Hey all,

I ran Narrator live with 26 people, and it seemed to go all right. Here are the results:


If you're keeping track, Baratheon's have won this game 3 times. Twice with Starks (IRL) and once on Forum Mafia. (Woo)

Anyway, I'm back to fixing the mess that I've made of the browser User Interface. I have a couple strategies I could do, and could use direction in what I should prioritize in the short future.

-Continue working on Mobile
This'll allow any of you to play IRL with friends/family. Currently, you're not able to add roles, or view who's in the lobby.
-Clean up browser
The setup page, and home page are unusable at the moment, but the game play page is still working fine.

I realize both need to be addressed before I could give a greenlight to @Helz for some publicity. But internally, i'm a lot more comfortable that it'll stand up and not break anymore.
