View Full Version : {KickVote List} Oatmeal 1-S2-1-1391830, kissmycow 1-S2-1-779547

May 1st, 2013, 04:28 AM
Account Name: Oatmeal
Account ID: 1-S2-1-1391830
In-Game Name: Niggro

Account Name: kissmycow
Account ID: 1-S2-1-779547
In-Game Name: Roderigo

Crimes Committed: Skyping, Attempted Game-throw

Your Account Name: Wanktastic

Summary: I entered this game into Slaol's MVP game thread (http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php/18212-Slaol-s-MVP-Corner-Spring?p=305214&viewfull=1#post305214) because I did end up winning it, but it was definitely a case of blatant skyping. I also noticed that these 2 were recently put on the watch-list for skyping, so heres another strike/game against them.

Relevant quote from my post:

Day 6 is when shit got really crazy. We voted someone up to trial and he claimed Spy. Great, that's an easy role to test with a PM, right?. So I send a PM to a random player, and about 5 seconds later the person on trial correctly said the word (penis). Awesome, pretty clear he must be a Spy! Turns out he was actually a Janitor turned Mafioso by that point in the game. I can only assume the random person I sent the PM too (which turned out to be a game-throwing bodyguard who claimed sheriff all game) was skyping with the Mafioso, because otherwise how else would he have known my PM?

May 12th, 2013, 06:27 AM
Oatmeal - 1-S2-1-1391830
Kissmycow -1-S2-1-779547

Relevant Hotkeys
Oatmeal - ctrl + 3
Kissmycow - ctrl + 4

After the Review
Pre-Game: Oatmeal and Kissmycow are together on the list.

Oatmeal - Niggro - Bodyguard
Kissmycow - Roderigo - Janitor

Night One - Oatmeal guards Kissmycow. Kissmycow Sanitizes his Godfather. (Who was killed by blue, the Veteran)

Day Two - Waste of a day. Wild accusations.

Night Two - Oatmeal guards Kissmycow. Kissmycow suggests to kill and sanitizes blue.

Day Three - Arsonist lynched.

Night Three - Oatmeal guards Kissmycow. Kissmycow suggests to kill and sanitizes blue. Other mafia dies to veteran.

Day Four - Veteran is lynched. Oatmeal and Kissmycow vote together.

Night Four - Oatmeal guards Kissmycow. Kissmycow kills 1, but he survives.

Day Five - Oatmeal claims sheriff with a guilty read on 5. Kissmycow claims spy in a PM. 5 is lynched.

Night Five - Oatmeal guards Kissmycow. Kissmycow kills 12.

Day Six - Oatmeal and Kissmycow vote together on 14. Kissmycow is brought up to the stand and claims spy. Oatmeal takes place in the PM test, and Kissmycow passes the PM test. Kissmycow is voted inno.

Night Six - Oatmeal guards Kissmycow. Kissmycow kills 14.

Day Seven - 8 is lynched.

Night Seven - Oatmeal guards Kissmycow. Kissmycow kills 9.


Day Eight - Oatmeal is voted to the stand by every player. Oatmeal is lynched.

Night Eight - Kissmycow kills 6. Town wins, Citizen V Mafia.

That was a funny ending, now to why I think this is skyping.

They have a record:
The PM test. There was no way for Kissmycow to know what the word was in the PM test without Oatmeal telling him.
The constant guarding by Oatmeal. Always a giveaway.

Also Gamethrowing by both players. Oatmeal claiming Sheriff to get townies lynched, and Kissmycow by using the veteran to kill his other mafia member.

Was the Game Result Affected?
No, but only because of boss citizen play.

Players Added to the Report

Player Offences
Oatmeal - 1x Cheating, 1x Gamethrowing
Kissmycow - 1x Cheating, 1x Gamethrowing

Previous Offences
Oatmeal and Kissmycow Cheating - http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php/18900-Oatmeal-1-S2-1-1391830-kissmycow-1-S2-1-779547?highlight=779547
Kissmycow Kickvote Offence for Gamethrowing - http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php/18902-Kissmycow-1-S2-1-779547?highlight=779547

Recommended Action
Oatmeal - 4x or 8x Watch-List
Kissmycow - 2x or 4x KickVote-List

May 27th, 2013, 01:04 PM
2 2x Kickvote list