View Full Version : {KickVote List} Almond: 1-S2-1-3230984 Bryx: 1-S2-1-3631605 Thrall: 1-S2-1-3606169

December 4th, 2012, 06:26 PM
Account Name: Almond
[b]Account ID: 1-S2-1-3230984
In-Game Name: llario the impious

[b]Crimes Committed: Game-Throwing

Your Account Name: idcao
[b]Summary: he was janitor. while playing he said that he contracted with the MM(Sdawg). then at the end of the game he and his friend lyched me (the GF) while he was Janitor. they both game throwed. end up MM won instead of the Mafia7239

December 4th, 2012, 06:30 PM
In review

December 4th, 2012, 06:48 PM
Correct: 1-S2-1-3230984

Respective Hotkeys
Almond: Control + 2
Bryx: 5
Thrall: 6

After the Review

Report is accurate on almond, he directly causes his team (mafia) to lose, and gives the MM the win, no clear evidence of skyping or out of game communication however.
I also stumbled upon two players who were on the watch/kicklist for skyping, they almost never talk ingame and the doctor heals his friend every night until his friend commits suicide, they also vote together without any communication between them, there is no irrefutable evidence, however based on their previous history and in-game actions it is very possible they are skyping, they are also adjacent in the lobby.

Players Added to Report
Bryx: 1-S2-1-3631605

Was the Game Result altered?

Yes, in favor of the town.

Player Offenses

Previous Offenses
Almond: None
Bryx: Kicklist for skyping with thrall + gamethrowing in a second replay
Thrall: Watchlist for skyping with bryx + pending kicklist for gamethrowing in two other games.

Recommended Action

Almond: On hold, first offense
Bryx: Extended Kicklist
Thrall: Extended Kicklist

December 22nd, 2012, 08:44 PM
2x for Thrall, 4x for Bryx