View Full Version : M-FM Winter Wonderland

December 11th, 2012, 02:52 PM
~ Winter Wonderland M-FM ~

Theme: Twas the night before a nondenominational winter holiday, and all through the house: not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse (because he was killed by the mafia!)

Join us for a winter themed M-FM with possible roles inspired by iconic holiday figures such as Santa Claus, the Jack of all Dreidels, the Sugarplum Fairy, and the Polar Express Conductor!

Role List:
Hidden Mafia
Hidden Mafia
Hidden Mafia
Hidden Mafia
Hidden Mafia
Hidden Neutral
Hidden Neutral
Hidden Town
Hidden Town
Hidden Town
Hidden Town
Hidden Town
Hidden Town
Hidden Town
Hidden Town
Hidden Town
Hidden Town
Hidden Town
Hidden Town
Hidden Town

Possible Hidden Mafia Roles: Consort, Consigliere, Consort, Framer, Mafioso, Strongman
Possible Hidden Neutral Roles: Arsonist, Electromaniac, Executioner, Jester, Serial Killer
Possible Hidden Town Roles: Bodyguard, Polar Express Conductor (Bus Driver), Citizen, Detective, Doctor, Sugarplum Fairy (Escort), Investigator, Jack of all Dreidels (JOAT), Lookout, Mall Santa (Sheriff), Oracle, Vigilante

Win Conditions:
Mafia: Eliminate the town and all neutrals
Neutrals: Eliminate the town and all mafia
Town: Eliminate the mafia and all neutrals

Role Cards:
Each night you may choose one player to protect and one person to keep an eye on. If that player is attacked you will sacrifice your life for them and take down the attacker with you. If the person you chose to keep an eye on is the one attacking the player you chose to protect, you will survive the duel. Your attack does not pierce immunity.

Polar Express Conductor/Bus Driver
Each night you may choose to switch two players. Actions affecting the first target will be performed on the second target and vice versa. You may not self-target.

Citizen (Sheep)
Choose a target at night to role block. Each night one sheep’s target will fall asleep and be role blocked. The role block will cycle through all living sheep once before repeating the same cycle.

Every night, you can follow a player and discover who he visited that night.

You may heal a target at night, protecting them from one attack. Your target will not be informed they have been healed, unless they are attacked.

Escort/Sugarplum Fairy
Can choose to block a target a night. Target may not take any night actions. Target will receive the same message as if he was blocked by a Consort

Every night, you can target a player and find out a list of possible roles that they can be.

Jack of all Dreidels (JOAT)
Each night you may choose to use one of your abilities. Note that each ability is one-use only.
-Nun: one-shot roleblocker
-Gimel: one-shot vigilante
-Hei: one-shot sheriff
-Shin: one-shot doctor

Every night, you can target a player and get a list of all players that visited them that night.

Sheriff/Mall Santa
Every night, you can check a player during the night, and will be informed if your target is Naughty (Mafia/Neutral) or Nice (Town).

Chose one player whose role will be revealed if you are night killed or lynched.

Can shoot a player at night only. Has 2 bullets.

Choose one player to douse with gasoline at night OR choose to ignite all previously doused targets.

Choose one player to charge with electricity at night. Double-charging a player will kill him. If one charged player targets another, both will perish.

Your goal is to get your target lynched. Your target will always be town.

Your goal is to get lynched. Upon being lynched, one of your guilty voters will die.

Serial Killer
Choose one player to kill each night.

Every night, you can target a player and find out a list of possible roles that they can be.

Can choose to block a target at night. Target may not take any night actions. Target will receive the same message as if he was blocked by an Escort.

May frame a target at night. A sheriff an investigator, a consigliere, a lookout and a detective will all receive false information from your target. The framer may choose the information each role receives.

Participate in the mafia’s kill vote. May be sent to perform the mafia kill.

Single use, may be sent to perform the mafia kill. The strongman’s kill bypasses immunity, roleblocks, and bus driving.

Investigation Pairings:
Citizen / Vigilante / Jester / Mafioso
Sheriff / Investigator / Detective / Lookout / Oracle / Executioner / Consigliere / Framer
Bodyguard / Escort / Serial Killer / Consort
Bus Driver / Doctor / JOAT / Arsonist / Electromaniac / Strongman

Order of Operations
1. Bus Driver Busses
2. All roleblocks (can block 1)
3. Oracle chooses target
4. Framing
5. All investigations
6. All Kills (-1 to life bar)
7. Heals/Bodyguard (+1 to life bar)

Day Length:
Day will always be 24 hours or majority vote to –skip day
A Hammer vote will not end day
Night will always be 24 hours

PM Clementine all night actions at least one hour before day ends.
Editing posts is NOT allowed.
No outside discussion is allowed.
No death notes.
Lynch votes must be posted in bolded red text like –vote Kony
Day will not end early once someone has been lynched but the vote will be locked. The lynched player may continue to talk until the day is over.
Quoting PM’s is allowed, as all role cards and possible feedback will be posted and available.
Quoting night chat is not allowed, but it may be paraphrased.
Lying about game mechanics is allowed. Questions about the setup will not be responded to unless they are posted in green.
Players who do not post in daychat will be warned and replaced at the discretion of the host.

Feedback Messages:
All messages will be given in one PM.


You are dead.

Attacked and healed:

You were attacked and healed.


Your target was attacked!


You were roleblocked.

Bus Driven:

You were bus driven.

Sheriff Innocent:

Your target is nice (not suspicious).

Sheriff Guilty:

Your target is naughty (suspicious).


Your target is a: bus driver/doctor/joat/arsonist/electromaniac/Strongman
Your target is a: detective/investigator/lookout/sheriff/oracle/executioner/Consigliere/framer
Your target is a: escort/bodyguard/serial killer/consort
Your target is a: citizen/vigilante/jester/Mafioso

Lookout no activity:

Your target wasn’t visited by anyone.

Lookout activity:

Your target was visited by x [,x and x].

Detective no activity:

Your target did not visit anyone tonight.

Detective activity:

Your target visited x [and x].

Bodyguard’s Target attacked:

Your target was attacked tonight.

Arsonist Douse:

You were doused.

Electromaniac Charge:

You were charged.

December 11th, 2012, 03:01 PM
inb4 you win because you are a female.

December 11th, 2012, 03:13 PM
I've always wanted to be JOAT but never had the chance. :(

December 11th, 2012, 03:14 PM
Dibs on Jack.

December 11th, 2012, 03:52 PM
Dibs on Jack.

:( hurtul

December 11th, 2012, 03:55 PM
:( hurtul

I'm just kidding.

I really want to be a neutral for once. Something like Witch and not Survivor.

December 11th, 2012, 06:14 PM
*jaw drops*

December 12th, 2012, 04:54 AM
Oh, I should mention: don't vote for this setup if you don't like a strong likelihood of being citizen. Notice I don't even have a godfather role card. This is intentional.

December 12th, 2012, 06:50 AM
Win conditions imply that the mafia and town must kill/lynch an executioner/jester to win if it's in the game. Is this correct?

If a framer frames lookout information on X, does he specify what the lookout will see if he watches X, or does he specify a false night target for X, which will be seen by the lookout?

December 14th, 2012, 03:23 PM
Win conditions imply that the mafia and town must kill/lynch an executioner/jester to win if it's in the game. Is this correct?

If a framer frames lookout information on X, does he specify what the lookout will see if he watches X, or does he specify a false night target for X, which will be seen by the lookout?

Mafia has to kill/lynch all neutrals (including executioners and jesters) but the town does not have to kill/lynch executioners/jesters in order to win.

The framer can specify: his target's invest pairing, who his target visited, and who visited his target. The lookout will only receive false results if he targets the same player as the framer.