View Full Version : {Watch List} etd: 1-S2-1-4484054, Lurtrax: 1-S2-1-1299058, Daruma: 1-S2-1-3413781, TgihOne: 1-S2-1-4758344

June 17th, 2013, 10:58 PM
I can't put player ids to names as I can't see the colours in the first place.... I apologize for breaking posting format... please forgive me.

Players 2,3 and 9 skyped to attempt to win a game. Upload will be provided under the name

-Mafia- ken game throwing skyping.SC2Replay

I apologize for the extra work the mods have to do on this one.

June 25th, 2013, 09:52 PM
Lurtrax - 1-S2-1-1299058 is Correct.
Daruma - 1-S2-1-3413781 is Correct.
TgihOne - 1-S2-1-4758344 is Correct.

Relevant Hotkeys
Lurtrax - E
Daruma - 1
TgihOne - 2
etd - ctrl + 2

After the Review
Next to each other on Hotkeys.

Lurtrax - ericlin, Arsonist
Daruma - Ken, Framer
TgihOne - NotEmilo, Sheriff

etd - hi, Godfather

Night One
Lurtrax - Jailed and executed.
Daruma - Says in mafia chat that he is skyping with Lurtrax and TgihOne. Frames no one.
TgihOne - Checks 9, Arsonist.

Day Two - The Godfather, etd, reveals himself and Daruma as mafia to state that Daruma is cheating. Great Gamethrow.

Night Two
Daruma - Kills no one.
TgihOne - Checks Daruma, Mafia.

Day Three - Daruma is lynched.

The Replay ends before the game is finished.

I do not have any real evidence of skyping. The only thing I can see is a gamethrow.

Players Added to the Report
etd - 1-S2-1-4484054

Was the Game Result Affected?
Unknown, replay ended early. Safe to say the mafia lost, however.

Player Offences
etd - 1x Gamethrowing

Previous Offences

Recommended Action
etd - 2x Watch-List
Lurtrax, Daruma, and TgihOne - Ignore.

June 28th, 2013, 02:43 PM
buddyI'm etd... I am the person reporting....... are you joking...I informed everyone in game chat that they where game throwing. I even game the sc2mafia website to help aid in them being reported.....

Why am I being suggsted for a ban or even a watchlist.

I said I was gf in public chat to inform everyone HOW I KNEW those 3 where game throwing as they asked in mafia chat NOT kill their friends and they even said they are SKYPING.

You need to READ THE REPORT and use your head before accusing the person who is giving you names of cheaters.

June 28th, 2013, 02:55 PM
buddyI'm etd... I am the person reporting....... are you joking...I informed everyone in game chat that they where game throwing. I even game the sc2mafia website to help aid in them being reported.....

Why am I being suggsted for a ban or even a watchlist.

I said I was gf in public chat to inform everyone HOW I KNEW those 3 where game throwing as they asked in mafia chat NOT kill their friends and they even said they are SKYPING.

You need to READ THE REPORT and use your head before accusing the person who is giving you names of cheaters.
You left right after you were lynched and you caused the mafia to lose. I can't ignore that information. I also have very little information that the players you accused were cheating because of the gamethrow.

June 28th, 2013, 02:58 PM
I want you to go back 1 back from this report. I also want you to see that I have other EXTREMELY crediable reports up reporting cheaters. I had never filed a report before, i didn't know i needed to stay for the entire game so forgive me for ebing uninformed.

it was my intention to get people to report the 3 skypers NOT TO GET MYSELF BANNED FOR REPORTING 3 CHEATERS.

Next time I guess I should let the skypers cheat away and go alone with their plan to fix the game.

"You left right after you were lynched and you caused the mafia to lose. I can't ignore that information. I also have very little information that the players you accused were cheating because of the gamethrow. "

Oh and not true. My replay clearly shows me waiting for the 1st ccheater to be lynched and so I can personally have the satisfaction of telling them that they are reported.

also you have all the proof you need. WATCH MY PERPECTIVE:

N1 (in mafia chat)
Ken: Don't kill 2 or 9
Ken: I have em on skype
Ken: They do as I say
hi [etd - me]: .........
hi: That is cheatinggg....
hi: reporting you

Right from the get go I tell him I'm reporting him and I inform everyone they are skyping. Yeah maybe I should have played it out and kept my mouth shut to provide 100% proof. Guess what, as I stated it was my first report and I didn't act correctly. After that I read up on the forums and every report since has been done 100% correctly.

Do not punish me for being new. Ban the damn cheaters.

June 28th, 2013, 03:07 PM
I want you to go back 1 back from this report. I also want you to see that I have other EXTREMELY crediable reports up reporting cheaters. I had never filed a report before, i didn't know i needed to stay for the entire game so forgive me for ebing uninformed.

it was my intention to get people to report the 3 skypers NOT TO GET MYSELF BANNED FOR REPORTING 3 CHEATERS.

Next time I guess I should let the skypers cheat away and go alone with their plan to fix the game.

"You left right after you were lynched and you caused the mafia to lose. I can't ignore that information. I also have very little information that the players you accused were cheating because of the gamethrow. "

Oh and not true. My replay clearly shows me waiting for the 1st ccheater to be lynched and so I can personally have the satisfaction of telling them that they are reported.
You aren't banned. Once this report is processed you will be on the Watch-List for a few weeks, then it will go away, assuming we don't get any more reports.

And feel free to report cheaters, just don't gamethrow to do it next time.

June 28th, 2013, 03:08 PM
And what about the 3 actually skyping. They got off scott free? I get slapped on the wathlist for blowing up on people cheating in game. Good system you have here.

DId you even bother reading on d3 what ken was typing in chat after I died? Completely admits to skyping. But no.... lets watchlist the guy and calling out 3 players for cheating. Hey you know what? Maybe next time I'll ask people NOT TO REPORT THEM SO THE PEOPLE REPORTING DON'T GET WATCHLISTED.

June 28th, 2013, 03:12 PM
And what about the 3 actually skyping. They got off scott free?
There is no evidence of them skyping. Did you read my review?

June 28th, 2013, 03:14 PM
Anyway, arguing will get us no where. I'll bring in a second opinion.

June 28th, 2013, 03:15 PM
There is no evidence of them skyping. Did you read my review?

There is evidence of skyping. THEY ADMIT IT [edit - He basically admits it while he is being lynched]. READ THE GAME CHAT.

June 28th, 2013, 03:21 PM
Here is what I can do. When the reports are processed one of our Global Mods will look at this report and decide what to do.

Marking Audit for the time being.

June 28th, 2013, 03:30 PM
Why not, I'll look into this one.

Notes: Previous reports don't exempt you from gamethrowing. Neither does suspected cheating.

In Review...

June 28th, 2013, 03:40 PM
Alright so here's the issue:

Yes the framer claimed skyping, however we typically need more evidence than that to convict them. Given he was able to name the two numbers right next to him in the players list I'm going to make a judgement call and send them to watchlist.


You also gamethrew. There is no two ways about it.

All four of you, watch list. Next time just report their asses or quit the game instead of throwing.

Lurtrax - 1-S2-1-1299058 2x Watchlist
Daruma - 1-S2-1-3413781 2x Watchlist
TgihOne - 1-S2-1-4758344 2x Watchlist
etd - 1-S2-1-4484054 2x Watchlist

June 28th, 2013, 03:52 PM
Thank you.

July 4th, 2013, 11:10 AM
4 2x Watchlisted