View Full Version : ABUSE REPORT: Afking for 7 points

April 23rd, 2011, 10:41 PM
I've been in two games now where players merely started the game then went AFK, came back at the end and collected their points just for being in a game. Could you find a way to stop this? Perhaps it pops up a box after 5 minutes of no input and then kicks you after 10 seconds, idk... But I'm just reporting what people are doing.

April 23rd, 2011, 11:55 PM
Well the point system is still being iterated on, and it'll probably need to be rewiped soon anyway so what they're doing is for naught...

Seems pointless to me really, points are only for the models and you get so much more for winning anyway. ;\. Cant really enforce someone to be there.