View Full Version : Recruiter (Mafia Support)

August 2nd, 2013, 03:16 PM

Mafia Support
Clue set: Your target seems to be highly charismatic; therefore, you conclude that they are the Mayor, the Marshall, the Mason Leader, Recruiter, or the Godfather.

Ability: If the recruiter targets the same player three nights in a row and that player is a town member, then that player becomes a generic mafia member with no abilities that cannot become a mafioso.
Option: Default On - Limited to one recruit
Option: Default On - Town is Notified when mafia obtains a recruit -credit Slaol
Option: Default Off - Doctor healing prevents recruitment

-Is never sent to perform the night's kill (credit Slaol)
-Does not appear in games with 4+ Mafia (credit Slaol)
-Will frequently not manage to recruit someone in a game
-An extra vote in favor of mafia or a confirmed town betraying can be very valuable
-His clue set puts him at a disadvantage
-After wasting three days he can find a neutral
-Doesn't synergize very well with anyone except MAYBE consort, if she too spends three nights on someone.

No abilities
-Clue Set: Your target is a member of the mafia
Option: Default On - Can Vote

To keep this role from masking troll saves the options are very limited. If they were opened up a bit it could really be used to make a different style of mafia game. ie: games that start with one recruiter (different recruit limit and required days settings), or saves in which specific town roles become specific maf members. which would allow recruiter to customize his mafia team .etc

August 2nd, 2013, 04:10 PM
Mafia as a cult... OPed. Don't think so.

August 2nd, 2013, 04:20 PM
Some thoughts.

Conversions are like more powerful kills. '-1 enemy, +1 ally' instead of just '-1 enemy'. This makes it OP.

Limiting it to 1 helps as Mafia already has 2 roles that an added KPN for a single night.
Disguiser is a bonus kill.
Kidnapper is a bonus kill.

However, recruiting are still more powerful, but Kidnapper and Disguiser are NOT just the kills.
Disguiser takes a new face.
Kidnapper has added information and role blocking.

It is generally comparable to Disguiser and Kidnapper if it is limited to a single use. However, as it's end result is VERY strong it must remain limited by your 3 day timer and possibly give off a unique feedback to make it very clear what is happening so that the Town might fight against it, as well as probably make it impossible to spawn in a game with 4+ Mafia members.

I might also suggest it NEVER be allowed to be sent for the Mafia Night Kill, since it would likely recruit the player to a Mafioso anyway.

- Never kills
- Locked to 1 recruit
- 3 day recruiting targets
- feedback of the recruiting process
- Never in 4+ Mafia games

August 2nd, 2013, 05:35 PM
Some thoughts.

Conversions are like more powerful kills. '-1 enemy, +1 ally' instead of just '-1 enemy'. This makes it OP.
True, that's why the 3 day timer. What are the odds that someone + yourself aren't killed by a sk in 3 days? A little over 50/50.
Limiting it to 1 helps as Mafia already has 2 roles that an added KPN for a single night.
Disguiser is a bonus kill.
Kidnapper is a bonus kill.

However, recruiting are still more powerful, but Kidnapper and Disguiser are NOT just the kills.
Disguiser takes a new face.
Kidnapper has added information and role blocking.

It is generally comparable to Disguiser and Kidnapper if it is limited to a single use. However, as it's end result is VERY strong it must remain limited by your 3 day timer and possibly give off a unique feedback to make it very clear what is happening so that the Town might fight against it, as well as probably make it impossible to spawn in a game with 4+ Mafia members.
I'd say that the majority of the time recruiter would be significantly weaker than disguiser/napper, but stronger than the other maf. Both of those ideas are excellent.
I might also suggest it NEVER be allowed to be sent for the Mafia Night Kill, since it would likely recruit the player to a Mafioso anyway.

- Never kills
- Locked to 1 recruit
- 3 day recruiting targets
- feedback of the recruiting process
- Never in 4+ Mafia games

Come to think of it, the second recruit wouldn't come until day 6+ and I don't want townies begging to be recruited, so all those suggestions are now added.

August 3rd, 2013, 05:05 PM
it just to OP for a game size of 15 players max. this works in larger scale games ie 35, but just no with 15 players.