View Full Version : [Role Suggestion] Traumatized Surgeon

June 4th, 2012, 10:48 AM
Traumatised Surgeon (The Sumidoc!) - Town aligned

Abilities: Will be told they are a normal Doctor. Target will not be told they have been healed, unless the heal was successful. On the second successful heal, the Traumatised Surgeon will commit suicide.

Pros: Much like a regular Doctor, but harder to role-claim. Still gets to heal, but the second heal should probably be reserved for an important Town role (as the Traumatised Surgeon essentially becomes a toned-down bodyguard).

Cons: Might give Mafia a bit too much leeway, they might try and claim as the Doctor if a Surgeon is in play since they know who they target at night. Can still be caught out easily in this lie though if Town plays properly.

Summary: This actually fits pretty well into my setup, but it really is just a nerfed version of the Doctor in every single respect. Potential for a role like this. (Mostly inspired by: Sumikoko)