View Full Version : Day 10: Cadavers

Forum Mafia GM
September 23rd, 2013, 05:37 PM
Day 10 has begun.
FM Faldorn, FM Garrick, and FM Haer-Dalis were all killed last night.

FM Faldorn had a note in his hand.

Acording to FM Ajantis converts only happened Night 1-4
From the Harper information, I was ns on N3.

Which leaves two options.

I am Prophet
I was Converted N4.

Now, seeing that the Prophet died the only possibility for me being Cult, is to of been converted N4.

On N4, Who the hell in the right mind, would convert someone who is on the Uber Scum, anti-town, expendable soon to Lynch list after the stunt I pulled, who also claims Survivor who would likely vest after that siutation amd give cult a underpowerd role?

I tell you who. NO ONE.

Which means, I am not Cult.

So. Congratulations on killing me. You used 0% Brain. I hope you lose and Harpers win.

And to any silly folk who thought I was Prophet, USE YOUR BRAIN! What Prophet, who has perfect cover as a Explorer, fake Survivor and obviously defend obvious Mafia?

As did Garrick

Not cult:
FM Kivan - Heartwarded on N7
FM Montaron - Necromancer, Prophet would be dead if FM Montaron was converted.
FM Khalid - Thief/Lunatic, wanted to be lynched on D7
FM Xzar - Harper Agent
FM Kagain - voted on FM Keldorn N6 and Harper Alchemist
FM Korgan – Duke, cleared N8 by FM Xzar
FM Ajantis - voted on FM Keldorn N6
FM Haer-Dalis - voted on FM Keldorn N6
FM Garrick - voted on FM Keldorn N6
FM Nalia - gave a contract to FM Valygar on N6
FM Cernd - Ritualist
FM Yeslick - FM Yeslick was interviewed by the culted Herald N3 and roleblocked by the culted? Bard N3. Cleared by FM Cernd’s results.
FM Coran – claims antagonist with FM Valygar as target. Immune to night kill.

Probably not cult:
FM Tiax - Druid

FM Faldorn - potential Prophet, plays contrary to an explorer with an early Druid claim.

FM Cernd checked FM Alora on N8 instead of FM Safana? If FM Cernd was not cleared by the Harpers then FM Garrick would suspect FM Cernd.
FM Garrick casts a dead town vote to side with FM Montaron over the Harpers.

And Haer-Dalis

For Bhaal!

I really hope that Faldorn was the last cult. Seriously though you could have just let Xzar check us since he is an agent instead of kill both of us off. Give Khalid his win. Or you could have waited until Montaron burned Faldorn. Anyways I hope the last cult is dead.

Between the Harpers and Bhaalspawn. 2/3 Harpers win if you choose them. 1 Bhaalspawn wins if you choose him. It is your guys choice if you want to help the majority win or the minority.
- Living Players -
FM Ajantis
FM Cernd
FM Coran
FM Kagain
FM Khalid
FM Kivan
FM Korgan
FM Montaron
FM Nalia
FM Tiax
FM Xzar
FM Yeslick

- The Deceased -
FM Edwin the Cleric - beaten to death by enraged adventurers
FM Skie the Enchanter - killed by a trap
FM Eldoth the Explorer - killed by a trap
FM Viconia the Explorer - burnt to a crisp by enraged adventurers
FM Minsc the Herald - died by magic
FM Mazzy the Assassin - died by weapons
FM Quayle the Illusionist - died by magic
FM Safana the ??? - died by weapons
FM Sarevok the Arcane Trickster - died by magic
FM Anomen the Explorer - beheaded by enraged adventurers
FM Imoen the Diviner - killed by a trap.
FM Alora the Harper Guardian - struck down by Bhaal's wrath.
FM Shar-Teel the Quartermaster - hanged by enraged adventurers.
FM Jaheira the Explorer - stoned by enraged adventurers
FM Branwen the Avenger - died by weapons
FM Keldorn the Bard - killed by a trap
FM Jan the Doppelganger - drowned by enraged adventurers
FM Aerie the Ranger - died by weapons
FM Dynaheir the Grave Robber - died by magic
FM Xan the Evoker - died by weapons and magic
FM Valygar the Prophet - hunted and murdered by enraged adventurers
FM Yoshimo the Explorer - impaled by enraged adventurers
FM Faldorn the Explorer - died by magic
FM Garrick the Explorer - died by magic
FM Haer-Dalis the Explorer - dead by magic

the hammer will end the day

Day 10 ends at this time: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=0.30+gmt+september+25th+2013

FM Yeslick
September 23rd, 2013, 05:40 PM
Ok. Let's not gamethrow

FM Yeslick
September 23rd, 2013, 05:41 PM
FM Ajantis
FM Cernd
FM Coran
FM Kagain
FM Khalid
FM Kivan
FM Korgan
FM Montaron
FM Nalia
FM Tiax
FM Xzar
FM Yeslick

Neutrals could be culted too.

FM Kivan
September 23rd, 2013, 05:42 PM
I don't think Montaron douse those guys...Wtf?

If this is death by Alchemist Fire then someone is retarded to kill guys who were suppose to be checked tonight. Cult or what?

FM Yeslick
September 23rd, 2013, 05:42 PM
I'm pretty nervous. Kinda want to lynch the Bounty Hunter to eliminate KPN's...

FM Xzar
September 23rd, 2013, 05:42 PM
I checked Ajantis just because I knew no better target for the night. Untainted. Is there no Cultist left?

FM Xzar
September 23rd, 2013, 05:43 PM
Neutrals you say.. Hmm.

FM Kagain
September 23rd, 2013, 05:44 PM

anyone possesed?

FM Cernd
September 23rd, 2013, 05:44 PM
Huh. This pleases me.

Jan was an Assassin.

FM Kivan
September 23rd, 2013, 05:44 PM
I checked Ajantis just because I knew no better target for the night. Untainted. Is there no Cultist left?

That's weird because I revealed my targets so you can double check them. Seriously, how come Harpers don't read this chat?

Who received Alchemist's Fire from you?

FM Xzar
September 23rd, 2013, 05:45 PM
I don't think Montaron douse those guys...Wtf?

If this is death by Alchemist Fire then someone is retarded to kill guys who were suppose to be checked tonight. Cult or what?

I thought it was quite clear that Korgan shoots the guys linked? Lol. I'd've offered to check but I didn't check in again before the day ended.

FM Cernd
September 23rd, 2013, 05:45 PM
There are 8 dead cultistst.
5 starting.
4 converted.
1 left.

Elementary school math for the win.

FM Xzar
September 23rd, 2013, 05:45 PM
That's weird because I revealed my targets so you can double check them. Seriously, how come Harpers don't read this chat?

Who received Alchemist's Fire from you?

See last post.

FM Kagain
September 23rd, 2013, 05:47 PM
FM Ajantis cleaered by xzar
FM Cernd - impossible due to check n1
FM Coran - maybe
FM Kagain - harper
FM Khalid - jester
FM Kivan - heartwadner
FM Korgan - duke?
FM Montaron - arson
FM Nalia - immune
FM Tiax - druid?
FM Xzar -harper
FM Yeslick - immune

Neutrals could be culted too.

there fix it

FM Kivan
September 23rd, 2013, 05:48 PM
FFS, the point was to CHECK 2 guys at once, not KILL two guys at once. Now we have 2 additional dead Explorers. Great fucking job!

I think we should abstain from lynching for now. Cult apparently has no means to kill. We use double checking with Xzar to find last Cult. And we are going to play it safe. Tonight's was way too bad.

FM Kagain
September 23rd, 2013, 05:49 PM
OOOO OOO, can i be joined tonight?

i want to have a new chatroom

FM Xzar
September 23rd, 2013, 05:51 PM
FFS, the point was to CHECK 2 guys at once, not KILL two guys at once. Now we have 2 additional dead Explorers. Great fucking job!

I would've agreed to that but apparently there was some miscommunication between you guys which I noticed and as such checked someone else. lol

FM Xzar
September 23rd, 2013, 05:51 PM
OOOO OOO, can i be joined tonight?

i want to have a new chatroom


FM Kagain
September 23rd, 2013, 05:52 PM
cernad i think its time you post all your feedbacks as well wha did jan show

FM Kivan
September 23rd, 2013, 05:52 PM
FM Cernd
FM Khalid
FM Nalia
FM Tiax

Cultist is somewhere here.

FM Cernd
September 23rd, 2013, 05:53 PM
Confirmed non-cult: Ajantis, Cernd, Kagain, Khalid*, Kivan, Montaron, Nalia, Xzar, Yeslick.
Non-confirmed: Coran, Korgan, Tiax.

* I think Khalid was cleared, but I don't remember how. >__>

Put Coran and Korgan together and shoot them.
If none of them was a cultist, we lynch Tiax.

FM Kagain
September 23rd, 2013, 05:53 PM
There are 8 dead cultistst.
5 starting.
4 converted.
1 left.

Elementary school math for the win.

so how about you lead us on who the last scum is

FM Cernd

didnt you want to peek into dead chat anyway?

FM Kivan
September 23rd, 2013, 05:54 PM
Confirmed non-cult: Ajantis, Cernd, Kagain, Khalid*, Kivan, Montaron, Nalia, Xzar, Yeslick.
Non-confirmed: Coran, Korgan, Tiax.

* I think Khalid was cleared, but I don't remember how. >__>

Put Coran and Korgan together and shoot them.
If none of them was a cultist, we lynch Tiax.

Fucking great way to lose majority way quicker. Korgan was cleared by Xzar. On the other hand you weren't cleared by anybody and you fit the Prophet's pattern.

FM Xzar
September 23rd, 2013, 05:54 PM
Confirmed non-cult: Ajantis, Cernd, Kagain, Khalid*, Kivan, Montaron, Nalia, Xzar, Yeslick.
Non-confirmed: Coran, Korgan, Tiax.

* I think Khalid was cleared, but I don't remember how. >__>

Put Coran and Korgan together and shoot them.
If none of them was a cultist, we lynch Tiax.

Korgan is cleared by me. Checked the night before. Also use my action to check players, not outright kill them.

FM Cernd
September 23rd, 2013, 05:55 PM
Ah, ok.
Then Coran or Tiax. ez pz.

FM Kivan
September 23rd, 2013, 05:56 PM
Here's the plan:

WE LYNCH NO ONE TODAY. And tonight we are going to check Cernd and Tiax.

FM Cernd
September 23rd, 2013, 05:56 PM
If you're too dumb to believe I'm a cultist, go ahead and lynch me. I don't give a fuck. I already won the game for you.

Lynche me. Kill Coran tonight. Lynch Tiax if Coran isn't Cultist.

FM Cernd

Then kill Kagain. Seriously, that dumbfuck doesn't deserve to win.

FM Yeslick
September 23rd, 2013, 05:57 PM
Cernd is cool. Chill out guys.

FM Kivan
September 23rd, 2013, 05:57 PM
Ah, ok.
Then Coran or Tiax. ez pz.

Coran was attacked and survived.

FM Cernd
September 23rd, 2013, 05:58 PM
Coran was attacked and survived.
So? A culted Antagonist keeps his abilities, only the win condition changes.

FM Kivan
September 23rd, 2013, 05:59 PM
Cernd, do you have any... you know, proof that you aren't Cultist? Beside sarcasm and behavioral shit.

FM Cernd
September 23rd, 2013, 06:00 PM
Cernd, do you have any... you know, proof that you aren't Cultist? Beside sarcasm and behavioral shit.

- Gave Mazzy's clues and last will before Khalid confirmed them and before the cult had a night chat.
- Said the last Bhaalspawn was an Evoker before Xan died.
- Said Shar-Teel was the starting Hidden Cultist.
- Confirmed Yeslick claim.
- Just confirmed that jan was an Assassin.

Anything else?

FM Kivan
September 23rd, 2013, 06:00 PM
So? A culted Antagonist keeps his abilities, only the win condition changes.

Ok, then Cernd and Coran it is for today.

FM Cernd
September 23rd, 2013, 06:01 PM
Ok, then Cernd and Coran it is for today.

No. Screw checking. Let's end this.
Lynch me and kill Coran tonight.

FM Kagain
September 23rd, 2013, 06:04 PM
- Gave Mazzy's clues and last will before Khalid confirmed them and before the cult had a night chat.
- Said the last Bhaalspawn was an Evoker before Xan died.
- Said Shar-Teel was the starting Hidden Cultist.
- Confirmed Yeslick claim.
- Just confirmed that jan was an Assassin.

Anything else?

the actual feedbacks?

FM Yeslick
September 23rd, 2013, 06:06 PM
Cernd could have easily gotten me lynched.

FM Cernd
September 23rd, 2013, 06:06 PM
the actual feedbacks?

Suck it, Kagain. ^.^

FM Yeslick
September 23rd, 2013, 06:07 PM
FM Coran

FM Cernd
September 23rd, 2013, 06:08 PM
Cernd could have easily gotten me lynched.
I could've easily mislynched anyone.
Seriously, if I was a Cultist, the whole Town would be dead by now. d:

Anyway... for those who fail to see the obvious:

Noone visited Skie.
Noone visited Viconia.
Mazzy was visited by Khalid and Aerie.
Shar-Teel was visited by Xan, Minsc and Alora.
Alora was visited by Kivan(united?) and Yeslick.
Jan was visited by Safana.

I dare any of you to counterclaim that by saying that I'm missing visits on any of those.

FM Kivan
September 23rd, 2013, 06:09 PM
Xzar, I want you to check Cernd tonight, you got it? I will join him with someone.

Lynching Coran it's not that bad idea. He never behaved like an Antagonist and if he got culted this can be easily explained. And he isn't an Adventurer so no big deal.

FM Coran

FM Cernd
September 23rd, 2013, 06:16 PM
Meh. Guess I'm not dying today.
FM Coran

FM Cernd
September 23rd, 2013, 06:19 PM
Join me with Tiax.
If Coran flips Cult, you check us (pointless, since there's one cultists left, but whatever).
If Coran flips Neutral, whoever gets a weapon should kill us.

FM Kivan
September 23rd, 2013, 06:21 PM
Join me with Tiax.
If Coran flips Cult, you check us (pointless, since there's one cultists left, but whatever).
If Coran flips Neutral, whoever gets a weapon should kill us.

Fine by me. It's not like I can change my targets after seeing the flip.

FM Kivan
September 23rd, 2013, 06:22 PM
Still, I want Xzar to target Cernd, not Tiax.

FM Yeslick
September 23rd, 2013, 06:26 PM
If no better use of it, why not use the Alchemist Fire on the Lunatic?

FM Cernd
September 23rd, 2013, 06:27 PM
If no better use of it, why not use the Alchemist Fire on the Lunatic?
Because he would lose. >__>

FM Kagain
September 23rd, 2013, 06:27 PM
FM Coran

i can give one to someone tonight if they like ;)

FM Montaron
September 23rd, 2013, 06:31 PM
Aw, hosts didn't post my death note.

Sorry Faldorn; my hands were tied.

On a side note; I got the contract from Nalia AGAIN last night. I swear, she's really hoping I'll shoot the Harpers

But Montaron the Great is a man of honor.

FM Cernd
September 23rd, 2013, 06:33 PM
On a side note; I got the contract from Nalia AGAIN last night. I swear, she's really hoping I'll shoot the Harpers
Nalia. Give it to me and I'll shoot one of them.

FM Kagain
September 23rd, 2013, 06:33 PM
Aw, hosts didn't post my death note.

Sorry Faldorn; my hands were tied.

On a side note; I got the contract from Nalia AGAIN last night. I swear, she's really hoping I'll shoot the Harpers

But Montaron the Great is a man of honor.

be a dear and shoot cernard? to quit his bitching? or give it to me i got plans with that shit

FM Kivan
September 23rd, 2013, 06:34 PM
Branwen probably targeted dead guy:(

FM Montaron
September 23rd, 2013, 06:35 PM
be a dear and shoot cernard? to quit his bitching? or give it to me i got plans with that shit

I burned Faldorn as I promised yesterday.

And I know full well that I'm getting shot as soon as you get your hands on it. Aren't you afraid that the town will side with me over you two?

FM Cernd
September 23rd, 2013, 06:35 PM
Branwen should posses me tonight.

FM Kivan
September 23rd, 2013, 06:36 PM
be a dear and shoot cernard? to quit his bitching? or give it to me i got plans with that shit

Kagain, shut up, please. Seriously, if you Harpers are planning to win stop acting that stupid.

FM Kivan
September 23rd, 2013, 06:36 PM
Branwen should posses me tonight.

She should not.

FM Kagain
September 23rd, 2013, 06:37 PM
I burned Faldorn as I promised yesterday.

And I know full well that I'm getting shot as soon as you get your hands on it. Aren't you afraid that the town will side with me over you two?

i enjoyed that game (minus one part) but its a game overall if i win or not. i would prob kill cernard to make him stut the fuck up

FM Cernd
September 23rd, 2013, 06:38 PM
i enjoyed that game (minus one part) but its a game overall if i win or not. i would prob kill cernard to make him stut the fuck up
lol. Someone's mad.

FM Kagain
September 23rd, 2013, 06:39 PM
Kagain, shut up, please. Seriously, if you Harpers are planning to win stop acting that stupid.

kivan it near the end of the game cult has lost itm we are just being yelling at each other now

FM Yeslick
September 23rd, 2013, 06:39 PM
Day 10 is troll day

FM Kagain
September 23rd, 2013, 06:40 PM
lol. Someone's mad.

mad about one thing yes, and i will adress it post game, but for most part im content now

FM Kagain
September 23rd, 2013, 06:40 PM
Day 0 is troll day

i think this is what day we are on right now or at least a translation of it

FM Cernd
September 23rd, 2013, 06:41 PM
I would also kill you, Kagain, but not because you're retarded, but because when it comes to Montaron against you, he clearly deserves to win.

He gave Town hope when everything was looking like shit. I was already giving up and resigning to see a mislynch everyday until we lost, and then Montaron came and gave the first mayor hit to the Cult.

The Town would've lost without Montaron. On the other hand, it wouldn't have made a difference if you weren't par of this game at all.

FM Yeslick
September 23rd, 2013, 06:41 PM
I would also kill you, Kagain, but not because you're retarded, but because when it comes to Montaron against you, he clearly deserves to win.

He gave Town hope when everything was looking like shit. I was already giving up and resigning to see a mislynch everyday until we lost, and then Montaron came and gave the first mayor hit to the Cult.

The Town would've lost without Montaron. On the other hand, it wouldn't have made a difference if you weren't par of this game at all.


FM Cernd
September 23rd, 2013, 06:42 PM

FM Kagain
September 23rd, 2013, 06:43 PM
I would also kill you, Kagain, but not because you're retarded, but because when it comes to Montaron against you, he clearly deserves to win.

He gave Town hope when everything was looking like shit. I was already giving up and resigning to see a mislynch everyday until we lost, and then Montaron came and gave the first mayor hit to the Cult.

The Town would've lost without Montaron. On the other hand, it wouldn't have made a difference if you weren't par of this game at all.

again, win lose it doesnt matter to me too much, i will say what should be said post game, as for now its the game, if he wins good for him, if we win good for us.

FM Yeslick
September 23rd, 2013, 06:44 PM
again, win lose it doesnt matter to me too much, i will say what should be said post game, as for now its the game, if he wins good for him, if we win good for us.


FM Coran
September 23rd, 2013, 06:46 PM
Hey, don't waste a lynch on me,
I was not culted thanks to my scummy behavior early game.
I' a not culted antagonist.
Antagonist confirmed since Montaron shot me.

FM Kagain
September 23rd, 2013, 06:47 PM
Hey, don't waste a lynch on me,
I was not culted thanks to my scummy behavior early game.
I' a not culted antagonist.
Antagonist confirmed since Montaron shot me.

you have your win so there is no reason to be scared of death

FM Yeslick
September 23rd, 2013, 06:48 PM
Hey, don't waste a lynch on me,
I was not culted thanks to my scummy behavior early game.
I' a not culted antagonist.
Antagonist confirmed since Montaron shot me.

and yes you are.

FM Cernd
September 23rd, 2013, 06:49 PM
Hey, don't waste a lynch on me,
I was not culted thanks to my scummy behavior early game.
I' a not culted antagonist.
Antagonist confirmed since Montaron shot me.
If you're an Antagonist and aren't culted, then you already won and there's no way for you to lose.

If Xzar hasn't lied, then the only other possible cultist out there is Tiax, who claims Druid (Or Khalid if he isn't confirmed, I don't remember, to be honest).
So we rather lynch you first, since he would lose if he's a non culted Druid.

If you flip neutral, both Tiax and me will get killed tonight and that will be the end of the Cult.
Then they lynch Khalid, kill the harpers and that's it.

FM Coran
September 23rd, 2013, 06:53 PM
If you're an Antagonist and aren't culted, then you already won and there's no way for you to lose.

If Xzar hasn't lied, then the only other possible cultist out there is Tiax, who claims Druid (Or Khalid if he isn't confirmed, I don't remember, to be honest).
So we rather lynch you first, since he would lose if he's a non culted Druid.

If you flip neutral, both Tiax and me will get killed tonight and that will be the end of the Cult.
Then they lynch Khalid, kill the harpers and that's it.

Fine , lynch me.
I won so I don't car at all.
I'm just saying that you could use that lynch on someone else to hit the last scum easily.
I only have my word to prove that I'm not culted so ...

FM Kivan
September 23rd, 2013, 07:14 PM
How about nobody dies tonight and we will just do the checkings? If Cernd is somehow Cult he could lie about Jan;)

FM Kagain
September 23rd, 2013, 07:19 PM
so we do this?


FM Kivan
September 23rd, 2013, 07:20 PM
No, we kill Coran, because it doesn't affect our majority.

FM Kagain
September 23rd, 2013, 07:21 PM
[QUOTE=FM Kagain;382630] FM Coran

i can give one to someone tonight if they like ;)[/QUOTE

becasue im lazy

FM Coran
September 23rd, 2013, 07:23 PM
FM Coran

Too bad it doesn't work.

FM Ajantis
September 23rd, 2013, 07:28 PM
FM Coran

For Bhaal! Heheheh...

FM Kivan
September 23rd, 2013, 07:31 PM
I've sent my day actions, so if you want to end this quicker I won't mind. Xzar, just check Cernd and enjoy double feedback.

FM Ajantis
September 23rd, 2013, 07:32 PM
Beware of Beguilers I think... but time will tell...

Lets assume two cults left.

FM Ajantis
September 23rd, 2013, 07:36 PM
Hidden Bhaalspawn (Necromancer) - Montaron
Hidden Neutral (Bounty Hunter) - Nalia
Hidden Neutral (Thief/Lunatic) - Khalid
Hidden Neutral (Druid) - Tiax
Hidden Neutral (Antagonist) - Coran
Hidden Harper (Harper Agent) - Xzar
Explorer (Harper Alchemist) - Kagain
Duke - Korgan
Hidden Adventurer (Ritualist) - Cernd
Hidden Adventurer (Heartwarder) - Kivan
Hidden Adventurer (Cleric) - Yeslick
Explorer - Ajantis

Khalid, Tiax, Coran, Cernd, Yeslick.

FM Kivan
September 23rd, 2013, 07:39 PM
Yeslick is only confirmed because of Cernd btw.

FM Kivan
September 23rd, 2013, 07:42 PM
Hmm, Beguiler has unlimited charges from what I can see. If we have one this will be problematic.

FM Kagain
September 23rd, 2013, 07:54 PM
Hmm, Beguiler has unlimited charges from what I can see. If we have one this will be problematic.

We got enough confirmed towns that we can lynch the entire place if needed

FM Ajantis
September 23rd, 2013, 07:56 PM

I want to finish playing with clues first.

FM Ajantis
September 23rd, 2013, 07:56 PM
And think a bit more, now no time.

FM Ajantis
September 23rd, 2013, 07:58 PM
I see that our Duke is now Prophet, offering sacrifices to resurrect Bhaal? LOL...

FM Yeslick
September 23rd, 2013, 07:59 PM
Korgan. Pls reveal.

FM Cernd
September 23rd, 2013, 08:46 PM
Lets assume two cults left.

Unless Xzar lied and Valygar never tried to recruit him, then two cultists are possible.
Otherway, there's a single Cultist left.
Five starting cultists. One failed conversion and one night with no conversion because he used Nalia's contract.
That's a total of nine cultists. The graveyard shows eight.

FM Ajantis
September 23rd, 2013, 09:45 PM
Never mind you said Jan is cult.

FM Xzar
September 23rd, 2013, 10:39 PM
I've sent my day actions, so if you want to end this quicker I won't mind. Xzar, just check Cernd and enjoy double feedback.

Got it.

FM Khalid
September 23rd, 2013, 10:46 PM
You guys also forgot that I confirmed Cernd. So there's a confirmation chain that extends from me to Cernd and Yeslick.

The only place it can fail is at me since I start it (and I want to be lynched but I digress...)

Tiax, Coran, Ajantis, Korgan.

Then who was checked so confirmed alright (unless beguiler I guess).
Korgan right? So unless Beguiler we have...

Tiax, Coran, Ajantis.

If Coran survived Montaron's shot, there's no way for that to work out except if he is antagonist right? We could theoretically lynch him, but he should flip neutral...

That leaves Tiax, Ajantis. I really don't suspect Ajantis but he's the only nonconfirmed Explorer left. Maybe heartward Tiax and Ajantis and check both? And then lynch Coran today? idk...

FM Khalid
September 23rd, 2013, 10:47 PM
Coran has his win so I don't mind, if we end up doing that.

Montaron has no reason to lie about shooting Coran/getting a second contract.

FM Coran

FM Yeslick
September 23rd, 2013, 10:56 PM
Even if Coran is cult aligned, he'd still keep his immunity after Valygar is lynched. I think.

FM Yeslick
September 23rd, 2013, 10:56 PM
If Neutrals are converted to Cult, will their name show up red in the graveyard instead of purple?

FM Khalid
September 23rd, 2013, 11:07 PM
Even if Coran is cult aligned, he'd still keep his immunity after Valygar is lynched. I think.

Yeah, but it'd only be night immunity, or that'd be op as hell

FM Khalid
September 23rd, 2013, 11:08 PM
Day deadlines are 24 hours now, that's nice

FM Khalid
September 23rd, 2013, 11:15 PM
Feel free to hammer someone, maybe we can get night to end in 18 hours or something and we don't have to sit on our butts for 24 hours just for a hundred posts again.

I suggest Heartward Tiax + Ajantis, check the pair, but up to you guys. Then lynch Coran.

If these things don't work, we have a Beguiler loose, and we'll have to knock at all the unconfirmed doors again

FM Ajantis
September 24th, 2013, 12:56 AM
I found the answer to open the Inner Sanctum!!! Posting later...

FM Kivan
September 24th, 2013, 12:58 AM
I found the answer to open the Inner Sanctum!!! Posting later...

I wonder if it's similar to mine. I didn't even bother posting it, I only made sure that HD's clues don't contradict anything.

FM Ajantis
September 24th, 2013, 01:06 AM
For time being...



Bramble Branch

Crimson Candles


FM Korgan
September 24th, 2013, 01:51 AM
fm Coran

"shrugs" in the end Faldorn just trolled us yesterday with his "ghosted" reveal. Oh well. Would the last cult just suicide please? Thank you!

FM Korgan
September 24th, 2013, 01:58 AM
@the 3 dead guys from yesterday. Checking you with night attacks was a better alternative over an Harper check. At least 2 of you guys weren't a great help in the end so you are better dead to not cause any more trouble. Especially that troll Faldorn.

Xzar can't find beguilers, a gun can!

FM Ajantis
September 24th, 2013, 02:01 AM
Xzar can't find beguilers, a gun can!

False. Both can't. Put more stats into intelligence...

FM Khalid
September 24th, 2013, 02:09 AM
False. Both can't. Put more stats into intelligence...

Lynch by firing squad can :laugh:

FM Korgan
September 24th, 2013, 02:23 AM
False. Both can't. Put more stats into intelligence...

A gun can. If you shoot someone and somebody else dies we have a confirmed beguiler. I think you should put more stats into int :P

FM Ajantis
September 24th, 2013, 02:23 AM
Start with Ammon...

All reverse except Bishop


Dagger - Obsidian
Emerald - (weapon)

Destruction - Onyx
Ruby - Crimson

Dagger - Evil/Retribution
Dagger - "Neeshka"

Crimson + Evil/Retribution
Crimson >35

(Warhammer + Skull) - Death
Death + "Khelgar"

Obsidian + Sand

Emerald + Retribution
Dagger + Death

Suspicious guy...

"Sand" - Destruction
"Sand" + Branch


































Ruby Amulet-Crimson Candles




Crimson Candles?

Warhammer/Crimson Candles?


Ruby Amulet-Crimson Candles
"Sand"+Crimson Candles






Crimson Candles







Crimson Candles


SAND (jester)



Bramble Branch

Crimson Candles


FM Korgan
September 24th, 2013, 02:24 AM
I am a dwarf my magic ressistance is already good enough i don't need that much int :P. Fuck those skillpoints!

FM Korgan
September 24th, 2013, 02:24 AM
Why do you even bother with the riddle anymore? Do you want to close the sanctum again? öÖ

FM Korgan
September 24th, 2013, 02:25 AM
Basicly the night kills from yesterday improved the quality of the game :P

FM Khalid
September 24th, 2013, 02:26 AM
Why do you even bother with the riddle anymore? Do you want to close the sanctum again? öÖ

I lol'd. Montaron would probably like that

Yeah I am happy with those night kills also heh, at the least it sped up the idea of "kill of explorer claims til we hit a cult"

FM Korgan
September 24th, 2013, 02:28 AM
@Montaron: where is your death note? Why u no "Abra Cadaver"?

FM Ajantis
September 24th, 2013, 02:29 AM
From Viconia (Gargoyle’s Gate - B1) N1 :

The Obsidian Dagger and the Obsidian Amulet are used together in the same ritual.

A golden amulet adorned with Emerald is worn while performing a ritual that requires a weapon.

For the ritual of Destruction, one should wear an amulet adorned with black gemstones. The Ruby amulet is used along with the Crimson Candles.

From Safana (Siren Gate - C1) N1 :

An Obsidian Dagger is used for either the ritual of Evil or the ritual of Retribution, I can’t remember exactly which! I know what to say when I use it though:
“Bhaal strikes unerringly, and where his blades strike, men wither and die. Eventually, all must cease to exist in the Prime. Some more abruptly than others.”

For the ritual of Destruction, one should wear an amulet adorned with black gemstones. The Ruby amulet is used along with the Crimson Candles.

From Mazzy/Cernd (The Satyr's Gate - A1) N3/6 :

Neither the ritual of Evil nor the ritual of Retribution is performed inside a circle of Crimson Candles. The phrase that is spoken within such a circle contains less than 35 words.

Know that the Obsidian Amulet is not in any way associated with the phrase of Sand.

From Keldorn (The Retreat of the Heretics - C2) N2 :

Our Lord shall return.
It has been written.
The wicked shall burn.
The righteous are smitten.
Ammon the wicked.
Betrayer of Bhaal.
Tis time he was silenced.
Fore he ruins us all.
-Grobnar the Great

Raise your warhammer and crush the Skull of a Man. This is done in the ritual of Death. When performing this ritual, never speak the following words.
“From serf or foe, for justice or revenge, tis all the same. When the threads of mortality are shattered and carnage bestowed from one mortal upon another, honour is brought to our Lord.”

From Haer-Dalis (The Mage Tower - B2) N3 :

The following words are best said before the altar of Destruction.
“The Broken Ones weep tears of blood in our moment of triumph. For when their hallowed halls crumble to dust, even they lack the strength to resist the darkness of the void inside of their hearts.”

Do not accompany these words with the wrapping of a Bramble Branch around your forearm, for that would be heresy.

The Obsidian Dagger and the Obsidian Amulet are used together in the same ritual.

A golden amulet adorned with Emerald is worn while performing a ritual that requires a weapon.

From Ajantis (The Library - C3) N3 :

The High Priest is a blight on our place of worship. He knows not of what he speaks. Everything he teaches us - his disciples - about the rites is the opposite of what it should be. He makes a mockery of our faith and I won’t stand for it. All they tell is lies. Bishop is the only one worthy of trust. Our God may have fallen, but he shall rise to depose this trickster that calls himself Cyric. Tomorrow I shall bring about the charlatan’s demise and take the reins to set things right, so we may prepare for His return...

From Khalid (Dungeon - A2) N4:

The amulet with Emeralds is worn by the avenger in the ritual of Retribution.

The Obsidian Dagger is a tool of Death.

FM Ajantis
September 24th, 2013, 02:32 AM
From Khalid (Dungeon - B3) N4:

FM Korgan
September 24th, 2013, 02:33 AM
MATT ...


FM Korgan
September 24th, 2013, 02:38 AM
Where is FM Analia?

FM Xzar
September 24th, 2013, 05:06 AM
Some guys obviously skipped over my post saying that I checked Ajantis last night and he came up untainted..

FM Tiax
September 24th, 2013, 05:33 AM
Are we not gonna give khalid his win?

Make tell him to kill me and coran

FM Khalid

FM Khalid
September 24th, 2013, 05:46 AM
Some guys obviously skipped over my post saying that I checked Ajantis last night and he came up untainted..

Cripes my bad, I totally did skip over it.

Damn, see I would think maybe we have eliminated the entire cult, except Branwen popped in yesterday, so idk.

You could all just go ahead and lynch me and then I can knock on Tiax's door, sounds fine to me! I can knock on Coran's also.

FM Khalid
September 24th, 2013, 05:47 AM
Also I kinda want to join the dead because I think it's more entertaining in there, not because I'm a Lunatic of course

FM Coran
September 24th, 2013, 05:53 AM

Instead of a useless vote, I'm gonna vote Khalid.

He's my neutral friend so I'm gonna help him :)

FM Khalid

FM Ajantis
September 24th, 2013, 05:55 AM
Let "Nawen" hammer.

FM Ajantis
September 24th, 2013, 05:56 AM
In the meantime, I escaping with the Dagger of Bhaal and closing the Inner Sanctum. Bye guys...

FM Ajantis
September 24th, 2013, 05:56 AM
Don't bother attacking me. I'm getting a free vest tonight.

FM Nalia
September 24th, 2013, 06:06 AM

FM Coran

The Godfather
September 24th, 2013, 06:06 AM
FM Coran has been lynched! Stand by for the host's review and day-end post!

FM Coran ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/member.php/10810') (7 [L-0]): FM Kagain ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=382665'), FM Cernd ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=382619'), FM Yeslick ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=382612'), FM Kivan ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=382614'), FM Khalid ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=382706'), FM Korgan ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=382726'), FM Nalia ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=382775')
FM Khalid ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/member.php/10822') (2 [L-5]): FM Coran ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=382768'), FM Tiax ('http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=382759')

Forum Mafia GM
September 24th, 2013, 04:54 PM
FM Coran, the Antagonist, was lynched.

Night 10 ends at this time: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=0.30+gmt+september+26th+2013