View Full Version : {Watch List} Almond - 1-S2-1-3230984

February 9th, 2013, 12:04 AM
Account Name: Almond
Account ID #: 1-S2-1-3230984
In-Game Name: HUngryLittlePiggy

Crimes Committed: Jailor (failor) jailed me night 1. I claimed sheriff. He clicked execute and I said I would report him for gamethrowing. He said there is no Mod in the game, so he didn't see the problem and executed me on night 2. Honestly, I wouldn't care too much, but he is basically challenging me to do this. He also later killed a doc in jail. Even though I think he had reasoning behind that one. But overall, he ruined the game.

My Account Name: LDmeZmoriZed
My Account ID #: 1-S2-1-1228311
In-Game Name: InnoCit

I play this game a lot. I've talked to most of you Mods a few times. Especially Landstander ♥ I really don't mind if some kids aren't as good at this game as others, but abusing your roles powers to deliberately kill off your allies gets annoying and old. I have never really felt the need to report though, until he basically challenged me to report him because he thinks he can get away with things since there aren't Mods in the game. I would really appreciate this one pulling through.

February 9th, 2013, 12:07 AM
I am not asking for a ban. But even a watch-list will at least make him think twice about doing stuff like this again, which I am sure you already know. And would definitely make me feel better.

February 9th, 2013, 12:08 AM
Almond - 1-S2-1-3230984

Relevant Hotkeys
Almond - ctrl + 3

After the Review
He jailed the Sheriff night one, and the sheriff used the "I will report you" defense. The Jailor did not execute him. The jailor then jailed the sheriff again, stating "I don't see what the big deal is there is no patron in the game." and executed the sheriff.

He then executed the scummy as fuck doctor, jailed someone else and left the game.

Jailing and Leaving is considered a Griefing. Jailing the sheriff twice and executing him due to "There being no Patron" might be a light griefing.

Players Added to the Report

Was the Game Result Affected?
Yes, against town.

Player Offences
1x Griefing

Previous Offences
On-Hold Report for Gamethrowing - http://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showthread.php/15375-Almond-1-S2-1-3230984-Bryx-1-S2-1-3631605-Thrall-1-S2-1-3606169?highlight=3230984

Recommended Action
Second Offence - Watch List

February 9th, 2013, 12:41 AM
Thank you sir

March 3rd, 2013, 03:23 AM
1x Watchlist

..not entirely heavy griefing.