View Full Version : [Suggestion] New Role: Witness Protector

September 1st, 2012, 07:15 PM
Role Name: Witness Protector
Description: A FBI agent in charge of witness protection.
Alignment: Town
Ability: Hide a player, 1 charge.
Target a player at night. The next day that player appears to have been killed by mafia and ??? shows up as his role. However he does not actually die. That player may type -reveal before voting to reveal that he is not really dead. While he is hidden the player may perform his action and cannot be targeted by anyone. However while he is hidden that player cannot talk during the day, vote, or win even if his team does.

Sheriff Reports: Not suspicious
Investigator Reports: Good at forgery (Witness Trainer/Framer)

Mayor cannot reveal while hidden
Coroner can dissect hidden player and know player is still alive.
Hidden player cannot read the dead chat.
Game treats player as dead while hidden while checking win conditions.
After revealing the hidden player's avatar is show, name is back on list of living players (for night target/lynches), and he regains his ability to talk and vote.
Hiding occurs before kills (hiding would protect against death)

Town could not assume that ??? was caused by a mafia role.
Framer would be buffed since invest normally could no longer tell witness trainer and him apart.

September 1st, 2012, 07:37 PM
Interesting idea, however I have some possible amendments to make to it:

-If the coroner checks the person, it should return the message 'The player is still alive', like when they are witched onto an alive player. Like a framer buff, I feel a minor coroner buff would always be welcomed.

-Disable use of this ability on night one (maybe make it day activated like jailor?)

-The target should not be able to perform any actions whilst protected, otherwise if used on certain town roles it would be ridiculously overpowered, like doctors and jailors. Also, if it were accidentally used on a mafia/neutral role, town would almost definitely lose.

-Another option would be to make the action fail if used on Mafia/evil roles, however that would turn it into a super-sheriff assuming it never hit a townie.

-Give an option to allow the Witness Protector to have night chat with his target (can be enabled/disabled), it is both fitting, and would make the role more useful in certain setups.

-Since this role would be useful even without Mafia in play, I see no reason why it should not spawn without Mafia in play. Treat it like the coroner in this regard.

-The town not being able to assume that ??? was caused by mafia would actually make this role weaker for town, since it would confuse the town more, whilst the Mafia would know exactly what happened.

September 1st, 2012, 08:56 PM

September 1st, 2012, 08:58 PM

omg post farmer

September 1st, 2012, 09:06 PM
No. I am just showing extreme support of this idea...

It isn't post farming...

September 1st, 2012, 09:14 PM
I don't think it will make it in, but fake death is a fun idea.

What happens in the graveyard when he reveals?

September 1st, 2012, 09:15 PM
So I'm in the game. He protects me. I show up dead and my name is off the list. I appear in the graveyard....after I reveal, what happens when I'm not hidden? My avatar appears? Is it announced to the town? Will my name be added back to the list after being taken off? No more night actions can be taken on me correct? I mean my name is off the list. How long can someone stay hidden?

Too OP for now. It's like hey, hide me. *Waits til its a 2v2 vote* HEY GAIZ IM ALIVE!
or even better, IM GUNNA HIDE THE MAFIA! OR THE SERIAL KILLER! They can kill and remain untouchable! Yay!

That's what comes to my mind. Take no offense.

Is this even a feasible role based off of our coding limitations?

September 1st, 2012, 09:17 PM
However while he is hidden that player cannot talk during the day, vote, or win even if his team does.

minus one.

September 1st, 2012, 10:13 PM
Interesting idea. However, Blazers right about it certainly needing limitations. If a player can stay hidden indefinately, its completely broken. Might be interesting if this idea was employed as a neutral role?

September 2nd, 2012, 12:20 AM
Similar to the decoy role i suggested.

September 2nd, 2012, 12:57 AM
Good role suggestion. I'm, for it. With one change: Coroners actually know what is going on once they targeted a hidden person.

September 2nd, 2012, 04:20 AM
its very unique that's for sure, but I don't really see the point in it, could you explain why this would be of any help to the town rather then cous even more confusion?

September 2nd, 2012, 09:15 AM
So I'm in the game. He protects me. I show up dead and my name is off the list. I appear in the graveyard....after I reveal, what happens when I'm not hidden? My avatar appears? Is it announced to the town? Will my name be added back to the list after being taken off? No more night actions can be taken on me correct? I mean my name is off the list. How long can someone stay hidden?

Too OP for now. It's like hey, hide me. *Waits til its a 2v2 vote* HEY GAIZ IM ALIVE!
or even better, IM GUNNA HIDE THE MAFIA! OR THE SERIAL KILLER! They can kill and remain untouchable! Yay!

That's what comes to my mind. Take no offense.
Once you reveal you are added back to the list of living players and can be targeted and lynched but can also speak and vote. I don't see a point in removing a revealed hidden player from the graveyard but I suppose it is possible to do a mayor type announcement of "Player reveals himself to still be alive".

Unless the hidden player reveals the game will treat them as dead while checking win conditions. That means in a normal game with 3 mafia and 1 sk if the Witness Protector would hide the sk but town lynches the 3 mafia then the sk would lose unless he reveals before the last mafia is lynched. If the witness protector saves his ability until there is only 1 evil left he can even use this to his advantage by hiding the last evil and winning the game for town. (although the evil would still get to kill a player so this would only be useful in a 2v1 situation).

its very unique that's for sure, but I don't really see the point in it, could you explain why this would be of any help to the town rather then cous even more confusion?
However the main benefit of the witness protector is how he can help other classes. If an investigative role catches a mafia the witness protector could hide him. The hidden investigative role would have to weigh the benefits of revealing and sharing his info or gathering more info. For all other roles this would protect a player from any kind of true death (night, lynching) until they are forced to reveal when their side is about to lose. In the case of town it is when they lose majority while for the evils it is when all other evils are dead.

September 2nd, 2012, 09:19 AM
Unless the hidden player reveals the game will treat them as dead while checking win conditions. That means in a normal game with 3 mafia and 1 sk if the Witness Protector would hide the sk but town lynches the 3 mafia then the sk would lose unless he reveals before the last mafia is lynched. If the witness protector saves his ability until there is only 1 evil left he can even use this to his advantage by hiding the last evil and winning the game for town. (although the evil would still get to kill a player so this would only be useful in a 2v1 situation).

However the main benefit of the witness protector is how he can help other classes. If an investigative role catches a mafia the witness protector could hide him. The hidden investigative role would have to weigh the benefits of revealing and sharing his info or gathering more info. For all other roles this would protect a player from any kind of true death (night, lynching) until they are forced to reveal when their side is about to lose. In the case of town it is when they lose majority while for the evils it is when all other evils are dead.

You have his alignment set to town. Why would he hide a mafia member if and investigator found him out?

September 2nd, 2012, 09:21 AM
It should show as a suicide. If it shows as an extra Mafia kill, the Mafia will be like, "GEE; WONDER WHAT THAT IS LOL."

Also, limit uses of night actions while in witness protection. This should be used to guard someone like a Mayor until the right time. Allowing a Sheriff to be invulnerable until he finds all the scum is super OP. No night action while in protection is better for balance.

September 2nd, 2012, 09:26 AM
You have his alignment set to town. Why would he hide a mafia member if and investigator found him out?

reading comprehension...

September 2nd, 2012, 11:03 AM
reading comprehension...

It's my job to point out his bad grammar and obscure typing.

I'm a Nazi. (btw that's OP to hide investigator, that's why there is a doctor and bodyguard)

September 2nd, 2012, 11:17 AM
this guy

September 2nd, 2012, 11:19 AM
You have his alignment set to town. Why would he hide a mafia member if and investigator found him out?

I meant hide the investigator not the mafia member who had been found out (lynched).

It should show as a suicide. If it shows as an extra Mafia kill, the Mafia will be like, "GEE; WONDER WHAT THAT IS LOL."

Also, limit uses of night actions while in witness protection. This should be used to guard someone like a Mayor until the right time. Allowing a Sheriff to be invulnerable until he finds all the scum is super OP. No night action while in protection is better for balance.

The reason it shows up as mafia kill is so town doesn't know if witness protector, disguiser, or janitor used his ability. So long as ??? shows up as a role without mafia using janitor/disg, the mafia will know there is a witness protector. However what you are proposing is to inform everyone there is a witness protector as soon as he uses his ability which I don't like. I'd rather the hidden player be forced to chose between revealing to protect the witness protector or continue hiding to use his ability.

The immunity to death and roleblock is more powerful than a normal doctor but the single use, the inability to confirm that the death was caused by protector not disguiser/janitor until reveal, and the inability to participate in day until reveal seem to even it out.

September 2nd, 2012, 11:55 AM
this role only confuses town, and mafia will know that this wasn't their kill. They should be able to act accordingly.
This role could be decent, if tweaked enough, for MFM and FM's
nothing for SC2maf though
Allowing them to use their ability while being basically hidden is OP as hell though. This role essentially makes somebody an unroleblockable god until he/she reveals.
Also, to be in tune with the theme of this role, the witness protection program should disallow people from pursuing their previous lifestyle.
How about : Hide somebody who can come back as a citizen 3 days later or something?

September 2nd, 2012, 11:59 AM
actually, it might be better of being a mafia role.

September 2nd, 2012, 12:14 PM
actually, it might be better of being a mafia role.

No. They could just hide their mafioso and make him kill everyone until he reveals at the end G.G. (or hide their GF)

September 2nd, 2012, 12:27 PM
How about : Hide somebody who can come back as a citizen 3 days later or something?
replacing jester as the ultimate troll role

September 6th, 2012, 11:03 AM
How about if the hidden person just cant use their night ability while hidden?

September 6th, 2012, 11:06 AM
How about if the hidden person just cant use their night ability while hidden?

So they get "roleblocked each night they are hidden" and in turn gain immunity at night....and appear dead...

It's like being jailed every night :o

September 6th, 2012, 11:07 AM
I would do this for a citizen to troll mafia.

September 6th, 2012, 11:08 AM
I would do this for a citizen to troll mafia.

Lol i wad thinking the same thing.

September 6th, 2012, 11:14 AM
Lol i wad thinking the same thing.
wad you? :D

was you

September 6th, 2012, 11:17 AM
So they get "roleblocked each night they are hidden" and in turn gain immunity at night....and appear dead...

It's like being jailed every night :o

Except u appear dead and cant be voted...

September 6th, 2012, 11:18 AM
Damn phone

September 6th, 2012, 11:19 AM
Except u appear dead and cant be voted...

I already said that :p

September 6th, 2012, 11:19 AM


Btw, i think the option to be voted should be a host option

September 6th, 2012, 11:21 AM
It's OP jailing

September 6th, 2012, 11:22 AM
Easier to double post on phone than to edit. Don't ask me why. My phone is gay

September 6th, 2012, 12:39 PM

September 6th, 2012, 01:27 PM
Wouldn't it be possible to instead make the WP a doc-like character with one charge ?

Because his goal is to protect a target. So when a killing role targets someone, if the WP did the same, the person appears to die byt the hand of the killer - but she isn't dead, and only the WP and the target know that. And then, whatever should happen, happens.

In priority, it should be after BG and Doctor actions - else Doc/BG would understand what happens, and that would be OP for town.

Impossible to protect Arso and MM kills. Impossible to save a Bodyguard (actually, I would put it as a setup option : Yes or No). Impossible to make the Mayor escape.

So when it works, it's actually a very powerful role. But it would be hard to pull a successful witness protection. And hard to alibi :D I guess the WP could appear like Blackmailer/Lookout : strangely observant.

Edit : oh, and the death of the WP should trigger the resurrection of his target. To avoid escapes on d1 with no reveal until d10.

September 6th, 2012, 01:44 PM
I already said that :p

You said it was like being perma-jailed. I said the (major) differences.

September 6th, 2012, 01:55 PM
So they get "roleblocked each night they are hidden" and in turn gain immunity at night....and appear dead...

It's like being jailed every night :o

You said it was like being perma-jailed. I said the (major) differences.


September 6th, 2012, 03:57 PM

k? So you were just wrong when you said it was like being jailed every night since you contradicted it yourself.

You also did not say not able to be voted.

September 6th, 2012, 04:00 PM
k? So you were just wrong when you said it was like being jailed every night since you contradicted it yourself.

You also did not say not able to be voted.

This Guy.

I has feeling he hate me.

September 6th, 2012, 05:32 PM
This Guy.

I has feeling he hate me.

I mean, I can put things in big-red too.

So they get "roleblocked each night they are hidden" and in turn gain immunity at night....and appear dead...

It's like being jailed every night :o

You said it was like being perma-jailed. I said the (major) differences.

September 6th, 2012, 05:36 PM
I mean, I can put things in big-red too.
