So... You think you have an amazing idea for a new role that would revolutionize Mafia? If you want your role to be recognized by the Mafia community and have a shot at being implemented in the game, I suggest you begin by asking yourself the following questions.

1) Will I enjoy playing this role in the game?
- If not, discard your idea immediately. If it's not worth playing for you, it probably isn't worth playing for us either. Important but boring roles such as doc and investigator are already implemented. We don't need more.

2) Is the role a combination of existing roles?
-Many roles I see on the suggestions forums are just two or more existing roles combined. This is redundant in nearly every case and your role will not be considered for implementation.

3) Will the role be useful to its alignment? (Is its underpowered?)
- Your role is taking up a spot which could have been another role if it wasn't in the game. Is the tradeoff worth it? Does the role have a decent enough ability to keep the playing field even?

4) Is the role too easy to win with?(Is it overpowered?)
- Is your role going to kill a bunch of people very quickly? If your role is neutral, think carefully. If you think your role is going to win more often than Executioners do, revise your role.

5) Is your role just a slight modification of an existing role?
-Then its not a new role. It is a suggestion to change an existing role. Make a topic suggesting to change the existing role.

6) Is your role based on chance?
- For example, will the role only perform its action 50% of the time? Anything with percent signs will never be implemented. That sort of randomness drastically reduces the skill required to play the game, and that is not the game we want to play.

7) Is your role supposed to be a joke?
-Forget it. No one will laugh.

Now that you've gotten through all the questions, you can begin advertising your role. Create a topic in this forum (Suggestions) and copy paste this:

Role name:
Win Condition:
Host Options:
Overall effect on the metagame if implemented:
Additional comments:

Fill it out. You can be as detailed as you like but remember that the more detail you provide, the less questions we have to ask you about the role. More detail will also increase the likelihood that we will implement your role.

If you have done all this, you have successfully created a new role that we could all be playing in the near future. Thank you for your suggestion.