View Full Version : Serious Discussion, Debate & Politics

  1. Black Lives Matter
  2. Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism
  3. When did masks become political?
  4. Can ordinary men turn into killers?
  5. Serious Discussion, Debate & Politics Rules
  6. Nuclear Apocalypse
  7. have you ever seen a chicken in real life
  8. Punishment Vs Reformation & prisons.
  9. Campaign Strategies
  10. Thoughts on Steven Chowder getting so mad at getting destroyed in a debate that he calls the police?
  11. American Federal Agents Beating Medics in Portland
  12. MafiaUniverse replaced the word ‘lynch’ with eliminate
  13. Hagia Sophia
  14. Name one good thing that Donald Trump has done...
  15. Determinism and Free Will
  16. Why do so many people support a pedophile for president?
  17. LGBT free zones in Poland
  18. The US can maintain ite superpower status with these 6 easy tips and tricks!
  19. The difficult choice of the End of my Best Friends life.
  20. Critical Race Theory (CRT) and it's place in American race-relations.
  21. Moral Universalism, Utilitarianism and Other Things
  22. Debating
  23. I hate Woodrow Wilson
  24. Is celebrating the defeat of Trump a good thing?
  25. TrUmP iSnT AuThOrItArIaN
  26. Would you move to Mars
  27. Is this political?
  28. What kind of Art are you into an why?
  29. Cost of the entire ADHD healthcare
  30. This is something I can not understand
  31. Cancel culture and the weaponization of victimization
  32. It is statistically impossible that Donald Trump lost the 2020 election
  33. Should Panchira (Panty Shots) be considered porn?
  34. Speaking on absolutes
  35. How is New Year's Eve in your country this year?
  36. 70 million pissed off republicans and not one city burned to the ground.
  37. Vacuum Cleaners
  38. Should the Bible be taken literally?
  39. Effects of high velocity bullets on tissue
  40. You're favourite interview.
  41. Between The Lines
  42. Morality and political affiliations
  43. Why are first cousin marriages allowed in some places
  44. That's crazy man
  45. Double Standards in Racism and Sexism
  46. Rush Limbaugh
  47. oops_ur_dead's Cookbook
  48. Debate and Opinion: Place Limit on number of housing property owned
  49. Whats the appropriate ethical treatment in education for immigrants?
  50. Frost Giant Studios vs Dreamhaven
  51. Why politics isn't the problem
  52. Thoughts on D.C. becoming a state?
  53. Determinism vs Free Will
  54. Lottocracy
  55. Wealth and Power
  56. Nerves
  57. Bitcoin is fucking dumb and useless
  58. do you guys like spicy pepper
  59. Inflation
  60. Stress cures
  61. anyone go to gym?
  62. Ye atheists by name, lend an ear, lend an ear
  63. Opinions on the Bill Cosby case?
  64. Sensitization vs Desensitization
  65. What appeals to you about parasocial interaction?
  66. covid 19 vaccine
  67. How many chances should a person be given?
  68. Non-leading title about speech
  69. Australian submarines
  70. Creating opportunities for youth
  71. Who was the most evil person?
  72. Subjective vs Objective morality
  73. State of American Employment, benefits and lifestyle
  74. kyle rittenhouse
  75. Purpose of neopronouns?
  76. Fear and death
  77. Speed Reading. Debunked or Real?
  78. Russo-Ukrainian War. [From a pro-Putin perspective]
  80. Top 10 thinkers
  81. cats can learn the name of their cat friends :)
  82. Uvalde and American Gun Control
  83. Politics and Dividing People into Groups
  84. slow blinking at cats shows them that you are friendly and encourages them to approach :)
  85. Lol @ UK
  86. ban pit bulls
  87. The Chinese Room Argument, explained briefly
  88. CMV: Mentally Ill persons should be executed and have their organs harvested
  89. The hottest take you will ever read
  90. Does playing Mafia make people paranoid?
  91. Political Spectrum Test
  92. Is the USA in a state of decline as a civilization?
  93. Israeli–Palestinian conflict
  94. Ben Shapiro is a dweeb.