View Full Version : {Watch List} Kurtis: 1-S2-1-4092246 Drows: 1-S2-1-1375504

March 31st, 2013, 10:06 PM
9931Account Name: Kurtis
Account ID: 1-S2-1-4092246
In-Game Name: Aronne Conti (Pink/15)

Account Name: Drows
Account ID: 1-S2-1-1375504
In-Game Name: Stump (yellow/5)

Crimes Committed: Gamethrowing (also possibly Griefing, and cheating/skyping by consequence).

Your Account Name: fragileteeth
Summary: Jailor (Kurtis) jailed and executed investigator after investigator had proved his role. Then jailed and executed doctor without any proof of not being doctor (non-suspicious and called out Drows on being mafia). Then continued to help the remaining mafioso (Drows). At the end, the jailor and mafioso both -suicide forcing executioner to win; ruining game for mafia and town. (Kurtis also spammed a recruitment signup link at the end of the game for Heroes of Newerth game).

April 6th, 2013, 04:49 PM
is correct.

Relevant Hotkeys:
Drows ctrl 5
Kurtis ctrl 6

After the Review:
Drows and Kurtis both joined as a group
The Jailor Kurtis throw the game for his mafia buddy Drows.
He decided to suicide on the last night and was not attacked.

Players Added to the Report:

Was the Game Result Affected?
Town lost in a game which would have been an easy victory otherway.

Player Offences:
Major Game-throw x 1 Kurtis
Cheating x 1 Kurtis

Cheating x 1 Drows

Previous Offences:
Minor Game-throw x1 Kurtis

Recommended Action:
watchlist x 1 Kurtis
on hold for Drows

April 9th, 2013, 01:45 PM
4x for Kurtis
2x for Drows