View Full Version : Day 3: Lies and Deceit

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Forum Mafia GM
August 29th, 2013, 05:31 PM

The next day, the expedition reconvened at the central plaza in front of the temple. A few men and women looked well-rested and hopeful, ready for whatever the future held in store for them. Many others on the other hand were clearly exhausted. Their heads hung low in shame. Despite all their efforts, two of the groups returned in failure. And a second individual had fallen victim to the traps. Namely Eldoth.

Various self-appointed leaders took it upon them to explain to members of the other groups what had transpired on their journeys through the ruins. The places they had found and mysteries that may or may not have been solved. At first, none noticed the scrolls that were neatly pinned to a pillar in the center of the plaza. Of course, with so large a group, nothing goes unnoticed indefinitely.

Student here. The cult does not need another player given our inability to lynch to lynch scummy players.

I will not link up until after the main sanctum is opened. I will be submitting an answer every night until it is opened. All explorers should do the same.

Cernd, Mazzy or Anomen should absolutely be the lynch for today. If I had to settle, I'd settle on Khalid.

Do not lynch Haer-Dalis, Yoshimo, or Branwen. Especially don't lynch Branwen.

Look into Safana and Vicionia. At least one is scum.

If you put the puzzle into a deductive reasoning chart similar to the one below, it should prove beneficial.


This is your herald speakin with all dat daily newies stuff you need to just about get your day up on the get go

Cernd was on Mazzy for just being a coocoohead and a half.

Anomen claimed spy. Mazzy denied all belongin to that pairing he gave us her in. he backed up, said he made a mistaken.

Viconia got onto that attention she had been so adamant into avoiding

Minsc went around and around tryin to sort out all kinds of things. He dipped his hand into many a pot today ladies and it looks like Cernd and him might have to go toe to fist.

Branwen posts surrounding the ever trollish monstar Jaheira with scumbait!

Jan pops up gives us the gumption of him being a Barbarian in the rolelist.

Haer-Dalis denied some allagations that she was a whisy washy voter with no sense of direction.

18 votes to lynch.
- Lynches will use the majority. However the hammer vote will not end the day, and votes beyond 18 may even be removed. At the end of the day any player at 18 or more votes will be lynched. Consider it a 'Trial.'

- Living Players -
FM Aerie
FM Ajantis
FM Alora
FM Anomen
FM Branwen
FM Cernd
FM Coran
FM Dynaheir
FM Faldorn
FM Garrick
FM Haer-Dalis
FM Imoen
FM Jaheira
FM Jan
FM Kagain
FM Keldorn
FM Khalid
FM Kivan
FM Korgan
FM Mazzy
FM Minsc
FM Montaron
FM Nalia
FM Quayle
FM Safana
FM Sarevok
FM Shar-Teel
FM Tiax
FM Valygar
FM Viconia
FM Xan
FM Xzar
FM Yeslick
FM Yoshimo

- The Deceased -
FM Edwin the Cleric - beaten to death by enraged adventurers
FM Skie the Enchanter - killed by a trap
FM Eldoth the Explorer - killed by a trap

Day 3 ends at this time: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=0.30am+GMT+september+1st

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 05:31 PM
Hello! ^^

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 05:32 PM
Oh well, we failed our Puzzle.

FM Valygar
August 29th, 2013, 05:32 PM
We were in the Satyr puzzle: Xan offered "faith" and hasn't died, so I have high hopes.

FM Cernd
August 29th, 2013, 05:32 PM
Third time's a charm.
FM Mazy

Those traps.

FM Keldorn
August 29th, 2013, 05:32 PM
Important note for all Adventurers! Read this!

Do not divulge who was sent to solve the puzzle and do not divulge any clues as of yet.
We want Mazzy to prove herself as Diviner. For this we have developed a code for her to post the clue she retrieved by mind reading. After she posted her code every puzzler solver should reveal their clue. Then Mazzy will reveal her target and we will see if the clues match up. From there we can decide how we handle things depending on the results.

And Mazzy, if you missed the code because of work, go read it up in the puzzle chat!
Do under no circumstances reveal your clue uncoded!

FM Yeslick
August 29th, 2013, 05:33 PM
I did not contribute to my night chat last night.

I did read, however.
FM Mazzy

FM Keldorn
August 29th, 2013, 05:33 PM
We were in the Satyr puzzle: Xan offered "faith" and hasn't died, so I have high hopes.
Way to go... so much for the plan.

FM Valygar
August 29th, 2013, 05:34 PM
We have had no new puzzles for 4 IRL days: can the other groups please post theirs so I can look at something different for once!?

FM Cernd
August 29th, 2013, 05:34 PM
Mazzy refused to follow our instructions and to check keldorn (the one who solved our puzzle). Instead she visited Viconia under the excuse that she thinks Viconia is the thief (seriously. lmao).

We gave her a chance to prove herself and she replied by giving us the finger.
Nothing is saving you today, Mazzy.

FM Valygar
August 29th, 2013, 05:36 PM
Way to go... so much for the plan.

Wouldn't matter: Mazzy was not in our chat, nor should he have checked Xan if he was a legit Diviner.

FM Mazzy

FM Aerie
August 29th, 2013, 05:36 PM
Fm mazzy nothing is saving her today.

FM Keldorn
August 29th, 2013, 05:36 PM
Well, scrape the announcement above. I'd like to know in which puzzle chat Safana and Viconia were and why they were not sent to solve the puzzle.

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 05:37 PM
Well, just play Jigsaw.

“when” “your shadow” “flows” “in” “they” “swear” “their liquid” “of” “bhaal’s name” “fear” “we who” “to strike” “before” “the deed” “revel” “the heart” “in” “their end” “so” “was done” “our mark” “shall know” “from” “in” “their husk” “life” “comes”

FM Cernd
August 29th, 2013, 05:37 PM
Post our clue, Keldorn.

FM Cernd
August 29th, 2013, 05:38 PM
At the central plaza of the Eldercity, at the opposite end from the great temple of Bhaal, stands a round structure that must be newer than most. It has fallen to disrepair as well, but withstood the tests of time better than many other buildings in the vicinity. That is to say; nothing has collapsed.

At first glance, the building appears to be completely empty and its use is therefore hard to guess. Khalid suggests that something seems very wrong here though, and presses the rest of the group to investigate more closely. Hours go by, walls and floors are thoroughly examined and still nothing is found. The party is about to give up when Khalid notices that a certain path of floor tiles leading to the very back of the building is more worn than others. A more focused search, yet still no one finds anything out of the ordinary. Tired and frustrated, Sarevok kicks at the wall by means of stress relief. To his surprise, his toes go right through it and a “click” is heard by all, revealing a secret doorway, behind which lies a winding staircase that leads down below.

The large circular chamber found at the end of the stairs seems to have been a hidden place of worship of sorts. But unlike most Faerunian temples, it doesn’t have symbolism for but a single god, but for many. Eleven small alcoves make up the outer wall of the hall.

The five alcoves to the right of the entrance contain statues that depict the following deities (in the same order):

Torm, god of duty.
Ilmater, god of endurance.
Chauntea, goddess of fertility.
Selune, goddess of the stars.
Tymora, goddess of luck.

In the sixth stands a headless statue with a grinning skull lying at its feet. It looks like this might be intended as a mockery of the dead god Bhaal, which explains why this place was hidden.

The remaining five contain faceless statues with a small compartment at their base and are otherwise undecorated.

At the center lies an elevated platform that is decorated with a white jawless skull on a black sunburst. On a stone slab, there are five small statues that look like they might fit inside the five compartments below the faceless statues. Each of them has a symbol painted on them:

A purple triangle with three orange drops of water on it.
A red shape of an arrowhead with twisted black antlers on its surface.
A black clenched fist in a glove, with green rays shooting outward from between the fingers.
A scourge with nine barbed tails.
A black surface with a purple circle on it.

On the ceiling above the platform, the circle is surrounded by imagery of twelve swords with their tips pointing inwards. Eleven of them are identical, but the sword above the entrance looks different; it has a black velvet mask of some sort wrapped around the hilt.

FM Coran
August 29th, 2013, 05:38 PM
Hi all.

Not a lot of action in our puzzle chat (Satyr) because well... that puzzle suck xD.

Jan and Xan were lurky and Jan posted 20 min after someone pointed out that they were missing.
It show that he was there, following the thread without contributing.
That's a scummy move from my POV.

FM Keldorn
August 29th, 2013, 05:39 PM
Wouldn't matter: Mazzy was not in our chat, nor should he have checked Xan if he was a legit Diviner.

FM Mazzy
You miss the point. If Mazzy is no Diviner, she can't know who was sent and the chance that Viconia got sent wasn't negligible. As such she would have had to make up a clue or gamble on that she wasn't sent. That isn't a possibility anymore. Thanks.

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 05:39 PM
At the central plaza of the Eldercity, at the opposite end from the great temple of Bhaal, stands a round structure that must be newer than most. It has fallen to disrepair as well, but withstood the tests of time better than many other buildings in the vicinity. That is to say; nothing has collapsed.

At first glance, the building appears to be completely empty and its use is therefore hard to guess. Khalid suggests that something seems very wrong here though, and presses the rest of the group to investigate more closely. Hours go by, walls and floors are thoroughly examined and still nothing is found. The party is about to give up when Khalid notices that a certain path of floor tiles leading to the very back of the building is more worn than others. A more focused search, yet still no one finds anything out of the ordinary. Tired and frustrated, Sarevok kicks at the wall by means of stress relief. To his surprise, his toes go right through it and a “click” is heard by all, revealing a secret doorway, behind which lies a winding staircase that leads down below.

The large circular chamber found at the end of the stairs seems to have been a hidden place of worship of sorts. But unlike most Faerunian temples, it doesn’t have symbolism for but a single god, but for many. Eleven small alcoves make up the outer wall of the hall.

The five alcoves to the right of the entrance contain statues that depict the following deities (in the same order):

Torm, god of duty.
Ilmater, god of endurance.
Chauntea, goddess of fertility.
Selune, goddess of the stars.
Tymora, goddess of luck.

In the sixth stands a headless statue with a grinning skull lying at its feet. It looks like this might be intended as a mockery of the dead god Bhaal, which explains why this place was hidden.

The remaining five contain faceless statues with a small compartment at their base and are otherwise undecorated.

At the center lies an elevated platform that is decorated with a white jawless skull on a black sunburst. On a stone slab, there are five small statues that look like they might fit inside the five compartments below the faceless statues. Each of them has a symbol painted on them:

A purple triangle with three orange drops of water on it.
A red shape of an arrowhead with twisted black antlers on its surface.
A black clenched fist in a glove, with green rays shooting outward from between the fingers.
A scourge with nine barbed tails.
A black surface with a purple circle on it.

On the ceiling above the platform, the circle is surrounded by imagery of twelve swords with their tips pointing inwards. Eleven of them are identical, but the sword above the entrance looks different; it has a black velvet mask of some sort wrapped around the hilt.

Now thats the kind of Riddle I like! I was in the wrong room!

FM Valygar
August 29th, 2013, 05:40 PM
Viconia was in our puzzle chat, and she was not sent due to her failing to submit an answer (inactive) and our want to test "faith" and ensure that no living soul would ever have to go there again.

FM Yeslick
August 29th, 2013, 05:42 PM
Now thats the kind of Riddle I like! I was in the wrong room!

You wouldn't have had much fun. One of our reserves, FM Qara solved pretty much the whole thing before Night even started.

FM Kivan
August 29th, 2013, 05:42 PM
Well, scrape the announcement above. I'd like to know in which puzzle chat Safana and Viconia were and why they were not sent to solve the puzzle.

We had Safana. All of our ideas sucked so we decided to send Eldoth to die. He was afk whole night so we figured out it wil be no big deal.

FM Shar-Teel
August 29th, 2013, 05:42 PM
FM Mazzy

Mazzy's no diviner. Why not just check Keldorn? Pretty obvious there.

FM Jaheira
August 29th, 2013, 05:43 PM
Hey everybody :( As Faldorn said, Eldoth was in our puzzle and we failed. We weren't confident in our answer, so we sent Eldoth in since he was a lurker. He submitted no answer and died. As stated, none of us went cause none of us were confident enough in our answer, so we defaulted to using the puzzle as a lynch.

Information from our chat:

Player List:

FM Jaheira
FM Aerie
FM Safana
FM Anomen
FM Eldoth
FM Xzar
FM Faldorn
FM Montaron
FM Kivan
FM Minsc
FM Kagain
FM Garrick

The puzzle:
“when” “your shadow” “flows” “in” “they” “swear” “their liquid” “of” “bhaal’s name” “fear” “we who” “to strike” “before” “the deed” “revel” “the heart” “in” “their end” “so” “was done” “our mark” “shall know” “from” “in” “their husk” “life” “comes”

It seems reasonable to assume that these words are supposed to form a phrase of some kind.

Reads from the night(From 2 players):

Player 1:
FM Jaheira - Contributed, seems ok.
FM Aerie - Aerie didn't post any solution, but "has been trying for HOURS". Suuuure, I believe her. Accepted Ammon's solution in an instant, voted for Safana to volunteer and later asked why did we vote her. Perhaps it was sarcasm, perhaps it was a slip.
FM Safana - Posted one solution, I liked her idea about even amount of syllables in each verse, didn't mind being volunteer.
FM Anomen - One useless post.
FM Eldoth - Nothing.
FM Xzar - Didn't contribute at night, because he felt that riddle is already solved. He sulked for being orange, but I hope it will motivate him more.
FM Faldorn - Didn't give a single guano about the riddle.
FM Montaron - He said he has no time but his contribution was significant. Proposed a solution, tried different approach. And he promised us a table. Tables are great.
FM Kivan - Contributed, very helpful, kept chat moving.
FM Minsc - Proposed one solution, apparently had no time to contribute more.
FM Kagain, FM Garrick - Why are those guys still not replaced?

Player 2:
FM Ammon: Our only active replacement. We had another in the puzzle chat, but he really didn't say much or contributed anything. Ammon posted a very good analysis of the possible syntax of the puzzle, as well as the solution that I think is most probable. The solution to the puzzle that I came up with was extremely similar; only two parts were swapped. Pretty sure most people in our group vouched for him; here's hoping he replaced one of the shitty lurkers.
FM Kivan: Most active player during our puzzle chat. Discussed about possible syntax and wording a lot and was generally very helpful. Also submitted a possible solution. Best town read I have out of everyone in this puzzle chat.
FM Minsc: Wasn't the most active out of the bunch, but was generally very helpful. Also submitted a solution that I deemed was very plausible.
FM Montaron Overall a good contribution; Couldn't post all that much (He did say at the beginning of the night that he couldn't be here much; still managed to spend some time on it after all). His solution was very similar to Ammon's but with small changes. Discussed some good points overall.
FM Jaheira: General contribution was alright. Nothing too out of the ordinary; made some good points, had a good discussion with Kivan about the sentence placements.
FM Xzar: Was pretty okay. Hasn't really contributed much to finding a solution and hasn't posted one himself. Felt like he was simply trying to blend in.
FM Safana: Only a few posts. Posted a solution, but it was missing a word or more. Still not sure if that was a sabotage attempt or not. Was okay with possibly being sent again for the clue.
FM Faldorn: Nothing but filler posts. He did not contribute anything at all towards the puzzles. Repeated multiple times that he hated word puzzles.
FM Aerie: Hasn't done anything. Posted about how we should send Safana again, talked about last day's puzzle a bit (?), and hasn't mentionned anything about the current puzzle, again. Was accusing people of not contributing in puzzle chat (And tried to derail a lynch yesterday) when she, herself, has been lurking her ass off and hasn't posted anything worthwhile. Said she ''has been trying for HOURS to find a solution.'' My pick for scummiest (active) person that should be pressured ASAP.
FM Anomen: One single post, saying he liked how one answer for the puzzle looked. Hasn't contributed anything. Obviously his Spy claim was bullshit, else he would have at least tried to help us solve this.
FM Kagain, FM Eldoth & FM Garrick: All inactive; not a single post. It's safe to assume that they will be replaced. Eldoth was sent for the puzzle.

I was unable to retain the color codes unfortunately.

FM Cernd
August 29th, 2013, 05:43 PM
You wouldn't have had much fun. One of our reserves, FM Qara solved pretty much the whole thing before Night even started.
Indeed. Everyone should vouch for Qara, even if you never meet her. d:
This game needs more players like her and less lurkers.

FM Keldorn
August 29th, 2013, 05:43 PM
I just received those clues:

Our Lord shall return.
It has been written.
The wicked shall burn.
The righteous are smitten.
Ammon the wicked.
Betrayer of Bhaal.
Tis time he was silenced.
Fore he ruins us all.
-Grobnar the Great

Raise your warhammer and crush the Skull of a Man. This is done in the ritual of Death. When performing this ritual, never speak the following words.
“From serf or foe, for justice or revenge, tis all the same. When the threads of mortality are shattered and carnage bestowed from one mortal upon another, honour is brought to our Lord.”

FM Kivan
August 29th, 2013, 05:45 PM
Part of my LW.

The riddle

An odd, tower-like structure stands before you. Surrounded by a hedge of bramble bushes that are mysteriously able to grow here. The building has no windows or doors, no stairs, nor any other ways that provide entrance. It is very doubtful that this construction is a solid mass of stone, however. In fact, one layer of the masonwork lies deeper than others, and the stones below it seem to be loose. While they cannot be removed, they can be pushed upwards, and from there on out they can be moved left and right. So they can be repositioned in a different order. You are convinced that there must be a way to get inside. But how?

On the eastern side of the building there is a small outcropping that holds a torch. You do not know how long it has been since anyone was here, but the torch looks to be brand new. One of you takes the torch in his hand and walks around the building with it. In this different light, he notices that the moveable stones bear an inscription with magical runes that could not be seen before.

“when” “your shadow” “flows” “in” “they” “swear” “their liquid” “of” “bhaal’s name” “fear” “we who” “to strike” “before” “the deed” “revel” “the heart” “in” “their end” “so” “was done” “our mark” “shall know” “from” “in” “their husk” “life” “comes”

It seems reasonable to assume that these words are supposed to form a phrase of some kind.

We came with a lot of possible answers, but none were satisfying. I proposed to choose Eldoth as avolunteer - if he wanted to live he could choose one of proposed solutions but he was afk all night. If he was Townie...Well, chance is he didn't do anything anyway.

FM Ammon contributed A LOT to this riddle, if you have no idea who to vouch I propose this guy!



Red - I'm quite sure he/she is scum
Orange - Weird, suspicious behavior
Grey - Don't have an opinion or possible neutral.
Dark Green - Giving town vibes
Green - I believe this is Town aligned player. Or at least he was yesterday;)
* - Was in my puzzle chat.

FM Aerie (*) - Nothing new, didn't contribute at all in night chat, she only said she's been "trying for HOURS". I totally believe her. Noticed Quayle's fail during d2 and this was it.
FM Ajantis - Fuck this guy. Signing up for the game and then insulting everybody for playing.
FM Alora - Harper, huh? She took long time to answer some of my simple questions (~around #900 on d2), I find it suspicious.
FM Anomen (*) - He plays visible Lunatic, something no Town would do after claiming investigative role. Don't trust his own readings. Scum or Lunatic.
FM Branwen - Random claim during n1 was weird, but she looks definitely more townie now. The thing is her behavior changed so drastically I think she could be culted.
FM Cernd - I can see why he wanted lynch Mazzy, but changed his mind after all. Really wanted to lynch someone. I still see him as Town.
FM Coran - Yesterday I saw nothing that would scream, or even whisper, "Town" in his posts.
FM Dynaheir - ...
FM Eldoth (*) - Appeared during the day, was afk whole night. We voted him to volunteer since that puzzle defeated us.
FM Faldorn (*) - Completely ignored riddle solving during night, instead she focused on herself and wanted us to guess her role. She really isn't subtle with her Druid claim, but her behavior makes sense.
FM Garrick (*) - One of the worst NPCs.
FM Haer-Dalis - Again nice contribution, noticed the pattern in Jan's posts. He suspected Anomen is a Harper and didn't vote him which a bit weird seeing how he was on every other train and how Anomen's behavior was totally scummy.
FM Imoen - GREAT idea for LWs, her solution to the riddle was probably the best I've seen.
FM Jaheira (*) - Contributed decently during the night, focused on Mazzy during the day. Made some good points here and there.
FM Jan - Basically claimed Bhaalspawn during the day, but the one who doesn't kill. Made himself bad target to convert and good target for other Bhaalspawns. Perhaps an Explorer who wants to die for us.
FM Kagain (*) - ARGHHHHHHHH.
FM Keldorn - Really focused on opening the sanctum, has proven himself to be good riddle solver. Unfortunately that makes him good target to convert.
FM Khalid - I still don't like his posts. There are many fillers in them and they all seem to have "look how townie I am" feeling, fencesitting, making sure he voted popular targets. He had some nice moments during the day, but for now he will remain on scummy side.
FM Korgan - Korgan still seems pro town. If he is Duke, he was basically forced to lie at this point. If he is scum, this could be potential slip.
FM Mazzy - Yeah, that's way better. Took some sweet time to claim her role, but Diviner should be quite simply to confirm. This also makes her good target to convert...
FM Minsc (*) - Little less active than usual during night chat, but he still is strong Town read.
FM Montaron (*) - Quite helpful during night, tried different approach when solving the riddle. Town is growing strong in this one.
FM Nalia - Still blank page on her.
FM Quayle - Failed during the day, but Illusionist is really hard to fake as scum.
FM Safana (*) - Tried solving a puzzle, didn't mind being voted to try the riddle (although she wasn't too happy about it). She revealed a clue that looks real, if she only was more active during the day she would be townie green.
FM Sarevok - Little bit too quiet yesterday, but I believe he mentioned that he will be more lurky now. This could be cult excuse though.
FM Shar-Teel - One of the strongest Town reads, nothing more to say.
FM Tiax - Defended Mazzy, voted Alora, but decided to believe her. On the edge of being afk.
FM Valygar - Still looking strong.
FM Viconia - Shared a clue with us, but other than that she is lurking.
FM Xan - Very active at the beginning of the day, when getting town points was very easy to do, later he fell silent.
FM Xzar (*) - Same issue as with Xan, didn't contribute at night, because he felt that riddle is already solved. He sulked for being orange, but I hope it will motivate him more.
FM Yeslick - When he said "Khalid is Town" he sounded really sure. Had some good points during the day, but not so much.
FM Yoshimo - Became little bit too quiet for my taste.

FM Aerie
August 29th, 2013, 05:45 PM
What was the correct answer for your puzzle?

FM Yeslick
August 29th, 2013, 05:45 PM
I'm vouching for FM Ammon every night. He has won my heart.

Hey everybody :( As Faldorn said, Eldoth was in our puzzle and we failed. We weren't confident in our answer, so we sent Eldoth in since he was a lurker. He submitted no answer and died. As stated, none of us went cause none of us were confident enough in our answer, so we defaulted to using the puzzle as a lynch.

Information from our chat:
The puzzle:
“when” “your shadow” “flows” “in” “they” “swear” “their liquid” “of” “bhaal’s name” “fear” “we who” “to strike” “before” “the deed” “revel” “the heart” “in” “their end” “so” “was done” “our mark” “shall know” “from” “in” “their husk” “life” “comes”

Did your group attempt to solve the puzzle? It doesn't seem like it since you sent in a no-answer lurker. It seems daunting but doable if you split it into propositions, nouns, stuff like that. Idk.

FM Minsc
August 29th, 2013, 05:46 PM
FM Mazzy

I believe that the person we sent to sole the riddle, the Jigsaw one posted earlier, did not submit an answer which lead to his death.

FM Cernd
August 29th, 2013, 05:47 PM
What was the correct answer for your puzzle?
To place each object in the appropiate place.
i can' quote the puzzle chat since the thread was locked, and I'm too lazy to make a table.
It was this translated into a table with the objects and stuff:

FM Kivan
August 29th, 2013, 05:47 PM
I just received those clues:

Our Lord shall return.
It has been written.
The wicked shall burn.
The righteous are smitten.
Ammon the wicked.
Betrayer of Bhaal.
Tis time he was silenced.
Fore he ruins us all.
-Grobnar the Great

Raise your warhammer and crush the Skull of a Man. This is done in the ritual of Death. When performing this ritual, never speak the following words.
“From serf or foe, for justice or revenge, tis all the same. When the threads of mortality are shattered and carnage bestowed from one mortal upon another, honour is brought to our Lord.”

So each ritual has also different chant. And we have 3rd weapon, that means that each Ritual has its own candles. Perhaps it has also some kind of activity (like crushing skulls...).

We are nowhere near solution right now...

FM Minsc
August 29th, 2013, 05:48 PM
I'm vouching for FM Ammon every night. He has won my heart.

Did your group attempt to solve the puzzle? It doesn't seem like it since you sent in a no-answer lurker. It seems daunting but doable if you split it into propositions, nouns, stuff like that. Idk.

We had approximately four appropriate solutions to the puzzle but we could not agree. We also did not take into account that our volunteer would afk the entire game like he did.

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 05:49 PM
We had approximately four appropriate solutions to the puzzle but we could not agree. We also did not take into account that our volunteer would afk the entire game like he did.

Should of voted me then eh?

FM Minsc
August 29th, 2013, 05:50 PM
Should of voted me then eh?

Your needless sarcasm and filler post has been noted. Instead of being this irritating perhaps you should have attempted some example of usefulness and not been so actively lurking.

FM Xzar
August 29th, 2013, 05:51 PM
That I didn't contribute at night is an overstatement. That said, sup, no feedback. The story of my puzzle chat has been told.

We had 4 answers, 2 of which were more likely but we sent Eldoth.

FM Yeslick
August 29th, 2013, 05:52 PM
We had approximately four appropriate solutions to the puzzle but we could not agree. We also did not take into account that our volunteer would afk the entire game like he did.

It's hard to believe that you guys wouldn't think Eldoth, a guy who's made like 3 total posts during both days, would afk on an answer. If you guys had 4 answers, that's enough to be somewhat confident to propose an answer and gain a clue. What were your 4 answers? Your riddle seems like one where the correct answer would have that magic "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh" moment and click perfectly. I would suspect whoever pushed for Eldoth to be a Cult scared of the seal being broken.

FM Xzar
August 29th, 2013, 05:53 PM
It's hard to believe that you guys wouldn't think Eldoth, a guy who's made like 3 total posts during both days, would afk on an answer. If you guys had 4 answers, that's enough to be somewhat confident to propose an answer and gain a clue. What were your 4 answers? Your riddle seems like one where the correct answer would have that magic "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh" moment and click perfectly. I would suspect whoever pushed for Eldoth to be a Cult scared of the seal being broken.

We unanimously voted Eldoth. Furthermore, it did not have that effect.

FM Kivan
August 29th, 2013, 05:53 PM
Can someone elaborate about Mazzy's behavior during night?

FM Yeslick
August 29th, 2013, 05:53 PM
Can't tell if you guys wanted to use the trap as a Night Lynch. Minsc's post makes it seem like it was unintentional for him to afk and die, Jaheria's implies the opposite.

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 05:55 PM
An option was given, to vote him or me. Me not being AFK so far and me being there.

People voteing the AFK person.

This is what I'm getting at. If you understand? Not just filling in.

FM Cernd
August 29th, 2013, 05:55 PM
Can someone elaborate about Mazzy's behavior during night?
Scummy as fuck.

Ignored us and decided to check Viconia under the excuse that she thought that Viconia is a thief, even when there was no way to know if Viconia would solve the puzzle.

Mazzy gets lynched today. I feel bad for sparing her life yesterday. It won't happen again.

FM Cernd
August 29th, 2013, 05:56 PM
To those at the Satyr's gate: Why did you pick Xan as the volunteer?

FM Minsc
August 29th, 2013, 05:56 PM
Can't tell if you guys wanted to use the trap as a Night Lynch. Minsc's post makes it seem like it was unintentional for him to afk and die, Jaheria's implies the opposite.

Im afraid I followed Kivans lead in this regard, as my attentions were diverted elsewhere. I am gathering the solutions to post here shortly.

FM Imoen
August 29th, 2013, 05:56 PM
I apologize, milords. I was absent for half of yesterday and most of last night. I missed most of yesterdays goings on, except that lady Mazzy would have been lynched but for the fact that she claims to be our diviner. If anything else of note happened, please let me know. I am however a bit relieved that the night I was indisposed also happened to be the night in which a spirit all but solved the puzzle before we even laid eyes on it. Hopefully I shall be able be present more in the coming days, as I was before, but I can make no promises. So please be patient with me. In the meantime, since it would seem that lady Mazzy has played us all for fools, I support her swift banishment.

FM Mazzy

FM Kivan
August 29th, 2013, 05:57 PM
It's hard to believe that you guys wouldn't think Eldoth, a guy who's made like 3 total posts during both days, would afk on an answer. If you guys had 4 answers, that's enough to be somewhat confident to propose an answer and gain a clue. What were your 4 answers? Your riddle seems like one where the correct answer would have that magic "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh" moment and click perfectly. I would suspect whoever pushed for Eldoth to be a Cult scared of the seal being broken.

It didn't. We ended up with way more possibilities than 4 - I think we had about 7-8 answers, but all of them didn't make sense at one point or the other. We sent Eldoth to die and tobe honest - I am the one whoproposed it. Eldoth posted a bit yesterday so we knew he wasn't completely afk and if he appeared at all during those 48h he would see what's going on. He chose to ignore this game and I don't feel bad about his death.

If you try this puzzle you will see it's not that easy.

FM Minsc
August 29th, 2013, 05:58 PM
In the heart of their end we, who swear to strike in Bhaal's name know the deed was done, revel before your shadow. Their liquid life flows from their husk. When our mark comes they shall fear.

Our mark comes in the heart of their end, so they revel in fear before your shadow.
When their liquid life flows from their husk, we who swear to strike in Bhaal's name shall know the deed was done.

We who swear to strike in Bhaal's name revel when their liquid life flows from their husk. Our mark comes in the heart of their end. They fear before your shadow, so shall know the deed was done.

|we who|revel|in|your shadow|
|swear|in|bhaal’s name|
|to strike|the heart|so|
|their liquid|life|flows|from|their husk|
|when| the deed|was done|
|they|shall know|fear|in|our mark|
|before| their end|comes|

These were the four best answers we had at our chat

FM Shar-Teel
August 29th, 2013, 05:59 PM
Cespenar just posted the RP for our trap. We failed again. Xan however did not die.


FM Shar-Teel
August 29th, 2013, 05:59 PM
To those at the Satyr's gate: Why did you pick Xan as the volunteer?

Xan volunteered to go.

FM Yeslick
August 29th, 2013, 06:00 PM
It didn't. We ended up with way more possibilities than 4 - I think we had about 7-8 answers, but all of them didn't make sense at one point or the other. We sent Eldoth to die and tobe honest - I am the one whoproposed it. Eldoth posted a bit yesterday so we knew he wasn't completely afk and if he appeared at all during those 48h he would see what's going on. He chose to ignore this game and I don't feel bad about his death.

If you try this puzzle you will see it's not that easy.

I see. About the puzzle, indeed it isn't easy.

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 06:01 PM
Xan volunteered to go.

So maybe Fear next time?

FM Shar-Teel
August 29th, 2013, 06:03 PM
I'd go with Spear but it will be the choice of whoever is stuck with that puzzle again.

FM Cernd
August 29th, 2013, 06:04 PM
Just noticed that I voted the wrong name.
FM Mazzy

FM Kivan
August 29th, 2013, 06:05 PM
In the heart of their end we, who swear to strike in Bhaal's name know the deed was done, revel before your shadow. Their liquid life flows from their husk. When our mark comes they shall fear.

Our mark comes in the heart of their end, so they revel in fear before your shadow.
When their liquid life flows from their husk, we who swear to strike in Bhaal's name shall know the deed was done.

We who swear to strike in Bhaal's name revel when their liquid life flows from their husk. Our mark comes in the heart of their end. They fear before your shadow, so shall know the deed was done.

|we who|revel|in|your shadow|
|swear|in|bhaal’s name|
|to strike|the heart|so|
|their liquid|life|flows|from|their husk|
|when| the deed|was done|
|they|shall know|fear|in|our mark|
|before| their end|comes|

These were the four best answers we had at our chat

I believe mine is missing.

My best:

When their liquid life flows from their husk, they shall know their end comes in the heart of your shadow.
So we, who swear in Bhaal's name to strike fear before the deed was done, revel in our mark.

I also had:

When their liquid life flows from their husk, they shall know their end comes in your shadow.
So we, who swear in Bhaal's name to strike fear before the deed was done, revel in our mark (of the heart).

And you forgot very first one:

Our mark comes in the heart of their end, so they revel in fear before your shadow.
When their liquid life flows from their husk, we who swear to strike in Bhaal's name shall know the deed was done.

FM Coran
August 29th, 2013, 06:08 PM
To those at the Satyr's gate: Why did you pick Xan as the volunteer?

First, he volunteered

Second, We were not entirely sure of our answer again. so we sent a lurker.

FM Coran
August 29th, 2013, 06:10 PM
I'd go with Spear but it will be the choice of whoever is stuck with that puzzle again.

During the puzzle chat, I was against this answer since the two gate before had non-material answer.

Proposing Spear would have made no sense at all.

FM Khalid
August 29th, 2013, 06:11 PM
FM Mazzy

FM Keldorn
August 29th, 2013, 06:12 PM
So Mazzy missed her chance to prove herself. I'd still like to know what she has to say about the clue Viconia retrieved yesterday.

FM Keldorn
August 29th, 2013, 06:13 PM
FM Mazzy

FM Kivan
August 29th, 2013, 06:14 PM
FM Mazzy

I like the idea of Mazzy coming here and seeing herself at L-3 or something like that.

FM Shar-Teel
August 29th, 2013, 06:15 PM
Keldorn, that doesn't sound right. It sounds like you believe Mazzy is the diviner. If Mazzy is scum, then anything she said about V's clue would be garbage.

Mazzy needs rope.

FM Coran
August 29th, 2013, 06:15 PM
Viconia was the second one to post a clue and could have faked her clue by semi-copying Safana's one...
I guess that's why Mazzy choose to investigate her. (Even if it was a mistake due to the fact that she can't be confirmed anymore)
But I kinda understand her action.


FM Mazzy

I hope at least she will share what she found while investigating Viconia for clue.

FM Dynaheir
August 29th, 2013, 06:18 PM
Hello everyone. I Am monstrously sorry for my absence these past few days, but I'm ready to contribute.

My thoughts on current events: that Mazzy went rogue with her night action tells me she's bullshitting. It also strongly implicates Viconia - imagine this scenario: Viconia gives a false clue. Mazzy claims Diviner, checks Viconia to "verify" the false clue. We should absolutely lynch Mazzy with Viconia as our next point of discussion. In that vein, verifying the clues is of utmost importance, but from the latest clue I presume there is a large amount of info that we just don't have yet. If there is a legitimate diviner/coroner, they should definitely stay hidden for now.

FM Mazzy

How was Anomen in his puzzle chat? Lynching Mazzy will also tell us something about his role, since he seems so scummy.

FM Khalid
August 29th, 2013, 06:19 PM
Well this is not good. Two failed puzzles, and Mazzy decided to be obstructive as Hell, as he claimed at the end of the night that he would not change his night action from Viconia to Feldorn on the grounds that Viconia may be the thief and thus was hiding a modified clue.

Should have lynched him yesterday, but I did try and thus do not feel responsible for the current predicament.

It seems like the main puzzle shall not be solved tonight.

Mazzy was helpful with puzzle solving, but then became very difficult when it came to proving his innocence through his night action. Also thought both Cernd and I appeared scummy.

FM Minsc
August 29th, 2013, 06:21 PM
Hello everyone. I Am monstrously sorry for my absence these past few days, but I'm ready to contribute.

My thoughts on current events: that Mazzy went rogue with her night action tells me she's bullshitting. It also strongly implicates Viconia - imagine this scenario: Viconia gives a false clue. Mazzy claims Diviner, checks Viconia to "verify" the false clue. We should absolutely lynch Mazzy with Viconia as our next point of discussion. In that vein, verifying the clues is of utmost importance, but from the latest clue I presume there is a large amount of info that we just don't have yet. If there is a legitimate diviner/coroner, they should definitely stay hidden for now.

FM Mazzy

How was Anomen in his puzzle chat? Lynching Mazzy will also tell us something about his role, since he seems so scummy.

He posted once and it was a highly scummy post to make of someone who is claiming to be a spy. His post was a basic all is well post consisting of four - five words.

FM Khalid
August 29th, 2013, 06:21 PM
And some hard work needs to be done on that Satyr's gate puzzle, because if we don't figure that out we will have a potential of 2 figurable clues tonight.

FM Khalid
August 29th, 2013, 06:22 PM
Anomen, Alora, Mazzy are the scummiest players so far in my personal opinion, and I believe we should watch them carefully.

It might be a wise idea to force a claim out of Alora as well.

FM Cernd
August 29th, 2013, 06:24 PM
It might be a wise idea to force a claim out of Alora as well.
Alora claimed bodyguard (whatever it's called), which makes one under why is he alive after such a claim. Aren't there three Bhaalspawns who have night immunity?

FM Cernd
August 29th, 2013, 06:25 PM
makes one wonder*

FM Jaheira
August 29th, 2013, 06:26 PM
Correct. There are 3 Bhaalspawns, all with night/lynch immunity.

FM Mazzy I too like the idea of her coming on to see herself close to hanging. There was no reason to go rogue, and no Town would do that. Hopefully she'll have some incentive to explain herself when she gets on. Also, Anomen as stated posted a whopping 1 time in our chat. Again, scummy scummy scummy.

FM Keldorn
August 29th, 2013, 06:27 PM
Keldorn, that doesn't sound right. It sounds like you believe Mazzy is the diviner. If Mazzy is scum, then anything she said about V's clue would be garbage.
I certainly do not discard that possibility. She took a gamble, I made her aware of the drawbacks, she still went with it. Now is the time to pay the price. So if she isn't scum what she has to say about Viconia's clue sure is useful.

FM Cernd
August 29th, 2013, 06:29 PM
Talking about Alora.
He promised he would stop lurking when we were going to hang his ass. Did he contribute during the puzzle chat?

FM Viconia
August 29th, 2013, 06:37 PM
Hello everybody. I should be a familiar face to all.

I have been following the night chat but dropped off the map Day 2 and that Day's puzzle chat. Can someone please provide a summary of those Days?

I'll be sure to read up when I have time.

FM Keldorn
August 29th, 2013, 06:40 PM
Sure, but please post your puzzle clue first. You should have one.

FM Viconia
August 29th, 2013, 06:48 PM
Night 1 Feedback

The Obsidian Dagger and the Obsidian Amulet are used together in the same ritual.

A golden amulet adorned with Emerald is worn while performing a ritual that requires a weapon.

For the ritual of Destruction, one should wear an amulet adorned with black gemstones. The Ruby amulet is used along with the Crimson Candles.

FM Mazzy
August 29th, 2013, 06:48 PM
Just got back here is my feedback.

You awake covered in cold sweat. The damning whispers from the nightmare you have just experienced are still fresh on your mind.

Choose your next words carefully.

Your target uncovered the following clues:

The Obsidian Dagger and the Ruby Amulet are used together in the same ritual. The ritual of Evil is accomplished with the aid of a Sapphire Amulet.

The dim light of the Crimson Candles must shine over the ritual of Retribution. The Emerald Amulet will grow brightly as you complete the ritual of Death.

FM Mazzy
August 29th, 2013, 06:49 PM
I apologize, that feedback was from Bhaal

FM Minsc
August 29th, 2013, 06:50 PM
I apologize, that feedback was from Bhaal

Kill her with fire

FM Valygar
August 29th, 2013, 06:54 PM
Kill her with fire

Evoker softclaim noted.

FM Valygar
August 29th, 2013, 06:55 PM
Evoker softclaim noted.

Or half-dragon

FM Viconia
August 29th, 2013, 06:57 PM
I do not have Night 2 Feedback.

Sorry Keldorn!

Where's that summary?

FM Dynaheir
August 29th, 2013, 06:58 PM
Well we ought to lynch one of these two, because someone is clearly lying. Though we must remember that if one flips scum, the other is not necessarily telling the truth.

FM Minsc
August 29th, 2013, 06:58 PM
Evoker softclaim noted.

You may believe I am whatever you wish.

There is the note that a Disguiser may be in the game and I was asked, in a hearthtype chat, to reveal this to you.

FM Dynaheir
August 29th, 2013, 06:59 PM
I do not have Night 2 Feedback.

Sorry Keldorn!

Where's that summary?

The Inner Sanctum remains closed, which means there are no hammers. You are not in immediate danger of being lynched, so it would behoove you to familiarize yourself (on your own) with the events of the past few days as soon as you can.

FM Kivan
August 29th, 2013, 07:00 PM
Damn, Mazzy's feedback looks actually more real than Viconia's. But she still defied the will of the group which is plain stupid in my opinion.

My vote stays. Mazzy what is your reasoning for not checking current volunteer?

FM Valygar
August 29th, 2013, 07:00 PM
You may believe I am whatever you wish.

There is the note that a Disguiser may be in the game and I was asked, in a hearthtype chat, to reveal this to you.

To me or to all the players?

FM Kivan
August 29th, 2013, 07:01 PM
You may believe I am whatever you wish.

There is the note that a Disguiser may be in the game and I was asked, in a hearthtype chat, to reveal this to you.

Note? Did your lover receive some kind of clue or was he an investigative?

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 07:02 PM
How will thee suspect a Disguiser may be in the game, unless they checked someone who feedback made them think that, Or the person you talked with is a Disguiser themselve?

FM Cernd
August 29th, 2013, 07:03 PM
Where's that summary?
You need to vote Mazzy.

FM Imoen
August 29th, 2013, 07:03 PM
Just got back here is my feedback.
The Obsidian Dagger and the Ruby Amulet are used together in the same ritual. The ritual of Evil is accomplished with the aid of a Sapphire Amulet.

The dim light of the Crimson Candles must shine over the ritual of Retribution. The Emerald Amulet will grow brightly as you complete the ritual of Death.

She lies. Viconia was not sent to submit a solution last night, and this is the clue lady Viconia received from night one:

A golden amulet adorned with Emerald is worn while performing a ritual that requires a weapon.

For the ritual of Destruction, one should wear an amulet adorned with black gemstones. The Ruby amulet is used along with the Crimson Candles.

Banish her immediately.

FM Minsc
August 29th, 2013, 07:03 PM
How will thee suspect a Disguiser may be in the game, unless they checked someone who feedback made them think that, Or the person you talked with is a Disguiser themselve?

I asked them what was not talked about they would like to discuss and they replied Disguiser.

FM Mazzy
August 29th, 2013, 07:03 PM
I entirely expect to die today, and if I were your situations I would probably do the same, but I figured I'd explain my thoughts to you. As discussed yesterday Viconia's clue was very suspicious, there was no way it was right. According to the clue provided by Safana, and the discussion, there were exactly 16 facts require to open the temple. Safana's clue provided 4 such facts. I suspected that we would have similar success today and solve 2 of the 3 puzzles resulting in 2 additional clues. If i retrieved the true clue I suspected we would be able to solve the puzzle and enter the temple today. I suspected by revealing the clues we would result in the thief Viconia solving the puzzle resulting in 2 deaths. I hoped that by revealing her clue we would be able to solve the puzzle before her resulting in 2 less deaths. I fully expected to be lynched today, and said it was worth it. I will stick around to answer any questions you have for me before lynching me. I will answer them to the best of my ability, and then you will lynch me. I only ask that once I'm dead you respect my judgement in a way you did not with Edwin.

*Places head under the gallows*

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 07:07 PM
She lies. Viconia was not sent to submit a solution last night, and this is the clue lady Viconia received from night one:

Banish her immediately.

Dosn't she get all the clues the person has received, not just the night the Diviner checks? Your pretty set on killing Mazzy

FM Cernd
August 29th, 2013, 07:07 PM
I only ask that once I'm dead you respect my judgement in a way you did not with Edwin.

- OMG, Kivan and Cernd didn't vote Edwin! I should FoS on them under the excuse that they were against Edwin!
- Viconia has posted like five times during the day. She must be a thief!

Don't worry. Your judgement will be taken as seriously as it deserves to be.

FM Viconia
August 29th, 2013, 07:08 PM
FM Mazzy

Faldorn, are you scum?

FM Imoen
August 29th, 2013, 07:09 PM
I entirely expect to die today, and if I were your situations I would probably do the same, but I figured I'd explain my thoughts to you. As discussed yesterday Viconia's clue was very suspicious, there was no way it was right. According to the clue provided by Safana, and the discussion, there were exactly 16 facts require to open the temple. Safana's clue provided 4 such facts. I suspected that we would have similar success today and solve 2 of the 3 puzzles resulting in 2 additional clues. If i retrieved the true clue I suspected we would be able to solve the puzzle and enter the temple today. I suspected by revealing the clues we would result in the thief Viconia solving the puzzle resulting in 2 deaths. I hoped that by revealing her clue we would be able to solve the puzzle before her resulting in 2 less deaths. I fully expected to be lynched today, and said it was worth it. I will stick around to answer any questions you have for me before lynching me. I will answer them to the best of my ability, and then you will lynch me. I only ask that once I'm dead you respect my judgement in a way you did not with Edwin.

*Places head under the gallows*

More lies. Ignore her. For the rest of the day, anyone who has not placed their vote upon lady Mazzy should so, and we should put all of our focus into solving the unsolved night puzzle(s) to which we presently have access.

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 07:09 PM
FM Imoen

Viconia, are you thief?

FM Viconia
August 29th, 2013, 07:10 PM
Mazzy, before you go, can you provide a full reads list in here or in your last will so we can have thoughts on who you think is scum before you die?

FM Imoen
August 29th, 2013, 07:10 PM
Dosn't she get all the clues the person has received, not just the night the Diviner checks? Your pretty set on killing Mazzy

Correct. Which is why she would have received the clue Viconia got on night one. Yet she did not. Ergo, she must be punished.

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 07:11 PM
More lies. Ignore her. For the rest of the day, anyone who has not placed their vote upon lady Mazzy should so, and we should put all of our focus into solving the unsolved night puzzle(s) to which we presently have access.

I read that as.

Lynch Mazzy, And thats all we do today, rest of the day we talk bout da clues innit?

FM Cernd
August 29th, 2013, 07:11 PM
More lies. Ignore her. For the rest of the day, anyone who has not placed their vote upon lady Mazzy should so, and we should put all of our focus into solving the unsolved night puzzle(s) to which we presently have access.

Agreed. Many clues have already been missed.
We can't afford to waste more nights with bad answers.

FM Viconia
August 29th, 2013, 07:11 PM
FM Imoen

Viconia, are you thief?

Naked vote noted.

Fishing noted.

Refusal to respond to questions noted.

FM Mazzy
August 29th, 2013, 07:11 PM
More lies. Ignore her. For the rest of the day, anyone who has not placed their vote upon lady Mazzy should so, and we should put all of our focus into solving the unsolved night puzzle(s) to which we presently have access.

I'll consider that to be a question and will work on the unsolved night puzzles. Also I guess I should clarify, I don't want questions about why I did what I did, but rather about my opinions on players.

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 07:11 PM
Correct. Which is why she would have received the clue Viconia got on night one. Yet she did not. Ergo, she must be punished.

Because Veronica lied about the N1 Clue? Changed it, So Mazzy got the real one.

FM Cernd
August 29th, 2013, 07:11 PM
Faldorn trying to derail both the train and to avoid puzzle solving. Noted.

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 07:12 PM
Cernd, I am meerly suggesting, that part of the day is given to scum hunting aswell. And of corse I try to derail it. I belivee Mazzy is innocent,

FM Yeslick
August 29th, 2013, 07:13 PM
Faldorn did not deny being scum when asked. Therefore, he is scum.

FM Imoen
August 29th, 2013, 07:13 PM
Because Veronica lied about the N1 Clue? Changed it, So Mazzy got the real one.

Faldorn has admitted to being a member of the Cult of Bhaal along with Mazzy. Would any other cultists like to join these two? It would certainly make our job easier.

FM Viconia
August 29th, 2013, 07:13 PM
Cernd, I am meerly suggesting, that part of the day is given to scum hunting aswell. And of corse I try to derail it. I belivee Mazzy is innocent,

Faldorn, are you scum?

FM Keldorn
August 29th, 2013, 07:14 PM
I apologize, that feedback was from Bhaal
And you really targeted Viconia for these?

I do not have Night 2 Feedback.

Sorry Keldorn!

Where's that summary?
I was talking about the clue you possess. That would be your Night 1 Feedback.

Damn, Mazzy's feedback looks actually more real than Viconia's.
I firmly disagree. After receiving my clues I find the message passed on by Neeshka much more legitimate than what Mazzy just gave us.

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 07:14 PM
Because I thought It was obvious that I would deny it, and hence I dont need to post OMG IM NOT SCUM.

FM Shar-Teel
August 29th, 2013, 07:15 PM
Guys, there's a herald article up. The author has an interesting suggestion regarding the puzzles.

FM Imoen
August 29th, 2013, 07:15 PM
I amend my previous statement: Ignore Mazzy AND Faldorn. Mazzy is being banished today; Faldorn is on target to be banished tomorrow, and we should waste no more time on their lies and instead maximize the use of this time to prevent the Cult of Bhaal from spreading any further.

FM Viconia
August 29th, 2013, 07:15 PM
Faldorn has admitted to being a member of the Cult of Bhaal along with Mazzy. Would any other cultists like to join these two? It would certainly make our job easier.

Do you really think that a member of the cult of Bhaal would defend another so openly?

I would imagine that they would give in to bus tactics and reasonless votes.

Explain your mindset behind this statement, please.

FM Cernd
August 29th, 2013, 07:15 PM
Cernd, I am meerly suggesting, that part of the day is given to scum hunting aswell. And of corse I try to derail it. I belivee Mazzy is innocent,

And you can't scumhunt while looking at what others do while trying to solve the puzzle? Lynch this amateur!

Whatever. Can we stop wasting time on Mazzy and do something of use, like puzzle solving, for a change?

FM Viconia
August 29th, 2013, 07:17 PM
Because I thought It was obvious that I would deny it, and hence I dont need to post OMG IM NOT SCUM.

This is something I wrote in my notes 10 minutes ago:

"Pressure on Mazzy is all well and good, but I remembered someone from my notes that I think deserves some scrutiny - FM Faldorn.

His first couple of posts are useless role playing. He then poses a couple of questions to which he doesn't follow up on #371.

I noticed throughout the puzzle chat in Siren's Gate that he was very self conscious about me calling him "bad".

I also remembered that he posted a huge list on Day 2, which I consider scummy because it's doing something to look busy, and it's not offering analysis of the game state.

The rest of his posts are just some minor puzzlehunting and offer no analysis."

FM Yeslick
August 29th, 2013, 07:18 PM
Because I thought It was obvious that I would deny it, and hence I dont need to post OMG IM NOT SCUM.


FM Valygar
August 29th, 2013, 07:20 PM
In his 'useless' chart, the only college that isn't Ivy League is Duke: I think we know the role of his master.

FM Viconia
August 29th, 2013, 07:21 PM

I propose we lynch Mazzy toDay and lynch Faldorn the following Day, barring any night shenanigans.

It is good that people are catching onto his scumminess.

FM Viconia
August 29th, 2013, 07:21 PM
The first person to give me a summary of the game will get +1000 town points from me.

Forum Mafia GM
August 29th, 2013, 07:23 PM
The first person to give me a summary of the game will get +1000 town points from me.

Town can't stay alive. I shall rise again.

FM Imoen
August 29th, 2013, 07:24 PM
Do you really think that a member of the cult of Bhaal would defend another so openly?

I would imagine that they would give in to bus tactics and reasonless votes.

Explain your mindset behind this statement, please.

A foolish one would, yes. No explorer or adventurer would do it, given all the evidence against her.

This means she is a harper, Bhaalspawn, neutral, or member of the Cult of Bhaal.

If she is a harper, she would have claimed such from the beginning- We may coexist with the harpers.

I cannot say what a bhaalspawn would do in this situation, but since they can coexist with us she might have tried being honest. Since she was not, it no longer matters- her lies prove she does not intend to cooperate with us.

A neutral's action would depend on said neutral, however a Lunatic or Avenger would not have claimed a profession they were not in order to prove themselves innocent, when they could have achieved their goal sooner by simply staying quiet. Therefore she is safe for us to banish.

A member of the Cult of Bhaal would lie to try and buy themselves as much time alive as they could possibly get while attempting to waste as much of our time as possible, which lady Mazzy has done.

Therefore, I conclude that we must banish Mazzy.

FM Valygar
August 29th, 2013, 07:24 PM
The first person to give me a summary of the game will get +1000 town points from me.

AFK people, foolish Edwin, MAZZY THE UNLYNCHABLE, present day. I take Mastercard and Visa

FM Keldorn
August 29th, 2013, 07:25 PM
After receiving my clues I find the message passed on by Neeshka much more legitimate than what Mazzy just gave us.
I retract what I just said. I mixed up who provided which clues on day 2.

Day 2: Lynch train on Mazzy. Gets semi-halted after Anomen claims spy and mind magic result on her, which she in turn denies. She then claims Diviner. Anomen starts to backpedal - gets suspicions of being Jester/Avenger. By now I think he is actually Explorer that tried to save somebody of whom he thought is town. A new lynch train on you gets started, but doesn't really get there. Alora is then made out as a new target and get forced to claim: Harper Guardian. After that nobody gets really trained anymore.

FM Tiax
August 29th, 2013, 07:26 PM
my feedback from last night...

You can't seem to remember exactly what happened last night. Were you dreaming? You vaguely recall someone stopping you from doing whatever you had planned. You were roleblocked.

so yeah, I was roleblocked

FM Coran
August 29th, 2013, 07:27 PM
Correct. Which is why she would have received the clue Viconia got on night one. Yet she did not. Ergo, she must be punished.

Viconia wasn't sent on night two if I remember correctly.
So, the first clue Viconia said earlier is a false one and Mazzy just gave us the real first clue.


FM Viconia
August 29th, 2013, 07:29 PM
I retract what I just said. I mixed up who provided which clues on day 2.

Day 2: Lynch train on Mazzy. Gets semi-halted after Anomen claims spy and mind magic result on her, which she in turn denies. She then claims Diviner. Anomen starts to backpedal - gets suspicions of being Jester/Avenger. By now I think he is actually Explorer that tried to save somebody of whom he thought is town. A new lynch train on you gets started, but doesn't really get there. Alora is then made out as a new target and get forced to claim: Harper Guardian. After that nobody gets really trained anymore.

+1000 town points.

Coran confirmed not reading the game.

Forum Mafia GM
August 29th, 2013, 07:31 PM
+1000 town points.

My answer was in the quickest, and is clearly the most accurate.

FM Imoen
August 29th, 2013, 07:32 PM
Viconia wasn't sent on night two if I remember correctly.
So, the first clue Viconia said earlier is a false one and Mazzy just gave us the real first clue.



FM Anomen
August 29th, 2013, 07:33 PM
Mazzy's choice makes perfect sense. If he had listened to you, yes he would live today but could very well die tonight and get nothing done. By checking Viconia at least if he dies today he confirms his feedback. That is extremely pro-town. Viconia's claimed feedback is suspicious. Viconia hasn't claimed a role. We should pressure her not the claimed diviner.

FM Viconiap

FM Anomen
August 29th, 2013, 07:33 PM
FM Viconia

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 07:35 PM
Night Clues
Night One Clues

Clue One

For the ritual of Destruction, one should wear an amulet adorned with blue gemstones. The Sapphire amulet is used along with the Light Yellow Candles.

An Obsidian Mace is used for either the ritual of Evil or the ritual of Retribution, I can’t remember exactly which! I know what to say when I use it though:
“Bhaal strikes unerringly, and where his blades strike, men wither and die. Eventually, all must cease to exist in the Prime. Some more abruptly than others.”

Clue Two

The Obsidian Dagger and the Obsidian Amulet are used together in the same ritual.

A golden amulet adorned with Emerald is worn while performing a ritual that requires a weapon.

For the ritual of Destruction, one should wear an amulet adorned with black gemstones. The Ruby amulet is used along with the Crimson Candles.


You awake covered in cold sweat. The damning whispers from the nightmare you have just experienced are still fresh on your mind.

Choose your next words carefully.

Your target uncovered the following clues:

The Obsidian Dagger and the Ruby Amulet are used together in the same ritual. The ritual of Evil is accomplished with the aid of a Sapphire Amulet.

The dim light of the Crimson Candles must shine over the ritual of Retribution. The Emerald Amulet will grow brightly as you complete the ritual of Death.

Clue Three
Skie dead, Trap sprung. Fail.

Night Two Clues

Clue 1

I just received those clues:

Our Lord shall return.
It has been written.
The wicked shall burn.
The righteous are smitten.
Ammon the wicked.
Betrayer of Bhaal.
Tis time he was silenced.
Fore he ruins us all.
-Grobnar the Great

Raise your warhammer and crush the Skull of a Man. This is done in the ritual of Death. When performing this ritual, never speak the following words.
“From serf or foe, for justice or revenge, tis all the same. When the threads of mortality are shattered and carnage bestowed from one mortal upon another, honour is brought to our Lord.”

Clue 2
FM Eldoth dead, Trap sprung. Fail

Clue 3
Xan failed. Survived.

FM Cernd
August 29th, 2013, 07:35 PM
And there goes that troll again.
You play us once, shame on us...

No. Your tactics will never work again. Mazzy dies today.

FM Coran
August 29th, 2013, 07:35 PM
+1000 town points.

Coran confirmed not reading the game.

I admit there's something I don't understand.

Maybe I read too quickly and missed something.

But I recall that Viconia was sent in the firs puzzle chat a "got" a clue.

We suspected her the next day because her clue was in direct opposition of Safana's clue (The one that was posted first)

Then, Mazzy checked Viconia last night to check for the FIRST clue. Unfortunately, Viconia was not sent another time so Mazzy couldn't provide two clue but only the first one.

Mazzy right now gave us the first clue that was faked by Viconia on day 2.

If I made a mistake somewhere please tell me.

FM Imoen
August 29th, 2013, 07:36 PM
Mazzy's choice makes perfect sense. If he had listened to you, yes he would live today but could very well die tonight and get nothing done. By checking Viconia at least if he dies today he confirms his feedback. That is extremely pro-town. Viconia's claimed feedback is suspicious. Viconia hasn't claimed a role. We should pressure her not the claimed diviner.

FM Viconiap

Anomen joins Mazzy and Faldorn as the third member of the Cult of Bhaal. It is barely sunrise and we've already discovered three members of the Cult. What a wonderful day!

FM Viconia
August 29th, 2013, 07:37 PM
More busywork by Faldorn.

He dies tomorrow.

FM Imoen
August 29th, 2013, 07:37 PM
I admit there's something I don't understand.

Maybe I read too quickly and missed something.

But I recall that Viconia was sent in the firs puzzle chat a "got" a clue.

We suspected her the next day because her clue was in direct opposition of Safana's clue (The one that was posted first)

Then, Mazzy checked Viconia last night to check for the FIRST clue. Unfortunately, Viconia was not sent another time so Mazzy couldn't provide two clue but only the first one.

Mazzy right now gave us the first clue that was faked by Viconia on day 2.

If I made a mistake somewhere please tell me.

Your mistake is that you said that Viconia faked the first clue, which is not the case.

FM Viconia
August 29th, 2013, 07:38 PM
Anomen joins Mazzy and Faldorn as the third member of the Cult of Bhaal. It is barely sunrise and we've already discovered three members of the Cult. What a wonderful day!

Are you normally overconfident?

Your confidence distresses me.

FM Anomen
August 29th, 2013, 07:38 PM
Anomen joins Mazzy and Faldorn as the third member of the Cult of Bhaal. It is barely sunrise and we've already discovered three members of the Cult. What a wonderful day!

The fact you trust an unconfirmed lurker that only posted her clue after someone else over a claimed diviner is suspicious. Why do you want the diviner gone so bad?

FM Viconia
August 29th, 2013, 07:39 PM
The fact you trust an unconfirmed lurker that only posted her clue after someone else over a claimed diviner is suspicious. Why do you want the diviner gone so bad?

Pray tell, how do you /know/ that Mazzy is a confirmed diviner?

FM Coran
August 29th, 2013, 07:40 PM
Your mistake is that you said that Viconia faked the first clue, which is not the case.

How do you know that?

It was in direct contradiction with Safana's clue.

Both clues cannot work together.

I think that you're pushing too hard on that lynch because YOU are a scum and just saw an opening to lynch an important role for town.

FM Kivan
August 29th, 2013, 07:40 PM

Anomen, give us your feedback.

Quayle, who did you swap? Anybody was swapped?

Anybody was jailed?

Alora, how come you are still alive?

FM Imoen
August 29th, 2013, 07:40 PM
The fact you trust an unconfirmed lurker that only posted her clue after someone else over a claimed diviner is suspicious. Why do you want the diviner gone so bad?

I do not want the diviner gone. I want Mazzy gone. And now I want you and Faldorn gone as well.

FM Jaheira
August 29th, 2013, 07:41 PM
Oh hey, look at this guys. Anomen pops up 2 hours after day starts after lurking his butt off in the night chat. Care to explain why you did absolutely NOTHING last night, Anomen?

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 07:41 PM

Why cant you see this? Safana's clues is condridicted by Viconia's clue. Viconia posted the clue after the first clue was made.

EVERYONE targeted Mazzy, for a post which was made by someone who quit the game, and was a lurker, forced her to reveal her role. Mazzy finds Viconias true clue, that fits PERFECTLY with all the others so far.

So why do you all target Mazzy, and everyone who defends her?

FM Cernd
August 29th, 2013, 07:42 PM
Don't allow nanomen to derail the discussion yet again.
Viconia: part of the d2 discussion that you missed made it clear that he is a troll.

FM Anomen
August 29th, 2013, 07:42 PM
Please read again. It says claimed not confirmed.

Not just trying to take out an important role but also providing false clues so it takes longer to solve the main puzzle.

FM Imoen
August 29th, 2013, 07:43 PM
How do you know that?

It was in direct contradiction with Safana's clue.

Both clues cannot work together.

I think that you're pushing too hard on that lynch because YOU are a scum and just saw an opening to lynch an important role for town.

Think what you like. I care not.

FM Viconia
August 29th, 2013, 07:43 PM
Imoen, answer my question.

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 07:44 PM
FM Imoen. Posting that you ONLY want Mazzy gone, dispite what has shown up. You are acting like scum to me :/

FM Viconia
August 29th, 2013, 07:45 PM
Please read again. It says claimed not confirmed.

Not just trying to take out an important role but also providing false clues so it takes longer to solve the main puzzle.

Do you have information that makes you think that Mazzy is town?

FM Anomen
August 29th, 2013, 07:46 PM
I know Mazzy is town.

FM Cernd
August 29th, 2013, 07:46 PM
Asking once again: Did Alora contribute in the puzzle chat?

FM Viconia
August 29th, 2013, 07:47 PM
FM Imoen. Posting that you ONLY want Mazzy gone, dispite what has shown up. You are acting like scum to me :/


FM Imoen
August 29th, 2013, 07:47 PM
Are you normally overconfident?

Your confidence distresses me.

Should I not trust you?

FM Viconia
August 29th, 2013, 07:48 PM
I know Mazzy is town.

Please build a towncase on Mazzy or else he will be lynched.

FM Viconia
August 29th, 2013, 07:49 PM
Should I not trust you?

Answer the question.

Why are you so overconfident?

FM Coran
August 29th, 2013, 07:49 PM
Think what you like. I care not.

Scum without excuse trying to defend himself.
Provide something logical and I will believe you.

Right now, everything is pointing toward Mazzy being the real diviner and Viconia being the one who faked the clue.

Viconia is Scum for faking a clue.
Mazzy is town for reveiling the real clue.
You are Scum for trying to lynch Mazzy, not taking in consideration the clue you have in front of your eyes.
Anomen and Faldorn are the one appearing more town so far due to the fact that they uses their brain to understand the situation.
(Quite troubling for Anome since I though his Spy claim was fake)

FM Shar-Teel
August 29th, 2013, 07:50 PM
During the puzzle chat, I was against this answer since the two gate before had non-material answer.

Proposing Spear would have made no sense at all.

You are supposing all the answers must be non-material. One of the failed riddles apparently backs away from this one word answer abstract thingy.

Anyway, Anomen is just trying to rile us up. It would be best to ignore him. He and Faldorn are likely neutrals.

Valygar, you supposed that the student had actually picked the duke as the master when the article outright stated that he would not pick a target. Why do you suppose the Student lied?

Everyone, I think I have a good guess for the ritual of death. I'll be submitting it tonight to see if I am right. Although we might need all four rituals correct to solve the main gate. I've put my likely proposed answer in RP for easy comprehension. I don't think the order or RP matter but they might.

I decide to perform the ritual of death. First, I don the Golden Amulet with Emerald Gemstones. Grabbing my trusty warhammer calms my nerves. As I swing the warhammer into the skull, I chat the following “Bhaal strikes unerringly, and where his blades strike, men wither and die. Eventually, all must cease to exist in the Prime. Some more abruptly than others.”

Death - Emerald Amulet - Warhammer - Skull (no candles) - "Bhaal strikes spell"

Why couldn't Mazzy just visit Keld if she was the real diviner? I don't like her as the diviner for that reason.

FM Cernd
August 29th, 2013, 07:50 PM
Please build a towncase on Mazzy or else he will be lynched.
You're just inviting him to re-enact d2.

I'll summarize it for you:

- Claimed to KNOW Mazzy is town, just like he just did.
- Claimed being Spy and that Mazzy is the escort (he said he deduced it).
- Mazzy claimed Diviner (not even in the same investigative pairing).
- Nanomen immediatly backs down and accepts her claim, even when it contradicts his supposed investigator feedback.
- Keeps derailing trains and discussion, even asks people to lynch him instead.

We don't need that spam yet again.

FM Yeslick
August 29th, 2013, 07:51 PM
FM Viconia

FM Imoen
August 29th, 2013, 07:51 PM
Oh hey, look at this guys. Anomen pops up 2 hours after day starts after lurking his butt off in the night chat. Care to explain why you did absolutely NOTHING last night, Anomen?

I know Mazzy is town.

Look how he lies to us, even now.

You claimed you were a spy who spied on Mazzy, yet you did not notice any of her tomes of runic language. And now you claim that she is the diviner, in which case you would surely have seen her tomes.

So no, I think not.

FM Keldorn
August 29th, 2013, 07:54 PM
@Viconia: Add to the Day 2 summary that Quayle needlessly revealed as Illusionist (Bus Driver) and with that that Valygar and Korgan shared a Heartwarder chat in which Korgan claimed Duke to extract roleclaims. When revealed he denies being the real Duke.

FM Viconia
August 29th, 2013, 07:55 PM
Putting Faldorn and Anomen on my ignore list now.

FM Imoen
August 29th, 2013, 07:55 PM
Answer the question.

Why are you so overconfident?

Because I believe you.

Scum without excuse trying to defend himself.
Provide something logical and I will believe you.

Right now, everything is pointing toward Mazzy being the real diviner and Viconia being the one who faked the clue.

Viconia is Scum for faking a clue.
Mazzy is town for reveiling the real clue.
You are Scum for trying to lynch Mazzy, not taking in consideration the clue you have in front of your eyes.
Anomen and Faldorn are the one appearing more town so far due to the fact that they uses their brain to understand the situation.
(Quite troubling for Anome since I though his Spy claim was fake)

I have already done so. If you do not wish to see it, that is your folly, not mine.

On second thought Coran is the third member of the Cult of Bhaal, Anomen is more likely a lunatic. But if there is a fighter in our midst, he would be well advised to shoot Anomen or Faldorn.

FM Anomen
August 29th, 2013, 07:55 PM
What can't you comprehend shar-teel? If mazzy visited who you asked him to, it would prove his innocence but contribute nothing to the scumhunt. By checking viconia at least he can contribute to the scumhunt today.

FM Viconia
August 29th, 2013, 07:55 PM
@Viconia: Add to the Day 2 summary that Quayle needlessly revealed as Illusionist (Bus Driver) and with that that Valygar and Korgan shared a Heartwarder chat in which Korgan claimed Duke to extract roleclaims. When revealed he denies being the real Duke.

Whoa more town points.

FM Coran
August 29th, 2013, 07:56 PM
I'm voting Viconia for now since all clue point toward that she faked the clue.

FM Viconia

Next one on my list is you Imoen, You are trying too hard to get Mazzy lynched.

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 07:57 PM
I have reviewd both clues. PLEASE will you read them, and comment on what I have seen.


The Obsidian Dagger and the Obsidian Amulet are used together in the same ritual.

A golden amulet adorned with Emerald is worn while performing a ritual that requires a weapon.

For the ritual of Destruction, one should wear an amulet adorned with black gemstones. The Ruby amulet is used along with the Crimson Candles.



You awake covered in cold sweat. The damning whispers from the nightmare you have just experienced are still fresh on your mind.

Choose your next words carefully.

Your target uncovered the following clues:

The Obsidian Dagger and the Ruby Amulet are used together in the same ritual. The ritual of Evil is accomplished with the aid of a Sapphire Amulet.

The dim light of the Crimson Candles must shine over the ritual of Retribution. The Emerald Amulet will grow brightly as you complete the ritual of Death.

In THIS COLOUR I have HIGHLISTED the real objects stolen to create the faluse clues from Viconia to make it look convincing
THIS COLOUR means it was stolen from the First clue
And THIS COLOUR was removed from clue, to leave us clue less.
And then THIS COLOUR are made up, (Metal of the Amulet is never named, with weapons is vague which means it fits into anything as they all need weapons)

FM Viconia
August 29th, 2013, 07:58 PM
@Imoen: Hm, stonewalling for my prodding of reactions. Fine.

FM Shar-Teel
August 29th, 2013, 07:59 PM
Ok, wow people really. It should be blantantly obvious that Mazzy is faking all this shit. Viconia may be.

Plus, I really don't like being ignored when in 159 I pose a possible solution to the main riddle, or one fourth of the solution.

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 08:00 PM
Pluss Viconia's clue, suggested we need to wear TWO amulets for the ritual of Destruction.

Either we all have two heads. Or it is fake.

FM Cernd
August 29th, 2013, 08:01 PM
ITT: Failscum trying to save Mazzy, yet again.

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 08:01 PM
Ok, wow people really. It should be blantantly obvious that Mazzy is faking all this shit. Viconia may be.

Plus, I really don't like being ignored when in 159 I pose a possible solution to the main riddle, or one fourth of the solution.

Did you read what I posted?

FM Anomen
August 29th, 2013, 08:02 PM
Your solution is useless as it goes on the assumption that Viconia provided the correct clue.

Maybe you should pull your head out your ass and stop thinking you're smarter than everyone else.

FM Viconia
August 29th, 2013, 08:02 PM
Ok, wow people really. It should be blantantly obvious that Mazzy is faking all this shit. Viconia may be.

Plus, I really don't like being ignored when in 159 I pose a possible solution to the main riddle, or one fourth of the solution.

Puzzle solving is not my area of forte.

Scumhunting and analysis is more my language.

FM Imoen
August 29th, 2013, 08:02 PM
I'm voting Viconia for now since all clue point toward that she faked the clue.

FM Viconia

Next one on my list is you Imoen, You are trying too hard to get Mazzy lynched.

Still don't believe me? How about some hard evidence.

Thief/Diviner Mind Read/Monk/Ritualist learns clues:
Your target uncovered the following clues:

Just got back here is my feedback.

You awake covered in cold sweat. The damning whispers from the nightmare you have just experienced are still fresh on your mind.

Choose your next words carefully.

Your target uncovered the following clues:

The Obsidian Dagger and the Ruby Amulet are used together in the same ritual. The ritual of Evil is accomplished with the aid of a Sapphire Amulet.

The dim light of the Crimson Candles must shine over the ritual of Retribution. The Emerald Amulet will grow brightly as you complete the ritual of Death.

Now do you see?

FM Yeslick
August 29th, 2013, 08:02 PM
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Mazzy sounds more sincere to me than Viconia.

FM Viconia
August 29th, 2013, 08:02 PM
ITT: Failscum trying to save Mazzy, yet again.

This guy knows what's up.

FM Shar-Teel
August 29th, 2013, 08:03 PM
Pluss Viconia's clue, suggested we need to wear TWO amulets for the ritual of Destruction.

Either we all have two heads. Or it is fake.

There are at least three weapons. The dagger, the mace and the warhammer. V's clue, although suspicious, does not require two amulets be worn for the Ritual of Destruction.

FM Keldorn
August 29th, 2013, 08:04 PM
Necromancer Curse / Shadow Adept Attunement Message:

You awake covered in cold sweat. The damning whispers from the nightmare you have just experienced are still fresh on your mind.

[insert message here]

Just fyi.

FM Imoen
August 29th, 2013, 08:04 PM
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Mazzy sounds more sincere to me than Viconia.

Yeslick wishes to add his name to the list of Cult members, it would seem.

FM Viconia
August 29th, 2013, 08:04 PM
I need a triple barreled gun.

Who has one?

FM Coran
August 29th, 2013, 08:04 PM
Ok, wow people really. It should be blantantly obvious that Mazzy is faking all this shit. Viconia may be.

Plus, I really don't like being ignored when in 159 I pose a possible solution to the main riddle, or one fourth of the solution.

If Mazzy is really faking, then I apologize for pushing so much for her to stay alive. But we can't know this unless we lynch her and it put us into trouble if she's indeed Diviner

Now, put aside the first day when a lurker played as Mazzy. Think about it. Don't you think that its still plausible that Mazzy is indeed the diviner? That she tried to get the true clue out of Viconia before dying?

We should be extremely careful on this one.

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 08:06 PM
Viconia clue, Or Mazzy's Clue.

Either one of them is fake.

Or both of them.

FM Anomen
August 29th, 2013, 08:07 PM
Mazzy if you live thru the day, be careful tonight. If you were hit by shadow adept last night, your target tonight might be suggested.

FM Cernd
August 29th, 2013, 08:07 PM
If Mazzy is really faking, then I apologize for pushing so much for her to stay alive. But we can't know this unless we lynch her and it put us into trouble if she's indeed Diviner
A risk we must take, since she refused to confirm her role by checking our confirmed volunteer.
We warned her about this, yet she went with the "hurr, Viconia thief. must visit" excuse.
Not our fault. She gets lynched today. There are no second chances.

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 08:08 PM
A risk we must take, since she refused to confirm her role by checking our confirmed volunteer.
We warned her about this, yet she went with the "hurr, Viconia thief. must visit" excuse.
Not our fault. She gets lynched today. There are no second chances.

But it looks like her choice on Viconia was the right one. You going to lynch her for doing something right?

FM Viconia
August 29th, 2013, 08:09 PM
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Mazzy sounds more sincere to me than Viconia.

Mazzy posted an extremely long response, and, when asked for reads, did not respond.

I have been making a splash and scumhunting.

Who do you think is more town?

FM Anomen
August 29th, 2013, 08:09 PM
So you are going to lynch a town that defied in order to aid town, just to satiate your ego?

Real pro- town behavior.

FM Kivan
August 29th, 2013, 08:10 PM
Wtf happened to Faldorn? She actually contributes...Culted? I like the "golden necklace" part, it really doesn't fit.

But...Mazzy acted way too scummy. When you are Town you should do anything to not cause a mislynch, so proper move would be checking Keldorn.

Also if Mazzy quoted PM from Cespenar she will be modkilled anyway^^

Damn, I am torn. I really believe Mazzy's clue more, but her behavior is scummy as fuck. Perhaps she is a Thief?

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 08:11 PM
Still don't believe me? How about some hard evidence.

Now do you see?

I think a Keldorn slapped you in the face. That HARD EVIDENCE, is no longer hard. Yet, Soft if none existant.

FM Mazzy
August 29th, 2013, 08:11 PM
Mazzy posted an extremely long response, and, when asked for reads, did not respond.

I have been making a splash and scumhunting.

Who do you think is more town?

Alas, I must be hard of hearing, I had missed the place where I was asked for reads.

FM Aerie - Seems Town
FM Ajantis - Inactive Lurker, will be replaced.
FM Alora - Risky lynch, therefore assumed town.
FM Anomen - Scum hasty to kill, liar claimed spy. Why is he defending me though?
FM Branwen - Town Feel
FM Cernd - Scum hasty to kill, but no vote.
FM Coran - Town Feel
FM Dynaheir - Lurking
FM Faldorn - Liar, Not Town
FM Garrick - Lurking
FM Haer-Dalis - Town Feel
FM Imoen - Town Feel
FM Jaheira - Town Feel
FM Jan - Lurkish, wants me lynched
FM Kagain - Lurking
FM Keldorn - Town feel
FM Khalid - Scum hasty to kill, but no vote. Buddied by Sarevok. Lied about OoO
FM Kivan - Overly town, minor attempts at puzzle derailing? Scum or zealous explorer.
FM Korgan - Third person, Bard?
FM Minsc - Town Feel
FM Montaron - Town Feel, but doesn't believe my "Sudden focus" when I was in his night chat. Also discounts edwins credibility.
FM Nalia -Lurking
FM Quayle - Bus Driver
FM Safana - Explorer
FM Sarevok - Scum, hasty to kill, buddying with khalid.
FM Shar-Teel - Scum, hasty to kill.
FM Tiax - Active lurking.
FM Valygar - Town Feel
FM Viconia - Liar, Not Town
FM Xan - Third Person, Bard? Town feel regardless.
FM Xzar - Town feel
FM Yeslick - Undecided, town and scum vibes.
FM Yoshimo - Town feel

FM Imoen
August 29th, 2013, 08:11 PM
Necromancer Curse / Shadow Adept Attunement Message:

Just fyi.

This means nothing. "Choose your next words carefully" was not said by the gods.

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 08:12 PM
Wtf happened to Faldorn? She actually contributes...Culted? I like the "golden necklace" part, it really doesn't fit.

But...Mazzy acted way too scummy. When you are Town you should do anything to not cause a mislynch, so proper move would be checking Keldorn.

Also if Mazzy quoted PM from Cespenar she will be modkilled anyway^^

Damn, I am torn. I really believe Mazzy's clue more, but her behavior is scummy as fuck. Perhaps she is a Thief?

You may quote (or fake) the contents of feedback PM's so long as any night chat account names and any passwords are omitted.

FM Imoen
August 29th, 2013, 08:13 PM
Wtf happened to Faldorn? She actually contributes...Culted? I like the "golden necklace" part, it really doesn't fit.

But...Mazzy acted way too scummy. When you are Town you should do anything to not cause a mislynch, so proper move would be checking Keldorn.

Also if Mazzy quoted PM from Cespenar she will be modkilled anyway^^

Damn, I am torn. I really believe Mazzy's clue more, but her behavior is scummy as fuck. Perhaps she is a Thief?

She is no thief. Of that, we can be certain.

I think a Keldorn slapped you in the face. That HARD EVIDENCE, is no longer hard. Yet, Soft if none existant.

Think again, fool.

FM Anomen
August 29th, 2013, 08:13 PM
Whoever was with Xan: what was the rp that was posted after he submitted the wrong answer?

ie Was he lucky or immune to traps?

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 08:14 PM
This means nothing. "Choose your next words carefully" was not said by the gods.

Because it was said by the Necromancer Curse / Shadow Adept.

They get to leave a message.

You are now Scum, Scum bum.

FM Anomen
August 29th, 2013, 08:15 PM
This means nothing. "Choose your next words carefully" was not said by the gods.

You fucking idiot.

Wail does not ignore immunity and can’t be healed.
Maximum of 3 simultaneous active curses on living players.
Informed of number of active curses at the start of the night.
May attach an anonymous message to the curse (without a message, target gets no feedback).
Lynch immunity (if inner sanctum is sealed)
Night kill immunity (if inner sanctum is sealed)
Gains 1 charge auto-vest after killing a Bhaalspawn

For both the necromancer and the shadow adept.

FM Cernd
August 29th, 2013, 08:16 PM
Gotta love how we've wasted four pages talking about Mazzy, who is getting lynched anyway.
Way to waste the day.

FM Yeslick
August 29th, 2013, 08:17 PM
Mazzy posted an extremely long response, and, when asked for reads, did not respond.

I have been making a splash and scumhunting.

Who do you think is more town?

"lynch mazzy everyone who doesnt is fail scum and suxxxx wololololololololololololololololol"

Nothing special you've done, so don't come about it.

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 08:17 PM
Gotta love how we've wasted four pages talking about Mazzy, who is getting lynched anyway.
Way to waste the day.

Have you been reading them pages? Take a note of that review I did on the Fake clue, And Mazzy Clue.

FM Viconia
August 29th, 2013, 08:18 PM
Gotta love how we've wasted four pages talking about Mazzy, who is getting lynched anyway.
Way to waste the day.
Why are you complaining about it?

Do you want to talk about something else that will be more vital toDay?

FM Anomen
August 29th, 2013, 08:18 PM
If you lynch mazzy you will waste the day.

If people want to help town, stop tunneling and start thinking from a different point of view.

FM Coran
August 29th, 2013, 08:18 PM
Whoever was with Xan: what was the rp that was posted after he submitted the wrong answer?

ie Was he lucky or immune to traps?

He was lucky and survived.

FM Shar-Teel
August 29th, 2013, 08:19 PM
Whoever was with Xan: what was the rp that was posted after he submitted the wrong answer?

ie Was he lucky or immune to traps?

The party of adventurers that had been tasked with the objective to solve the riddle of the Satyr's Gate returned through the labyrinth, disgruntled looks on their faces. One had already fallen victim to the trap, and these unfortunate few were not eager at all to try again.

The group did not have a difficult time deciding what answer they would try this time, because they'd thought about it the day before. Still, there was always they still weren't on the right track with their process of thought.

After some deliberation, it was Xan's turn to volunteer. He laid his hand upon the gate, like he had done earlier this night. He hesitated for a moment, biting his lip. But then he spoke out loud the word that they had chosen: "Faith."

The eyes of the Satyr's head glowed in a red light as the walls rumbled again. Quickly the light grew brighter and brighter, until a blinding flash caused the group to back away and cover their eyes in a reflex. When they all dared to look again to see what had happened, they saw that the gate remained sealed. Much to their dismay.

The volunteer stood still. His eyes and mouth open, but he was unable to scream. Suddenly he fell to his knees, coughing and gasping for breath. Yet he did not perish as Skie did. He had been lucky that night at cheating death.

Xan's RP.

Cernd, if you want to be helpful please comment on the solution I put on 159.

Mazzy, that read list just tells me that you're caught and pretending horribly.

FM Imoen
August 29th, 2013, 08:19 PM
Because it was said by the Necromancer Curse / Shadow Adept.

They get to leave a message.

You are now Scum, Scum bum.

Since it is clear you seek only to waste my time, this will be the last time I respond to you. Not for your benefit, since you will ignore me so that you may continue to waste time, but for the benefit of any who think this is in any way disproves what I said.

Even if that was the work of a shadow adept/necromancer, if Mazzy was the diviner, the gods would have whispered to her the same clue they whispered to Viconia when she submitted the correct solution to the puzzle on night one. She would have heard this IN ADDITION to the message of the shadow adept/necromancer. But she did not. Which means she is not a diviner as she claims and thus cannot be trusted.

FM Viconia
August 29th, 2013, 08:20 PM
"lynch mazzy everyone who doesnt is fail scum and suxxxx wololololololololololololololololol"

Nothing special you've done, so don't come about it.

=============[ ]

[ ]==============


FM Cernd
August 29th, 2013, 08:20 PM
@Faldorn: Thing is, we already discussed this in the night chat. She gets lynched today. No ammount of excuses is saving her for a third time.

@Viconia: There are these things called puzzles, which we need to solve asap. Yes, that's way more important than discussing about Mazzy for the thrird day in a row.

FM Kivan
August 29th, 2013, 08:21 PM
Oh, I haven't realized that Mazzy was targeted by a Bhaalspawn. Since she is dead anyway I think I'm fine with lynching her.

Btw, here's a roleplay of our puzzle location.

Various members of the party took turns in moving the stones to create sentences or parts of sentences that vaguely made sense. Sometimes, they did feel like they were getting closer to the solution of this riddle, but each time they dismissed the lines they produced. Because each time, something just didn't feel quite right.

Deeply frustrated by their inability to work things out, they decided to get some sleep. So they may think on the riddle with a fresh mind in the morrow. Angered, Kivan thrust the torch into Eldoth's hands. The man had done nothing at all to help them solve any of this, so the least he could do was put the torch back where it belonged.

When he did, something unforeseen happened. Eldoth instantly burst into blue flames. He cried out in pain and dropped himself to the damp cavern floor, where he tried to roll around to put the fire out. Alas, his attempts were in vain. The flames appeared unaffected by the moist stone surface. His cries turned to yelps, until finally he could utter nothing more. Seconds after that, his charred remains lay still. The gods denied the self-centered, lazy minstrel a chance to redeem himself.

Unhelpful as the man may have been, the adventurers of the group still felt laden with guilt. They slept poorly that night, but they knew well that they had to move on.

I'm such a badass, I've scorched Eldoth:D

FM Viconia
August 29th, 2013, 08:22 PM
@Faldorn: Thing is, we already discussed this in the night chat. She gets lynched today. No ammount of excuses is saving her for a third time.

@Viconia: There are these things called puzzles, which we need to solve asap. Yes, that's way more important than discussing about Mazzy for the thrird day in a row.

Reply to Shar-Teel, our resident puzzle solver on the scene, then.

Imoen just put them on ignore.

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 08:22 PM
Since it is clear you seek only to waste my time, this will be the last time I respond to you. Not for your benefit, since you will ignore me so that you may continue to waste time, but for the benefit of any who think this is in any way disproves what I said.

Even if that was the work of a shadow adept/necromancer, if Mazzy was the diviner, the gods would have whispered to her the same clue they whispered to Viconia when she submitted the correct solution to the puzzle on night one. She would have heard this IN ADDITION to the message of the shadow adept/necromancer. But she did not. Which means she is not a diviner as she claims and thus cannot be trusted.

.... NO SAME CLUE. Becaue Viconia posted FAKE CLUE, Made up you know? Made up from a selection of difference sourses, with addtionion of non-sense information.

Whys did Mazzy not get the clue Viconia posted? Becase the clue Mazzy got is the REAL CLUE, whilst Viconia is the FAKE clue.

FM Imoen
August 29th, 2013, 08:23 PM
I have wasted enough time talking to villains (Mazzy, Coran, Faldorn, Anomen, and Yeslick in case anyone needs to be reminded). Now for this puzzle.

when” “your shadow” “flows” “in” “they” “swear” “their liquid” “of” “bhaal’s name” “fear” “we who” “to strike” “before” “the deed” “revel” “the heart” “in” “their end” “so” “was done” “our mark” “shall know” “from” “in” “their husk” “life” “comes”

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 08:24 PM
@Faldorn: Thing is, we already discussed this in the night chat. She gets lynched today. No ammount of excuses is saving her for a third time.

Wait, your going to lynch someone, who had done something right? And given the correct clue?

If i was in Mazzy's place, I would of done the same, because I don't beleive we all have two heads. Which is what V's clue suggested.

FM Tiax
August 29th, 2013, 08:24 PM
I don't see anyway that both Viconia and Mazzy can be Town, and I'm going to favour Mazzy. her feedback was written in a similar way to my feedback, so...

FM Viconia

FM Anomen
August 29th, 2013, 08:25 PM
Cernd is the antagonist or trying to appear that way.

Mazzy isn't dead yet. The fact he was targeted is a shit reason.

FM Viconia
August 29th, 2013, 08:25 PM
Are we supposed to piece them together to form an actual sentence?

I'll work on puzzle solving until it gets too hard, then I'm going to scum hunt some more.

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 08:26 PM
I have wasted enough time talking to villains (Mazzy, Coran, Faldorn, Anomen, and Yeslick in case anyone needs to be reminded). Now for this puzzle.

So, your answer to everything I posted is?

"I will ignore you now, even though you are right, I shall not defencedmyself or explain why I made such mistakes defending a clue faking scum"

Wow, well done. Pretty impresive.

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 08:27 PM
Are we supposed to piece them together to form an actual sentence?

I'll work on puzzle solving until it gets too hard, then I'm going to scum hunt some more.

Just going to ignore the review I made on your fake clue? No defence for it? Thats nice. Lets all just focus on the puzzle and forget you are scum.

FM Cernd
August 29th, 2013, 08:27 PM
@#159: I won't lie. I haven't dedicated much time to the main puzzle since we onl had two clues last day, and it's unlikely that we can solve it with only two clues.

I'd rather focus on the night puzzles. Once we have most of the clues, we can start trying to get the main puzzle's answer, even if we're still missing one or two clues.

FM Anomen
August 29th, 2013, 08:29 PM
We will discuss the puzzles later after we put up viconia.

FM Imoen
August 29th, 2013, 08:30 PM
Are we supposed to piece them together to form an actual sentence?

I'll work on puzzle solving until it gets too hard, then I'm going to scum hunt some more.

I believe so.

FM Yeslick
August 29th, 2013, 08:30 PM
Are we supposed to piece them together to form an actual sentence?

I'll work on puzzle solving until it gets too hard, then I'm going to scum hunt some more.

You mean pretend to, right?
You advertise yourself as an expert in scumhunting and analysis, yet you have done nothing.


=============[ ]

[ ]==============


Clever attempt to dodge, albeit too transparent.

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 08:31 PM
We will discuss the puzzles later after we put up viconia.

Thank you, someone who sees sense. Viconia has been defended quite muchly don't you think? Looks like some people want us to believe the fake clue, is real....

I say lynch Viconia, if she appears cult. We know who to eat.

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 08:33 PM
Sorry, forgot the vote!

FM Viconia

I still see FM Imoen as scum now. Big Ball of wibbly wobbly sucumness.

FM Cernd
August 29th, 2013, 08:33 PM
@Viconia: Yes. We must form a sentence.

@Faldorn: Are you dumb?

You talk like if Mazzy's "feedback" is confirmed as correct.
It's also clear that you don't understand what an amulet is. You're mistaking it for a necklace, and even if that was the case, you wear necklaces on the... you know, neck, not on the heat, and don't need two or more necks to use multiple ones.

@Yeslick: You aren't the most qualified person to complain about people "doing nothing". Truth be told: Viconia has done more in the three hours she's been playing than what you've done since the game started. Not to mention that you didn't contribute at all in the puzzle chat.

Anyway. You're boring me with this idiotic argument. See you tomorrow.
Lynch Mazzy.

FM Anomen
August 29th, 2013, 08:33 PM
I think at the very least Viconia should claim a role. The excuse to go work on the puzzle seems like an out so she doesn't have to respond to more accusations.

FM Cernd
August 29th, 2013, 08:34 PM

FM Viconia
August 29th, 2013, 08:35 PM
You mean pretend to, right?
You advertise yourself as an expert in scumhunting and analysis, yet you have done nothing.

Clever attempt to dodge, albeit too transparent.
If you don't see what I'm doing as scum hunting, then....

You believe I've been posting fluff since I replaced in?

FM Anomen
August 29th, 2013, 08:35 PM
And all three days cernd has been unwavering in his conviction to lynch mazzy. Funny.

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 08:36 PM
@Viconia: Yes. We must form a sentence.

@Faldorn: Are you dumb?

You talk like if Mazzy's "feedback" is confirmed as correct. I feel, from the review I made, the fake clues, comfirms the Mazzy's real clue. Since objects where stolen from Mazzy's real clue
It's also clear that you don't understand what an amulet is. You're mistaking it for a necklace, and even if that was the case, you wear necklaces on the... you know, neck, not on the heat, and don't need two or more necks to use multiple ones. Are you suggesting, that we humonid have heads without necks? I know we wear them on the Neck. AND you would not wear two amulets, same reason you wont wearing 2 pairs of shoes.



FM Yeslick
August 29th, 2013, 08:38 PM
@Yeslick: You aren't the most qualified person to complain about people "doing nothing". Truth be told: Viconia has done more in the three hours she's been playing than what you've done since the game started. Not to mention that you didn't contribute at all in the puzzle chat.

Anyway. You're boring me with this idiotic argument. See you tomorrow.
Lynch Mazzy.

Are you retarded? I'm pointing out how she says she's a scumhunter but doesn't actually do anything.

FM Yeslick
August 29th, 2013, 08:38 PM
If you don't see what I'm doing as scum hunting, then....

You believe I've been posting fluff since I replaced in?

Pretty much.

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 08:38 PM
If you don't see what I'm doing as scum hunting, then....

You believe I've been posting fluff since I replaced in?

Please read post #169. Give your saying on this, STOP avoiding me!

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 08:39 PM
Yeslick, do you agree with what I have been posting?

FM Yeslick
August 29th, 2013, 08:40 PM
Yeslick, do you agree with what I have been posting?

I've been tunneling too hard to read anyone else's posts in-depth, but I think I agree with the gist of it.

FM Haer-Dalis
August 29th, 2013, 08:41 PM
FM Mazzy

So apparently she is cursed. I believe it is a necromancer since why would a shadow adept say that? He can't necessarily kill Mazzy tonight unless he is a necromancer who just wails her down.

Has anyone noticed that there hasn't been any illusionist bus claims yet? unless the people with the feedback aren't here yet.

FM Viconia
August 29th, 2013, 08:42 PM
Pretty much.


I've been scum hunting the entire time I've replaced in.

If you don't see what I'm doing as scum hunting, then I would encourage you to read up.

Educate yourself.



FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 08:43 PM
FM Mazzy

So apparently she is cursed. I believe it is a necromancer since why would a shadow adept say that? He can't necessarily kill Mazzy tonight unless he is a necromancer who just wails her down.

Has anyone noticed that there hasn't been any illusionist bus claims yet? unless the people with the feedback aren't here yet.

Whyyyyyyyyy are you voting Mazzy? She seems pretty Legit with her clue and feedback, and the Viconia has pretty much faked one.

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 08:44 PM

I've been scum hunting the entire time I've replaced in.

If you don't see what I'm doing as scum hunting, then I would encourage you to read up.

Educate yourself.



You ignored me ONCE again.

FM Dynaheir
August 29th, 2013, 08:46 PM
I want Viconia to claim a role. Until then,

FM Viconia

Think about it. We should lynch one or the other for sure. If we lynch one and they turn up scum, all's well and dandy. If we lynch one and they turn up town, we know which clue is the correct clue regardless of who we lynch. Mazzy claims to be a Diviner, and I am loath to lose what may be the only role that can extract clues from the unwilling. A mislynch on Viconia still confirms the clue (and Mazzy's scuminess), and at worst at the cost of a PR.

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 08:47 PM
I want Viconia to claim a role. Until then,

FM Viconia

Think about it. We should lynch one or the other for sure. If we lynch one and they turn up scum, all's well and dandy. If we lynch one and they turn up town, we know which clue is the correct clue regardless of who we lynch. Mazzy claims to be a Diviner, and I am loath to lose what may be the only role that can extract clues from the unwilling. A mislynch on Viconia still confirms the clue (and Mazzy's scuminess), and at worst at the cost of a PR.

Thank you. <3

FM Yeslick
August 29th, 2013, 08:51 PM

I've been scum hunting the entire time I've replaced in.

If you don't see what I'm doing as scum hunting, then I would encourage you to read up.

Educate yourself.



Please point out a post in which you actually scum hunted. 116 excluded, too full of hypocrisy and shit to take seriously. I may or may not make another post explaining what I mean.
Your only admirable work, in all seriousness, is asking Faldorn if he was scum.

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 08:53 PM
Also, please note the grammer error (Which the hosts do not make) in the fake clue Viconia posted

A golden amulet adorned with Emerald is worn while performing a ritual that requires a weapon.

Shouldnt this be with either



An Emerald

FM Imoen
August 29th, 2013, 08:58 PM
I want Viconia to claim a role. Until then,

FM Viconia

Think about it. We should lynch one or the other for sure. If we lynch one and they turn up scum, all's well and dandy. If we lynch one and they turn up town, we know which clue is the correct clue regardless of who we lynch. Mazzy claims to be a Diviner, and I am loath to lose what may be the only role that can extract clues from the unwilling. A mislynch on Viconia still confirms the clue (and Mazzy's scuminess), and at worst at the cost of a PR.

I am confident that Mazzy is not a diviner. If you look back at what I have said, you will see that this cannot be the case, for she did not "see" as the diviner sees.

FM Kagain
August 29th, 2013, 09:00 PM
I am here, right now i am tired because it is late but I will try to check in morning, if anyone wants me to give reads on players/have questions for me feel free to post them, I will catch up and do my best.

As for vote

FM Mazzy

FM Anomen
August 29th, 2013, 09:01 PM
Haer-Daelis, I don't understand the point.

If Mazzy will die tonight to Necromancer, why waste a lynch today?

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 09:01 PM
I am confident that Mazzy is not a diviner. If you look back at what I have said, you will see that this cannot be the case, for she did not "see" as the diviner sees.

No, your accusation is faluse remember? Or do you want people to forget that?

FM Faldorn
August 29th, 2013, 09:02 PM
I am here, right now i am tired because it is late but I will try to check in morning, if anyone wants me to give reads on players/have questions for me feel free to post them, I will catch up and do my best.

As for vote

FM Mazzy

Please just dont vote Mazzy right now. She is innocent.

FM Alora
August 29th, 2013, 09:03 PM
Hello everyone! sorry it has taken so long for me to respond.

I want Viconia to claim a role. Until then,

FM Viconia

Think about it. We should lynch one or the other for sure. If we lynch one and they turn up scum, all's well and dandy. If we lynch one and they turn up town, we know which clue is the correct clue regardless of who we lynch. Mazzy claims to be a Diviner, and I am loath to lose what may be the only role that can extract clues from the unwilling. A mislynch on Viconia still confirms the clue (and Mazzy's scuminess), and at worst at the cost of a PR.

FM Viconia

I to support this, a role claim couldn't hurt.