View Full Version : Doctor healing Witch Doctor target needs a better message.

Dr. Cheis
August 22nd, 2013, 07:46 PM
I just played a game where I was Doctor and there was a confirmed Witch Doctor, and a confirmed Witch (occupying the Neutral Evil slot). Because of the Witch, I can conclude there was no Cultist to start with.

On Night 2, I heal a target, and I see the message, "You prevented the Cult from trying to convert your target tonight!"

What does this message look like? It looks like a Cultist attempted to convert my target, which would be an indicator that on Night 1, the Witch Doctor successfully recruited a new Cultist.

As it turns out, no such thing. The Witch Doctor didn't recruit anybody all game long. The only cult aligned role in the game at the end was him.

Oh, so that means my target was attacked, and my heal prevented the Witch Doctor from converting and healing him, right? Nope. He was never attacked (or if he was, he received no notification).

The two most obvious interpretations of the Doctor's heal message are incorrect. I would propose the Doctor's message should read as follows:

"You prevented the Cult from trying to convert your target tonight!" for preventing a normal cult conversion.
"Your target was attacked tonight!" "You prevented the Cult from trying to convert your target tonight!" for situations where the target was attacked AND a Cultist recruited him, and for situations where the target was attacked and healed by a Witch Doctor (the player will not know which of these was the case).
[No message] for situations where the target was healed by a Witch Doctor, but the target was not attacked.

August 22nd, 2013, 07:56 PM
lol it used to say
"You prevented a Cultist ectectect" and was changed to "the Cult". It's fine how it is, in my opinion... because the WD is part of the cult. You're not supposed to be able to tell the difference.

August 22nd, 2013, 08:44 PM
WD should just not be able to heal if doc has healed.
Doc heal should precede WD heal+convert.
WD would then only be able to heal+convert when there's a double attack on target.
I don't think doc should be able to heal and prevent a convert if both happen on same target.

lol it used to say
"You prevented a Cultist ectectect" and was changed to "the Cult". It's fine how it is, in my opinion... because the WD is part of the cult. You're not supposed to be able to tell the difference.
Wow lol, you read the wrong things

August 22nd, 2013, 09:06 PM
Wow lol, you read the wrong things

lol not really, was just commenting on the other part.
(edit: as in, he said that the message seems like Cultist tried to convert, but it doesn't seem like that at all)

just read this shit

Not a bug. The doctor will, by design, always get the message that he prevented a conversion if he targets the same person as the witch doctor. Even if the target is immune or was not attacked.

August 22nd, 2013, 10:26 PM
Doesn't make sense imo... especially if target was not attacked

Dr. Cheis
August 23rd, 2013, 11:19 AM
Not a bug. The doctor will, by design, always get the message that he prevented a conversion if he targets the same person as the witch doctor. Even if the target is immune or was not attacked.

Might I suggest the message then should read:
"You prevented a potential Cult conversion of your target tonight!"

The current phrasing leads players to believe absent their actions, the target would have 100% become a cult.

August 23rd, 2013, 11:22 AM
the WD is part of the cult. You're not supposed to be able to tell the difference.

This is effectively where the conversation ends.

The Cult is -1 ally, +1 enemy, -1 graveyard, +1 day disruption every night. Why not add the first role that adds deception to the Doctor? The Cult is built around being a machine of deception, lies, and silent death.

Dr. Cheis
August 23rd, 2013, 09:59 PM
I'm not suggesting Doctor should know whether it was a Witch Doctor or a Cultist that visited. Just that the message shouldn't mislead players into believing something other than what happened happened.

If it's supposed to be ambiguous, make it ambiguous.

August 23rd, 2013, 10:27 PM
I don't see why you would want to change this. It tells you that there is a cult. This makes the Doc a more useful character if you understand this mechanic. Keep it how it is and file this away in your mafia knowledge. This is the type of knowledge that really shows experience. If anything maybe request an edit on the Wiki with this info.

Dr. Cheis
August 24th, 2013, 09:26 AM
Honestly it feels more like testing your knowledge of having visited the forums or filed a bug report that was declared "not a bug." In its current form it tells you there is a cult, but it also tells you you prevented a conversion, when it is entirely possible you did not. Knowing when the game is lying to you isn't a great way to sort out the pros from the newbs, in my opinion.

I'm thinking maybe I'm not being understood in my suggestion. I'm just asking that when a Doctor heals a Witch Doctor target that is not attacked, that Doctor not be lead to believe that there was a 100% chance that his target would have become Cult if not for his intervention. Adding the word "potential" into that message (for both Cultist and Witch Doctor targets) accomplishes this.