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  1. Forum:Archived S-FMs

    Thread:S-FM Converging Realities: Present Day

    Thread Author:Auckmid

    Post Author:Banshis


    ►►Re: S-FM Converging Realities: Present Day◄◄

    Mike's defense seems a lot like little big planet, but also like werewolf ball so hmm
    Hard to tell if it is necessarily scum flailing defense.
  2. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Converging Realities: The Convergence◄◄

    -vote SafeguardThePast

    Since it looks like it is the most preferred at this point.
  3. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Converging Realities: The Convergence◄◄

    No feedback.

    I'm not exactly in favor of one reality to another so I'll see what Kenny and Bahkieh come in with.
    @Light_Yagami why did you shoot Eclipse over me?
  4. Forum:Archived S-FMs

    Thread:S-FM Converging Realities: Present Day

    Thread Author:Auckmid

    Post Author:Banshis


    ►►Re: S-FM Converging Realities: Present Day◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Yayap View Post
    Lmao... I think I know who shot yagami and it's hilarious.
    So for a game with a strong rp about witches being bad 20 yrs ago, no one claimed witched feedback. Now yagami vig hints were super obvious imo day 1... Enough that even doc noticed them and acted accordingly. Yagami shot himself! Hits both his self in past who is healed but also his future self.
    Interesting theory

    Long shot, but since we know bus driver left feedback might as well see if auckmid can answer

    Does witching leave feedback?
  5. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Converging Realities: 20 Years Ago◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Light_Yagami View Post
    Sooooo, @Banshis Any Information You'd Like To Share.. Like Where You Were Last Night? What You Did? You Know? The Usual Questions?
    Careful where you aim that gun it's not a toy.
  6. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Converging Realities: 20 Years Ago◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Ganelon View Post
    the interesting thing is that Bahkieh claimed I took no action last night. the even more interesting thing is that Yayap, who might've been bussed with me, was also roleblocked. this might be a bit of a stretch, but maybe it was scum who tried to RB me and thats why Bahkieh said I took no action last night?
    Order of Operations, unless otherwise specified in rolecard (stolen from Cryptonic):
    Proactive Redirection (Ex. Witch)
    Reactive Redirection (Ex. Bus Driver)
    All Attacks.
    All Others.

    Roleblock happens before bussing happens. Yayap was roleblocked in present. Then swapped with you into past. I'm guessing Bahkieh's action takes place in All Others and just gets a record of who his target visits so Yayap was at your house when his order came up.
  7. Forum:Archived S-FMs

    Thread:S-FM Converging Realities: Present Day

    Thread Author:Auckmid

    Post Author:Banshis


    ►►Re: S-FM Converging Realities: Present Day◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Ganelon View Post
    I suspect that TheLawyer killed Kira in this reality because he seems to be afraid of killing roles.
    I also suspect that that is the reason why he voted me at EoD.
    I'd like to know how you came to the conclusion he is afraid of killing roles.
  8. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Converging Realities: 20 Years Ago◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    He is a decently hard to fake investigative role.

    Also I believe Kenny hasn't actually said anything yet so there is still a chance we are missing feedback that might shake this up more.
  9. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Converging Realities: 20 Years Ago◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Damus_Graves View Post
    Ganelon and Yayap were bus driven
    Thus bahkieh target Yayap instead of Ganelon.
    Oh and Yayap claimed roleblocked in other reality and now that everyone has given feedback it looks like Ganelon and Yayap were swapped realities. So Bahkieh tracked yayap in present?
  10. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Converging Realities: 20 Years Ago◄◄

    Also we only have 1 documented attack in this reality so far... Ganelon said his rp hints towards there being a neutral killer here.
  11. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Converging Realities: 20 Years Ago◄◄

    I got no feedback last night in either reality.

    I felt like you just needed to cheer up a bit Damus.
    You being an executioner is rough though.
  12. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Converging Realities: 20 Years Ago◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Eclipse View Post
    Don't touch Kenny

    don't even touch Lawyer

    they are town

    I'll explain next day if alive

    they are my trust circle at this point

    at least in this reality I can guarantee that at least Lawyer is town

    and I'll explain NOT this day phase but D2

    as for Kenny, more explanations will come once I look over posts during night

    Town, don't screw this shit up, trust me pls

    I can guarantee for one, this past reality proves to me that Lawyer is town

    as for Kenny, details will come up

    Buenas noces
    You have something for Kenny in both realities?
  13. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Converging Realities: 20 Years Ago◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Eclipse View Post
    -vote Banshis

    come out, come out wherever you are
    Ask and u shall receive, but obviously not right away because I've been busy the last couple days, but on currently.
  14. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Converging Realities: 20 Years Ago◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Kenny View Post
    Are you fucking serious?
    Hey that quote from me isn't even related to a reality preference. You'd see that if you looked at the quote I used.
  15. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Converging Realities: 20 Years Ago◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Banshis View Post
    Just a greetings post. I'll be able to actually comment tomorrow after class when I actually have the time/energy. Pretty busy atm.
    If u wanna ask me anything I'll get to them tomorrow.
    Same for this reality.
  16. Forum:Archived S-FMs

    Thread:S-FM Converging Realities: Present Day

    Thread Author:Auckmid

    Post Author:Banshis


    ►►Re: S-FM Converging Realities: Present Day◄◄

    Just a greetings post. I'll be able to actually comment tomorrow after class when I actually have the time/energy. Pretty busy atm.
    If u wanna ask me anything I'll get to them tomorrow.
  17. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM The Mages' Guild◄◄

    if it is still gonna be a bit till this starts then /sign
    otherwise /reserve
  18. Forum:Archived S-FMs

    Thread:Simple Forum Mafia

    Thread Author:Damus_Graves

    Post Author:Banshis


    ►►Re: Simple Forum Mafia◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by blinkskater View Post
    I also am going to say that I'd be a strong candidate for a day 2 and on lynch. I think I am going to be a likley werewolf target. My behavior will not change if I am culted, and it will be a lot harder to know if i have been culted then say anyone else IMO.
    Well since nobody has said anything on it. This is pretty much a citizen claim since only they can be culted.
    @blinkskater Why did you feel like you had to claim this?
  19. Forum:Archived S-FMs

    Thread:Simple Forum Mafia

    Thread Author:Damus_Graves

    Post Author:Banshis


    ►►Re: Simple Forum Mafia◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Auckmid View Post
    1) Who are you? (answer as vaguely or as in-depth as you like)
    2) How did you discover the site/start playing mafia?
    3) Do you prefer playing as town or as scum?
    4) Do you think you are better at playing as town or as scum?
    5) Do you prefer cats or dogs?
    6) Are you town?
    7) Do you have a stronger relation with any player or players currently in this FM relative to everyone else?
    1) I am Banshis, also going to school for Computer Science.
    2) Long time ago was playing WoW with some friends who wanted to play some Sc2 so I got Sc2. Ended up finding mafia in the arcade and spam played it a ton. I'm pretty sure it was Cryptonic who I met in the mod who told me about the site.
    3)Town all the way.
    4)Town all the way.
    5)Dogs, Dogs, Dogs, and Dogs.
    7)You pretty much answered this one for me already.
  20. Forum:Archived S-FMs

    Thread:Simple Forum Mafia

    Thread Author:Damus_Graves

    Post Author:Banshis


    ►►Re: Simple Forum Mafia◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    -vote Banshis
    This looks like ungenuine sheeping.

    While it certainly isn't sound logic, recently the drunk card has been being played by scum in attempts to not contribute or to hide intentions in their posts. This is mostly to bring notice to that fact and people shouldn't claim when they are drunk. It only makes it harder to read any posts they made because then by them saying that you have to see whether actual scum tells they make are because they are actually scum or because they are hindered in their posting.
    Due to it being day 1, her post being at day start which ends up being RVS, and she didn't comment the rest of the night at all it is likely she really was just drunk and there isn't anything to read from her post.

    I'm fine with unvoting her
    because I've at least shown a correlation between 2 games recently of scum claiming they are drunk in them if others haven't noticed.
  21. Forum:Archived S-FMs

    Thread:Simple Forum Mafia

    Thread Author:Damus_Graves

    Post Author:Banshis


    ►►Re: Simple Forum Mafia◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by naz View Post
    hi im dr uh nk
    [Vote]distorted and[tvote]
    -vote Naz

    Scum always claim they are drunk!
    See Mike in Eternia and Numbertwo in blink's sfm. GG Solved.
  22. Forum:Forum Mafia Discussion

    Thread:Favourite Combos

    Thread Author:Damus_Graves

    Post Author:Banshis


    ►►Re: Favourite Combos◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Damus_Graves View Post
    Cult is purple and that’s my favourite colour
    Yet in your cult/werewolf game they are red. smh
  23. Forum:Archived S-FMs

    Thread:Welcome to the Insane Asylum.

    Thread Author:Mike

    Post Author:Banshis


    ►►Re: Welcome to the Insane Asylum.◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    I have the perfect way to balance this. Jesters win con is to be lynched Jester has haunt well change the win con to be Jester loses unless he or she haunts a patient.
    Well that makes the Jester have a chance to lose after it is lynched, but still doesn't fix the fact town HAS to lynch the jester to do anything to it and town HAS to lynch the mafia jester giving the mafia an extra night kill. Town is on the backfoot to those 2 roles with nothing they can do other than satisfy those roles or let them live. They can literally play open jester because town will have to lynch them regardless. It turns into ok we gotta kill this role so might as well do it early for regular jester so it hurts town the least. Giving town a role to off the jester will actually make them play more subtly and try to get lynched rather than yea just lynch me so I win and because you have to as town.
  24. Forum:Archived S-FMs

    Thread:Welcome to the Insane Asylum.

    Thread Author:Mike

    Post Author:Banshis


    ►►Re: Welcome to the Insane Asylum.◄◄

    I know I didn't play this, but my thoughts about the balance of the roles.

    I think the town needs a way to deal with the jester. I'd say give the town a killing role so they can actually get rid of a jester other than satisfying his win con because he is under no obligation to help them even for them lynching him. This is also true for giving the town to deal with the mafia amnesiac who turns into a jester because rewarding the mafia for getting lynched is pretty bad for the town. Lynching a mafia should be way more helpful for the town, but mafia gets an additional kpn on the day the town lynched him. They don't even have a choice to get rid of him any other way. This way with a killing the jesters actually have to try and get lynched instead of outing themselves and be like yea just lynch me because if you leave me alive long enough I'll fuck you over if you don't. Mafia isn't gonna kill them so town is stuck with the jester then.

    I'm still not much in favor of the consort retaining his roleblock when James Bond dies just because by killing the original godfather technically all the lynch does is lower the mafia count, not their roles.

    Then lastly town just needs more members. The ratio isn't really in their favor in this game.

    As far as how it played out, the turbos def fucked the town the most, but it was a fairly anti-town setup.
  25. Forum:Closed Signups (S-FM)

    Thread:Simple Forum Mafia

    Thread Author:Damus_Graves

    Post Author:Banshis


    ►►Re: Simple Forum Mafia◄◄


    if Efekannn really isn't signing so u can fill ur game.
  26. Forum:Closed Signups (S-FM)

    Thread:S-FM: Converging Realities

    Thread Author:Auckmid

    Post Author:Banshis


    ►►Re: S-FM: Converging Realities◄◄

    /reserve currently for reasons u already know of Auckmid

    @Yayap If you survive night 1 you are scum
  27. Forum:Setup Workshop

    Thread:S-FM : Last Stand on Titan

    Thread Author:Cryptonic

    Post Author:Banshis


    [WIP] ►►Re: S-FM : Last Stand on Titan◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Cryptonic View Post
    Signups will be anonymous.
    Looks up. hmmm
  28. Forum:Setup Workshop

    Thread:M-FM Throne of Lies (16P)

    Thread Author:Banshis

    Post Author:Banshis


    [Abandoned] ►►M-FM Throne of Lies (16P)◄◄

    Throne of Lies

    Sheriff / Paladin
    Blue Dragon
    Blue Dragon
    Blue Dragon
    Blue Dragon
    Blue Dragon
    Blue Dragon
    Blue Dragon
    Blue Dragon
    / Neutral
    Neutral Killer

    I decided I'll try to do my best to transfer throne of lies roles over to a s-fm format. As with a lot of quick mafia games it is a power role fest as there are no actual citizens in the game so it would surely be interesting to see how the game plays out. Some of the roles have some pretty incompatible abilities with an sfm so transferring them will probably leave some roles weaker than the others, but I'll see how it goes. I plan on working on this over time as there is quite a lot to transfer so you'll see additions as I put them in and revisions on certain roles.
    Will work on consolidating for easier reading. I will say I don't know if I will try to host it because it could get really chaotic of a game, but nevertheless I want to at least see what the roles transferred over would look like.

    Spoiler : The King :
    The Good King
    Spoiler : The Good King :
    Win Condition: Defeat the unseen or cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

    Occupy and Redirect Immune
    If the good king is executed the court will be unable to lynch the following day.
    Immune to conversion

    Day Abilities:
    The Royal Finger: Your vote counts as 2.
    Decide Fate: You may decide an accused player's fate. 1 Charge IE make a player immune to execution that day or guarantee a player will be executed that day.

    Night Abilities:
    Guards!: (2 Charges) (Starting Good King gets 1 extra charge) Become death immune for the night.
    Allies: (3 Charges) (Only Starting King has this ability) Discover a player's class type. Special classes will appear as investigative. Others cannot see who you target.

    The Evil King / The Cult King
    Spoiler : The Evil King / The Cult King :
    Win Condition: Defeat the blue dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

    Occupy and Redirect Immune
    Immune to conversion

    Day Abilities:
    The Royal Finger: Your vote counts as 2.
    Decide Fate: You may decide an accused player's fate. 1 Charge IE make a player immune to execution that day or guarantee a player will be executed that day.

    Night Abilities:
    Guards!: (2 charges) Send a guard to protect you or another player. They will be death immune for the night. Does not count as visiting.
    Allies: (3 Charges) (Only Starting King has this ability) Discover a player's class type and if they are apart of the Unseen or Cult. Others cannot see who you target.

    The Neutral King
    Spoiler : The Neutral King :
    Win Condition: Survive until the end.

    Occupy and Redirect Immune
    Immune to conversion

    Day Abilities:
    The Royal Finger: Your vote counts as 2.
    Decide Fate: You may decide an accused player's fate. 1 Charge IE make a player immune to execution that day or guarantee a player will be executed that day.

    Night Abilities:
    Guards!: (2 charges) Become death immune for the night.

    The Pretender King
    Spoiler : The Pretender King :
    Win Condition: Survive until the end.

    Occupy and Redirect Immune
    Immune to conversion

    Day Abilities:
    The Royal Finger: Your vote counts as 2.
    Decide Fate: You may decide an accused player's fate. 1 Charge IE make a player immune to execution that day or guarantee a player will be executed that day.

    Night Abilities:
    Guards?: (1 charge) Become death immune for the night.

    The Psycho King
    Spoiler : The Psycho King :
    (Not a possible starting king. Only way for a psycho king to occur is if the neutral killer gets voted as king)
    Win Condition: Must Kill all members of the main factions to win.

    Occupy and Redirect Immune
    Immune to conversion

    Day Abilities:
    The Royal Finger: Your vote counts as 2.
    Decide Fate: You may decide an accused player's fate. 1 Charge IE make a player immune to execution that day or guarantee a player will be executed that day.

    Night Abilities:
    Fatal Guards: Send a guard to attack somebody. Does not count as visiting. The guard will die in place if the player is protected. (IE knight defend will still trigger, but psycho king won't get hit back)

    Spoiler : The Blue Dragon :

    The Butler
    Type: Offensive
    Converts into Servant or Invoker

    Immune to occupation and redirection. You keep this even if your class changes.

    Day Abilities
    Nightshade Wine: (1 Charge) Poison the King. They will die tonight. Does not notify the king. Will commit suicide if the king is good. Cannot Use until day 4.

    Night Abilities
    Serve Wine: Occupy a player preventing them from taking actions tonight.
    Concentrated Wine: (2 Charges) Throw a party, occupying everyone that visits you.

    Type: Support
    Converts into Timesnatcher or Ritualist

    Day Abilities:
    Pocket Dimension: If you die tonight, delay it for 2 nights. A death delayed this way cannot be redirected by distort reality.

    Night Abilities:
    Time Warp: Delay a player's death for 2 days. This can delay bleeding deaths. You can delay the same death multiple times. Cannot delay unhealable attacks or suicide. Delayed deaths can be prevented by heals or death immunity.
    Distort Reality: Transfer all deaths delayed with Time Warp to another player. This does not count as an attack.

    -Note I would never put this in the game. It is listed just because it is a role in ToL.

    The Court Wizard
    Type: Support
    Converts into Sage or Ritualist

    Day Abilities:
    Clear Mind: (3 Charges) Make a player immune to conversion tonight.

    Night Abilities:
    Empower: Empower a player based on their class type. Investigative- Always gets correct results | Killer- Attacks cannot be healed | Offensive- Death Immunity |
    Social- Conversion Immunity | Support- Guaranteed to visit their target | Special- Nothing
    Tornado: (3 Charges) Redirect all players targeting either of your targets to the other target. You will be immune to occupation redirected to yourself.

    The Drunk
    Type: Offensive
    Converts into Alchoholic or Invoker

    Royal Blood: Votes for you count as 2 when electing a new king. You keep this passive even if your class changes.
    I am the Liquor: You are immune to occupation and target changing.

    Night Abilities:
    Debauchery: Redirect another player to another player.
    Happy Hour: (2 Charges) Redirect a player to themselves.

    The Hunter
    Type: Killer
    Converts into Poacher or Invoker

    Unique: Only 1 can be in a game at a time.
    Retribution: If executed, kill your accuser before dying. (Whoever voted first on him)

    Day Abilities:
    Wolf Companion: Cause a player to bleed. They will die in 2 nights unless saved. Not usable until day 3.

    Night Abilities:
    Hunters Mark: (4 Charges) Target 2 Players. If the first player targets the second you will occupy and attack them. If you kill a blue dragon you will lose all uses. Not usable until night 3.
    Bear Companion: (3 Charges) Your bear will kill visitors attempting to attack you tonight. Bypasses death immunity. You will be death immune and conversion immune.

    The Knight
    Type: Killer
    Converts into Enforcer or Invoker

    Armored: Your armor will protect you from the first attacker blocked by defend.

    Night Abilities:
    Defend: Protect a player giving your life to kill their attackers. Bypasses death immunity. You and anyone you kill will be unhealable.
    Cold Steel: Kill a player. If they are an ally you will take your life instead. Not usable until night 3. You will not attack anyone if you are redirected.

    The Maid
    Type: Investigative
    Converts into Handmaiden or Seeker

    Night Abilites:
    Matchmake: Test if target is compatible with the player you last checked. You start with a random player to test against. Players are compatible if they win together. Fool and Scorned are incompatible with everyone. Royals are incompatible with each other.
    Nosy Servants: Learn if a living player visited a dead player on the night they died. Others will not be able to see who you target.

    The Mystic
    Type: Social
    Converts into Illusionist or Apostle

    Occupy and Redirect Immune. You will keep this passive even if your class changes.
    Unique: Only one can be in the game at a time.

    Day Abilities:
    Telepathy: (2 Charges) Send an anonymous message to all players. Can be used along with another day ability. Limit one use per day.
    Link Minds: Link to another player opening up a night chat with them.
    Conduit: (2 Charges) Allow 2 players to speak to each other at night. You will be able to read their chat. Others will not be able to see who you target.

    The Noble
    Type: Social
    Converts into Aristocrat or Apostle

    Royal Blood: Votes for you count as 2 when electing a new king. You keep this passive even if your role changes.

    Day Abilities:
    Political Pressure: (2 Charges) Force a player to vote for another player and prevent further voting from them.
    Noble Twin: (2 Charges) Your vote will be worth 2 on a player of your choosing.

    Night Abilities:
    Gossip: Receive the feedback of abilities used on target tonight. Will not receive feedback of conversions, attacks, the King's abilities, or self-targeting abilities.

    Note- This class may be hard to pull off in an sfm.

    The Observer
    Type: Investigative
    Converts into Nightwatch or Seeker

    Night Abilities:
    Follow: Discover who a player targets and who targets them.
    Window Peek: (2 Charges) Discover a player's faction.

    The Paladin
    Type: Investigative
    Only shows up in Cult games
    Converts into Seeker

    Night Abilities:
    Smite: (2 Charges) If cult tries to convert you or your target, you will kill the cult leader.
    Test of Faith: Determine if a player is part of the cult.

    The Physician
    Type: Support
    Converts into Herbalist or Ritualist

    Remedy Studies: You are immune to bleeding. You will keep this passive if your role changes.

    Day Abilities:
    Exhume: (3 Charges) At the end of tonight, you will learn what classes killed a player, or if they committed suicide.
    Inoculate: (1 Charge) Make another player permanently immune to bleeding. Does not heal it. They will be notified you targeted them. They will keep this passive even if their role changes.

    Night Abilities:
    Heal: Heal target player. This will prevent their death and cure any bleeding.
    Self Care: (2 Charges) If you are attacked tonight, you will heal yourself.

    The Prince
    Type: Killer

    Unique: Only one can be in the game at a time.
    Conversion Immune
    Royal Blood: Votes for you count as 2 when electing a new king.
    Unstoppable: You are immune to occupation and target changing.

    Day Actions:
    Imprison: Choose a player to jail that night. Nobody will be able to visit them. Can only imprison the same player 3 times.

    Night Actions:
    Execute: (3 Charges) Execute the jailed player. If they are blue dragon you will no longer be able to execute. Not Usable until night 3.

    The Princess
    Type: Investigative
    Converts into Duchess or Seeker

    Royal Blood: Votes for you count as 2 when electing a new king. You keep this even if your role changes.

    Night Actions:
    Flirt: Limit a player's class type down to 2 options.
    Will-O-Wisp: (2 Charges) Choose another player. Tells you if the target attacks anyone tonight. Other players will not see who you target.

    The Sheriff
    Type: Investigative
    Can only spawn in games with the Unseen
    Converts into Marshal

    Day Abilities:
    Scout: Have a scout watch a player, alerting you if the unseen attempt to visit the target. Your scout will stay on the target until you change it.

    Night Abilities:
    Expert Investigation: Determine if a player is a member of the unseen.
    Surveillance: (3 Charges) If your target is a member of the unseen, you will learn their class.

    Spoiler : The Unseen :

    The Alcoholic
    Type: Offensive
    Converted from The Drunk

    Royal Blood: Votes for you count as 2 when electing a new king. You keep this passive even if your class changes.
    I am the Liquor: You are immune to occupation and target changing.

    Night Abilities:
    Debauchery: Redirect another player to another player.
    Happy Hour: (2 Charges) Redirect a player to themselves.

    The Assassin
    Type: Killer
    Converted from any class when previous assassin dies.

    Unique: There can only be one of this class at a time.
    Apprentice: (Only starting assassin has this) If the Mastermind dies you will take his place.

    Day Abilities:
    Lacerate: (3 Charges) Cause a player to bleed. They will die in 2 nights unless saved.

    Night Abilities:
    Assassinate: Kill the target player.
    2-For-1: (1 Charge) Kill 2 target players. (New assassins will retain how many charges were left of this. So if used up a new assassin will have 0 charges of it.)

    The Aristocrat
    Type: Social
    Converted from The Noble

    Royal Blood: Votes for you count as 2 when electing a new king. You keep this passive even if your role changes.

    Day Abilities:
    Political Pressure: (2 Charges) Force a player to vote for another player and prevent further voting from them.
    Noble Twin: (2 Charges) Your vote will be worth 2 on a player of your choosing.

    Night Abilities:
    Gossip: Frame a player and receive the feedback of abilities used on target tonight. Will not receive feedback of conversions, attacks, the King's abilities, or self-targeting abilities.

    Note- This class may be hard to pull off in an sfm.

    The Duchess
    Type: Investigative
    Converted from The Princess

    Royal Blood: Votes for you count as 2 when electing a new king. You keep this even if your role changes.

    Night Actions:
    Bat Eyelashes: Discover a player's class type.
    Dark Wisp: (2 Charges) Uncage a dark wisp, making the Unseen appear not suspicious tonight.

    The Enforcer
    Type: Support
    Converted from The Knight

    Night Abilities:
    Protection: (3 Charges) Occupy all players targeting an Unseen member.
    Frenzy: (2 Charges) Guarantees the assassin will kill the target. (Bypasses death immunity, occupation, and healing).

    The Handmaiden
    Type: Investigative
    Converted from The Maid

    Night Abilities:
    Analyze: Target 2 players. If they are the same class type, learn their classes.
    Prying Servants: (2 Charges) Learn who visited target player on the night they died. Others will not be able to see who you target.

    The Herbalist
    Type: Support
    Converted from The Physician

    Remedy Studies: You are immune to bleeding. You will keep this passive if your role changes.

    Day Abilities:
    Exhume: (3 Charges) At the end of tonight, you will learn what classes killed a player, or if they committed suicide.

    Night Abilities:
    Drug: (3 Charges) Cause a player to believe they were attacked and healed.
    Defile: (2 Charges) If target player dies tonight, they will appear as a chosen class.

    The Illusionist
    Type: Social
    Converted from The Mystic

    Occupy and Redirect Immune. You will keep this passive even if your class changes.
    Unique: Only one can be in the game at a time.

    Day Abilities:
    Telepathy: (2 Charges) Send an anonymous message to all players. Can be used along with another day ability. Limit one use per day.

    Night Abilities:
    Mind Warp: Anyone target player visits tonight will appear framed to them.

    The Marshal
    Type: Investigative
    Converted from The Sheriff

    Day Abilities:
    Expose: Reveal to the unseen who the prince jails tonight.

    Night Abilities:
    Probe: Determine a player's class if they are part of the Blue Dragon.
    Snoop: (2 Charges) Examine a player's last will.

    The Mastermind
    Type: Special

    Guaranteed to spawn in an unseen game.
    Unique: There can only be one of this class at a time.
    Can't Touch This: Death Immune and Immune to Bleeding.
    In the Shadows: Appears as Blue Dragon to investigative abilities the first 3 nights.

    Day Abilities:
    Dirty Work: If there are no Unseen members left, you will become an assassin at night.

    Night Abilities:
    Convert: [1-Day Cooldown on Success] Attempt to convert a player to the Unseen. There can only be 3 living members. If conversion fails 3 times in a row, you will instead convert a random convertable player.
    Foresight: (4 Charges) Discover a player's converted class type or if they are immune to conversion.

    The Nightwatch
    Type: Investigative
    Converted from The Observer

    Night Abilities:
    Follow: Discover who a player targets and who targets them.
    Watch Carefully: Discover a player's class.

    The Poacher
    Type: Offensive
    Converted from The Hunter

    Unique: There can only be one of this class at a time.

    Night Abilities:
    Spike Traps: (4 Charges) Occupy target player and anybody targeting them.
    Snare Trap: (2 Charges) Place a trap outside a player's room. If they leave their room they will be occupied for 2 nights.

    The Sage
    Type: Support
    Converted from The Court Wizard

    Night Abilities:
    Tornado: (3 Charges) Redirect all players targeting either of your targets to the other target. You will be immune to occupation redirected to yourself.
    Wall of Fire: (2 Charges) Occupy anyone targeting your target except the Assassin.

    The Servant
    Type: Offensive
    Converted from The Butler

    Immune to occupation and redirection. You keep this even if your class changes.

    Night Abilities
    Serve Wine: Occupy a player preventing them from taking actions tonight.
    Concentrated Wine: (2 Charges) Throw a party, occupying everyone that targets you.

    The Timesnatcher
    Type: Support
    Converted from The Chronomancer

    Night Abilities:
    Time Snatch: (2 Charges) If target is bleeding, it will kill them tonight.
    Dark Dimension: (2 Charges) Make the unseen appear not suspicious tonight.

    Note - Wouldn't be possible if Chronomancer isn't included

    Spoiler : The Cult :

    The Apostle
    Type: Social
    Converted from any Social role

    Day Abilities:
    Cult Pressure: (2 Charges) Force another player to vote for another player and prevent further voting from them.
    Telepathy: (2 Charges) Anonymously send a message to everyone.

    Night Abilities:
    Mind Warp: (3 Charges) Anyone target player investigates tonight will appear framed.

    The Cult Leader
    Type: Special
    Starts game in play. When he dies oldest cult member takes his place.

    Day Abilities:
    Blood of Mithras: Sacrifice a Cult member to gain 2 uses of Eradicate. Other members will get back 1 charge of their first ability.
    Rupture: (3 Charges) Cause a player to bleed. They will die in 2 nights.

    Night Abilities:
    Brainwash: [1-Day Cooldown on Success] Attempt to convert a player into the cult. There can only be 4 living members. If conversion fails 3 times in a row you will instead convert a random convertable player.
    Eradicate: (3 Charges) Kill 2 players at once.

    The Invoker
    Type: Offensive
    Converted from players with the Offensive class type.

    Fanatic: Occupy and Redirect Immune. You will keep this passive even if your class changes.

    Night Abilities:
    Chains of Corax: (3 Charges) Occupy a player tonight. They will be prevented from taking any action tonights.
    Strings of Mithras: (2 Charges) Redirect a player to another or themself.

    The Ritualist
    Type: Support
    Converted from players with the Support class type.

    Will of Mithras: If you are sacrificed, the Cult Leader's Eradicate ability will gain an extra charge.

    Day Abilities:
    Exhume: At the end of tonight, learn what classes killed a player, or if they committed suicide.

    Night Abilities:
    Teleportation: (3 Charges) Redirect all players targeting either of your targets to the other target. You will be immune to occupation redirected to yourself.
    Brotherhood: (3 Charges) Make a Cult member appear as Blue Dragon tonight.

    The Seeker
    Type: Investigative
    Converted from players with the Investigative class type.

    Day Abilities:
    Expose: (1 Charge) Reveal to the cult the person the Prince imprisons tonight.

    Night Abilities:
    Gaze: (3 Charges) Determine a player's class type.
    Reveal: (2 Charges) Discover who a player targets and who targets them.

    Spoiler : The Neutrals :

    The Alchemist
    Type: Support
    Win Condition: Survive until the end.

    Immune to conversion
    Coagulate: Immune to bleeding

    Day Abilities:
    Stoneskin Potion: (3 Charges) Drink a potion that makes you death immune for the night.

    Night Abilities:
    Crimson Potion: Heal target player. This will prevent their death and cure them of any bleeding.
    Emerald Potion: (2 Charges) Kill the target player.

    The Fool
    Type: Social
    Win Condition: Get lynched.

    Conversion immune.
    Poor Fellow: If lynched, all players who voted for you will lose one charge from all limited use abilities. Also town will be unable to lynch the following day. If lynched before day 3 the town will be unable to lynch for the next 2 days.

    Night Abilities:
    Hide: (2 Charges) Grants death immunity by hiding from attackers.
    Deceive: (2 Charges) Frame yourself tonight.

    The Inquisitor
    Type: Investigative
    Win Condition: Survive to see all heathens die.

    Unique: Only one can be in a game at a time.
    Conversion Immune
    Holy Blessing: Death immune once, loses it after being attacked.
    Heathens: 3 random players will be marked as heathens. The Inquisitor will not know who they are, but people marked will know. The KING, PRINCE, HUNTER, MASTERMIND, Second starting cult member, and NEUTRALS will never be marked.

    Night Abilities:
    Interrogate: Determine if a player is a heathen, and their class if they are.
    Ruthless Efficiency: (3 Charges) Attack a player. They cannot be healed.

  29. Forum:Archived S-FMs

    Thread:S-FM The Werewolf Ball [Game Thread]

    Thread Author:Cryptonic

    Post Author:Banshis


    ►►Re: S-FM The Werewolf Ball [Game Thread]◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Yayap View Post
    hehehe, I'm surprised my secret sign on reserves with Crypt worked so well.
    Should have went with the yolo kill on Dominos n1. Kill you before you even get in the game.
  30. Forum:Archived S-FMs

    Thread:S-FM The Werewolf Ball [Game Thread]

    Thread Author:Cryptonic

    Post Author:Banshis


    ►►Re: S-FM The Werewolf Ball [Game Thread]◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDarkestLight View Post
    I'm surprised you took a guess at me considering my lack of activity. What gives me away?
    Your d1 posts were generally in line with how I'd believe you would talk so my gut feeling was correct. It is partially also why I had u as a possible n1 kill, but Papa Johns.

    I was so hoping that u and taco bell were a mayor naive sheriff mason (town) and witch mason (neutral evil) combo together. It would have been such a fucked up and disjointed team.
  31. Forum:Archived S-FMs

    Thread:S-FM The Werewolf Ball [Game Thread]

    Thread Author:Cryptonic

    Post Author:Banshis


    ►►Re: S-FM The Werewolf Ball [Game Thread]◄◄

    I'm still amazed how I had only 1 post at the time which was a hello and Chick posted a list of people who to not lynch and I was on it in green and nobody said anything about it D1 or made any connections.
  32. Forum:Archived S-FMs

    Thread:S-FM The Werewolf Ball [Game Thread]

    Thread Author:Cryptonic

    Post Author:Banshis


    ►►Re: S-FM The Werewolf Ball [Game Thread]◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Gyrlander View Post
    Yeah, I believe Mike was the most obvious regarding his COM... Lmao.
    Yea, I knew it was Mike before the game started since he accidentally posted in a different game with his anon. Not like it mattered. I don't really try to com hunt, but some people I figured out.
    Taco- Mike
    BK- Gerik
    Starbucks- Slaol
    Popeyes- Damus
    KFC- Glip
    DQ- I assumed blink
    JitB- TDL

    Rest I didn't really think too much into who they were.
  33. Forum:Archived S-FMs

    Thread:S-FM The Werewolf Ball [Game Thread]

    Thread Author:Cryptonic

    Post Author:Banshis


    ►►Re: S-FM The Werewolf Ball [Game Thread]◄◄


    For the love of god please use lynch not lych
    Of everything annoying that one spelling mistake constantly really got to me. It was even spelled correctly in the death list.
  34. Forum:Archived S-FMs

    Thread:S-FM The Werewolf Ball [Game Thread]

    Thread Author:Cryptonic

    Post Author:Banshis


    ►►Re: S-FM The Werewolf Ball [Game Thread]◄◄

    If I had expected a 4 man mafia my last kill would have for sure went for JitB or Dominos, but it wouldn't have mattered since you guys already knew me from the witch.
  35. Forum:Archived S-FMs

    Thread:S-FM The Werewolf Ball [Game Thread]

    Thread Author:Cryptonic

    Post Author:Banshis


    ►►Re: S-FM The Werewolf Ball [Game Thread]◄◄

    @NoctiZ PS You looked like a power role so much. My guess was sheriff. Hence why I killed you.

    Before I went with papa johns kill I almost went with a dominos kill just for fuck it reasons if he is town and has useful rp and if he is afk I can hide it from town or I almost went with a JitB kill.
  36. Forum:Archived S-FMs

    Thread:S-FM The Werewolf Ball [Game Thread]

    Thread Author:Cryptonic

    Post Author:Banshis


    ►►Re: S-FM The Werewolf Ball [Game Thread]◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Banshis View Post
    It's my fault for hoping that JitB was a a witch that had to win with purple rather than a witch that was fully in with the purple faction. I knew I couldn't win with him, but if he was just an evil witch he might think he could win with me. So was hoping purple would hit him assuming he was pink faction and that would free me up. Not think about a 4 man mafia and subway forgetting her action fucked up my thoughts though. It made me believe taco bell was a naive sheriff and would just push him after. I felt bad for Damus because I wanted him to end up dying and I knew he was town, but I obviously couldn't help him. Not like I could do much when my life was in the hands of the witch at that point.
    Also catching the flu during it surely put a damper on my enjoyment of the game, but that wasn't caused by the game itself. I had fun trying to rp solve it. If we really looked into it, Subway's rp said Julien hired women. Taco bell claimed he was hired by Julien and was a female name. The death of Julien should have immediately caused a turbo on Taco Bell for that reason. Safe to assume JitB was also lying about being a guy. Obviously Dominos claimed a female name too. We coulda rp solved the entire purple faction.
  37. Forum:Archived S-FMs

    Thread:S-FM The Werewolf Ball [Game Thread]

    Thread Author:Cryptonic

    Post Author:Banshis


    ►►Re: S-FM The Werewolf Ball [Game Thread]◄◄

    It's my fault for hoping that JitB was a a witch that had to win with purple rather than a witch that was fully in with the purple faction. I knew I couldn't win with him, but if he was just an evil witch he might think he could win with me. So was hoping purple would hit him assuming he was pink faction and that would free me up. Not think about a 4 man mafia and subway forgetting her action fucked up my thoughts though. It made me believe taco bell was a naive sheriff and would just push him after. I felt bad for Damus because I wanted him to end up dying and I knew he was town, but I obviously couldn't help him. Not like I could do much when my life was in the hands of the witch at that point.
  38. Forum:Archived S-FMs

    Thread:S-FM The Werewolf Ball [Game Thread]

    Thread Author:Cryptonic

    Post Author:Banshis


    ►►Re: S-FM The Werewolf Ball [Game Thread]◄◄

    Who did Papa Johns go to check n1?
  39. Forum:General Discussion

    Thread:DodgeBall: A true WIFOM story.

    Thread Author:Slaol

    Post Author:Banshis


    ►►Re: DodgeBall: A true WIFOM story.◄◄

    Chucks a wrench.
  40. Forum:General Discussion

    Thread:DodgeBall: A true WIFOM story.

    Thread Author:Slaol

    Post Author:Banshis


    ►►Re: DodgeBall: A true WIFOM story.◄◄

    Also I heavily overestimated the intelligence level of the enemy team.

    Getting rid of creed was literally the best thing I could have done.
  41. Forum:General Discussion

    Thread:DodgeBall: A true WIFOM story.

    Thread Author:Slaol

    Post Author:Banshis


    ►►Re: DodgeBall: A true WIFOM story.◄◄

    Hey I got you back in Damus!
  42. Forum:General Discussion

    Thread:DodgeBall: A true WIFOM story.

    Thread Author:Slaol

    Post Author:Banshis


    ►►Re: DodgeBall: A true WIFOM story.◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Glip View Post
    But they do have balls free to autograb as soon as they do post. Or are you thinking they'll refuse to post so they can leave the balls on the floor and get more OP catches out without having to drop the ball and pay a second dodge penalty?
    It is a potential strategy. Obviously we will see if either of them grab a ball by posting.
  43. Forum:General Discussion

    Thread:DodgeBall: A true WIFOM story.

    Thread Author:Slaol

    Post Author:Banshis


    ►►Re: DodgeBall: A true WIFOM story.◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Glip View Post
    It's 3v3 and everyone's got balls. It's about to be D-day up in here
    Bahkieh and Numbertwo both don't have balls yet since they haven't posted.
  44. Forum:General Discussion

    Thread:DodgeBall: A true WIFOM story.

    Thread Author:Slaol

    Post Author:Banshis


    ►►Re: DodgeBall: A true WIFOM story.◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by creedkingsx View Post
    Hows it feel to be losing, losers?
    Isn't it tied right now?

    And at least half my team is competent atm.
  45. Forum:General Discussion

    Thread:DodgeBall: A true WIFOM story.

    Thread Author:Slaol

    Post Author:Banshis


    ►►Re: DodgeBall: A true WIFOM story.◄◄

    @Glip @AIVION

    Make sure you submit actions!
  46. Forum:General Discussion

    Thread:DodgeBall: A true WIFOM story.

    Thread Author:Slaol

    Post Author:Banshis


    ►►Re: DodgeBall: A true WIFOM story.◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by naz View Post
    Get fuct boi eat my incoming ball
    With that aim of yours I doubt it
  47. Forum:General Discussion

    Thread:DodgeBall: A true WIFOM story.

    Thread Author:Slaol

    Post Author:Banshis


    ►►Re: DodgeBall: A true WIFOM story.◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by naz View Post
    Just saying, your actions have been equally as useless.
  48. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM: Converging Realities◄◄

    Canon != Cannon
  49. Forum:General Discussion

    Thread:DodgeBall: A true WIFOM story.

    Thread Author:Slaol

    Post Author:Banshis


    ►►Re: DodgeBall: A true WIFOM story.◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Slaol View Post
    My bad on bahkieh. He took no action. I just forgot to update.
    Still equally as useless. I guess he doesn't just hand over a ball then though.
  50. Forum:General Discussion

    Thread:DodgeBall: A true WIFOM story.

    Thread Author:Slaol

    Post Author:Banshis


    ►►Re: DodgeBall: A true WIFOM story.◄◄

    I am flabbergasted at the amount of useless actions the average joes took last night. Blocked a person without a ball and afk, threw at a player not in the game currently, and caught on me when I never picked up a ball.

    @AIVION There are some balls!
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