View Full Version : D6: No more Shepherds!

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Forum Mafia GM
January 7th, 2013, 04:58 PM
In late evening of Fuzzywuzzytown, the great king pin Locutus was pinned to the wall and executed by the masses. The mafia were swift about getting their revenge though. "If we can't hide from detection, then you shall not detect at all!" they shouted into the darkness of night.

In the Royal court yard. King Arthur was practicing his sword skills with a friend. What he didn't know was that his opponent had no intention of backing off once Arthur slipped and dropped his sword. With a cleaving blow to the head, King Arthur who was but a lowly citizen, was no more.

In other news, Yosemite Sam, the Sheriff, was shot in the knee. Not to worry though, since the Doctors are still alive! Yosemite crawled over to the medical clinic (which happened to be in plain view and the mafia aren't bright enough to search for Doctors there... ) but on his way up the steps, a loud crack broke the silence of night. A sniper on the roof tops had shot Yosemite Sam, this time, a fatal wound to the head. There was nothing the doctor could do.

The GM rejoiced at this new turn of events. Finally, the town can't rely on the shepherds to find the scum of the earth. And so it was that the GM fired the Framer and turned him into a Mafioso. Time to see if town can pull it together.

Role list:
1-Citizen: FM Batman - Struck down by Sith Lightning!
2-Citizen: King Arthur - Killed by the SK
4-Sheriff: Yosemite Sam - Attacked by the Mafia and killed by the Vigilante.
6-Citizen: FM Col Jack ONeill - Killed by the Mafia
7-Citizen: FM Hungry - Killed by the Vigilante
8-Citizen: FM Yoda - Killed by the Mafia
10-GodFather: FM Locutus - Killed by the town
12-Citizen: FM Lone Ranger - Struck down by Sith Lightning!
13-Citizen: FM Count von Count - Struck down by Sith Lightning!
15-Consort: FM Watson - Killed by the town
18-Citizen: FM Frankenstein - Killed by a gun man.
19-Escort: FM Master Chef - Killed by the SK
20-Serial Killer
21-Citizen: FM Bridge Keeper - Killed by the Vigilante
23-Citizen: FM Robin Hood - Struck down by Sith Lightning!
25-Consigliere: FM Dracula - Struck down by Sith Lightning!
26-Citizen: FM Mr T - Struck down by Sith Lightning!
27-Citizen: Jack Sparrow - Killed by the Mafia
30-Framer Mafioso
31-Citizen: FM Yehat - Killed by the Mafia
32-Citizen: FM Mr Bunny - Killed by the Mafia
34-Sheriff: FM Indiana Jones - Killed by the SK
36-Citizen: FM Gandalf - Killed by an angry town mob.
37-Citizen: FM Prince Thrakhath - Struck down by Sith Lightning!
38-Citizen: FM The Terminator - Killed by the SK
39-Jailor: FM Kermit - Struck down by Sith Lightning!
40-Mafioso: Pinkie Pie - Executed by the Jailor
41-Citizen: FM Cookie Monster - Killed by a gun rocket man.
42-Citizen: FM Animal - Killed by a gun man.

Player List:
01- FM Agahnim
02- FM Animal Citizen - Killed by a gun man
03- FM Anubis
04- FM Batman: Citizen - Struck down by Sith Lightning!
05- FM Bridge Keeper: Citizen - Killed by the Vigilante
06- FM Captain Obvious
07- FM Ceasar
08- FM Col Jack ONeill: Citizen - Killed by the Mafia
09- FM Cookie Monster: Citizen - Killed by a gun rocket man.
10- FM Count von Count: Citizen - Struck down by Sith Lightning!
11- FM Dracula: Consigliere - Struck down by Sith Lightning!
12- FM Frankenstein: Citizen - Killed by a gun man.
13- FM Gandalf: Citizen - Killed by an angry town mob.
14- FM Gimli
15- FM Hamburglar
16- FM Hungry: Citizen - Killed by the Vigilante
17- FM Indiana Jones: Sheriff - Killed by the SK
18- FM Inspector Cluseau
19- FM Jack Sparrow: Citizen - Killed by the Mafia
20- FM Kermit: Jailor - Struck down by Sith Lightning!
21- FM King Arthur: Citizen - Killed by the SK
22- FM King Tut
23- FM Locutus: GodFather - Killed by the Town
24- FM Lone Ranger: Citizen - Struck down by Sith Lightning!
25- FM Master Chef: Escort - Killed by the SK
26- FM Michigan J Frog
27- FM Mr Bunny: Citizen - Killed by the Mafia
28- FM Mr T: Citizen - Struck down by Sith Lightning!
29- FM Pinkie Pie: Mafioso - Executed by the Jailor
30- FM Prince Thrakhath: Citizen - Struck down by Sith Lightning!
31- FM Robin Hood: Citizen - Struck down by Sith Lightning!
32- FM Rubber Ducky
33- FM Sherlock
34- FM SpongeBob
35- FM The Joker
36- FM The Terminator: Citizen - Killed by the SK
37- FM Watson: Consort - Killed by the Town
38- FM Wile E Coyote
39- FM Wolverine
40- FM Yehat: Citizen - Killed by the Mafia
41- FM Yoda: Citizen - Killed by the Mafia
42- FM Yosemite Sam: Sheriff - Attacked by the Mafia and killed by the Vigilante.

Players alive: 15 (11 town vs 4 scum)

Day will end Wednesday Jan 9th 8pm GMT-5 (http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=January+9th+8pm+GMT-5)

FM Captain Obvious
January 7th, 2013, 05:08 PM
Anubis, were you the one that healed the sheriff or was it the other doctor?

FM Anubis
January 7th, 2013, 05:14 PM
Anubis, were you the one that healed the sheriff or was it the other doctor?

i honestly didn't think i would survive the night so... i haven't reviewed 'yesterday''s notes, but i plan to as i think they hold the key to what everyone might actually be. so i didn't heal the sheriff, that and because of wifom that he would already have died.

tldr, i didn't heal him. i used my healing on Cesar.

FM Hamburglar
January 7th, 2013, 05:22 PM
We need to hit scum today, business as usual
Vigi no kill? Shame on you
I'm all for Sams investigation result and for the ones that didn't hammer Loc when they had the chance to

FM Anubis
January 7th, 2013, 05:26 PM
We need to hit scum today, business as usual
Vigi no kill? Shame on you
I'm all for Sams investigation result and for the ones that didn't hammer Loc when they had the chance to

for the vigilante, kill, the sheriff was killed by the vigilante. so sad =(
as for the ones that didn't hammer Locutus, they are probably part of the mafia. but WE CANNOT LYNCH ANOTHER MAFIA. (i think, I haven't done the math yet, but i think we can't.)

FM Captain Obvious
January 7th, 2013, 05:26 PM
We need to hit scum today, business as usual
Vigi no kill? Shame on you
I'm all for Sams investigation result and for the ones that didn't hammer Loc when they had the chance to

Vigi killed the sheriff...

FM Captain Obvious
January 7th, 2013, 05:26 PM
We must lynch the serial killer or witch to lower scum KPN. Simple math :)

FM SpongeBob
January 7th, 2013, 05:38 PM
so the framer turned into a mafiaso? that means there can be 5 KPNs now...
2 mafiasos
blacksmith giving out guns

FM Anubis
January 7th, 2013, 05:43 PM
Does the Mafia have two kills per night now?

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 05:44 PM
so the framer turned into a mafiaso? that means there can be 5 KPNs now...
2 mafiasos
blacksmith giving out guns

no you retard.

Its 4 KPN possible

Blacksmith gun.

Forum Mafia GM
January 7th, 2013, 05:46 PM
GM is now refusing to answer all questions that can be answered by reading the rules/game mechanics/role cards.

FM Anubis
January 7th, 2013, 05:47 PM
GM is now refusing to answer all questions that can be answered by reading the rules/game mechanics/role cards.


FM Hamburglar
January 7th, 2013, 05:54 PM
11 town 4 scum.
lynch maf if witch ctrls vigi next day worst case 8 town 3 scum
lynch scum worst case next day 6 town 2 scum
lynch town 3 town 2 scum
lynch scum 2 town 1 scum
lynch scum win
even in the worst case scenario

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 05:59 PM
FM Watson (23 [L--2]):
FM The Terminator, FM Jack Sparrow, FM Robin Hood, FM Agahnim, FM Michigan J Frog, FM Inspector Cluseau, FM Yoda, FM Indiana Jones, FM Ceasar, FM Yosemite Sam, FM King Arthur, FM Master Chef, FM Hamburglar, FM Hungry, FM Wile E Coyote, FM Dracula, FM Kermit, FM Captain Obvious, FM Animal, FM Locutus, FM Col Jack ONeill, FM Anubis, FM Cookie Monster

FM Gandalf (20 [L-0]):
FM Cookie Monster, FM Ceasar, FM Inspector Cluseau, FM Captain Obvious, FM Michigan J Frog, FM Col Jack ONeill, FM Indiana Jones, FM Wile E Coyote, FM SpongeBob, FM The Joker, FM Sherlock, FM Anubis, FM Hungry, FM Batman, FM Jack Sparrow, FM Pinkie Pie, FM Yosemite Sam, FM Wolverine, FM Hamburglar, FM Count von Count

FM Locutus (10 [L-0]):
FM Captain Obvious, FM Anubis, FM Wolverine, FM Gimli, FM Agahnim, FM Michigan J Frog, FM Yosemite Sam, FM Hamburglar, FM King Arthur, FM Wile E Coyote

Alive Players:
01- FM Agahnim
03- FM Anubis
06- FM Captain Obvious
07- FM Ceasar
14- FM Gimli
15- FM Hamburglar
18- FM Inspector Cluseau
22- FM King Tut
26- FM Michigan J Frog
32- FM Rubber Ducky
33- FM Sherlock
34- FM SpongeBob
35- FM The Joker
38- FM Wile E Coyote
39- FM Wolverine

Possible Roles Left:
20-Serial Killer
30-(Framer) Mafioso

01- FM Agahnim - Citizen
03- FM Anubis - Claimed Doctor
06- FM Captain Obvious
07- FM Ceasar - Claimed Blacksmith
14- FM Gimli
15- FM Hamburglar - WIFOM'd Citizen
18- FM Inspector Cluseau - WIFOM'd Citizen
22- FM King Tut
26- FM Michigan J Frog - Citizen?
32- FM Rubber Ducky
33- FM Sherlock - Vigilante
34- FM SpongeBob
35- FM The Joker - Assigned Citizen from Me
38- FM Wile E Coyote
39- FM Wolverine

Watson Lynch: FM Agahnim, FM Michigan J Frog, FM Inspector Cluseau, FM Ceasar, FM King Arthur, FM Wile E Coyote, FM Captain Obvious

Gandalf Lynch: FM Ceasar, FM Inspector Cluseau, FM Captain Obvious, FM Michigan J Frog, FM Wile E Coyote, FM SpongeBob, FM The Joker, FM Sherlock, FM Anubis, FM Wolverine, FM Hamburglar,

FM Locutus: FM Captain Obvious, FM Anubis, FM Wolverine, FM Gimli, FM Agahnim, FM Michigan J Frog, FM Hamburglar, FM King Arthur, FM Wile E Coyote

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 06:14 PM
01- FM Agahnim - Citizen
03- FM Anubis - Claimed Doctor
07- FM Ceasar - Claimed Blacksmith
15- FM Hamburglar - WIFOM'd Citizen
18- FM Inspector Cluseau - WIFOM'd Citizen
26- FM Michigan J Frog - Citizen?
33- FM Sherlock - Vigilante
35- FM The Joker - Assigned Citizen from Me

14- FM Gimli
38- FM Wile E Coyote
39- FM Wolverine
34- FM SpongeBob
32- FM Rubber Ducky
22- FM King Tut
06- FM Captain Obvious

King Tut has been a bit too trolly and suspect to be scum imo. I would think him Citizen. If I am correct:

01- FM Agahnim - Citizen
03- FM Anubis - Claimed Doctor
07- FM Ceasar - Claimed Blacksmith
15- FM Hamburglar - WIFOM'd Citizen
18- FM Inspector Cluseau - WIFOM'd Citizen
26- FM Michigan J Frog - Citizen?
33- FM Sherlock - Vigilante
35- FM The Joker - Assigned Citizen from Me
22- FM King Tut - Citizen

14- FM Gimli
38- FM Wile E Coyote
39- FM Wolverine
34- FM SpongeBob
32- FM Rubber Ducky
06- FM Captain Obvious

3-Citizen - King Tut
5-Mafioso - ???
9-Doctor - Anubis
11-Citizen - Inspector Cluseau
14-Vigilante - Sherlock
16-Citizen - The Joker
17-Citizen - ???
20-Serial Killer
22-Citizen - Hamburgler
24-Blacksmith - Ceaser
28-Citizen - Frog
29-Doctor - ???
30-(Framer) Mafioso - ???
33-Citizen - Agahnim
35-Witch - ???

14- FM Gimli
38- FM Wile E Coyote
39- FM Wolverine
34- FM SpongeBob
32- FM Rubber Ducky
06- FM Captain Obvious

Gimli; Spongebob; Captain Obvious; Rubber Ducky
Are the biggest suspects to me. We should discuss about them.

Wile E looks a bit more like a Citizen to me as does Spongebob.

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 06:16 PM
14- FM Gimli
38- FM Wile E Coyote
39- FM Wolverine
34- FM SpongeBob
32- FM Rubber Ducky
06- FM Captain Obvious
Gimli; Spongebob; Captain Obvious; Rubber Ducky
Are the biggest suspects to me. We should discuss about them.

Wile E looks a bit more like a Citizen to me as does Spongebob.

So assuming that Wile E and Spongebob are both town:

3-Citizen - King Tut
5-Mafioso - ???
9-Doctor - Anubis
11-Citizen - Inspector Cluseau
14-Vigilante - Sherlock
16-Citizen - The Joker
17-Citizen - Spongebob/Wile E Coyote
20-Serial Killer - ???
22-Citizen - Hamburgler
24-Blacksmith - Ceaser
28-Citizen - Frog
29-Doctor - Spongebob/Wile E Coyote
30-(Framer) Mafioso - ???
33-Citizen - Agahnim
35-Witch - ???

Which would leave:

14- FM Gimli
39- FM Wolverine
32- FM Rubber Ducky
06- FM Captain Obvious

As the Scum suspects.
Any thoughts?

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 06:20 PM
So of the four:

14- FM Gimli
39- FM Wolverine
32- FM Rubber Ducky
06- FM Captain Obvious

I would assign roles as this:

06- FM Captain - Mafia
39- FM Wolverine - Mafia

14- FM Gimli - Witch/SK
32- FM Rubber Ducky - Serial Killer/Witch

FM Hamburglar
January 7th, 2013, 06:34 PM
oh wait i misunderstood the RP or whatever it's called. Sam dead, so we have to go for hardcore lynches now

FM Rubber Ducky
January 7th, 2013, 06:35 PM
So i'm here, and will be here for 1 more hour. I am a doctor.
I did what a decent doc would do in a setup with 1 million citizens. I blended pretending i was a citizen who hated being a citizen and didn't care about the FM hoping that the mafia/sk would leave me as they think im a citizen.

FM Hamburglar
January 7th, 2013, 06:38 PM
FM Agahnim, FM Michigan J Frog, FM Inspector Cluseau, FM Ceasar, FM King Arthur, FM Wile E Coyote, FM Captain Obvious

FM Captain Obvious, FM Anubis, FM Wolverine, FM Gimli, FM Agahnim, FM Michigan J Frog, FM Hamburglar, FM King Arthur, FM Wile E Coyote

FM Ceasar, FM Inspector Cluseau, FM Captain Obvious, FM Michigan J Frog, FM Wile E Coyote, FM SpongeBob, FM The Joker, FM Sherlock, FM Anubis, FM Wolverine, FM Hamburglar,

People who didnt vote

FM King Tut
FM Rubber Ducky

The 4 in red didn't vote or only voted on the citizen lynch.
Also Spongebob and Ducky both had the chance to place their vote on Locutus, yet failed to do so
Spongebob / Ducky mafia ?
King Tut / Joker Witch+SK ?

Just going by lynch dynamics

FM Hamburglar
January 7th, 2013, 06:39 PM
i left out sherlock cuz he had the only feasible unCCd vigi claim, which makes him 99% town in my eyes. Thoughts on the previous post?

FM Hamburglar
January 7th, 2013, 06:44 PM
Agahnim, the only person we both find scummy according to votes is Rubber Ducky, who supposedly claimed doc.

Do we have any other doc claims? I remember Cluseau claiming it, but i believe he wifom'd and will retract that claim if asked about it.

If we don't have any CC on Ducky's claim i guess that'd make him the second doc.

Also, tell me again why you don't find King Tut and Spongebob scummy?

FM Rubber Ducky
January 7th, 2013, 06:49 PM
Agahnim, the only person we both find scummy according to votes is Rubber Ducky, who supposedly claimed doc.

Do we have any other doc claims? I remember Cluseau claiming it, but i believe he wifom'd and will retract that claim if asked about it.

If we don't have any CC on Ducky's claim i guess that'd make him the second doc.

Also, tell me again why you don't find King Tut and Spongebob scummy?

I didn't vote the GF last day because i wanted time to finish my postings. But someone had hammered, And the other hammers were around when i was away with family

FM Hamburglar
January 7th, 2013, 06:50 PM
-vote FM Robin Hood

After reviewing the evidence I believe him to be scum as well.

Current Joker's Scum List:

Robin Hood

Possible Scum(Pending more review on my part):
Michigan J Frog
King Arthur"

Jokers vote at the end of D5. He doesn't even consider the 4 most scummiest people, which i find rather intriguing. In my eyes that's a scumslip.
that said

FM The Joker

FM Captain Obvious
January 7th, 2013, 06:54 PM
mafia/sk/witch still hopes to catch me at one point and lynch me. don't be that person LOL
The above quote is from Day 5 #82 after I asked why he wasn't dead considering he has claimed doctor for a few days.
I believe he has planned to use this excuse when he claimed doctor. I don't buy this excuse. The Mafia have obviously been hunting for PRs. As a doctor the Mafia would want to kill him instead of wait a couple of days for town to mistakenly lynch him. For this reason I don't buy Anubis' claim of doctor now.
That said people may think this post of mine is just adding to the circular logic around Anubis' doctor claim. Not much I can do about that. Just stating what I'm thinking as a town member.

i honestly didn't think i would survive the night so... i haven't reviewed 'yesterday''s notes, but i plan to as i think they hold the key to what everyone might actually be. so i didn't heal the sheriff, that and because of wifom that he would already have died.

tldr, i didn't heal him. i used my healing on Cesar.
He claims that the other doctor healed Yosemite Sam.
He has always said he deviated heals between the two sheriffs with random.org, why change?
He also claims he Healed Yosemite Sam the night Indiana Jones died. Claims it with too little hesitation in my eyes.
Considering Yosemite Sam had a really high chance of being attacked(three KPN for scum) why didn't he heal Yosemite Sam? Indiana Jones is already dead. Yosemite sam is the obvious best option, with the small amount of players a live sheriff would be invaluable at this moment. I don't buy this explanation.

FM Hamburglar
January 7th, 2013, 06:54 PM
I once said that posting several posts one after another is scummy. Also changing your behavior suddenly is that aswell.
I will now state 2 simple reasons for my actions:
2 extremely difficult exams. One is due in 8 hours, the next one 24 hours after that. I'll be busy studying and won't have time to contribute as actively.
Since we lost the last investigative role we had (doctors, srsly?), i feel the need to atleast start off the discussion and pressure on certain people.

I bid you good night for now. I'll take a few looks at the thread tomorrow, but don't expect me to analyze everything in depth. I'll be more free after jan 9 again

FM Captain Obvious
January 7th, 2013, 06:54 PM
FM Anubis

FM Hamburglar
January 7th, 2013, 06:55 PM
OMGUS is a scumtell aswell. I'm just sayin

FM Captain Obvious
January 7th, 2013, 06:57 PM
i left out sherlock cuz he had the only feasible unCCd vigi claim, which makes him 99% town in my eyes. Thoughts on the previous post?

Sherlock is now 100% confirmed vigilante in my eyes. The fact the vigilante killed the confirmed sheriff means the witch controlled the vig, and who was the obvious vigilante for witch to control last night? Sherlock of-course.

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 07:04 PM
Sherlock is now 100% confirmed vigilante in my eyes. The fact the vigilante killed the confirmed sheriff means the witch controlled the vig, and who was the obvious vigilante for witch to control last night? Sherlock of-course.

Why is Sherlock all of a sudden confirmed in your eyes?

He should have been confirmed when he claimed it and the Sheriff said he was town by checking him. <-- Which happened yesterday

FM Captain Obvious
January 7th, 2013, 07:06 PM
Why is Sherlock all of a sudden confirmed in your eyes?

He should have been confirmed when he claimed it and the Sheriff said he was town by checking him. <-- Which happened yesterday

What do you mean by all of a sudden? You say that as if I said "Sherlock could still be witch" at the beginning of the day. Yes I know Yosemite Sam said he checked Sherlock. I didn't mention it because the fact vig killed the sheriff was additional proof. I didn't expect to have to state evidence from yesterday again.

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 07:07 PM
14- FM Gimli
38- FM Wile E Coyote
39- FM Wolverine
34- FM SpongeBob
32- FM Rubber Ducky
06- FM Captain Obvious
Gimli; Spongebob; Captain Obvious; Rubber Ducky
Are the biggest suspects to me. We should discuss about them.

Wile E looks a bit more like a Citizen to me as does Spongebob.

So assuming that Wile E and Spongebob are both town:

3-Citizen - King Tut
5-Mafioso - ???
9-Doctor - Anubis
11-Citizen - Inspector Cluseau
14-Vigilante - Sherlock
16-Citizen - The Joker
17-Citizen - Spongebob/Wile E Coyote
20-Serial Killer - ???
22-Citizen - Hamburgler
24-Blacksmith - Ceaser
28-Citizen - Frog
29-Doctor - Rubber Ducky (His posts, after going back and checking, match up with What I'd expect Town to do)
30-(Framer) Mafioso - ???
33-Citizen - Agahnim
35-Witch - ???

Which would leave:

14- FM Gimli
39- FM Wolverine
06- FM Captain Obvious
SpongeBob/Wile E Coyote

As the Scum suspects.
Any thoughts?

Personally I find Spongebob (Mafia) to be much more suspect than Wile E (Mafia)

I'd like Gimli + Spongebob + Wile E + Obvious to posts why they would suspect each other

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 07:09 PM
Ceasar + Frog:

Can the two of you take a look at Obvious' and Wile E's Posts and conclude a read please

FM Anubis
January 7th, 2013, 07:15 PM
i think in case rubber ducky is trying to take a hit, or i'm trying to take a hit,

treat the other docs as citizens. i think it might be safer, as i dont believe rubber ducky is the other doctor.

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 07:17 PM
4 other not talking :|


Captain Obvious
Wile E. Coyote


My FoS for now

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 07:19 PM
i think in case rubber ducky is trying to take a hit, or i'm trying to take a hit,

treat the other docs as citizens. i think it might be safer, as i dont believe rubber ducky is the other doctor.

You go back and forth between im not doc/im doc in this post.
I believe you are town tho

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 07:20 PM
I'll get the pressure rolling on:

FM Wile E Coyote

FM Anubis
January 7th, 2013, 07:21 PM
The above quote is from Day 5 #82 after I asked why he wasn't dead considering he has claimed doctor for a few days.
I believe he has planned to use this excuse when he claimed doctor. I don't buy this excuse. The Mafia have obviously been hunting for PRs. As a doctor the Mafia would want to kill him instead of wait a couple of days for town to mistakenly lynch him. For this reason I don't buy Anubis' claim of doctor now.
That said people may think this post of mine is just adding to the circular logic around Anubis' doctor claim. Not much I can do about that. Just stating what I'm thinking as a town member.

He claims that the other doctor healed Yosemite Sam.
He has always said he deviated heals between the two sheriffs with random.org, why change?
He also claims he Healed Yosemite Sam the night Indiana Jones died. Claims it with too little hesitation in my eyes.
Considering Yosemite Sam had a really high chance of being attacked(three KPN for scum) why didn't he heal Yosemite Sam? Indiana Jones is already dead. Yosemite sam is the obvious best option, with the small amount of players a live sheriff would be invaluable at this moment. I don't buy this explanation.

someone, which i will be going through day 4, DIRECTED that the sheriff is going to die from vigilante, so i thought it best to heal someone else.

FM Anubis
January 7th, 2013, 07:22 PM
You go back and forth between im not doc/im doc in this post.
I believe you are town tho

you agree that if there are other real doc claims, they shouldn't call. right now at least.

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 07:22 PM
someone, which i will be going through day 4, DIRECTED that the sheriff is going to die from vigilante, so i thought it best to heal someone else.

Bad choice. You should have known that Sheriff would be double tapped

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 07:23 PM
I'll get the pressure rolling on:

FM Wile E Coyote

er wat no. I believe he could be mafia

FM Gimli

FM Anubis
January 7th, 2013, 07:29 PM
Bad choice. You should have known that Sheriff would be double tapped

i thought he was going to be triple tapped.


FM Captain Obvious
January 7th, 2013, 07:35 PM
i thought he was going to be triple tapped.


You can't really blame the sheriff for not logging on before sherlock made the claim.

And to Agahnim, what do you expect me to say? Give me a direct question.

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 07:35 PM
What do you mean by all of a sudden? You say that as if I said "Sherlock could still be witch" at the beginning of the day. Yes I know Yosemite Sam said he checked Sherlock. I didn't mention it because the fact vig killed the sheriff was additional proof. I didn't expect to have to state evidence from yesterday again.

You said he "is now" confirmed.

"is now"

interesting choice of words. Implies you "had doubts" about it earlier.

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 07:36 PM
You can't really blame the sheriff for not logging on before sherlock made the claim.

And to Agahnim, what do you expect me to say? Give me a direct question.


Would you think Spongebob is town over Wile E and why

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 07:48 PM
Captain Obvious:

Why even bring up Sherlock's townness for a second day? He was 100% confirmed on the previous day and it took a shoot at the sheriff to confirm him in Obvious' eyes. Very Strange.

I can't really imagine a Mafioso being completely silent, I feel like Robin Hood is a citizen who has lost interest and is busy irl. He could be scum that's busy with irl just the same though.
Same with Gimli. This is nothing short of a random lynch.

and when questioned:

I was intending to say "Mafia", but when I noticed I wrote "Mafioso" I decided to correct it to scum instead. I never meant Mafioso is a word for scum.
As for your theory us three are Mafia, you can think that if you want. However I know that theory is false.

This is just very very strange.

It's so strange I do not know to label him a Citizen or Mafioso.

FM Captain Obvious
January 7th, 2013, 07:52 PM

Would you think Spongebob is town over Wile E and why
I haven't been paying much attention to Wile E, and that may be saying something about him. Will take me some time to compile thoughts.

Captain Obvious:

Why even bring up Sherlock's townness for a second day? He was 100% confirmed on the previous day and it took a shoot at the sheriff to confirm him in Obvious' eyes.
Because of this:

i left out sherlock cuz he had the only feasible unCCd vigi claim, which makes him 99% town in my eyes. Thoughts on the previous post?

FM Hamburglar
January 7th, 2013, 07:58 PM
i'll change that to 100% once i read up on the framer settings (whether or not he can make teammembers look unsuspicious)
reasons why i think doc claims would be appreciated:
Docs don't rlly do much work anymore, investigative roles are gone and we can only have them on the confirmed town members. We only have 1 if that is correct and that would be Sherlock, with Cesar being the possible other PR.

These are the confirmable PRs. Although the Witch could have CC-d either. The docs on the other hand are nothing more than citizens, they got shot at like they are citizens and are just about as confirmable as citizens. Having doc claims atleast gives us room to speculate which one is a false claim. Not much epic mafia experience there i believe =\.
Might be worth to reconsider every post of Locutus to see if he covered or purposely left out his teammates names.

Okay 5 am, i should rlly go sleep now lulz. Wish me luck D:

FM Anubis
January 7th, 2013, 08:01 PM
i'll change that to 100% once i read up on the framer settings (whether or not he can make teammembers look unsuspicious)
reasons why i think doc claims would be appreciated:
Docs don't rlly do much work anymore, investigative roles are gone and we can only have them on the confirmed town members. We only have 1 if that is correct and that would be Sherlock, with Cesar being the possible other PR.

These are the confirmable PRs. Although the Witch could have CC-d either. The docs on the other hand are nothing more than citizens, they got shot at like they are citizens and are just about as confirmable as citizens. Having doc claims atleast gives us room to speculate which one is a false claim. Not much epic mafia experience there i believe =\.
Might be worth to reconsider every post of Locutus to see if he covered or purposely left out his teammates names.

Okay 5 am, i should rlly go sleep now lulz. Wish me luck D:

i disagree, but i can't say why. docs don't claim.

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 08:02 PM
Locutus posts made before he was ever fully suspected:

Ok, I kind of agree with this part. Rubber Ducky and Robin Hood and Gimli all had to take time to PM the GameMaster and tell then that they were still playing so they wouldn't get modkilled.
So far, Gimli has posted. But I don't foresee the other two posting, unless maybe we put pressure on them?
If they were citizens who didn't care they should've taken the modkill so we could scumhunt better, instead of having random lurkers that we can't read because they won't post.

Listing these players, when he might have been feeling secure about the mislynch inbound on Robin Hood, could mean that they are not mafia. It does not clear them of being scum but it semi clears them of being mafia. imo of course.

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 08:05 PM
i disagree, but i can't say why. docs don't claim.

If Docs claim:
They, obviously, heal each other which causes a double tap on them and forces a limit on KPN back to two. which is good for town.

If Docs dont claim:
Scum kill at random making 3 KPN instead of forcing the 2.

just my thought

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 08:05 PM
As said before, this is what i know:

Captain Obvious
Wile E Coyote
Rubber Ducky

Are the people who have been the most suspect the past few days. (Excluding myself of course)

Roles left to be claim:

3-Citizen - Agahnim (Claimed)
5-Mafioso - ???
9-Doctor - Anubis (Claimed)
11-Citizen - The Joker (Assigned)
14-Vigilante - Sherlock (Confirmed)
16-Citizen - Inspector Cluseau (WIFOM'd)
17-Citizen - ______
20-Serial Killer - ???
22-Citizen - Hamburgler (Soft Claimed)
24-Blacksmith - Ceasar (Claimed)
28-Citizen - King Tut (Assigned)
29-Doctor - Rubber Ducky (Claimed)
30-(Framer) Mafioso - ???
33-Citizen - Frog (Assigned)
35-Witch - ????

1 Citizen is left over.


Wile E Coyote

as unclaimed players. (assuming we take all other claims at face value)

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 08:06 PM
Locutus posts made before he was ever fully suspected:

I would totally be ok with lynching:
Rubber Ducky
Robin Hood
maybbbeee Gimli (he posted today though. I think he just voted and left, seriously he does that everyday)
King Tut (where did she go!!)

It irks me that King Tut didn't post once yesterday and yet did not receive a warning or anything.
But Kermit posted three times on day 4 and got modkilled. pfft. ok...
( don't modkill me please ._. )

Same as before. Not clear of scum but semi clear of being mafia.

FM Anubis
January 7th, 2013, 08:12 PM
If Docs claim:
They, obviously, heal each other which causes a double tap on them and forces a limit on KPN back to two. which is good for town.

If Docs dont claim:
Scum kill at random making 3 KPN instead of forcing the 2.

just my thought

if two other people agree with you, i'll tell you my reasoning.

FM Anubis
January 7th, 2013, 08:13 PM
Locutus posts made before he was ever fully suspected:

Same as before. Not clear of scum but semi clear of being mafia.

so what you're trying to do is figure out who town and mafia are and then have a range of choices for the SK/witch, right?

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 08:16 PM
so what you're trying to do is figure out who town and mafia are and then have a range of choices for the SK/witch, right?

I already have one:


imo of course

FM King Tut
January 7th, 2013, 08:21 PM
Maho! Hello! Maho!

FM Hamburglar
January 7th, 2013, 08:24 PM
i still think we should blow up Spongebob. He wasn't listed as suspicious by Locutus, but he just reeks of scum and rotten sponges.

FM King Tut
January 7th, 2013, 08:36 PM

Cuz i can

FM Wolverine
January 7th, 2013, 08:45 PM
I already have one:


imo of course

I can't help but notice that you have listed me as "likely scum" on every single one of your posts in which you have made such a list. So I must ask you: Why are you so sure that I'm scum?

FM Anubis
January 7th, 2013, 09:01 PM
so far from my notes, I'm buying very much into Captain Obvious's 'scum slip post. i'll post it later when i finish going over day 4's notes.

(in quotes, because i'm not 100% ready to back it up yet).

FM Wile E Coyote
January 7th, 2013, 09:03 PM

I'll go ahead and claim Citizen. I haven't posted as much as I would've wanted, but anyways.

This is only my opinion, but I do believe Gimli do be town. He is one of the persons that pushed the votes on Locutus.

From yesterday:
He was the first one to vote for Locutus (Although he removed his vote soon after, Arthur restarted the train and he followed.)
He then reminded the town about it when we were pushing on Robin Hood.

Did you forget about Locutus?

Although this does not exclude him from being scum, I think that out of the five, he is the least likely to be scum. Well, mostly Mafia, at least. I'm not exluding the fact that he could be the Witch/SK that made a very poor decision.

About Spongebob:

I don't believe sherlock is scum either....... he seems to always be pushed into a hole

very well...he's had it coming for a long time now

-vote FM Sherlock

Please not that was FIVE posts after he said he didn't believe Sherlock to be scum. He then completely changes sides and said he's had it coming? Please. His statement about Pinkie Pie changing attitude does make me wonder though. He is my main suspect for being one of the two neutrals, WAY above Gimli. I really suggest looking into him.

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 09:11 PM
I can't help but notice that you have listed me as "likely scum" on every single one of your posts in which you have made such a list. So I must ask you: Why are you so sure that I'm scum?

Because you fall by the way side from memory and you havent had the slightest interest in scumhunting except for being forced to do so. Mostly.

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 09:15 PM
@Wile E Coyote

Spongebob or You are mafia with Captain Obvious. (From my opinion)

while Gimli and Wolverine are Witch/SK (either way)


I'd like Frog and Ceasar to chime in

FM Wile E Coyote
January 7th, 2013, 09:18 PM
@Wile E Coyote

Spongebob or You are mafia with Captain Obvious. (From my opinion)

while Gimli and Wolverine are Witch/SK (either way)


I'd like Frog and Ceasar to chime in

In my defense, I have voted to lynch both mafias.

I have not interacted with or mentionned Captain once in my posts; And I don't think he has either.
Let me read his posts.

FM Wile E Coyote
January 7th, 2013, 09:36 PM
On the side:
I do believe Rubber Ducky's claim to be shaky at best. Obviously, If we don't have anyone else contesting that claim by claiming Doctor himself, I'll be behind him. I'm a bit afraid that he isn't and that we have another player that hasn't posted/hasn't revealed as doc. But for now:

I just noticed that we gain no post count, Might be a bit harder to point out some lurkers

Some things have come up in life which is why i haven't been here, I should be done with it and will be a lot more active

Hopefully i can post again before the day ends by lynch. I am here, sorry about my extreme lurking things had come up so i figured i can miss at least one or two days before i post and get back into the game.

I am in the middle of traveling and my phone is dying

Someone has asked for my reads on someone, So i would like to go through with it. I'm not asking for a change in votes. The question is why are you so eager to end day and lynch him?

Alright. Duck is here, I feel really stupid because this is the most i've ever lurked in any type of FM >.>. I will be doing the other 2 in a bit.

I did what a decent doc would do in a setup with 1 million citizens. I blended pretending i was a citizen who hated being a citizen and didn't care about the FM hoping that the mafia/sk would leave me as they think im a citizen.

Are you telling me that the whole ''My phone broke'' thing was just a fluke to stay under the radar?


I didn't vote the GF last day because i wanted time to finish my postings. But someone had hammered, And the other hammers were around when i was away with family

Please finish your posting that you planned to post before the hammer.

FM Wolverine
January 7th, 2013, 09:38 PM
Because you fall by the way side from memory and you havent had the slightest interest in scumhunting except for being forced to do so. Mostly.

I will admit that for the first few days of the FM I was as you describe. I wouldn't say "not interested", but I definitely didn't know how FMs were supposed to work. It's my first one, and I'm pretty well accustomed to hopping on SC2 and having a sheriff/investigator find the scum. I didn't realize how much this game relied on text, and analyzing each and every post to find hidden nuggets of truth.

However I have tried in recent days to be more active and more assertive when it comes to scum hunting. My biggest scum suspect right now is King Tut.

His posts are absolutely useless and trolltastic. If nothing else, killing him would eliminate one more possible suspect and narrow down our list of potential enemies even further.

I was pretty sure Rubber Ducky was scum until he claimed doc. I'm still not sure I believe he's doc, but it would be a pretty foolish claim for scum to make. I'm keeping him on my watch list for now.

I currently read you (Agahnim) and Michigan J Frog as the most obviously town players, aside from Ceasar and Sherlock who are confirmed.

FM Anubis
January 7th, 2013, 09:39 PM

I'll go ahead and claim Citizen. I haven't posted as much as I would've wanted, but anyways.

This is only my opinion, but I do believe Gimli do be town. He is one of the persons that pushed the votes on Locutus.

From yesterday:
He was the first one to vote for Locutus (Although he removed his vote soon after, Arthur restarted the train and he followed.)
He then reminded the town about it when we were pushing on Robin Hood.

Although this does not exclude him from being scum, I think that out of the five, he is the least likely to be scum. Well, mostly Mafia, at least. I'm not exluding the fact that he could be the Witch/SK that made a very poor decision.

About Spongebob:

Please not that was FIVE posts after he said he didn't believe Sherlock to be scum. He then completely changes sides and said he's had it coming? Please. His statement about Pinkie Pie changing attitude does make me wonder though. He is my main suspect for being one of the two neutrals, WAY above Gimli. I really suggest looking into him.

you also have to take into account that scum would be trying to protect SK/Witch, as they are the keys to winning. so i dont think we're looking for bandwagoners... if that makes sense.

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 09:47 PM
I will admit that for the first few days of the FM I was as you describe. I wouldn't say "not interested", but I definitely didn't know how FMs were supposed to work. It's my first one, and I'm pretty well accustomed to hopping on SC2 and having a sheriff/investigator find the scum. I didn't realize how much this game relied on text, and analyzing each and every post to find hidden nuggets of truth.

However I have tried in recent days to be more active and more assertive when it comes to scum hunting. My biggest scum suspect right now is King Tut.

His posts are absolutely useless and trolltastic. If nothing else, killing him would eliminate one more possible suspect and narrow down our list of potential enemies even further.

I was pretty sure Rubber Ducky was scum until he claimed doc. I'm still not sure I believe he's doc, but it would be a pretty foolish claim for scum to make. I'm keeping him on my watch list for now.

I currently read you (Agahnim) and Michigan J Frog as the most obviously town players, aside from Ceasar and Sherlock who are confirmed.

Thats exactly the reason I feel like he is a Citizen

Why push a lynch against a doc claimer? If he is Doc scum will just kill him. If not the Witch will most likely Witch the Vigilante to shoot Him or Anubis.

Why point this obvious factoid out?

FM Anubis
January 7th, 2013, 09:48 PM
I currently read you (Agahnim) and Michigan J Frog as the most obviously town players, aside from Ceasar and Sherlock who are confirmed.

i can agree on agahnim, to a certain extend, but Michigan J Frog, if you reread day 4, seems a little bit funny. what if he's the one the SK attacked? (as that is my assumption). it would fit the MO of pro-town leaders.

FM Anubis
January 7th, 2013, 09:52 PM
Thats exactly the reason I feel like he is a Citizen

Why push a lynch against a doc claimer? If he is Doc scum will just kill him. If not the Witch will most likely Witch the Vigilante to shoot Him or Anubis.

Why point this obvious factoid out?

i can agree with Aghanim that King Tut seems a citizen, who trolled very very little compared to how much he lurked. Then again, he survived modkills

FM Anubis
January 7th, 2013, 09:55 PM
i can agree on agahnim, to a certain extend, but Michigan J Frog, if you reread day 4, seems a little bit funny. what if he's the one the SK attacked? (as that is my assumption). it would fit the MO of pro-town leaders.

Day 2: Terminator
Day 4: Master Chef
Day 5: Indiana Jones
Day 6: King Arthur

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 09:55 PM
-vote FM Locutus

If I die tonight, please remember my scum reads and lynch Agahnim. This is kind of ridiculous.

He put down the second vote onto the Godfather and it was done fairly quick.
SK/Witch/Mafia doing this on someone not outed by Sheriff? I can't see it happening.

FM Wile E Coyote
January 7th, 2013, 09:55 PM
These are Captain Obvious' two posts that irks me the most:
He agrees that he believes Pinkie Pie to have been framed, and the next morning he says he's not surprised that Pinkie Pie turned mafia.

I personally agree with the notion that Pinkie Pie was framed, seeing as Gandalf was(likely) framed. The framer seems to pick active targets.

So Pinkie Pie was mafia, not surprising.

Also, he seems to have been focusing Anubis for a while now. Although I somewhat share his concern on Anubis, I do believe he's been focusing him for way too long now.

How is he a confirmed doctor?
(Said to Hungry after he asked Anubis ''You are a confirmed doctor. How could someone possibly suspect you?'')

Something just popped into my head, why isn't Anubis dead yet if he is Doc?

The above quote is from Day 5 #82 after I asked why he wasn't dead considering he has claimed doctor for a few days.
I believe he has planned to use this excuse when he claimed doctor. I don't buy this excuse. The Mafia... etc
(This is his post from two hours ago about Anubis.)

-vote FM Anubis

At this point, I just really hope there isn't a 3rd doctor claimer. We have no actual proof of him being a doctor; None of his heals went through.

I stand by my word, though;
Unless the ''real'' doctor decides to come out of the shadows, I'll believe both Rubber Ducky and Anubis to be the doctors.

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 09:58 PM
I stand by my word, though;
Unless the ''real'' doctor decides to come out of the shadows, I'll believe both Rubber Ducky and Anubis to be the doctors.

Suggests you don't believe either Rubber Ducky or Anubis on their claims and subtly puts that thought in others mind.

FM Wile E Coyote
January 7th, 2013, 10:02 PM
Suggests you don't believe either Rubber Ducky or Anubis on their claims and subtly puts that thought in others mind.

It's not that I don't believe their claims.
Like I said, we have third person coming out as doc, I won't suspect these two.

FM Wolverine
January 7th, 2013, 10:03 PM
Thats exactly the reason I feel like he is a Citizen

Why push a lynch against a doc claimer? If he is Doc scum will just kill him. If not the Witch will most likely Witch the Vigilante to shoot Him or Anubis.

Why point this obvious factoid out?

I guess you could make the argument that obvious trolling is the mark of a citizen. But I think it's the same WIFOM tactic people use on SC2 all the time. They usually do it with jester. For example:

Day 1:
Mafia: Sheriff here, 2 is mafia
Everyone else: Uh... There hasn't even been a night for you to check him yet. Clearly jester. Ignore.

That mafia member has now gotten the town to ignore him and refuse to lynch him, thus allowing him to remain under the radar for the rest of the game.

I think King Tut is so obviously trolling that he is over-doing it. He's trying really hard to claim trolling citizen, which allows him to stay under the radar with the added benefit that he will not be expected to post anything useful.

I am not pushing a lynch against him as of yet. I'm just making a note of my suspicion of him.

It is not necessarily obvious. Michigan is suspicious of you, and it seems as though there a are a few who are suspicious of Michigan. Frankly, no one, no matter how well trusted, is confirmed in this game. So I was just making it very clear that I believe you both are town.

FM Wolverine
January 7th, 2013, 10:04 PM
i can agree with Aghanim that King Tut seems a citizen, who trolled very very little compared to how much he lurked. Then again, he survived modkills

I also think this is key. Why would an apathetic citizen go to the trouble of PMing the Game Master? That doesn't sound right to me.

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 10:08 PM
I also think this is key. Why would an apathetic citizen go to the trouble of PMing the Game Master? That doesn't sound right to me.

Modkilling = Black spot on your record.

Most players don't want that. But I can agree basically

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 10:09 PM
I guess you could make the argument that obvious trolling is the mark of a citizen. But I think it's the same WIFOM tactic people use on SC2 all the time. They usually do it with jester. For example:

Day 1:
Mafia: Sheriff here, 2 is mafia
Everyone else: Uh... There hasn't even been a night for you to check him yet. Clearly jester. Ignore.

That mafia member has now gotten the town to ignore him and refuse to lynch him, thus allowing him to remain under the radar for the rest of the game.

I think King Tut is so obviously trolling that he is over-doing it. He's trying really hard to claim trolling citizen, which allows him to stay under the radar with the added benefit that he will not be expected to post anything useful.

I am not pushing a lynch against him as of yet. I'm just making a note of my suspicion of him.

It is not necessarily obvious. Michigan is suspicious of you, and it seems as though there a are a few who are suspicious of Michigan. Frankly, no one, no matter how well trusted, is confirmed in this game. So I was just making it very clear that I believe you both are town.

This is FM. Not Sc2Mafia

FM Ceasar
January 7th, 2013, 10:11 PM
I'm online guys. Very sadly, I my activity will likely be much lower then I like with school starting back up. Since I realy don't want to go to bed any later then can be helped, I will probably only be on for around 20 miniutes, then I won't get another chance to post until 4:00PST (18 hours from now).

For the Gunsmith gun, I pretty much gave the gun to a person who I highly doubted would get killed. While the towniness of this person is... questionable at best, again, foccusing solely on who I knew would avoid the night kill. Unless someone sees a reason not to, I plan on reveling this person during day chat.

Catching up now.

FM Wile E Coyote
January 7th, 2013, 10:11 PM
I also think this is key. Why would an apathetic citizen go to the trouble of PMing the Game Master? That doesn't sound right to me.


We can't just assume that those are doing this ''Trolling Citizen WIFOM'' thing are Citizens. Although it does make them slightly more likely to be one, we cannot clear them for it.
The same goes for Cluseau, Though I do think his is much more likely to really be a Citizen that tried to take the bullet.
I am behind Wolverine on this one.

FM Wolverine
January 7th, 2013, 10:13 PM
This is FM. Not Sc2Mafia

I know, but do you mean to tell me this kind of tactic has never/could never be used in an FM? Call it intuition if you like, but I have a bad feeling about King Tut.

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 10:14 PM
I know, but do you mean to tell me this kind of tactic has never/could never be used in an FM? Call it intuition if you like, but I have a bad feeling about King Tut.

It's way too obvious for Jester play (Which is not even in the game) and brings to much notice for Scum to do so.

FM Wolverine
January 7th, 2013, 10:15 PM
I'm online guys. Very sadly, I my activity will likely be much lower then I like with school starting back up. Since I realy don't want to go to bed any later then can be helped, I will probably only be on for around 20 miniutes, then I won't get another chance to post until 4:00PST (18 hours from now).

For the Gunsmith gun, I pretty much gave the gun to a person who I highly doubted would get killed. While the towniness of this person is... questionable at best, again, foccusing solely on who I knew would avoid the night kill. Unless someone sees a reason not to, I plan on reveling this person during day chat.

Catching up now.

Are you referring to the item you gave last night or the one you gave night 5? Or both?

FM Anubis
January 7th, 2013, 10:16 PM
Cesar, what do you think of Michigan J Frog as possible witch/mafia target, as being targeted by SK at one point.

FM Ceasar
January 7th, 2013, 10:17 PM
Cesar, what do you think of Michigan J Frog as possible witch/mafia target, as being targeted by SK at one point.

My question first.

When did you first claim Doctor?

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 10:17 PM
I'm online guys. Very sadly, I my activity will likely be much lower then I like with school starting back up. Since I realy don't want to go to bed any later then can be helped, I will probably only be on for around 20 miniutes, then I won't get another chance to post until 4:00PST (18 hours from now).

For the Gunsmith gun, I pretty much gave the gun to a person who I highly doubted would get killed. While the towniness of this person is... questionable at best, again, foccusing solely on who I knew would avoid the night kill. Unless someone sees a reason not to, I plan on reveling this person during day chat.

Catching up now.

Only Reason:

Brings it as possible Manipulation for the Witch.

FM Ceasar
January 7th, 2013, 10:20 PM
Only Reason:

Brings it as possible Manipulation for the Witch.

If he gets witched, Vigilante gets freed up. If he claims to get witched, and the Vigilante dies, we can tell if he is telling the truth by who gets killed by the Vigilante. I am not going to let him pick his kill target himself, and my main fear is that if I get killed, no one will know who I gave the gun too.

Again, I picked this person because they were not going to get killed, not because I had a particularly strong town read on them.

FM Wolverine
January 7th, 2013, 10:21 PM
Cesar, what do you think of Michigan J Frog as possible witch/mafia target, as being targeted by SK at one point.

I know this was directed at Ceasar, but here's some food for thought:

Your basic argument is that SK has mostly killed town leaders, so he may have chosen Michigan as an attack target. Why, then, do you suppose Agahnim is still alive?

FM Anubis
January 7th, 2013, 10:41 PM
I know this was directed at Ceasar, but here's some food for thought:

Your basic argument is that SK has mostly killed town leaders, so he may have chosen Michigan as an attack target. Why, then, do you suppose Agahnim is still alive?

sk has failed to attack twice, i think he hit two town leader scum. aghanim has been active in my memory past day 4, and not that prominent in my memory. Frog HAS.

My question first.

When did you first claim Doctor?

Day 1 at the end.

FM Anubis
January 7th, 2013, 10:42 PM
My question first.

When did you first claim Doctor?

want me to find my post? i don't really understand why its relevant.

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 10:43 PM
dang 600+ posts...
i'm not going to contribute spammy posts, like countless other people are doing, wasting time for EVERYONE, and making myself seem scummy for spamming.

so, Cookie Monster, you asked why I left early after me asking why Ceasar is mafia

Simply wanted to know why he was being targeted randomly. Sure it points out that I’m defending what could possibly be a fellow mafia member, but I’d like for everyone to try to stop spamming, especially with accusations they themselves don’t believe. As for why I left so early, I only checked the first 2 pages before I left to wherever I was going. I read more of it, but didn’t have time to do my notes on what is happening. I don’t want to reread any of it, so I take script like notes on what ever I see people posting important.

i guess the last will systems are out of use now, since 2 people claimed right? I'll claim doctor and heal Yosemite Sam if he's right. and yes. WIFOM. will vote for watson soon as i find out how to activate the vote counter (unless someone wants to put it in here =)

There it is

FM Wile E Coyote
January 7th, 2013, 10:43 PM
I'm off to bed; work in the morning. Should be able to post again in 6-7 hours.

Please do not lynch too early.
We really need to take our time and analyze everyone's posts and thoughts for today.

FM Anubis
January 7th, 2013, 10:47 PM
sk has failed to attack twice, i think he hit two town leader scum. aghanim has been active in my memory past day 4, and not that prominent in my memory. Frog HAS.

Day 1 at the end.

aghanim could have been the other one, but his posts don't rub me the wrong way.

FM Ceasar
January 7th, 2013, 10:53 PM
So i'm here, and will be here for 1 more hour. I am a doctor.
I did what a decent doc would do in a setup with 1 million citizens. I blended pretending i was a citizen who hated being a citizen and didn't care about the FM hoping that the mafia/sk would leave me as they think im a citizen.

While we can't confirm until Rubber Ducky comes back online, this does not sound like the words of someone who healed Sam last night, which the RP strongly suggested one of the Doctors did. Anubis does not claim healing Sam. Ducky does not claim healing Sam. If we trust the RP, one of them is very likely to be lying.

@Rubber Ducky: Who have you healed thus far?

@Anubis: If you are not Doctor, now would be a brilliant time to make your final claim. While I like the play of a Citizen protecting the Doctors, and you have been quite a strong town read for me, bad stuff could happen if you lie at this stage of the game.

Also, Wolverine posseses the Gunsmith Gun.

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 10:54 PM
Also, Wolverine posseses the Gunsmith Gun.


FM Ceasar
January 7th, 2013, 10:55 PM

If he doesn't shoot a pre-planned target, he gets lynched. Everyone wins.

FM Wolverine
January 7th, 2013, 10:56 PM
sk has failed to attack twice, i think he hit two town leader scum. aghanim has been active in my memory past day 4, and not that prominent in my memory. Frog HAS.

Forgive me, but your language is a bit ambiguous here. What do you mean by "Frog Has"? Frog has... what?

aghanim could have been the other one, but his posts don't rub me the wrong way.

Could you be more specific about what it is about Frog's posts rub you the wrong way? I personally believe him to be town, but I'm game to see some evidence to the contrary.

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 10:57 PM
If he doesn't shoot a pre-planned target, he gets lynched. Everyone wins.

Who should he shoot?

FM Ceasar
January 7th, 2013, 10:58 PM
Who should he shoot?

I am thinking, now hush hush:p

The day is still young

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 10:58 PM
Forgive me, but your language is a bit ambiguous here. What do you mean by "Frog Has"? Frog has... what?

Frog has been active enough to stick out in your brain

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 10:58 PM
I am thinking, now hush hush:p

The day is still young

So be silent?
How does that help anyone O.o

FM Ceasar
January 7th, 2013, 11:00 PM
So be silent?
How does that help anyone O.o

It's part of my lolzy humour.

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 11:02 PM
It's part of my lolzy humour.

Would agree with this:

Gimli - SK/Witch

Spongebob - Mafia
Captain Obvious - Mafia

Wolverine - Sk/Witch

If not that what about this:

Gimli - SK/Witch

Captain Obvious - Mafia
Spongebob - Mafia

Wile E Coyote - Witch

FM Wolverine
January 7th, 2013, 11:03 PM
Ceasar, I must admit I am a bit perplexed by you right now. Today you have been constantly qualifying your decision to give me a gun last night. I would understand if you had expressed suspicion of me before, as others have. But yesterday, in post #439 you said:

Okay, I'm more well rested and back online.

Originally Posted by FM Wolverine
I'm still convinced that, since we have no idea who the witch is, our best play would be to give up the vig to prevent scum getting a third night kill. Any other choice seems like a huge gamble. My bet is that Robin Hood is just useless town who's going to be mod-killed anyway. Locutus is suspicious, but if he isn't witch or sk, we still give the scum 3 kills tonight. It think it would be better to have the most recent recipient of the blacksmith gun shoot him; this way we still get a scum kill but we don't give the scum an additional night kill.
What you continuously fail to understand is that while Sherlock is alive, I don't have to worry about getting Witched, allowing me to add and extra KPN for town. However, if Sherlock does get killed, I am probably going to get Witched, forcing me to send armour instead of guns to town, taking away that extra KPN.

As your confirmed town, I am telling you that we are not lynching Sherlock.

Yesterday you believed me to be confirmed town, and last night you decided to give me a gun. Why has your opinion of me shifted so significantly over night?

FM Anubis
January 7th, 2013, 11:03 PM
okay i give up claim to doc. i've been trying to take a hit ever since day 1 and no one bought it, especially since the consig already found me out. (i've honestly didn't expect to last this long) i still don't think the real doc should claim. i COULD buy the doc claim on Inspector though.

and Michigan's reads on EVERYONE have been all wrong especially when he posted who he thought everyone was (aghanim is the only one left alive) I might go and post them tomorrow, but like Hamburglar, I'm busy IRL. i've taken today to go and reread day 5 (5 pages more as of this post).

my biggest thing is that michigan comes out with that epic last will system and he doesn't die? BOTH docs were probably going to be on the sheriff (yosemite) and he'd be an excellent choice of a death target.

FM Anubis
January 7th, 2013, 11:03 PM
Frog has been active enough to stick out in your brain


FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 11:04 PM
Ceasar, I must admit I am a bit perplexed by you right now. Today you have been constantly qualifying your decision to give me a gun last night. I would understand if you had expressed suspicion of me before, as others have. But yesterday, in post #439 you said:

Yesterday you believed me to be confirmed town, and last night you decided to give me a gun. Why has your opinion of me shifted so significantly over night?

Way to take a text out of context.
He is saying that he, AS CONFIRMED TOWN, is telling you not to lynch Sherlock.
Not that you are confirmed town

FM Anubis
January 7th, 2013, 11:05 PM
Would agree with this:

Gimli - SK/Witch

Spongebob - Mafia
Captain Obvious - Mafia

Wolverine - Sk/Witch

If not that what about this:

Gimli - SK/Witch

Captain Obvious - Mafia
Spongebob - Mafia

Wile E Coyote - Witch

gimli is NOT sk, and PROBABLY not witch. he was replaced. almost certain of either mafioso or citizen. (who the heck would get modkilled playing SK?)

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 11:07 PM
gimli is NOT sk, and PROBABLY not witch. he was replaced. almost certain of either mafioso or citizen. (who the heck would get modkilled playing SK?)


FM Wolverine
January 7th, 2013, 11:07 PM
Way to take a text out of context.
He is saying that he, AS CONFIRMED TOWN, is telling you not to lynch Sherlock.
Not that you are confirmed town

He said "your". Implying me. If he meant "as confirmed town" why wouldn't he just say "as confirmed town"?

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 11:11 PM
He said "your". Implying me. If he meant "as confirmed town" why wouldn't he just say "as confirmed town"?

Are you naturally this slow?

He was talking about himself HENCE THE USE OF THE WORD "YOUR" AND NOT "YOU ARE"

FM Anubis
January 7th, 2013, 11:11 PM

then why didn't the jailor get replaced, but other citizens did? i think the FMGM pick and chose what might make the game more interesting. in any case, i cannot support Gimli as Sk, since the MO is the same in all 3 cases.

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 11:12 PM


FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 11:14 PM
then why didn't the jailor get replaced, but other citizens did? i think the FMGM pick and chose what might make the game more interesting. in any case, i cannot support Gimli as Sk, since the MO is the same in all 3 cases.

Modkills didn't happen until day three.
You know. People have to actually lurk to get qualified for modkilling.

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 11:14 PM
Modkills didn't happen until day three.
You know. People have to actually lurk to get qualified for modkilling.

And they can't lurk if you kill them too fast

FM Wolverine
January 7th, 2013, 11:14 PM
Are you naturally this slow?

He was talking about himself HENCE THE USE OF THE WORD "YOUR" AND NOT "YOU ARE"

I thought it might've been a typo. But let's assume you're right. That doesn't change the fact that I am utterly baffled by this decision.

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 11:15 PM
I thought it might've been a typo. But let's assume you're right. That doesn't change the fact that I am utterly baffled by this decision.

He feels like you are smart enough to wait to use it on the right target and not arbitrarily use it on whomever and he thinks your town.

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 11:16 PM
And they can't lurk if you kill them too fast

Besides. I don't believe he was actually replaced. Nothing has been altered in his play/posts that suggests he actually got replaced

FM Wolverine
January 7th, 2013, 11:16 PM
He feels like you are smart enough to wait to use it on the right target and not arbitrarily use it on whomever and he thinks your town.

Apparently not, since he told everyone I have the gun specifically so that I could not choose my own target.

FM Anubis
January 7th, 2013, 11:17 PM
He said "your". Implying me. If he meant "as confirmed town" why wouldn't he just say "as confirmed town"?

And they can't lurk if you kill them too fast

alright, i rest my case and will no longer use it as reasoning. why are YOU so sure its gimli? i can see it on Spongebob, (or my michigan theory, which sherlock supported yesterday for different reasons)

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 11:17 PM
Apparently not, since he told everyone I have the gun specifically so that I could not choose my own target.

You are not confirmed town.
Hence the limitation.

How is this hard to understand?

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 11:18 PM
alright, i rest my case and will no longer use it as reasoning. why are YOU so sure its gimli? i can see it on Spongebob, (or my michigan theory, which sherlock supported yesterday for different reasons)

Because all the pieces fit together that way.

go in depth about why you feel michigan is scum and make a sort of wall of text about it instead of a paragraph :p

FM Anubis
January 7th, 2013, 11:23 PM
Because all the pieces fit together that way.

go in depth about why you feel michigan is scum and make a sort of wall of text about it instead of a paragraph :p

i'll do it tomorrow, but i fear that most of it is going to be repetition, and block quotes. i'll do my best.

FM Wolverine
January 7th, 2013, 11:23 PM
You are not confirmed town.
Hence the limitation.

How is this hard to understand?

Cluseau isn't confirmed town. Neither are you. I currently forget his other targets, but I'll just use you and Cluseau as an example. I can see Cluseau as being town. A bit troll-y for my taste, but... I can see it. You are even more likely to be town imo. But unless you can prove your role (ie. I'm blacksmith, I gave this dude a gun) you can't be confirmed.
But he trusted the both of you to make a call on your own. If I am not trusted to do the same, why give me a gun at all? Why not give it to you or Cluseau again?

FM Anubis
January 7th, 2013, 11:24 PM
Because all the pieces fit together that way.

go in depth about why you feel michigan is scum and make a sort of wall of text about it instead of a paragraph :p

also, i lift my claim to doctor, so if you think I'm a citizen, then you have to adjust your 'role assignments'

FM Captain Obvious
January 7th, 2013, 11:24 PM
Agahnim defends King Tut saying he reads King Tut as a citizen because of his trolling. Then beats down Wolverine's theory that King Tut is WIFOMing the fact trolling is a citizen characteristic. I see no reason why drawing attention would discourage scum from using this strategy and Agahnim claims. No-one seriously thought Prince Thrakah was scum because of his trolling. Kermit trolled and turned out to be jailor, what reason is there to not feign trolling? Then again that's not to say King Tut is NOT citizen.
All discussion of King Tut has noticeably stopped now...
Mafia buddies?

I believe Wolverine is town now
notice the "now" Agahnim, time to question me on that yes?

FM Ceasar
January 7th, 2013, 11:25 PM
okay i give up claim to doc. i've been trying to take a hit ever since day 1 and no one bought it, especially since the consig already found me out. (i've honestly didn't expect to last this long) i still don't think the real doc should claim. i COULD buy the doc claim on Inspector though.

and Michigan's reads on EVERYONE have been all wrong especially when he posted who he thought everyone was (aghanim is the only one left alive) I might go and post them tomorrow, but like Hamburglar, I'm busy IRL. i've taken today to go and reread day 5 (5 pages more as of this post).

my biggest thing is that michigan comes out with that epic last will system and he doesn't die? BOTH docs were probably going to be on the sheriff (yosemite) and he'd be an excellent choice of a death target.


Discuss this please. Anubis claims Doctor D1, yet apparantly every single scum faction know that Anubis is lying and does not bother to kill for FIVE nights, with even the Witch passing over with her night kill? SK kill was missing twice, one of those kills being N3, right after Anubis claim becomes more widely discussed (D1 claim was easy to miss). Anubis has definately had his scummy moments during the game, and the main reason why he was being passed over was him Doctor claim. He now claims Citizen only because it looks like sticking with his Doctor claim may get him lynch with Rubber Ducky reveal + RP. Now that his scum chances are much higher... Lynch the liar?

Also, how do you know that the Consigliere found you out? Did I miss something there? The SK obviously didn't buy your claim... unless he did, but you're still alive because you're scum?

FM Captain Obvious
January 7th, 2013, 11:26 PM
from using this strategy and Agahnim claims.

as Agahnim claims*

FM Ceasar
January 7th, 2013, 11:27 PM
Night night team. Sorry I couldn't do more reads.

FM Captain Obvious
January 7th, 2013, 11:28 PM
As for my read on Spongebob and Wile E Coyote, I currently believe Wile E is more town-like than spongebob(for some obvious reasons), I can elaborate later.

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 11:29 PM
As for my read on Spongebob and Wile E Coyote, I currently believe Wile E is more town-like than spongebob(for some obvious reasons), I can elaborate later.


I asked you about this something like 1-2 hours ago

FM Captain Obvious
January 7th, 2013, 11:31 PM

I asked you about this something like 1-2 hours ago

Who says I haven't been busy with something else? :|

FM Sherlock
January 7th, 2013, 11:34 PM
Who "directed" Mafia and Witch to shoot Sam? Probably Anubis. He said that once:

if we don't lynch vig, then witch makes vig target sheriff, mafia target sheriff, and SK target sheriff. goodbye afk yosemite. double docs can't heal stuff like that.

There was no other possible way for scum to coordinate their kills, so he basically told then "everyone kill the sheriff or else we'll be screwed". Simple, isn't it? That way his Day 6 post.

FM Anubis

FM Anubis
January 7th, 2013, 11:35 PM

Discuss this please. Anubis claims Doctor D1, yet apparantly every single scum faction know that Anubis is lying and does not bother to kill for FIVE nightsthe other explanation is that they didn't believe my bs doc claim, and they didn't believe inspector cluseau's he claimed on the same day, but i stuck to it, HOPING to take a bullet. which i haven't.
, with even the Witch passing over with her night kill? the witch passed over me because of the sheriff target.
SK kill was missing twice, one of those kills being N3, right after Anubis claim becomes more widely discussed (D1 claim was easy to miss). Anubis has definately had his scummy moments during the game, and the main reason why he was being passed over was him Doctor claim. He now claims Citizen only because it looks like sticking with his Doctor claim may get him lynch with Rubber Ducky reveal + RP. Now that his scum chances are much higher... Lynch the liar?i ONLY revealed because someone said that it may be dangerous to stick to my claim of doctor if it isn't true, especially with that healing circle that can be created. that is THE ONLY reason.

Also, how do you know that the Consigliere found you out? Did I miss something there?i assume the consig found me out. i'd be a pretty good target to check, but you don't think i'm mafia after i led the votes to get locutus lynched right? (i can see the argument with giving up the GF, but unlikely in your shoes)
The SK obviously didn't buy your claim... unless he did, but you're still alive because you're scum?

sk just hasn't bought my claim, and his MO is different. he's been targetting leaders. i've been a sheep, and a major one after locutus lynch.

FM Anubis
January 7th, 2013, 11:37 PM
Who "directed" Mafia and Witch to shoot Sam? Probably Anubis. He said that once:

There was no other possible way for scum to coordinate their kills, so he basically told then "everyone kill the sheriff or else we'll be screwed". Simple, isn't it? That way his Day 6 post.

FM Anubis

yeah, i reread day 5 post, and realized i was the one that directed it. that is a good reason to get me lynched. but i'm just an idiot for saying that. and for saying today that someone targeted the triple kill on the sheriff. but you also thought i was scum because i thought you were scum up until you revealed you were vig.

FM Anubis
January 7th, 2013, 11:37 PM
yeah, i reread day 5, and realized i was the one that directed it. that is a good reason to get me lynched. but i'm just an idiot for saying that. and for saying today that 'someone' directed the triple kill on the sheriff. but you also thought i was scum because i thought you were scum up until you revealed you were vig.


FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 11:38 PM
3-Citizen - Anubis
5-Mafioso - ???
9-Doctor - _____
11-Citizen - Inspector Cluseau
14-Vigilante - Sherlock
16-Citizen - The Joker
17-Citizen - ______
20-Serial Killer - ???
22-Citizen - Hamburgler
24-Blacksmith - Ceaser
28-Citizen - _____
29-Doctor - ???
30-(Framer) Mafioso - ???
33-Citizen - Agahnim
35-Witch - ???

Alright let's go with this:

38- FM Wile E Coyote
39- FM Wolverine
34- FM SpongeBob
26- FM Michigan J Frog
22- FM King Tut
14- FM Gimli
06- FM Captain Obvious

Let's talk about Gimli and Tut shall we?

Gimli -
I have a huge problem with his reason for why he is not scum. He got replaced. Thats it. Nothing else. I. Got. Replaced.

What a shit defense.

He got listed by a Godfather who had roughly no suspicion on him as a good lynch target. Pretty much clears him of being mafia. imo.

FM King Tut -
Way too much trolling and lurking. When he gets serious and into the game he says this:

arthur makes me want to kill him...just sayin

They are already doing that. I mean look how hidden I was. I coulda just stopped after 1 post.
There is always a danger with a lynch. But you just provided more reason to support my hypothesis. (Granted you accused frog instead)

You can't deny that the mafia would want to appear active and useful. Also that out of the most active players there is usually a mafia hiding within them

Which are each in the Town perspective more so than the scum.
In between roughly each are :


Which is too trolly, imo, to be scum.

FM Sherlock
January 7th, 2013, 11:39 PM
I think that SK BOUGHT your doctor claim, then attacked you on the next night and found that you are the scum. Anubis, you claimed yourself as doctor on the prurpose to make scum attack you and learn that you are one of then. In my opinion, chances that you are the witch are HIGH.

You just said it yourself - you are not a doctor. So you are basically a safe lunch for us. I remember how many times you tried to push the lynch on me several times. Nothing that you say will change my mind.

FM Anubis
January 7th, 2013, 11:39 PM
As for my read on Spongebob and Wile E Coyote, I currently believe Wile E is more town-like than spongebob(for some obvious reasons), I can elaborate later.

sorry for the spammy posts.

i can agree with this, but its partially based off my faulty reasoning on the FMGM, and partially on gut feel

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 11:41 PM
FM The Joker (1 [L-14]):
FM Hamburglar

FM Anubis (2 [L-13]):
FM Captain Obvious, FM Sherlock

FM Gimli (1 [L-14]):
FM Agahnim

FM SpongeBob (1 [L-14]):
FM King Tut

Interesting arrangement.

FM Captain Obvious
January 7th, 2013, 11:42 PM
FM King Tut -
Way too much trolling and lurking. When he gets serious and into the game he says this:

Which are each in the Town perspective more so than the scum.
In between roughly each are :

Which is too trolly, imo, to be scum.

The problem I have with this is that because of this trolling you believe he is not scum. What if that is the effect he is intending his trolling to have on people?

FM Anubis
January 7th, 2013, 11:43 PM
I think that SK BOUGHT your doctor claim, then attacked you on the next night and found that you are the scum. Anubis, you claimed yourself as doctor on the prurpose to make scum attack you and learn that you are one of then. In my opinion, chances that you are the witch are HIGH.

You just said it yourself - you are not a doctor. So you are basically a safe lunch for us. I remember how many times you tried to push the lynch on me several times. Nothing that you say will change my mind.

almost everyone thought you were scum, and gave good reasons for it. but yes, in your position, i would see myself as scum and possible witch, so i won't argue with you, as i completely agree with you, from your point of view. if i'm to be saved from you, someone else will have to do it for me.

if you decide to lynch me, please wait till tomorrow till after i attempt to post my read on Michigan. if you choose not to wait, keep in mind Michigan anyway.

FM Sherlock
January 7th, 2013, 11:44 PM
Joker said once that Anubis is not a doctor, right? What made him to think so? What does he thinks of Anubis?

We'll wait for his return, but I'm sure that he will vote Anubis as soon as he appears.

FM Captain Obvious
January 7th, 2013, 11:44 PM
almost everyone thought you were scum, and gave good reasons for it. but yes, in your position, i would see myself as scum and possible witch, so i won't argue with you, as i completely agree with you, from your point of view. if i'm to be saved from you, someone else will have to do it for me.

if you decide to lynch me, please wait till tomorrow till after i attempt to post my read on Michigan. if you choose not to wait, keep in mind Michigan anyway.

This both reeks of town and scum, STOP CONFUSING ME SCUM!

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 11:44 PM
The problem I have with this is that because of this trolling you believe he is not scum. What if that is the effect he is intending his trolling to have on people?

Take a look at the scum player flips.
Each of them have been non-trolls. Not solid evidence but there it is.

Now look at most the dead townsplayers.
Most of them have been trolly and lurky. Not solid evidence but there it is.

Come up with a solid and good reason for why you suspect him and I shall take you seriously.

FM Captain Obvious
January 7th, 2013, 11:45 PM
Joker said once that Anubis is not a doctor, right? What made him to think so? What does he thinks of Anubis?

We'll wait for his return, but I'm sure that he will vote Anubis as soon as he appears.

That actually make sense now, the fact he has no idea what the role card Yayap pms out reads means if he can't produce one he probably isn't doc.

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 11:45 PM
almost everyone thought you were scum, and gave good reasons for it. but yes, in your position, i would see myself as scum and possible witch, so i won't argue with you, as i completely agree with you, from your point of view. if i'm to be saved from you, someone else will have to do it for me.

if you decide to lynch me, please wait till tomorrow till after i attempt to post my read on Michigan. if you choose not to wait, keep in mind Michigan anyway.


FM Captain Obvious
January 7th, 2013, 11:46 PM
Take a look at the scum player flips.
Each of them have been non-trolls. Not solid evidence but there it is.

Now look at most the dead townsplayers.
Most of them have been trolly and lurky. Not solid evidence but there it is.

Come up with a solid and good reason for why you suspect him and I shall take you seriously.

Your logic is flawed, what is to say scum aren't adapting?

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 11:46 PM
That actually make sense now, the fact he has no idea what the role card Yayap pms out reads means if he can't produce one he probably isn't doc.



FM Wolverine
January 7th, 2013, 11:46 PM
Joker said once that Anubis is not a doctor, right? What made him to think so? What does he thinks of Anubis?

We'll wait for his return, but I'm sure that he will vote Anubis as soon as he appears.

Since when have we cared about Joker's opinion? He's been lurking the entire game.

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 11:47 PM
Your logic is flawed, what is to say scum aren't adapting?

You response is shit.
Take a look at this:

Not solid evidence but there it is.

Not solid evidence but there it is.

Not solid evidence but there it is.

Not solid evidence but there it is.

Not solid evidence but there it is.

Not solid evidence but there it is.

Not solid evidence but there it is.

Not solid evidence but there it is.

Not solid evidence but there it is.

FM Anubis
January 7th, 2013, 11:47 PM
That actually make sense now, the fact he has no idea what the role card Yayap pms out reads means if he can't produce one he probably isn't doc.

posting the role card is useless as the only thing that the FMGM typed to each account is the name of your role. and that is it. So if i would have said Doctor, i don't think it would have helped in proving I'm doc. probably would have hurt it.

FM Captain Obvious
January 7th, 2013, 11:49 PM
You response is shit.
Take a look at this:

So your point is that admitting your own points aren't solid means it is pointless to question them?

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 11:50 PM
So your point is that admitting your own points aren't solid means it is pointless to question them?

I'm saying that my logic is not hard to understand and makes sense.

Your response is: "So what?"

FM Captain Obvious
January 7th, 2013, 11:54 PM
I'm saying that my logic is not hard to understand and makes sense.

To me it says "I can't guarantee this to be true"

Your response is: "So what?"
So you first say it is not solid evidence, then you treat my "so what" as if your evidence is not flawed in any way.

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 11:55 PM
To me it says "I can't guarantee this to be true"

So you first say it is not solid evidence, then you treat my "so what" as if your evidence is not flawed in any way.

I treat your "So What" as a WEAK REBUTTLE. which it is.
Didn't I say come up with a good reason as why he is scum and I'd listen to you?

FM Sherlock
January 7th, 2013, 11:57 PM
Aghanim, well you stop arguing with Capatin Obvious? We're going to lynch Anubis today, it's clear as water. Why are not voting Anubis right away?

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 11:58 PM
I am heading to sleep now.

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 11:58 PM
Aghanim, well you stop arguing with Capatin Obvious? We're going to lynch Anubis today, it's clear as water. Why are not voting Anubis right away?

Because I don't think very highly of your intelligence level

FM Agahnim
January 7th, 2013, 11:58 PM
I am heading to sleep now.

Well in ten minutes

FM Captain Obvious
January 8th, 2013, 12:01 AM
I treat your "So What" as a WEAK REBUTTLE. which it is.
Didn't I say come up with a good reason as why he is scum and I'd listen to you?
What's "good" is just an opinion, seeing as your "good" standard appears to be unattainable. I won't go into a penis size contest with you.

FM Agahnim
January 8th, 2013, 12:04 AM
What's "good" is just an opinion, seeing as your "good" standard appears to be unattainable. I won't go into a penis size contest with you.

Let's say something like Ceaser, Frog, Anubis, Wolverine (To a point) have done.

How about that?

FM Sherlock
January 8th, 2013, 12:05 AM
Ok, then answer me a question:

Did Mafia and Witch really decided to attack the Sheriff separately from each other or it was based on Anubis's post? Considering the fact that there were 2 Doctors still alive. How esle scum would be able to coordinate their last night kills?

And why Anubis claimed himself as doctor on Day? He did that shortly after Gandalf's claim. And Cluseau followed as well. USE YOU HEAD. They made those claims to push the Gandalf lynch. And shortly after that one then was probably attacked by the Serial Killer.

FM Agahnim
January 8th, 2013, 12:05 AM
Let's say something like Ceaser, Frog, Anubis, Wolverine (To a point) have done.

How about that?

I wonder why they have each satisfied my like for explanations and reads and you havent.


o wait.

they tried

FM Captain Obvious
January 8th, 2013, 12:06 AM
I won't go into a penis size contest with you.

I'm going away now.

FM Agahnim
January 8th, 2013, 12:07 AM
Ok, then answer me a question:

Did Mafia and Witch really decided to attack the Sheriff separately from each other or it was based on Anubis's post? Considering the fact that there were 2 Doctors still alive. How esle scum would be able to coordinate their last night kills?

And why Anubis claimed himself as doctor on Day? He did that shortly after Gandalf's claim. And Cluseau followed as well. USE YOU HEAD. They made those claims to push the Gandalf lynch. And shortly after that one then was probably attacked by the Serial Killer.

Anubis claimed Doctor on day 1 before Gandalf did.

Cluseau is trolly and claimed everything across numerous days.

The Sheriff died because of my directives as well as Anubis' on day 5. Also it was the most logical choice of kill

FM Captain Obvious
January 8th, 2013, 12:08 AM
As in "leave" by the way

FM Agahnim
January 8th, 2013, 12:08 AM
I'm going away now.

Bye Mafioso.

FM Agahnim
January 8th, 2013, 12:08 AM
As in "leave" by the way

Bye Mafioso

FM Agahnim
January 8th, 2013, 12:08 AM
Ok, then answer me a question:

Did Mafia and Witch really decided to attack the Sheriff separately from each other or it was based on Anubis's post? Considering the fact that there were 2 Doctors still alive. How esle scum would be able to coordinate their last night kills?

And why Anubis claimed himself as doctor on Day? He did that shortly after Gandalf's claim. And Cluseau followed as well. USE YOU HEAD. They made those claims to push the Gandalf lynch. And shortly after that one then was probably attacked by the Serial Killer.

Follow your own advice.

FM Sherlock
January 8th, 2013, 12:09 AM
But why only one Doctor healed Sheriff? He was a crucail role for our success. Who is that second doctor that chose not to heal Sam?

FM Agahnim
January 8th, 2013, 12:10 AM
But why only one Doctor healed Sheriff? He was a crucail role for our success. Who is that second doctor that chose not to heal Sam?

I could spitball a number of ideas about who is doc and why they didn't heal Sheriff.


FM Agahnim
January 8th, 2013, 12:11 AM
Well in ten minutes

10 minutes is up. Bye Bye all the morons until tomorrow.

FM Sherlock
January 8th, 2013, 12:11 AM
So we can now ask another doctor to reveal himself?

FM Wolverine
January 8th, 2013, 12:15 AM
But why only one Doctor healed Sheriff? He was a crucail role for our success. Who is that second doctor that chose not to heal Sam?

Now THIS is a question that warrants more discussion. Why did the second doctor not heal the sheriff? And more importantly (imo), why didn't the sk also target the sheriff?

I have no idea about the sk. I have a theory about the doc, but I'd rather wait for a claim so we can get his/her reasoning instead of providing it for him/her.

FM Wolverine
January 8th, 2013, 12:17 AM

So we can now ask another doctor to reveal himself?

Does this mean you both have opted to take Rubber Ducky's claim at face value?

FM Captain Obvious
January 8th, 2013, 12:19 AM
Now that all investigative roles are dead scum will claim town roles a lot more willingly. Rubber Ducky's claim is in no way convincing to me.

FM Sherlock
January 8th, 2013, 12:20 AM
And Wolverine, do you see now that we can win without me being lynched, right? Admit that you were wrong.

Even though we only lynched the mafia, we are still fine because scum might focus attack 1 person instead of hitting mutliple people. Unless someone like Anubis directs then again.

FM Sherlock
January 8th, 2013, 12:24 AM
Now that all investigative roles are dead scum will claim town roles a lot more willingly. Rubber Ducky's claim is in no way convincing to me.

You are obvious mafia, Captain, so there is no way I would listen to your opinion.

FM Wolverine
January 8th, 2013, 12:34 AM
And Wolverine, do you see now that we can win without me being lynched, right? Admit that you were wrong.

Even though we only lynched the mafia, we are still fine because scum might focus attack 1 person instead of hitting mutliple people. Unless someone like Anubis directs then again.

Yes and no. Yes, it is possible for us to win without lynching you (I never claimed this was impossible, by the way), but I do not think I was wrong to suggest it. I will admit, keeping you alive will be very good for us if we can lynch the witch, as this will force scum to hunt for doctors or fear your wrath. However, the sheriff's death would not have been possible if we had lynched you, and we would today have either another person who is likely to be mafia (allowing for the possibility of a successful frame) OR another person who is confirmed as town, and we could continue to get information as long as our doctors kept the sheriff alive.

Furthermore, while lynching the witch will make you very useful for us, the more time it takes us to find the witch, the less it benefits us to keep you alive. We have made our choice, and I am not suggesting we reverse the decision today, but I do still think lynching you would have been the safer choice.

FM Captain Obvious
January 8th, 2013, 12:38 AM
You are obvious mafia, Captain, so there is no way I would listen to your opinion.

Believe that if you must. Atleast there's one thing me and Agahnim agree on.

FM Sherlock
January 8th, 2013, 12:55 AM
Furthermore, while lynching the witch will make you very useful for us, the more time it takes us to find the witch, the less it benefits us to keep you alive. We have made our choice, and I am not suggesting we reverse the decision today, but I do still think lynching you would have been the safer choice.

Sorry, Wolverine, your case it NOT helping us in any way. Hamburglar explained this to us:

11 town 4 scum.
lynch maf if witch ctrls vigi next day worst case 8 town 3 scum
lynch scum worst case next day 6 town 2 scum
lynch town 3 town 2 scum
lynch scum 2 town 1 scum
lynch scum win
even in the worst case scenario

So, if we lynch the witch, do you think that shooting you will be the safer choice? Right, Wolverine?

FM Michigan J Frog
January 8th, 2013, 01:02 AM
Hey guys, I'm back. Agahnim please. Stop. Just no.

After some thought and consideration, here is who I think the remaining scum are.

Mafia: Agahnim and Cluseau
Agahnim Day 1, #393

He had posted a few times before and yet now reveals a "gut read" on someone who has not posted yet.
And instead of saying why he instead says with conviction that someone is "guilty"

The words "guilty" after it was brought up that sheriffs can use the words guilty/innocent to reveal info is telling.

When everyone else writes off Pinkie Pie’s reveal of a guilty on Yosemite Sam as trolling, Agahnim tries to help his mafia buddy’s false sheriff claim gain traction. Unfortunately for them, Pinkie Pie's guilty read on Yosemite is ignored because Yosemite reveals his lead on Watson.

I also suspect Agahnim for his really poor follow up when asking questions, and completely BS reads that he posts saying all lurkers are scum. Why is cluseau marked as for sure town on his list?

Think way back to Day 2 when Cluseau kept going on and on about how he couldn't be scum because he hammered the consort. That's totally not a town tell and seems really scummy just so he can get on the lynch train of his fellow mafia member. I initially thought that Cluseau was pulling some weird wifom, but I'm becoming more and more convinced that Cluseau is scum.

Cluseau, Day 2, #25

Oh, I am on the hotspot? Well GOOD! I like'm attention. I did not take notice of the vote count at the time of my vote. I can assure you I am Town. I have no current way to prove such, but can suggest the idea that it was the scum that would not have voted, since scum all win together, and the game is built as it is, it doesn't entirely make sense for a Mafia to hammer their own or the SK/Witch to have done so. Especially seeing as the Sheriff was currently not proven, the day could have been escaped without a lynch.

Cluseau Day 2, #201

Cluseau wants dat lynch. He is, however, not trying to push it prematurely.
Also, once again, I will mention that
1: Scum will not lynch on scum.
2: I voted (hammerd) the Consort.

Please use all of the day wanted to converse, but my vote is in and I would like us to not miss out is all.

Cluseau Day 2, #213

I am going to say this a few more times before it sinks(<- Sinks, Yayap. Sinks) in fully.
Cluseau. Hammerd. Consort.

Wolverine - serial killer

I've had Wolverine on my scum list for a while now, and it seems like the witch and mafia slots are filled up. All I can say is that Wolverine tries way hard to blend and stay in the background. He's a mid-field poster which has helped him coast through the game up until now.

Wolverine Day 2, #236

Aside from being busy lately, when I do get on I try to read through everything before I make any posts so that I can be aware of the flow of the conversation and be relatively informed. Once I've done that, I like to be very conservative in making (and sharing) my judgments until I have a degree of certainty that my theories are sound.

That being said, you asked, so I'll give you my preliminary read of Sherlock. Ceasar picked up on an interesting omission in Sherlock's d1 post that I think could very well be indicative of guilt, but isn't enough for me to vote for him on its own. However, his defense is centered around diverting focus back to Gandalf. And that, to me, reads more scum than the post Ceasar initially pointed out.

I think it's odd that Wolverine refuses to read past Sherlock's defense of himself as anything besides scummy. Of course town power roles under suspicion will just try to avert the lynch onto someone else.

Wolverine Day 2, #365

I wasn't calling out suspects in that post because that wasn't the point of that post. I don't like throwing around accusations lightly. When I see something that makes me very confident in a read, I'll comment on it. Until then, I will discuss the reads of others who are more certain or more willing to put out preliminary reads than I. It is my play style, I don't expect it to be adopted by everyone.

As for people reading me as scummy, I've seen a few instances of it, none of which were today as I recall, but I am fine with people speculating on my alignment. It's only natural. But insulting anyone who brings up the possibility is unnecessary and counter-productive. I'd rather town decide I was scum based on good evidence and lynch me to discover for sure that I'm not, then for me to live to see scum win because discussions were shut down by flaming.

Also this post is a bit odd to me because it seems more and more like Wolverine is a player who wants to coast under the radar and not throw out any reads because maybe he is scum and has no genuine reads to come up with. Completely another blending post.

Another reason why I find Wolverine scummy is that he tried so hard to get Sherlock the confirmed vigilante lynched. Can't be more obvious scum than that, which is what puzzles me a bit.

Anubis - witch
So I actually was blind to the possibility of Anubis being scum until reading the events that have unfolded in this day thread, but it actually makes perfect sense. Anubus (doc claimer) reveals and the following night there is a missing sk kill. Why hasn't Anubis died yet? He also tries to claim that I would be attacked N3? I think Agahnim or Anubis was probably attacked by the sk that night.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 8th, 2013, 01:06 AM
You are obvious mafia, Captain, so there is no way I would listen to your opinion.

If Captain Obvious is mafia, who is his partner, and do you think he realistically fits on the mafia team based on interactions with past players who flipped mafia? Think about that. I think Cluseau and Agahnim are the two who fit best.

FM Wolverine
January 8th, 2013, 01:10 AM
Sorry, Wolverine, your case it NOT helping us in any way. Hamburglar explained this to us:

So, if we lynch the witch, do you think that shooting you will be the safer choice? Right, Wolverine?

I don't believe that Hamburglar's proposed scenario is by any means the "worst case". If it was, the FM would be over and town declared victorious. In fact, Hamburglar's scenario is closer to what I'd call a best-case scenario, as it assumes that we will lynch all 4 scum in the next 5 days. Quite optimistic considering our current record is 2 in 5. 3 if you count jailor.

The actual worst-case scenario looks more like this:

11 town 4 scum
lynch town. 7 town 4 scum
lynch town. 3 town 4 scum. Scum win.

And that's ignoring kills from blacksmith guns, which have exclusively hit town thus far. So forgive me if I'm not quite as optimistic as Hamburglar.

FM Agahnim
January 8th, 2013, 01:14 AM
When everyone else writes off Pinkie Pie’s reveal of a guilty on Yosemite Sam as trolling, Agahnim tries to help his mafia buddy’s false sheriff claim gain traction. Unfortunately for them, Pinkie Pie's guilty read on Yosemite is ignored because Yosemite reveals his lead on Watson.

I also suspect Agahnim for his really poor follow up when asking questions, and completely BS reads that he posts saying all lurkers are scum. Why is cluseau marked as for sure town on his list?

Nice to toss and turn and suspect something dumb is being said and come into day chat knowing it actually happened.

You took that way out of context.
No one had revealed anything yet and anyone could be anything.
So when Pinkie did this I thought it was a soft Sheriff claim.

Couple of days later I open up discussion on Pinkie Pie being mafia.
Sheriff then confirmed my thought about him.

That tie you tried to pin on me is false.

FM Agahnim
January 8th, 2013, 01:15 AM
Nice to toss and turn and suspect something dumb is being said and come into day chat knowing it actually happened.

You took that way out of context.
No one had revealed anything yet and anyone could be anything.
So when Pinkie did this I thought it was a soft Sheriff claim.

Couple of days later I open up discussion on Pinkie Pie being mafia.
Sheriff then confirmed my thought about him.

That tie you tried to pin on me is false.


Clue had claimed everything and its mother.
Why shouldn't I mark that as "Near 100% sure he is not scum"

FM Michigan J Frog
January 8th, 2013, 01:16 AM
Nice to toss and turn and suspect something dumb is being said and come into day chat knowing it actually happened.

You took that way out of context.
No one had revealed anything yet and anyone could be anything.
So when Pinkie did this I thought it was a soft Sheriff claim.

Couple of days later I open up discussion on Pinkie Pie being mafia.
Sheriff then confirmed my thought about him.

That tie you tried to pin on me is false.

Pinkie never mentioned you or Cluseau in his lists of scum. And you think Cluseau is so townie!? Why do you think Cluseau is so town!? Please explain this.

FM Agahnim
January 8th, 2013, 01:17 AM

Clue had claimed everything and its mother.
Why shouldn't I mark that as "Near 100% sure he is not scum"


FM Michigan J Frog
January 8th, 2013, 01:17 AM

Clue had claimed everything and its mother.
Why shouldn't I mark that as "Near 100% sure he is not scum"

Why do you? He makes such a huge deal about hammering that consort. Not a town tell lol. Not by a long shot!

FM Agahnim
January 8th, 2013, 01:18 AM
Pinkie never mentioned you or Cluseau in his lists of scum. And you think Cluseau is so townie!? Why do you think Cluseau is so town!? Please explain this.

Pinkie also didn't list Dracula or Loctus(?) in his list either.

I also STARTED the discussion about his scummyness.

FM Agahnim
January 8th, 2013, 01:19 AM
Why do you? He makes such a huge deal about hammering that consort. Not a town tell lol. Not by a long shot!

I made a big deal about opening discussion about Pinkie Pie.
I made a big deal about having not voted for Gandalf and saying that his posts remind me of a Framed Citizen.
I'm town.

Please do more then say that because someone makes a big

FM Agahnim
January 8th, 2013, 01:19 AM
I made a big deal about opening discussion about Pinkie Pie.
I made a big deal about having not voted for Gandalf and saying that his posts remind me of a Framed Citizen.
I'm town.

Please do more then say that because someone makes a big

Deal about something than they must be scum for me to take you seriously.

FM Agahnim
January 8th, 2013, 01:21 AM
If Captain Obvious is mafia, who is his partner, and do you think he realistically fits on the mafia team based on interactions with past players who flipped mafia? Think about that. I think Cluseau and Agahnim are the two who fit best.

I would suspect either Spongebob or Wile E Coyote.
If not them than next in my suspect list would be Wolverine.

FM Agahnim
January 8th, 2013, 01:22 AM
Hey guys, I'm back. Agahnim please. Stop. Just no.

After some thought and consideration, here is who I think the remaining scum are.

Mafia: Agahnim and Cluseau
Agahnim Day 1, #393

When everyone else writes off Pinkie Pie’s reveal of a guilty on Yosemite Sam as trolling, Agahnim tries to help his mafia buddy’s false sheriff claim gain traction. Unfortunately for them, Pinkie Pie's guilty read on Yosemite is ignored because Yosemite reveals his lead on Watson.

I also suspect Agahnim for his really poor follow up when asking questions, and completely BS reads that he posts saying all lurkers are scum. Why is cluseau marked as for sure town on his list?

Think way back to Day 2 when Cluseau kept going on and on about how he couldn't be scum because he hammered the consort. That's totally not a town tell and seems really scummy just so he can get on the lynch train of his fellow mafia member. I initially thought that Cluseau was pulling some weird wifom, but I'm becoming more and more convinced that Cluseau is scum.

Cluseau, Day 2, #25

Cluseau Day 2, #201

Cluseau Day 2, #213

Wolverine - serial killer

I've had Wolverine on my scum list for a while now, and it seems like the witch and mafia slots are filled up. All I can say is that Wolverine tries way hard to blend and stay in the background. He's a mid-field poster which has helped him coast through the game up until now.

Wolverine Day 2, #236

I think it's odd that Wolverine refuses to read past Sherlock's defense of himself as anything besides scummy. Of course town power roles under suspicion will just try to avert the lynch onto someone else.

Wolverine Day 2, #365

Also this post is a bit odd to me because it seems more and more like Wolverine is a player who wants to coast under the radar and not throw out any reads because maybe he is scum and has no genuine reads to come up with. Completely another blending post.

Another reason why I find Wolverine scummy is that he tried so hard to get Sherlock the confirmed vigilante lynched. Can't be more obvious scum than that, which is what puzzles me a bit.

Anubis - witch
So I actually was blind to the possibility of Anubis being scum until reading the events that have unfolded in this day thread, but it actually makes perfect sense. Anubus (doc claimer) reveals and the following night there is a missing sk kill. Why hasn't Anubis died yet? He also tries to claim that I would be attacked N3? I think Agahnim or Anubis was probably attacked by the sk that night.

This post, as well as many others, is why I feel Frog is highly likely to be town

FM Agahnim
January 8th, 2013, 01:24 AM
So I actually was blind to the possibility of Anubis being scum until reading the events that have unfolded in this day thread, but it actually makes perfect sense. Anubus (doc claimer) reveals and the following night there is a missing sk kill. Why hasn't Anubis died yet? He also tries to claim that I would be attacked N3? I think Agahnim or Anubis was probably attacked by the sk that night.

This makes sense.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 8th, 2013, 01:25 AM
I made a big deal about opening discussion about Pinkie Pie.
I made a big deal about having not voted for Gandalf and saying that his posts remind me of a Framed Citizen.
I'm town.

Please do more then say that because someone makes a big

Whatever. It's clear town completely trusts you. Please just shoot me already since this is way too painful to be a part of. GG guys, you all are getting played. I mean Gimli scum!? As if! And nobody can see through Agahnim's poor scum list that just attacks people who have no power to defend themselves due to lurkiness.

Please think for yourselves that his fake scum list does not make any sense!

FM Agahnim
January 8th, 2013, 01:26 AM
Whatever. It's clear town completely trusts you. Please just shoot me already since this is way too painful to be a part of. GG guys, you all are getting played. I mean Gimli scum!? As if! And nobody can see through Agahnim's poor scum list that just attacks people who have no power to defend themselves due to lurkiness.

Please think for yourselves that his fake scum list does not make any sense!

Wolverine is not lurky
Captain Obvious is not lurky

Wile E and Spongebob are only mildly lurky.

Gimli made a shit defense for himself.

FM Wolverine
January 8th, 2013, 01:36 AM
Wolverine - serial killer

I've had Wolverine on my scum list for a while now, and it seems like the witch and mafia slots are filled up. All I can say is that Wolverine tries way hard to blend and stay in the background. He's a mid-field poster which has helped him coast through the game up until now.

Wolverine Day 2, #236

I think it's odd that Wolverine refuses to read past Sherlock's defense of himself as anything besides scummy. Of course town power roles under suspicion will just try to avert the lynch onto someone else.

Wolverine Day 2, #365

Also this post is a bit odd to me because it seems more and more like Wolverine is a player who wants to coast under the radar and not throw out any reads because maybe he is scum and has no genuine reads to come up with. Completely another blending post.

Another reason why I find Wolverine scummy is that he tried so hard to get Sherlock the confirmed vigilante lynched. Can't be more obvious scum than that, which is what puzzles me a bit.

The 2 posts you quoted are from day 2 when, as I have admitted a few times now, my inexperience at FMs was very obvious as I did not quite understand what was expected of me.

I have explained why I wanted to lynch the vigilante about a hundred times now. If we had done so, the sheriff would still be with us, confirming someone else as town or giving us another person to be suspicious of. Instead we have no sheriffs and scum can kill 3 of us every night. I'm so sick of repeating myself I'm tempted to use this blacksmith gun to shoot the next person who mentions it. It would mean I'd be lynched, but at least I wouldn't have to keep answering the same brainless accusations.

While I'm at it, I'd like to point out that while Anubis is looking scummy today, your read of him was completely half-assed. You went back to day 2 looking for quotes to use against me, but Anubis doesn't get even a single quote? And the only thing close to a new idea that you present in this accusation is when you suggest that it was actually he (Anubis) who was attacked by the sk on night 3, in what I dub the "I'm rubber, you're glue" defense. Reads to me like you were desperate for someone to put in the witch slot, and chose someone who was already looking suspicious today. Perhaps because you yourself are the witch. Pretending to scumhunt for yourself is hard. But you tried. A for effort. What a pity. I thought you were town, too.

FM Captain Obvious
January 8th, 2013, 01:40 AM
More and more reasons as to why why my vote stays on Anubis.
Frog is town to me no doubt.

FM Captain Obvious
January 8th, 2013, 01:40 AM
Not sure why I typed "why" twice, ignore please.

FM Agahnim
January 8th, 2013, 01:44 AM
Lets see what happenes if we put Gimli as town coupled with my thoughts:

3-Citizen - Gimli
5-Mafioso - ???
9-Doctor - Rubber Ducky
11-Citizen - Wile E Coyote
14-Vigilante - Sherlock
16-Citizen - Frog
17-Citizen - Agahnim
20-Serial Killer - ???
22-Citizen - Inspector
24-Blacksmith - Ceasar
28-Citizen -Hamburgler
29-Doctor - Joker
30-Mafioso - ???
33-Citizen - King Tut
35-Witch - ???

This would leave us with:


I have to think on this.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 8th, 2013, 01:44 AM
The 2 posts you quoted are from day 2 when, as I have admitted a few times now, my inexperience at FMs was very obvious as I did not quite understand what was expected of me.

I have explained why I wanted to lynch the vigilante about a hundred times now. If we had done so, the sheriff would still be with us, confirming someone else as town or giving us another person to be suspicious of. Instead we have no sheriffs and scum can kill 3 of us every night. I'm so sick of repeating myself I'm tempted to use this blacksmith gun to shoot the next person who mentions it. It would mean I'd be lynched, but at least I wouldn't have to keep answering the same brainless accusations.

While I'm at it, I'd like to point out that while Anubis is looking scummy today, your read of him was completely half-assed. You went back to day 2 looking for quotes to use against me, but Anubis doesn't get even a single quote? And the only thing close to a new idea that you present in this accusation is when you suggest that it was actually he (Anubis) who was attacked by the sk on night 3, in what I dub the "I'm rubber, you're glue" defense. Reads to me like you were desperate for someone to put in the witch slot, and chose someone who was already looking suspicious today. Perhaps because you yourself are the witch. Pretending to scumhunt for yourself is hard. But you tried. A for effort. What a pity. I thought you were town, too.

Well I actually thought you were witch and King Arthur was sk, but I guess since he died there goes that theory. I re-read starting from Day 3 and picked out all the posts that I thought were scummy and suspicious and guess what!? You, Agahnim, Cluseau, and King Arthur gave off the most scum vibes. I haven't had a chance to go sort through Anubis's quotes and such because I really firmly believed his claim when I did my re-read earlier today. It's just when he himself retracts the doc claim and a confirmed townie who should not be lynched (Sherlock) brings up good points about him that it makes me nod in affirmation.

I don't make any claim that the case against Anubis is my own, but I do agree with it which is why I slipped mention of Anubis into the witch slot. I think it's kind of ridiculous that you use "not using quotes for Anubis" as a way to try to discredit me!

FM Agahnim
January 8th, 2013, 01:44 AM
As for the Joker bit:

I could see it happening.

FM Agahnim
January 8th, 2013, 01:45 AM
Well I actually thought you were witch and King Arthur was sk, but I guess since he died there goes that theory. I re-read starting from Day 3 and picked out all the posts that I thought were scummy and suspicious and guess what!? You, Agahnim, Cluseau, and King Arthur gave off the most scum vibes. I haven't had a chance to go sort through Anubis's quotes and such because I really firmly believed his claim when I did my re-read earlier today. It's just when he himself retracts the doc claim and a confirmed townie who should not be lynched (Sherlock) brings up good points about him that it makes me nod in affirmation.

I don't make any claim that the case against Anubis is my own, but I do agree with it which is why I slipped mention of Anubis into the witch slot. I think it's kind of ridiculous that you use "not using quotes for Anubis" as a way to try to discredit me!

King Arthur never gave off scummy vibes.
Where did you get that misinformation

FM Michigan J Frog
January 8th, 2013, 01:51 AM
Well I actually thought you were witch and King Arthur was sk, but I guess since he died there goes that theory. I re-read starting from Day 3 and picked out all the posts that I thought were scummy and suspicious and guess what!? You, Agahnim, Cluseau, and King Arthur gave off the most scum vibes. I haven't had a chance to go sort through Anubis's quotes and such because I really firmly believed his claim when I did my re-read earlier today. It's just when he himself retracts the doc claim and a confirmed townie who should not be lynched (Sherlock) brings up good points about him that it makes me nod in affirmation.

I don't make any claim that the case against Anubis is my own, but I do agree with it which is why I slipped mention of Anubis into the witch slot. I think it's kind of ridiculous that you use "not using quotes for Anubis" as a way to try to discredit me!

Whoops, this should say "I re-read starting from Day 1 and picked out all the posts that I thought were scummy and suspicious." I guess I should mention that after spending several hours pouring over Days 1-3, I had to speed things up and skim Days 4-5 just in the interest of time, which is why I don't have many Day 4-5 quotes. Most the Day 3-5 stuff I found pertained to my case for King Arthur sk anyway. Lends a lot of good perspective to reread the threads knowing some confirmed scum and confirmed town identities, but it ends up being pretty time consuming. x___x

FM Agahnim
January 8th, 2013, 01:58 AM
I'd love to hear other possible, well thought out, reads that can provide us with both a read on the poster and the subject within the post.

FM Wolverine
January 8th, 2013, 02:01 AM
Well I actually thought you were witch and King Arthur was sk, but I guess since he died there goes that theory. I re-read starting from Day 3 and picked out all the posts that I thought were scummy and suspicious and guess what!? You, Agahnim, Cluseau, and King Arthur gave off the most scum vibes. I haven't had a chance to go sort through Anubis's quotes and such because I really firmly believed his claim when I did my re-read earlier today. It's just when he himself retracts the doc claim and a confirmed townie who should not be lynched (Sherlock) brings up good points about him that it makes me nod in affirmation.

I don't make any claim that the case against Anubis is my own, but I do agree with it which is why I slipped mention of Anubis into the witch slot. I think it's kind of ridiculous that you use "not using quotes for Anubis" as a way to try to discredit me!

1. King Arthur was very clearly town.

2. When you go to the trouble of defending all your other reads using quotes from the players you're reading, it then becomes peculiar to see a read of yours that does not have the same amount of evidence backing it up.

3. Are you telling me you seriously believed Anubis was actually doctor? I thought we all knew Anubis was trying to take one for the team, which is why I didn't mention it. If I had known anyone believed him, I might have spoken up. Now he's retracted the claim, which defeats the purpose and makes him look scummy, but before now I thought it was obvious that's what he was going for.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 8th, 2013, 02:08 AM
King Arthur never gave off scummy vibes.
Where did you get that misinformation

Something I picked up from Day 3 is the clash between King Arthur and Master Chef:
Master Chef #40 - "mafia might not have voted on gandalf to be an 'i told you so' person"
King Arthur #43 - "are you implying me? OMGUS Master Chef makes pro witch suggestions"
Master Chef #251 - "rp is scummy, and my pro witch suggestions were misguided since I didn't read role card"
King Arthur#264 - "rp not scummy, master chef is anti-town"

Master Chef puts head on King Arthur and then dies the next day? Seemed circumstantially suspicious to me.

FM Agahnim
January 8th, 2013, 02:09 AM
Something I picked up from Day 3 is the clash between King Arthur and Master Chef:
Master Chef #40 - "mafia might not have voted on gandalf to be an 'i told you so' person"
King Arthur #43 - "are you implying me? OMGUS Master Chef makes pro witch suggestions"
Master Chef #251 - "rp is scummy, and my pro witch suggestions were misguided since I didn't read role card"
King Arthur#264 - "rp not scummy, master chef is anti-town"

Master Chef puts head on King Arthur and then dies the next day? Seemed circumstantially suspicious to me.

Must look back and see this for meself.


FM Michigan J Frog
January 8th, 2013, 02:18 AM
1. King Arthur was very clearly town.

2. When you go to the trouble of defending all your other reads using quotes from the players you're reading, it then becomes peculiar to see a read of yours that does not have the same amount of evidence backing it up.

3. Are you telling me you seriously believed Anubis was actually doctor? I thought we all knew Anubis was trying to take one for the team, which is why I didn't mention it. If I had known anyone believed him, I might have spoken up. Now he's retracted the claim, which defeats the purpose and makes him look scummy, but before now I thought it was obvious that's what he was going for.

1. Well, I mean in hindsight it makes perfect sense, but scumhunting without night actions is a bit hit or miss for me. I'm more of the player who catches players in a lie claiming something impossible -> scum, OR catching players doing something that I find to be scum-motivated -> scumtell.

2. As I said earlier, I was pretty convinced King Arthur was a neutral scum role based on both his interactions with the deceased and meta.

3. Yes, I believed Anubis was doctor. In this setup with two doctors, it's beneficial for one doctor to reveal so that he can announce his heal target on one of the sheriffs to avoid overlap and get some WIFOM doc heal train action going on. In other places with setups like this, lying is anti-town and policy-lynch worthy. It seemed reasonable to me that a doctor would reveal, and just as reasonable that a sheriff could reveal in order to help direct the doctor heals towards the approrpriate power roles.

I think it's odd that you somehow know that Anubis wasn't a doctor. Seems only to further my suspicion that YOU are the sk who attacked Anubis on N3 and KNOWS that he is scum. With your scum knowledge I guess it's easy to say how obvious things are, but no, it was not obvious to me at all.

FM Agahnim
January 8th, 2013, 02:18 AM
Something I picked up from Day 3 is the clash between King Arthur and Master Chef:
Master Chef #40 - "mafia might not have voted on gandalf to be an 'i told you so' person"
King Arthur #43 - "are you implying me? OMGUS Master Chef makes pro witch suggestions"
Master Chef #251 - "rp is scummy, and my pro witch suggestions were misguided since I didn't read role card"
King Arthur#264 - "rp not scummy, master chef is anti-town"

Master Chef puts head on King Arthur and then dies the next day? Seemed circumstantially suspicious to me.

Upon Arthurs #264 post I feel as if it resolved the conflict for the most part as he conceded points to Master Chef and moved on. I didn't look further but I assume Chef moved on as well.

Not so scummy circumstance imo.

FM Agahnim
January 8th, 2013, 02:20 AM

your gonna have to explain this to me Frog. What Meta are you using? Im not talking about revealing somones COM. Just..how are you using meta in this game?

FM Michigan J Frog
January 8th, 2013, 02:22 AM
Upon Arthurs #264 post I feel as if it resolved the conflict for the most part as he conceded points to Master Chef and moved on. I didn't look further but I assume Chef moved on as well.

Not so scummy circumstance imo.

It's the biggest connection I found to Master Chef during that day. Also, no offense, but I really suspected you two for still being alive at this point. The connection fit and seemed to make sense.

FM Agahnim
January 8th, 2013, 02:23 AM
It's the biggest connection I found to Master Chef during that day. Also, no offense, but I really suspected you two for still being alive at this point. The connection fit and seemed to make sense.

See I have a problem with this.

Just because I am alive doesn't vindicate me being scum.

FM Michigan J Frog
January 8th, 2013, 02:26 AM
your gonna have to explain this to me Frog. What Meta are you using? Im not talking about revealing somones COM. Just..how are you using meta in this game?

If you're alive longer than you should be, it's suspicious. You're too active to still be alive without being scum. Anubis claimed doc and is highly unlikely to still be alive unless he's scum. King Arthur was too active to be alive without being scum and now he's dead. If you're not dead in the next night, 100% you're scum.

I guess it's possible that someone leaves you around for a mislynch "OH this guy is too active to be alive without being scum," but I'd be willing to bet on the outcome of this game that people like you and Anubis are scum over people like Gimli and Spongebob.

FM Agahnim
January 8th, 2013, 02:28 AM
If you're alive longer than you should be, it's suspicious. You're too active to still be alive without being scum. Anubis claimed doc and is highly unlikely to still be alive unless he's scum. King Arthur was too active to be alive without being scum and now he's dead. If you're not dead in the next night, 100% you're scum.

I guess it's possible that someone leaves you around for a mislynch "OH this guy is too active to be alive without being scum," but I'd be willing to bet on the outcome of this game that people like you and Anubis are scum over people like Gimli and Spongebob.

Why are you alive?

FM Michigan J Frog
January 8th, 2013, 03:08 AM
Why are you alive?

Probably because it looks really bad for you if you kill the one person who says to suspect Agahnim when I die. I volunteer to be shot tonight if me flipping town means you guys will consider Agahnim for lynch/kill. It's not like I would live much longer anyway.

FM Agahnim
January 8th, 2013, 03:21 AM
Probably because it looks really bad for you if you kill the one person who says to suspect Agahnim when I die. I volunteer to be shot tonight if me flipping town means you guys will consider Agahnim for lynch/kill. It's not like I would live much longer anyway.

You misunderstand.

Each and every day I was alive leading up to day 5, where you started calling me scum, you have been left alone as I have.

So. Why are you any less "scummy" than I am.

FM Agahnim
January 8th, 2013, 03:22 AM
You misunderstand.

Each and every day I was alive leading up to day 5, where you started calling me scum, you have been left alone as I have.

So. Why are you any less "scummy" than I am.

Do you see how flimsy using that kind of "meta" can be?

FM SpongeBob
January 8th, 2013, 04:20 AM
honesty, with the evidence compiled against Anubis. it's certainly easy to notice a perfect plan for a witch to speak with the rest of the scum.

even though the claim of doc would be disbelieved by almost everyone, he would state it anyways.
and why not? its gives a great target for mafia and sk....and learn of their new found ally.
even sets up a great plan(is not the only one) to attack the sheriff....which even follows through.

FM Hamburglar
January 8th, 2013, 05:21 AM
FM The Joker (1 [L-14]):
FM Hamburglar

FM Anubis (2 [L-13]):
FM Captain Obvious, FM Sherlock

FM Gimli (1 [L-14]):
FM Agahnim

FM SpongeBob (1 [L-14]):
FM King Tut

Interesting arrangement.

i'm currently on page 8 doing the rereading, and apparently even i myself forgot that i voted for Joker.
How can this lurky scum not be considered for lynching?

FM Hamburglar
January 8th, 2013, 05:29 AM
I don't believe that Hamburglar's proposed scenario is by any means the "worst case". If it was, the FM would be over and town declared victorious. In fact, Hamburglar's scenario is closer to what I'd call a best-case scenario, as it assumes that we will lynch all 4 scum in the next 5 days. Quite optimistic considering our current record is 2 in 5. 3 if you count jailor.

The actual worst-case scenario looks more like this:

11 town 4 scum
lynch town. 7 town 4 scum
lynch town. 3 town 4 scum. Scum win.

And that's ignoring kills from blacksmith guns, which have exclusively hit town thus far. So forgive me if I'm not quite as optimistic as Hamburglar.
I can't take you for anything else but witch, since you pointed out that neither the blacksmith gun, nor the vigilante will hit scum.
Meaning that you control both.
Meaning that you are witch.

FM Wolverine

Also, i thought giving out vests would be a lot smarter than guns, but i guess i was wrong on Cesars thinking process.
Essentially, giving a gun to scum at this point would be fatal, especially with the witch having easy access to them. Vests on the other hand would only benefit if they are received, and if someone didn't get them, we could still whoever got it.

Anubis' retraction of his claimed role is a common occurence in epic mafia when trying to find PRs as town. But not 5 days later.
Anubis is back in the running, but i still find both sponge and joker incredibly lurky and scummy. As is Gimli. Cpt Obvious Wolverine and Anubis are back in the fray aswell.

So i got 6 FoS and 4 scum. Damn you all being so scummy.

FM Anubis
January 8th, 2013, 07:14 AM
Anubis claimed Doctor on day 1 before Gandalf did.

Cluseau is trolly and claimed everything across numerous days.

The Sheriff died because of my directives as well as Anubis' on day 5. Also it was the most logical choice of kill

thank you agahnim. and if my memory serves, i claimed after gandalf renounced. my claim was NOT to get gandalf lynched.

FM Anubis
January 8th, 2013, 07:16 AM
And Wolverine, do you see now that we can win without me being lynched, right? Admit that you were wrong.

Even though we only lynched the mafia, we are still fine because scum might focus attack 1 person instead of hitting mutliple people. Unless someone like Anubis directs then again.

it was an accident, and i thought it was obvious. i'm sorry!

FM Anubis
January 8th, 2013, 07:20 AM
Well I actually thought you were witch and King Arthur was sk, but I guess since he died there goes that theory. I re-read starting from Day 3 and picked out all the posts that I thought were scummy and suspicious and guess what!? You, Agahnim, Cluseau, and King Arthur gave off the most scum vibes. I haven't had a chance to go sort through Anubis's quotes and such because I really firmly believed his claim when I did my re-read earlier today. It's just when he himself retracts the doc claim and a confirmed townie who should not be lynched (Sherlock) brings up good points about him that it makes me nod in affirmation.

I don't make any claim that the case against Anubis is my own, but I do agree with it which is why I slipped mention of Anubis into the witch slot. I think it's kind of ridiculous that you use "not using quotes for Anubis" as a way to try to discredit me!

sherlock has had a grudge because i tried to lynch him. and i WAS NOT THE ONLY ONE TO THINK SHERLOCK WAS SCUM.

FM Wile E Coyote
January 8th, 2013, 07:24 AM
Confirmed Town
FM Ceasar
FM Sherlock
FM Rubber Ducky

Most likely Town
FM Michigan J Frog
FM Hamburglar
FM Inspector Cluseau

Puzzled about you two.
FM Agahnim
FM The Joker

Somewhat scummy people, but not my top FoS.
FM King Tut
FM Gimli
FM Anubis
FM Wolverine

Main scum suspects.
FM Captain Obvious
FM SpongeBob

This is, in order, the list of my current focuses on other players and on which I think they are.

Please note that this is my opinion; I do believe that since Anubis confessed to not be a Doctor, that Rubber Ducky is pretty much confirmed Doctor. I somewhat refuse to believe that we still have two hidden doctors out there, hence why I placed him in my confirmed list.

Wolverine strikes me as a Witch.

I'll have to reread some posts.

FM Wile E Coyote
January 8th, 2013, 07:37 AM
And on which side* Duh.

FM Sherlock
January 8th, 2013, 08:57 AM
sherlock has had a grudge because i tried to lynch him. and i WAS NOT THE ONLY ONE TO THINK SHERLOCK WAS SCUM.

I'm doing that not because of some stupid "grudge". You directed the mafia and witch to attack the sheriff. None of your excuses are going to save you.

FM Anubis
January 8th, 2013, 09:02 AM
While we can't confirm until Rubber Ducky comes back online, this does not sound like the words of someone who healed Sam last night, which the RP strongly suggested one of the Doctors did. Anubis does not claim healing Sam. Ducky does not claim healing Sam. If we trust the RP, one of them is very likely to be lying.

@Rubber Ducky: Who have you healed thus far?

@Anubis: If you are not Doctor, now would be a brilliant time to make your final claim. While I like the play of a Citizen protecting the Doctors, and you have been quite a strong town read for me, bad stuff could happen if you lie at this stage of the game.

Also, Wolverine posseses the Gunsmith Gun.

THIS IS WHY I CHANGED MY CLAIM. i will not bring up another reason. I've always followed what the town PRs wanted, and tried to get stuff done as a part of it, like getting people to lynch Locutus.

FM Sherlock
January 8th, 2013, 09:30 AM
I've always followed what the town PRs wanted, and tried to get stuff done as a part of it, like getting people to lynch Locutus.

Yeah, and this is called "sheeping".

FM Anubis
January 8th, 2013, 10:15 AM
in my position sherlock, if i was witch, don't you think i would have kept my doc claim and not switched?

FM Wolverine
January 8th, 2013, 10:31 AM
I can't take you for anything else but witch, since you pointed out that neither the blacksmith gun, nor the vigilante will hit scum.
Meaning that you control both.
Meaning that you are witch.

FM Wolverine

Also, i thought giving out vests would be a lot smarter than guns, but i guess i was wrong on Cesars thinking process.
Essentially, giving a gun to scum at this point would be fatal, especially with the witch having easy access to them. Vests on the other hand would only benefit if they are received, and if someone didn't get them, we could still whoever got it.

Anubis' retraction of his claimed role is a common occurence in epic mafia when trying to find PRs as town. But not 5 days later.
Anubis is back in the running, but i still find both sponge and joker incredibly lurky and scummy. As is Gimli. Cpt Obvious Wolverine and Anubis are back in the fray aswell.

So i got 6 FoS and 4 scum. Damn you all being so scummy.

It's almost as if someone other than witch is able to know who the witch is going to target... Seriously, if you're going to continue being this stupid, I'm just going to start ignoring you. It is very clear that the witch used the vigilante last night, and will continue to do so. The witch does NOT and will NEVER control both vig and blacksmith because the witch only gets to mind control one person per night, so how about you read the game mechanics before you make moronic accusations like that, mmk? I was also not saying that the vig and blacksmith guns WON'T hit scum, merely that if the witch is smart, she will continue to direct the vig at town, and the blackmsith gun has only hit town thus far. I'd obviously like to change that. But your claim that your scenario was the "worst case" was so far from the truth that I had to correct it so the town doesn't get slaughtered believing your ridiculous claim that we've already got it in the bag. We don't. We can win, but we have to play smart.

Your vote failed, by the way. You can't unvote and vote in the same post. Just use vote, it automatically changes your vote anyway. If you'd been reading the thread, you'd know this.

I agree about the vests, by the way. But Ceasar has clearly made up his mind, so guns we shall have.

FM Hamburglar
January 8th, 2013, 10:43 AM
^are you retarded? I clearly stated that the WAY you talked about the matter makes you more likely to be the witch than anything else. I never said the witch could control both.
Phrasing is important, and i believe you made an unintentional slip there.
FM Wolverine

i don't read every post word for word that is not worth reading.

FM Wolverine
January 8th, 2013, 10:44 AM
^are you retarded? I clearly stated that the WAY you talked about the matter makes you more likely to be the witch than anything else. I never said the witch could control both.
Phrasing is important, and i believe you made an unintentional slip there.
FM Wolverine

i don't read every post word for word that is not worth reading.

How can you determine whether or not a post is worth reading if you haven't read it?

FM Wolverine
January 8th, 2013, 10:47 AM
^are you retarded? I clearly stated that the WAY you talked about the matter makes you more likely to be the witch than anything else. I never said the witch could control both.
Phrasing is important, and i believe you made an unintentional slip there.
FM Wolverine

i don't read every post word for word that is not worth reading.

And the way I talked about it was as if it was the worst-case scenario. The worst-case scenario is not hitting scum, ergo, in that case, we would miss scum. I'm beginning to think you're intentionally acting stupid in some weird form of trolling because I don't want to believe that people this stupid can actually exist.

FM The Joker
January 8th, 2013, 10:47 AM
The above quote is from Day 5 #82 after I asked why he wasn't dead considering he has claimed doctor for a few days.
I believe he has planned to use this excuse when he claimed doctor. I don't buy this excuse. The Mafia have obviously been hunting for PRs. As a doctor the Mafia would want to kill him instead of wait a couple of days for town to mistakenly lynch him. For this reason I don't buy Anubis' claim of doctor now.
That said people may think this post of mine is just adding to the circular logic around Anubis' doctor claim. Not much I can do about that. Just stating what I'm thinking as a town member.

He claims that the other doctor healed Yosemite Sam.
He has always said he deviated heals between the two sheriffs with random.org, why change?
He also claims he Healed Yosemite Sam the night Indiana Jones died. Claims it with too little hesitation in my eyes.
Considering Yosemite Sam had a really high chance of being attacked(three KPN for scum) why didn't he heal Yosemite Sam? Indiana Jones is already dead. Yosemite sam is the obvious best option, with the small amount of players a live sheriff would be invaluable at this moment. I don't buy this explanation.

I want to deny him this. Anubis is scum. I calm my self as Doctor and I healed Ceasar last night. Thus he lying saying he healed caesar. When the other doctor healed Yosemite. Thus he is not doctor and he is scum.

FM The Joker
January 8th, 2013, 10:48 AM
*I claim Doctor.

FM Wolverine
January 8th, 2013, 10:52 AM
How can you determine whether or not a post is worth reading if you haven't read it?

The post in question was actually made by the GM, which I'd think would automatically make it worthy of your attention. But then, you didn't read the rules either, so I guess I shouldn't expect too much from you.

FM Wolverine
January 8th, 2013, 10:54 AM
*I claim Doctor.

Is anyone in this game NOT going to claim doctor?

FM Wile E Coyote
January 8th, 2013, 10:54 AM
I want to deny him this. Anubis is scum. I calm my self as Doctor and I healed Ceasar last night. Thus he lying saying he healed caesar. When the other doctor healed Yosemite. Thus he is not doctor and he is scum.

You proooobably should've finished reading the day and read Anubis' posts before posting this.

FM The Joker
January 8th, 2013, 11:15 AM

FM Sherlock
January 8th, 2013, 11:20 AM
So Joker, is Anubis a safe lynch for us now? You sure we won't hit another citizen this time?

FM Anubis
January 8th, 2013, 11:21 AM
You proooobably should've finished reading the day and read Anubis' posts before posting this.

please joker, read this. and btw, i 99% believe your doc claim, as it would explain why you thought i was scummy before i claimed citizen. so thats rubber ducky and the joker as doctors. you 2 should probably decide if you'll do circle healing or not.

FM Anubis
January 8th, 2013, 11:23 AM
So Joker, is Anubis a safe lynch for us now? You sure we won't hit another citizen this time?

you WILL hit a citizen if you lynch me. and i'll feel really crappy if thats the end result that i contributed for this FM. a fail claim at doc that didn't get hit, then gets lynched possibly costing the game (depending on who gets hit by Cesar's bullet)

FM Sherlock
January 8th, 2013, 11:35 AM
I'm not going to change my mind about Anubis.

Wolverine, if you have the gun, you need to shoot Inspector Cluseau with it. I will try to kill Cluseau this night as well in case if witch tries to control you instead. If you don't do as I said, then we will lynch you on the next day.

Sounds like a good deal, right?

FM Wile E Coyote
January 8th, 2013, 11:36 AM
On a side note:

I still believe our best lynches to be Captain Obvious or Spongebob.

No matter what alignment Wolverine is, He will have to follow Ceasar's decision on who to shoot, unless he wants to instantly out himself as scum and get lynched the next day.

Also, @Anubis:
The fact that you claimed Doctor on N1, that you weren't hit at all even if scum had two and now three KPN, AND that we've had missing kills in the past (READ: Scum visited scum), makes you a prime suspect in my eyes, and probably in the eyes of others. I don't think anything you can say could change that opinion. Your plan is backfiring, no matter what alignment you are.

FM Wile E Coyote
January 8th, 2013, 11:37 AM
I'm not going to change my mind about Anubis.

Wolverine, if you have the gun, you need to shoot Inspector Cluseau with it. I will try to kill Cluseau this night as well in case if witch tries to control you instead. If you don't do as I said, then we will lynch you on the next day.

Sounds like a good deal, right?

I may have missed it, but what makes you so focused on Cluseau right now?
I somewhat believe him to really be a trolling Citizen trying to take a bullet. This is just the vibe I get from him, and I think we have better targets than him.