View Full Version : FM XIX afterparty

FM Ferengi
September 28th, 2013, 06:01 PM

FM Ajantis
FM Cernd
FM Khalid
FM Kivan
FM Korgan
FM Nalia
FM Xzar
FM Yeslick

The Deceased
FM Edwin the Cleric - beaten to death by enraged adventurers
FM Skie the Enchanter - killed by a trap
FM Eldoth the Explorer - killed by a trap
FM Viconia the Explorer - burnt to a crisp by enraged adventurers
FM Minsc the Herald - died by magic
FM Mazzy the Assassin - died by weapons
FM Quayle the Illusionist - died by magic
FM Safana the ??? - died by weapons
FM Sarevok the Arcane Trickster - died by magic
FM Anomen the Explorer - beheaded by enraged adventurers
FM Imoen the Diviner - killed by a trap.
FM Alora the Harper Guardian - struck down by Bhaal's wrath.
FM Shar-Teel the Quartermaster - hanged by enraged adventurers.
FM Jaheira the Explorer - stoned by enraged adventurers
FM Branwen the Avenger - died by weapons
FM Keldorn the Bard - killed by a trap
FM Jan the Doppelganger - drowned by enraged adventurers
FM Aerie the Ranger - died by weapons
FM Dynaheir the Grave Robber - died by magic
FM Xan the Evoker - died by weapons and magic
FM Valygar the Prophet - hunted and murdered by enraged adventurers
FM Yoshimo the Explorer - impaled by enraged adventurers
FM Faldorn the Explorer - died by magic
FM Garrick the Explorer - died by magic
FM Haer-Dalis the Explorer - dead by magic
FM Coran the Antagonist - lynched by enraged adventurers
FM Kagain the Harper Alchemist - died by magic
FM Montaron the Necromancer - died by magic

The Adventurers, Harpers, Antagonist, Avenger and Bounty Hunter have won!

Players & Roles:

FM Aerie


FM Ajantis

Raptorblaze Nick

FM Alora
Harper Guardian

FM Anomen

FM Branwen

FM Cernd

FM Coran

FM Dynaheir

Sinclair CarolinaCrown
Explorer/Assassin/Grave Robber

FM Edwin

FM Eldoth

FM Faldorn

FM Garrick
hodor1 eliZa

FM Haer-Dalis

FM Imoen

FM Jaheira

FM Jan

Chane ika
Explorer/Harper Alchemist

FM Keldorn

FM Khalid

FM Kivan


FM Korgan


FM Mazzy
Rocshi 42shadow42

FM Minsc

FM Montaron

FM Nalia
SHINRamen Fragos
Bounty Hunter

FM Quayle


FM Safana

FM Sarevok
Assassin/Arcane Trickster

FM Shar-Teel

FM Skie

FM Tiax
Auckmid Gyber

FM Valygar
The Prophet

FM Viconia
sixsixsix Poriomania

FM Xan

FM Xzar
Harper Agent

FM Yeslick


FM Yoshimo


FM GM / Slaol


GM Helper / BorkBot

FM Amie


FM Ammon



FM Bevil



FM Casavir



FM Elanee



FM Grobnar



FM Khelgar



FM Neeshka



FM Qara



FM Sand



FM Shandra



FM Zhjaeve



-no account-



FM Account


Night Chat Account
Night 1 Action
Night 1 Feedback

Night 2 Action
Night 2 Feedback

Night 3 Action
Night 3 Feedback
Night 4 Action
Night 4 Feedback
Night 5 Actions

Night 5 Feedback
Night 6 Action
Night 6 Feedback
Night 7 action
night 7 feedback
Night 8 action

Night 8 feedback
Night 9 action
Night 9 feedback
Night 10 action
Night 10 feedback
Night 11 action
Night 11 feedback

FM Aerie

Watch Imoen
No visitors
track Mazzy
visited no one
track Montaron
visited Montaron

track Montaron
visited no one
track Montaron
visited Jan
watch Kivan
Target had no visitors
watch Xzar
Target had no visitors
Dead (weapons)

FM Ajantis

Clue Ammon's Diary entry

FM Alora
Harper Guardian
FM Elminster
Guard Shar-Teel / Observe Kivan

Guard Anomen / Observe Cernd

FM Anomen


Send Nalia to kill Mazzy

FM Branwen

Enemy: Cult of Bhaal
possess Yoshimo
Avenger possessed account info (Yoshimo)
possess Faldorn
Avenger possessed account info (Faldorn)
possess Nalia
Avenger possessed account info (Nalia)
possess Kagain
Avenger possessed account info (Kagain)

FM Cernd

inspect Skie
No clues
Killed by trap
Actions: none [leave empty]
inspect Viconia
Target got clues: Clue Casavir, Qara
Target was Lynched
Actions: none [leave empty]
inspect Mazzy
Target got clues: Zhjaeve, Elanee
Target was killed by a Sellsword,
Actions: Robbed, Tracked
Target last will: Mazzy's LW


inspect Shar-Teel
Target got no clues
Target was lynched
Actions: Trapped, Interviewed, Protected
inspect Keldorn
inspect Alora
Target got no clues
Target was struck down by a god
Actions: United, Healed
Inspect "Safana"
Target was an Assassin
Target got no clues
Target was attacked by doppelganger
Actions: Mimicked
Inspect Coran
Target got no clues
Target was lynched
Actions: Attacked

FM Coran

Attacked but immune

FM Dynaheir
Explorer/Assassin/Grave Robber


Quartermaster ROlechange Graverobber
Rob Quayle
gain ability Illusionist
Rob Mazzy
gain ability Assassin night kill eligibility
Assassinate Aerie
Dead (magic)

FM Edwin


FM Eldoth


FM Faldorn

Curse message


FM Garrick


FM Haer-Dalis


Clue Sand, Qara


FM Imoen

Mindread Viconia
Clue Qara, Casavir

Mindread Safana

Clue Neeshka, Casavir
Mindread Ajantis
Clue Ammon's Diary entry

FM Jaheira


FM Jan
FM Bodhi

Mimicked role (assassin)
Safana's PMs

attacked but immune

FM Kagain#
Explorer/Harper Alchemist

Recruited by harpers
New role: alchemist

Give Alchemist's Fire to Korgan

Give Alchemist's Fire to Kivan


FM Keldorn

Block Quayle

Block Tiax
Clue Grobnar, Khelgar

Roleblock Yeslick
Roleblock Montaron

Roleblock Jaheira

Roleblock Yoshimo

FM Khalid

Rob Branwen
Had no last will
Had no clues

Rob Safana
No last will
Clue Casavir, Neeshka
Rob Mazzy
Mazzy's Last Will
Clue Zhjaeve, Elanee

Rob Ajantis
Target Clue Ammon's Diary entry
No last will
Clue Bishop
Rob Keldorn
Target Clue Khelgar, Grobnar
Keldorn's Last Will
Clue Khelgar, Zhjaeve

attacked but immune

FM Kivan

Unite Korgan & Valygar

Unite Quayle & Minsc

Unite Quayle & Keldorn

Unite Ajantis & Alora

Unite Jan & Khalid

Unite Aerie & Montaron

Unite Xan & Aerie

Unite Xzar & Korgan

Unite Haer-Dalis & Garrick

Unite Cernd & Tiax
Received Alchemist's Fire
Unite Khalid & Yeslick

FM Korgan


Received Alchemist's Fire
Use Fire on Garrick

FM Mazzy
FM Abazigal

Clue Zhjaeve, Elanee

FM Minsc

Article Anomen
Article Shar-Teel

article Yeslick

FM Montaron

Curse Sarevok

Curse Minsc


Curse Faldorn
Curse Jan


Curse Faldorn (message)
Uncurse Montaron

Send Nalia to kill Coran


Curse Kagain


FM Nalia
Bounty Hunter

contract Anomen

contract Xzar
contract declined
contract Valygar

contract Montaron
Target survived
contract Montaron
contract declined

contract Ajantis
contract declined

FM Quayle

Swap Aerie & Korgan
Swap Cernd & Anomen

swap Quayle & Khalid

FM Safana

- no action -
Clue Casavir, Neeshka

mimic Jan
Jan's PMs

FM Sarevok
Assassin/Arcane Trickster
FM Jon Irenicus

Quartermaster Rolechange Arcane Trickster

Fake Necromancer Feedback Shar-Teel w/ Message


FM Shar-Teel
FM Sendai
Assign Sarevok Arcance Trickster

Necromancer feedback + note

Assign Dynaheir Graverobber

FM Skie

Lure Haer-Dalis Repel Anomen

FM Tiax

- no action -

- no action -




FM Valygar
The Prophet
FM Melissan
Convert Minsc
convert Keldorn

convert Dynaheir

convert Tiax

convert Xzar
target resisted
send Nalia to kill Branwen
send Keldorn to kill Garrick

Manipulate Cernd -> Kivan

FM Viconia

Clue Qara, Casavir

FM Xan

Fireball at Anomen

Unfireball Anomen
attacked but immune
Fireball Shar-Teel

Fireball Xan

Fireball Yeslick

untrap Yeslick, Trap Aeire
Dead (weapons & magic)

FM Xzar
Harper Agent
FM Gorion
Check Cernd
Not suspicious
Check Branwen
Not suspicious
Check Faldorn
Not suspicious
Check Aerie
Not suspicious
Recruit Nalia
recruit failed
resisted conversion

Recruit Kagain

Check Dynaheir
Target tainted/suspicious
check Korgan
Received Alchemist's Fire
Target not suspicious
Target not suspicious
check Ajantis
Target not suspicious
check Cernd
Target tainted/suspicious
Target not suspicious
Use Fire on Montaron

FM Yeslick@

Heal Yoshimo

Heal Alora

Heal Ajantis

Heal Garrick

Heal Montaron

Heal Yoshimo

heal Cernd

heal Kivan

heal Korgan

FM Yoshimo


# = Curse
@ = Fireball

First off, this is not an epilogue. Epilogues include RP, this thread is solely meant to discuss the game. An afterparty if you will.

Our observations:
- The Adventurers made many, many mistakes and killed more fellow townies than any of the scum did. I was personally very surprised by that day 1 lynch. The chance of getting a good lynch was about 4 in 36 (with prophet and bhaalspawn being immune). I honestly believe shouldn't have won like this, but circumstances made it easy for them.
- The Harpers had a rough start with Alora's poor play, followed by her disappearance. On night 4 we had to modkill either Tiax or Alora. Tiax was being converted that night. We didn't want to hurt the cult even more, and in our opinion the Harpers would be better off with Alora out of the way as well. Their situation did indeed improve significantly as a result.
- The Cult started off being very deceptive and looked like they were gaining the upper hand early on. The prophet recruited some great players. But then they ran into some bad luck, and adjustments to the prophet's recruitment strategies turned out for the worse. They ended up in a position where they couldn't recover.
- The Bhaalspawn and the thief tried to side with the town, tipping the balance in the town's favour. Ultimately none of them won, because the town didn't need them. Granted, Aerie didn't leave Montaron much of a choice.
- The most disruptive neutrals who didn't care to buddy up with the town (Branwen and Nalia) were the most successful. This should be a lesson that it might not always be the best idea to attempt appeasement politics.
- The puzzle mechanic was interesting to experiment with, but unlike MFM 6 the impact on the game was too dramatic here. It was a lot of fun to watch people make an effort to solve the riddles we came up with, yet at the same time it distracted them from the main game quite a lot. Actual scum hunting was minimal while people were instead spending most of their attention on whose clues they thought were correct or false (based on entirely wrong assumptions).
- Night chats for everyone and the ability to "lynch" people with the puzzles at night caused too big a shift in the normal flow of the Forum Mafia game and was rather taxing to many players - as well as the hosts - because there were virtually no intermissions. It became incredibly time consuming to keep up with what was going on. It also made balancing the game that much harder.
- The special/unique roles played out quite well and definitely did make the game more interesting, even if they didn't all have the expected impact.
- Setup gimmicks can be fun in moderation. Sometimes less is more.
- Both hosts made quite a few mistakes handling player actions. We'd set up a quite extensive set of tables to register everything that was going on. What we failed to do was take a proper systematic approach to fill in the data, perform double checks and handle day/night transitions. If we had, there would've been less oversights.
- Both hosts had difficulties finding enough time to devote to our hosting tasks throughout the latter half of the game. Furthermore, scheduling the transitions so that both of us could be present became problematic (early evenings Western US vs late at night in central Europe)
- On the positive side, congratulations to everyone for being part of the most active FM ever hosted on SC2 Mafia! Even excluding the puzzle chats, no other FM had so many posts in the day chats. Other than a few players who didn't show up early in the game, there weren't any lurking problems.

We hope you enjoyed the game, despite its flaws (which we have learned from). Feel free to give us additional feedback and talk about the game at your leisure!

The missing roleplay will be updated in the coming days, including the full story behind Bishop's woes and the old Cult of Bhaal from the graveyard puzzle.

Awards will be given out at a later time.

You can vote for the player's choice award using the [ vote ] tags!

FM Montaron
September 28th, 2013, 06:03 PM

I called it. :)

FM Montaron
September 28th, 2013, 06:03 PM
Also, I want my last will in there.

FM Montaron
September 28th, 2013, 06:04 PM
Oh and whoever killed me is kind of a jerk for not giving Khalid his well deserved win.

FM Viconia
September 28th, 2013, 06:10 PM
Notching this into the win column.

FM Cernd

September 28th, 2013, 06:12 PM
This is now open to COM accounts.

September 28th, 2013, 06:16 PM
poor poor montaron

September 28th, 2013, 06:17 PM
The Lunatic probably would have killed you once he was lynched, I shared the heartward chat with him

FM Korgan
September 28th, 2013, 06:18 PM
Oh and whoever killed me is kind of a jerk for not giving Khalid his well deserved win.

Wasn't me.

" Both hosts made quite a few mistakes handling player actions. We'd set up a quite extensive set of tables to register everything that was going on. What we failed to do was take a proper systematic approach to fill in the data, perform double checks and handle day/night transitions. If we had, there would've been less oversights."

a classic error which most people do. Never worked in an office i guess!? ;)

FM Montaron
September 28th, 2013, 06:18 PM
The Lunatic probably would have killed you once he was lynched, I shared the heartward chat with him

I don't mind. I knew I wouldn't win this from the point I was revealed, unless I would've gotten insanely lucky.

I was a tool for the Town; nothing else, honestly.

Harpers had an easy ride. :P

FM Montaron
September 28th, 2013, 06:19 PM
Wasn't me.

" Both hosts made quite a few mistakes handling player actions. We'd set up a quite extensive set of tables to register everything that was going on. What we failed to do was take a proper systematic approach to fill in the data, perform double checks and handle day/night transitions. If we had, there would've been less oversights."

a classic error which most people do. Never worked in an office i guess!? ;)

I would've loved for you to shoot me though. I figured out you were CmG way early in the game, when we had our altercation in the puzzle chat and we started insulting each other. I was like, ''WELL, HELLO, CMG.''

FM Korgan
September 28th, 2013, 06:21 PM
I would've loved for you to shoot me though. I figured out you were CmG way early in the game, when we had our altercation in the puzzle chat and we started insulting each other. I was like, ''WELL, HELLO, CMG.''

I didn't think you deserved to die. So i didn't shoot you when i could. I might be a dick sometimes but usually i try to be fair at least :P

FM Kivan
September 28th, 2013, 06:22 PM
Well, at least I won. Poor Khalid, he deserved his win...

I received Alchemist's Fire day before, I was planning on killing Harpers by my own hand but I guess it just wasn't meant to happen.

As for FM: I had lot of fun and I'm glad I had my part in this. Thank you hosts! (Btw, I bet you really hated yourself for that Ghost riddle:D) Town had a lot of luck. Montaron killing Cults, Valygar killing the Avenger, Keldorn's lynch - all that was incredibly lucky.

As for my MVP choice I'll have to think - Cernd was really consistent, Montaron had epic curse actions, Keldorn and Shar-Teel played their Town roles really damn well.

Oh, and Edwin was Ypmagic? Noted:D

September 28th, 2013, 06:24 PM
My biggest mistake was to ignite on the night I was sure the Sanctum would open. I didn't have much of a choice; but if I had waited the next day, I would have killed Jan myself and would've gotten the auto-vest, which might have turned things around for me. :)

FM Korgan
September 28th, 2013, 06:25 PM
Finaly got that incognito achievement... :D

September 28th, 2013, 06:25 PM
Well, at least I won. Poor Khalid, he deserved his win...

I received Alchemist's Fire day before, I was planning on killing Harpers by my own hand but I guess it just wasn't meant to happen.

As for FM: I had lot of fun and I'm glad I had my part in this. Thank you hosts! (Btw, I bet you really hated yourself for that Ghost riddle:D) Town had a lot of luck. Montaron killing Cults, Valygar killing the Avenger, Keldorn's lynch - all that was incredibly lucky.

As for my MVP choice I'll have to think - Cernd was really consistent, Montaron had epic curse actions, Keldorn and Shar-Teel played their Town roles really damn well.

Oh, and Edwin was Ypmagic? Noted:D

I was surprised when you flipped as Dagaen.

Between Lost in the Amazon and this game, you've grown a lot. :)

September 28th, 2013, 06:27 PM
Lol he united the duke and the prophet n1. That was really awkward. Troll to win. Always works on sc2mafia. It's fool proof.

September 28th, 2013, 06:28 PM
mfw end of day 1 LW

Nalia is Town.
Valygar is 100% Town. If he's scum then I will +rep his COM every chance I get for the next year.

September 28th, 2013, 06:31 PM
mfw end of day 1 LW

Yeah. I went on a gut feeling for him. I don't know, he just made me feel uneasy.

Also, I did curse Minsc over Quayle. I can't be the only one that felt his behavior changed.

FM Ferengi
September 28th, 2013, 06:32 PM
Lol he united the duke and the prophet n1. That was really awkward. :)

Kivan's unites were quite funny from start to finish.

1: Valygar and Korgan
2: Quayle and Minsc
3: Quayle and Keldorn
4: Ajantis and Alora
5: Khalid and Jan
6: Aerie and Montaron
7: Aerie and Xan
8: Xzar and Korgan
9: Haer-Dalis and Garrick
10: Cernd and Tiax
11: Yeslick and Khalid

So much for providing a town communication tools. Damn hippy wants everyone to get along!

September 28th, 2013, 06:33 PM
The only time that he united 2 Town they both died...

FM Kivan
September 28th, 2013, 06:33 PM
I was surprised when you flipped as Dagaen.

Between Lost in the Amazon and this game, you've grown a lot. :)

Aww, thanks^^

Reasoning for my night 1 action: Valygar looked like Townie who tried to stay low profile and I was pretty sure Korgan is Townie, who trolls to not get culted. I tried to join targets that are bad/unlikely to be converted. Funny how it went.

On n2 I assumed Minsc was Townie and joined him with Quayle to protect him. Thanks to Quayle's fail Minsc was cursed. I guess two wrongs make a right;]

Keldorn was a starting Cult? Wow, damn well played.

September 28th, 2013, 06:34 PM
mfw end of day 1 LW


September 28th, 2013, 06:34 PM
I don't think Keldorn was a starting cult.

FM Kivan
September 28th, 2013, 06:34 PM
Kivan's unites were quite funny from start to finish.

1: Valygar and Korgan
2: Quayle and Minsc
3: Quayle and Keldorn
4: Ajantis and Alora
5: Khalid and Jan
6: Aerie and Montaron
7: Aerie and Xan
8: Xzar and Korgan
9: Haer-Dalis and Garrick
10: Cernd and Tiax
11: Yeslick and Khalid

So much for providing a town communication tools. Damn hippy wants everyone to get along!

Hey, I didn't want Cult to have double convertions! Joing two Townies would be high risk, low reward actions.

But yeah, my actions look awesome now:D

September 28th, 2013, 06:36 PM
I don't think Keldorn was a starting cult.

He was N2 recruiy

FM Khalid
September 28th, 2013, 06:37 PM
Well shit, lost with Montaron.

Oh well was fun anyways haha

FM Kivan
September 28th, 2013, 06:37 PM
He was N2 recruiy

Oh ok, I thought his role would be smth like Bard/Bard in such case.

September 28th, 2013, 06:40 PM
Well shit, lost with Montaron.

Oh well was fun anyways haha

Well shit, lost with Montaron.

Oh well was fun anyways haha

You... you would have shot me?


You... are an abomination!


FM Kivan
September 28th, 2013, 06:40 PM
Open dead chats, please?

September 28th, 2013, 06:41 PM
Open dead chats, please?

Use COM account.

FM Ferengi
September 28th, 2013, 06:42 PM
Aww, thanks^^

Reasoning for my night 1 action: Valygar looked like Townie who tried to stay low profile and I was pretty sure Korgan is Townie, who trolls to not get culted. I tried to join targets that are bad/unlikely to be converted. Funny how it went.

On n2 I assumed Minsc was Townie and joined him with Quayle to protect him. Thanks to Quayle's fail Minsc was cursed. I guess two wrongs make a right;]

Keldorn was a starting Cult? Wow, damn well played.
Quayle died because of the night 2 unite. Montaron's target was Minsc.

Keldorn was the night 2 convert. You managed to put Minsc and Keldorn into your chat the nights after they got converted. You must have been thinking the same as Valygar :p

September 28th, 2013, 06:43 PM

GG WP everyone! I had a lot of fun, and while there are things I would change with my play, I think I did well xD

FM Ferengi
September 28th, 2013, 06:45 PM
You were complaining about getting duplicate puzzle clues on the last night, but didn't realise that you had ALL the clues already :p

More info in this thread (http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php/22983-Inner-Sanctum-Puzzle)

September 28th, 2013, 06:45 PM
Use COM account.

I can't see the dead chat on my main acc, either

September 28th, 2013, 06:46 PM
Use COM account.

I see even less now:P No dead chats and can't even see puzzle chats.

And I've joined Quayle with Minsc because I was sure Quayle would drive himself!

September 28th, 2013, 06:46 PM
I loved the part I died with an extreme amount of responsibility carried by scum.

September 28th, 2013, 06:48 PM
I loved the part I died with an extreme amount of responsibility carried by scum.

Serves you right for unneccesarily outing your Duke, douchebag :P

September 28th, 2013, 06:48 PM
GG. Nice work hosts - you guys were polite, extremely hard-working, and it was obvious how much hard work you'd put in to planning and implementing this game.

FM Shar-teel
4 playerz choice.


September 28th, 2013, 06:49 PM
Omg stop posting so I can post

FM Khalid
September 28th, 2013, 06:49 PM
Yeah, I figured it shouldn't be too complicated past a simple Einstein's puzzle, and that resulted in my undoing haha

But yeah terrific work hosts, was a well-made FM indeed!

September 28th, 2013, 06:50 PM
Serves you right for unneccesarily outing your Duke, douchebag :P

That was unintended. *Acts like nothing*

September 28th, 2013, 06:52 PM
Full vision should be up.

September 28th, 2013, 06:53 PM
Yeah, I figured it shouldn't be too complicated past a simple Einstein's puzzle, and that resulted in my undoing haha

But yeah terrific work hosts, was a well-made FM indeed!

I hate you.

FM Kivan
September 28th, 2013, 06:53 PM
Full vision should be up.

Yup! Time for some bedtime reading!

FM Kivan
September 28th, 2013, 07:08 PM
That Keldorn...

I'm currently devising a plan to create an information network for the Adventurers. This may take a while but I think it will be worth the effort.

And he actually was doing this from what I see in the Heart chat.

September 28th, 2013, 07:09 PM
I hate you.

I am truly sorry, I was rooting for you. Allying with Jan/Safana plus your dousing us fucked me over hard

FM Ferengi
September 28th, 2013, 07:11 PM
Night actions table was added to the OP

September 28th, 2013, 07:11 PM
Good game everybody! I'm really sad Khalid and Montaron didn't get their wins. I was rooting for you guys :(

For Town MVP: Montaron, XD. No really. She literally was the biggest reason Cult lost. Her burn cause us to side with her, killing Jan, who could potentially have struck a deal with the Cult and possibly altered the game. And if I'm not allowed to vote for Neutrals for Town MVP, then probably Cernd. He played quite well, kept himself unconverted, confirmed Yeslick, who was a potential mislynch target, and was rarely on the wrong train. Some might say he wasn't vocal enough about his reads, but I say he was smart to keep them to himself. If he went blabbing about how X is Town and Y is scum, he definitely would have been converted, giving the Cult another Graverobber and intelligent, town-leading player

For Scum MVP: I'm torn between Mazzy and Shar-Teel. Mazzy avoided a lynch for, what? 2 days straight? She got Viconia lynched, and as a side-effect also Anomen. But at the same time, Shar morphed 2 Cults into PRs, which could be viewed as good or bad. Dynaheir I believe only used her ability once, so even if she was an Assassin she probably wouldn't have gotten more kills in than she did. Then AT would have been a great choice if he hadn't died.

FM Kivan
September 28th, 2013, 07:12 PM
Holy shit.


Guys, you have to check this out:D

September 28th, 2013, 07:16 PM
Wait, How'd the harpers get their hands on a gun? Read their last night chat.

September 28th, 2013, 07:19 PM
Xzar and Korgan were united.

September 28th, 2013, 07:19 PM
Yay! I finally win a game! And as town, too!

Sorry you died, Azuriae. :( I really wanted you to win with us. Had I been alive I definitely would have tried to make that happen. Harpers didn't deserve to win, in my opinion.

To Sen/Cernd: I don't know why town didn't trust you for so long! I had you pegged as trustworthy almost immediately. I kept hoping we would be heartwarded... But we never were *glares at Kivan*. Good job though! You have my vote for town mvp. Look forward to playing more games with you.

to the Cult:
Sorry guys. You had a really strong start. It was kind of a shame (but also really hilarious and serendipitous for me) that azuriae fucked you guys over.

To my fellow town:
We won! Good job guys! I wish you all had listened to me more... I tried to hint very heavily that I was in possession of information that none of you had... Just do me a favor and learn from this experience. K? :D

I think Cernd will be town mvp and Montaron will be scum mvp, so I'll vote Mazzy/42shadow42 for mvp. He replaced into a really scummy slot and did better with it than I think anyone could have hoped for in his situation. He manages to survive two days and get off some mislynches before finally being killed at night. Not quite mvp-worthy, but definitely significantly impactful to the game and worthy of some recognition.

FM Mazzy

September 28th, 2013, 07:20 PM
Xzar and Korgan were united.

Oh man... So two guns were given that night?

Damnit, Kivan. :(

FM Kivan
September 28th, 2013, 07:21 PM
Xzar and Korgan were united.

Oops, I've killed Montaron.

September 28th, 2013, 07:22 PM

Agreed with Gerik.

Call me biased; but the Harpers didn't deserve this.

September 28th, 2013, 07:25 PM
All Bhaalspawn wanted to side with Town. None of them could outlive the regenerative power of the Harpers alone.

September 28th, 2013, 07:36 PM
That was thoroughly amusing, but what'd you expect them to do after Montaron fried 3 of the Cult in 1 night? Then add Mazzy's lynch, then Shar-Teel's, 2 nights of no recruit and ontop of that no Heartwarded double-recruits. Cult barely had 9 in their roster at the end. Town was the safest choice (Although even after allying with us Bhaalspawn still ended up losing, haha).

I wonder, did the Bhaalspawn know they could side and win with the Cult without being recruited?

September 28th, 2013, 07:43 PM
That was thoroughly amusing, but what'd you expect them to do after Montaron fried 3 of the Cult in 1 night? Then add Mazzy's lynch, then Shar-Teel's, 2 nights of no recruit and ontop of that no Heartwarded double-recruits. Cult barely had 9 in their roster at the end. Town was the safest choice (Although even after allying with us Bhaalspawn still ended up losing, haha).

I wonder, did the Bhaalspawn know they could side and win with the Cult without being recruited?

I did, but It would have been completely stupid and suicidal to even attempt to do so.

September 28th, 2013, 07:46 PM
read harper chats;

Ika, I am sorry for my insults

September 28th, 2013, 07:53 PM

Agreed with Gerik.

Call me biased; but the Harpers didn't deserve this.

I wanted the Lunatic to attack both Harpers so I could save one and then push and lynch you the following day and be hailed by them as a savior

September 28th, 2013, 07:55 PM
I wanted the Lunatic to attack both Harpers so I could save one and then push and lynch you the following day and be hailed by them as a savior

You were an asshole to me.

I don't like you either! :<

September 28th, 2013, 07:56 PM
You were an asshole to me.

I don't like you either! :<

Your attacks were unhealable. That's unsettling ;(

September 28th, 2013, 08:01 PM
Your attacks were unhealable. That's unsettling ;(

Except for my very last one on Kagain, All of my attacks were in the interest of the town. Why were you even worried? :P

September 28th, 2013, 08:02 PM
Oops, I've killed Montaron.
:D :D :D

September 28th, 2013, 08:11 PM
Except for my very last one on Kagain, All of my attacks were in the interest of the town. Why were you even worried? :P

Very unsettling to...side with an Arsonist.
Plus I kinda felt bad about how I upset Ika. Woulda liked to see him win in the end. He's why I'm on this site :p

September 28th, 2013, 08:27 PM
WEEEEeeeee, much fun everyone! My first big mafia game, very entertaining. I have a long ways to go though.


September 28th, 2013, 08:29 PM
FM Shar-teel


also @cespenar Any chance you can continue to let me possess people in the forums for 24 hours until next M-FM starts? PLEASEEEEEEEE!!!!! I have unfinished business with someone

-possess AppleyNo YOU KNOW WHY, I must be avenged....

September 28th, 2013, 08:30 PM
Very unsettling to...side with an Arsonist.
Plus I kinda felt bad about how I upset Ika. Woulda liked to see him win in the end. He's why I'm on this site :p

I believe you owe me some rep >.>

FM Mazzy

Reasons already stated in dead chat, but to reiterate:
1) She wasted sooooo much of the town's time
2) She took Viconia and Anomen with her
3) Had it not been for the original Mazzy, she would've survived for many days and could've given the Cult a useful edge.

September 28th, 2013, 08:32 PM
I believe you owe me some rep >.>

FM Mazzy

Reasons already stated in dead chat, but to reiterate:
1) She wasted sooooo much of the town's time
2) She took Viconia and Anomen with her
3) Had it not been for the original Mazzy, she would've survived for many days and could've given the Cult a useful edge.


Can't find any of your posts on a reppable forum ;)

September 28th, 2013, 08:35 PM

Can't find any of your posts on a reppable forum ;)


September 28th, 2013, 08:58 PM

lol I am sadface

September 28th, 2013, 09:13 PM
Good game everyone... I wouldve tricked the Cult into thinking I would ally with the Cult then betray them. I wouldn't betray you guys because thats suicidal. I just wanna survive.
Good job Azuriae (:

September 28th, 2013, 09:16 PM
@PoD: You said that in the Siren's Gate chat that my COM was obvious.

Who did you think it was?

September 28th, 2013, 09:20 PM
@PoD: You said that in the Siren's Gate chat that my COM was obvious.

Who did you think it was?

I was wrong, I thought you were Damus because you said GGnoRE, thats something only Damus would say.

September 28th, 2013, 09:26 PM
Ah, fair enough.

September 28th, 2013, 09:56 PM
Good game everyone... I wouldve tricked the Cult into thinking I would ally with the Cult then betray them. I wouldn't betray you guys because thats suicidal. I just wanna survive.
Good job Azuriae (:

Sorry, PoD.
No hard feelings. :)

September 28th, 2013, 10:00 PM
read harper chats;

Ika, I am sorry for my insults

its late right now i will adress it in the morning.

but for now, gg everyone

September 28th, 2013, 10:04 PM
Digging the new avvie, PoD ^·^ I didn't get a chance to comment during the fm, but it looks awesome.

September 28th, 2013, 10:13 PM
Yeah represent me at the moment. I was doppelganger, and this girl is one of my favorite character. She is wearing a mask, and Doppelganger is wearing a disguise. I just love memes.

Thank you for liking it (:

September 28th, 2013, 10:46 PM
Mine's better. ♥

September 28th, 2013, 11:09 PM
Why you don't vote the obvious game winner? I can tell, winning with this role was really difficult. You could kill all of the cultists before I would be able to contract any of then.

September 28th, 2013, 11:41 PM
We can all agree I have the best LW ever. Too bad the host censored it.

September 29th, 2013, 03:30 AM
FM Montaron

I wanted you to win.

September 29th, 2013, 03:38 AM
Hmm... advocated the execution of 7 Explorers... Viconia, Anomen, Jaheira, Yoshimo, Faldorn, Haer-Dalis and Garrick... to make my own role unique... wrong win condition...

Anyway, apologies to anyone who is offended by Ajantis' insults... part of RP... or so I would like to claim...

September 29th, 2013, 03:49 AM
Puzzle chats are still locked ;)

September 29th, 2013, 04:01 AM
The Academy and Dungeon not accessible.

September 29th, 2013, 04:41 AM
Ok, time for Dagaen's/Kivan's award show.

MVP: Shar-Teel. I don't think we have MVP who broke this game. Montaron's actions were really beneficial for Town and he chose very good targets, but after that he didn't do that much. I have no idea how Shar-Teel managed to be lynched, but she behaved extremely pro-town for the whole time. Her flip was quite a surprise.

FM Shar-Teel

Cult MVP: Mazzy, because Shar-Teel is already taken. She managed to screw us so much, causing mislynch and stealing the clue. She managed to do the maximum amount of damage she possibly could.

Town MVP: Cernd. His predictions were good and he was really solid all game long, but I don't think he had enough charisma to change the flow in this game. That's why I'm not voting him for "main" MVP.

Neutral MVP: Montaron, you know why.

LVP: Edwin, I have no idea why did he choose to completely give up so early. I won't count AFKers, I don't have funds for so many awards.

Best night action: Montaron, for his epic kill on night 3. I guess it's epic n1, n2 and n3 actions.

Worst night action: Valygar, for killing Branwen. Bad luck is bad:D

Best day action: Nalia, for choosing Valygar and securing her win. I don't think I should nominate myself - I'd probably choose my joining Aerie and Xan in such case.

Worst day action: Nobody here. Although my joining Duke and Prophet very first night is quite funny.

Best troll: Khalid. His "I will open IS for sure" claim made Valygar kill instead of recruit.

Best post: Keldorn, for THIS (http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php/22716-Night-3?p=371042&viewfull=1#post371042), It's not really a post, it's an entire book of how to code efficiently.

Worst post: Ajantis, for THIS (http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php/22593-Day-2-Into-the-Eldercity?p=367337&viewfull=1#post367337). In my notes I wrote "d2, #554 - fuck this guy". Showing up just to tell everybody that this game is bad and all players are bad? I was so surprised that this guy was Raptorblaze. I guess I was little bit offended by a Bronies part, because I believe it's fine to like/believe whatever you want as long as you don't force it on people or insulting them for different opinions.

Best roleplay: Korgan. Made me laugh quite a lot.

Best unintentional roleplay: Edwin. Insulting everybody till the end and dying in the result. He nailed it.

Luckiest win ever: Coran. He was basically forced to win and he didn't even try:P

Best God: Bhaal. I don't think he anticipated that all Neutrals/Bhaalspawns will side with Town, but I still had a lots of fun! Thank you!

Best Imp: Cespenar. He really had to work hard for this whole FM. Thank you so much!

Most miserable NPC: Ghost. Man, I felt sorry for him. I'm pretty sure you let us pass this riddle just to not be bothered ever again:D

September 29th, 2013, 06:47 AM
Oh man... So two guns were given that night?

Damnit, Kivan. :(

That's why i posted the duke nukem pic with 2 guns. Ohhhh the irony :D

I really wish i had more time for this game but sadly i didn't. So semi trolling was the way to go. To be honest Duke was hard to pull off in this game. He is the best recruit cult can have if he survives until the end because the 3 votes are accounted for the winning objective. Staying low profile was mandatory. I couldn't risk trying to look to pro town otherwise i would have ended up as a recruit/kill target.

After the Sanctum opened the game was different. Sadly cult was already obliterated and the neutrals took over. Funnily enough i called most scum out and got completely ignored all the time. :D

Was it just me or was that game really demanding? The game was overloaded with content. Not really manageable with a working rl and an anti-eu timezone.

Good game everyone!

SCUM MVP: FM Valygar, FM Montaron
TOWN MVP: FM Ajantis, FM Cernd, FM Kivan

Goremancer Award: FM Quayle, FM Edwin.

Those are the people with noteworthy play for me at least.

If you feel butthurt because i didn't put your annon account in here feel free to pm me. ;)

September 29th, 2013, 07:28 AM
i still don't understand why i got lynched day 1.

September 29th, 2013, 07:38 AM
You didn't even know your own rolecard. You were agressive. People wanted you out of the game because you were annoying.

September 29th, 2013, 08:15 AM
i still don't understand why i got lynched day 1.


You didn't even read your role card!!!

Its like trying to expect someone to give you their role in a Jailor chat when Kidnapper is possible, when better jailing targets were given and you start threatening on post 1!!

hmm... To close of an example. But still. Even if I wasn't cult, I would have pushed for your lynch.

September 29th, 2013, 08:25 AM
On my play, while I was unlucky with the arsonist, but I was definitely getting scummier at the game progressed. Mostly because I didn't help with puzzle solving and instead tried to scum hunt (which is what was lacking in the first few days I was alive :P), since I knew nothing about the puzzles. Instead it painted me as scum who didn't want the sanctum open :P

Also, I was given Drug Dealer. I assume it was for late game awesomeness, but I had to get creative with it. (Hence the message to Shar-Teel)

Most of the players did really well, however, and I'm glad I decided to be a part of it.

September 29th, 2013, 08:48 AM
From the guy who killed off others to make his own role unique. I have time to post but no energy to think. I lynched the guys off your reads. Swap me with yourself.

And LOL Goremancer Award.

September 29th, 2013, 09:11 AM
Mayors in recent FMs
18: Reveals, arguably over leads. Town fails.
19: Incognito, arguably under leads. Town wins.

September 29th, 2013, 09:34 AM
Mayors in recent FMs
18: Reveals, arguably over leads. Town fails.
19: Incognito, arguably under leads. Town wins.

Yeah, I am no fan of early revealing and just bossing around. Doesn't work really well.

September 29th, 2013, 12:58 PM
FM Montaron

GG, everyone. Thanks, hosts. (:

September 29th, 2013, 01:22 PM
The Bhaalspawn and the thief tried to side with the town, tipping the balance in the town's favour. Ultimately none of them won, because the town didn't need them.
Actually, they lost because Xzar got that gun. I was all up for giving Khalid and Montaron their wins.

September 29th, 2013, 01:44 PM
Actually, they lost because Xzar got that gun. I was all up for giving Khalid and Montaron their wins.

Should've lynched Kagain, heartwarded Xzar and Montaron, and shot them both.

September 29th, 2013, 01:56 PM
FM Mazzy

I lol'd when obvious scum survived 2 lynches.

FMPOV Mazzy was obvious because I knew Viconia was telling the truth since he had the real clues.

FM Ferengi
September 29th, 2013, 02:02 PM
Actually, they lost because Xzar got that gun. I was all up for giving Khalid and Montaron their wins.

It doesn't matter what you would or wouldn't have done if the game had gone on longer. They gave their assistance freely while the adventurers constantly pushed their priority to weed out the cult first. The bhaalspawn and thief turned lunatic should've either stayed hidden or tried to create a better bargaining position for themselves and work on securing their own goals first to avoid the ending that they got. Conformist neutrals don't win all that often.

September 29th, 2013, 02:16 PM
It doesn't matter what you would or wouldn't have done if the game had gone on longer. They gave their assistance freely while the adventurers constantly pushed their priority to weed out the cult first. The bhaalspawn and thief turned lunatic should've either stayed hidden or tried to create a better bargaining position for themselves and work on securing their own goals first to avoid the ending that they got. Conformist neutrals don't win all that often.


I was kinda forced to reveal unfortunately.

I still don't understand Aerie's play; outing and pressuring a neutral that was OBVIOUSLY siding with Town was a terrible idea.
I wonder how things would've went if that hadn't happened.

September 29th, 2013, 02:27 PM
It doesn't matter what you would or wouldn't have done if the game had gone on longer. They gave their assistance freely while the adventurers constantly pushed their priority to weed out the cult first. The bhaalspawn and thief turned lunatic should've either stayed hidden or tried to create a better bargaining position for themselves and work on securing their own goals first to avoid the ending that they got. Conformist neutrals don't win all that often.

Montaron didn't have much of a choice. Especially after being outed by Aerie.
If anything, he failed when he refused to start dousing the harpers, and when he expected them to play fair and let the game reach the point where the adventurers would vote between him and the harpers.

Khalid didn't have much of a choice after the IS opened. It looks to me like he was really expecting to get his Thief win and didn't put much thought at the strategy in case he would turn into a Lunatic.
Then he didn't have much bargaining power. He wasn't in a position to threaten Town with some sort of "Give me my win or I make you lose" argument.

I wouldn't say they gave their assistance for free.
Montaron's assistance would grant him Town's favor against other Bhaalspawns and the Harpers.

Khalid never helped the Town. He was the most neutral player until he revealed as Thief, and then after that, I don't think he ever helped the Town with the lynching. All he did was "Well, lynch me and I'll use my kills to get rid of the Cultist suspects".

Anyway. The thing is that you can't make it look like if a neutral siding with the Town is a bad thing, or that it was the reason why Montaron lost. Montaron lost because he refused to kill the Harpers.

September 29th, 2013, 02:38 PM
I'm on break right now so I can only post so much. Tbh I wanted to do jester funsies as well but at same time I wanted to be an ass to people. It was more of nocitz wanting to do it then me. I was for either way because its only a game. But overall I do think mort did much batter then we did

September 29th, 2013, 03:01 PM
I would shoot Haer because he is my last cult suspect or i would shoot Coran to test his antagonist claim. (...) or John F. Kennedy.

FM Ferengi
September 29th, 2013, 03:45 PM

I was kinda forced to reveal unfortunately.

I still don't understand Aerie's play; outing and pressuring a neutral that was OBVIOUSLY siding with Town was a terrible idea.
I wonder how things would've went if that hadn't happened.

In your case, as Sen said, you could've started cursing harpers sooner instead of killing Faldorn. Why Safana and Xan revealed is a mystery to me though.

Khalid didn't have much of a choice after the IS opened. It looks to me like he was really expecting to get his Thief win and didn't put much thought at the strategy in case he would turn into a Lunatic.
Then he didn't have much bargaining power. He wasn't in a position to threaten Town with some sort of "Give me my win or I make you lose" argument.
He knew he wouldn't be opening it, because he thought he didn't have enough clues (as he told us, and later wrote in the day chat). I think the primary reason for his claim was that he wanted to force Montaron to use his wail while he still had his vest. He would've died soon after the automatic IS opening otherwise. There might have been another way to accomplish that, though after his role change he added his lynch votes to the town's pile all too easily. There was some talk among town players of using Khalid to kill a number of suspects and he could have pushed that route more strongly than he did.

Khalid never helped the Town. He was the most neutral player until he revealed as Thief, and then after that, I don't think he ever helped the Town with the lynching. All he did was "Well, lynch me and I'll use my kills to get rid of the Cultist suspects".
He did lend his vote to lynch Jan, Valygar, Yoshimo and Coran.

September 29th, 2013, 03:57 PM
In your case, as Sen said, you could've started cursing harpers sooner instead of killing Faldorn. Why Safana and Xan revealed is a mystery to me though.

Maybe. But I was just really torn; I was afraid the Town would've just turned around and lynched me.
I probably should have taken the risk, but hey, if it wasn't for that pesky Heartwarder, I might have pulled it off. ;)

September 29th, 2013, 03:59 PM
Never underestimate my power of fucking things up!:D

Well...Korgan was never forced to reveal in this chat, so it was also his fault. I guess after Korgan revealed that he had Alchemist's fire you could figure out that other person from night chat received one as well. I'm pretty sure the choice of my targets was a public knowledge.

FM Ferengi
September 29th, 2013, 04:05 PM
Don't get me wrong, I think you were the best of the Bhaalspawn by quite a large margin and you're a possible candidate for non-town MVP. Yet I think some town players have a rose-coloured view of your performance because you were useful to them. The truth is you played towards their victory conditions better than you did towards your own. I'm not sure if they would've been as happy with your performance if Aerie hadn't been bullying you and you'd been given the chance to play more for yourself.

I guess what I'm trying to say is: people shouldn't expect Montaron to get scum MVP by default. Because there were other non-town players who did quite a good job.

September 29th, 2013, 04:38 PM
scum MVP
For how many MVP categories should I be voting?

FM Ferengi
September 29th, 2013, 04:40 PM
Just player's choice. MVPs are chosen by the hosts.

September 29th, 2013, 04:55 PM
FM Mazzy
Quite the impressive performance for the little time she had.

September 29th, 2013, 05:11 PM
FM Ajantis

September 29th, 2013, 05:14 PM

I'll keep my vote on Montaron because he was the MVP for me on a personal level, since he kind of made me give another chance to what seemed to me like an already lost game, after calling out Mazzy four days (and three nights) in a row while watching the town mislynch every day.

I was expecting this to turn into a one-sided game for the Cult, with a daily mislynch until they eventually got majority along with the neutrals who would side them since they would be the obvious winners.
Montaron raised Town's morale, which was a very important factor in the game's outcome, even if the Town kept being terrible at picking lynch targets.

My other candidates would be:

Imoen: My single solid Town read during the early game. Strong player who was able to tell scum from obvious mislynch targets. Would've been a really stron asset for the Town, had the other townies listened to her and had she survived longer.

Shar-Teel: Totally played me. I didn't believe her Student claim; I thought she was some sort of TPR with some crazy WIFOM. Funny that she was the only Cultist that played me, while she was one of the two players whos COM I got right.
She did a lot for the Cult while not being obvious to me.

September 29th, 2013, 06:19 PM
Yeap, Khalid here, that's pretty much what happened. I did help out the town a bit with oushing Valygar a bit more on not recruiting, and I did need Montaron to wail, since there was practically no reason for him to undouse me if he didn't. Plus losing the auto-vest when I turned Lunatic.

I was sure enough that I did not have enough clues that I realized I'd have to go Lunatic, and I played myself in a position where I felt I was too obvious as a Lunatic. Claimed Half-Dragon to maybe get Bhaalspawns to push for lynching me during the day but then said screw it and fell back.

I'm also pretty new, but it seemed like town wasn't willing to risk their win on my win, which is all-in-all completely fair. But I don't think pushing harder would have gotten me my win, I really hoped Montaron would survive that final night.

Fun game though!

September 29th, 2013, 06:19 PM
Sorry Montaron :\, we both got jipped

FM Montaron

September 29th, 2013, 06:42 PM
FM Montaron

finally off work and got time to post stuff, so first and foremost

@orpz its ok, i knew it was a game and insulting is all part startagy but i would be carful on what you say, what you said there really was going bast it being "game insult" and more of real insult, i knew it was all in game sense but still be careful. overall im fine now

now onto the game, overall i thought it was good but cult got shot down by the spawns. i came in day 2 and trolled during as a reserve, i saw right through titus ruse as a resrve when i called her out having a power (tpr) it was only latter i knew she was scum becasue of meta. i was planning on having a jester fun ending but noctiz wanted to change it, i was not against it becasue of how it all went down

overall i thought it was good and was pretty anjoyable

September 29th, 2013, 07:12 PM
I was already strongly considering taking the BH contract on N6 for the purposes of solidifying my Explorer claim and getting a kill, but you (Khalid) definitely sealed the deal for me with your claim :P Touche....

September 29th, 2013, 08:27 PM
Just player's choice. MVPs are chosen by the hosts.

Speaking of which... When can we expect to see those posted? :D

I think it will affect how we vote, so it would be best to see them sooner rather than later, imo.

September 30th, 2013, 06:01 AM
I do believe that Day 1 lynch was pretty magnificent. Vote me!

FM Edwin

September 30th, 2013, 10:04 AM
I do believe that Day 1 lynch was pretty magnificent. Vote me!

FM Edwin

FM Edwin LVP

there i voted for him

September 30th, 2013, 10:16 AM
FM Mazzy Voting her cause she was probably the best Cult and had one of the biggest impacts on the game. Her actions were quite demoralizing to the Town due to taking both Vic and Anomen with her and stealing so much daychat time. Had Montaron not taken out the 3 Cults after she died, I think Mazzy's actions would have sapped Town's will to play and greatly aided a Cult win.

September 30th, 2013, 10:42 AM
Speaking of which... When can we expect to see those posted? :D

I think it will affect how we vote, so it would be best to see them sooner rather than later, imo.

imo it best after becasue if we know who got what already i can create bias in who is getting player mvp

September 30th, 2013, 10:48 AM
FM Montaron

Because I can.

Nah, nice play, too bad you didn't win

and dafuq dude... I'm actually living with you and I wasn't able to know who you were...

Oh well...

FM Ferengi
September 30th, 2013, 12:31 PM
imo it best after becasue if we know who got what already i can create bias in who is getting player mvp

This :)

September 30th, 2013, 12:45 PM
I feel that Mazzy survived that long because the Town took some pretty bad decisions, rather than because of her ability to talk herself out of a lynch.

We had the Edwin thing on d1, then Anomen fake claiming a TPR and saving her, then some (especially Faldorn) pushing super hard to save her, and the most important: a lot of Town players sheeping votes without checking the facts.

Her cult buddies (Minsc and Shar-teel come to mind) also helped push the mislynches, while she mostly lurked during the day chat.

If anything, the Town as a whole deserves to get the LVP "award", not Mazzy the MVP.
My opinion.

September 30th, 2013, 01:44 PM
I was sure enough that I did not have enough cluesYou had all of them.
The problem was that one needed to have all clues or one wouldn't notice that the missing chant is not given by clues. Under optimal circumstances the main puzzle could have been solved by night 4 and all clues have to be retrieved and trusted.

September 30th, 2013, 03:05 PM
You had all of them.
The problem was that one needed to have all clues or one wouldn't notice that the missing chant is not given by clues. Under optimal circumstances the main puzzle could have been solved by night 4 and all clues have to be retrieved and trusted.

Yeah, it caused my downfall as a Thief because I basically gave up on trying to actually unlock the Sanctum. And then had nothing going my way to work a Lunatic lynch out, because I committed to appearing like a Thief in order to obtain the clues from night 5. I'm fairly new, that was my first FM, so was fleshing out the ropes (evident by my lurking d1 etc.).

But it was definitely a terrific experience, so no regrets here :D, looking forward to the upcoming M-FM etc.!

September 30th, 2013, 03:35 PM
Can anyone tell me how long until FM XX? I've signed up for some S-FMs but I can't wait for my shot at redemption (again).

September 30th, 2013, 03:38 PM
I would guess 2 months. Next month, the setup is revealed and signups start and then the game begins a month after.

September 30th, 2013, 03:38 PM
Where is the roleplay? I want to see the epic story of Kivan, brave hunter who managed to unite everybody and guide them through the Eldercity! It was me who opened the passage under Thieves Guild (end of day 1 RP), so I'm obviously the Leader of this expedition, right?^^

September 30th, 2013, 03:41 PM
I would guess 2 months. Next month, the setup is revealed and signups start and then the game begins a month after.


September 30th, 2013, 04:11 PM
I feel that Mazzy survived that long because the Town took some pretty bad decisions, rather than because of her ability to talk herself out of a lynch.

We had the Edwin thing on d1, then Anomen fake claiming a TPR and saving her, then some (especially Faldorn) pushing super hard to save her, and the most important: a lot of Town players sheeping votes without checking the facts.

Her cult buddies (Minsc and Shar-teel come to mind) also helped push the mislynches, while she mostly lurked during the day chat.

If anything, the Town as a whole deserves to get the LVP "award", not Mazzy the MVP.
My opinion.

This has so much sad truth to it. I hope in the MVP awards they put "Worst Town Ever" and put all our names on it LOL

September 30th, 2013, 04:26 PM
To be fair: I was looking at the facts in Viconia vs Mazzy case - unfortunately that made me one of the biggest Viconia pushers. We basically believed that Safana's clue is legit because she posted it first. And Viconia's clue sounded way too similar so it was probable then she faked it. But what killed her is the fact that we didn't know that some of the clues repeat themselves... and that was the main reason why I didn't believe her.

Well, I think I've focused way too much on this riddle. Blood of Viconia is on my hands. But Keldorn was also a victiim of my bad riddle solving, so at least I don't have a negative score:P

September 30th, 2013, 04:30 PM

Between the FMs we have a MFM(might be exceptional this season because we could have a second MFM)
After MFM is over host reveal the set up and the sign up take a month.
Then the FM 20 will begin

September 30th, 2013, 04:33 PM
What I found the most ammusing is how everyone decided to ignore the fact that Mazzy pretty much claimed having faked her clue on her first or second post of that day.

Viconia wasn't a confirmed Town, but Mazzy was so obvscum and there was a ton of evidence against her.
That day was when I was getting into a "Fuck this" mindset. >__>

September 30th, 2013, 04:54 PM
What I found the most ammusing is how everyone decided to ignore the fact that Mazzy pretty much claimed having faked her clue on her first or second post of that day.

Viconia wasn't a confirmed Town, but Mazzy was so obvscum and there was a ton of evidence against her.
That day was when I was getting into a "Fuck this" mindset. >__>

Not to mention that several members of the cult were pushing for Mazzy's lynch...

September 30th, 2013, 05:58 PM
Blood of Viconia is on my hands.

aka: Blood of me on his hands :P

September 30th, 2013, 06:31 PM
aka: Blood of me on his hands :P

I'm sorry porio.

As for my vote, I have to go with

FM Shar-Teel

Because I agree with the remark that Montaron played well for town, but not for himself.

October 2nd, 2013, 12:18 PM
I'm sorry porio.

As for my vote, I have to go with

-vote FM Shar-Teel

Because I agree with the remark that Montaron played well for town, but not for himself.

This is the reason why I voted for FM Montaron. It seems like FM Montaron is not going to win any awards because he played toward the town's interests at the expense of his own. I think FM Montaron did very well this game and is deserving of recognition as someone who found a lot of scum and helped increase town spirits.

October 4th, 2013, 06:01 AM
Hmm...is epilogue coming soon then?

October 4th, 2013, 06:32 AM
This is how I imagine the ending


I nominate Kagain as Judy Garland.

October 4th, 2013, 02:41 PM
We may not know who's getting the MVP awards, but at least we know who's getting the Least Punctual Host(s) (LPH) award. :p

October 4th, 2013, 03:17 PM
Gerik has been retroactively modkilled.

October 4th, 2013, 06:53 PM
Awards are overrated.

October 4th, 2013, 07:38 PM
Gerik has been retroactively modkilled.

Pfft. You can't modkill me. You were modkilled for lurking days ago!

October 7th, 2013, 10:59 AM
how aobut that closing rp people amazing right?

October 7th, 2013, 11:09 AM
Epilogue please:)