View Full Version : Suggestion: Mad Scientist

July 31st, 2013, 05:37 AM
Invested As: Arson or Jester
Point Of Role: Every other night revive someone from the graveyard, limit the mad scientist to two revivals, only one revived person can be alive at one time. Revived people aren't capable of speaking to anyone other than the mad scientist. Mad Scientist can choose to act as a doctor on nights he's not reviving the dead.
Alignment: Town

July 31st, 2013, 06:39 AM
There are two errors in your description:
- You forgot to mention that it can kill anyone, anytime he wants.
- You misspelled "God".

No, seriously.

That would only disrupt the dead chat.
Instead of people being able to speak about the game, scum would start making up bullshit so the revived townies get bad information.

Also, it's a role that can confirm itself as soon as n1, beyond any doubts.
"Look, I revived #. Suck it".

He's also pretty much immune to cult conversion since he would be pulled out from his night chat to join the cult chat, and any revived player would notice it.

Finally, it's fucking OP: Roles are revealed upon death, he can pretty much keep reviving TPRs, confirm them as town, allow them to use their actions again and, of course, reduce the KPN. Not to mention that he can also heal people.

July 31st, 2013, 07:19 AM
For 1 He can't talk to all the dead just the ones he revives...yes he can revive confirmed town true but he can only do it twice and only 1 at a time. Wait 3 nights between revivals. Theres nothing OP about this role. Like the Vigi make it so he can't do anything n1...oh wait thats right cause unless someone lynching d1 he wouldn't know there was someone dead n1 to revive them anyways. This role is no more OP than Marshall getting 4 lynches.

July 31st, 2013, 07:26 AM
it can be semi oped and cause a lot of hackers becasue some mafias/evils in dead chat will leak information

if a diffrent player gets revived and learns about this infromation it would be game breaking (not nessacarly cheating) but in the long run it could cause a lot of skypers and other people to do things like that in games. overall i think not for sc2 mafia, maybe for an fm game it could be used.

comparing it to marshal: marashal can be just as dentramental to town as powerful it is. if the evils can just get sheep voters to vote up town marshall is more deadly then op

July 31st, 2013, 07:42 AM
You could make this role as easily detrimental to town as well. Make it so the name is re-randomized...and the Mad Scientist doesnt get to choose exactly who he revives. So in turn you could end up reviving a mafia member, or a neutral member.

July 31st, 2013, 08:31 AM
Marshall can't lynch 4 people. The players have to vote in order for this to happen.

Not OP?
- revive doctor.
- doctor train. hurr.

- revive citizen las night while in a 1v1 scenario with mafia.
- citizen wins.

- revive bodyguard.
- doc on bg. extra town kill.

- revive mayor.
- another 3-4 votes for town until scum kills him again.

- revive fucking anyone.
- extra vote for town next day.

And your new suggestion to not make it OP is to make him pretty much revive a random dead player?
Yay... more bastard setups.

This is a bad idea from every angle.
The game doesn't need another OP role that trolls can use to disrupt games, and it certainly doesn't need a role which fucks with the deadchat.