View Full Version : S-FM: Total War

October 20th, 2012, 08:52 PM
Soldier, you have been selected to participate in a military training simulation. You will report to your designated stations as soon as this briefing has concluded.

You will be given a new occupation and possibly a team. Your goal is survival and domination. Failure is not an option.

Take heed soldier, there are unprecedented dangers present in this simulation so prepare yourself for anything.

Role List:

Sheriff/Insane Sheriff (Not told if insane)



Possible Roles:
Mayor, Escort, Bodyguard, Coroner, Jailor, Mason Leader, Mason, Citizen, Sheriff, Investigator, Veteran, Vigilante, Doctor, Gunsmith, Armorsmith, Lookout, Detective, Insane Sheriff, Godfather, Consort, Consigliere, Janitor, Framer, Graverobber, Sleuth, Serial Killer, Arsonist, Spree Killer, Cultist, Witch, Student, Survivor, Amnesiac, Executioner, Jester

0. Student take on a master
1. Jailor Jails
2. Witch Manipulates
3. All Roleblocks (doesn't effect Witch)
4. Lookout/Detective set up survalience
5. All heals/Vests on/Bodyguard protect
6. Framing/Graverobber/Slueth
7. All Kills/Douse (starting with Mafia -> SK/Spree Killer -> Town) + Cleaning
8. All Investigations
9. Cultist Converts/Mason Leader Recruits
10. Sleuth checks LW/Edits LW
11. Amnesiac chooses role.

Citizen wins all ties.

Serial Killer can opt to rampage three people (goes on two night cooldown of inactivity)

Arsonist can dissolve bodies erasing any role reveals but does not remove last wills
can day ignite.

Sleuths can edit last wills as they please, ability can only be used twice.

Student takes on the role of his mentor and gains an additional use of the ability (if master had limited uses)

Lurkers and Afkers will be modkilled and replaced starting after day one has started. you have one chance to explain your lurkiness.

Cultists shall be able to kill after they recruit a total of 3 members (including starting cultists). 2 cultist deaths opens another recruitment slot by one.

Executioner has the ability to change his target, once at night, during the course of the game.

If the Executioner's target dies at night he becomes a Jester

if the Jester gets lynched he kills one mafia and one townie.

Limited to three recruits/Cultist Kills

Succeeds Mason Leader by seniority.

Wins ties with anyone for Town.

Ignores Detection immunity

Ignores Detection Immunity

Votes count for three

Check a persons alignment each night

Check a persons alignment each night (gets opposite results from sane Sheriff)

Can alert twice
Ignores Immunity

Can day shoot
Has two shots
Ignores immunitys

Discovers Last Wills (real last will)
sees how target died

cannot be healed
ignores immunity

can heal each night

limited to three exeuctions
can jail after a lynch, cannot execute

Give a gun each night (doesn't ignore immunity)

Give a piece of armor each night. (ignores immune piercing bullets/fire)

can roleblock someone each night

Detection Immunity
Can only preform the kills
Gains a secondary ability

Roleblock someone each night

Discovers someones role each night.

Cleanse a persons death each night
Can choose to rid a person of their investigative results (abilities can only be used twice)

Can frame anyone as any role

Choose a dead player and take a single use action of theirs
(independent of mafia actions)

Can edit last wills of a target
Can see last wills of a target

Can kill three people, goes on two night cooldown of inactivity
Can kill each night

Can dissolve targets
Can douse each night
Can day ignite

Create a spree at someones house killing all inside
If killed 2+ people goes on twonight cooldown

Can choose a master at night.
takes on masters role after master dies.
gains an extra use of master's original ability.

Become a dead players role at night.

Causes one suicide upon getting lynched

Can change his target once at night
Becomes Jester upon targets night death

Has two fire/knives/bullet immunity vests.

Limited to three members

Can kill after having three members

2 cultist deaths = one new recruitment possible

Can cause self-targets
Targets are notified of witching
Witch can cause jailor executions
Witch can choose to make the Godfather to use his secondary ability on her selected target.

You may not use PMs
You may not quote PMs from me
You may not use out of game communication in game
To ask a question use this color
To cast a Lynch vote use this color
To cast a Skip vote use this color
You may not reveal Jailor night chats
You must post at least twice every day and cast a vote.

October 20th, 2012, 10:40 PM
Can the Serial Killer rampage and use two targets on one person to pierce healing?

October 20th, 2012, 10:43 PM
Can the Serial Killer rampage and use two targets on one person to pierce healing?


October 21st, 2012, 04:04 AM
Some of the neutral ideas seem way better suited for a Mfm rather than a Sfm, especially the sk rampage.

I also love how you get this up right after dying in the Sfm :P

Setup seems nice other than that and I love the insane sheriff idea, makes the sheriff wifom himself, and town wifom sheriff.

October 21st, 2012, 10:04 AM
I was on my phone and it autocorrected sfm and mfm >.>

October 22nd, 2012, 07:53 AM
Added Rules and Organization

October 22nd, 2012, 08:23 AM
I see a couple problems with OoO
If witch gets shot, she can't control
If janitor gets shot, he can sanitize
Roleblockers cant roleblock if shot and they only affect Slueth and amnesiac :o

October 22nd, 2012, 09:59 AM
First glance, town feels like it has a looot of opposition. Looking at specifics.

October 22nd, 2012, 10:08 AM
Do citizens receive a vest?

October 22nd, 2012, 06:45 PM
Do citizens receive a vest?


November 6th, 2012, 03:44 AM
S-FM is up for grabs by whoever wants it.

November 6th, 2012, 11:42 AM
I recommend changing the spy because seeing night chats has a tendency to utterly ruins the point of having a night chat (mafia night chat in SC2mafia with possible spies is extremely annoying). There really isn't anything fun about having to cover up your writing style in a chat that's supposedly private. If you insist on keeping it though, you could for example give the spy "charges" of seeing night chat and disallow him using the ability on night 0/1. That way it's at least possible for the mafia to prepare code phrases and it's up to the spy to figure out what they mean.

Coroner: Sees who target, targeted
Does this mean he can see all night targets, or just the last? If the former, does he see the night targets in order? (night 1 target first, night 2 2nd, etc)

Godfather: Gains a secondary ability
What does this mean and how does it work? Does a detective see him visiting multiple targets? If a witch controls the godfather, does she control both actions?

Serial Killer: Can kill three people, goes on two night cooldown of inactivity
Can kill each night
Are these mutually exclusive choices? i.e. can the SK choose only one of these abilities each night he's able to attack? If his spree is on cooldown, can he still use a single kill or is that on cooldown too? Does 2 night cooldown imply that he is unable to do anything for 2 nights after he uses the spree, or does it mean he can kill again after 1 night of inactivity?

Does arsonist day ignition prohibit him from dousing the next night or anything?

Spree killer: two night cooldown
Two nights of no actions or can he act again 2 nights after a spree? (i.e. one night of inactivity)

Can the amnesiac take any role? Can this result in having 2 mason leaders?

Are the cultists unable to ever kill again if one of them dies? It seems impossible if they can only replace one member after every 2 deaths and they have a maximum of 3 members. Or does the 3 member cap not apply to dead cultists?

Why does the Sleuth appear twice on the OoO?

What's the point of being able to erase roles, but not last wills as arsonist if people can just write their role in their last will? Is it to allow scum to lie about their role in their last will?

November 6th, 2012, 01:51 PM
I recommend changing the spy because seeing night chats has a tendency to utterly ruins the point of having a night chat (mafia night chat in SC2mafia with possible spies is extremely annoying). There really isn't anything fun about having to cover up your writing style in a chat that's supposedly private. If you insist on keeping it though, you could for example give the spy "charges" of seeing night chat and disallow him using the ability on night 0/1. That way it's at least possible for the mafia to prepare code phrases and it's up to the spy to figure out what they mean.

Alright. I'll remove Spy

Does this mean he can see all night targets, or just the last? If the former, does he see the night targets in order? (night 1 target first, night 2 2nd, etc)

He sees who targeted the victim and who the victim has targeted.

Like in Sc2 Mafia. Coroner sees who targeted the victim the night he died

What does this mean and how does it work? Does a detective see him visiting multiple targets? If a witch controls the godfather, does she control both actions?

Random.org for ability.
This means the godfather retains a secondary ability, for example like roleblocking. He can preform the secondary action as well as kill. Yes the Detective sees both targets. No the witch only controls the kill.

Are these mutually exclusive choices? i.e. can the SK choose only one of these abilities each night he's able to attack? If his spree is on cooldown, can he still use a single kill or is that on cooldown too? Does 2 night cooldown imply that he is unable to do anything for 2 nights after he uses the spree, or does it mean he can kill again after 1 night of inactivity?

They are separate choice of actions that the Serial Killer can take at night. (only can use one that night). If the Serial Killer chooses to rampage, he gets put on a cooldown which will allow him to attack again on the 2nd night.

Does arsonist day ignition prohibit him from dousing the next night or anything?


Two nights of no actions or can he act again 2 nights after a spree? (i.e. one night of inactivity)

Act again 2 nights after

Can the amnesiac take any role? Can this result in having 2 mason leaders?

Unique roles are not take-able.
Godfather, Mayor, Mason Leader, Mason are unique

Are the cultists unable to ever kill again if one of them dies? It seems impossible if they can only replace one member after every 2 deaths and they have a maximum of 3 members. Or does the 3 member cap not apply to dead cultists?

Dead cultists do not apply to the cap.

Why does the Sleuth appear twice on the OoO?

Personal Mistake

What's the point of being able to erase roles, but not last wills as arsonist if people can just write their role in their last will? Is it to allow scum to lie about their role in their last will?

Yes. Pretty much

Is a witch able to control the use of gunsmith guns and jailor execution?

If the witch controls a jailor onto his jailed victim he executioner.
If the witch controls a gunsmith onto someone, he gives that person a gun.

November 6th, 2012, 04:25 PM
Does this mean he can see all night targets, or just the last? If the former, does he see the night targets in order? (night 1 target first, night 2 2nd, etc)

He sees who targeted the victim and who the victim has targeted
This answer confuses me. Does he see all the targets the victim visited and the night on which he visited them like in SC2 mafia or is it different?

You say he also sees who targeted the victim? So the coroner gets a list of all players who visited the dead player too?

Godfather's second ability
Does a detective see him visiting multiple targets? If a witch controls the godfather, does she control both actions?
These questions were left unanswered.

Also, how is it decided what the Godfather's secondary ability is? Host pick? Player choice? Random?

Sk options to kill 3 or 1 target
Are these mutually exclusive choices? i.e. can the SK choose only one of these abilities each night he's able to attack? If his spree is on cooldown, can he still use a single kill or is that on cooldown too?
Questions not answered.

Does arsonist day ignition prohibit him from dousing the next night or anything?
Question not answered.

Can the amnesiac take any role? Can this result in having 2 mason leaders?

Unique roles are not take-able
Which roles are unique?

Is a witch able to control the use of gunsmith guns and jailor execution?

November 6th, 2012, 06:37 PM
Edited answering post to include answers

November 6th, 2012, 07:05 PM
The coroner doesn't see who targeted a dead player the night they died, he sees the death type though. So I assume that's what you meant.

As for the gunsmith gun question, I meant to ask if the witch has control over the use of the item. If someone possesses a gun and gets witched, does the witch force him to use it? What if the person with the gun intended to use the gun the night they get witched, does the witch control it then?

November 6th, 2012, 07:07 PM
The coroner doesn't see who targeted a dead player the night they died, he sees the death type though. So I assume that's what you meant.

I can change to to death type only if it is a balance issue.

As for the gunsmith gun question, I meant to ask if the witch has control over the use of the item. If someone possesses a gun and gets witched, does the witch force him to use it? What if the person with the gun intended to use the gun the night they get witched, does the witch control it then?

witch can only control primary ability and I am considering the gun secondary

November 11th, 2012, 08:13 AM
Yeah, I wouldn't let the coroner see exactly which player killed someone. That would make it like a lookout with 100% success rate to find killers, which is kinda imba :p

November 11th, 2012, 08:13 AM
Anyway.. approved

November 11th, 2012, 08:17 AM
I am going to be editing the roles a bit more. Do you mind reviewing them for anything I overlook?
Witch, Executioner, and Jester have been edited

November 11th, 2012, 08:38 AM
Causes one mafia and one town death upon getting lynched
Don't like this. It'll make it favourable for the town to lynch jesters, because 1 town for 1 mafia is a very good trade. It's even better than a mafia lynch, because it gets rid of a neutral as well.

Witch can choose to make the Godfather to use his secondary ability on her selected target.
How does the witch inform you?

if(target.role="Godfather") target.UseSecondary();
else target.UsePrimary();

i.e. witch doesn't have to know the target is GF in order to submit a secondary action.. they can just submit a secondary action and if their target happens to be the godfather, the secondary action is used and if not, the normal ability is used?

If the witch submits a secondary action and the target has a gunsmith gun, is that gun fired instead of the primary action?

November 11th, 2012, 08:41 AM
Don't like this. It'll make it favourable for the town to lynch jesters, because 1 town for 1 mafia is a very good trade. It's even better than a mafia lynch, because it gets rid of a neutral as well.

Changed back to causes a suicide

How does the witch inform you?

if(target.role="Godfather") target.UseSecondary();
else target.UsePrimary();

i.e. witch doesn't have to know the target is GF in order to submit a secondary action.. they can just submit a secondary action and if their target happens to be the godfather, the secondary action is used and if not, the normal ability is used?

If the witch submits a secondary action and the target has a gunsmith gun, is that gun fired instead of the primary action?

Witch would inform me like this:

Make Player X use secondary ability on Player Y.

Witch would not be informed if it worked or not.

November 11th, 2012, 09:30 AM
Witch would not be informed if it worked or not.
But would anything happen if the target doesn't have a secondary ability? Would normal witching be applied instead?

What about the gunsmith gun question? Can the witch use those by submitting a secondary ability?

November 11th, 2012, 09:34 AM
But would anything happen if the target doesn't have a secondary ability? Would normal witching be applied instead?

What about the gunsmith gun question? Can the witch use those by submitting a secondary ability?

No to the first and No to the second. Gunsmith does not have the ability to use his guns.

November 11th, 2012, 09:41 AM
I wasn't talking about making the gunsmith use his own guns... controlling gunsmith guns as witch = controlling someone who has a gun and not the gunsmith, as already mentioned previously. It's been done before in other FMs.

witch can only control primary ability and I am considering the gun secondary
That's why I asked.

If the witch uses a secondary ability witching on someone other than the godfather, are they still notified of being manipulated even though nothing happened?

November 11th, 2012, 09:52 AM
I wasn't talking about making the gunsmith use his own guns... controlling gunsmith guns as witch = controlling someone who has a gun and not the gunsmith, as already mentioned previously. It's been done before in other FMs.

That's why I asked.

If the witch uses a secondary ability witching on someone other than the godfather, are they still notified of being manipulated even though nothing happened?

Oh I misunderstood I am sorry. The Witch can control someone who has a gun to shoot another person. This will be shown as a Vigilante death.

Yes they are aware.

November 11th, 2012, 11:13 AM
Ok, all clear :)