View Full Version : Roulette - Point awards don't make sense - aka high bets = bad

September 17th, 2012, 07:10 PM
Here is an example.

3 people in a game
p1 bets 5
p2 bets 5
p3 bets 10

p1 pulls, lives
p2 pulls, lives
p3 pulls, dies.

p2 is awarded 6 points
p1 is awarded 4 points
p3 loses 10 points

In this game player 3 is able to lose all 10 points but is able to earn at most 10 points.

Now if player 3 had bet 5 points instead, p3 could at most lost 5 points, but could gain 6+. You are more likely to lose than win, and even when you win you get a greater proportion relative to your bet by betting less.

In other words there is absolutely no reason anyone should be betting 10 instead of 5 in this scenario because you get screwed. Yes for a single game you could potentially earn more total points, but you probably play roulette more than just once and like gambling at a casino the odds are not in your favor betting big and you will lose over the long haul.

Obviously this only applies to roulette matches involving 3+ people

September 17th, 2012, 07:12 PM
it evenly spreads out points with exception to how risky a player is.

September 17th, 2012, 07:18 PM
I know. But no matter how risky or risk-averse p3 is they still lose 10 points and can't even gain 10 because even if you win and are the most risky player, the other person still gets something. Assuming you win 1 out of every 3 matches you'd lose 20 points and gain what 8?

Actually nm i'm totally thinking about this wrong. My bad. For some reason i was thinking the point pool would still be 10 even if p3 bets 5 but thats not right.

So erm... ignore this thread

September 17th, 2012, 07:19 PM
that's why you make a 100 point roulette so no pussy-ass can undercut the bet

September 17th, 2012, 07:20 PM
Now if player 3 had bet 5 points instead, p3 could at most lost 5 points, but could gain 6+.

Wrong. If player 3 had bet 5 points instead, he could only gain 5 or 6 points. Oh I see what you mean. But when you bet double, you automatically have that 'critical bonus chance crap' for pulling multiple times. but max he's gonna get is like 6/7 points. still that's only like 2, where as he gets closer to 8 if he bets the 10 points.

September 17th, 2012, 07:21 PM
that's why you make a 100 point roulette so no pussy-ass can undercut the bet

137 points, 2 shot. #fkin winning.

September 17th, 2012, 08:57 PM
137 points, 2 shot. #fkin winning.

This guy knows how to play.

September 17th, 2012, 09:50 PM
just trying to bet my way up to 20k. 1.5k more to go =D