View Full Version : Epilogue: A New Dawn [Game End]

August 11th, 2011, 07:15 AM
The records of the great conflict of Cosenza detail a great standoff on the 22nd of August. A town united against a common foe. The great Freemason movement commanded near all of the Nobility left in the town.

Both TheJackofSpades and Raiden knew that they had been exposed for what they were. TheJackofSpades quickly drew his gun and pointed it square at the other towns members, he had intended to kill them all right there when from the other side of the town square, the one named NorthStar drew two guns of his own. TheJackofSpades' momentary hesitation cost him his life as NorthStar shot both Jack and Raiden in the head. Killing them instantly.

The surviving towns members did not rest on their laurels. The very next day they had begun to repair the damage that had been done over the past 7 days, with a new mayor elected and construction of new town gallows beginning.

Somewhere on the outskirts of town, a man was reunited with his family. Crimson, having successfully completed the task the kidnappers had requested, shed tears of joy as he saw his wife and child run down the dirt road to greet him unharmed... They all visited the grave of MrSmarter, as his life was the cost of two.

As we look back on the events of this trying week, we can appreciate the sacrifice that the nobility of Cosenza made... for without their conviction to justice, Cosenza would not be the same today.

The Town Has Won The Game!!

Final Roles List:
Godfather[De Luca] - TheJackofSpades
Consigliere[De Luca] - Raiden
Mafioso[De Luca] - Zack
Mafioso[Romano] - Auckmid
Framer[Romano] - Procyon
Hooker[Romano] - Cultist - FalseTruth
Serial Killer - Cultist - oops_ur_dead
Cult Leader - Spy
Jester - MileS
Executioner - Crimson
Mason - monster
Sheriff - Cultist - Goonswarm
Sheriff - Narks
Investigator - S.A.S.cnl.Alpha
Investigator - MrSmarter
Doctor - McPwnage
Gunsmith - NorthStar
Armorsmith - Vornksr
Citizen - Mason Rumpel
Citizen - Mason Illidan
Citizen - Mason Severn
Citizen - Mason Ganondorf
Citizen - Mason Yayap
Citizen Ozymandias
Citizen Clawtrocity
Citizen philie
Citizen divemaster127
Citizen AscendedOne

Cristina Szabo (Citizen) – Died Day 0 -15 August, 1889; 4:45PM – Hung Publically in the Town Square.
Philie (Citizen) – Died Night 1 -15 August, 1889; 11:45PM – Shot repeatedly in their home.
Zack (Mafioso[De Luca]) - Died Night 1 - 16 August, 1889; 2:31 AM – Two silent shots to the back of the skull.
Mayor Lucias (Mayor) - Died Night 1 - 16 August, 1889; ? ? ? AM – Found in the Town Square with a Pentagram carved into his chest.
MrSmarter (Investigator) Died Day 1 -16 August, 1889; 4:43PM – Hung Publically in the Town Square;
Procyon (Framer[Romano]) Died Night 2 -17 August, 1889; 7:24PM – Multiple abrasions, severed arteries and eyes removed from sockets.
Clawtrocity (Citizen) Died Night 2 -17 August, 1889; 8:21PM – Multiple abrasions, severed arteries and eyes removed from sockets.
divemaster127 (Citizen) Died Night 2 - 17 August, 1889; 11:43PM – Shot multiple times in the arms and chest
AscendedOne (Citizen) Died Night 2 - 18 August, 1889; 5:21AM – Head slammed into table, then shot once in the neck.
oops_ur_dead (Cultist)(Serial Killer) Died Day 2 -18 August, 1889; 1:21PM – Hung Publically in the Town Square;
monster (Mason) Died Night 3 -18 August, 1889; 11:47PM – Blasted by a single round from a revolver, the gun was found abandoned next to the body.
Goonswarm (Cultist)(Sheriff) Died Night 3 -19 August, 1889; 2:41AM – Broken arm and three shots in the sternum
Spy (Cult Leader) Died Day 3 -19 August, 1889; 2:31PM – Hung Publically in the Town Square;
McPwnage (Doctor) Died Night 4 -19 August, 1889; 11:47PM – Found dead in his shower with multiple bullet wounds.
Severn (Mason) Died Night 4 - 20 August, 1889; 2:31AM – Head slammed through a wooden door, shot twice in the temple
FalseTruth (Cultist)(Hooker[Romano]) Died Night 4 - 20 August, 1889; 4:44 AM – Burnt in a self sacrifice in an attempt to bring their Beloved back.
Cosenza Town Gallows (Gallows) Destroyed Night 4 - 20 August, 1889; 4:44 AM – Burnt in a self sacrifice to try to bring the Cult Leader back.
Narks (Sheriff) Died Day 4 -20 August, 1889; 2:44PM – Burnt at the Stake in the Town Square;
MileS (Jester) Died Night 5 -20 August, 1889; 10:21PM – Found dead in his home among many broken chairs.
Yayap (Mason) Died Night 5 - 21 August, 1889; 1:31AM – Shot in the back of the neck.
Auckmid (Mafioso[Romano]) Died Day 5 - 21 August, 1889; 4:22PM – Drowned in a Barrel in the Center of Town.
vornskr (Armorsmith) Died Night 6 - 22 August, 1889; 2:34AM – Multiple bullet wounds from an automatic rifle.
TheJackofSpades (Godfather[De Luca]) - Died Day 6 - 22 August, 1889; 4:00PM – Killed in a Duel.
Raiden (Consigliere[De Luca]) - Died Day 6 - 22 August, 1889; 4:00PM – Killed in a Duel.


Executioner - Crimson
Investigator - S.A.S.cnl.Alpha
Gunsmith - NorthStar
Citizen - Mason Rumpel
Citizen - Mason Illidan
Citizen - Mason Ganondorf
Citizen Ozymandias


All awards come with a forum sig, made by me, that you can use if you like it. I made 1 more so theres 7 now!

The Two Tails Coin Award

It's pretty hard to suck at a coin flip. 50 - 50 chance is good right? Well not in this guy's case. Not only could this particular person never land heads ever, he was also so unlucky that he randomed the Executioner's Target. If nothing else, it proves that the Investigator should PROBABLY be changed for FM3.

I award the Two Tails Coin award to MrSmarter


The Cursed Weapons Award

While I agree that MrSmarter is indeed unlucky, I think that the reciever of this award is en par with him... although he probably could have helped himself by paying more attention during the day in some cases. I think he was only able to successfully use his night ability once... and the one time he did succeed, he gave his item to a Mafia... Every other time he used his ability, that person would die the very same night... Including the Self Proclaimed cultist False who said he was going to suicide the following night. I give the Cursed Weapons to Northstar, the gunsmith.


The Zhuge Liang Master Strategist Award

This award was in tight contention between three people. For those who don't know, Zhuge Liang was the greatest strategist of China (and a rad character in Dynasty Warriors I might add). The ability to predict the moves that some might take with the introduction of a little false information is the basis of a cunning strategy. rumpel's strategy setting himself up as a power role that the Cult would want struck me as such a plan, thus he is our Master Strategist of FM2


The Ezio Auditore Assassin Award

Assassins hide in plain sight. They are the most lethal killers, yet they walk among us blending in with the crowd. Also a contender for the strategist award, TheJackofSpades was the least likely candidate for the GF position in all early days. It was not until the masons nearly had majority, and narks made a radical troll guess that Jack's alignment even came into question. All the while he culled 5 nights worth of town. The Assassin's award is thus the property of TheJackofSpades


The Adolf Hilter "It Looked Good on Paper" Award

No matter how carefully laid out a plan might be, there is always a chance that it might fail... although usually it doesn't fail repeatedly costing you to commit suicide. However, in this case, this had extremely deceptive plans across two factions with carefully planted spreadsheets omitting certain facts to one side but not the other. All good on paper, until his suggestions were both murdered the same day he made them. The It Looked Good on Paper award goes to FalseTruth.


The Perfect Execution Award

Forum Mafia is a different place for an Executioner... However getting your target killed on day 1 with a massive lynch requirement, that target being an investigator AND surviving the rest of the game is no small feat. Though some might argue there is no point killing an Executioner who has already won; Crimson Executed this Perfectly.


The Sherlock Holmes Award

There are some people who's logic just seems too good to make sense. The winner of this award on more than one occasion just fit everything together, correctly, and with justification that can only be matched to the greatest detective to have ever lived. I can be quoted in Dead Chat saying that the mafia need to shoot this person or he is just going to put this together and win the game. The Sherlock Holmes Award goes to Vornskr.


See you soon for Forum Mafia III!

Goonswarm and Falsetruth will be cohosting it.

Please leave any closing comments below ^_^.

August 11th, 2011, 07:19 AM
NorthStar, known as the dual gun wielder, Hero of Cosenza. Too bad i was on the wrong side of the guns, duh.

I love the awards :) i wish there was one for all roles, but i can't ask for more from this game. It has been beyond awesome to me, a pity that i couldn't crown it with a victory. Now let's take a look at those night chats...

August 11th, 2011, 07:29 AM
Vorn played excellently.

Congrats town and Crimson.

August 11th, 2011, 07:30 AM
Well, I figure at least ONE of northstars guns should shoot a mafia before I close the game right?

All night chats should be able to be viewed and this forum is unlocked to everyone until the next game starts. :)

Honorable Mentions to MileS the investigator Jester

August 11th, 2011, 07:35 AM
NorthStar is a beast: 'nuff said.

August 11th, 2011, 07:37 AM
Awesome stuff.

Gratz everyone

Win percentage:
Cult - 50%
Town - 50%
Mafia - 0%

Clearly the Mafia will never win since they have a 0% chance. Facts don't lie.

August 11th, 2011, 07:42 AM
Thanks, Elixir.

August 11th, 2011, 07:46 AM
Also, one more thing I forgot to mention during day 6, the feint with Rumpel was very well executed. It's not a possibility I had considered, but is dully noted.

August 11th, 2011, 07:57 AM
The "Should Never Go to a Casino" award should be renamed as thus:

"The Cursed Weapons Award"

August 11th, 2011, 07:58 AM
Also, one more thing I forgot to mention during day 6, the feint with Rumpel was very well executed. It's not a possibility I had considered, but is dully noted.

Well, I tried since I was pretty sure Ozymandias wasn't going to show up. Obviously I was wrong :P

Props to you and Raiden for getting this far in the game even if Zack died early, you deserved to win in the end. Too bad Auckmid decided to ruin it all

August 11th, 2011, 07:59 AM
Oh my god the Romano night chat is pure awesome. It's full of fights, insults, indecision and wrong claims to the point it's almost unbelievable :D

I mean i admit having a consigliere helps a lot in understanding the roles, but if you look at our night chat... the difference is noticeable since night 1. Also False being culted must have contributed to that.

August 11th, 2011, 08:00 AM
Masons did a lot of interesting things this game. They weren't as unlucky as Jack last game so they could actually preform a lot of nice strategies.

This next game is going to be insane with all the different roles and strategies happening simultaneously.

August 11th, 2011, 08:24 AM
Wow, I was wrong about alot this game, but the Romano night chat just blows my wrongness away! lol

August 11th, 2011, 08:29 AM
Hes totally right, I never even KNEW Day 4 existed until Day 5 started, LOLOLOLOLO THE IGNORANT NORTHSTAR

August 11th, 2011, 08:38 AM
I'm a badass, I give one shot guns to everybody, but mine are 2 shots. 8)

August 11th, 2011, 08:43 AM
Next time we need someone else to Photoshop the awards. These ones look like goatse.

August 11th, 2011, 08:45 AM
When oops gets shot first night I'm putting all my effort into lynching Elixir.

I can't see it happening any other way.

Darth Sand
August 11th, 2011, 08:45 AM
nice how the decision to kill philie was based on her gender in the end

August 11th, 2011, 08:45 AM
Also, sorry for killing you purely based on sexism, philie.

That was unchivalrous of me.

August 11th, 2011, 08:46 AM
I completely forgot how to make a picture signature, I asked rev but deleted his answer and forgot it a few hours later, help guys?

August 11th, 2011, 08:46 AM
Don't look at me about philie - i just wanted to kill her due to being smart and active. That's a respectful compliment if you ask me!

August 11th, 2011, 08:48 AM
Use those brackets around the URL of the image North.

August 11th, 2011, 08:55 AM
Thanks, and did I ever tell you Assassin's Creed is my favorite game series? I envy you Jack, I should kill you and steal your award. >:(
Ezio doesn't kill innocents btw. ;D

August 11th, 2011, 08:58 AM
Good game everyone.

Btw.. it took me an hour to encrypt my message... changed both the message and the math formula once, thus having to restart twice.

From dead chat, looking at the odds stacked against them, I was rooting for Jack.
Go underdogs!

August 11th, 2011, 09:00 AM
Do I need a link to upload my picture?

August 11th, 2011, 09:06 AM

Copy that.

August 11th, 2011, 09:09 AM

going to read through other chats now, Illidans plan was also nice even though Ozy screwed it away
But monster plan about setting me up as not an citizen was actually my plan ;)

August 11th, 2011, 09:13 AM

August 11th, 2011, 09:53 AM
Hooray! This was a real blast, and I'm greatly looking forward to the next one.

Thanks for the awesome award & good game to everyone who played. Looking forward to reading through all the death chats now.

August 11th, 2011, 10:25 AM
First of all I would like to say that it was an awesome game - I had a lot of fun playing, reading all the posts and trash-talking the living when I was dead. :) It was really nice to see everybody(almost) participating actively till the end. I'm really looking forward to the next Forum mafia, can't wait. :P

Also special 10x to Elixir for hosting.

But monster plan about setting me up as not an citizen was actually my plan ;)

This is absolutely true. While it was me, who actually executed the plan with my last will, it was indeed Rumpel who suggested it in the first place. Give that guy a banner, I probably won't be using mine.

August 11th, 2011, 10:32 AM
So, ok, i just read everything in the hidden chats. There was little i did not expect to see, except from the Romano night chat. Really hilarious.

Now that i have a clear vision about how everyone played, how and why they made the decision they made, i shall make my usual best/worst list - just like last game - if you don't care, disregard it. This is only my personal opinion and a thing i enjoy doing. You will be charged with all the risks and responsabilities for reading it.

Best Players:
1) TheJackofSpades: apart from the strategical prowess shown while playing, he has also been one of the best teammates one could ever had. Never disrespectful, never angry, even against the most common of mistakes. Almost no one saw through his scheme until the very end, and even then some were unsure.

2) vornksr: excellent reasoning skills, excellent style of play. Some of his lies have been seen trough, some of his guesses were wrong, but overall i think no one did a better job than him at playing his role. A shame that none of his vests were actually useful, but that's not his fault.

3) Raiden: i was reluctant about putting myself in this list, i usually don't like to be arrogant and overproud of myself, however i cannot find a more suitable candidate for the third place. Monster was the closest one, although the suspicion he created around himself got him killed in the end, while i managed to survive until the very end, against all odds. Also, if it wasn't for Auckmid, we would have had great chances to win this game, and although a lot of merit is on Jack's side, overall i feel my performance was a success. You might invoke "pure luck" on Spy's claim, but truth is he was one of three candidates (monster being the first one, but he died the same day). Imagine what could have happened if the jester was still alive on day 5.

Honorable mentions for: monster, as i already said, was a great player. If hiding Rumpel was actually his idea, he would be joining the podium. I wish i could put Narks here, for having guessed all the right mafia, but in the end i really did not appreciate his desperate trolling, without even trying to defend himself. He could have survived that day, although the town is mostly to blame.
Oh, i almost forgot Crimson. He played only 1 day. And he won within 1 day. GG man. We'll see in the next game if you are worth of being among the tops.

Best Team:
De Luca mafia. I already explained exhaustively why i think so. We saw our mafioso dead by day 1, and went as far as almost winning the game. And even then, losing it was not our fault. We couldn't possibly have done more than this.

Honorable mention for the Masons, all of them played very well at some point. I really didn't like the code stuff, but that's just meta. Look into our night chat to see some proper codes to use in this game, if you agree with me.

Worst Team:
Romano mafia. By far. Just look at their night chat to see what i mean. They fought among themselves, they accused each other, and they couldn't agree even on the simplest of things, such as their last will. They blocked and killed the wrong targets. Their only success was framing Clawtrocity, since oops was really pure luck.

No honorable mentions here. The cult did not do wrong, they were just REALLY unlucky. Both Spy and False could have played better, but in the end they lost mostly because of extreme bad luck. Town did fine, had its ups and downs.

Worst Players:
1) Auckmid: not much to say, he didn't get even one thing straight in this game. He didn't go along with his teammates (although there are also other reasons for this), he went for the wrong kills and his guesses were mostly wrong. Didn't learn much from the last game.

2) Northstar: worst gunsmith ever, really. I wouldn't have given him the second-to-last place, if only he didn't give his last gun to FalseTruth. I mean come on. He didn't pay enough attention to the game despite playing a crucial role. Luck was not on his side, but then again the only gun he successfully delivered was used by a mafioso to shoot a mason.

3) SAS: If i were him, i would have revealed by day 3. He would have most certainly died, but at least town would have unraveled the investigator mistery. He even had the most important results by that day. In the end, he screwed up everything by PM-abuse and not checking for the Romano mafioso.

Honorable mention for Goonswarm here, because honestly, clearing one of the two other sheriff claims as "innocent" (keep in mind narks claimed first) while not thinking he could be the executioner was kinda faulty. At least he properly checked a bad guy next night, even though he wasn't supposed to find him. I would like to mention McPwnage here, too. His greatest mistakes were not healing Goonswarm, although he saved the town from a potentially very dangerous culted sheriff, and not using his armor the day he died.

Host: I must say i really loved how Elixir conducted this game. Despite the day 2 mistake, everything else was just great. I also loved how he partecipated in the night and dead chats. I can only wish to see such dedication from the next hosts.

Again, feel free to disregard or disagree with my list. This is 100% my personal opinion about the game and no offence is intended. If you believe you can learn something from my analysis, i will be happy to have contributed.

August 11th, 2011, 10:46 AM
I'd say your judgment on Auckmid is a bit too harsh. I feel both of our reservations towards him have some sting because he didn't play the part of pawn to our liking. His chances of winning at that point were almost nothing, but I was willing to give him a chance at turning the tables on me because every extra kill reduced our chances of loss by a significant margin.

I do agree with your cast of vornskr however. He threw me off with his ridiculous post count this game and we had him pegged as jester. He never really showed his teeth until it was too late to remove him easily. This is the mark of a great player.

I would name the worst players to probably be the ones who band wagoned on Narks with us, I know I implied that at that point no one was going to change their mind and to stop wasting our time but there was nothing stopping you guys from talking it out and realizing how idiotic it was. I told Raiden when he proprosed it that it'd work as long as no one looked too hard or read too deep into it, and I feel my words were never more true.

August 11th, 2011, 10:50 AM
Totally agree with you on all of those Raiden. I would probably add Monster and Illidan to round out a bo5. Please read the romano mafia chat and compare those to the cult chats. It should be a fun read.

August 11th, 2011, 10:56 AM
I'd say your judgment on Auckmid is a bit too harsh. I feel both of our reservations towards him have some sting because he didn't play the part of pawn to our liking. His chances of winning at that point were almost nothing, but I was willing to give him a chance at turning the tables on me because every extra kill reduced our chances of loss by a significant margin.

I do agree with your cast of vornskr however. He threw me off with his ridiculous post count this game and we had him pegged as jester. He never really showed his teeth until it was too late to remove him easily. This is the mark of a great player.

I would name the worst players to probably be the ones who band wagoned on Narks with us, I know I implied that at that point no one was going to change their mind and to stop wasting our time but there was nothing stopping you guys from talking it out and realizing how idiotic it was. I told Raiden when he proprosed it that it'd work as long as no one looked to hard or read to deep into it, and I feel my words were never more true.

Well, i wouldn't have been so harsh if he wasn't actually attempting to win the game. I would have respected him more if he just said "i know i can't win, i chose to help town/mafia and that's why i did what i did". But after i saw his plan... that nailed it for me.

Also yeah, Narks bandwagoners did not pay much attention either, but in the end i decided to list people whose decisions had the greatest impact on the game progress since day 1. And about that, narks had his share of fault by not even attempting to defend himself. I am 90% sure he would have made it out alive, had he played properly.

Totally agree with you on all of those Raiden. I would probably add Monster and Illidan to round out a bo5. Please read the romano mafia chat and compare those to the cult chats. It should be a fun read.

Yeah i read both, and while Romano chat is fun due to you guys fighting over anything, the cult chat is just sad. I definitely wouldn't like to be in the same team with Spy, ever.

August 11th, 2011, 11:06 AM
BTW That host request will definitely happen, I guarantee it Raiden :)

Just cross your fingers and hope you get a night chat role.

August 11th, 2011, 11:13 AM
BTW That host request will definitely happen, I guarantee it Raiden :)

Just cross your fingers and hope you get a night chat role.

Thank you :) i am definitely hoping for an organized team role, however i think both i and vornksr will die early. I will most certainly be framed night 1, lol (in b4 heavy wifom).

August 11th, 2011, 11:26 AM
So, ok, i just read everything in the hidden chats. There was little i did not expect to see, except from the Romano night chat. Really hilarious.

Now that i have a clear vision about how everyone played, how and why they made the decision they made, i shall make my usual best/worst list - just like last game - if you don't care, disregard it. This is only my personal opinion and a thing i enjoy doing. You will be charged with all the risks and responsabilities for reading it.

Best Players:
1) TheJackofSpades: apart from the strategical prowess shown while playing, he has also been one of the best teammates one could ever had. Never disrespectful, never angry, even against the most common of mistakes. Almost no one saw through his scheme until the very end, and even then some were unsure.

2) vornksr: excellent reasoning skills, excellent style of play. Some of his lies have been seen trough, some of his guesses were wrong, but overall i think no one did a better job than him at playing his role. A shame that none of his vests were actually useful, but that's not his fault.

3) Raiden: i was reluctant about putting myself in this list, i usually don't like to be arrogant and overproud of myself, however i cannot find a more suitable candidate for the third place. Monster was the closest one, although the suspicion he created around himself got him killed in the end, while i managed to survive until the very end, against all odds. Also, if it wasn't for Auckmid, we would have had great chances to win this game, and although a lot of merit is on Jack's side, overall i feel my performance was a success. You might invoke "pure luck" on Spy's claim, but truth is he was one of three candidates (monster being the first one, but he died the same day). Imagine what could have happened if the jester was still alive on day 5.

Honorable mentions for: monster, as i already said, was a great player. If hiding Rumpel was actually his idea, he would be joining the podium. I wish i could put Narks here, for having guessed all the right mafia, but in the end i really did not appreciate his desperate trolling, without even trying to defend himself. He could have survived that day, although the town is mostly to blame.
Oh, i almost forgot Crimson. He played only 1 day. And he won within 1 day. GG man. We'll see in the next game if you are worth of being among the tops.

Best Team:
De Luca mafia. I already explained exhaustively why i think so. We saw our mafioso dead by day 1, and went as far as almost winning the game. And even then, losing it was not our fault. We couldn't possibly have done more than this.

Honorable mention for the Masons, all of them played very well at some point. I really didn't like the code stuff, but that's just meta. Look into our night chat to see some proper codes to use in this game, if you agree with me.

Worst Team:
Romano mafia. By far. Just look at their night chat to see what i mean. They fought among themselves, they accused each other, and they couldn't agree even on the simplest of things, such as their last will. They blocked and killed the wrong targets. Their only success was framing Clawtrocity, since oops was really pure luck.

No honorable mentions here. The cult did not do wrong, they were just REALLY unlucky. Both Spy and False could have played better, but in the end they lost mostly because of extreme bad luck. Town did fine, had its ups and downs.

Worst Players:
1) Auckmid: not much to say, he didn't get even one thing straight in this game. He didn't go along with his teammates (although there are also other reasons for this), he went for the wrong kills and his guesses were mostly wrong. Didn't learn much from the last game.

2) Northstar: worst gunsmith ever, really. I wouldn't have given him the second-to-last place, if only he didn't give his last gun to FalseTruth. I mean come on. He didn't pay enough attention to the game despite playing a crucial role. Luck was not on his side, but then again the only gun he successfully delivered was used by a mafioso to shoot a mason.

3) SAS: If i were him, i would have revealed by day 3. He would have most certainly died, but at least town would have unraveled the investigator mistery. He even had the most important results by that day. In the end, he screwed up everything by PM-abuse and not checking for the Romano mafioso.

Honorable mention for Goonswarm here, because honestly, clearing one of the two other sheriff claims as "innocent" (keep in mind narks claimed first) while not thinking he could be the executioner was kinda faulty. At least he properly checked a bad guy next night, even though he wasn't supposed to find him. I would like to mention McPwnage here, too. His greatest mistakes were not healing Goonswarm, although he saved the town from a potentially very dangerous culted sheriff, and not using his armor the day he died.

Host: I must say i really loved how Elixir conducted this game. Despite the day 2 mistake, everything else was just great. I also loved how he partecipated in the night and dead chats. I can only wish to see such dedication from the next hosts.

Again, feel free to disregard or disagree with my list. This is 100% my personal opinion about the game and no offence is intended. If you believe you can learn something from my analysis, i will be happy to have contributed.


August 11th, 2011, 11:30 AM
elixir should not have confirmed that oops was SK, and goonswarm should not have abused elixir's mistake

August 11th, 2011, 11:31 AM

August 11th, 2011, 11:37 AM
elixir should not have confirmed that oops was SK, and goonswarm should not have abused elixir's mistake

To this we can agree on.

August 11th, 2011, 11:42 AM
elixir should not have confirmed that oops was SK, and goonswarm should not have abused elixir's mistake

Wow Narks. We can agree on something here.

August 11th, 2011, 11:58 AM
elixir should not have confirmed that oops was SK, and goonswarm should not have abused elixir's mistake

The game might easily have ended in a cult win if this happened.

August 11th, 2011, 12:01 PM
more narks post


Just so you know, you can change what time posts were made.

Didn't really matter anyway.

August 11th, 2011, 12:07 PM
I just can't wait for this next game.

Anyone who uses these weird codes is going to get found out so fast.
Maybe when everyone starts to use them it will be WIFOM type thing. "I'll use a code cause now no one will use a code"

Goonswarm and False both seem very systematic at their gameplay so I assume with them hosting we'll have fun.
Oops won't stop praising Narks for his amazing gameplay so that won't get irritating at any point.
Dark will have to make sure none of that posting as zombie stuff happens again even though no one abused it.
For the next game after this I think we should go to a closed setup. I'm pretty sure that'd be the most interesting type of game.
And on top of that when you have a role list everything is as simple as a role call and killing the multiples.
There are some of the people who are signing up that I've never even seen in SC2 Mafia...Although...I pretty sure I
Hadn't seen vorn before this last game. For a second I wondered why Dark doesn't play, but I'm pretty sure he can see all....
Even PMs and such. Speaking of PMs was there any consensus about whether we would be allowed to use PMs in this game.
Really it shouldn't have that much of an impact since like others said I'm sure people were sending a few PMs once in awhile.

August 11th, 2011, 12:09 PM
So, ok, i just read everything in the hidden chats. There was little i did not expect to see, except from the Romano night chat. Really hilarious.

Now that i have a clear vision about how everyone played, how and why they made the decision they made, i shall make my usual best/worst list - just like last game - if you don't care, disregard it. This is only my personal opinion and a thing i enjoy doing. You will be charged with all the risks and responsabilities for reading it.

Best Players:
1) TheJackofSpades: apart from the strategical prowess shown while playing, he has also been one of the best teammates one could ever had. Never disrespectful, never angry, even against the most common of mistakes. Almost no one saw through his scheme until the very end, and even then some were unsure.

2) vornksr: excellent reasoning skills, excellent style of play. Some of his lies have been seen trough, some of his guesses were wrong, but overall i think no one did a better job than him at playing his role. A shame that none of his vests were actually useful, but that's not his fault.

3) Raiden: i was reluctant about putting myself in this list, i usually don't like to be arrogant and overproud of myself, however i cannot find a more suitable candidate for the third place. Monster was the closest one, although the suspicion he created around himself got him killed in the end, while i managed to survive until the very end, against all odds. Also, if it wasn't for Auckmid, we would have had great chances to win this game, and although a lot of merit is on Jack's side, overall i feel my performance was a success. You might invoke "pure luck" on Spy's claim, but truth is he was one of three candidates (monster being the first one, but he died the same day). Imagine what could have happened if the jester was still alive on day 5.

Honorable mentions for: monster, as i already said, was a great player. If hiding Rumpel was actually his idea, he would be joining the podium. I wish i could put Narks here, for having guessed all the right mafia, but in the end i really did not appreciate his desperate trolling, without even trying to defend himself. He could have survived that day, although the town is mostly to blame.
Oh, i almost forgot Crimson. He played only 1 day. And he won within 1 day. GG man. We'll see in the next game if you are worth of being among the tops.

Best Team:
De Luca mafia. I already explained exhaustively why i think so. We saw our mafioso dead by day 1, and went as far as almost winning the game. And even then, losing it was not our fault. We couldn't possibly have done more than this.

Honorable mention for the Masons, all of them played very well at some point. I really didn't like the code stuff, but that's just meta. Look into our night chat to see some proper codes to use in this game, if you agree with me.

Worst Team:
Romano mafia. By far. Just look at their night chat to see what i mean. They fought among themselves, they accused each other, and they couldn't agree even on the simplest of things, such as their last will. They blocked and killed the wrong targets. Their only success was framing Clawtrocity, since oops was really pure luck.

No honorable mentions here. The cult did not do wrong, they were just REALLY unlucky. Both Spy and False could have played better, but in the end they lost mostly because of extreme bad luck. Town did fine, had its ups and downs.

Worst Players:
1) Auckmid: not much to say, he didn't get even one thing straight in this game. He didn't go along with his teammates (although there are also other reasons for this), he went for the wrong kills and his guesses were mostly wrong. Didn't learn much from the last game.

2) Northstar: worst gunsmith ever, really. I wouldn't have given him the second-to-last place, if only he didn't give his last gun to FalseTruth. I mean come on. He didn't pay enough attention to the game despite playing a crucial role. Luck was not on his side, but then again the only gun he successfully delivered was used by a mafioso to shoot a mason.

3) SAS: If i were him, i would have revealed by day 3. He would have most certainly died, but at least town would have unraveled the investigator mistery. He even had the most important results by that day. In the end, he screwed up everything by PM-abuse and not checking for the Romano mafioso.

Honorable mention for Goonswarm here, because honestly, clearing one of the two other sheriff claims as "innocent" (keep in mind narks claimed first) while not thinking he could be the executioner was kinda faulty. At least he properly checked a bad guy next night, even though he wasn't supposed to find him. I would like to mention McPwnage here, too. His greatest mistakes were not healing Goonswarm, although he saved the town from a potentially very dangerous culted sheriff, and not using his armor the day he died.

Host: I must say i really loved how Elixir conducted this game. Despite the day 2 mistake, everything else was just great. I also loved how he partecipated in the night and dead chats. I can only wish to see such dedication from the next hosts.

Again, feel free to disregard or disagree with my list. This is 100% my personal opinion about the game and no offence is intended. If you believe you can learn something from my analysis, i will be happy to have contributed.

There was a reason we fought so much. FalseTruth was Culted. I suspected that night 2, and that led to a ton of conflict.

August 11th, 2011, 12:24 PM
About the pm mixup: I don't think this changed the game very much. I think oops would still have been lynched based on the mafia's will. We knew that sk hadn't killed and so the faction with the hooker would stand a good chance of knowing who was the sk. The question at that point would really just have been whether the mafia would want to actually kill the sk that early. I believed them at any rate and I remember others taking the will seriously before the claim by Narks.

August 11th, 2011, 12:32 PM
Rev can't read PMs but he can read all threads all the time.

August 11th, 2011, 12:44 PM
Wow.... EVERYONE thought I was a mason. Act well played IMO.

August 11th, 2011, 12:50 PM
Wow.... EVERYONE thought I was a mason. Act well played IMO.

Including the Masons themselves?

August 11th, 2011, 12:54 PM
Wow.... EVERYONE thought I was a mason. Act well played IMO.

They find you interesting that's why.

Rev can't read PMs but he can read all threads all the time.

Yeah, It'd be really unfair for Dark to even remotely try to play with us. Not to mention he's busy sucking his own dic...making lots of other games.

August 11th, 2011, 12:55 PM
He could just make another forum account and play from that.

August 11th, 2011, 12:56 PM
Yeah, It'd be really unfair for Dark to even remotely try to play with us.

yes, completely unfair if rev did something like, say, tell people who posted in the subforums of the various factions

very unfair

August 11th, 2011, 01:00 PM
He could just make another forum account and play from that.

Yeah, but he has to log on Dark and even if he accidentally sees "Goonswarm posted in Night 3 Ridda Chat" He'd be like da fuck Goon is culted and I can't unknow this information.

Like I said he's probably too busy to play, but enjoys watching us play since being the all seeing eye makes you realize how stupid people are sometimes.

August 11th, 2011, 01:01 PM
Wow.... EVERYONE thought I was a mason. Act well played IMO.

Including the Masons themselves?

Of course, thats how good my act was. They probably though elixir messed up with the pms.

August 11th, 2011, 01:02 PM
Honestly I think it would have ended much differently. Also if I had been successfully culted and healed by the doctor that night they would have a culted sheriff with a gun going into the next night. Cult would have been very strong.

August 11th, 2011, 01:10 PM
About the pm mixup: I don't think this changed the game very much. I think oops would still have been lynched based on the mafia's will. We knew that sk hadn't killed and so the faction with the hooker would stand a good chance of knowing who was the sk. The question at that point would really just have been whether the mafia would want to actually kill the sk that early. I believed them at any rate and I remember others taking the will seriously before the claim by Narks.

I think you're wrong.

August 11th, 2011, 01:24 PM
About the pm mixup: I don't think this changed the game very much. I think oops would still have been lynched based on the mafia's will. We knew that sk hadn't killed and so the faction with the hooker would stand a good chance of knowing who was the sk. The question at that point would really just have been whether the mafia would want to actually kill the sk that early. I believed them at any rate and I remember others taking the will seriously before the claim by Narks.

I think you're wrong.

That was very unfortunate. Why I don't think the SK would have made it to the end either way, I think the mixup was a huge factor toward's the downfall of the Cult, and if it wasn't for that , the Cult could have won the game.

August 11th, 2011, 01:27 PM
The suspicion would have been there, but I don't think Oops would have been lynched that day on Procyon's last will alone. Kind of like when Narks accused me of being mafia.

August 11th, 2011, 01:32 PM
I kind of feel sorry for you Jack, for both games.

August 11th, 2011, 03:43 PM
Either way, any chance I had at winning preaty much died with Plato. My plan to try and get rid of all neutral role's, and get the game at 2 Du Luca, 2 Town, 1 Auckmid, no neutral's had very minimal chance of working, but if I kept on killing Townie's it probably would have meant victory for the Du Luca. Just because killling MileS made it a lot harder for Du Luca to have a chance of winning, not killing him would not have significantly increased my own chance's of winning. I was preaty much fucked after day 3.

On day 5, if neither of the Mafia had have voted for me, Crimson hadn't voted for me, and Ozymandius hadn't suddenly voted after being AFK all game, I might have survived. I have no idea why Raiden voted for me after he had already made it apparant he was Congrilese, and it was preaty much light's out for him when I died.

August 11th, 2011, 03:52 PM
Either way, any chance I had at winning preaty much died with Plato. My plan to try and get rid of all neutral role's, and get the game at 2 Du Luca, 2 Town, 1 Auckmid, no neutral's had very minimal chance of working, but if I kept on killing Townie's it probably would have meant victory for the Du Luca. Just because killling MileS made it a lot harder for Du Luca to have a chance of winning, not killing him would not have significantly increased my own chance's of winning. I was preaty much fucked after day 3.

On day 5, if neither of the Mafia had have voted for me, Crimson hadn't voted for me, and Ozymandius hadn't suddenly voted after being AFK all game, I might have survived. I have no idea why Raiden voted for me after he had already made it apparant he was Congrilese, and it was preaty much light's out for him when I died.

It was lights out for everyone when you killed the jester. In the end you chose to help the town, just like every other bad guy in the game :)

August 11th, 2011, 04:07 PM
:/ Sorry Raiden. I didn't out Auckmid, but I outed you in my last will because I was saying it before anyway and I just wanted to end the game faster.

If I had seen your night chat earlier, I probably wouldn't have outed you because you guys truly deserved to win the game.

August 11th, 2011, 04:28 PM
He voted for you because they had 6 votes without me, and didn't want to stall the day any longer than it had to.

Your fate was sealed the moment you decided not to draw town blood.

August 11th, 2011, 04:33 PM
He voted for you because they had 6 votes without me, and didn't want to stall the day any longer than it had to.

Your fate was sealed the moment you decided not to draw town blood.

This. If ozy didn't show up i might have waited for a stall, but that was not the case.

@False: it's ok :) i cannot and will not blame anyone for deciding who to side with when it's over. It's part of the game.

but if you really want to make amend you could roll a cult leader role for me in the next game

August 11th, 2011, 05:03 PM
I wasn't trying to seel the win for the Town. I was just trying a completely far-fetched plan that had very little chance of working, but was preaty much the closest thing to a chance of winning. I'm sorry if you blame me for Du Luca's loss, which might be right, but if I had have continued haveing just killing Town's, Du Luca would have won. FalseTruth said on NIght 4 that I could not win, and I had preaty much gave up after that.

Anyway, if you think that I could have won if I didn't kill MileS, and lost because I did, then I made a very bad mistake. However, as I said before, my fate was preaty much sealed when Spy died, and anything I did after that was null.

August 11th, 2011, 05:08 PM
He voted for you because they had 6 votes without me, and didn't want to stall the day any longer than it had to.

Your fate was sealed the moment you decided not to draw town blood.

Again, my fate was sealed before then. I was not certain if False was culted, and I might have acted differently on Day 3 if I did.

August 11th, 2011, 05:17 PM
First of all I would like to say that it was an awesome game - I had a lot of fun playing, reading all the posts and trash-talking the living when I was dead. :) It was really nice to see everybody(almost) participating actively till the end. I'm really looking forward to the next Forum mafia, can't wait. :P

Also special 10x to Elixir for hosting.

But monster plan about setting me up as not an citizen was actually my plan ;)

This is absolutely true. While it was me, who actually executed the plan with my last will, it was indeed Rumpel who suggested it in the first place. Give that guy a banner, I probably won't be using mine.

Updating then.

August 11th, 2011, 05:19 PM
Next time we need someone else to Photoshop the awards. These ones look like goatse.


I only though about doing it 10 mins prior to De Luca conceding. Cut me some slack

August 11th, 2011, 05:26 PM
no elixir, you made a great job dont wast time into making a award i will alsmost certainly not use^^

August 11th, 2011, 05:28 PM
no elixir, you made a great job dont wast time into making a award i will alsmost certainly not use^^

What you mean the one thats already on the front page ? :P

Never said you had to use it, this thread will be archived so its there forever

August 11th, 2011, 05:36 PM
NorthStar is a beast: 'nuff said.

+100k support.

August 11th, 2011, 06:34 PM

August 11th, 2011, 07:31 PM
Next time we need someone else to Photoshop the awards. These ones look like goatse.


I only though about doing it 10 mins prior to De Luca conceding. Cut me some slack

I kid.
Well, not really. They're pretty good for a quick job though.

August 11th, 2011, 07:43 PM
Can I please sign up for the next Forum Mafia game in advance?

August 11th, 2011, 07:50 PM
There's a thread in Gen Discuss.

August 11th, 2011, 08:18 PM
Town's Best moment:
Believing Raiden that Spy was cult leader. Consig or investigator, they both can find the cult. (although it turned out to be a random guess)

Town's dumbest moment: Lynching Narks!

Jester, Ganondorf, Illidan, JackofSpades, SAS, Executioner, Consig, Mason

I mean seriously, Narks was a sheriff with no one counter-claiming. As soon as Rumple claimed to NOT be a sheriff, people should have known that:
1- Miles was lying and most likely jester
2- Narks becomes clean again
Instead... the Investigator jumps onto the band wagon just because Narks told him to.... then Executioner.
I unvoted within 10 mins of the possible hammervote (crimson). Just to have the 2 people I didn't suspect as much as the others blast away at me. (Ganon and Illidan)
The only person I had support from was Vornskr, but I suspected that he may die with me that night.
The other mason was voting for Miles (jester) wth?
It became clear to me that lynching Narks was the only way for this town to finally believe that Raiden was Consig and to stop taking his advice.

De Luca Best Moments:
Somehow keeping Raiden alive
And Jack fading to a ghostly presence making his day 2 accusation on goon a forgotten memory
De Luca worst moment:
I had Jack on my radar ever since he proposed that Goon might be mafia on day 2... I just wasn't sure which family. Any other person taking notes should have picked that up.

Romano Best Moments:
Rb the sk
Romano bad moments:
The rest of the game

Cult Best Moments:
Recruiting FalseTruth
Cult Unlucky Moments:
Pm mistake with Oops
De Luca taking the risk and killing Goon
Raiden taking a random guess at Spy

Jesters Best Moments:
Faking Investigator
Jesters Worst Moment:
Naming Rumple as a sheriff.

Executioners Best moments
Winning day 1 and not dying.

August 11th, 2011, 08:24 PM
Town's Best moment:
Believing Raiden that Spy was cult leader. Consig or investigator, they both can find the cult. (although it turned out to be a random guess)

Town's dumbest moment: Lynching Narks!

Jester, Ganondorf, Illidan, JackofSpades, SAS, Executioner, Consig, Mason

I mean seriously, Narks was a sheriff with no one counter-claiming. As soon as Rumple claimed to NOT be a sheriff, people should have known that:
1- Miles was lying and most likely jester
2- Narks becomes clean again
Instead... the Investigator jumps onto the band wagon just because Narks told him to.... then Executioner.
I unvoted within 10 mins of the possible hammervote (crimson). Just to have the 2 people I didn't suspect as much as the others blast away at me. (Ganon and Illidan)
The only person I had support from was Vornskr, but I suspected that he may die with me that night.
The other mason was voting for Miles (jester) wth?
It became clear to me that lynching Narks was the only way for this town to finally believe that Raiden was Consig and to stop taking his advice.

De Luca Best Moments:
Somehow keeping Raiden alive
And Jack fading to a ghostly presence making his day 2 accusation on goon a forgotten memory
De Luca worst moment:
I had Jack on my radar ever since he proposed that Goon might be mafia on day 2... I just wasn't sure which family. Any other person taking notes should have picked that up.

Romano Best Moments:
Rb the sk
Romano bad moments:
The rest of the game

Cult Best Moments:
Recruiting FalseTruth
Cult Unlucky Moments:
Pm mistake with Oops
De Luca taking the risk and killing Goon
Raiden taking a random guess at Spy

Jesters Best Moments:
Faking Investigator
Jesters Worst Moment:
Naming Rumple as a sheriff.

Executioners Best moments
Winning day 1 and not dying.

Overall I would agree, town really didnt deserve a win. And executioners "best moment" i would describe as towns dumbest. It should have been obvious he was an exe, even when false truth was trying to justify it with "information lynches".

August 11th, 2011, 11:18 PM
Good work guys. I'm aware I played pretty well but so did many other people. Well done.

August 11th, 2011, 11:25 PM
I was the best player here.

August 12th, 2011, 12:48 AM
I like your list yayap :)

however, i forgot to mention that when we were lynching narks, Auckmid had the opportunity to hammer him before you retracted your vote. He said he didn't because he was sure Narks was the jester.

August 12th, 2011, 02:45 AM
nice how the decision to kill philie was based on her gender in the end

Jack used random.org in the end to decide... Unlucky, for her and for us. Killing Crimson would have set the game on a whole diffrent direction, and the town would have probably lost. Food for thought, heh

August 12th, 2011, 03:08 AM
I like your list yayap :)

however, i forgot to mention that when we were lynching narks, Auckmid had the opportunity to hammer him before you retracted your vote. He said he didn't because he was sure Narks was the jester.

I know... which is why my first post was a quick Unvote rather than explain my reasoning. It was taking me some time to catch up on the discussion but once I saw how close Narks was from being lynched, I had to act quickly and explain later.

August 12th, 2011, 03:34 AM
Narks wanted us to lynch him regardless, I mean come on he actually put effort
if you can say that
into his will.

Oh yeah there was the stupid thing about town actually believing MileS and Raiden all game long.

August 12th, 2011, 03:41 AM
Town believed miles? I thought that was pretty obvious he was a jester or some crap.

August 12th, 2011, 03:51 AM
Preparing for FM 3 ^_^