decision. If T'oussant survived and was only roleblocked, then we saved the life of a town PR and would've known not to target Charles. If T'oussant turned out to be a cultist (which he did), then Charles becomes a logical day target whereas we wouldn't have been able to kill him with one purging. Frankly, I can't justify keeping T'oussant as "a vote", nor do I think Galbaud deserved to live (honestly, we probably would've ended up killing him off later in the game anyway).

As for the Mind Melder chat, I recommend putting Sanite, Anacona, and a 3rd player (Capois sounds OK to me) in chat.

Sanite Belaire
November 12th, 2013, 11:16 PM
Thank you, Capois. I'm going to reveal the claim, but not the claimer and the conclusion of the talk.

I'm going to say this right now Cath, THANK YOU SO MUCH. Your choice was what put town ahead and gave me and Port the opportunity to find the cult leaders.

The third person in the night chat claimed detective. This person claimed these feedbacks:

Night 1 you went to follow Charles Leclerc
Your target visited Toussant L'Ouverturer

Night 2 you went to follow Charles Leclerc
Your target did not visit anyone

Night 3 you went to follow Catherine
Your target did not visit anybody

Night 4 You were mindmelded

So far this info is backed up by the evidence that Touss is a dead cultist. Charles has a shaky claim as it stands (too many protective role for a doc claim). Charles DIDN'T visit anyone after he visited Touss. I am certain that Charles is the Haitian Cult Leader.

I asked this claimer to follow Jean last night. The claimer agreed and we set up a code so I and Port could get results. The results come up as Jean visited NO ONE. THE NIGHT AFTER A CONVERSION. I know that Peinier was a bus driver the night I was driven (the night before he was culted) so that means that he was converted in the night before he was lynched. I am also certain that Jean is the Louisana Cult Leader.

I have other reasons to believe the detective and so I need to know if we should go after the Red cult or the Purple cult. Which do we want?

Sanite Belaire
November 12th, 2013, 11:17 PM
Charles is purple cult leader
Jean is red cult leader

Sanite Belaire
November 12th, 2013, 11:22 PM
I will sleep and awake to see the response of everyone who sees the reveal.

Catherine Flon
November 12th, 2013, 11:32 PM
It would be preferable if Mademoiselle Bélair were to be melded with me, as she seems to be the one most interested in my role, but of course, that is up to you, Mademoiselle Flon.

Did you read through yesterday's talk? If no, Claim your role Now. Or I will convince masons kill you.

@ Charles You choose to heal me LAST NIGHT, not mason, not blacksmith, but ME! When I specifically told Alex do not keep his eye on me. You choose to be on me?

In fact, you can claim you healed a confirmed town so that is no problem! Make Sense!

----------I am not your best choice, not matching your intelligence!

It is effective.

I delayed Oge's trial because he sheeped me.

I shielded Hedo because he supported me and listened to me more than 3 times.

I wait till the last second to help hammer Pienier because this is the one kept his own promise.

So you decide to claim heal me and I will make you live.

Good plan.

"Yeah, but I thought at first that Mind Medler was Hedouville. I figured out that you are the real mind melder based on your day 1 posts."

You said you do not trust Hedoville, then you think he is Mind Melder, you also thought he is a real sheriff.

Ah! which one is real you?

Your vote on Oge suggests that you are such kind of person, once decided, never move easily.

In fact these three days, your vote almost never moves.

If you ever trust hedoville once, you will definitely trust him long.

Come back to that sentence

You said you figuered I am Mind Melder from Day 1...I suppose that is a mistake, Day 2? still, you healed Hedoville Night 2.

The timeline is like this :

Day 1('You think I am MD' according to the sentence) -------------
Night 1(Heal Toussant who said will check you first) You thought Hedo is Mind Melder
Day 2( Or you think I am MD here? Toussant checked Oge but lynch Baissou) You claim you notice I am Md from my hidden messages.
Night 2(YOU HEAL HEDO) You thought Hedo is Sheriff, who give no information to you, at all.
Day 3 - Night 3(You healed Me) You finally think I am Md and Decide to heal me?
Day 4 - Night 4( Me again! Even after a MASON shows up! You fear Alex have an eye on mason?)

Let say this :

You are melded with two investigative claimer,

Hedo wants you to be checked first, yet you must play calm in MD.

so you have no choice but to convert one of them to make sure nothing happen to you.

You do not believe in Hedo who claimed sheriff, because no one believe that a MD will not be in his own night chat!

That means if you think Hedo is the possible MD, you can not convert him.

so you know Toussant is your convert choice for night 1.

Night 2, Hedo says you are NS, you know he lied in teeth.

Hedo is not sheriff, nor MD, you start to hunt MD.

Oge is the possible one beside me, who shows interests to MD chat.

But Toussant told you Oge is citizen.

You and Toussant try to convince Hedo vote Oge, but Hedo insist on Mak.

Night 3, You went to convert someone else, I will not reveal my opinion, save for later.

Day 4, Hedo betrayed you because he notice Toussant is changed by night log.

Notice Hedo called for a mason union day 3,

If I didn't meld hedo with you, you will find a way to get rid of him.

Hedo is heavy guarded as the spoker of MD, convert him is much risk.

So hedo have no choice but to betray you in front of your hostility.

I am a good story writer after all.

Sanite Belaire
November 12th, 2013, 11:40 PM
Cath, you can stop yelling at Charles and start praising me, Port, and yourself

Charles Leclerc
November 12th, 2013, 11:47 PM
There is a detective in this game? Well there is only ONE person who could be possibly a detective!


Catherine Flon
November 12th, 2013, 11:49 PM
Cath, you can stop yelling at Charles and start praising me, Port, and yourself

I made a critical decision of the third person yesterday, that is how much pressure I had.

If this person is actually a retard citizen then I will throw table and meld myself with the joker.

The detective is trustworthy, I will vote once I decide tonight's Mind Melding members. KEEP it under L1

I spend long time analyze Toussant, Hedo and Charles, their vote, reasons and much.

At least it is not in vain if we hunt down a cultist leader.

I suppose we will lynch one, kill one.

There is also another mystery:

Why was there THREEEEEEEE soulswap/busdriven claims?

Alex, you can derive it from Toussant and Piener are not on same boat.

I am too tired right now.

Also, We should welcome joker act tonight.

Catherine Flon
November 12th, 2013, 11:50 PM
There is a detective in this game? Well there is only ONE person who could be possibly a detective!


you hacked, did you not?

Sanite Belaire
November 12th, 2013, 11:51 PM
you hacked, did you not?

He obviously did. We should lynch him. Jean can wait until tonight.

Sanite Belaire
November 12th, 2013, 11:53 PM
No no Cath, I don't understand your decision but I love it. I have to say that I trust your 3rd choice because reality is backing it up.

November 12th, 2013, 11:54 PM
There is a detective in this game? Well there is only ONE person who could be possibly a detective!


>.> I'll take that as an admission of guilt.

We have pinpointed the cult leaders: after we lynch Charles, we can take down Jean with either a gun/witch-hunt combo, 2 guns, or we could just wait until tomorrow (which is more risky, but it allows us to use our arsenal on other prospective cultists). Right now, I'm looking at Mackandal as a cultist and maybe someone like Rochambeau... that can wait, though.

Catherine Flon
November 12th, 2013, 11:57 PM
Is anacona more active than Port Au Prince?

Sanite Belaire
November 12th, 2013, 11:58 PM
Tonight is a recruiting night. We need to kill both before they convert more.

Charles Leclerc
November 12th, 2013, 11:59 PM
Hacked? I may have failed, but I have enought intelligence to find out what happened.

There was only one person who could be possibly checking me for 2 night straight. That guy was definitely Hedouville. He checked me on Night 2 to ensure that I am really the Cult Leader and was not just fooling around. Let me tell you something then.

He claimed himself as Ghost in Mind Meld chat on the first night. And the fact that he wanted to reveal his "information" only in mind meld chat and not at day means that he was actually a Town PR that could prove himself to masons.

And you Catherine, you said on purpose that you will "not" meld him so that we would falsely assume our "safety".

Sanite Belaire
November 13th, 2013, 12:01 AM
Hacked? I may have failed, but I have enought intelligence to find out what happened.

There was only one person who could be possibly checking me for 2 night straight. That guy was definitely Hedouville. He checked me on Night 2 to ensure that I am really the Cult Leader and was not just fooling around. Let me tell you something then.

He claimed himself as Ghost in Mind Meld chat on the first night. And the fact that he wanted to reveal his "information" only in mind meld chat and not at day means that he was actually a Town PR that could prove himself to masons.

And you Catherine, you said on purpose that you will "not" meld him so that we would falsely assume our "safety".


Charles Leclerc
November 13th, 2013, 12:02 AM
And yeah, you just admitted it that Hedouville is actually town. I understand why you are so angry at me right now.

"Hacked", you say!

Sanite Belaire
November 13th, 2013, 12:03 AM
And yeah, you just admitted it that Hedouville is actually town. I understand why you are so angry at me right now.

"Hacked", you say!

Do you want to die tonight or today?

Catherine Flon
November 13th, 2013, 12:04 AM
I infact think Charles is a good player, instead of many who are not even active but had some lucky visit and lurk badly.

If town loses, I am going to vote him MVP, Hedo worked hard too but I prefer Charles.

If hedo is cultist leader, he will receive a lot of pressure.

Hedo, please do not talk about anything today. Nothing other than Jokes.

Charles Leclerc
November 13th, 2013, 12:07 AM
Yeah, I admit my defeat.

If that was really the work of Hedouville, then I can do nothing but accept it. I thought that he would reveal his true role under double pressure from us. But to claim himself as Neutral and get away with it.. It's a shame that I allowed Toussant to check someone else...

But something else was out of picture. If Hedouville was really a survivor, why would he bust us on Day 3 and not Day 2? The reason for that is that he wanted to be melded with Masons on Night 3. But he was melded with us again, so he had no choice but to claim himself as "survivor" on Day 4 to take Catherine's attention.

November 13th, 2013, 12:08 AM
I am more active than Anacona, but I think it would just be more logical to have Anacona in there himself: I suppose it's up to you, though.

Sanite Belaire
November 13th, 2013, 12:10 AM
I am more active than Anacona, but I think it would just be more logical to have Anacona in there himself: I suppose it's up to you, though.

I was relaying posts to my student during the chat. I thought that what we did was effective. Didn't you?

Sanite Belaire
November 13th, 2013, 12:10 AM
Yeah, I admit my defeat.

If that was really the work of Hedouville, then I can do nothing but accept it. I thought that he would reveal his true role under double pressure from us. But to claim himself as Neutral and get away with it.. It's a shame that I allowed Toussant to check someone else...

But something else was out of picture. If Hedouville was really a survivor, why would he bust us on Day 3 and not Day 2? The reason for that is that he wanted to be melded with Masons on Night 3. But he was melded with us again, so he had no choice but to claim himself as "survivor" on Day 4 to take Catherine's attention.

Now is not the time for speculation and analysis. Only dreams now.

November 13th, 2013, 12:11 AM
I infact think Charles is a good player, instead of many who are not even active but had some lucky visit and lurk badly.

If town loses, I am going to vote him MVP, Hedo worked hard too but I prefer Charles.

If hedo is cultist leader, he will receive a lot of pressure.

Hedo, please do not talk about anything today. Nothing other than Jokes.

http://i840.photobucket.com/albums/zz322/Hedouville/Mobile%20Uploads/141_zpsf9761dc4.png (http://s840.photobucket.com/user/Hedouville/media/Mobile%20Uploads/141_zpsf9761dc4.png.html)

Catherine Flon
November 13th, 2013, 12:11 AM
I recommend whoever still want to appear like town but just want to lurk and refuse to claim anything such as Anacona the rage witchhunter (WE KNOWS.....)..

oh Rocha...

Vote before you lurk. What are you waiting for, the mason even voted!

Alex can be excluded, if we failed lynch today, we lynch alex tomorrow for being a drunk.

Charles should post a read list and evaluate everyone's performance so far,

it will be interesting.

I also suspect the other faction of cultist tried to convert Charles but failed.

Peinier, lol.

November 13th, 2013, 12:12 AM
http://i840.photobucket.com/albums/zz322/Hedouville/Mobile%20Uploads/141_zpsf9761dc4.png (http://s840.photobucket.com/user/Hedouville/media/Mobile%20Uploads/141_zpsf9761dc4.png.html)

http://i840.photobucket.com/albums/zz322/Hedouville/Mobile%20Uploads/141_zps90621f03.png (http://s840.photobucket.com/user/Hedouville/media/Mobile%20Uploads/141_zps90621f03.png.html)

Sanite Belaire
November 13th, 2013, 12:12 AM
I recommend whoever still want to appear like town but just want to lurk and refuse to claim anything such as Anacona the rage witchhunter (WE KNOWS.....)..

oh Rocha...

Vote before you lurk. What are you waiting for, the mason even voted!

Alex can be excluded, if we failed lynch today, we lynch alex tomorrow for being a drunk.

Charles should post a read list and evaluate everyone's performance so far,

it will be interesting.

I also suspect the other faction of cultist tried to convert Charles but failed.

Peinier, lol.

I revealed the bastard with definite proof. I want to hammer him.

Capois LaMort
November 13th, 2013, 12:13 AM
Did you read through yesterday's talk? If no, Claim your role Now. Or I will convince masons kill you.

I did indeed read yesterday's chat. However that does not change the fact that if the scum were to discover my role, it would become almost useless. I am asking for a single night of melding. If it is the case that I put up something random and impossible to be true, then by all means, then the masons in the chat should kill me. Otherwise, if they deem my claim reasonable, then I have made my claim and I should live.

Catherine Flon
November 13th, 2013, 12:13 AM
Yeah, I admit my defeat.

If that was really the work of Hedouville, then I can do nothing but accept it. I thought that he would reveal his true role under double pressure from us. But to claim himself as Neutral and get away with it.. It's a shame that I allowed Toussant to check someone else...

But something else was out of picture. If Hedouville was really a survivor, why would he bust us on Day 3 and not Day 2? The reason for that is that he wanted to be melded with Masons on Night 3. But he was melded with us again, so he had no choice but to claim himself as "survivor" on Day 4 to take Catherine's attention.

In fact Hedo tried to bust you one day early,

Read my Long log, there is your answer.

Catherine Flon
November 13th, 2013, 12:14 AM
I did indeed read yesterday's chat. However that does not change the fact that if the scum were to discover my role, it would become almost useless. I am asking for a single night of melding. If it is the case that I put up something random and impossible to be true, then by all means, then the masons in the chat should kill me. Otherwise, if they deem my claim reasonable, then I have made my claim and I should live.

We had a mass reveal, what the odd you still want to hold back, Town Protective?

Catherine Flon
November 13th, 2013, 12:15 AM
I revealed the bastard with definite proof. I want to hammer him.

Sure, I want to wait more lukers come in and vote. They are really annoying.

Catherine Flon
November 13th, 2013, 12:16 AM
http://i840.photobucket.com/albums/zz322/Hedouville/Mobile%20Uploads/141_zps90621f03.png (http://s840.photobucket.com/user/Hedouville/media/Mobile%20Uploads/141_zps90621f03.png.html)

Make the one of bus' wheels round and run.....and it is a schoolbus. D: