View Full Version : Day J: 1 final Job

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Forum Mafia GM
January 14th, 2013, 11:35 PM
Find that evil witch before he controls the GM to modkill entire town!

All night actions were sent in. Day can start really early.

In the dark night of J, shots were heard in the distance... well not so distant since it hit the Town MVP! Ceasar was found dead by Agahnim late at night, as Agahnim lifted the body to bring it to the burial grounds, a lone gun man emerged from the shadows, lifted his water pistol, and sprayed the electrical conduit next to Agahnim. Causing a furious electrical discharge that resulted in Agahnims death.

Agahnim was not however, the one controlling the vigilante... and it turned out that another citizen has died.

Role list:

Player List:
14- FM Gimli
18- FM Inspector Cluseau
22- FM King Tut
26- FM Michigan J Frog
33- FM Sherlock

Role list:
1-Citizen: FM Batman - Struck down by Sith Lightning!
2-Citizen: King Arthur - Killed by the SK
4-Sheriff: Yosemite Sam - Attacked by the Mafia and killed by the Vigilante.
5-Mafioso: Spongebob - Killed by the town
6-Citizen: FM Col Jack ONeill - Killed by the Mafia
7-Citizen: FM Hungry - Killed by the Vigilante
8-Citizen: FM Yoda - Killed by the Mafia
9-Doctor: FM Captain Obvious - Killed by the Vigilante
10-GodFather: FM Locutus - Killed by the town
12-Citizen: FM Lone Ranger - Struck down by Sith Lightning!
13-Citizen: FM Count von Count - Struck down by Sith Lightning!
15-Consort: FM Watson - Killed by the town
16-Citizen: FM Anubis - Killed by a gun man.
18-Citizen: FM Frankenstein - Killed by a gun man.
19-Escort: FM Master Chef - Killed by the SK
20-Serial Killer: FM Rubber Ducky - Killed by the town
21-Citizen: FM Bridge Keeper - Killed by the Vigilante
22-Citizen: FM Hamburglar - Killed by the Mafia
23-Citizen: FM Robin Hood - Struck down by Sith Lightning!
24-Blacksmith: FM Ceasar - Killed by the Vigilante
25-Consigliere: FM Dracula - Struck down by Sith Lightning!
26-Citizen: FM Mr T - Struck down by Sith Lightning!
27-Citizen: FM Jack Sparrow - Killed by the Mafia
28-Citizen: FM Wile E Coyote - Killed by the Vigilante
29-Doctor: FM The Joker - Killed by the Mafia
30-Framer: FM Wolverine - Killed by the town
31-Citizen: FM Yehat - Killed by the Mafia
32-Citizen: FM Mr Bunny - Killed by the Mafia
33-Citizen: FM Agahnim - Killed by a water gun.
34-Sheriff: FM Indiana Jones - Killed by the SK
36-Citizen: FM Gandalf - Killed by an angry town mob.
37-Citizen: FM Prince Thrakhath - Struck down by Sith Lightning!
38-Citizen: FM The Terminator - Killed by the SK
39-Jailor: FM Kermit - Struck down by Sith Lightning!
40-Mafioso: Pinkie Pie - Executed by the Jailor
41-Citizen: FM Cookie Monster - Killed by a gun rocket man.
42-Citizen: FM Animal - Killed by a gun man.

Player List:
01- FM Agahnim Citizen - Killed by a water gun
02- FM Animal Citizen - Killed by a gun man
03- FM Anubis Citizen - Killed by a gun man
04- FM Batman: Citizen - Struck down by Sith Lightning!
05- FM Bridge Keeper: Citizen - Killed by the Vigilante
06- FM Captain Obvious: Doctor - Killed by the Vigilante
07- FM Ceasar: Blacksmith - Killed by the Vigilante
08- FM Col Jack ONeill: Citizen - Killed by the Mafia
09- FM Cookie Monster: Citizen - Killed by a gun rocket man.
10- FM Count von Count: Citizen - Struck down by Sith Lightning!
11- FM Dracula: Consigliere - Struck down by Sith Lightning!
12- FM Frankenstein: Citizen - Killed by a gun man.
13- FM Gandalf: Citizen - Killed by an angry town mob.
14- FM Gimli
15- FM Hamburglar: Citizen - Killed by the Mafia
16- FM Hungry: Citizen - Killed by the Vigilante
17- FM Indiana Jones: Sheriff - Killed by the SK
18- FM Inspector Cluseau
19- FM Jack Sparrow: Citizen - Killed by the Mafia
20- FM Kermit: Jailor - Struck down by Sith Lightning!
21- FM King Arthur: Citizen - Killed by the SK
22- FM King Tut
23- FM Locutus: GodFather - Killed by the Town
24- FM Lone Ranger: Citizen - Struck down by Sith Lightning!
25- FM Master Chef: Escort - Killed by the SK
26- FM Michigan J Frog
27- FM Mr Bunny: Citizen - Killed by the Mafia
28- FM Mr T: Citizen - Struck down by Sith Lightning!
29- FM Pinkie Pie: Mafioso - Executed by the Jailor
30- FM Prince Thrakhath: Citizen - Struck down by Sith Lightning!
31- FM Robin Hood: Citizen - Struck down by Sith Lightning!
32- FM Rubber Ducky: SK - Killed by the Town
33- FM Sherlock
34- FM SpongeBob: Mafioso - Killed by the Town
35- FM The Joker: Doctor - Killed by the Mafia
36- FM The Terminator: Citizen - Killed by the SK
37- FM Watson: Consort - Killed by the Town
38- FM Wile E Coyote: Citizen - Killed by the Vigilante
39- FM Wolverine: Framer - Killed by the Town
40- FM Yehat: Citizen - Killed by the Mafia
41- FM Yoda: Citizen - Killed by the Mafia
42- FM Yosemite Sam: Sheriff - Attacked by the Mafia and killed by the Vigilante.

Players alive: 5 (4 town vs 1 Witch)
Day will end Thursday Jan 17th 8pm GMT-5

Inspector Cluseau
January 14th, 2013, 11:41 PM
So, I did some stratagyizing last night.

I nearly shit myself in fear that Ceasar was going to be left alive. Why, you ask?
Victory is simple- lynch Sherlock. Remove the Witch's night kill permanently.

Sherlock is our proven Town.
Frog is clearly Town, I would like to be thanks to the Wolverine flip, Gimli is Town- i can confirm you that, and while Tut is trolly as hell he hasn't done much to really show scum outside of that. And hey, I trolled and in the end was right on Framer.

However, if we remove the Witch's night kill he can not end us.
We can go for days and days and scum read. 3 town vs 1 witch, then 2 town vs 1 witch even if we miss. But we can not give the Witch the kill for any longer.

I trolled for a lot of time, I looked scummy, I shot Cookie, I really was riding on about 13% effort for a pretty long time.
But I am pretty sure only Sherlock and the Witch will be against this strategy.

I also have my lead as to who is Witch, but I will not say it just yet.

Inspector Cluseau
January 14th, 2013, 11:45 PM
I also have my lead as to who is Witch, but I will not say it just yet.

I will let you know- it is obvious as to who it is, it really comes down to a 50/50 on him or myself, and this person know it. They are smart, they are calculating, and they want me lynched today.
4 vs 1 today
3 vs 1 if I die
2 vs 1 with the shoot tomorrow (on gimli)
2 vs 1, and we will mislynch.

This person is very much lingering without our ranks. And the fact that the night ended so quickly should be a testemant to how active they are...

Inspector Cluseau
January 14th, 2013, 11:46 PM
This person is very much lingering without our ranks.

Quite confident this person received the gun last night. It is the only reason someone would not shoot Tut. (seeing as how Tut guaranteed didn't get the gun)

Inspector Cluseau
January 14th, 2013, 11:47 PM
I will let you know- it is obvious as to who it is, it really comes down to a 50/50 on him or myself, and this person know it. They are smart, they are calculating, and they want me lynched today.
4 vs 1 today
3 vs 1 if I die
2 vs 1 with the shoot tomorrow (on gimli)
2 vs 1, and we will mislynch.

This person is very much lingering within* our ranks. And the fact that the night ended so quickly should be a testemant to how active they are...


Inspector Cluseau
January 14th, 2013, 11:50 PM
I also noticed that it appeared Ceasar didn't give a gun to a person twice, which makes me pretty sure that Agahnim got the gun last night. This makes me rather happy in that the Witch doesn't have potentially 2 kills tonight. But in the chance that they did receive a gun 2 nights in a row I think it only doubles up the fact that we must remove Sherlock.

Inspector Cluseau
January 14th, 2013, 11:54 PM
I also noticed that it appeared Ceasar didn't give a gun to a person twice, which makes me pretty sure that Agahnim got the gun last night. This makes me rather happy in that the Witch doesn't have potentially 2 kills tonight. But in the chance that they did receive a gun 2 nights in a row I think it only doubles up the fact that we must remove Sherlock.

In response to this- as I could be Witch.
If I am Witch I may have the gun, and would be killing Sherlock (3 vs 1) to then go use a shot for 2 vs 1 tomorrow. I am not likely to survive a situation like that, regardless of how much I try to convince you all that the trolling was an act.

Inspector Cluseau
January 14th, 2013, 11:57 PM
Once everyone posts I will vote my lead.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 12:15 AM
Once everyone posts I will vote my lead.

I am only waiting for people to post thoughts on the stratagy because I don't want to give the Witch a free route to counter accuse me.
Sherlock doesn't want to die, Witch doesn't want to lose the kill.
If we see who is against it before I point a Finger at them then we could let the scum reveal themselves before I have to die to confirm it.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 12:26 AM
I'm trying to not need a chiropractor. It t'would be nice if some people would talk.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 12:27 AM
There are currently 3 users browsing this thread. (3 members and 0 guests)


Forum Mafia GM
January 15th, 2013, 12:34 AM
as one of the users reading this thread... I shall post.

The others may not... they are dead.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 12:35 AM
as one of the users reading this thread... I shall post.

The others may not... they are dead.

So then, what do you think of my master plan?

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 12:36 AM
So then, what do you think of my master plan?


Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 12:38 AM
as one of the users reading this thread... I shall post.

The others may not... they are dead.

So, you mean to tell me that these other people are not even awake! When I am here using a full 17% effort!?

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 12:44 AM
So, Yapyap, how is your day going?

FM Sherlock
January 15th, 2013, 01:12 AM
Cluseau's suggestion to lynch me is plain bad. Why, you ask? It's because it doesn't change the number of chances to find the witch. We only have 2 chances to do so. And Yayap is not going to end the game even if I die - he will end the game only if the witch is dead. This is not SC2 Mafia, where we could wait 3 day to allow the town win.

Cluseau is acting almost like Wolverine did - he started the day with suggestion to lynch me AGAIN. Sorry, Cluseau, but if we follow your logic, then the only remaining suspect would be YOU. So I'm fine with lynching you today.

FM Inspector Cluseau

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 01:15 AM
If everyone else agrees, then so be it. It is, however, good to know I was not the worst Town.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 01:16 AM
The other option is, obviously, to lynch the Witch. The sad news is that I know exactly what is going to happen if we lynch me today.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 01:17 AM
I will be lynched.
Sherlock, our MVP, will once again be forced to kill a Town.
At that point the Witch may even have a 2nd kill if he got a gun last night (which is GG)
If he doesn't have a gun, then the next day he will have left an obviously more scummy player- Tut.

FM Sherlock
January 15th, 2013, 01:17 AM
Can't you remember? There was a missing SK kill. He could attack one of the doctor claimers - Cluseau and Anubis. Because Anubis turned out to be the town, I believe the Cluseau is the one who was attacked by SK.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 01:19 AM
If Witch is Frog he will ride on how pro-town he has looked, and how blatantly troll Tut was.
If Gimli if Witch he will remind everyone how confident I am that he is Town.
Tut will be lynched. Scum will win.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 01:20 AM
Can't you remember? There was a missing SK kill. He could attack one of the doctor claimers - Cluseau and Anubis. Because Anubis turned out to be the town, I believe the Cluseau is the one who was attacked by SK.

Can't you remember? Everyone and their mother claimed Doctor dude. I also claimed everything in the game, and quite a lot of roles not in the game.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 01:20 AM
Can't you remember? There was a missing SK kill. He could attack one of the doctor claimers - Cluseau and Anubis. Because Anubis turned out to be the town, I believe the Cluseau is the one who was attacked by SK.

Ask yourself this. If I am Witch.. why would I be begging for my night kill to be taken from me instead of pushing the Tut lynch?

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 01:22 AM
Ask yourself this. If I am Witch.. why would I be begging for my night kill to be taken from me instead of pushing the Tut lynch?

Especially with such a bold plan as to lynch the only confirmed Town. Good god man, use your head for the first time this game.
Wolverine was Framer, but letting you live cost us quite a few Town members, and has gained us what... a man ready to throw away the game..

FM Sherlock
January 15th, 2013, 01:22 AM
Who said that Ceasar gave someone a gun? Why would he do that?

More importantly, I just noticed that he previously gave his gun to Wolverine, who turned out to be a MAFIA. Why would he risk himself giving the gun to possible witch after seeing THAT? I'm clearly sure that he chose to give a vest to one of us. None of his guns were used to kill scum. So I'm fairly confident that no one has received a gun today.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 01:23 AM
Who said that Ceasar gave someone a gun? Why would he do that?

More importantly, I just noticed that he previously gave his gun to Wolverine, who turned out to be a MAFIA. Why would he risk himself giving the gun to possible witch after seeing THAT? I'm clearly sure that he chose to give a vest to one of us. None of his guns were used to kill scum. So I'm fairly confident that no one has received a gun today.

I pray you are correct.

FM Sherlock
January 15th, 2013, 01:23 AM
What are you afraid of? If we lynch you, there will be one more day until we find out the Witch. It's not like the game ends if you flip yourself as town.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 01:24 AM
Seeing as you are about to lead this Town in a lynch against myself for being the only person to have the guts to suggest the winning strategy, I hope you get another day chat to sit and wallow in your many many failures Sherlock. Even if it is pulled out in the end tomorrow.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 01:25 AM
What are you afraid of? If we lynch you, there will be one more day until we find out the Witch. It's not like the game ends if you flip yourself as town.

I am afraid of the fact that you are leading this Town. We have a troll, a newbie, and someone that is almost as in command of us as the only confirmed role. This Town is a sickening disaster, and you want to lynch the only person that wants to guarantee 3 people tomorrow.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 01:27 AM
I am afraid of the fact that you are leading this Town. We have a troll, a newbie, and someone that is almost as in command of us as the only confirmed role. This Town is a sickening disaster, and you want to lynch the only person that wants to guarantee 3 people tomorrow.

I am literally the only thing currently between the Witch and certain victory, and sadly I am the only one that knows it.

FM Sherlock
January 15th, 2013, 01:28 AM
Ok, what do you think will happen in case if we lynch you? How will Witch act?

Will Witch kill one of the remaining citizens and take the 50|50 chance, or he will choose to make me kill myself? What action the Witch would choose?

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 01:29 AM
I was about to go to sleep, but then you chime in. With once again your incredibly, incredibly, horrific attempts at this game. You claimed Vigilante. Let me just remind you of that. Your not claiming your role would have meant the lives of multiple players saved, and apparently the game would have been won. Instead, we are blessed to spend our last day watching as you mislynch.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 01:30 AM
or he will choose to make me kill myself?


FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 01:31 AM
Wtf who shot Aghanim? I thought the plan was to shoot Tut. If you shot Agahnim claim now. I'm going to look through yesterday for clues about who received the gun.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 01:32 AM
Wtf who shot Aghanim? I thought the plan was to shoot Tut. If you shot Agahnim claim now. I'm going to look through yesterday for clues about who received the gun.

Frog, your thoughts on my plan?

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 01:33 AM
Wtf who shot Aghanim? I thought the plan was to shoot Tut. If you shot Agahnim claim now. I'm going to look through yesterday for clues about who received the gun.

Also, it is pretty clear that Gimli got the gun last night. He has thought Agahnim was Witch for about an aeon and a half.

FM Sherlock
January 15th, 2013, 01:34 AM
Yeah, this is important... Only Witch would do that! So Ceasar gave his gun to Witch (before we lynched Wolverine). We only need to find out WHO receved the gun.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 01:34 AM
Yeah, this is important... Only Witch would do that! So Ceasar gave his gun to Witch (before we lynched Wolverine). We only need to find out WHO receved the gun.

No. Witch might do that, but also Gimli would do it even if he was Town.

FM Sherlock
January 15th, 2013, 01:37 AM
Wait a second... are you serious about Gimli receiving the gun? This is outrageous! Why would he shoot Aghanim? Nobody agreed to that!

Ceasar, I only wanted to pressure you at little. Now that you vented my anger on me, you don't need to say anthing anymore. It's probably either Gimli or King Tut.

FM Inspector Cluseau

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 01:39 AM
Wait a second... are you serious about Gimli receiving the gun? This is outrageous! Why would he shoot Aghanim? Nobody agreed to that!

Ceasar, I only wanted to pressure you at little. Now that you vented my anger on me, you don't need to say anthing anymore. It's probably either Gimli or King Tut.

FM Inspector Cluseau

Also, Gimli has thought Agahnim was Witch for a long time. He probably thought he was going to be the big hero and save everyone. Regardless of how bad he has been this entire game. Constant conspiracy theories, and situations that take a lot of things into account that just. Good god I hate this town.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 01:41 AM
Let me think for a bit. I need to figure out if there are still guns floating around, because if the witch has 2 KPN tonight, that changes the strategy if this is MYLO or not. I think it's good to keep Sherlock alive if possible as our confirmed town, but I'll have to do some number crunching to figure out the optimal plan.

7- Order of Operations:

1- Jailor jails
2- Night groups get together to talk
3- People put on vests.
4- Escort / Consort Blocks Escorts / Consorts / Witch / Lookout
5- Witch mind-control
6- Lookout actions (can see witch and roleblockers)
7- Escort / Consort Blocks other roles
8- Framing
9- Investigations
10- Bodyguard
11- Scum kills
12- Vig kills
13- Heals
14- Blacksmith Gives Item
15- Jailor releases/executes

So Ceasar didn't hand out items last night. Are all other guns accounted for? Brb, counting. Also if Gimli shot Agahnim, he needs to explain himself.

FM Sherlock
January 15th, 2013, 01:42 AM
Yeah, I was really bad most of the game... Even now I'm starting to lose my patience. I need to calm down a little.

You should continue your discussion. And ask some SERIOUS questions to Gimli.

Sigh... This was really somewhat frustrating for me.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 01:43 AM
Just for sure-fire confirmation- A scum killing a Blacksmith means he does not give out the weapon/vest. Correct?

FM Sherlock
January 15th, 2013, 01:48 AM
You guys probably do not need my vote to lynch the witch. Only 3 votes are needed. I'm sure that you will be able to find the witch on your own. Look for possible scum slips.

Good luck. I'm return soon.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 01:49 AM
Can someone fact check me on this:

Blacksmith Actions –
N1 Dracula received a vest
N2 Agahnim received gun, N3 shot Frankenstein
N3 Cookie Monster received gun, N4 shot Animal
N4 Cluseau received gun, N5 shot Cookie Monster
N5 __King Arthur??_ received gun, N6 killed before shooting ??
N6 Captain Obvious received gun, killed before shooting
N7 __Gimli?__ received gun, N8 shot Agahnim
N8 died before giving out gun

I think if someone had received a gun N5 and was holding it Ceasar would have mentioned. So I think there is only the vigilante and the lynch as a source of kills. Brb, number crunching. Let me know ASAP if I'm wrong and there's a gun still out there.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 01:50 AM
You guys probably do not need my vote to lynch the witch. Only 3 votes are needed. I'm sure that you will be able to find the witch on your own. Look for possible scum slips.

Good luck. I'm return soon.

Can you please help us, Sherlock? You're the only guy who is 100% confirmed here.

FM Sherlock
January 15th, 2013, 01:51 AM
Wolverine (Mafia) received a gun and used it to kill Anubis. Simple as that.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 01:51 AM
Do citizens win ties?

FM Sherlock
January 15th, 2013, 01:52 AM
Can you please help us, Sherlock? You're the only guy who is 100% confirmed here.

I'm a little busy at work, so I need some concentration. I'll be able to rejoin you after 8 hours of work.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 01:52 AM
The good news is this- Gimli shot Agahnim, and as such is NOT Witch.
Gimli has hated Agahnim for a while, with many a theory as to why Agahnim is Witch. Gimli's most recent lead was Agahnim, and having him removed from the game leaves him without a target to try and lynch. It is also pretty freaking public that I have trusted Gimli over nearly everyone this entire game. Gimli is Town, and was just a fool trying to be the hero, but instead he kept our troll alive for the clear mis-lynch today or tomorrow instead of leaving someone I consider one of the best scum hunters on the site nowadays. Gimli was a fool trying to win. But Gimli is still Town.

I pushed for the Framer lynch like I have only pushed bowel movements out of my body, and pray that confirms me to you people. I trolled, yes, but I called him as Framer since day 2, and he was Framer. If I were Witch I would not have any way to have run into and be alerted of a Framer. I found a slip from him, and had my scum kill for the game. Now I suggest we do what we must to ensure we have, what I find to be, the optimal situation.

This leaves Frog and Tut.
Tut is unimaginably trolly, and has been the most worthless player ever if we is Town, but is a mega lurker and could be a Witch with no idea how to speak to us.
Frog is unimaginably smart, and has been the most powerful player this game as Town, and if he is Witch could be on track to win. A mislynch on myself or Gimli today, a shot of the other tonight, and a lynch on Tut tomorrow night. (or any real combination of those 3), and he has won a devilishly powerful MVP.

If Yayap confirms that there are infact no guns remaining then I say we CAN keep Sherlock alive for another day, and try Tut. He lurks, and could easily be Witch.
Then beyond that I must just pray that you all trust me more than you trust Frog.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 01:54 AM
Can someone fact check me on this:

Blacksmith Actions –
N1 Dracula received a vest
N2 Agahnim received gun, N3 shot Frankenstein
N3 Cookie Monster received gun, N4 shot Animal
N4 Cluseau received gun, N5 shot Cookie Monster
N5 __King Arthur??_ received gun, N6 killed before shooting ??
N6 Captain Obvious received gun, killed before shooting
N7 __Gimli?__ received gun, N8 shot Agahnim
N8 died before giving out gun

I think if someone had received a gun N5 and was holding it Ceasar would have mentioned. So I think there is only the vigilante and the lynch as a source of kills. Brb, number crunching. Let me know ASAP if I'm wrong and there's a gun still out there.

Wolverine got it on N5. None unaccounted for.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 01:57 AM
Wolverine (Mafia) received a gun and used it to kill Anubis. Simple as that.

Thanks for the correction. Somehow I missed that one.

Blacksmith Actions –
N1 Dracula received a vest
N2 Agahnim received gun, N3 shot Frankenstein
N3 Cookie Monster received gun, N4 shot Animal
N4 Cluseau received gun, N5 shot Cookie Monster
N5 Wolverine received gun, N6 killed Anubis
N6 Captain Obvious received gun, killed holding gun
N7 __Gimli?__ received gun, N8 shot Agahnim
N8 Blacksmith died before giving out gun

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 01:58 AM
The good news is this- Gimli shot Agahnim, and as such is NOT Witch.
Gimli has hated Agahnim for a while, with many a theory as to why Agahnim is Witch. Gimli's most recent lead was Agahnim, and having him removed from the game leaves him without a target to try and lynch. It is also pretty freaking public that I have trusted Gimli over nearly everyone this entire game. Gimli is Town, and was just a fool trying to be the hero, but instead he kept our troll alive for the clear mis-lynch today or tomorrow instead of leaving someone I consider one of the best scum hunters on the site nowadays. Gimli was a fool trying to win. But Gimli is still Town.

I pushed for the Framer lynch like I have only pushed bowel movements out of my body, and pray that confirms me to you people. I trolled, yes, but I called him as Framer since day 2, and he was Framer. If I were Witch I would not have any way to have run into and be alerted of a Framer. I found a slip from him, and had my scum kill for the game. Now I suggest we do what we must to ensure we have, what I find to be, the optimal situation.

This leaves Frog and Tut.
Tut is unimaginably trolly, and has been the most worthless player ever if we is Town, but is a mega lurker and could be a Witch with no idea how to speak to us.
Frog is unimaginably smart, and has been the most powerful player this game as Town, and if he is Witch could be on track to win. A mislynch on myself or Gimli today, a shot of the other tonight, and a lynch on Tut tomorrow night. (or any real combination of those 3), and he has won a devilishly powerful MVP.

If Yayap confirms that there are infact no guns remaining then I say we CAN keep Sherlock alive for another day, and try Tut. He lurks, and could easily be Witch.
Then beyond that I must just pray that you all trust me more than you trust Frog.

If you truly found the Framer since Day 2, how come you shot Cookie Monster on N5? Just wondering.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 01:58 AM
Well, everyone, I think I have come to a sound conclusion... Tut.

If you analyze the description of Wolverine's death he is described as a 'Scum MVP'. I am not certain what role that is, what it does, or how one attains it, but I am confident that if Frog were to be our Witch that he would be the one taking home that award. As such, it is clear that Tut is the Witch.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 01:59 AM
If you truly found the Framer since Day 2, how come you shot Cookie Monster on N5? Just wondering.

I am a pretty large idiot. I reread everyone and something he said got me thinking it was him. Then I forgot about Wolverine. It was the worst possible thing I could have done, and have owned that as a major failure this entire time. I hate you all if you hate me for the other things I did, but have no qualms with any lynch that comes me way due to this fact.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 02:02 AM
If you truly found the Framer since Day 2, how come you shot Cookie Monster on N5? Just wondering.

I can not in any way truly explain my final decision making on that topic in any other way than hating myself. But please check Day 2 for proof of my early lead on Wolverine. I was reading people, and even if I screwed up mid game I had a proper lead because I was scumhunting. You know... for scum.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 02:11 AM
I can not in any way truly explain my final decision making on that topic in any other way than hating myself. But please check Day 2 for proof of my early lead on Wolverine. I was reading people, and even if I screwed up mid game I had a proper lead because I was scumhunting. You know... for scum.

Ugh. I just don't know. It's either Tut or you. I'm positive about that because it can't be Gimli since I doubt a witch continues to submit night actions while being replaced.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 02:16 AM
Well, everyone, I think I have come to a sound conclusion... Tut.

If you analyze the description of Wolverine's death he is described as a 'Scum MVP'. I am not certain what role that is, what it does, or how one attains it, but I am confident that if Frog were to be our Witch that he would be the one taking home that award. As such, it is clear that Tut is the Witch.

Cluseau has been really trolly, so I can see Yayap giving 'Scum MVP' to Wolverine over someone who coasts on 17% effort the whole game.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 02:17 AM
Ugh. I just don't know. It's either Tut or you. I'm positive about that because it can't be Gimli since I doubt a witch continues to submit night actions while being replaced.

And for me it is either you or Tut. lol. But I would much like to hope you are the Town, as well as having what seems a good reason to think Tut is the Witch that has sucked, since you would be the Scum MVP, not Wolverine, if you were the Witch.

FM King Tut


Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 02:18 AM
Cluseau has been really trolly, so I can see Yayap giving 'Scum MVP' to Wolverine over someone who coasts on 17% effort the whole game.

So could I. But I am pretty sure he would hold off on awarding it to Wolverine if Witch were alive and were anyone other than Tut. I wasn't a great player this game, but any Witch pulling out this victory would be the MVP as far as I am concerned.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 02:31 AM
FM King Tut

Ok, after re-reading his ISO, I'm pretty sure this is our guy. He trolled a bunch yet was "active" enough to avoid modkill on Day 4.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 02:35 AM
I'm gonna re-check on Agahnim's reads because he caught so many scum the entire game.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 02:36 AM
FM King Tut

Ok, after re-reading his ISO, I'm pretty sure this is our guy. He trolled a bunch yet was "active" enough to avoid modkill on Day 4.

Well, Frog, might I say we did pretty well? Coming into today I was 100% sure you were going to push my lynch and that you were the Witch. Seeing as how you aren't going at me (me being slightly more proven then Gimli) I think it is safe to assume you are actually Town. That.. or good god man, well done as Witch. lol

FM Sherlock
January 15th, 2013, 02:43 AM
We have failed oh so many times... I never was able to find any scum on my own (witch exception of Wolverine), Ceasar gave his gun to mafia, and Doctors were bad at healing each other as well. We failed so many times... But I guess this is exactly what Yayap wanted to see - to see how much we fail and laugh on his ass.

Let him laugh. Mafia and SK have already lost the game, so only one person is left.

FM King Tut

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 02:46 AM
Well, Frog, might I say we did pretty well? Coming into today I was 100% sure you were going to push my lynch and that you were the Witch. Seeing as how you aren't going at me (me being slightly more proven then Gimli) I think it is safe to assume you are actually Town. That.. or good god man, well done as Witch. lol

Omg, plz stop dropping scumtells. It's making me paranoid.

FM King Tut
January 15th, 2013, 10:13 AM
Oh hello. Early start today? I'll try and catch up soon but no guarantees. It might take me a while since I'm in class and such. Maho!

FM King Tut
January 15th, 2013, 10:24 AM
So I'm going to typical thing fro or clu after today. I am going to ask you a question now. Would I really be so afk while as being a witch? You can obviously tell that I haven't kept up with a lot of stuff and don't know alot about what's going on. With this in mind, how would I know who to witch or what to do? You think that a power role would risk lurking the whole time and NOT know what to say and bring attention upon himself? Do you think a witch would really show himself by not being pro town but becoming a target through inactivity and trolliness? how mindless are you people? it's suicide for a witch.

I'm not going to blame you guys if you want to lynch me though. I have been a useless town role and will now be able to confirm my citizen status through a lynch. It's not really a bad thing because you still have another day after this one.

If you believe Gimli to have been more town than Clu throughout the whole game, i would recommend lynching clu since the mafia would not target a useless player. I'm not sure about either of their status' because of my own. I'm going to go with my gut and vote clu.

FM Inspector Cluseau

FM Sherlock
January 15th, 2013, 10:40 AM
What do you think, Frog? Currently only Gimli did not vote.

What will happen if King Tut flips citizen? What I should do in the next day in case if this happens? Lynch Cluseau or Gimli?

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 11:35 AM
So I'm going to typical thing fro or clu after today. I am going to ask you a question now. Would I really be so afk while as being a witch? You can obviously tell that I haven't kept up with a lot of stuff and don't know alot about what's going on. With this in mind, how would I know who to witch or what to do? You think that a power role would risk lurking the whole time and NOT know what to say and bring attention upon himself? Do you think a witch would really show himself by not being pro town but becoming a target through inactivity and trolliness? how mindless are you people? it's suicide for a witch.

I'm not going to blame you guys if you want to lynch me though. I have been a useless town role and will now be able to confirm my citizen status through a lynch. It's not really a bad thing because you still have another day after this one.

If you believe Gimli to have been more town than Clu throughout the whole game, i would recommend lynching clu since the mafia would not target a useless player. I'm not sure about either of their status' because of my own. I'm going to go with my gut and vote clu.

FM Inspector Cluseau

You managed to avoid the modkill on day ?3? You have been paying attention, just refusing to add to our cause. Please explain.


I guess the possibility still remains that it is stimuli or Frog above Tut. More time to think is good

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 11:36 AM
What do you think, Frog? Currently only Gimli did not vote.

What will happen if King Tut flips citizen? What I should do in the next day in case if this happens? Lynch Cluseau or Gimli?

Sherlock, you have decided that it is a fact that Frog is Town? That freighters me.

FM King Tut
January 15th, 2013, 12:02 PM
You managed to avoid the modkill on day ?3? You have been paying attention, just refusing to add to our cause. Please explain.


I guess the possibility still remains that it is stimuli or Frog above Tut. More time to think is good

Like I stated before, look at what I had requested for time off during the Holidays. That's the only reason I hadn't been modkilled. That and I "contributed" a little bit later. Trust me, I know I a high on the modkill list and would likely have been killed if it would not effect the game.

FM Sherlock
January 15th, 2013, 12:02 PM
So what? It's either you, Tut, or Gimli. Gimli is terribad because he shot Aghanim because of personal reasons. Waiting for Gimli now.

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 12:36 PM
I am back and I have many points I need to make. First with this post
I did shoot Aghanim for several reasons.

1. He called out sk on days 1 and 2. I thought he was attacked
2. Everyone who he thought was suspicious was most a lurker
3. When he came up with his scumlist he didn't eliminated obvious targets from being mafia when they were not possible that alliance
4. I thought he was sheeping you all.
5. He wasn't very open minded if something happened in which he couldn't suspect
6. He needed to die in case of a mislynch because he would be a target to be lynched

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 12:42 PM
I am back and I have many points I need to make. First with this post
I did shoot Aghanim for several reasons.

1. He called out sk on days 1 and 2. I thought he was attacked
2. Everyone who he thought was suspicious was most a lurker
3. When he came up with his scumlist he didn't eliminated obvious targets from being mafia when they were not possible that alliance
4. I thought he was sheeping you all.
5. He wasn't very open minded if something happened in which he couldn't suspect
6. He needed to die in case of a mislynch because he would be a target to be lynched

1. Witch wouldnt learn information in this form, and seeing as how SK didn't kill, if Witch had manipulated ducky he wouldn't have known.
2. Yea, and he was the only person alive yesterday that was on all 5 of our scum lynches.
3. If we simply eliminated 'obvious' targets we would let a lot of people slip through, especially when there were 42 freaking people playing the game.
4. Sheeping is fine seeing as how... he was Town, and was with us on all of the pushes.
5. This I flat out agree on, but he made the proper final decisions in all cases. Dense before hand, but ended things right.
6. I just don't understand this at all. How does him being a suspect for lynching mean he had to die?

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 12:45 PM
I have another thing I am extremely concerned on. I gave the GM my actions 10 minutes after the GM gave his summary. That means the witch gave his actions within an hour of the game ending. For this reason, I don't think Tut is suspicious because I don't think he was on at this given time. Clusea, no offense but you look guilty as hell because you posted in this day when it began. Frog is also suspicious because he posted pretty early of the beginning posts. I think frog wouldn't make this huge mistake if he was witch by posting in the thread as early as you, but it tells me he was on when the witch gave the GM his commands.

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 12:51 PM
1. I'm stating that he shouldn't be alive because he suspected ducky. I thought the SK would attack him because he is on to him.

3. His targets that he labeled as mafia he shouldn't labeled as mafia but sk/witch. He didn't check to see if they were possible or likely to be not mafia

6. If I shoot Tut then and he appears as citizen. And if another person is lynched then he would be a target the following day to be lynched

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 12:53 PM
I trolled a heavy amount of the game, and so much so that even when my big lead that I pushed the last several days was in the end correct- no one likes me. It may be of value to remove me from the group so that the others can focus on people that we find more easy to read.

Simple, Witch can't kill. He is our proven Town, but giving the Witch a weapon any longer is awful, and Sherlock has pretty easily been more harmful to the team than myself. This is my backup plan if we can't find a sound Witch today.

He trolled longer than I did, added less than I did, but was still around enough to avoid the modkill. It is heavily possible he is a key role (Witch), but Yayap really doesn't care. He would modkill anyone.

Gimli has been pretty freaking viral as well. Nothing he has said has carried any weight, but consistently going on conspiracy theory tangents and shooting Agahnim was pretty freaking harmful to the paranoia and general stance of the team.

Pretty much the only person here who I don't freaking hate. The only one here who has not screwed up everything. Some wrong FoS's, sure, but we all have some of those. The good news is that most of his leads have been right, the problem is that he is in such control that if he is the Witch- we lose.

Based on these general ideas- this is my current plan for who should be lynched. I didn't include myself cause really any place I put myself would look evil. Too low and I am Witch hiding, too high an I am Witch hiding in plane site. I hate you all.

Sherlock- I still believe it is in our best interest to have 3 people alive tomorrow, and see how people respond to this lynch. The Witch is going to hate this idea. The rest of the Town should be for this. Game doesn't end in days, but buy time should let us reveal.. basically if it is Michigan J Frog that is screwing us up, or give the man time to hunt between Tut, Gimli, and myself.
Gimli- The shot of Agahnim seems Town to me, trying to win the game, but he might have been playing a false lead over the last few days to get away with the shot. He also has been pushing many leads other than the obvious ones over the last few days. Consistantly hating Agahnim and pushing that, then hating on me for not posting my read on Wolverine.
Tut- Count trolling troll of trollington. But he avoided the modkill
Frog- I hate the massive fear I have that he is Witch, but his track record is pretty sound.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 12:54 PM
I have another thing I am extremely concerned on. I gave the GM my actions 10 minutes after the GM gave his summary. That means the witch gave his actions within an hour of the game ending. For this reason, I don't think Tut is suspicious because I don't think he was on at this given time. Clusea, no offense but you look guilty as hell because you posted in this day when it began. Frog is also suspicious because he posted pretty early of the beginning posts. I think frog wouldn't make this huge mistake if he was witch by posting in the thread as early as you, but it tells me he was on when the witch gave the GM his commands.

Yea, I commented on this in one of my earlier posts in which I was confident it was Frog.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 12:58 PM
I have another thing I am extremely concerned on. I gave the GM my actions 10 minutes after the GM gave his summary. That means the witch gave his actions within an hour of the game ending. For this reason, I don't think Tut is suspicious because I don't think he was on at this given time. Clusea, no offense but you look guilty as hell because you posted in this day when it began. Frog is also suspicious because he posted pretty early of the beginning posts. I think frog wouldn't make this huge mistake if he was witch by posting in the thread as early as you, but it tells me he was on when the witch gave the GM his commands.

Uhm... so you were on, but just didn't post? Where did you go after giving command?

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 01:01 PM
Is there anything in settings to check the time of posts. It only shows the hours/day if you go back to earlier days. I kind of want a time schedule of who is on and when

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 01:05 PM
Uhm... so you were on, but just didn't post? Where did you go after giving command?

I believe i was on until 12:20ish. After that i went to bed. I have school at 7:20am and I woke up at 6:20am

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 01:07 PM
Uhm... so you were on, but just didn't post? Where did you go after giving command?

The GM started this day at 1:00am because its 3:00pm and he posted that 14 hours ago

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 01:18 PM
So, I would really appreciate it if Michigan J Frog could be enjoying a little more attention.

I am confident to a minor level that Frog is the Witch. Count Von Count was their Consigliere, and while he died midgame he must have found someone. The people that were of notability early game were likely Frog, Arthur, Sparrow, and maybe someone else I am forgetting. The others did flip Town, but Frog has been dangerous, but left alive. He is also the only (non-Sherlock) person that Wolverine didn't accuse. If I remember correctly. I think there is a chance the Consigliere found Frog to be the Witch, and the Mafia was able to WIFOM Michigan's actions to never match him. They crossed on Yosemite Sam, but other than that they did not cross or run into each other. Yayap also commented on this fact in a day announcement. Maybe it was just a note that they managed to not cross, or maybe it was by design.

They didn't attack a Witch (all days there were Mafia kills), so they must have checked him to have such a sure-fire route to knowing who to try and predict. I spent a good deal of time trying to read Count Von Count for codes, but could not find any- 'ONE TWO THREE...', that RP was perfect for codes. So the question becomes if any of you like me enough to even consider this, or if Frog is one heck of a boss.

I would also like Frog's opinion on this, seeing as I still seriously hope he is Town. lol

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 01:23 PM
So, I would really appreciate it if Michigan J Frog could be enjoying a little more attention.

I am confident to a minor level that Frog is the Witch. Count Von Count was their Consigliere, and while he died midgame he must have found someone. The people that were of notability early game were likely Frog, Arthur, Sparrow, and maybe someone else I am forgetting. The others did flip Town, but Frog has been dangerous, but left alive. He is also the only (non-Sherlock) person that Wolverine didn't accuse. If I remember correctly. I think there is a chance the Consigliere found Frog to be the Witch, and the Mafia was able to WIFOM Michigan's actions to never match him. They crossed on Yosemite Sam, but other than that they did not cross or run into each other. Yayap also commented on this fact in a day announcement. Maybe it was just a note that they managed to not cross, or maybe it was by design.

They didn't attack a Witch (all days there were Mafia kills), so they must have checked him to have such a sure-fire route to knowing who to try and predict. I spent a good deal of time trying to read Count Von Count for codes, but could not find any- 'ONE TWO THREE...', that RP was perfect for codes. So the question becomes if any of you like me enough to even consider this, or if Frog is one heck of a boss.

I would also like Frog's opinion on this, seeing as I still seriously hope he is Town. lol

Frog is dangerous, but has been left alive, even with 2 scum kills afoot. Frog was of note early game and might have been checked by the Mafia's Consigliere. I am confident the Mafia found the Witch due to their ability to never cross kills but once. As such I find it likely that the Witch is amongst the people that were of note early game. Which would be our Michigan J Frog. I also had a thing about the Hypoclaim idea. That could have just been a LW thing, but if Frog were Witch could have been an ingenious plan to find PR's as the Witch.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 01:24 PM
I am now off to work. I will return in about 4 hours. Try not to lynch me just because I said something unpopular.

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 01:25 PM
So, I would really appreciate it if Michigan J Frog could be enjoying a little more attention.

I am confident to a minor level that Frog is the Witch. Count Von Count was their Consigliere, and while he died midgame he must have found someone. The people that were of notability early game were likely Frog, Arthur, Sparrow, and maybe someone else I am forgetting. The others did flip Town, but Frog has been dangerous, but left alive. He is also the only (non-Sherlock) person that Wolverine didn't accuse. If I remember correctly. I think there is a chance the Consigliere found Frog to be the Witch, and the Mafia was able to WIFOM Michigan's actions to never match him. They crossed on Yosemite Sam, but other than that they did not cross or run into each other. Yayap also commented on this fact in a day announcement. Maybe it was just a note that they managed to not cross, or maybe it was by design.

They didn't attack a Witch (all days there were Mafia kills), so they must have checked him to have such a sure-fire route to knowing who to try and predict. I spent a good deal of time trying to read Count Von Count for codes, but could not find any- 'ONE TWO THREE...', that RP was perfect for codes. So the question becomes if any of you like me enough to even consider this, or if Frog is one heck of a boss.

I would also like Frog's opinion on this, seeing as I still seriously hope he is Town. lol

Frog was next on my list, I thought either Frog or Aghanim was attacked by town. Frog seemed like a good target to attack because he posted so much and his posts had something meaningful. Usually scum wants to target the big talkers that is why I believe such. Seriously why hasn't Frog or Aghanim been killed?

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 01:27 PM
GM whats up with the day's title? Why isn't it Day 9?

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 02:37 PM
GM whats up with the day's title? Why isn't it Day 9?

I think I get it.

-FM Yehat
-J (for being afk or modkilled in every FM he has signed up for)

I wonder if anybody here actually knows my COM.

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 03:44 PM
I think I get it.

-FM Yehat
-J (for being afk or modkilled in every FM he has signed up for)

I wonder if anybody here actually knows my COM.

Lol what? I finally get it! The title is a Day[9] reference.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 04:29 PM
Lol yeah I love Day[9]. Ideal dream man.

Ok back to the game. Here is what we are going to do. Gimli is town, and Cluseau is town, which forces me to conclude Tut is witch by process of elimination. However in the case that Cluseau is scum trying to push for 2 mislynches, I trust Gimli over Sherlock to vote correctly in LYLO and analyze things instead of being kinda impulse-y. (No offense Sherlock)

It bothers me that we don't know who was hit N3 by the sk. Honestly that's kind of why I suspected Aghanim yet he ended up being a cit. I'll read up on the first few days. Is it possible Pinkie Pie or some mafia was hit?

I think we should lynch Sherlock, and get Tut the next day. That way if it is Cluseau (he certainly would be capable of this), we can catch him. But for all the vote analysis I did, Aghanim's reads, and my town reads on everyone else, I don't see how it can be anyone else.

FM Sherlock

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 04:30 PM
*Anyone besides Tut.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 04:41 PM
So, I would really appreciate it if Michigan J Frog could be enjoying a little more attention.

I am confident to a minor level that Frog is the Witch. Count Von Count was their Consigliere, and while he died midgame he must have found someone. The people that were of notability early game were likely Frog, Arthur, Sparrow, and maybe someone else I am forgetting. The others did flip Town, but Frog has been dangerous, but left alive. He is also the only (non-Sherlock) person that Wolverine didn't accuse. If I remember correctly. I think there is a chance the Consigliere found Frog to be the Witch, and the Mafia was able to WIFOM Michigan's actions to never match him. They crossed on Yosemite Sam, but other than that they did not cross or run into each other. Yayap also commented on this fact in a day announcement. Maybe it was just a note that they managed to not cross, or maybe it was by design.

They didn't attack a Witch (all days there were Mafia kills), so they must have checked him to have such a sure-fire route to knowing who to try and predict. I spent a good deal of time trying to read Count Von Count for codes, but could not find any- 'ONE TWO THREE...', that RP was perfect for codes. So the question becomes if any of you like me enough to even consider this, or if Frog is one heck of a boss.

I would also like Frog's opinion on this, seeing as I still seriously hope he is Town. lol

Dracula was consig, not count Von count. Also, basically every reason I had for Aghanim being scum relied on him being too present in chat and not dying. Its why I also really suspected King Arthur, too. I guess all i can do is ask you to realize that I'm town based on my actions.

I really doubt a witch who can be outed by a sheriff check makes himself as visible and trolly as you made yourself in daychat. As mafia, I could see your actions making sense because you can always claim framed, but I don't think mafia can frame people as neutrals. Makes way more sense for the witch to lurk and be forgotten about (Tut) than to be trying to draw attention to yourself (Cluseau).

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 04:43 PM
I want tut lynched today or tomorrow. If we lynch Tut tomorrow, we're lynching Sherlock today.

I don't really care which way we do it. But he's scum.

FM King Tut
January 15th, 2013, 04:48 PM
I want tut lynched today or tomorrow. If we lynch Tut tomorrow, we're lynching Sherlock today.

I don't really care which way we do it. But he's scum.


FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 04:54 PM

Lol. You.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 05:03 PM
So I'm going to typical thing fro or clu after today. I am going to ask you a question now. Would I really be so afk while as being a witch? You can obviously tell that I haven't kept up with a lot of stuff and don't know alot about what's going on. With this in mind, how would I know who to witch or what to do? You think that a power role would risk lurking the whole time and NOT know what to say and bring attention upon himself? Do you think a witch would really show himself by not being pro town but becoming a target through inactivity and trolliness? how mindless are you people? it's suicide for a witch.

I'm not going to blame you guys if you want to lynch me though. I have been a useless town role and will now be able to confirm my citizen status through a lynch. It's not really a bad thing because you still have another day after this one.

If you believe Gimli to have been more town than Clu throughout the whole game, i would recommend lynching clu since the mafia would not target a useless player. I'm not sure about either of their status' because of my own. I'm going to go with my gut and vote clu.

FM Inspector Cluseau

I believe optimal sheriff play follows one of two tracks:
1. Hunt innos, to confirm active players as townies
2. Hunt guilties, to confirm scum to lynch.

Optimal scum play then relies on not getting checked by not being active and not seeming scummy. Cluseau would have been a huge target for a sheriff hunting guilties. Your play allows you to escape the eye of the sheriff, which in itself is rather scummy.

So to answer your question, yes I think the witch would lurk. It's suicide for the witch not to lurk. And how do you explain not voting on scum until the recent end game?

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 05:05 PM
Ok I can't stand this.

FM King Tut

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 05:28 PM
I really don't trust Sherlock(a little stupid), and I mostly don't want the witch to have the choice of their personal kill.

FM Sherlock

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 05:36 PM
Anyone ready for another unpopular idea?

FM Michigan J Frog

Frankly I too think/hope/pray you are Town Michigan, but it seems very clear to me that you are likely Witch from my spoilered situation, and Gimli also notes that you were left alive even being as vocal as you are. You also didn't directly counter accuse me (as a Witch might), but instead you mostly avoided it (as a Witch would). However, you instantly decided that it was safe to support me. You tried to buddy with me when I semi-accused you. You are fighting for allies, and I don't buy it.

If Michigan is Town and we lynch then we can safely trust his reads on myself and Gimli, also seeing as we are far more likely Town than Tut. Tut will shoot one of us, and Sherlock and Gimli/myself can lynch Tut.

If Michigan is Witch then we must lynch him. Tomorrow Sherlock will blindly follow Michigan against whomever remains, as Sherlock 100% trusts Michigan.

It is this simple. Michigan being Witch means we win if we lynch him. Michigan being Town means we can disregard his potentially scum motives, and trust his reads on myself and Gimli- the voting block of 2 tomorrow.

Either way I find the lynch of Michigan to be a sure-fire Town win.


Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 05:46 PM
Frog is the only person I struggle to trust. Tut being blatantly lurker/troll, and obvious scum.

Option 1: Frog is Witch, and we win immediately.
Option 2: Frog is Town, and we can finally blindly follow his reads tomorrow.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 05:48 PM
Hey, 6 members, someone wanna post? :)

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 05:48 PM
Anyone ready for another unpopular idea?

FM Michigan J Frog

Frankly I too think/hope/pray you are Town Michigan, but it seems very clear to me that you are likely Witch from my spoilered situation, and Gimli also notes that you were left alive even being as vocal as you are. You also didn't directly counter accuse me (as a Witch might), but instead you mostly avoided it (as a Witch would). However, you instantly decided that it was safe to support me. You tried to buddy with me when I semi-accused you. You are fighting for allies, and I don't buy it.

If Michigan is Town and we lynch then we can safely trust his reads on myself and Gimli, also seeing as we are far more likely Town than Tut. Tut will shoot one of us, and Sherlock and Gimli/myself can lynch Tut.

If Michigan is Witch then we must lynch him. Tomorrow Sherlock will blindly follow Michigan against whomever remains, as Sherlock 100% trusts Michigan.

It is this simple. Michigan being Witch means we win if we lynch him. Michigan being Town means we can disregard his potentially scum motives, and trust his reads on myself and Gimli- the voting block of 2 tomorrow.

Either way I find the lynch of Michigan to be a sure-fire Town win.


I have same idea Cluseau. I want to vote Frog after Sherlock for the safety of him not choosing his target. I already was suspicion of Frog especially after the flip on Agahnim. So vote up Sherlock and we will get right to it.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 05:50 PM
I have same idea Cluseau. I want to vote Frog after Sherlock for the safety of him not choosing his target. I already was suspicion of Frog especially after the flip on Agahnim. So vote up Sherlock and we will get right to it.

So, you want Sherlock, Frog tomorrow, then Tut on a 3rd day?
I am Semi-OK with this.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 05:52 PM
I'm down with this plan. Just get Tut tomorrow please.

FM Michigan J Frog

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 05:52 PM
I wonder if anybody here actually knows my COM.

I do.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 05:53 PM
I'm down with this plan. Just get Tut tomorrow please.

FM Michigan J Frog

I love you Michigan.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 05:55 PM
Lol sorry I'm in the mountains with intermittent Internet. Also if its Gimli or Cluseau, they fooled me and deserve to win.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 05:56 PM
I'm down with this plan. Just get Tut tomorrow please.

FM Michigan J Frog

And on this note-
FM Gimli

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 05:57 PM
Lol sorry I'm in the mountains with intermittent Internet. Also if its Gimli or Cluseau, they fooled me and deserve to win.

I have serious reason to believe it has been Gimli. And my buddying with him was to see how long he would keep me alive. He got a gun and choose to end Agahnim over myself. He accused both of us, and Agahnim was severely more Town than myself. Gimli has been riding my support.

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 05:57 PM
That is the plan. Also I forgot to say the witch's kills are way to perfect. The reason behind my conspiracy on you was not to prove you guilty, but to prove you innocent. The was the only was I could see you as scum and wolverine's card proved you innocent.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 05:58 PM
That is the plan. Also I forgot to say the witch's kills are way to perfect. The reason behind my conspiracy on you was not to prove you guilty, but to prove you innocent. The was the only was I could see you as scum and wolverine's card proved you innocent.

Yes, because saying all the ways I was SK/Witch/whatever makes me innocent.

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 05:59 PM
That is the plan. Also I forgot to say the witch's kills are way to perfect. The reason behind my conspiracy on you was not to prove you guilty, but to prove you innocent. The was the only way I could see you as scum and wolverine's card proved you innocent.


FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 06:02 PM
Yes, because saying all the ways I was SK/Witch/whatever makes me innocent.

I only could see you as framer/mafioso. I couldn't view you as a witch at all.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 06:03 PM
I only could see you as framer/mafioso. I couldn't view you as a witch at all.

For what reasons?

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 06:10 PM
For what reasons?

The fact FM Hamburglar died to mafia, and not a vigilante. You wanted to vigilante to kill youself, and I/you thought it was going to happen. The fact that the witch didnt use the Vigilante to kill Hamburglar is why.

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 06:19 PM
If I could prove you witch, then you would of already of been on my scum list as witch yesterday. I think differently then most people. I don't like being sheeped

From Yesterday
My Scum List Order is from most likely - to least likely
Witch - Agahnim, Frog, Wolverine, Tut
Farmer/Mafioso - Wolverine, Cluseau

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 06:23 PM
I have serious reason to believe it has been Gimli. And my buddying with him was to see how long he would keep me alive. He got a gun and choose to end Agahnim over myself. He accused both of us, and Agahnim was severely more Town than myself. Gimli has been riding my support.

Did we ever even confirm who shot Aghanim? And Gimli is town. Think about it. What witch gets replaced and continues to submit night actions? The only person it can be is Tut.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 06:25 PM
Did we ever even confirm who shot Aghanim? And Gimli is town. Think about it. What witch gets replaced and continues to submit night actions? The only person it can be is Tut.

Lol conspiracy theory: Gimli fakes replacement. I'll look into this when I get home in like ~6 hrs.

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 06:26 PM
It also doesn't make sense that I'm witch because I would save my gun, for when 4 people are left after a lynch. This witch knows how to play extremely well and I wouldn't make a stupid move like that. Also shooting Agahnim leads to much suspicion on me if I am witch because It was pretty obvious I shoot him.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 06:34 PM
FM King Tut

Yeah ok. Gimli and Cluseau are still town.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 06:36 PM
Decide what you want to do, but we really should just end this already. Lets actually hammer in like 8 hrs when Yayap is sleeping so he loses points as most punctual host :P

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 06:45 PM
Decide what you want to do, but we really should just end this already. Lets actually hammer in like 8 hrs when Yayap is sleeping so he loses points as most punctual host :P

Frog for MVP for this. By a wide wide wide margin.

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 06:48 PM
Did we ever even confirm who shot Aghanim? And Gimli is town. Think about it. What witch gets replaced and continues to submit night actions? The only person it can be is Tut.

I am back and I have many points I need to make. First with this post
I did shoot Aghanim for several reasons.

1. He called out sk on days 1 and 2. I thought he was attacked
2. Everyone who he thought was suspicious was most a lurker
3. When he came up with his scumlist he didn't eliminated obvious targets from being mafia when they were not possible that alliance
4. I thought he was sheeping you all.
5. He wasn't very open minded if something happened in which he couldn't suspect
6. He needed to die in case of a mislynch because he would be a target to be lynched

Why am I not surprised you haven't read this yet?

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 06:50 PM
Did we ever even confirm who shot Aghanim? And Gimli is town. Think about it. What witch gets replaced and continues to submit night actions? The only person it can be is Tut.

This isn't so far-fetched, Kermit was doing night actions- executing Pinkie Pie, but Yayap said 'nah fool, f you dog', and modkilled him for not talking enough.

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 07:05 PM
Now we got this accusation out of the way, can we lynch up Sherlock to stop the witch’s kill then get frog, or do I still need to prove myself to you?

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 07:11 PM
prove myself to you?


FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 07:14 PM
I have serious reason to believe it has been Gimli. And my buddying with him was to see how long he would keep me alive. He got a gun and choose to end Agahnim over myself. He accused both of us, and Agahnim was severely more Town than myself. Gimli has been riding my support.

What made/makes you think I was witch at that point, and please this buddy thing because I didn't completely trust you until Wolverine died

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 07:14 PM
What made/makes you think I was witch at that point, and please explain this buddy thing because I didn't completely trust you until Wolverine died


FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 07:22 PM
tbh, I kind of felt like Gimli was trying to buddy with me too about my suspicions on Aghanim.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 07:22 PM
But then again, I felt like Aghanim was trying too hard to buddy with me about me being town.

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 07:25 PM
I don't know how to prove myself to you because your suspicion seems completely random. Look at what frog has been saying.

Lol yeah I love Day[9]. Ideal dream man.

Ok back to the game. Here is what we are going to do. Gimli is town, and Cluseau is town, which forces me to conclude Tut is witch by process of elimination. However in the case that Cluseau is scum trying to push for 2 mislynches, I trust Gimli over Sherlock to vote correctly in LYLO and analyze things instead of being kinda impulse-y. (No offense Sherlock)

It bothers me that we don't know who was hit N3 by the sk. Honestly that's kind of why I suspected Aghanim yet he ended up being a cit. I'll read up on the first few days. Is it possible Pinkie Pie or some mafia was hit?

I think we should lynch Sherlock, and get Tut the next day. That way if it is Cluseau (he certainly would be capable of this), we can catch him. But for all the vote analysis I did, Aghanim's reads, and my town reads on everyone else, I don't see how it can be anyone else.

FM Sherlock

Frog wanted to keep me alive because he thought I was going to lynched Sherlock, Tut, and then you with him

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 07:29 PM
I'm down with this plan. Just get Tut tomorrow please.

FM Michigan J Frog

This looks like a white flag trying to end the game faster because he knows he is screwed

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 07:37 PM
I hate you all. I loved both of you like 1 hour ago. And now I am back to mistrusting you both.

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 07:40 PM
Explain the reads on both of us again because I'm missing something.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 07:48 PM
I don't know how to prove myself to you because your suspicion seems completely random. Look at what frog has been saying.

Frog wanted to keep me alive because he thought I was going to lynched Sherlock, Tut, and then you with him

IF Tut is not the witch, I would much rather it be me, Gimli, Cluseau in the final 3 than Sherlock, Gimli, Cluseau in the final 3. If it's Sherlock, Gimli, Cluseau in the final 3, then something went really wrong, and I don't trust Sherlock to take the time to think things through and make the right decision.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 07:52 PM
I hate you all. I loved both of you like 1 hour ago. And now I am back to mistrusting you both.

Run up on me a little.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 07:54 PM
Explain the reads on both of us again because I'm missing something.

I have been hard buddying with Gimli for reasons for a while, one of the reasons was to push my idea that he was Witch. Expecting him to keep me alive for sound lynchings late game which, please note, he has set me as a confirmed Town on his lists. He shot Agahnim which looks Town for him. This could easily place him as a Town, but further analysis says he might easily be a Witch hiding behind this 'mistake'. Much like Wolverine got a free Town kill on Anubis because he was 'listening to us'

I have also suspected Frog of being Witch for a bit. His vocal presence early, and pretty clear stances lead me to believe he is a Witch that was checked by the Mafia early, and they managed to WIFOM his Vig kills to not cross paths. It also explains why he was left alive. His willingness to be lynched was rather Town, but like Gimli might be trying to hide in sight like I have been accused of for days.

Super Troll, but I legitimately do not think he is the Witch. His case about having spoken to Yayap actually makes sense (it was holidays) and then stepping into a fully active game is daunting and a major turn off. Please note, Gimli has his lynch list (with me in allegiance) to be to lynch Sherlock (for safety), Frog (for Witch), and Tut( for backup). He too seems to see Tut as a non-issue.

I truly believe it is Gimli. I am willing to lynch Frog today to confirm him, but then he wants Tut lynched, and I am fearful that it is Gimli... And as such, I would prefer to lynch Gimli. My case is that I trust Gimli the least, but I believe Sherlock to trust Gimli FAR more than Tut. If Frog is lynched, then I am shot Sherlock and Gimli will lynch Tut. If Gimli is lynched I think today may go OK. Ugh, so much things.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 07:55 PM
I have been hard buddying with Gimli for reasons for a while, one of the reasons was to push my idea that he was Witch. Expecting him to keep me alive for sound lynchings late game which, please note, he has set me as a confirmed Town on his lists. He shot Agahnim which looks Town for him. This could easily place him as a Town, but further analysis says he might easily be a Witch hiding behind this 'mistake'. Much like Wolverine got a free Town kill on Anubis because he was 'listening to us'

I have also suspected Frog of being Witch for a bit. His vocal presence early, and pretty clear stances lead me to believe he is a Witch that was checked by the Mafia early, and they managed to WIFOM his Vig kills to not cross paths. It also explains why he was left alive. His willingness to be lynched was rather Town, but like Gimli might be trying to hide in sight like I have been accused of for days.

Super Troll, but I legitimately do not think he is the Witch. His case about having spoken to Yayap actually makes sense (it was holidays) and then stepping into a fully active game is daunting and a major turn off. Please note, Gimli has his lynch list (with me in allegiance) to be to lynch Sherlock (for safety), Frog (for Witch), and Tut( for backup). He too seems to see Tut as a non-issue.

I truly believe it is Gimli. I am willing to lynch Frog today to confirm him, but then he wants Tut lynched, and I am fearful that it is Gimli... And as such, I would prefer to lynch Gimli. My case is that I trust Gimli the least, but I believe Sherlock to trust Gimli FAR more than Tut. If Frog is lynched, then I am shot Sherlock and Gimli will lynch Tut. If Gimli is lynched I think today may go OK. Ugh, so much things.

It's NOT GIMLI. It's not the guy who was friggin replaced halfway through the game.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 07:58 PM
IF Tut is not the witch, I would much rather it be me, Gimli, Cluseau in the final 3 than Sherlock, Gimli, Cluseau in the final 3. If it's Sherlock, Gimli, Cluseau in the final 3, then something went really wrong, and I don't trust Sherlock to take the time to think things through and make the right decision.

I would really like to have a 4 person tomorrow.
If Frog is Witch- he can not simply convince Gimli or myself for the win.
If I am Witch- I can not simply convince Gimli or Frog.
If Gimli is Witch- he can not simply convince Frog or myself.
We force Tut to talk, we force Tut to read, or the game continues.

FM Sherlock

We do not know how to respond to Tut completely since his reasons make genuine sense (it was the holidays, and games are daunting to join with so many posts), but forcing him to actually play the game for it to end would give us a new vision on eachothr or would allow us to fully read him for his scum self.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 08:00 PM
Tut, for the love of god join the game....

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 08:10 PM
[QUOTE=FM Inspector Cluseau;268259]I have been hard buddying with Gimli for reasons for a while, one of the reasons was to push my idea that he was Witch. Expecting him to keep me alive for sound lynchings late game which, please note, he has set me as a confirmed Town on his lists. He shot Agahnim which looks Town for him. This could easily place him as a Town, but further analysis says he might easily be a Witch hiding behind this 'mistake'. Much like Wolverine got a free Town kill on Anubis because he was 'listening to us'

1 you have only tried to buddy with me at the end of Day 7, which you should of been killed by the gun's man who never had a gun
2 I didn't think you were Innocent until wolverine was completely lynched.
3 how does this make me look like town;its not even smart. I would keep the gun, and know one would know I would have one.
4 The witch is too smart to even make that mistake. No kills overlap! (all the witch kills look too well planned except for the one not killing Ceaser Night 7)

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 08:15 PM
I would really like to have a 4 person tomorrow.
If Frog is Witch- he can not simply convince Gimli or myself for the win.
If I am Witch- I can not simply convince Gimli or Frog.
If Gimli is Witch- he can not simply convince Frog or myself.
We force Tut to talk, we force Tut to read, or the game continues.

FM Sherlock

We do not know how to respond to Tut completely since his reasons make genuine sense (it was the holidays, and games are daunting to join with so many posts), but forcing him to actually play the game for it to end would give us a new vision on eachothr or would allow us to fully read him for his scum self.

I don't think your witch at all 100% sure because you would of went with my plan and won the game

Forum Mafia GM
January 15th, 2013, 08:15 PM
I would like to warn you all that using "he was replaced" as evidence is considered COM hunting (rule #6). That rule was put in place for to prevent this exact line of thought.

Drop your line of reasoning before I modkill all of you.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 08:28 PM
[QUOTE=FM Inspector Cluseau;268259]I have been hard buddying with Gimli for reasons for a while, one of the reasons was to push my idea that he was Witch. Expecting him to keep me alive for sound lynchings late game which, please note, he has set me as a confirmed Town on his lists. He shot Agahnim which looks Town for him. This could easily place him as a Town, but further analysis says he might easily be a Witch hiding behind this 'mistake'. Much like Wolverine got a free Town kill on Anubis because he was 'listening to us'

1 you have only tried to buddy with me at the end of Day 7, which you should of been killed by the gun's man who never had a gun
2 I didn't think you were Innocent until wolverine was completely lynched.
3 how does this make me look like town;its not even smart. I would keep the gun, and know one would know I would have one.
4 The witch is too smart to even make that mistake. No kills overlap! (all the witch kills look too well planned except for the one not killing Ceaser Night 7)

Yosemite Same overlapped. That is the only overlap one.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 08:29 PM
I don't think your witch at all 100% sure because you would of went with my plan and won the game

So, you acknowledge that your plan was a guaranteed Witch win if you or I were Witch?

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 08:29 PM
I would like to warn you all that using "he was replaced" as evidence is considered COM hunting (rule #6). That rule was put in place for to prevent this exact line of thought.

Drop your line of reasoning before I modkill all of you.

Thank you for the warning. Guys, don't sink the ship.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 08:31 PM
[QUOTE=FM Gimli;268266]

Yosemite Same overlapped. That is the only overlap one.

lol at this quote issue.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 08:32 PM
Simple as this, I want 4 people going into tomorrow. I want to put this game on Tut's back. Count Trolly Troll of Trollington over there needs to join the party, and I am not going to hand this to a Witch just because Tut refuses to speak- whether it is him or Frog or Gimli.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 08:34 PM
And for me it is either you or Tut. lol. But I would much like to hope you are the Town, as well as having what seems a good reason to think Tut is the Witch that has sucked, since you would be the Scum MVP, not Wolverine, if you were the Witch.

FM King Tut


I have been hard buddying with Gimli for reasons for a while, one of the reasons was to push my idea that he was Witch. Expecting him to keep me alive for sound lynchings late game which, please note, he has set me as a confirmed Town on his lists. He shot Agahnim which looks Town for him. This could easily place him as a Town, but further analysis says he might easily be a Witch hiding behind this 'mistake'. Much like Wolverine got a free Town kill on Anubis because he was 'listening to us'

I have also suspected Frog of being Witch for a bit. His vocal presence early, and pretty clear stances lead me to believe he is a Witch that was checked by the Mafia early, and they managed to WIFOM his Vig kills to not cross paths. It also explains why he was left alive. His willingness to be lynched was rather Town, but like Gimli might be trying to hide in sight like I have been accused of for days.

Super Troll, but I legitimately do not think he is the Witch. His case about having spoken to Yayap actually makes sense (it was holidays) and then stepping into a fully active game is daunting and a major turn off. Please note, Gimli has his lynch list (with me in allegiance) to be to lynch Sherlock (for safety), Frog (for Witch), and Tut( for backup). He too seems to see Tut as a non-issue.

I truly believe it is Gimli. I am willing to lynch Frog today to confirm him, but then he wants Tut lynched, and I am fearful that it is Gimli... And as such, I would prefer to lynch Gimli. My case is that I trust Gimli the least, but I believe Sherlock to trust Gimli FAR more than Tut. If Frog is lynched, then I am shot Sherlock and Gimli will lynch Tut. If Gimli is lynched I think today may go OK. Ugh, so much things.

Can you explain to me how you go from thinking it's Tut and even VOTING him to now saying that you legitimately think he's not the witch? This is kind of odd to me.

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 08:37 PM
So, you acknowledge that your plan was a guaranteed Witch win if you or I were Witch?

I'm saying its was guarantee witch win if you were a witch.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 08:38 PM
Simple as this, I want 4 people going into tomorrow. I want to put this game on Tut's back. Count Trolly Troll of Trollington over there needs to join the party, and I am not going to hand this to a Witch just because Tut refuses to speak- whether it is him or Frog or Gimli.

Gimli/myself gets shot. Tut accuses the other of being the Witch the whole time. Sherlock buys it because he is disgustingly bad this game.

Frog gets shot. Tut accuses me of being the Witch the whole time. Sherlock buys it because he is disgustingly bad this game.

Frog gets shot. Tut accuses Gimli of being the Witch the whole time. Sherlock buys it because he is disgustingly bad this game.

I get shot, Gimli accuses Frog since Gimli now claims I am 100% Town.
I get shot, Frog accuses Gimli for all the reasons I don't like Gimli. Sherlock sheeps because he is Frogs lap dog.

It doesn't matter which one of you is Witch. We force Tut to speak and read and decide the game. In the event of Tut pushing a mislynch we learn a little bit about his REAL intentions. And if he is actually Town then we will get a completely new view on who is who.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 08:39 PM
I'm saying its was guarantee witch win if you were a witch.

If you were Witch and you and I buddied to the end you would also win. Or are you somehow not able to win as Witch in the same case I could win as Witch...?

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 08:40 PM
Can you explain to me how you go from thinking it's Tut and even VOTING him to now saying that you legitimately think he's not the witch? This is kind of odd to me.

I just can't get a hold of anyone in here, one minute I trust you, then Gimli, then neither. Which is now why I am shifting to the safe plan.
(I also voted everyone, mind you)
My front runner is Gimli, but I really don't think we can afford a mislynch with Sherlock alive.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 08:43 PM
And for me it is either you or Tut. lol. But I would much like to hope you are the Town, as well as having what seems a good reason to think Tut is the Witch that has sucked, since you would be the Scum MVP, not Wolverine, if you were the Witch.

FM King Tut


I have been hard buddying with Gimli for reasons for a while, one of the reasons was to push my idea that he was Witch. Expecting him to keep me alive for sound lynchings late game which, please note, he has set me as a confirmed Town on his lists. He shot Agahnim which looks Town for him. This could easily place him as a Town, but further analysis says he might easily be a Witch hiding behind this 'mistake'. Much like Wolverine got a free Town kill on Anubis because he was 'listening to us'

I have also suspected Frog of being Witch for a bit. His vocal presence early, and pretty clear stances lead me to believe he is a Witch that was checked by the Mafia early, and they managed to WIFOM his Vig kills to not cross paths. It also explains why he was left alive. His willingness to be lynched was rather Town, but like Gimli might be trying to hide in sight like I have been accused of for days.

Super Troll, but I legitimately do not think he is the Witch. His case about having spoken to Yayap actually makes sense (it was holidays) and then stepping into a fully active game is daunting and a major turn off. Please note, Gimli has his lynch list (with me in allegiance) to be to lynch Sherlock (for safety), Frog (for Witch), and Tut( for backup). He too seems to see Tut as a non-issue.

I truly believe it is Gimli. I am willing to lynch Frog today to confirm him, but then he wants Tut lynched, and I am fearful that it is Gimli... And as such, I would prefer to lynch Gimli. My case is that I trust Gimli the least, but I believe Sherlock to trust Gimli FAR more than Tut. If Frog is lynched, then I am shot Sherlock and Gimli will lynch Tut. If Gimli is lynched I think today may go OK. Ugh, so much things.

I just can't get a hold of anyone in here, one minute I trust you, then Gimli, then neither. Which is now why I am shifting to the safe plan.
(I also voted everyone, mind you)
My front runner is Gimli, but I really don't think we can afford a mislynch with Sherlock alive.

Can you please stop avoiding the question and explain why you shifted your views on Tut so drastically? Do you just want to keep him alive for the EZ mislynch after you mislynch me? And you'll be like OH FROG SAID WE HAD TO LYNCH TUT SO I GUESS WE HAVE TO.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 08:43 PM
Disregard the top two multiquotes. :[
I hate having to manually uncheck them because I always forget.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 08:46 PM
Can you please stop avoiding the question and explain why you shifted your views on Tut so drastically? Do you just want to keep him alive for the EZ mislynch after you mislynch me? And you'll be like OH FROG SAID WE HAD TO LYNCH TUT SO I GUESS WE HAVE TO.

Noap. In that case I would have taken Gimli's free pass.
I didn't avoid the question- the fact is I do not trust any of you. Something happens from one of you that will nearly confirm you to me, then something else happens to more confirm the other, then I lose faith in both of you.

My Witch list is as follows. I just want to have 4 people going into tomorrow such that we can force Tut to join the party and give us views from him and of him.

A no-lynch would maybe work, since Witch would kill and we might learn something from that. But then Witch MUST be lynched tomorrow, or we lose.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 08:47 PM
I want to take a knee and go into overtime. We can look at it there, and maybe we lose, but I don't feel comfortable deciding this right now.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 08:49 PM
I want to take a knee and go into overtime. We can look at it there, and maybe we lose, but I don't feel comfortable deciding this right now.

Also, we have 27? more hours for Tut to chime in before we decide to take that knee, but I would prefer a 4 person group tomorrow with Frog, Cluseau, Gimli, and Tut. As sad as it is, and I bet dead chat is going completely insane, but this Town is in the hands of people that can't do jack, and I would just like more time to manage up some Coke for that Jack to work it's way into.

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 08:53 PM
Noap. In that case I would have taken Gimli's free pass.
I didn't avoid the question- the fact is I do not trust any of you. Something happens from one of you that will nearly confirm you to me, then something else happens to more confirm the other, then I lose faith in both of you.

My Witch list is as follows. I just want to have 4 people going into tomorrow such that we can force Tut to join the party and give us views from him and of him.

A no-lynch would maybe work, since Witch would kill and we might learn something from that. But then Witch MUST be lynched tomorrow, or we lose.

Did you even read my defense, and did you read fog's lack of a defense. I suggest you to review all the posts that were said today.
Also i'm so sure that it is Frog and not Tut that you can lynch me after Frog. I personally think King tut is too stupid to be witch.

Frog's defense basically was voting himself up

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 08:55 PM
Noap. In that case I would have taken Gimli's free pass.
I didn't avoid the question- the fact is I do not trust any of you. Something happens from one of you that will nearly confirm you to me, then something else happens to more confirm the other, then I lose faith in both of you.

My Witch list is as follows. I just want to have 4 people going into tomorrow such that we can force Tut to join the party and give us views from him and of him.

A no-lynch would maybe work, since Witch would kill and we might learn something from that. But then Witch MUST be lynched tomorrow, or we lose.

WAIT WAIT. We can no lynch and then lynch Sherlock tomorrow and use the night kill to figure stuff out about the witch.


No lynch, witch kills:

Lynch Vig:

tbh, I think what we learn from the witch kill could help immensely. Just a sec. Need to think about this more, but it's a possible strategy.

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 08:58 PM
WAIT WAIT. We can no lynch and then lynch Sherlock tomorrow and use the night kill to figure stuff out about the witch.


No lynch, witch kills:

Lynch Vig:

tbh, I think what we learn from the witch kill could help immensely. Just a sec. Need to think about this more, but it's a possible strategy.

that is a terrible idea, and it would give you a false read. Either Me or Clause would die.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 08:58 PM
Lynch Vig is

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 09:01 PM
Actually upon further examination I think it's best to have 1 cit mislynch than trying to extract info from a witch kill.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 09:01 PM
that is a terrible idea, and it would give you a false read. Either Me or Clause would die.

I would die.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 09:01 PM
Actually upon further examination I think it's best to have 1 cit mislynch than trying to extract info from a witch kill.

You mean lynch Sherlock, and then have a mislynch tomorrow?

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 09:01 PM
You mean lynch Sherlock, and then have a mislynch tomorrow?

Or have a mislynch today.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 09:02 PM
that is a terrible idea, and it would give you a false read. Either Me or Clause would die.

I would die and then someone *cough* Cluseau *cough* could use it as a way to get Tut 100% lynched.

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 09:02 PM
WAIT WAIT. We can no lynch and then lynch Sherlock tomorrow and use the night kill to figure stuff out about the witch.


No lynch, witch kills:

Lynch Vig:

tbh, I think what we learn from the witch kill could help immensely. Just a sec. Need to think about this more, but it's a possible strategy.

You would only get one lynch off and only a witch would suggest that. Clause would mostly die if we did that anyways.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 09:04 PM
I would die and then someone *cough* Cluseau *cough* could use it as a way to get Tut 100% lynched.

Frog- Gimli is Witch.

You and I both responded exactly the same.
Predicted scenarios in which we had what advantage and what player would want us out. Mine was that I would die as a tool in Gimli's plan, yours that you die as a tool in mine.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 09:04 PM
Dude, I think you guys really underestimate Tut. If he's witch, I think he has a good chance to just slip under our noses and win the game when I flip town and Cluseau becomes increasingly paranoid of Gimli.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 09:05 PM
We both responded such because we are working with the same type of situation.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 09:06 PM
Dude, I think you guys really underestimate Tut. If he's witch, I think he has a good chance to just slip under our noses and win the game when I flip town and Cluseau becomes increasingly paranoid of Gimli.

I mean, yea. Which is why I want us to NOT have to have you flip Town just yet. Take this to Overtime, force Tut to NOT slip under the radar.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 09:06 PM
Dude, I think you guys really underestimate Tut. If he's witch, I think he has a good chance to just slip under our noses and win the game when I flip town and Cluseau becomes increasingly paranoid of Gimli.

Dude, I think you guys really underestimate Tut. If he's witch, I think he has a good chance to just slip under our noses and win the game when I flip town and Cluseau becomes increasingly paranoid of Gimli.

Dude, I think you guys really underestimate Tut. If he's witch, I think he has a good chance to just slip under our noses and win the game when I flip town and Cluseau becomes increasingly paranoid of Gimli.

Dude, I think you guys really underestimate Tut. If he's witch, I think he has a good chance to just slip under our noses and win the game when I flip town and Cluseau becomes increasingly paranoid of Gimli.


Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 09:07 PM
How long will game be allowed before you rage and zap us all?

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 09:07 PM

Agreed. So I want you alive. And I want myself alive. I do not trust Gimli or Sherlock with decisions alone, and Tut could chime in with any number of points later. MAKE HIM TALK.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 09:08 PM
I mean, yea. Which is why I want us to NOT have to have you flip Town just yet. Take this to Overtime, force Tut to NOT slip under the radar.

Btw, can you guys unvote just so we don't end day without hearing more from Tut and Sherlock. I mean, if we're lynching the vig we should at least get his full reads.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 09:09 PM
Btw, can you guys unvote just so we don't end day without hearing more from Tut and Sherlock. I mean, if we're lynching the vig we should at least get his full reads.


Frankly, I think Sherlock is likely to poison any lead we might have, but accepted.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 09:09 PM
Agreed. So I want you alive. And I want myself alive. I do not trust Gimli or Sherlock with decisions alone, and Tut could chime in with any number of points later. MAKE HIM TALK.

Fair enough. Tut should start talking then. Explain who he thinks should be lynched and why. I think his lurking right now is just exacerbating the situation.

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 09:12 PM
We both responded such because we are working with the same type of situation.
Im getting really frustrated with you. The whole idea of Frog's plan is only to get one town lynch. I don't know how you can't see this!! I'm so damn sure its Frog is witch that I would take the chance of King Tut actually winning the game if he is witch

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 09:18 PM
Im getting really frustrated with you. The whole idea of Frog's plan is only to get one town lynch. I don't know how you can't see this!! I'm so damn sure its Frog is witch that I would take the chance of King Tut actually winning the game if he is witch

It's just a hypothetical of what could happen with a no-lynch. If you read, I don't actually want to do that anymore. I just find it prudent to examine all options. And wow, tunnel vision much?

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 09:19 PM
Remember this post

I have another thing I am extremely concerned on. I gave the GM my actions 10 minutes after the GM gave his summary. That means the witch gave his actions within an hour of the game ending. For this reason, I don't think Tut is suspicious because I don't think he was on at this given time. Clusea, no offense but you look guilty as hell because you posted in this day when it began. Frog is also suspicious because he posted pretty early of the beginning posts. I think frog wouldn't make this huge mistake if he was witch by posting in the thread as early as you, but it tells me he was on when the witch gave the GM his commands.

I'm willing to take the chance that King Tut isn't witch on this AND THE FACT HE IS TOO STUPID TO BE WITCH, seriously he is way too stupid to be witch.

Lynch J Frog and give me MVP when I am right

FM Michigan J Frog

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 09:23 PM
It's just a hypothetical of what could happen with a no-lynch. If you read, I don't actually want to do that anymore. I just find it prudent to examine all options. And wow, tunnel vision much?

why even post about it when the plan is at town's disadvantage. Now your cleaning your dirty hands. Also why do you think Cluseau is town? You never gave any good reasons.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 09:28 PM
Please create site wide awards that go to whole alignments. This Town needs a 'Worst alignment ever' achievement.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 09:33 PM
why even post about it when the plan is at town's disadvantage. Now your cleaning your dirty hands. Also why do you think Cluseau is town? You never gave any good reasons.

This is why Cluseau is town, even when I hate his posts:

If he was witch, didn't he just direct mafia to shoot Ceasar and himself to shoot Hamburglar? Instead the mafia shot hamburglar and witch shot Wile E Coyote.

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 09:37 PM
Cluseau now I feel like I am in your shoes from yesterday, but your not paying attention. I kind of think your trolling me. I can't figure out your view point at all; it just doesn't make any sense. Before you actually make a decision, REREAD EVERYTHING

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 09:38 PM
Please create site wide awards that go to whole alignments. This Town needs a 'Worst alignment ever' achievement.

Speak for yourself. I thought Aghanim/myself/Ceasar/Gandalf did pretty well, even if the game turned into follow the PR exactly the opposite of what Yayap had intended.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 09:40 PM
Cluseau now I feel like I am in your shoes from yesterday, but your not paying attention. I kind of think your trolling me. I can't figure out your view point at all; it just doesn't make any sense. Before you actually make a decision, REREAD EVERYTHING

You're both town imo. Why does nobody understand about Tut!!!!!!! So many red flags!! You're really going to let the witch lurk his way into a win!?

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 09:42 PM
Speak for yourself. I thought Aghanim/myself/Ceasar/Gandalf did pretty well, even if the game turned into follow the PR exactly the opposite of what Yayap had intended.

Cake- good.
Fruit- good.
fruit cake- nasty garbage

Kobe- hall of famer
Howard- future hall of famer
Nash- hall of famer
Gasol- most underappreciated player this decade
Laker- 15-28? lol

the whole is not always greater than it's parts.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 09:43 PM
You're both town imo. Why does nobody understand about Tut!!!!!!! So many red flags!! You're really going to let the witch lurk his way into a win!?

I'm sorry that I don't understand if he really is Witch, but I would rather force him to reveal that to us.
(notes Frogs anger)

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 09:45 PM
This is why Cluseau is town, even when I hate his posts:

If he was witch, didn't he just direct mafia to shoot Ceasar and himself to shoot Hamburglar? Instead the mafia shot hamburglar and witch shot Wile E Coyote.

HOLY CRAP. Thats why you didn't kill Ceasar. You thought Cluseau was mafia and he was going to kill Ceasar. You decided to kill someone else because those two targets were not safe for you. It's funny that you remember that link to think he is town. Another witch move.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 09:46 PM
Cluseau now I feel like I am in your shoes from yesterday, but your not paying attention. I kind of think your trolling me. I can't figure out your view point at all; it just doesn't make any sense. Before you actually make a decision, REREAD EVERYTHING

For clarification, because apparently the first 13? posts of this day weren't direct enough-

Cluseau doesn't like anyone. Cluseau wants to go to day 10 with Cluseau, Frog, Gimli, and Tut. Cluseau then wants Tut to be forced to speak and to have him analyze as Town or reveal himself as Witch. Cluseau finds reasons for scum in all of the players in game. Cluseau pretty mad, not as mad as Day 8, but pretty mad. Cluseau wants a 4-person day 10, or whatever letter Yapyap chooses to replace that with.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 09:53 PM
HOLY CRAP. Thats why you didn't kill Ceasar. You thought Cluseau was mafia and he was going to kill Ceasar. You decided to kill someone else because those two targets were not safe for you. It's funny that you remember that link to think he is town. Another witch move.

This isn't even logical. If Frog were Witch he would have killed the Witch direction. Why would a Witch choose to not kill a person laid out in the day for them? How would one be "not safe for [them]"?

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 09:54 PM
I wish Agahnim were here :'(

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 09:57 PM
For clarification, because apparently the first 13? posts of this day weren't direct enough-

Cluseau doesn't like anyone. Cluseau wants to go to day 10 with Cluseau, Frog, Gimli, and Tut. Cluseau then wants Tut to be forced to speak and to have him analyze as Town or reveal himself as Witch. Cluseau finds reasons for scum in all of the players in game. Cluseau pretty mad, not as mad as Day 8, but pretty mad. Cluseau wants a 4-person day 10, or whatever letter Yapyap chooses to replace that with.

Your the reason why we didn't lynch Sherlock in the first place. Also King Tut is never going to defend himself past the point at which he already did today. I still believe he is INNO

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 09:58 PM
Your the reason why we didn't lynch Sherlock in the first place. Also King Tut is never going to defend himself past the point at which he already did today. I still believe he is INNO

I do not remember being the reason why we didn't lynch in the first place. However, from this point on it is clear what we need, which is the 4 person tomorrow. Any other plan is anti-Town.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 09:59 PM
If I was witch, I would have killed Hamburglar to match my kill with the mafia. But I can totally see someone like Tut not fully reading and picking someone random like Wile E Coyote to shoot. Oh wait.....

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 10:00 PM
Good god, if we had Agahnim here instead of Tut..... Gimli, you really need LVP for that shot last night. Not only would Agahnim have been an improvement, but Tut would be gone, and we would all hate you a little less.

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 10:01 PM
This isn't even logical. If Frog were Witch he would have killed the Witch direction. Why would a Witch choose to not kill a person laid out in the day for them? How would one be "not safe for [them]"?

Because they both had the same targets listed but different orders. This witch/frog is smart enough not to kill those 2 targets because he doesn't want to take a gamble if he hit the same target as mafia!

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 10:01 PM
Yayap, please give Gimli LVP if he is Town. For the love of God.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 10:06 PM
Because they both had the same targets listed but different orders. This witch/frog is smart enough not to kill those 2 targets because he doesn't want to take a gamble if he hit the same target as mafia!

Remember I thought Cluseau was mafia. If mafia is telling me that he's gonna take care of the blacksmith and I should hit Hamburglar, then why in the world do I not follow the plan?

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 10:06 PM
Frankly I am borderline declaring Gimli more detrimental to the Town than Tut. Only superior to Sherlock. Mother of god.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 10:06 PM
Can we all just stop fighting among ourselves and wait for King Tut to arrive?

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 10:06 PM
Remember I thought Cluseau was mafia. If mafia is telling me that he's gonna take care of the blacksmith and I should hit Hamburglar, then why in the world do I not follow the plan?

Yea, at that time Frog was pretty sure I was Mafia.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 10:07 PM
Can we all just stop fighting among ourselves and wait for King Tut to arrive?

As the general leader to this force armed with air and paper I would prefer if I were allowed to hate everyone. Thank you.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 10:12 PM
There is 54 more hours in this day....

I have to put up with Gimli, no-Tut, and Sherlock in this for another two days, and 6 hours. God mother of all things awful.

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 10:13 PM
Yea, at that time Frog was pretty sure I was Mafia. Also if I was witch then why would I put you on my scumlist because you appeared to be mafia up until wolverine was lynched.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 10:14 PM
Also if I was witch then why would I put you on my scumlist because you appeared to be mafia up until wolverine was lynched.

Uhm.... to.... try and get my lynched? Like a normal scum? Putting Town on their scum list....

Who let you in this FM?

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 10:15 PM
Yea, at that time Frog was pretty sure I was Mafia. Also if I was witch then why would I put you on my scumlist because you appeared to be mafia up until wolverine was lynched.

I'm going to leave now. Hopefully I see you tomorrow, if not then kill Frog.
How can you be so blind?

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 10:15 PM
There is 33* more hours in this day....

I have to put up with Gimli, no-Tut, and Sherlock in this for another two days, and 6 hours. God mother of all things awful.

Also, uh, math...

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 10:16 PM
Also if I was witch then why would I put you on my scumlist because you appeared to be mafia up until wolverine was lynched.

I'm going to leave now. Hopefully I see you tomorrow, if not then kill Frog.
How can you be so blind?

Not blind- you just all suck. Also, if you are Town make sure to return in time to hammer Sherlock or Witch will escape with the night kill.

FM Gimli
January 15th, 2013, 10:19 PM
Not blind- you just all suck. Also, if you are Town make sure to return in time to hammer Sherlock or Witch will escape with the night kill.
Your the whole reason why we are in this mess because you don't trust me because I trusted opinion which I have already thought of on my own.
FM Sherlock

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 10:20 PM
Your the whole reason why we are in this mess because you don't trust me because I trusted opinion which I have already thought of on my own.
FM Sherlock

"I trusted opinion which I have already thought of on my own." Right'o.

Forum Mafia GM
January 15th, 2013, 10:23 PM
Who let you in this FM?

I did.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 10:24 PM
I did.

-Vote FM Game Master for MVP (Most Viral Participant)

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 10:33 PM
J Frog, wanna speak on why you are 1 of 6 players on the list of Ceasar's First-Post thing, seeing as how 4 out of 6 in your group flipped scum?

FM Michigan J Frog
January 15th, 2013, 10:55 PM
J Frog, wanna speak on why you are 1 of 6 players on the list of Ceasar's First-Post thing, seeing as how 4 out of 6 in your group flipped scum?

Maybe I'm just too seriousface about games I sign up to play (except for when I troll in s-fm). I play mafia at a bunch of different sites, and most of them start with a RVS phase where people jump straight into the game. I'd actually just chalk it up to playstyle differences because this site's meta is completely different and more laid back than what I'm used to. Also, I hate taking notes on excessive spam posts that add no value to the game except to say "hello."

FM Sherlock
January 15th, 2013, 11:32 PM
I have noticed that Cluseau is talking much more differently than he did in the frist few days of the game.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 11:38 PM
I have noticed that Cluseau is talking much more differently than he did in the frist few days of the game.

Yea, I have given up the trolling entirely (except to Yayap) that I did for a while and accepted my new rank of quassi-leader. Sue me.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 11:38 PM
Maybe I'm just too seriousface about games I sign up to play (except for when I troll in s-fm). I play mafia at a bunch of different sites, and most of them start with a RVS phase where people jump straight into the game. I'd actually just chalk it up to playstyle differences because this site's meta is completely different and more laid back than what I'm used to. Also, I hate taking notes on excessive spam posts that add no value to the game except to say "hello."


Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 11:44 PM
I have noticed that Cluseau is talking much more differently than he did in the frist few days of the game.

Like, I wanted Sherlock's reads... now I just wish he would have stayed gone.

Inspector Cluseau
January 15th, 2013, 11:44 PM
Frog, can I please talk to you? I would like to speak to the other person that shouldn't be permabanned from FMs.

FM Sherlock
January 16th, 2013, 12:17 AM
I'm not talking too much because of the following reasons:

1. I'm busy at work
2. I'm still depressed over what's happened in the last few days (especially about my reveal and jailor modkill).

I'm starting to think about Wolverine again. He strongly suggested that I should have been lynched back there. Several days later, we found out that he was the framer. So all those times mafia tried to redirect us in the wrong way to prevent then from being found out. And now you are basically trying to do the same.

Lynching me won't do any good, as you will be left with 4 people who are still suspecting each other. You will only prolong this game. Besides, I want to see the witch dead personally.

FM Sherlock
January 16th, 2013, 12:36 AM
Ok, while I'm at work, each of you should name ONE person that in your point of view is certainly NOT a witch. This should make our discussion easier, isn't it?

I'll post my opinion later when I'll get some free time.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 16th, 2013, 02:10 AM
Frog, can I please talk to you? I would like to speak to the other person that shouldn't be permabanned from FMs.

What's up?

FM Michigan J Frog
January 16th, 2013, 02:15 AM
Ok, while I'm at work, each of you should name ONE person that in your point of view is certainly NOT a witch. This should make our discussion easier, isn't it?

I'll post my opinion later when I'll get some free time.

One person who is certainly not a witch: Sherlock

Lol. Couldn't resist. But seriously, if I had to pick one person (not myself) to vouch for, it would be Cluseau for the evidence I previously stated that should also confirm me as town, too.

Forum Mafia GM
January 16th, 2013, 02:22 AM
One person who is certainly not a witch: Sherlock

No shit, Sherlock! sorry couldn't resist. :P

FM Sherlock
January 16th, 2013, 02:59 AM
I'm dead serious. We are using the exclusion method to locate the witch. So give out your honest answer.

The Witch is completely unable to put a stop to this method. So it all depends entirely on your deduction and intelligence. I'm waiting for Cluseau, Gimli, and King Tut's answer.

FM Sherlock
January 16th, 2013, 07:21 AM
I'll repeat this at once: each of you should name ONE person that in your point of view is certainly NOT a witch. I have already received Frog's answer.

I'm wating for other's answers now, though we will probably lynch either King Tut or Gimli based on this "exclusion method".

Inspector Cluseau
January 16th, 2013, 01:07 PM
I'm inclined to not use this method, strictly because Sherlock suggested it.

FM Gimli
January 16th, 2013, 01:23 PM
Ok, while I'm at work, each of you should name ONE person that in your point of view is certainly NOT a witch. This should make our discussion easier, isn't it?

I'll post my opinion later when I'll get some free time.

Have you not been reading the posts. It is very clear that Clusea is not the witch. We need to lynch you: to stop the witch's choice of who he kills, and the fact you are not paying attention.

FM Gimli
January 16th, 2013, 01:25 PM
I'm going to Reread today and then get ready to post a complete read on Frog.

Inspector Cluseau
January 16th, 2013, 05:30 PM
Have you not been reading the posts. It is very clear that Clusea is not the witch. We need to lynch you: to stop the witch's choice of who he kills, and the fact you are not paying attention.

Thank god Gimli is still on point here.

I think I am going to permenantly un-sign from every FM I see Sherlock join.

Inspector Cluseau
January 16th, 2013, 05:32 PM
I really don't think anyone here fathoms how much I hate this person.

Inspector Cluseau
January 16th, 2013, 05:35 PM
I'm starting to think about Wolverine again. He strongly suggested that I should have been lynched back there. Several days later, we found out that he was the framer. So all those times mafia tried to redirect us in the wrong way to prevent then from being found out. And now you are basically trying to do the same.

I hate you.

Lynching me won't do any good, as you will be left with 4 people who are still suspecting each other. You will only prolong this game. Besides, I want to see the witch dead personally.

I hate you.

Lynching me won't do any good

I hate you.

won't do any good

I hate you.

Inspector Cluseau
January 16th, 2013, 05:40 PM
I'm starting to think about Wolverine again. He strongly suggested that I should have been lynched back there. Several days later, we found out that he was the framer. So all those times mafia tried to redirect us in the wrong way to prevent then from being found out. And now you are basically trying to do the same.

Wolverine did flip Framer, but is legitimately in my running for my personal Town MVP seeing as he was the one daring enough to suggest this lynch. Sherlock, your life has cost us a Sheriff, a Doctor, a Blacksmith, a pretty confirmed Citizen, as well as being near to costing us the game. You were so scummy earlier that everyone wanted you dead, then to save your own scummy useless life you did the single worst possible thing a player could do in this game.

Of course I am trying to get you lynched now, and the fact that you aren't behind it is an incredibly large testament to how disgustingly viral you have been to this Town.
I want either Sherlock lynched, myself lynched, or myself shot tonight. For the love of all things holy I don't want to deal with this abomination any more.

Inspector Cluseau
January 16th, 2013, 05:45 PM
J Frog- with things as they are why do you not vote on Sherlock?

Inspector Cluseau
January 16th, 2013, 05:58 PM
We have 24 hours for Tut to join the party.

Yapyap, any chance Tut can be modkilled for inactivity? The whole 'need to send you a PM to prove they know what's what' thing. :)

FM Michigan J Frog
January 16th, 2013, 06:20 PM
J Frog- with things as they are why do you not vote on Sherlock?

I don't want day to end prematurely while we wait for Tut and Sherlock to contribute more. I'm kinda busy with some events today, but I'll be able to vote before Day ends. But tbh, I don't think it matters if Sherlock lives or not. If he lives, I'm shot tonight which should prove my read on Tut, and if we lynch him, I'm lynched tomorrow to prove my read on Tut. In any case, I'd rather just lynch Tut and win already, but I'm definitely voting him over a no-lynch.

Get Tut to contribute more
Lynch Sherlock
Lynch Frog (to prove innocence)
Lynch Tut (win)

I'll be able to compile some stuff probably tomorrow about why I think people are town, although I have to go back and re-explain my Gimli town argument because of how much the FMGM hated it in its current form.
#beinglazy #ihavealifetoo #xoxomichiganjfrog

FM Michigan J Frog
January 16th, 2013, 06:23 PM
Also, did I mention how positive I am that it's King Tut?

Inspector Cluseau
January 16th, 2013, 06:31 PM
I don't want day to end prematurely while we wait for Tut and Sherlock to contribute more. I'm kinda busy with some events today, but I'll be able to vote before Day ends. But tbh, I don't think it matters if Sherlock lives or not. If he lives, I'm shot tonight which should prove my read on Tut, and if we lynch him, I'm lynched tomorrow to prove my read on Tut. In any case, I'd rather just lynch Tut and win already, but I'm definitely voting him over a no-lynch.

Get Tut to contribute more
Lynch Sherlock
Lynch Frog (to prove innocence)
Lynch Tut (win)

I'll be able to compile some stuff probably tomorrow about why I think people are town, although I have to go back and re-explain my Gimli town argument because of how much the FMGM hated it in its current form.
#beinglazy #ihavealifetoo #xoxomichiganjfrog

Accepted. Frog, the beauty is that you might not have to be lynched. If we go to Overtime here on day 10 and have to get Tut to speak then we can force reads out of him. Which should confirm any direction.

Also, as much as I hate that the idea was birthed in the depths of the pit that is Sherlock's mind, Frog is the guy I am pretty dang sure is Town.

FM Gimli
January 16th, 2013, 06:50 PM
Day 1 #119
QUOTE=FM Michigan J Frog;268258]Here is an example of how to hypo:
I’m sheriff, and last night I got an inno/guilty (choose one!) on _________.
I’m jailor and I jailed ________ (insert name of the guy who was jailed).
I’m escort who blocked __________ (insert name of the guy who claimed blocked).
I’m vigilante and I shot _____________ (insert name of the guy who died to the vigi shot).
I’m any other town power role and I visited __________.
Basically hypos serve a dual purpose:
1. If a town power role dies, we know what their previous night actions were and can access this information even though we do not have last wills.
2. It locks scum into a corner if they decide to fake claim a power role at a later date, as they are forced to essentially construct their fake claim for the duration of the whole game.

The benefits to the hypo strategy strongly outweigh the cons, and here is why:
Con #1. People often don’t use hypo’s because scum can use false guilties or inno’s in sheriff results to narrow down their list of potential sheriffs.

Rebuttal: With this strategy, the mafia will be able to narrow down a list of names as NOT sheriff, but then they may avoid hitting other unconfirmable PR’s like doctors, etc. We can also use the WIFOM involved in the night kills to our advantage to try to reverse-engineer who the mafia are. Lastly, the benefits to town of knowing PR night actions (since we do not have last wills) strongly outweighs the benefits to mafia of using hypo claims to hunt pr’s.

Con #2. Present your questions or concerns about this plan in the thread so we can discuss further.


If we are to proceed with this plan, it involves full cooperation of all parties. Everyone must hypo. I can even formulate a nice template for people to use. [/QUOTE]

A witch would very likely use this for their advantage and he brings this up day 1!! Really?

HERPDERP if I'm scum I can just lurk and win ez. I've done it before, it's worked for me with 100% accuracy in anon-games.
Saying that so early on Day 1 O really but then you go on an say this?

Day 5 #182

The biggest threat imo is scum slipping through as "confirmed town." So I don't see why scum Agahnim wouldn't want to gain town points by outing another scum. Voting power << town credibility.

And lol that backtracking. Calling me town in #168 and then switching to a scum read in #173. I wonder how you changed your mind so drastically in just 5 posts!! It's amazing!

Day 5 #155

Nobody seems to understand that towntells and scumtells can only be towntells or scumtells if you find the town or scum motivation behind the actions. Like how Cookie Monster didn't understand how lurking isn't necessarily a scumtell since with this crowd there isn't obvious town or scum motivation behind it. Example: Kermit. Motivation behind players like Rubber Ducky, Robin Hood, and Gimli can just as easily be explained by lurking scum wanting to hide or lurking ragequitting citizens who just troll us.

Also, wtf your post doesn't even make sense. Pretty sure you said Jack was both dropping scum tells (consig slip) and town tells (you had him as a strong town read). Not 100% sure about the others, but I'm pretty sure you waffled on them as well.

I don't know why have this post here. I must of forgot what I want to comment on it

Day 5 #217

This is an odd comment. I think lynching scum is better than lynching our vigilante.

Even if the vigilante is witched to kill a townie, that means the other PR's can work un-hindered by the witch. Also scum lynch + vig kills random townie b/c witched > vig lynch because it nets us a loss of 1 scum by lynching scum.

Imagine that; he is pro vigilante; I was too, but he still sounds like witch to me

Day 6#186

If Captain Obvious is mafia, who is his partner, and do you think he realistically fits on the mafia team based on interactions with past players who flipped mafia? Think about that. I think Cluseau and Agahnim are the two who fit best.

He kills Captain Obvious that night because he looks innocent, and doctor doesn't captain obvious at this point.

Day 6 #218

If you're alive longer than you should be, it's suspicious. You're too active to still be alive without being scum. Anubis claimed doc and is highly unlikely to still be alive unless he's scum. King Arthur was too active to be alive without being scum and now he's dead. If you're not dead in the next night, 100% you're scum.

I guess it's possible that someone leaves you around for a mislynch "OH this guy is too active to be alive without being scum," but I'd be willing to bet on the outcome of this game that people like you and Anubis are scum over people like Gimli and Spongebob.

I thought either Frog or Aghanim was attacked by town. Frog seemed like a good target to attack because he posted so much and his posts had something meaningful. Usually scum wants to target the big leaders that is why I believe such. Seriously why hasn't Frog or Aghanim been killed by the Mafia/SK?

Day 7 #218

Honestly my scum reads don't matter on you flipping cit or mafia.

After reading some ISOs, Spongebob, King Tut, and Cluseau look really null and trolly. It's really hard for me to tell much about their alignments which is why I think we might need to go for some policy lynches.

@Hamburglar, what gave you your town read on Wile E Coyote. For me, he's leaning town, but it could help if you explained why he's such a strong town read of yours.

Guess who died that night? Wile E. because he was afraid that mafia was going to attack Ceasar due to him believing Cluseau was directing mafia / witch kills. He didn't want to make a mistake and got a guarantee kill with Wile E.

[SPOILER=Most Important]
Day 9 #35

Wtf who shot Aghanim? I thought the plan was to shoot Tut. If you shot Agahnim claim now. I'm going to look through yesterday for clues about who received the gun.

I am extremely concerned on this. I gave the GM my actions 10 minutes after the GM gave his summary. That means the witch gave his actions within an hour of the game ending because the day started really early. For this reason, I don't think Tut is suspicious because I don't think he was on at this given time. Frog is also suspicious because he posted pretty early of the beginning posts around 1 hour of the day beginning.

Day 9 #91

Lol yeah I love Day[9]. Ideal dream man.

Ok back to the game. Here is what we are going to do. Gimli is town, and Cluseau is town, which forces me to conclude Tut is witch by process of elimination. However in the case that Cluseau is scum trying to push for 2 mislynches, I trust Gimli over Sherlock to vote correctly in LYLO and analyze things instead of being kinda impulse-y. (No offense Sherlock)

It bothers me that we don't know who was hit N3 by the sk. Honestly that's kind of why I suspected Aghanim yet he ended up being a cit. I'll read up on the first few days. Is it possible Pinkie Pie or some mafia was hit?

I think we should lynch Sherlock, and get Tut the next day. That way if it is Cluseau (he certainly would be capable of this), we can catch him. But for all the vote analysis I did, Aghanim's reads, and my town reads on everyone else, I don't see how it can be anyone else.

FM Sherlock

He says he doesn't trust Cluseau, but within a few hours he flat out trusts him after the FoS is on me because I don't go along with his plan thinking Cluseau is mafia

Day 9 #105

I'm down with this plan. Just get Tut tomorrow please.

FM Michigan J Frog

Sounds like a witch is giving up because we found out on him.

Day 9 #118

Did we ever even confirm who shot Aghanim? And Gimli is town. Think about it. What witch gets replaced and continues to submit night actions? The only person it can be is Tut.

This one isn't a read but wtf. He didn't even read the day chat seriously this is one of the most important days.

Day 9 #168

WAIT WAIT. We can no lynch and then lynch Sherlock tomorrow and use the night kill to figure stuff out about the witch.


No lynch, witch kills:

Lynch Vig:

tbh, I think what we learn from the witch kill could help immensely. Just a sec. Need to think about this more, but it's a possible strategy.

He suggests the worse idea ever which only allows town to receives one kill that night.

Day 9 #185

This is why Cluseau is town, even when I hate his posts:

If he was witch, didn't he just direct mafia to shoot Ceasar and himself to shoot Hamburglar? Instead the mafia shot hamburglar and witch shot Wile E Coyote.

This post gets me the most. The fact he even thought about this seems like he is a witch. The other thing is he never said a word about this during Day 8 or earlier in Day 9 until I asked him. He also said he didn't trust Cluseau until Cluseau was putting the FoS on me.

FM Gimli
January 16th, 2013, 06:55 PM
Day 1 #119
QUOTE=FM Michigan J Frog;268258]Here is an example of how to hypo:
I’m sheriff, and last night I got an inno/guilty (choose one!) on _________.
I’m jailor and I jailed ________ (insert name of the guy who was jailed).
I’m escort who blocked __________ (insert name of the guy who claimed blocked).
I’m vigilante and I shot _____________ (insert name of the guy who died to the vigi shot).
I’m any other town power role and I visited __________.
Basically hypos serve a dual purpose:
1. If a town power role dies, we know what their previous night actions were and can access this information even though we do not have last wills.
2. It locks scum into a corner if they decide to fake claim a power role at a later date, as they are forced to essentially construct their fake claim for the duration of the whole game.

The benefits to the hypo strategy strongly outweigh the cons, and here is why:
Con #1. People often don’t use hypo’s because scum can use false guilties or inno’s in sheriff results to narrow down their list of potential sheriffs.

Rebuttal: With this strategy, the mafia will be able to narrow down a list of names as NOT sheriff, but then they may avoid hitting other unconfirmable PR’s like doctors, etc. We can also use the WIFOM involved in the night kills to our advantage to try to reverse-engineer who the mafia are. Lastly, the benefits to town of knowing PR night actions (since we do not have last wills) strongly outweighs the benefits to mafia of using hypo claims to hunt pr’s.

Con #2. Present your questions or concerns about this plan in the thread so we can discuss further.


If we are to proceed with this plan, it involves full cooperation of all parties. Everyone must hypo. I can even formulate a nice template for people to use. [/QUOTE]

A witch would very likely use this for their advantage and he brings this up day 1!! Really?

HERPDERP if I'm scum I can just lurk and win ez. I've done it before, it's worked for me with 100% accuracy in anon-games.
Saying that so early on Day 1 O really but then you go on an say this?

Day 5 #182

The biggest threat imo is scum slipping through as "confirmed town." So I don't see why scum Agahnim wouldn't want to gain town points by outing another scum. Voting power << town credibility.

And lol that backtracking. Calling me town in #168 and then switching to a scum read in #173. I wonder how you changed your mind so drastically in just 5 posts!! It's amazing!

Day 5 #155

Nobody seems to understand that towntells and scumtells can only be towntells or scumtells if you find the town or scum motivation behind the actions. Like how Cookie Monster didn't understand how lurking isn't necessarily a scumtell since with this crowd there isn't obvious town or scum motivation behind it. Example: Kermit. Motivation behind players like Rubber Ducky, Robin Hood, and Gimli can just as easily be explained by lurking scum wanting to hide or lurking ragequitting citizens who just troll us.

Also, wtf your post doesn't even make sense. Pretty sure you said Jack was both dropping scum tells (consig slip) and town tells (you had him as a strong town read). Not 100% sure about the others, but I'm pretty sure you waffled on them as well.

I don't know why have this post here. I must of forgot what I want to comment on it

Day 5 #217

This is an odd comment. I think lynching scum is better than lynching our vigilante.

Even if the vigilante is witched to kill a townie, that means the other PR's can work un-hindered by the witch. Also scum lynch + vig kills random townie b/c witched > vig lynch because it nets us a loss of 1 scum by lynching scum.

Imagine that; he is pro vigilante; I was too, but he still sounds like witch to me

Day 6#186

If Captain Obvious is mafia, who is his partner, and do you think he realistically fits on the mafia team based on interactions with past players who flipped mafia? Think about that. I think Cluseau and Agahnim are the two who fit best.

He kills Captain Obvious that night because he looks innocent, and doctor doesn't captain obvious at this point.

Day 6 #218

If you're alive longer than you should be, it's suspicious. You're too active to still be alive without being scum. Anubis claimed doc and is highly unlikely to still be alive unless he's scum. King Arthur was too active to be alive without being scum and now he's dead. If you're not dead in the next night, 100% you're scum.

I guess it's possible that someone leaves you around for a mislynch "OH this guy is too active to be alive without being scum," but I'd be willing to bet on the outcome of this game that people like you and Anubis are scum over people like Gimli and Spongebob.

I thought either Frog or Aghanim was attacked by town. Frog seemed like a good target to attack because he posted so much and his posts had something meaningful. Usually scum wants to target the big leaders that is why I believe such. Seriously why hasn't Frog or Aghanim been killed by the Mafia/SK?

Day 7 #218

Honestly my scum reads don't matter on you flipping cit or mafia.

After reading some ISOs, Spongebob, King Tut, and Cluseau look really null and trolly. It's really hard for me to tell much about their alignments which is why I think we might need to go for some policy lynches.

@Hamburglar, what gave you your town read on Wile E Coyote. For me, he's leaning town, but it could help if you explained why he's such a strong town read of yours.

Guess who died that night? Wile E. because he was afraid that mafia was going to attack Ceasar due to him believing Cluseau was directing mafia / witch kills. He didn't want to make a mistake and got a guarantee kill with Wile E.

Day 9 #35

Wtf who shot Aghanim? I thought the plan was to shoot Tut. If you shot Agahnim claim now. I'm going to look through yesterday for clues about who received the gun.

I am extremely concerned on this. I gave the GM my actions 10 minutes after the GM gave his summary. That means the witch gave his actions within an hour of the game ending because the day started really early. For this reason, I don't think Tut is suspicious because I don't think he was on at this given time. Frog is also suspicious because he posted pretty early of the beginning posts around 1 hour of the day beginning.

Day 9 #91

Lol yeah I love Day[9]. Ideal dream man.

Ok back to the game. Here is what we are going to do. Gimli is town, and Cluseau is town, which forces me to conclude Tut is witch by process of elimination. However in the case that Cluseau is scum trying to push for 2 mislynches, I trust Gimli over Sherlock to vote correctly in LYLO and analyze things instead of being kinda impulse-y. (No offense Sherlock)

It bothers me that we don't know who was hit N3 by the sk. Honestly that's kind of why I suspected Aghanim yet he ended up being a cit. I'll read up on the first few days. Is it possible Pinkie Pie or some mafia was hit?

I think we should lynch Sherlock, and get Tut the next day. That way if it is Cluseau (he certainly would be capable of this), we can catch him. But for all the vote analysis I did, Aghanim's reads, and my town reads on everyone else, I don't see how it can be anyone else.

FM Sherlock

He says he doesn't trust Cluseau, but within a few hours he flat out trusts him after the FoS is on me because I don't go along with his plan thinking Cluseau is mafia

Day 9 #105

I'm down with this plan. Just get Tut tomorrow please.

FM Michigan J Frog

Sounds like a witch is giving up because we found out on him.

Day 9 #118

Did we ever even confirm who shot Aghanim? And Gimli is town. Think about it. What witch gets replaced and continues to submit night actions? The only person it can be is Tut.

This one isn't a read but wtf. He didn't even read the day chat seriously this is one of the most important days.

Day 9 #168

WAIT WAIT. We can no lynch and then lynch Sherlock tomorrow and use the night kill to figure stuff out about the witch.


No lynch, witch kills:

Lynch Vig:

tbh, I think what we learn from the witch kill could help immensely. Just a sec. Need to think about this more, but it's a possible strategy.

He suggests the worse idea ever which only allows town to receives one kill that night.

Day 9 #185

This is why Cluseau is town, even when I hate his posts:

If he was witch, didn't he just direct mafia to shoot Ceasar and himself to shoot Hamburglar? Instead the mafia shot hamburglar and witch shot Wile E Coyote.

This post gets me the most. The fact he even thought about this seems like he is a witch. The other thing is he never said a word about this during Day 8 or earlier in Day 9 until I asked him. He also said he didn't trust Cluseau until Cluseau was putting the FoS on me.

FM Gimli
January 16th, 2013, 06:56 PM
I don't know what i'm doing. These tags are confusing me

Inspector Cluseau
January 16th, 2013, 06:58 PM
I don't know what i'm doing. These tags are confusing me

Yea, thanks for that.

FM Gimli
January 16th, 2013, 07:00 PM
Day 1 #119
QUOTE=FM Michigan J Frog;268258]Here is an example of how to hypo:
I’m sheriff, and last night I got an inno/guilty (choose one!) on _________.
I’m jailor and I jailed ________ (insert name of the guy who was jailed).
I’m escort who blocked __________ (insert name of the guy who claimed blocked).
I’m vigilante and I shot _____________ (insert name of the guy who died to the vigi shot).
I’m any other town power role and I visited __________.
Basically hypos serve a dual purpose:
1. If a town power role dies, we know what their previous night actions were and can access this information even though we do not have last wills.
2. It locks scum into a corner if they decide to fake claim a power role at a later date, as they are forced to essentially construct their fake claim for the duration of the whole game.

The benefits to the hypo strategy strongly outweigh the cons, and here is why:
Con #1. People often don’t use hypo’s because scum can use false guilties or inno’s in sheriff results to narrow down their list of potential sheriffs.

Rebuttal: With this strategy, the mafia will be able to narrow down a list of names as NOT sheriff, but then they may avoid hitting other unconfirmable PR’s like doctors, etc. We can also use the WIFOM involved in the night kills to our advantage to try to reverse-engineer who the mafia are. Lastly, the benefits to town of knowing PR night actions (since we do not have last wills) strongly outweighs the benefits to mafia of using hypo claims to hunt pr’s.

Con #2. Present your questions or concerns about this plan in the thread so we can discuss further.


If we are to proceed with this plan, it involves full cooperation of all parties. Everyone must hypo. I can even formulate a nice template for people to use. [/QUOTE]

A witch would very likely use this for their advantage and he brings this up day 1!! Really?

HERPDERP if I'm scum I can just lurk and win ez. I've done it before, it's worked for me with 100% accuracy in anon-games.
Saying that so early on Day 1 O really but then you go on an say this?

Day 5 #182

The biggest threat imo is scum slipping through as "confirmed town." So I don't see why scum Agahnim wouldn't want to gain town points by outing another scum. Voting power << town credibility.

And lol that backtracking. Calling me town in #168 and then switching to a scum read in #173. I wonder how you changed your mind so drastically in just 5 posts!! It's amazing!

Day 5 #155

Nobody seems to understand that towntells and scumtells can only be towntells or scumtells if you find the town or scum motivation behind the actions. Like how Cookie Monster didn't understand how lurking isn't necessarily a scumtell since with this crowd there isn't obvious town or scum motivation behind it. Example: Kermit. Motivation behind players like Rubber Ducky, Robin Hood, and Gimli can just as easily be explained by lurking scum wanting to hide or lurking ragequitting citizens who just troll us.

Also, wtf your post doesn't even make sense. Pretty sure you said Jack was both dropping scum tells (consig slip) and town tells (you had him as a strong town read). Not 100% sure about the others, but I'm pretty sure you waffled on them as well.

I don't know why have this post here. I must of forgot what I want to comment on it

Day 5 #217

This is an odd comment. I think lynching scum is better than lynching our vigilante.

Even if the vigilante is witched to kill a townie, that means the other PR's can work un-hindered by the witch. Also scum lynch + vig kills random townie b/c witched > vig lynch because it nets us a loss of 1 scum by lynching scum.

Imagine that; he is pro vigilante; I was too, but he still sounds like witch to me

Day 6#186

If Captain Obvious is mafia, who is his partner, and do you think he realistically fits on the mafia team based on interactions with past players who flipped mafia? Think about that. I think Cluseau and Agahnim are the two who fit best.

He kills Captain Obvious that night because he looks innocent, and doctor doesn't captain obvious at this point.

Day 6 #218

If you're alive longer than you should be, it's suspicious. You're too active to still be alive without being scum. Anubis claimed doc and is highly unlikely to still be alive unless he's scum. King Arthur was too active to be alive without being scum and now he's dead. If you're not dead in the next night, 100% you're scum.

I guess it's possible that someone leaves you around for a mislynch "OH this guy is too active to be alive without being scum," but I'd be willing to bet on the outcome of this game that people like you and Anubis are scum over people like Gimli and Spongebob.

I thought either Frog or Aghanim was attacked by town. Frog seemed like a good target to attack because he posted so much and his posts had something meaningful. Usually scum wants to target the big leaders that is why I believe such. Seriously why hasn't Frog or Aghanim been killed by the Mafia/SK?

Day 7 #218

Honestly my scum reads don't matter on you flipping cit or mafia.

After reading some ISOs, Spongebob, King Tut, and Cluseau look really null and trolly. It's really hard for me to tell much about their alignments which is why I think we might need to go for some policy lynches.

@Hamburglar, what gave you your town read on Wile E Coyote. For me, he's leaning town, but it could help if you explained why he's such a strong town read of yours.

Guess who died that night? Wile E. because he was afraid that mafia was going to attack Ceasar due to him believing Cluseau was directing mafia / witch kills. He didn't want to make a mistake and got a guarantee kill with Wile E.

Day 9 #35

Wtf who shot Aghanim? I thought the plan was to shoot Tut. If you shot Agahnim claim now. I'm going to look through yesterday for clues about who received the gun.

I am extremely concerned on this. I gave the GM my actions 10 minutes after the GM gave his summary. That means the witch gave his actions within an hour of the game ending because the day started really early. For this reason, I don't think Tut is suspicious because I don't think he was on at this given time. Frog is also suspicious because he posted pretty early of the beginning posts around 1 hour of the day beginning.

Day 9 #91

Lol yeah I love Day[9]. Ideal dream man.

Ok back to the game. Here is what we are going to do. Gimli is town, and Cluseau is town, which forces me to conclude Tut is witch by process of elimination. However in the case that Cluseau is scum trying to push for 2 mislynches, I trust Gimli over Sherlock to vote correctly in LYLO and analyze things instead of being kinda impulse-y. (No offense Sherlock)

It bothers me that we don't know who was hit N3 by the sk. Honestly that's kind of why I suspected Aghanim yet he ended up being a cit. I'll read up on the first few days. Is it possible Pinkie Pie or some mafia was hit?

I think we should lynch Sherlock, and get Tut the next day. That way if it is Cluseau (he certainly would be capable of this), we can catch him. But for all the vote analysis I did, Aghanim's reads, and my town reads on everyone else, I don't see how it can be anyone else.

FM Sherlock

He says he doesn't trust Cluseau, but within a few hours he flat out trusts him after the FoS is on me because I don't go along with his plan thinking Cluseau is mafia

Day 9 #105

I'm down with this plan. Just get Tut tomorrow please.

FM Michigan J Frog

Sounds like a witch is giving up because we found out on him.

Day 9 #118

Did we ever even confirm who shot Aghanim? And Gimli is town. Think about it. What witch gets replaced and continues to submit night actions? The only person it can be is Tut.

This one isn't a read but wtf. He didn't even read the day chat seriously this is one of the most important days.

Day 9 #168

WAIT WAIT. We can no lynch and then lynch Sherlock tomorrow and use the night kill to figure stuff out about the witch.


No lynch, witch kills:

Lynch Vig:

tbh, I think what we learn from the witch kill could help immensely. Just a sec. Need to think about this more, but it's a possible strategy.

He suggests the worse idea ever which only allows town to receives one kill that night.

Day 9 #185

This is why Cluseau is town, even when I hate his posts:

If he was witch, didn't he just direct mafia to shoot Ceasar and himself to shoot Hamburglar? Instead the mafia shot hamburglar and witch shot Wile E Coyote.

This post gets me the most. The fact he even thought about this seems like he is a witch. The other thing is he never said a word about this during Day 8 or earlier in Day 9 until I asked him. He also said he didn't trust Cluseau until Cluseau was putting the FoS on me.

Please Work

FM Gimli
January 16th, 2013, 07:01 PM
You know what screw the reads. YapYap please delete them or fix one. It hurts my eyes looking at this

Inspector Cluseau
January 16th, 2013, 07:02 PM
GM, please help with Gimli's post.

Inspector Cluseau
January 16th, 2013, 07:02 PM
You know what screw the reads. YapYap please delete them or fix one. It hurts my eyes looking at this

No delete, please fix the moving thing.

Inspector Cluseau
January 16th, 2013, 07:03 PM
Day 1 #119
QUOTE=FM Michigan J Frog;268258]Here is an example of how to hypo:
I’m sheriff, and last night I got an inno/guilty (choose one!) on _________.
I’m jailor and I jailed ________ (insert name of the guy who was jailed).
I’m escort who blocked __________ (insert name of the guy who claimed blocked).
I’m vigilante and I shot _____________ (insert name of the guy who died to the vigi shot).
I’m any other town power role and I visited __________.
Basically hypos serve a dual purpose:
1. If a town power role dies, we know what their previous night actions were and can access this information even though we do not have last wills.
2. It locks scum into a corner if they decide to fake claim a power role at a later date, as they are forced to essentially construct their fake claim for the duration of the whole game.

The benefits to the hypo strategy strongly outweigh the cons, and here is why:
Con #1. People often don’t use hypo’s because scum can use false guilties or inno’s in sheriff results to narrow down their list of potential sheriffs.

Rebuttal: With this strategy, the mafia will be able to narrow down a list of names as NOT sheriff, but then they may avoid hitting other unconfirmable PR’s like doctors, etc. We can also use the WIFOM involved in the night kills to our advantage to try to reverse-engineer who the mafia are. Lastly, the benefits to town of knowing PR night actions (since we do not have last wills) strongly outweighs the benefits to mafia of using hypo claims to hunt pr’s.

Con #2. Present your questions or concerns about this plan in the thread so we can discuss further.


If we are to proceed with this plan, it involves full cooperation of all parties. Everyone must hypo. I can even formulate a nice template for people to use.

A witch would very likely use this for their advantage and he brings this up day 1!! Really?

Saying that so early on Day 1 O really but then you go on an say this?

Day 5 #182

Day 5 #155

I don't know why have this post here. I must of forgot what I want to comment on it

Day 5 #217

Imagine that; he is pro vigilante; I was too, but he still sounds like witch to me

Day 6#186

He kills Captain Obvious that night because he looks innocent, and doctor doesn't captain obvious at this point.

Day 6 #218

I thought either Frog or Aghanim was attacked by town. Frog seemed like a good target to attack because he posted so much and his posts had something meaningful. Usually scum wants to target the big leaders that is why I believe such. Seriously why hasn't Frog or Aghanim been killed by the Mafia/SK?

Day 7 #218

Guess who died that night? Wile E. because he was afraid that mafia was going to attack Ceasar due to him believing Cluseau was directing mafia / witch kills. He didn't want to make a mistake and got a guarantee kill with Wile E.

[SPOILER=Most Important]
Day 9 #35

I am extremely concerned on this. I gave the GM my actions 10 minutes after the GM gave his summary. That means the witch gave his actions within an hour of the game ending because the day started really early. For this reason, I don't think Tut is suspicious because I don't think he was on at this given time. Frog is also suspicious because he posted pretty early of the beginning posts around 1 hour of the day beginning.

Day 9 #91

He says he doesn't trust Cluseau, but within a few hours he flat out trusts him after the FoS is on me because I don't go along with his plan thinking Cluseau is mafia

Day 9 #105

Sounds like a witch is giving up because we found out on him.

Day 9 #118

This one isn't a read but wtf. He didn't even read the day chat seriously this is one of the most important days.

Day 9 #168

He suggests the worse idea ever which only allows town to receives one kill that night.

Day 9 #185

This post gets me the most. The fact he even thought about this seems like he is a witch. The other thing is he never said a word about this during Day 8 or earlier in Day 9 until I asked him. He also said he didn't trust Cluseau until Cluseau was putting the FoS on me.
