View Full Version : {Point Ban} 2-S2-1-2521064: Fielzanks

May 23rd, 2013, 05:02 PM
Account Name: Fielzanks
Account ID: 2-S2-1-2521064
In-Game Name: Doesn't matter.

Crimes Committed: Bank Hacking

Your Account Name: Coffex
Summary: This is a report easy one for you. Switch to my view (Coffex). At 0:40 I open the help tab.
Fielzanks is an obvious bank hacker. Just notice that he has 333 wins. With 333 wins, he should have all roles, or at least something like All Town & Half Mafia & Half Neutral. Yet he only has Half Mafia and no ratio achievements for Town or Neutral at all! Remembering the 333 wins, this is a clear indicator for bank hacking.

He is a donor though. Don't know your policies on hacking donors.

Edit: I also strongly advice you against watching this replay any further than 1:00! It was a horrible game.

Edit 2: Wow, he seems to be nice. In private chat, he admitted he hacked and gave me a link, when I asked him how he did it... now I feel somehow bad. =&

May 24th, 2013, 01:40 PM
ID Correct

User admitted to hacking his bank previously and clearly shows that in the help menu.

Point Ban

May 29th, 2013, 11:02 AM
Point Banned

May 29th, 2013, 10:37 PM
I made a post some days ago reporting myself for that exact crime, where i was redeeming myself about what i've done. If you can find it, it would be good, because it's invisible for me.
I know i was cheating my banks files and that is bad. When i've talked Coffex i even told him it was only to test some features, and after i would restore my bank files. And it is completely true. It's been almost a week since that incident and i've never ever cheated my bank again.
I know that what i've done is bad and all, but could my sanction be overviewed? Like letting me a second chance? I'm not a bad guy lying that i got my points legit and all, i've admitted it and i believe that crimes admitted should be forgiven.

My regards,

May 31st, 2013, 12:25 PM
I don't see the post anywhere. We don't lift point bans. After awhile, a few months at least, we might consider appeals for Point bans made at that time, until then, no.