View Full Version : mafia promotions after gf/mafioso is killed

June 21st, 2013, 07:33 AM
i think that the mafia should get to choose who gets promoted to mafioso if there are 2 or more roles that are eligible for the promotion.
Ive ran into certain times where when our mafia's gf died we had already claimed we were going to do something(as a form of deception) the night before to prove our roles.
A recent example would be if the mafia had me as the framer and my other mafia buddy as the agent, since the sherriff died pretty early i was hoping as the framer to promote to mafioso since framer is somewhat useless to mafia now, but instead our important Agent promoted to mafioso after claiming lookout and yeah, ended badly.

Do you guys think mafia would be too Imba if they could choose who was going to promote, mabye they could add a promotion button the night after the gf is killed for a member to press to auto promote that night. if neither presses the button then 1 of them is auto-promoted same night.

i would keep the consigliere as an auto gf promotion cuz i think it would be too strong to give them the consig promotion ability choice.

what are your guys thoughts.. mabye we have already talked about this and i didnt find the thread? fairly new to postings things.

June 21st, 2013, 08:20 AM
the problem I see with this is that one person picks, the other person picks differently, afterall, your gf just died, its a 2way tie now. now either neither of you will turn or its the same exact situation, someone randomly turns Mafioso.

or if neither of you pick Mafioso, and in which case itll random anyway.

overall though, I see this adding power to mafia, and I think mafia is already fine where it is.

June 21st, 2013, 09:05 AM
I'm not sure how this button could work in a situation sense, but perhaps all mafia just need a '-mafioso' command that would turn them into Mafioso. This would not be reversible, so it would 99/100 be used when there is no killing role, but it would allow a few instances to select Mafioso to dodge a role block or jailing.

I'd say giving Mafia a buff that is also a nerf of a player would be fine, just not sure if realistic to put in.

June 22nd, 2013, 04:06 AM
i have been suggesting this a few times...

even more so as some times the Mafia would like to not get a killing role before the next day... there can be a number of reason to wait with changing to Mafioso...

and getting to choose who become the Mafioso will also help a lot!

besides... less randomness is always good...

the only problem i see is... is it possible for someone's role to change at the middle of night-chat? the only role changes that we know happen normally in the code are at the start of night or at the start of day...

June 22nd, 2013, 03:58 PM
I remember that mods have the power to change your role at any time of the night, so this shouldn't be a big issue codewise, given that DR already implemented a command which does a similar thing.

I love both suggestions (being able to go without mafioso for some nights and picking who becomes mafioso). Maybe add both as setup options.

June 30th, 2013, 06:56 PM
I've quite often wanted this feature. You can commonly run into the scenario where one Mafia role is much more useful than the other.

June 30th, 2013, 06:59 PM
There's a problem with this: I'm not sure that an instant role change can be coded into a game (probably unlikely), and otherwise it would be a night wasted with no kills if they had to choose, unless they chose during the day or in advance or something